int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argi; int showeval = 1; int cleanexpr = 0; setup_signalhandler(argv[0]); for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--help") == 0)) { printf("%s version %s\n\n", argv[0], VERSION); printf("Usage:\n%s [--quiet] [--clean] [--debug] [--no-update]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--version") == 0)) { printf("%s version %s\n", argv[0], VERSION); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0)) { debug = 1; } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--no-update") == 0)) { dontsendmessages = 1; } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--quiet") == 0)) { showeval = 0; } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--clean") == 0)) { cleanexpr = 1; } else if ((strncmp(argv[argi], "--error-colors=", 15) == 0)) { char *tok; int newerrorcolors = 0; tok = strtok(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1, ","); while (tok) { int col = parse_color(tok); if ((col >= 0) && (col <= COL_RED)) newerrorcolors |= (1 << parse_color(tok)); tok = strtok(NULL, ","); } if (newerrorcolors) errorcolors = newerrorcolors; } } return update_combotests(showeval, cleanexpr); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int daemonize = 1; int listenq = 10; char *pidfile = ""; int lsocket; struct sockaddr_in laddr; struct sigaction sa; int opt; /* Dont save the output from errprintf() */ save_errbuf = 0; memset(&laddr, 0, sizeof(laddr)); inet_aton("", (struct in_addr *) &laddr.sin_addr.s_addr); laddr.sin_port = htons(1984); laddr.sin_family = AF_INET; for (opt=1; (opt < argc); opt++) { if (argnmatch(argv[opt], "--listen=")) { char *locaddr, *p; int locport; locaddr = strchr(argv[opt], '=')+1; p = strchr(locaddr, ':'); if (p) { locport = atoi(p+1); *p = '\0'; } else locport = 1984; memset(&laddr, 0, sizeof(laddr)); laddr.sin_port = htons(locport); laddr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (inet_aton(locaddr, (struct in_addr *) &laddr.sin_addr.s_addr) == 0) { errprintf("Invalid listen address %s\n", locaddr); return 1; } } else if (argnmatch(argv[opt], "--server=")) { /* Who is allowed to fetch cached messages */ char *p = strchr(argv[opt], '='); serverlist = getsenderlist(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[opt], "--max-age=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[opt], '='); maxage = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[opt], "--lqueue=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[opt], '='); listenq = atoi(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[opt], "--daemon") == 0) { daemonize = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[opt], "--no-daemon") == 0) { daemonize = 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[opt], "--pidfile=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[opt], '='); pidfile = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[opt], "--logfile=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[opt], '='); logfile = strdup(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[opt], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[opt], "--version") == 0) { printf("xymonproxy version %s\n", VERSION); return 0; } } /* Set up a socket to listen for new connections */ lsocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (lsocket == -1) { errprintf("Cannot create listen socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } opt = 1; setsockopt(lsocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)); fcntl(lsocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (bind(lsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&laddr, sizeof(laddr)) == -1) { errprintf("Cannot bind to listen socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (listen(lsocket, listenq) == -1) { errprintf("Cannot listen (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } /* Redirect logging to the logfile, if requested */ if (logfile) { reopen_file(logfile, "a", stdout); reopen_file(logfile, "a", stderr); } errprintf("Xymon msgcache version %s starting\n", VERSION); errprintf("Listening on %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(laddr.sin_addr), ntohs(laddr.sin_port)); if (daemonize) { pid_t childpid; reopen_file("/dev/null", "r", stdin); /* Become a daemon */ childpid = fork(); if (childpid < 0) { /* Fork failed */ errprintf("Could not fork\n"); exit(1); } else if (childpid > 0) { /* Parent - save PID and exit */ FILE *fd = fopen(pidfile, "w"); if (fd) { fprintf(fd, "%d\n", (int)childpid); fclose(fd); } exit(0); } /* Child (daemon) continues here */ setsid(); } setup_signalhandler("msgcache"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sigmisc_handler; sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); do { fd_set fdread, fdwrite; int maxfd; int n; conn_t *cwalk, *cprev; msgqueue_t *qwalk, *qprev; time_t mintstamp; /* Remove any finished connections */ cwalk = chead; cprev = NULL; while (cwalk) { conn_t *zombie; if (cwalk->action != C_DONE) { cprev = cwalk; cwalk = cwalk->next; continue; } /* Close the socket */ close(cwalk->sockfd); zombie = cwalk; if (cprev == NULL) { chead = zombie->next; cwalk = chead; cprev = NULL; } else { cprev->next = zombie->next; cwalk = zombie->next; } freestrbuffer(zombie->msgbuf); xfree(zombie); } ctail = chead; if (ctail) { while (ctail->next) ctail = ctail->next; } /* Remove expired messages */ qwalk = qhead; qprev = NULL; mintstamp = getcurrenttime(NULL) - maxage; while (qwalk) { msgqueue_t *zombie; if (qwalk->tstamp > mintstamp) { /* Hasn't expired yet */ qprev = qwalk; qwalk = qwalk->next; continue; } zombie = qwalk; if (qprev == NULL) { qhead = zombie->next; qwalk = qhead; qprev = NULL; } else { qprev->next = zombie->next; qwalk = zombie->next; } freestrbuffer(zombie->msgbuf); xfree(zombie); } qtail = qhead; if (qtail) { while (qtail->next) qtail = qtail->next; } /* Now we're ready to handle some data */ FD_ZERO(&fdread); FD_ZERO(&fdwrite); /* Add the listen socket */ FD_SET(lsocket, &fdread); maxfd = lsocket; for (cwalk = chead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) { switch (cwalk->action) { case C_READING: FD_SET(cwalk->sockfd, &fdread); if (cwalk->sockfd > maxfd) maxfd = cwalk->sockfd; break; case C_WRITING: FD_SET(cwalk->sockfd, &fdwrite); if (cwalk->sockfd > maxfd) maxfd = cwalk->sockfd; break; case C_DONE: break; } } n = select(maxfd+1, &fdread, &fdwrite, NULL, NULL); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; errprintf("select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 0; } if (n == 0) continue; /* Timeout */ for (cwalk = chead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) { switch (cwalk->action) { case C_READING: if (FD_ISSET(cwalk->sockfd, &fdread)) grabdata(cwalk); break; case C_WRITING: if (FD_ISSET(cwalk->sockfd, &fdwrite)) senddata(cwalk); break; case C_DONE: break; } } if (FD_ISSET(lsocket, &fdread)) { /* New incoming connection */ conn_t *newconn; int caddrsize; dbgprintf("New connection\n"); newconn = calloc(1, sizeof(conn_t)); caddrsize = sizeof(newconn->caddr); newconn->sockfd = accept(lsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&newconn->caddr, &caddrsize); if (newconn->sockfd == -1) { /* accept() failure. Yes, it does happen! */ dbgprintf("accept failure, ignoring connection (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); xfree(newconn); newconn = NULL; } else { fcntl(newconn->sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); newconn->action = C_READING; newconn->msgbuf = newstrbuffer(0); newconn->tstamp = getcurrenttime(NULL); } if (newconn) { if (ctail) { ctail->next = newconn; ctail = newconn; } else chead = ctail = newconn; } } } while (keeprunning); if (pidfile) unlink(pidfile); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int daemonize = 0; int lsocket; struct sockaddr_in laddr; struct sigaction sa; int argi, opt; libxymon_init(argv[0]); /* Dont save the output from errprintf() */ save_errbuf = 0; memset(&laddr, 0, sizeof(laddr)); laddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); laddr.sin_port = htons(1984); laddr.sin_family = AF_INET; for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--listen=")) { char *locaddr, *p; int locport; locaddr = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; p = strchr(locaddr, ':'); if (p) { locport = atoi(p+1); *p = '\0'; } else locport = 1984; memset(&laddr, 0, sizeof(laddr)); laddr.sin_port = htons(locport); laddr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (inet_aton(locaddr, (struct in_addr *) &laddr.sin_addr.s_addr) == 0) { errprintf("Invalid listen address %s\n", locaddr); return 1; } } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--daemon") == 0) { daemonize = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--no-daemon") == 0) { daemonize = 0; } else if (standardoption(argv[argi])) { if (showhelp) return 0; } } /* Set up a socket to listen for new connections */ lsocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (lsocket == -1) { errprintf("Cannot create listen socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } opt = 1; setsockopt(lsocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)); if (bind(lsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&laddr, sizeof(laddr)) == -1) { errprintf("Cannot bind to listener address (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } /* Make it non-blocking */ fcntl(lsocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); /* Redirect logging to the logfn, if requested */ if (logfn) { reopen_file(logfn, "a", stdout); reopen_file(logfn, "a", stderr); } errprintf("Xymon locator version %s starting\n", VERSION); errprintf("Listening on %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(laddr.sin_addr), ntohs(laddr.sin_port)); if (daemonize) { pid_t childpid; reopen_file("/dev/null", "r", stdin); /* Become a daemon */ childpid = fork(); if (childpid < 0) { /* Fork failed */ errprintf("Could not fork\n"); exit(1); } else if (childpid > 0) { /* Parent - exit */ exit(0); } /* Child (daemon) continues here */ setsid(); } setup_signalhandler("xymond_locator"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sigmisc_handler; sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); tree_init(); load_state(); do { ssize_t n; struct sockaddr_in remaddr; socklen_t remaddrsz; char buf[32768]; fd_set fdread; /* Wait for a message */ FD_ZERO(&fdread); FD_SET(lsocket, &fdread); n = select(lsocket+1, &fdread, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (n == -1) { /* Select error */ errprintf("select error, aborting: %s\n", strerror(errno)); keeprunning = 0; continue; } /* We know there is some data */ remaddrsz = sizeof(remaddr); n = recvfrom(lsocket, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&remaddr, &remaddrsz); if (n == -1) { /* We may get EAGAIN if there is not a full message yet */ if (errno != EAGAIN) { errprintf("Recv error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } continue; } else if (n == 0) { continue; } buf[n] = '\0'; dbgprintf("Got message from %s:%d : '%s'\n", inet_ntoa(remaddr.sin_addr), ntohs(remaddr.sin_port), buf); handle_request(buf); n = sendto(lsocket, buf, strlen(buf)+1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&remaddr, remaddrsz); if (n == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { errprintf("Out-queue full to %s, dropping response\n", inet_ntoa(remaddr.sin_addr)); } else { errprintf("Send failure %s while sending to %s\n", strerror(errno), inet_ntoa(remaddr.sin_addr)); } } } while (keeprunning); save_state(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *msg; int argi; struct sigaction sa; char *exthandler = NULL; char *extids = NULL; char *processor = NULL; struct sockaddr_un ctlsockaddr; int ctlsocket; /* Handle program options. */ for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--rrddir=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); rrddir = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--extra-script=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); exthandler = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--extra-tests=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); extids = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--processor=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); processor = strdup(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--no-cache") == 0) { use_rrd_cache = 0; } else if (net_worker_option(argv[argi])) { /* Handled in the subroutine */ } } save_errbuf = 0; if ((rrddir == NULL) && xgetenv("XYMONRRDS")) { rrddir = strdup(xgetenv("XYMONRRDS")); } if (exthandler && extids) setup_exthandler(exthandler, extids); /* Do the network stuff if needed */ net_worker_run(ST_RRD, LOC_STICKY, update_locator_hostdata); setup_signalhandler("xymond_rrd"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); /* Setup the control socket that receives cache-flush commands */ memset(&ctlsockaddr, 0, sizeof(ctlsockaddr)); sprintf(ctlsockaddr.sun_path, "%s/rrdctl.%d", xgetenv("XYMONTMP"), getpid()); unlink(ctlsockaddr.sun_path); /* In case it was accidentally left behind */ ctlsockaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; ctlsocket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (ctlsocket == -1) { errprintf("Cannot create cache-control socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } fcntl(ctlsocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (bind(ctlsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&ctlsockaddr, sizeof(ctlsockaddr)) == -1) { errprintf("Cannot bind to cache-control socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } /* Linux obeys filesystem permissions on the socket file, so make it world-accessible */ if (chmod(ctlsockaddr.sun_path, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH) == -1) { errprintf("Setting permissions on cache-control socket failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } /* Load the RRD definitions */ load_rrddefs(); /* If we are passing data to an external processor, create the pipe to it */ setup_extprocessor(processor); running = 1; while (running) { char *eoln, *restofmsg = NULL; char *metadata[MAX_META+1]; int metacount; char *p; char *hostname = NULL, *testname = NULL, *sender = NULL, *classname = NULL, *pagepaths = NULL; xymonrrd_t *ldef = NULL; time_t tstamp; int childstat; ssize_t n; char ctlbuf[PATH_MAX]; int gotcachectlmessage; time_t now; /* See if we have any cache-control messages pending */ do { n = recv(ctlsocket, ctlbuf, sizeof(ctlbuf), 0); gotcachectlmessage = (n > 0); if (gotcachectlmessage) { /* We have a control message */ char *bol, *eol; ctlbuf[n] = '\0'; bol = ctlbuf; do { eol = strchr(bol, '\n'); if (eol) *eol = '\0'; rrdcacheflushhost(bol); if (eol) { bol = eol+1; } else bol = NULL; } while (bol && *bol); } } while (gotcachectlmessage); /* Get next message */ msg = get_xymond_message(C_LAST, argv[0], &seq, NULL); if (msg == NULL) { running = 0; continue; } now = gettimer(); if (reloadtime < now) { /* Reload configuration files */ load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn()); load_client_config(NULL); reloadtime = now + 600; } /* Split the message in the first line (with meta-data), and the rest */ eoln = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (eoln) { *eoln = '\0'; restofmsg = eoln+1; } /* Parse the meta-data */ metacount = 0; memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata)); p = gettok(msg, "|"); while (p && (metacount < MAX_META)) { metadata[metacount++] = p; p = gettok(NULL, "|"); } metadata[metacount] = NULL; if ((metacount >= 14) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@status", 8) == 0)) { /* * @@status|timestamp|sender|origin|hostname|testname|expiretime|color|testflags|\ * prevcolor|changetime|ackexpiretime|ackmessage|disableexpiretime|disablemessage|\ * clienttstamp|flapping|classname|pagepaths */ int color = parse_color(metadata[7]); switch (color) { case COL_GREEN: case COL_YELLOW: case COL_RED: case COL_BLUE: /* Blue is OK, because it only arrives here when an update is sent */ tstamp = atoi(metadata[1]); sender = metadata[2]; hostname = metadata[4]; testname = metadata[5]; classname = (metadata[17] ? metadata[17] : ""); pagepaths = (metadata[18] ? metadata[18] : ""); ldef = find_xymon_rrd(testname, metadata[8]); update_rrd(hostname, testname, restofmsg, tstamp, sender, ldef, classname, pagepaths); break; default: /* Ignore reports with purple, blue or clear - they have no data we want. */ break; } } else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@data", 6) == 0)) { /* @@data|timestamp|sender|origin|hostname|testname|classname|pagepaths */ tstamp = atoi(metadata[1]); sender = metadata[2]; hostname = metadata[4]; testname = metadata[5]; classname = (metadata[6] ? metadata[6] : ""); pagepaths = (metadata[7] ? metadata[7] : ""); ldef = find_xymon_rrd(testname, ""); update_rrd(hostname, testname, restofmsg, tstamp, sender, ldef, classname, pagepaths); } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) { running = 0; continue; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) { /* Ignored */ continue; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) { char *fn = xgetenv("XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME"); if (fn && strlen(fn)) { freopen(fn, "a", stdout); freopen(fn, "a", stderr); } continue; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@reload", 8) == 0) { reloadtime = 0; } else if ((metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0)) { char hostdir[PATH_MAX]; hostname = metadata[3]; MEMDEFINE(hostdir); sprintf(hostdir, "%s/%s", rrddir, hostname); dropdirectory(hostdir, 1); MEMUNDEFINE(hostdir); } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@droptest", 10) == 0)) { /* * Not implemented. Mappings of testnames -> rrd files is * too complex, so on the rare occasion that a single test * is deleted, they will have to delete the rrd files themselves. */ } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) { char oldhostdir[PATH_MAX]; char newhostdir[PATH_MAX]; char *newhostname; MEMDEFINE(oldhostdir); MEMDEFINE(newhostdir); hostname = metadata[3]; newhostname = metadata[4]; sprintf(oldhostdir, "%s/%s", rrddir, hostname); sprintf(newhostdir, "%s/%s", rrddir, newhostname); rename(oldhostdir, newhostdir); if (net_worker_locatorbased()) locator_rename_host(hostname, newhostname, ST_RRD); MEMUNDEFINE(newhostdir); MEMUNDEFINE(oldhostdir); } else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renametest", 12) == 0)) { /* Not implemented. See "droptest". */ } /* * We fork a subprocess when processing drophost requests. * Pickup any finished child processes to avoid zombies */ while (wait3(&childstat, WNOHANG, NULL) > 0) ; } /* Flush all cached updates to disk */ errprintf("Shutting down, flushing cached updates to disk\n"); rrdcacheflushall(); errprintf("Cache flush completed\n"); /* Close the external processor */ shutdown_extprocessor(); /* Close the control socket */ close(ctlsocket); unlink(ctlsockaddr.sun_path); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *pagedir; bbgen_page_t *p; dispsummary_t *s; int i; char *pageset = NULL; char *nssidebarfilename = NULL; char *egocolumn = NULL; char *csvfile = NULL; char csvdelim = ','; int embedded = 0; int hobbitddump = 0; char *envarea = NULL; int do_normal_pages = 1; /* Setup standard header+footer (might be modified by option pageset) */ select_headers_and_footers("bb"); bb_color = bb2_color = bbnk_color = -1; pagedir = NULL; init_timestamp(); fqdn = get_fqdn(); /* Setup values from env. vars that may be overridden via commandline options */ if (xgetenv("MKBB2COLREPEAT")) { int i = atoi(xgetenv("MKBB2COLREPEAT")); if (i > 0) maxrowsbeforeheading = i; } for (i = 1; (i < argc); i++) { if ( (strcmp(argv[i], "--hobbitd") == 0) || (argnmatch(argv[i], "--purplelifetime=")) || (strcmp(argv[i], "--nopurple") == 0) ) { /* Deprecated */ } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--env=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); loadenv(lp+1, envarea); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--area=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); envarea = strdup(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--hobbitddump")) { hobbitddump = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--ignorecolumns=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); ignorecolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(ignorecolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nk-reds-only")) { nkonlyreds = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--bb2-ignorecolumns=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); bb2ignorecolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(bb2ignorecolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--bb2-colors=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '=') + 1; bb2colors = colorset(lp, (1 << COL_GREEN)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--bb2-ignorepurples")) { bb2colors = (bb2colors & ~(1 << COL_PURPLE)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--bb2-ignoredialups")) { bb2nodialups = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--includecolumns=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); includecolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(includecolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--eventignore=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); eventignorecolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(eventignorecolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--doccgi=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); char *url = (char *)malloc(strlen(xgetenv("CGIBINURL"))+strlen(lp+1)+2); sprintf(url, "%s/%s", xgetenv("CGIBINURL"), lp+1); setdocurl(url); xfree(url); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--docurl=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); setdocurl(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--no-doc-window")) { /* This is a no-op now */ } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--doc-window")) { setdocurl("TARGET=\"_blank\""); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--htmlextension=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); htmlextension = strdup(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--htaccess")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); if (lp) htaccess = strdup(lp+1); else htaccess = ".htaccess"; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--wml") == 0) || argnmatch(argv[i], "--wml=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); if (lp) { wapcolumns = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(wapcolumns, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } enable_wmlgen = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nstab=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); if (strlen(lp+1) > 0) { nssidebarfilename = strdup(lp+1); } else errprintf("--nstab requires a filename\n"); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nslimit=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); nssidebarcolorlimit = parse_color(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--rssversion=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); rssversion = strdup(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--rsslimit=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); rsscolorlimit = parse_color(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--rss")) { wantrss = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--rssextension=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); rssextension = strdup(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--reportopts=")) { char style[MAX_LINE_LEN]; unsigned int rstart, rend; int count = sscanf(argv[i], "--reportopts=%u:%u:%d:%s", &rstart, &rend, &dynamicreport, style); reportstart = rstart; reportend = rend; if (count < 2) { errprintf("Invalid --reportopts option: Must have start- and end-times\n"); return 1; } if (count < 3) dynamicreport = 1; if (count == 4) { if (strcmp(style, stylenames[STYLE_CRIT]) == 0) reportstyle = STYLE_CRIT; else if (strcmp(style, stylenames[STYLE_NONGR]) == 0) reportstyle = STYLE_NONGR; else reportstyle = STYLE_OTHER; } if (reportstart < 788918400) reportstart = 788918400; if (reportend > time(NULL)) reportend = time(NULL); if (xgetenv("BBREPWARN")) reportwarnlevel = atof(xgetenv("BBREPWARN")); if (xgetenv("BBREPGREEN")) reportgreenlevel = atof(xgetenv("BBREPGREEN")); if ((reportwarnlevel < 0.0) || (reportwarnlevel > 100.0)) reportwarnlevel = 97.0; if ((reportgreenlevel < 0.0) || (reportgreenlevel > 100.0)) reportgreenlevel = 99.995; select_headers_and_footers("bbrep"); sethostenv_report(reportstart, reportend, reportwarnlevel, reportgreenlevel); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--csv=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); csvfile = strdup(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--csvdelim=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); csvdelim = *(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--snapshot=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); snapshot = atol(lp+1); select_headers_and_footers("bbsnap"); sethostenv_snapshot(snapshot); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--pages-first") == 0) { hostsbeforepages = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--pages-last") == 0) { hostsbeforepages = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--subpagecolumns=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); subpagecolumns = atoi(lp+1); if (subpagecolumns < 1) subpagecolumns=1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--maxrows=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); maxrowsbeforeheading = atoi(lp+1); if (maxrowsbeforeheading < 0) maxrowsbeforeheading=0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--recentgifs") == 0) { use_recentgifs = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--recentgifs=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); use_recentgifs = 1; recentgif_limit = 60*durationvalue(lp+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--sort-group-only-items") == 0) { sort_grouponly_items = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--page-title=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); defaultpagetitle = strdup(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--dialupskin=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); dialupskin = strdup(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--reverseskin=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); reverseskin = strdup(lp+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--pagetitle-links") == 0) { pagetitlelinks = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--pagetext-headings") == 0) { pagetextheadings = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--underline-headings") == 0) { underlineheadings = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-underline-headings") == 0) { underlineheadings = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-eventlog") == 0) { bb2eventlog = 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--max-eventcount=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); bb2eventlogmaxcount = atoi(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--max-eventtime=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); bb2eventlogmaxtime = atoi(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--max-ackcount=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); bb2acklogmaxcount = atoi(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--max-acktime=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); bb2acklogmaxtime = atoi(lp+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-acklog") == 0) { bb2acklog = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-pages") == 0) { do_normal_pages = 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--noprop=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); nopropyellowdefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(nopropyellowdefault, ",%s,", (lp+1)); errprintf("--noprop is deprecated - use --nopropyellow instead\n"); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nopropyellow=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); nopropyellowdefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(nopropyellowdefault, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nopropred=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); nopropreddefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(nopropreddefault, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--noproppurple=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); noproppurpledefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(noproppurpledefault, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nopropack=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); nopropackdefault = (char *) malloc(strlen(lp)+2); sprintf(nopropackdefault, ",%s,", (lp+1)); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--bbpageONLY") == 0) { /* Deprecated */ errprintf("--bbpageONLY is deprecated - use --pageset=NAME to generate pagesets\n"); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--embedded") == 0) { embedded = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--pageset=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); pageset = strdup(lp+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--template=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); lp++; select_headers_and_footers(lp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--purplelog=")) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); if (*(lp+1) == '/') purplelogfn = strdup(lp+1); else { purplelogfn = (char *) malloc(strlen(xgetenv("BBHOME"))+1+strlen(lp+1)+1); sprintf(purplelogfn, "%s/%s", xgetenv("BBHOME"), (lp+1)); } } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--report=") || (strcmp(argv[i], "--report") == 0)) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); if (lp) { egocolumn = strdup(lp+1); } else egocolumn = "bbgen"; timing = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "--nklog=") || (strcmp(argv[i], "--nklog") == 0)) { char *lp = strchr(argv[i], '='); if (lp) { lognkstatus = strdup(lp+1); } else lognkstatus = "nk"; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--timing") == 0) { timing = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-update") == 0) { dontsendmessages = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) { printf("bbgen version %s\n", VERSION); printf("\n"); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0)) { printf("bbgen