Esempio n. 1
gboolean gst_sbc_enc_fill_sbc_params(GstSbcEnc *enc, GstCaps *caps)
	if (!gst_caps_is_fixed(caps)) {
		GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(enc, "didn't receive fixed caps, "
				"returning false");
		return FALSE;

	if (!gst_sbc_util_fill_sbc_params(&enc->sbc, caps))
		return FALSE;

	if (enc->rate != 0 && gst_sbc_parse_rate_from_sbc(enc->sbc.frequency)
				 != enc->rate)
		goto fail;

	if (enc->channels != 0 && gst_sbc_get_channel_number(enc->sbc.mode)
				!= enc->channels)
		goto fail;

	if (enc->blocks != 0 && gst_sbc_parse_blocks_from_sbc(enc->sbc.blocks)
				 != enc->blocks)
		goto fail;

	if (enc->subbands != 0 && gst_sbc_parse_subbands_from_sbc(
				enc->sbc.subbands) != enc->subbands)
		goto fail;

	if (enc->mode != SBC_ENC_DEFAULT_MODE && enc->sbc.mode != enc->mode)
		goto fail;

	if (enc->allocation != SBC_AM_AUTO &&
				enc->sbc.allocation != enc->allocation)
		goto fail;

	if (enc->bitpool != SBC_ENC_BITPOOL_AUTO &&
				enc->sbc.bitpool != enc->bitpool)
		goto fail;

	enc->codesize = sbc_get_codesize(&enc->sbc);
	enc->frame_length = sbc_get_frame_length(&enc->sbc);
	enc->frame_duration = sbc_get_frame_duration(&enc->sbc);

	GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(enc, "codesize: %d, frame_length: %d, frame_duration:"
			" %d", enc->codesize, enc->frame_length,

	return TRUE;

	memset(&enc->sbc, 0, sizeof(sbc_t));
	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
void *io_thread_a2dp_source_sbc(void *arg) {
	struct ba_transport *t = (struct ba_transport *)arg;

	pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
	pthread_cleanup_push(CANCEL_ROUTINE(io_thread_release), t);

	sbc_t sbc;

	if ((errno = -sbc_init_a2dp(&sbc, 0, t->a2dp.cconfig, t->a2dp.cconfig_size)) != 0) {
		error("Couldn't initialize SBC codec: %s", strerror(errno));
		goto fail_init;

	const size_t sbc_codesize = sbc_get_codesize(&sbc);
	const size_t sbc_frame_len = sbc_get_frame_length(&sbc);
	const unsigned int channels = transport_get_channels(t);

	/* Writing MTU should be big enough to contain RTP header, SBC payload
	 * header and at least one SBC frame. In general, there is no constraint
	 * for the MTU value, but the speed might suffer significantly. */
	size_t mtu_write = t->mtu_write;
	if (mtu_write < sizeof(rtp_header_t) + sizeof(rtp_payload_sbc_t) + sbc_frame_len) {
		mtu_write = sizeof(rtp_header_t) + sizeof(rtp_payload_sbc_t) + sbc_frame_len;
		warn("Writing MTU too small for one single SBC frame: %zu < %zu", t->mtu_write, mtu_write);

	const size_t in_buffer_size = sbc_codesize * (mtu_write / sbc_frame_len);
	const size_t out_buffer_size = mtu_write;
	int16_t *in_buffer = malloc(in_buffer_size);
	uint8_t *out_buffer = malloc(out_buffer_size);

	pthread_cleanup_push(CANCEL_ROUTINE(sbc_finish), &sbc);
	pthread_cleanup_push(CANCEL_ROUTINE(free), in_buffer);
	pthread_cleanup_push(CANCEL_ROUTINE(free), out_buffer);

	if (in_buffer == NULL || out_buffer == NULL) {
		error("Couldn't create data buffers: %s", strerror(ENOMEM));
		goto fail;

	uint16_t seq_number = random();
	uint32_t timestamp = random();

