Esempio n. 1
UIGSelectorItem::UIGSelectorItem(UIGSelectorItem *pParent, int iPosition)
    : QIGraphicsWidget(pParent)
    , m_pParent(pParent)
    , m_iDesiredWidth(0)
    , m_iDesiredHeight(0)
    , m_dragTokenPlace(DragToken_Off)
    , m_pAnimation(0)
    , m_iInitialGradientDarkness(115)
    /* Basic item setup: */
    setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, false);

    /* Non-root item? */
    if (parentItem())
        /* Non-root item setup: */

        /* Prepare animation: */
        m_pAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "gradient");
        m_pAnimation->setStartValue(m_iInitialGradientDarkness - 50);
UIGChooserItem::UIGChooserItem(UIGChooserItem *pParent, bool fTemporary)
    : m_fRoot(!pParent)
    , m_fTemporary(fTemporary)
    , m_pParent(pParent)
    , m_iPreviousMinimumWidthHint(0)
    , m_iPreviousMinimumHeightHint(0)
    , m_dragTokenPlace(DragToken_Off)
    , m_fHovered(false)
    , m_pHighlightMachine(0)
    , m_pForwardAnimation(0)
    , m_pBackwardAnimation(0)
    , m_iAnimationDuration(400)
    , m_iDefaultDarkness(100)
    , m_iHighlightDarkness(90)
    , m_iAnimationDarkness(m_iDefaultDarkness)
    , m_iDragTokenDarkness(110)
    /* Basic item setup: */
    setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, false);

    /* Non-root item? */
    if (!isRoot())
        /* Create state machine: */
        m_pHighlightMachine = new QStateMachine(this);
        /* Create 'default' state: */
        QState *pStateDefault = new QState(m_pHighlightMachine);
        /* Create 'highlighted' state: */
        QState *pStateHighlighted = new QState(m_pHighlightMachine);

        /* Forward animation: */
        m_pForwardAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "animationDarkness", this);

        /* Backward animation: */
        m_pBackwardAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "animationDarkness", this);

        /* Add state transitions: */
        QSignalTransition *pDefaultToHighlighted = pStateDefault->addTransition(this, SIGNAL(sigHoverEnter()), pStateHighlighted);
        QSignalTransition *pHighlightedToDefault = pStateHighlighted->addTransition(this, SIGNAL(sigHoverLeave()), pStateDefault);

        /* Initial state is 'default': */
        /* Start state-machine: */
Esempio n. 3
QGraphicsLayout::QGraphicsLayout(QGraphicsLayoutPrivate &dd, QGraphicsLayoutItem *parent)
    : QGraphicsLayoutItem(dd)
    if (parent && !parent->isLayout()) {
        // If a layout has a parent that is not a layout it must be a QGraphicsWidget.
        QGraphicsItem *itemParent = parent->graphicsItem();
        if (itemParent && itemParent->isWidget()) {
            static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(itemParent)->d_func()->setLayout_helper(this);
        } else {
            qWarning("QGraphicsLayout::QGraphicsLayout: Attempt to create a layout with a parent that is"
                    " neither a QGraphicsWidget nor QGraphicsLayout");
    setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::DefaultType);
UIGDetailsItem::UIGDetailsItem(UIGDetailsItem *pParent)
    : QIGraphicsWidget(pParent)
    , m_pParent(pParent)
    /* Basic item setup: */
    setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, false);

    /* Non-root item? */
    if (parentItem())
        /* Non-root item setup: */
Esempio n. 5

    \class QGraphicsLayout
    \brief The QGraphicsLayout class provides the base class for all layouts
    in Graphics View.
    \since 4.4
    \ingroup graphicsview-api

    QGraphicsLayout is an abstract class that defines a virtual API for
    arranging QGraphicsWidget children and other QGraphicsLayoutItem objects
    for a QGraphicsWidget. QGraphicsWidget assigns responsibility to a
    QGraphicsLayout through QGraphicsWidget::setLayout(). As the widget
    is resized, the layout will automatically arrange the widget's children.
    QGraphicsLayout inherits QGraphicsLayoutItem, so, it can be managed by
    any layout, including its own subclasses.