for Hobbit version %s\n\n", VERSION); printf("Usage: %s [options] [WebpageDirectory]\n", argv[0]); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" --ignorecolumns=test[,test] : Completely ignore these columns\n"); printf(" --nk-reds-only : Only show red statuses on the NK page\n"); printf(" --bb2-ignorecolumns=test[,test]: Ignore these columns for the BB2 page\n"); printf(" --bb2-ignorepurples : Ignore all-purple hosts on BB2 page\n"); printf(" --includecolumns=test[,test]: Always include these columns on BB2 page\n"); printf(" --max-eventcount=N : Max number of events to include in eventlog\n"); printf(" --max-eventtime=N : Show events that occurred within the last N minutes\n"); printf(" --eventignore=test[,test] : Columns to ignore in bb2 event-log display\n"); printf(" --no-eventlog : Do not generate the bb2 eventlog display\n"); printf(" --no-acklog : Do not generate the bb2 ack-log display\n"); printf(" --no-pages : Generate only the bb2 and bbnk pages\n"); printf(" --docurl=documentation-URL : Hostnames link to a general (dynamic) web page for docs\n"); printf(" --no-doc-window : Open doc-links in same window\n"); printf(" --htmlextension=.EXT : Sets filename extension for generated file (default: .html\n"); printf(" --report[=COLUMNNAME] : Send a status report about the running of bbgen\n"); printf(" --reportopts=ST:END:DYN:STL : Run in Hobbit Reporting mode\n"); printf(" --csv=FILENAME : For Hobbit Reporting, output CSV file\n"); printf(" --csvdelim=CHARACTER : Delimiter in CSV file output (default: comma)\n"); printf(" --snapshot=TIME : Snapshot mode\n"); printf("\nPage layout options:\n"); printf(" --pages-first : Put page- and subpage-links before hosts (default)\n"); printf(" --pages-last : Put page- and subpage-links after hosts\n"); printf(" --subpagecolumns=N : Number of columns for links to pages and subpages\n"); printf(" --maxrows=N : Repeat column headings for every N hosts shown\n"); printf(" --recentgifs : Use xxx-recent.gif icons for newly changed tests\n"); printf(" --sort-group-only-items : Display group-only items in alphabetical order\n"); printf(" --page-title=TITLE : Set a default page title for all pages\n"); printf(" --dialupskin=URL : Use a different icon skin for dialup tests\n"); printf(" --reverseskin=URL : Use a different icon skin for reverse tests\n"); printf(" --pagetitle-links : Make page- and subpage-titles act as links\n"); printf(" --pagetext-headings : Use page texts as headings\n"); printf(" --no-underline-headings : Do not underline the page headings\n"); printf("\nStatus propagation control options:\n"); printf(" --noprop=test[,test] : Disable upwards status propagation when YELLOW\n"); printf(" --nopropred=test[,test] : Disable upwards status propagation when RED or YELLOW\n"); printf(" --noproppurple=test[,test] : Disable upwards status propagation when PURPLE\n"); printf("\nAlternate pageset generation support:\n"); printf(" --pageset=SETNAME : Generate non-standard pageset with tag SETNAME\n"); printf(" --template=TEMPLATE : template for header and footer files\n"); printf("\nAlternate output formats:\n"); printf(" --wml[=test1,test2,...] : Generate a small (bb2-style) WML page\n"); printf(" --nstab=FILENAME : Generate a Netscape Sidebar feed\n"); printf(" --nslimit=COLOR : Minimum color to include on Netscape sidebar\n"); printf(" --rss : Generate a RSS/RDF feed of alerts\n"); printf(" --rssextension=.EXT : Sets filename extension for RSS files (default: .rss\n"); printf(" --rssversion={0.91|0.92|1.0|2.0} : Specify RSS/RDF version (default: 0.91)\n"); printf(" --rsslimit=COLOR : Minimum color to include on RSS feed\n"); printf("\nDebugging/troubleshooting options:\n"); printf(" --timing : Collect timing information\n"); printf(" --debug : Debugging information\n"); printf(" --version : Show version information\n"); printf(" --purplelog=FILENAME : Create a log of purple hosts and tests\n"); exit(0); } else if (argnmatch(argv[i], "-")) { errprintf("Unknown option : %s\n", argv[i]); } else { /* Last argument is pagedir */ pagedir = strdup(argv[i]); } } /* In case they changed the name of our column ... */ if (egocolumn) setup_signalhandler(egocolumn); if (debug) { int i; printf("Command: bbgen"); for (i=1; (i<argc); i++) printf(" '%s'", argv[i]); printf("\n"); printf("Environment BBHOSTS='%s'\n", textornull(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"))); printf("\n"); } add_timestamp("Startup"); /* Check that all needed environment vars are defined */ envcheck(reqenv); /* Catch a SEGV fault */ setup_signalhandler("bbgen"); /* Set umask to 0022 so that the generated HTML pages have world-read access */ umask(0022); if (pagedir == NULL) { if (xgetenv("BBWWW")) { pagedir = strdup(xgetenv("BBWWW")); } else { pagedir = (char *) malloc(strlen(xgetenv("BBHOME"))+5); sprintf(pagedir, "%s/www", xgetenv("BBHOME")); } } if (xgetenv("BBHTACCESS")) bbhtaccess = strdup(xgetenv("BBHTACCESS")); if (xgetenv("BBPAGEHTACCESS")) bbpagehtaccess = strdup(xgetenv("BBPAGEHTACCESS")); if (xgetenv("BBSUBPAGEHTACCESS")) bbsubpagehtaccess = strdup(xgetenv("BBSUBPAGEHTACCESS")); /* * When doing alternate pagesets, disable some stuff: * No WML or RSS pages. */ if (pageset || embedded || snapshot) enable_wmlgen = wantrss = 0; if (embedded) { egocolumn = htaccess = NULL; /* * Need to have default SIGPIPE handling when doing embedded stuff. * We are probably run from a CGI script or something similar. */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); } /* Load all data from the various files */ load_all_links(); add_timestamp("Load links done"); pagehead = load_bbhosts(pageset); add_timestamp("Load bbhosts done"); if (!embedded) { /* Remove old acknowledgements */ delete_old_acks(); add_timestamp("ACK removal done"); } statehead = load_state(&dispsums); if (embedded || snapshot) dispsums = NULL; add_timestamp("Load STATE done"); if (hobbitddump) { dump_hobbitdchk(); return 0; } /* Calculate colors of hosts and pages */ calc_hostcolors(bb2ignorecolumns); calc_pagecolors(pagehead); /* Topmost page (background color for bb.html) */ for (p=pagehead; (p); p = p->next) { if (p->color > pagehead->color) pagehead->color = p->color; } bb_color = pagehead->color; if (xgetenv("SUMMARY_SET_BKG") && (strcmp(xgetenv("SUMMARY_SET_BKG"), "TRUE") == 0)) { /* * Displayed summaries affect the BB page only, * but should not go into the color we report to * others. */ for (s=dispsums; (s); s = s->next) { if (s->color > pagehead->color) pagehead->color = s->color; } } add_timestamp("Color calculation done"); if (debug) dumpall(pagehead); /* Generate pages */ if (chdir(pagedir) != 0) { errprintf("Cannot change to webpage directory %s\n", pagedir); exit(1); } if (embedded) { /* Just generate that one page */ do_one_page(pagehead, NULL, 1); return 0; } /* The main page - bb.html and pages/subpages thereunder */ add_timestamp("Hobbit pagegen start"); if (reportstart && csvfile) { csv_availability(csvfile, csvdelim); } else if (do_normal_pages) { do_page_with_subs(pagehead, dispsums); } add_timestamp("Hobbit pagegen done"); if (reportstart) { /* Reports end here */ return 0; } /* The full summary page - bb2.html */ bb2_color = do_bb2_page(nssidebarfilename, PAGE_BB2); add_timestamp("BB2 generation done"); /* Reduced summary (alerts) page - bbnk.html */ bbnk_color = do_bb2_page(NULL, PAGE_NK); add_timestamp("BBNK generation done"); if (snapshot) { /* Snapshots end here */ return 0; } /* Send summary notices - only once, so not on pagesets */ if (pageset == NULL) { send_summaries(sumhead); add_timestamp("Summary transmission done"); } /* Generate WML cards */ if (enable_wmlgen) { do_wml_cards(pagedir); add_timestamp("WML generation done"); } /* Need to do this before sending in our report */ add_timestamp("Run completed"); /* Tell about us */ if (egocolumn) { char msgline[4096]; char *timestamps; long bbsleep = (xgetenv("BBSLEEP") ? atol(xgetenv("BBSLEEP")) : 300); int color; /* Go yellow if it runs for too long */ if (total_runtime() > bbsleep) { errprintf("WARNING: Runtime %ld longer than BBSLEEP (%ld)\n", total_runtime(), bbsleep); } color = (errbuf ? COL_YELLOW : COL_GREEN); combo_start(); init_status(color); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.%s %s %s\n\n", xgetenv("MACHINE"), egocolumn, colorname(color), timestamp); addtostatus(msgline); sprintf(msgline, "bbgen for Hobbit version %s\n", VERSION); addtostatus(msgline); sprintf(msgline, "\nStatistics:\n Hosts : %5d\n Status messages : %5d\n Purple messages : %5d\n Pages : %5d\n", hostcount, statuscount, purplecount, pagecount); addtostatus(msgline); if (errbuf) { addtostatus("\n\nError output:\n"); addtostatus(errbuf); } show_timestamps(×tamps); addtostatus(timestamps); finish_status(); combo_end(); } else show_timestamps(NULL); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *msg; int seq; int argi; int alertcolors, alertinterval; char *configfn = NULL; char *checkfn = NULL; int checkpointinterval = 900; char acklogfn[PATH_MAX]; FILE *acklogfd = NULL; char notiflogfn[PATH_MAX]; FILE *notiflogfd = NULL; char *tracefn = NULL; struct sigaction sa; int configchanged; time_t lastxmit = 0; MEMDEFINE(acklogfn); MEMDEFINE(notiflogfn); libxymon_init(argv[0]); /* Dont save the error buffer */ save_errbuf = 0; /* Load alert config */ alertcolors = colorset(xgetenv("ALERTCOLORS"), ((1 << COL_GREEN) | (1 << COL_BLUE))); alertinterval = 60*atoi(xgetenv("ALERTREPEAT")); /* Create our loookup-trees */ hostnames = xtreeNew(strcasecmp); testnames = xtreeNew(strcasecmp); locations = xtreeNew(strcasecmp); for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--config=")) { configfn = strdup(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--checkpoint-file=")) { checkfn = strdup(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--checkpoint-interval=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; checkpointinterval = atoi(p); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--dump-config")) { load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval); dump_alertconfig(1); return 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--cfid")) { include_configid = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--test")) { char *testhost = NULL, *testservice = NULL, *testpage = NULL, *testcolor = "red", *testgroups = NULL; void *hinfo; int testdur = 0; FILE *logfd = NULL; activealerts_t *awalk = NULL; int paramno = 0; argi++; if (argi < argc) testhost = argv[argi]; argi++; if (argi < argc) testservice = argv[argi]; argi++; while (argi < argc) { if (strncasecmp(argv[argi], "--duration=", 11) == 0) { testdur = durationvalue(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1); } else if (strncasecmp(argv[argi], "--color=", 8) == 0) { testcolor = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; } else if (strncasecmp(argv[argi], "--group=", 8) == 0) { testgroups = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; } else if (strncasecmp(argv[argi], "--time=", 7) == 0) { fakestarttime = (time_t)atoi(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1); } else { paramno++; if (paramno == 1) testdur = atoi(argv[argi]); else if (paramno == 2) testcolor = argv[argi]; else if (paramno == 3) fakestarttime = (time_t) atoi(argv[argi]); } argi++; } if ((testhost == NULL) || (testservice == NULL)) { printf("Usage: xymond_alert --test HOST SERVICE [options]\n"); printf("Possible options:\n\t[--duration=MINUTES]\n\t[--color=COLOR]\n\t[--group=GROUPNAME]\n\t[--time=TIMESPEC]\n"); return 1; } load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn()); hinfo = hostinfo(testhost); if (hinfo) { testpage = strdup(xmh_item(hinfo, XMH_ALLPAGEPATHS)); } else { errprintf("Host not found in hosts.cfg - assuming it is on the top page\n"); testpage = ""; } awalk = (activealerts_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(activealerts_t)); awalk->hostname = find_name(hostnames, testhost); awalk->testname = find_name(testnames, testservice); awalk->location = find_name(locations, testpage); awalk->ip = strdup(""); awalk->color = awalk->maxcolor = parse_color(testcolor); awalk->pagemessage = "Test of the alert configuration"; awalk->eventstart = getcurrenttime(NULL) - testdur*60; awalk->groups = (testgroups ? strdup(testgroups) : NULL); awalk->state = A_PAGING; awalk->cookie = 12345; awalk->next = NULL; logfd = fopen("/dev/null", "w"); starttrace(NULL); testonly = 1; load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval); load_holidays(0); send_alert(awalk, logfd); return 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--trace=")) { tracefn = strdup(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1); starttrace(tracefn); } else if (net_worker_option(argv[argi])) { /* Handled in the subroutine */ } else if (standardoption(argv[argi])) { if (showhelp) return 0; } else { errprintf("Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[argi]); } } /* Do the network stuff if needed */ net_worker_run(ST_ALERT, LOC_SINGLESERVER, NULL); if (checkfn) { load_checkpoint(checkfn); nextcheckpoint = gettimer() + checkpointinterval; dbgprintf("Next checkpoint at %d, interval %d\n", (int) nextcheckpoint, checkpointinterval); } setup_signalhandler("xymond_alert"); /* Need to handle these ourselves, so we can shutdown and save state-info */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); if (xgetenv("XYMONSERVERLOGS")) { sprintf(acklogfn, "%s/acknowledge.log", xgetenv("XYMONSERVERLOGS")); acklogfd = fopen(acklogfn, "a"); sprintf(notiflogfn, "%s/notifications.log", xgetenv("XYMONSERVERLOGS")); notiflogfd = fopen(notiflogfn, "a"); } /* * The general idea here is that this loop handles receiving of alert- * and ack-messages from the master daemon, and maintains a list of * host+test combinations that may have alerts going out. * * This module does not deal with any specific alert-configuration, * it just picks up the alert messages, maintains the list of * known tests that are in some sort of critical condition, and * periodically pushes alerts to the do_alert.c module for handling. * * The only modification of alerts that happen here is the handling * of when the next alert is due. It calls into the next_alert() * routine to learn when an alert should be repeated, and also * deals with Acknowledgments that stop alerts from going out for * a period of time. */ while (running) { char *eoln, *restofmsg; char *metadata[20]; char *p; int metacount; char *hostname = NULL, *testname = NULL; struct timespec timeout; time_t now, nowtimer; int anytogo; activealerts_t *awalk; int childstat; nowtimer = gettimer(); if (checkfn && (nowtimer > nextcheckpoint)) { dbgprintf("Saving checkpoint\n"); nextcheckpoint = nowtimer + checkpointinterval; save_checkpoint(checkfn); if (acklogfd) acklogfd = freopen(acklogfn, "a", acklogfd); if (notiflogfd) notiflogfd = freopen(notiflogfn, "a", notiflogfd); } timeout.tv_sec = 60; timeout.tv_nsec = 0; msg = get_xymond_message(C_PAGE, "xymond_alert", &seq, &timeout); if (msg == NULL) { running = 0; continue; } /* See what time it is - must happen AFTER the timeout */ now = getcurrenttime(NULL); /* Split the message in the first line (with meta-data), and the rest */ eoln = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (eoln) { *eoln = '\0'; restofmsg = eoln+1; } else { restofmsg = ""; } /* * Now parse the meta-data into elements. * We use our own "gettok()" routine which works * like strtok(), but can handle empty elements. */ metacount = 0; memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata)); p = gettok(msg, "|"); while (p && (metacount < 19)) { metadata[metacount] = p; metacount++; p = gettok(NULL, "|"); } metadata[metacount] = NULL; if (metacount > 3) hostname = metadata[3]; if (metacount > 4) testname = metadata[4]; if ((metacount > 10) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@page", 6) == 0)) { /* @@page|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname|hostip|expiretime|color|prevcolor|changetime|location|cookie|osname|classname|grouplist|modifiers */ int newcolor, newalertstatus, oldalertstatus; dbgprintf("Got page message from %s:%s\n", hostname, testname); traceprintf("@@page %s:%s:%s=%s\n", hostname, testname, metadata[10], metadata[7]); awalk = find_active(hostname, testname); if (awalk == NULL) { char *hwalk = find_name(hostnames, hostname); char *twalk = find_name(testnames, testname); char *pwalk = find_name(locations, metadata[10]); awalk = (activealerts_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(activealerts_t)); awalk->hostname = hwalk; awalk->testname = twalk; awalk->location = pwalk; awalk->cookie = -1; awalk->state = A_DEAD; /* * Use changetime here, if we restart the alert module then * this gets the duration values more right than using "now". * Also, define this only when a new alert arrives - we should * NOT clear this when a status goes yellow->red, or if it * flaps between yellow and red. */ awalk->eventstart = atoi(metadata[9]); add_active(awalk->hostname, awalk); traceprintf("New record\n"); } newcolor = parse_color(metadata[7]); oldalertstatus = ((alertcolors & (1 << awalk->color)) != 0); newalertstatus = ((alertcolors & (1 << newcolor)) != 0); traceprintf("state %d->%d\n", oldalertstatus, newalertstatus); if (newalertstatus) { /* It's in an alert state. */ awalk->color = newcolor; awalk->state = A_PAGING; if (newcolor > awalk->maxcolor) { if (awalk->maxcolor != 0) { /* * Severity has increased (yellow -> red). * Clear the repeat-interval, and set maxcolor to * the new color. If it drops to yellow again, * maxcolor stays at red, so a test that flaps * between yellow and red will only alert on red * the first time, and then follow the repeat * interval. */ dbgprintf("Severity increased, cleared repeat interval: %s/%s %s->%s\n", awalk->hostname, awalk->testname, colorname(awalk->maxcolor), colorname(newcolor)); clear_interval(awalk); } awalk->maxcolor = newcolor; } } else { /* * Send one "recovered" message out now, then go to A_DEAD. * Dont update the color here - we want recoveries to go out * only if the alert color triggered an alert */ awalk->state = (newcolor == COL_BLUE) ? A_DISABLED : A_RECOVERED; } if (oldalertstatus != newalertstatus) { dbgprintf("Alert status changed from %d to %d\n", oldalertstatus, newalertstatus); clear_interval(awalk); } if (awalk->ip) xfree(awalk->ip); awalk->ip = strdup(metadata[5]); awalk->cookie = atoi(metadata[11]); if (awalk->osname) xfree(awalk->osname); awalk->osname = (metadata[12] ? strdup(metadata[12]) : NULL); if (awalk->classname) xfree(awalk->classname); awalk->classname = (metadata[13] ? strdup(metadata[13]) : NULL); if (awalk->groups) xfree(awalk->groups); awalk->groups = (metadata[14] ? strdup(metadata[14]) : NULL); if (awalk->pagemessage) xfree(awalk->pagemessage); if (metadata[15]) { /* Modifiers are more interesting than the message itself */ awalk->pagemessage = (char *)malloc(strlen(awalk->hostname) + strlen(awalk->testname) + strlen(colorname(awalk->color)) + strlen(metadata[15]) + strlen(restofmsg) + 10); sprintf(awalk->pagemessage, "%s:%s %s\n%s\n%s", awalk->hostname, awalk->testname, colorname(awalk->color), metadata[15], restofmsg); } else { awalk->pagemessage = strdup(restofmsg); } } else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@ack", 5) == 0)) { /* @@ack|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname|hostip|expiretime */ /* * An ack is handled simply by setting the next * alert-time to when the ack expires. */ time_t nextalert = atoi(metadata[6]); dbgprintf("Got ack message from %s:%s\n", hostname, testname); traceprintf("@@ack: %s:%s now=%d, ackeduntil %d\n", hostname, testname, (int)now, (int)nextalert); awalk = find_active(hostname, testname); if (acklogfd) { int cookie = (awalk ? awalk->cookie : -1); int color = (awalk ? awalk->color : 0); fprintf(acklogfd, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s.