	/* initialize RTP header (the constant part) */
	rtp_header_t *rtp_header = (rtp_header_t *)out_buffer;
	memset(rtp_header, 0, sizeof(*rtp_header));
	rtp_header->version = 2;
	rtp_header->paytype = 96;

	rtp_payload_sbc_t *rtp_payload;
	rtp_payload = (rtp_payload_sbc_t *)&rtp_header->csrc[rtp_header->cc];
	memset(rtp_payload, 0, sizeof(*rtp_payload));

	/* reading head position and available read length */
	int16_t *in_buffer_head = in_buffer;
	size_t in_samples = in_buffer_size / sizeof(int16_t);

	struct pollfd pfds[] = {
		{ t->event_fd, POLLIN, 0 },
		{ -1, 0, 0 },
		{ -1, 0, 0 },

	struct io_sync io_sync = {
		.sampling = transport_get_sampling(t),

	debug("Starting IO loop: %s",
			bluetooth_profile_to_string(t->profile, t->codec));
	for (;;) {
		pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);

		ssize_t samples;

		int nr_shm_fds = libshm_nr_pollfd(t->a2dp.pcm.shm);
		libshm_populate_pollfd(t->a2dp.pcm.shm, pfds + 1);

		if (poll(pfds, 1 + nr_shm_fds, -1) == -1) {
			error("Transport poll error: %s", strerror(errno));
			goto fail;

		if (pfds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
			/* dispatch incoming event */
			eventfd_t event;
			eventfd_read(pfds[0].fd, &event);
			io_sync.frames = 0;

		if (libshm_poll(t->a2dp.pcm.shm, pfds + 1, nr_shm_fds) < 0) {
			error("SHM poll failed");
			goto fail;

		/* read data from the FIFO - this function will block */
		if ((samples = io_thread_read_pcm(&t->a2dp.pcm, in_buffer_head, in_samples)) <= 0) {
			if (samples == -1)
				error("FIFO read error: %s", strerror(errno));
			goto fail;

		pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);

		/* When the thread is created, there might be no data in the FIFO. In fact
		 * there might be no data for a long time - until client starts playback.
		 * In order to correctly calculate time drift, the zero time point has to
		 * be obtained after the stream has started. */
		if (io_sync.frames == 0) {
			io_sync.ts0 = io_sync.ts;

		if (!config.a2dp_volume || !t->a2dp.supports_dbus_volume)
			/* scale volume or mute audio signal */
			io_thread_scale_pcm(t, in_buffer_head, samples, channels);

		/* overall input buffer size */
		samples += in_buffer_head - in_buffer;

		const uint8_t *input = (uint8_t *)in_buffer;
		size_t input_len = samples * sizeof(int16_t);

		/* encode and transfer obtained data */
		while (input_len >= sbc_codesize) {

			uint8_t *output = (uint8_t *)(rtp_payload + 1);
			size_t output_len = out_buffer_size - (output - out_buffer);
			size_t pcm_frames = 0;
			size_t sbc_frames = 0;

			/* Generate as many SBC frames as possible to fill the output buffer
			 * without overflowing it. The size of the output buffer is based on
			 * the socket MTU, so such a transfer should be most efficient. */
			while (input_len >= sbc_codesize && output_len >= sbc_frame_len) {

				ssize_t len;
				ssize_t encoded;

				if ((len = sbc_encode(&sbc, input, input_len, output, output_len, &encoded)) < 0) {
					error("SBC encoding error: %s", strerror(-len));

				input += len;
				input_len -= len;
				output += encoded;
				output_len -= encoded;
				pcm_frames += len / channels / sizeof(int16_t);


			rtp_header->seq_number = htons(++seq_number);
			rtp_header->timestamp = htonl(timestamp);
			rtp_payload->frame_count = sbc_frames;

			if (write(t->bt_fd, out_buffer, output - out_buffer) == -1) {
				if (errno == ECONNRESET || errno == ENOTCONN) {
					/* exit the thread upon BT socket disconnection */
					debug("BT socket disconnected");
					goto fail;
				error("BT socket write error: %s", strerror(errno));

