Esempio n. 1
Dynamic::AlbumPlayBias::matchingTracks( const Meta::TrackList& playlist,
                                        int contextCount, int finalCount,
                                        Dynamic::TrackCollectionPtr universe ) const
    Q_UNUSED( contextCount );
    Q_UNUSED( finalCount );

    if( playlist.isEmpty() ) // no track means we can't find any tracks in the same album
        return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false );

    Meta::TrackPtr track = playlist.last();
    Meta::AlbumPtr album = track->album();

    if( !album ) // no album means we can't find any tracks in the same album
        return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false );

    Meta::TrackList albumTracks = album->tracks();

    if( ( albumTracks.count() <= 1 ) || // the album has only one track (or even less) so there can't be any other tracks in the same album
        ( m_follow != DontCare && sameTrack( track, albumTracks.last() ) ) ) // track is the last one and we want to find a later one.
        return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false );

    // we assume that the album tracks are sorted by cd and track number which
    // is at least true for the SqlCollection
    TrackSet result( universe, false );
    if( m_follow == DirectlyFollow )
        for( int i = 1; i < albumTracks.count(); i++ )
            if( sameTrack( albumTracks[i-1], track ) )
                result.unite( albumTracks[i] );
    else if( m_follow == Follow )
        bool found = false;
        for( int i = 0; i < albumTracks.count(); i++ )
            if( found )
                result.unite( albumTracks[i] );
            if( sameTrack( albumTracks[i], track ) )
                found = true;
    else if( m_follow == DontCare )
        for( int i = 0; i < albumTracks.count(); i++ )
            if( !sameTrack( albumTracks[i], track ) )
                result.unite( albumTracks[i] );

    return result;
Esempio n. 2
Dynamic::AlbumPlayBias::matchingTracks( int position,
                                        const Meta::TrackList& playlist, int contextCount,
                                        Dynamic::TrackCollectionPtr universe ) const
    Q_UNUSED( contextCount );

    if( position < 1 || position >= playlist.count() )
        return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false );

    Meta::TrackPtr track = playlist[position-1];
    Meta::AlbumPtr album = track->album();

    if( !album )
        return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false );

    Meta::TrackList albumTracks = album->tracks();
    if( albumTracks.count() == 1 ||
            ( sameTrack( track, albumTracks.last() ) && m_follow != DontCare) )
        return Dynamic::TrackSet( universe, false );

    // we assume that the album tracks are sorted by cd and track number which
    // is at least true for the SqlCollection
    TrackSet result( universe, false );
    if( m_follow == DirectlyFollow )
        for( int i = 1; i < albumTracks.count(); i++ )
            if( sameTrack( albumTracks[i-1], track ) )
                result.unite( albumTracks[i] );
    else if( m_follow == Follow )
        bool found = false;
        for( int i = 0; i < albumTracks.count(); i++ )
            if( found )
                result.unite( albumTracks[i] );
            if( sameTrack( albumTracks[i], track ) )
                found = true;
    else if( m_follow == DontCare )
        for( int i = 0; i < albumTracks.count(); i++ )
            if( !sameTrack( albumTracks[i], track ) )
                result.unite( albumTracks[i] );

    return result;
Esempio n. 3
Dynamic::AlbumPlayBias::trackMatches( int position,
                                      const Meta::TrackList& playlist,
                                      int contextCount ) const
    Q_UNUSED( contextCount );

    if( position <= 0 || playlist.count() <= position )
        return true;

    Meta::TrackPtr track = playlist[position-1];
    Meta::AlbumPtr album = track->album();
    Meta::TrackPtr currentTrack = playlist[position];
    Meta::AlbumPtr currentAlbum = currentTrack->album();

    if( !album || album->tracks().isEmpty() )
        return false;

    Meta::TrackList albumTracks = album->tracks();
    if( sameTrack( track, albumTracks.last() ) && m_follow != DontCare )
        return false;

    // we assume that the album tracks are sorted by cd and track number which
    // is at least true for the SqlCollection
    if( m_follow == DirectlyFollow )
        for( int i = 1; i < albumTracks.count(); i++ )
            if( sameTrack( albumTracks[i-1], track ) )
                return sameTrack( albumTracks[i], currentTrack );
        return false;
    else if( m_follow == Follow )
        bool found = false;
        for( int i = 0; i < albumTracks.count(); i++ )
            if( found && sameTrack( albumTracks[i], currentTrack ) )
                return true;
            if( sameTrack( albumTracks[i], track ) )
                found = true;
        return false;
    else if( m_follow == DontCare )
        return album == currentAlbum;
    return false;