%s\t%s\t%s\n", (int)now, cookie, (int)((nextalert - now) / 60), cookie, "np_filename_not_used", hostname, testname, colorname(color), nlencode(restofmsg)); fflush(acklogfd); } if (awalk && (awalk->state == A_PAGING)) { traceprintf("Record updated\n"); awalk->state = A_ACKED; awalk->nextalerttime = nextalert; if (awalk->ackmessage) xfree(awalk->ackmessage); awalk->ackmessage = strdup(restofmsg); } else { traceprintf("No record\n"); } } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@notify", 5) == 0)) { /* @@notify|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname|pagepath */ char *hwalk = find_name(hostnames, hostname); char *twalk = find_name(testnames, testname); char *pwalk = find_name(locations, (metadata[5] ? metadata[5] : "")); awalk = (activealerts_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(activealerts_t)); awalk->hostname = hwalk; awalk->testname = twalk; awalk->location = pwalk; awalk->cookie = -1; awalk->pagemessage = strdup(restofmsg); awalk->eventstart = getcurrenttime(NULL); awalk->state = A_NOTIFY; add_active(awalk->hostname, awalk); } else if ((metacount > 3) && ((strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0) || (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@dropstate", 11) == 0))) { /* @@drophost|timestamp|sender|hostname */ /* @@dropstate|timestamp|sender|hostname */ xtreePos_t handle; handle = xtreeFind(hostnames, hostname); if (handle != xtreeEnd(hostnames)) { alertanchor_t *anchor = (alertanchor_t *)xtreeData(hostnames, handle); for (awalk = anchor->head; (awalk); awalk = awalk->next) awalk->state = A_DEAD; } } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@droptest", 10) == 0)) { /* @@droptest|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname */ awalk = find_active(hostname, testname); if (awalk) awalk->state = A_DEAD; } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) { /* @@renamehost|timestamp|sender|hostname|newhostname */ /* * We handle rename's simply by dropping the alert. If there is still an * active alert for the host, it will have to be dealt with when the next * status update arrives. */ xtreePos_t handle; handle = xtreeFind(hostnames, hostname); if (handle != xtreeEnd(hostnames)) { alertanchor_t *anchor = (alertanchor_t *)xtreeData(hostnames, handle); for (awalk = anchor->head; (awalk); awalk = awalk->next) awalk->state = A_DEAD; } } else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renametest", 12) == 0)) { /* @@renametest|timestamp|sender|hostname|oldtestname|newtestname */ /* * We handle rename's simply by dropping the alert. If there is still an * active alert for the host, it will have to be dealt with when the next * status update arrives. */ awalk = find_active(hostname, testname); if (awalk) awalk->state = A_DEAD; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) { running = 0; errprintf("Got a shutdown message\n"); continue; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) { char *fn = xgetenv("XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME"); if (fn && strlen(fn)) { reopen_file(fn, "a", stdout); reopen_file(fn, "a", stderr); if (tracefn) { stoptrace(); starttrace(tracefn); } } continue; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@reload", 8) == 0) { /* Nothing ... right now */ } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) { /* Timeout */ } /* * When a burst of alerts happen, we get lots of alert messages * coming in quickly. So lets handle them in bunches and only * do the full alert handling once every 10 secs - that lets us * combine a bunch of alerts into one transmission process. */ if (nowtimer < (lastxmit+10)) continue; lastxmit = nowtimer; /* * Loop through the activealerts list and see if anything is pending. * This is an optimization, we could just as well just fork off the * notification child and let it handle all of it. But there is no * reason to fork a child process unless it is going to do something. */ configchanged = load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval); configchanged += load_holidays(0); anytogo = 0; for (awalk = alistBegin(); (awalk); awalk = alistNext()) { int anymatch = 0; switch (awalk->state) { case A_NORECIP: if (!configchanged) break; /* The configuration has changed - switch NORECIP -> PAGING */ awalk->state = A_PAGING; clear_interval(awalk); /* Fall through */ case A_PAGING: if (have_recipient(awalk, &anymatch)) { if (awalk->nextalerttime <= now) anytogo++; } else { if (!anymatch) { awalk->state = A_NORECIP; cleanup_alert(awalk); } } break; case A_ACKED: if (awalk->nextalerttime <= now) { /* An ack has expired, so drop the ack message and switch to A_PAGING */ anytogo++; if (awalk->ackmessage) xfree(awalk->ackmessage); awalk->state = A_PAGING; } break; case A_RECOVERED: case A_DISABLED: case A_NOTIFY: anytogo++; break; case A_DEAD: break; } } dbgprintf("%d alerts to go\n", anytogo); if (anytogo) { pid_t childpid; childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { /* The child */ start_alerts(); for (awalk = alistBegin(); (awalk); awalk = alistNext()) { switch (awalk->state) { case A_PAGING: if (awalk->nextalerttime <= now) { send_alert(awalk, notiflogfd); } break; case A_ACKED: /* Cannot be A_ACKED unless the ack is still valid, so no alert. */ break; case A_RECOVERED: case A_DISABLED: case A_NOTIFY: send_alert(awalk, notiflogfd); break; case A_NORECIP: case A_DEAD: break; } } finish_alerts(); /* Child does not continue */ exit(0); } else if (childpid < 0) { errprintf("Fork failed, cannot send alerts: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } /* Update the state flag and the next-alert timestamp */ for (awalk = alistBegin(); (awalk); awalk = alistNext()) { switch (awalk->state) { case A_PAGING: if (awalk->nextalerttime <= now) awalk->nextalerttime = next_alert(awalk); break; case A_NORECIP: break; case A_ACKED: /* Still cannot get here except if ack is still valid */ break; case A_RECOVERED: case A_DISABLED: case A_NOTIFY: awalk->state = A_DEAD; /* Fall through */ case A_DEAD: cleanup_alert(awalk); break; } } clean_all_active(); /* Pickup any finished child processes to avoid zombies */ while (wait3(&childstat, WNOHANG, NULL) > 0) ; } if (checkfn) save_checkpoint(checkfn); if (acklogfd) fclose(acklogfd); if (notiflogfd) fclose(notiflogfd); stoptrace(); MEMUNDEFINE(notiflogfn); MEMUNDEFINE(acklogfn); if (termsig >= 0) { errprintf("Terminated by signal %d\n", termsig); } return 0; }
static int net_worker_listener(char *ipport) { /* * Setup a listener socket on IP+port. When a connection arrives, * pick it up, fork() and let the rest of the input go via the * network socket. */ char *listenip, *p; int listenport = 0; int lsocket = -1; struct sockaddr_in laddr; struct sigaction sa; int opt; listenip = ipport; p = strchr(listenip, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; listenport = atoi(p+1); } if (listenport == 0) { errprintf("Must include PORT number in --listen=IP:PORT option\n"); return -1; } /* Set up a socket to listen for new connections */ errprintf("Setting up network listener on %s:%d\n", listenip, listenport); memset(&laddr, 0, sizeof(laddr)); if ((strlen(listenip) == 0) || (strcmp(listenip, "") == 0)) { listenip = ""; laddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } else if (inet_aton(listenip, (struct in_addr *) &laddr.sin_addr.s_addr) == 0) { /* Not an IP */ errprintf("Listener IP must be an IP-address, not hostname\n"); return -1; } laddr.sin_port = htons(listenport); laddr.sin_family = AF_INET; lsocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (lsocket == -1) { errprintf("Cannot create listen socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } opt = 1; setsockopt(lsocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)); if (bind(lsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&laddr, sizeof(laddr)) == -1) { errprintf("Cannot bind to listen socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (listen(lsocket, 5) == -1) { errprintf("Cannot listen (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* Make listener socket non-blocking, so we can send keep-alive's while waiting for connections */ fcntl(lsocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); /* Catch some signals */ setup_signalhandler("xymond_listener"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = netinp_sighandler; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); while (running) { struct sockaddr_in netaddr; int addrsz, sock; int childstat; pid_t childpid; fd_set fdread; struct timeval tmo; int n; FD_ZERO(&fdread); FD_SET(lsocket, &fdread); tmo.tv_sec = 60; tmo.tv_usec = 0; n = select(lsocket+1, &fdread, NULL, NULL, &tmo); if (n == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) { errprintf("select() failed while waiting for connection : %s\n", strerror(errno)); running = 0; } } else if (n == 0) { /* Timeout */ net_worker_heartbeat(); } else { /* We have a connection ready */ addrsz = sizeof(netaddr); sock = accept(lsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&netaddr, &addrsz); if (sock >= 0) { /* Got a new connection */ childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { /* Child takes input from the new socket, and starts working */ close(lsocket); /* Close the listener socket */ inputfd = sock; return 0; } else if (childpid > 0) { /* Parent closes the new socket (child has it) */ close(sock); continue; } else { errprintf("Error forking worker for new connection: %s\n", strerror(errno)); running = 0; continue; } } else { /* Error while waiting for accept() to complete */ if (errno != EINTR) { errprintf("accept() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); running = 0; } } } /* Pickup failed children */ while ((childpid = wait3(&childstat, WNOHANG, NULL)) > 0); } /* Close the listener socket */ close(lsocket); /* Kill any children that are still around */ kill(0, SIGTERM); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *msg; int running; int argi, seq; int recentperiod = 3600; int maxrecentcount = 5; int logdirfull = 0; int minlogspace = 5; struct sigaction sa; /* Handle program options. */ for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--logdir=")) { clientlogdir = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--recent-period=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); recentperiod = 60*atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--recent-count=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); maxrecentcount = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--minimum-free=")) { minlogspace = atoi(strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { /* * A global "debug" variable is available. If * it is set, then "dbgprintf()" outputs debug messages. */ debug = 1; } else if (net_worker_option(argv[argi])) { /* Handled in the subroutine */ } } if (clientlogdir == NULL) clientlogdir = xgetenv("CLIENTLOGS"); if (clientlogdir == NULL) { clientlogdir = (char *)malloc(strlen(xgetenv("XYMONVAR")) + 10); sprintf(clientlogdir, "%s/hostdata", xgetenv("XYMONVAR")); } save_errbuf = 0; /* Do the network stuff if needed */ net_worker_run(ST_HOSTDATA, LOC_STICKY, update_locator_hostdata); setup_signalhandler("xymond_hostdata"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sig_handler; signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); savetimes = xtreeNew(strcasecmp); running = 1; while (running) { char *eoln, *restofmsg, *p; char *metadata[MAX_META+1]; int metacount; msg = get_xymond_message(C_CLICHG, "xymond_hostdata", &seq, NULL); if (msg == NULL) { /* * get_xymond_message will return NULL if xymond_channel closes * the input pipe. We should shutdown when that happens. */ running = 0; continue; } if (nextfscheck < gettimer()) { logdirfull = (chkfreespace(clientlogdir, minlogspace, minlogspace) != 0); if (logdirfull) errprintf("Hostdata directory %s has less than %d%% free space - disabling save of data for 5 minutes\n", clientlogdir, minlogspace); nextfscheck = gettimer() + 300; } /* Split the message in the first line (with meta-data), and the rest */ eoln = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (eoln) { *eoln = '\0'; restofmsg = eoln+1; } else { restofmsg = ""; } metacount = 0; memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata)); p = gettok(msg, "|"); while (p && (metacount < MAX_META)) { metadata[metacount++] = p; p = gettok(NULL, "|"); } metadata[metacount] = NULL; if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@clichg", 8) == 0) { xtreePos_t handle; savetimes_t *itm; int i, recentcount; time_t now = gettimer(); char hostdir[PATH_MAX]; char fn[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fd; /* metadata[3] is the hostname */ handle = xtreeFind(savetimes, metadata[3]); if (handle != xtreeEnd(savetimes)) { itm = (savetimes_t *)xtreeData(savetimes, handle); } else { itm = (savetimes_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(savetimes_t)); itm->hostname = strdup(metadata[3]); xtreeAdd(savetimes, itm->hostname, itm); } /* See how many times we've saved the hostdata recently (within the past 'recentperiod' seconds) */ for (i=0, recentcount=0; ((i < 12) && (itm->tstamp[i] > (now - recentperiod))); i++) recentcount++; /* If it's been saved less than 'maxrecentcount' times, then save it. Otherwise just drop it */ if (!logdirfull && (recentcount < maxrecentcount)) { int written, closestatus, ok = 1; for (i = 10; (i > 0); i--) itm->tstamp[i+1] = itm->tstamp[i]; itm->tstamp[0] = now; sprintf(hostdir, "%s/%s", clientlogdir, metadata[3]); mkdir(hostdir, S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH); sprintf(fn, "%s/%s", hostdir, metadata[4]); fd = fopen(fn, "w"); if (fd == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot create file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); continue; } written = fwrite(restofmsg, 1, strlen(restofmsg), fd); if (written != strlen(restofmsg)) { errprintf("Cannot write hostdata file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); closestatus = fclose(fd); /* Ignore any close errors */ ok = 0; } else { closestatus = fclose(fd); if (closestatus != 0) { errprintf("Cannot write hostdata file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); ok = 0; } } if (!ok) remove(fn); } } /* * A "shutdown" message is sent when the master daemon * terminates. The child workers should shutdown also. */ else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) { running = 0; continue; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) { /* Ignored */ continue; } /* * A "logrotate" message is sent when the Xymon logs are * rotated. The child workers must re-open their logfiles, * typically stdin and stderr - the filename is always * provided in the XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME environment. */ else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) { char *fn = xgetenv("XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME"); if (fn && strlen(fn)) { reopen_file(fn, "a", stdout); reopen_file(fn, "a", stderr); } continue; } else if ((metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0)) { /* @@drophost|timestamp|sender|hostname */ char hostdir[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(hostdir, sizeof(hostdir), "%s/%s", clientlogdir, basename(metadata[3])); dropdirectory(hostdir, 1); } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) { /* @@renamehost|timestamp|sender|hostname|newhostname */ char oldhostdir[PATH_MAX], newhostdir[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(oldhostdir, sizeof(oldhostdir), "%s/%s", clientlogdir, basename(metadata[3])); snprintf(newhostdir, sizeof(newhostdir), "%s/%s", clientlogdir, basename(metadata[4])); rename(oldhostdir, newhostdir); if (net_worker_locatorbased()) locator_rename_host(metadata[3], metadata[4], ST_HOSTDATA); } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@reload", 8) == 0) { /* Do nothing */ } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argi; struct sigaction sa; namelist_t *hostwalk; time_t nexttimeout; for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--server=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); serverip = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--interval=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); pollinterval = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--log-interval=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); errorloginterval = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--id=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); serverid = atoi(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } } setup_signalhandler("hobbitfetch"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sigmisc_handler; sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); /* SIGUSR1 triggers logging of active requests */ clients = rbtNew(name_compare); nexttimeout = time(NULL) + 60; { /* Seed the random number generator */ struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); srandom(tv.tv_usec); } do { RbtIterator handle; conn_t *connwalk, *cprev; fd_set fdread, fdwrite; int n, maxfd; struct timeval tmo; time_t now; now = time(NULL); if (now > reloadtime) { /* Time to reload the bb-hosts file */ reloadtime = now + 600; load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn()); for (hostwalk = first_host(); (hostwalk); hostwalk = hostwalk->next) { char *hname; clients_t *newclient; if (!bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_FLAG_PULLDATA)) continue; hname = bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME); handle = rbtFind(clients, hname); if (handle == rbtEnd(clients)) { newclient = (clients_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(clients_t)); newclient->hostname = strdup(hname); rbtInsert(clients, newclient->hostname, newclient); whentoqueue = now; } } } now = time(NULL); if (now > nexttimeout) { /* Check for connections that have timed out */ nexttimeout = now + 60; for (connwalk = chead; (connwalk); connwalk = connwalk->next) { if ((connwalk->tstamp + 60) < now) { if (debug || (connwalk->client->nexterrortxt < now)) { errprintf("Timeout while talking to %s (req %lu): Aborting session\n", addrstring(&connwalk->caddr), connwalk->seq); connwalk->client->nexterrortxt = now + errorloginterval; } flag_cleanup(connwalk); } } } if (needcleanup) { /* Remove any finished requests */ needcleanup = 0; connwalk = chead; cprev = NULL; dbgprintf("Doing cleanup\n"); while (connwalk) { conn_t *zombie; if ((connwalk->action == C_READING) || (connwalk->action == C_WRITING)) { /* Active connection - skip to the next conn_t record */ cprev = connwalk; connwalk = connwalk->next; continue; } if (connwalk->action == C_CLEANUP) { if (connwalk->ctype == C_CLIENT) { /* * Finished getting data from a client, * flag idle and set next poll time. */ connwalk->client->busy = 0; set_polltime(connwalk->client); } else if (connwalk->ctype == C_SERVER) { /* Nothing needed for server cleanups */ } } /* Unlink the request from the list of active connections */ zombie = connwalk; if (cprev == NULL) { chead = zombie->next; connwalk = chead; cprev = NULL; } else { cprev->next = zombie->next; connwalk = zombie->next; } /* Purge the zombie */ dbgprintf("Request completed: req %lu, peer %s, action was %d, type was %d\n", zombie->seq, addrstring(&zombie->caddr), zombie->action, zombie->ctype); close(zombie->sockfd); freestrbuffer(zombie->msgbuf); xfree(zombie); } /* Set the tail pointer correctly */ ctail = chead; if (ctail) { while (ctail->next) ctail = ctail->next; } } if (dumpsessions) { /* Set by SIGUSR1 - dump the list of active requests */ dumpsessions = 0; for (connwalk = chead; (connwalk); connwalk = connwalk->next) { char *ctypestr, *actionstr; char timestr[30]; switch (connwalk->ctype) { case C_CLIENT: ctypestr = "client"; break; case C_SERVER: ctypestr = "server"; break; } switch (connwalk->action) { case C_READING: actionstr = "reading"; break; case C_WRITING: actionstr = "writing"; break; case C_CLEANUP: actionstr = "cleanup"; break; } strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&connwalk->tstamp)); errprintf("Request %lu: state %s/%s, peer %s, started %s (%lu secs ago)\n", connwalk->seq, ctypestr, actionstr, addrstring(&connwalk->caddr), timestr, (now - connwalk->tstamp)); } } now = time(NULL); if (now >= whentoqueue) { /* Scan host-tree for clients we need to contact */ for (handle = rbtBegin(clients); (handle != rbtEnd(clients)); handle = rbtNext(clients, handle)) { clients_t *clientwalk; char msgline[100]; strbuffer_t *request; char *pullstr, *ip; int port; clientwalk = (clients_t *)gettreeitem(clients, handle); if (clientwalk->busy) continue; if (clientwalk->nextpoll > now) continue; /* Deleted hosts stay in our tree - but should disappear from the known hosts */ hostwalk = hostinfo(clientwalk->hostname); if (!hostwalk) continue; pullstr = bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_FLAG_PULLDATA); if (!pullstr) continue; ip = strchr(pullstr, '='); port = atoi(xgetenv("BBPORT")); if (!ip) { ip = strdup(bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_IP)); } else { /* There