			/* keep data transfer at a constant bit rate, also
			 * get a timestamp for the next RTP frame */
			timestamp += io_thread_time_sync(&io_sync, pcm_frames);
			t->delay = io_sync.delay;


		/* convert bytes length to samples length */
		samples = input_len / sizeof(int16_t);

		/* If the input buffer was not consumed (due to codesize limit), we
		 * have to append new data to the existing one. Since we do not use
		 * ring buffer, we will simply move unprocessed data to the front
		 * of our linear buffer. */
		if (samples > 0 && (uint8_t *)in_buffer != input)
			memmove(in_buffer, input, samples * sizeof(int16_t));
		/* reposition our reading head */
		in_buffer_head = in_buffer + samples;
		in_samples = in_buffer_size / sizeof(int16_t) - samples;


	pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 3
void *io_thread_a2dp_sink_sbc(void *arg) {
	struct ba_transport *t = (struct ba_transport *)arg;

	/* Cancellation should be possible only in the carefully selected place
	 * in order to prevent memory leaks and resources not being released. */
	pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
	pthread_cleanup_push(CANCEL_ROUTINE(io_thread_release), t);

	if (t->bt_fd == -1) {
		error("Invalid BT socket: %d", t->bt_fd);
		goto fail_init;

	/* Check for invalid (e.g. not set) reading MTU. If buffer allocation does
	 * not return NULL (allocating zero bytes might return NULL), we will read
	 * zero bytes from the BT socket, which will be wrongly identified as a
	 * "connection closed" action. */
	if (t->mtu_read <= 0) {
		error("Invalid reading MTU: %zu", t->mtu_read);
		goto fail_init;

	sbc_t sbc;

	if ((errno = -sbc_init_a2dp(&sbc, 0, t->a2dp.cconfig, t->a2dp.cconfig_size)) != 0) {
		error("Couldn't initialize SBC codec: %s", strerror(errno));
		goto fail_init;

	const size_t sbc_codesize = sbc_get_codesize(&sbc);
	const size_t sbc_frame_len = sbc_get_frame_length(&sbc);

	const size_t in_buffer_size = t->mtu_read;
	const size_t out_buffer_size = sbc_codesize * (in_buffer_size / sbc_frame_len + 1);
	uint8_t *in_buffer = malloc(in_buffer_size);
	int16_t *out_buffer = malloc(out_buffer_size);

	pthread_cleanup_push(CANCEL_ROUTINE(sbc_finish), &sbc);
	pthread_cleanup_push(CANCEL_ROUTINE(free), in_buffer);
	pthread_cleanup_push(CANCEL_ROUTINE(free), out_buffer);

	if (in_buffer == NULL || out_buffer == NULL) {
		error("Couldn't create data buffers: %s", strerror(ENOMEM));
		goto fail;

	struct pollfd pfds[] = {
		{ t->event_fd, POLLIN, 0 },
		{ -1, POLLIN, 0 },

	debug("Starting IO loop: %s",
			bluetooth_profile_to_string(t->profile, t->codec));
	for (;;) {
		pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);

		ssize_t len;

		/* add BT socket to the poll if transport is active */
		pfds[1].fd = t->state == TRANSPORT_ACTIVE ? t->bt_fd : -1;

		if (poll(pfds, sizeof(pfds) / sizeof(*pfds), -1) == -1) {
			error("Transport poll error: %s", strerror(errno));
			goto fail;

		if (pfds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
			/* dispatch incoming event */
			eventfd_t event;
			eventfd_read(pfds[0].fd, &event);

		if ((len = read(pfds[1].fd, in_buffer, in_buffer_size)) == -1) {
			debug("BT read error: %s", strerror(errno));

		pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);