    \section1 Writing a Custom Layout

    You can use QGraphicsLayout as a base to write your own custom layout
    (e.g., a flowlayout), but it is more common to use one of its subclasses
    instead - QGraphicsLinearLayout or QGraphicsGridLayout. When creating
    a custom layout, the following functions must be reimplemented as a bare

    \header \o Function                     \o Description
    \row     \o QGraphicsLayoutItem::setGeometry()
               \o Notifies you when the geometry of the layout is set. You can
                   store the geometry in your own layout class in a reimplementation
                   of this function.
    \row    \o QGraphicsLayoutItem::sizeHint()
               \o Returns the layout's size hints.
    \row    \o QGraphicsLayout::count()
              \o Returns the number of items in your layout.
    \row    \o QGraphicsLayout::itemAt()
              \o Returns a pointer to an item in your layout.
    \row    \o QGraphicsLayout::removeAt()
              \o Removes an item from your layout without destroying it.

    For more details on how to implement each function, refer to the individual
    function documentation.

    Each layout defines its own API for arranging widgets and layout items.
    For example, with a grid layout, you require a row and a
    column index with optional row and column spans, alignment, spacing, and more.
    A linear layout, however, requires a single row or column index to position its
    items. For a grid layout, the order of insertion does not affect the layout in
    any way, but for a linear layout, the order is essential. When writing your own
    layout subclass, you are free to choose the API that best suits your layout.

    \section1 Activating the Layout

    When the layout's geometry changes, QGraphicsLayout immediately rearranges
    all of its managed items by calling setGeometry() on each item. This
    rearrangement is called \e activating the layout.

    QGraphicsLayout updates its own geometry to match the contentsRect() of the
    QGraphicsLayoutItem it is managing. Thus, it will automatically rearrange all
    its items when the widget is resized. QGraphicsLayout caches the sizes of all
    its managed items to avoid calling setGeometry() too often.

    \note A QGraphicsLayout will have the same geometry as the contentsRect()
    of the widget (not the layout) it is assigned to.

    \section2 Activating the Layout Implicitly

    The layout can be activated implicitly using one of two ways: by calling
    activate() or by calling invalidate(). Calling activate() activates the layout
    immediately. In contrast, calling invalidate() is delayed, as it posts a
    \l{QEvent::LayoutRequest}{LayoutRequest} event to the managed widget. Due
    to event compression, the activate() will only be called once after control has
    returned to the event loop. This is referred to as \e invalidating the layout.
    Invalidating the layout also invalidates any cached information. Also, the
    invalidate() function is a virtual function. So, you can invalidate your own
    cache in a subclass of QGraphicsLayout by reimplementing this function.

    \section1 Event Handling

    QGraphicsLayout listens to events for the widget it manages through the
    virtual widgetEvent() event handler. When the layout is assigned to a
    widget, all events delivered to the widget are first processed by
    widgetEvent(). This allows the layout to be aware of any relevant state
    changes on the widget such as visibility changes or layout direction changes.

    \section1 Margin Handling

    The margins of a QGraphicsLayout can be modified by reimplementing
    setContentsMargins() and getContentsMargins().


    Contructs a QGraphicsLayout object.

    \a parent is passed to QGraphicsLayoutItem's constructor and the
    QGraphicsLayoutItem's isLayout argument is set to \e true.

    If \a parent is a QGraphicsWidget the layout will be installed
    on that widget. (Note that installing a layout will delete the old one
QGraphicsLayout::QGraphicsLayout(QGraphicsLayoutItem *parent)
    : QGraphicsLayoutItem(*new QGraphicsLayoutPrivate)
    if (parent && !parent->isLayout()) {
        // If a layout has a parent that is not a layout it must be a QGraphicsWidget.
        QGraphicsItem *itemParent = parent->graphicsItem();
        if (itemParent && itemParent->isWidget()) {
            static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(itemParent)->d_func()->setLayout_helper(this);
        } else {
            qWarning("QGraphicsLayout::QGraphicsLayout: Attempt to create a layout with a parent that is"
                    " neither a QGraphicsWidget nor QGraphicsLayout");
    setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::DefaultType);