		/* it seems that zero is never returned... */
		if (len == 0) {
			debug("BT socket has been closed: %d", pfds[1].fd);
			/* Prevent sending the release request to the BlueZ. If the socket has
			 * been closed, it means that BlueZ has already closed the connection. */
			t->bt_fd = -1;
			goto fail;

		if (io_thread_open_pcm_write(&t->a2dp.pcm) == -1) {
			if (errno != ENXIO)
				error("Couldn't open FIFO: %s", strerror(errno));

		const rtp_header_t *rtp_header = (rtp_header_t *)in_buffer;
		const rtp_payload_sbc_t *rtp_payload = (rtp_payload_sbc_t *)&rtp_header->csrc[rtp_header->cc];

		if (rtp_header->paytype != 96) {
			warn("Unsupported RTP payload type: %u", rtp_header->paytype);

		const uint8_t *input = (uint8_t *)(rtp_payload + 1);
		int16_t *output = out_buffer;
		size_t input_len = len - (input - in_buffer);
		size_t output_len = out_buffer_size;
		size_t frames = rtp_payload->frame_count;

		/* decode retrieved SBC frames */
		while (frames && input_len >= sbc_frame_len) {

			ssize_t len;
			size_t decoded;

			if ((len = sbc_decode(&sbc, input, input_len, output, output_len, &decoded)) < 0) {
				error("SBC decoding error: %s", strerror(-len));

			input += len;
			input_len -= len;
			output += decoded / sizeof(int16_t);
			output_len -= decoded;


		const size_t size = output - out_buffer;
		if (io_thread_write_pcm(&t->a2dp.pcm, out_buffer, size) == -1)
			error("FIFO write error: %s", strerror(errno));


	pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 4
static GstFlowReturn
gst_sbc_enc_handle_frame (GstAudioEncoder * audio_enc, GstBuffer * buffer)
  GstSbcEnc *enc = GST_SBC_ENC (audio_enc);
  GstMapInfo in_map, out_map;
  GstBuffer *outbuf = NULL;
  guint samples_per_frame, frames, i = 0;

  /* no fancy draining */
  if (buffer == NULL)
    return GST_FLOW_OK;

  if (G_UNLIKELY (enc->channels == 0 || enc->blocks == 0 || enc->subbands == 0))

  samples_per_frame = enc->channels * enc->blocks * enc->subbands;

  if (!gst_buffer_map (buffer, &in_map, GST_MAP_READ))
    goto map_failed;

  frames = in_map.size / (samples_per_frame * sizeof (gint16));

      "encoding %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT " samples into %u SBC frames",
      in_map.size / (enc->channels * sizeof (gint16)), frames);

  if (frames > 0) {
    gsize frame_len;

    frame_len = sbc_get_frame_length (&enc->sbc);
    outbuf = gst_audio_encoder_allocate_output_buffer (audio_enc,
        frames * frame_len);

    if (outbuf == NULL)
      goto no_buffer;

    gst_buffer_map (outbuf, &out_map, GST_MAP_WRITE);

    for (i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
      gssize ret, written = 0;

      ret = sbc_encode (&enc->sbc, + (i * samples_per_frame * 2),
          samples_per_frame * 2, + (i * frame_len), frame_len,

      if (ret < 0 || written != frame_len) {
        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (enc, "encoding error, ret = %" G_GSSIZE_FORMAT ", "
            "written = %" G_GSSIZE_FORMAT, ret, written);

    gst_buffer_unmap (outbuf, &out_map);

    if (i > 0)
      gst_buffer_set_size (outbuf, i * frame_len);
      gst_buffer_replace (&outbuf, NULL);


  gst_buffer_unmap (buffer, &in_map);

  return gst_audio_encoder_finish_frame (audio_enc, outbuf,
      i * (samples_per_frame / enc->channels));

/* ERRORS */
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (enc, "could not allocate output buffer");
    goto done;
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (enc, "could not map input buffer");
    goto done;