is an explicit IP setting in the pulldata tag */ char *p; ip++; /* Skip the '=' */ ip = strdup(ip); p = strchr(ip, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; port = atoi(p+1); } if (*ip == '\0') { /* No IP given, just a port number */ xfree(ip); ip = strdup(bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_IP)); } } if (strcmp(ip, "") == 0) { struct hostent *hent; xfree(ip); ip = NULL; hent = gethostbyname(clientwalk->hostname); if (hent) { struct in_addr addr; memcpy(&addr, *(hent->h_addr_list), sizeof(addr)); ip = strdup(inet_ntoa(addr)); } } if (!ip) continue; /* * Build the "pullclient" request, which includes the latest * clientdata config we got from the server. Keep the clientdata * here - we send "pullclient" requests more often that we actually * contact the server, but we should provide the config data always. */ request = newstrbuffer(0); sprintf(msgline, "pullclient %d\n", serverid); addtobuffer(request, msgline); if (clientwalk->clientdata) addtobuffer(request, clientwalk->clientdata); /* Put the request on the connection queue */ addrequest(C_CLIENT, ip, port, request, clientwalk); clientwalk->busy = 1; xfree(ip); } } /* Handle request queue */ FD_ZERO(&fdread); FD_ZERO(&fdwrite); maxfd = -1; for (connwalk = chead; (connwalk); connwalk = connwalk->next) { switch (connwalk->action) { case C_READING: FD_SET(connwalk->sockfd, &fdread); if (connwalk->sockfd > maxfd) maxfd = connwalk->sockfd; break; case C_WRITING: FD_SET(connwalk->sockfd, &fdwrite); if (connwalk->sockfd > maxfd) maxfd = connwalk->sockfd; break; case C_CLEANUP: break; } } /* Do select with a 1 second timeout */ tmo.tv_sec = 1; tmo.tv_usec = 0; n = select(maxfd+1, &fdread, &fdwrite, NULL, &tmo); if (n == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; /* Interrupted, e.g. a SIGHUP */ /* This is a "cannot-happen" failure. Bail out */ errprintf("select failure: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 0; } if (n == 0) continue; /* Timeout */ for (connwalk = chead; (connwalk); connwalk = connwalk->next) { switch (connwalk->action) { case C_READING: if (FD_ISSET(connwalk->sockfd, &fdread)) grabdata(connwalk); break; case C_WRITING: if (FD_ISSET(connwalk->sockfd, &fdwrite)) senddata(connwalk); break; case C_CLEANUP: break; } } } while (running); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { tasklist_t *twalk, *dwalk; grouplist_t *gwalk; int argi; int daemonize = 1; int verbose = 0; char *config = "/etc/tasks.cfg"; char *logfn = NULL; char *pidfn = NULL; pid_t cpid; int status; struct sigaction sa; char *envarea = NULL; for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--no-daemon") == 0) { daemonize = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--verbose") == 0) { verbose = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--config=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); config = strdup(expand_env(p+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--log=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); logfn = strdup(expand_env(p+1)); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); envarea = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); loadenv(p+1, envarea); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--pidfile=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); pidfn = strdup(expand_env(p+1)); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--dump") == 0) { /* Dump configuration */ forcereload=1; load_config(config); forcereload=0; for (gwalk = grouphead; (gwalk); gwalk = gwalk->next) { if (gwalk->maxuse > 1) printf("GROUP %s %d\n", gwalk->groupname, gwalk->maxuse); } printf("\n"); for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next) { printf("[%s]\n", twalk->key); printf("\tCMD %s\n", twalk->cmd); if (twalk->disabled) printf("\tDISABLED\n"); if (twalk->group) printf("\tGROUP %s\n", twalk->group->groupname); if (twalk->depends) printf("\tNEEDS %s\n", twalk->depends->key); if (twalk->interval > 0) printf("\tINTERVAL %d\n", twalk->interval); if (twalk->cronstr) printf("\tCRONDATE %s\n", twalk->cronstr); if (twalk->maxruntime) printf("\tMAXTIME %d\n", twalk->maxruntime); if (twalk->logfile) printf("\tLOGFILE %s\n", twalk->logfile); if (twalk->envfile) printf("\tENVFILE %s\n", twalk->envfile); if (twalk->envarea) printf("\tENVAREA %s\n", twalk->envarea); if (twalk->onhostptn) printf("\tONHOST %s\n", twalk->onhostptn); printf("\n"); } fflush(stdout); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Unsupported argument: %s\n",argv[0],argv[argi]); fflush(stderr); return 1; } } /* Go daemon */ if (daemonize) { pid_t childpid; /* Become a daemon */ childpid = fork(); if (childpid < 0) { /* Fork failed */ errprintf("Could not fork child\n"); exit(1); } else if (childpid > 0) { /* Parent exits */ if (pidfn) { FILE *pidfd = fopen(pidfn, "w"); if (pidfd) { fprintf(pidfd, "%d\n", (int)childpid); fclose(pidfd); } } exit(0); } /* Child (daemon) continues here */ setsid(); } /* If using a logfile, switch stdout and stderr to go there */ if (logfn) { /* Should we close stdin here ? No ... */ reopen_file("/dev/null", "r", stdin); reopen_file(logfn, "a", stdout); reopen_file(logfn, "a", stderr); } save_errbuf = 0; setup_signalhandler("xymonlaunch"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); errprintf("xymonlaunch starting\n"); while (running) { time_t now = gettimer(); if (now >= nextcfgload) { load_config(config); nextcfgload = (now + 30); } if (logfn && dologswitch) { reopen_file(logfn, "a", stdout); reopen_file(logfn, "a", stderr); dologswitch = 0; } /* Pick up children that have terminated */ while ((cpid = wait3(&status, WNOHANG, NULL)) > 0) { for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk && (twalk->pid != cpid)); twalk = twalk->next); if (twalk) { twalk->pid = 0; twalk->beingkilled = 0; if (WIFEXITED(status)) { twalk->exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(status); if (twalk->exitcode) { errprintf("Task %s terminated, status %d\n", twalk->key, twalk->exitcode); twalk->failcount++; } else { twalk->failcount = 0; } } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { twalk->exitcode = -WTERMSIG(status); twalk->failcount++; errprintf("Task %s terminated by signal %d\n", twalk->key, abs(twalk->exitcode)); } if (twalk->group) twalk->group->currentuse--; /* Tasks that depend on this task should be killed ... */ for (dwalk = taskhead; (dwalk); dwalk = dwalk->next) { if ((dwalk->depends == twalk) && (dwalk->pid > 0)) { dwalk->beingkilled = 1; kill(dwalk->pid, SIGTERM); } } } } /* See what new tasks need to get going */ dbgprintf("\n"); dbgprintf("Starting tasklist scan\n"); crongettime(); for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next) { if ( (twalk->pid == 0) && !twalk->disabled && ( ((twalk->interval >= 0) && (now >= (twalk->laststart + twalk->interval))) || /* xymon interval condition */ (twalk->crondate && ((twalk->laststart + 55) < now) && cronmatch(twalk->crondate)) /* cron date */ ) ) { if (twalk->depends && ((twalk->depends->pid == 0) || (twalk->depends->laststart > (now - 5)))) { dbgprintf("Postponing start of %s due to %s not yet running\n", twalk->key, twalk->depends->key); continue; } if (twalk->group && (twalk->group->currentuse >= twalk->group->maxuse)) { dbgprintf("Postponing start of %s due to group %s being busy\n", twalk->key, twalk->group->groupname); continue; } if ((twalk->failcount > MAX_FAILS) && ((twalk->laststart + 600) < now)) { dbgprintf("Releasing %s from failure hold\n", twalk->key); twalk->failcount = 0; } if (twalk->failcount > MAX_FAILS) { dbgprintf("Postponing start of %s due to multiple failures\n", twalk->key); continue; } if (twalk->laststart > (now - 5)) { dbgprintf("Postponing start of %s, will not try more than once in 5 seconds\n", twalk->key); continue; } dbgprintf("About to start task %s\n", twalk->key); twalk->laststart = now; twalk->pid = fork(); if (twalk->pid == 0) { /* Exec the task */ char *cmd; char **cmdargs = NULL; static char tasksleepenv[20],bbsleepenv[20]; /* Setup environment */ if (twalk->envfile) { dbgprintf("%s -> Loading environment from %s area %s\n", twalk->key, expand_env(twalk->envfile), (twalk->envarea ? twalk->envarea : "")); loadenv(expand_env(twalk->envfile), twalk->envarea); } /* Setup TASKSLEEP to match the interval */ sprintf(tasksleepenv, "TASKSLEEP=%d", twalk->interval); sprintf(bbsleepenv, "BBSLEEP=%d", twalk->interval); /* For compatibility */ putenv(tasksleepenv); putenv(bbsleepenv); /* Setup command line and arguments */ cmdargs = setup_commandargs(twalk->cmd, &cmd); /* Point stdout/stderr to a logfile, if requested */ if (twalk->logfile) { char *logfn = expand_env(twalk->logfile); dbgprintf("%s -> Assigning stdout/stderr to log '%s'\n", twalk->key, logfn); reopen_file(logfn, "a", stdout); reopen_file(logfn, "a", stderr); } /* Go! */ dbgprintf("%s -> Running '%s', XYMONHOME=%s\n", twalk->key, cmd, xgetenv("XYMONHOME")); execvp(cmd, cmdargs); /* Should never go here */ errprintf("Could not start task %s using command '%s': %s\n", twalk->key, cmd, strerror(errno)); exit(0); } else if (twalk->pid == -1) { /* Fork failed */ errprintf("Fork failed!\n"); twalk->pid = 0; } else { if (twalk->group) twalk->group->currentuse++; if (verbose) errprintf("Task %s started with PID %d\n", twalk->key, (int)twalk->pid); } } else if (twalk->pid > 0) { dbgprintf("Task %s active with PID %d\n", twalk->key, (int)twalk->pid); if (twalk->maxruntime && ((now - twalk->laststart) > twalk->maxruntime)) { errprintf("Killing hung task %s (PID %d) after %d seconds\n", twalk->key, (int)twalk->pid, (now - twalk->laststart)); kill(twalk->pid, (twalk->beingkilled ? SIGKILL : SIGTERM)); twalk->beingkilled = 1; /* Next time it's a real kill */ } } } sleep(5); } /* Shutdown running tasks */ for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next) { if (twalk->pid) kill(twalk->pid, SIGTERM); } if (pidfn) unlink(pidfn); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t starttime = time(NULL); char *histdir = NULL; char *histlogdir = NULL; char *msg; int argi, seq; int save_allevents = 1; int save_hostevents = 1; int save_statusevents = 1; int save_histlogs = 1; FILE *alleventsfd = NULL; int running = 1; struct sigaction sa; char newcol2[3]; char oldcol2[3]; MEMDEFINE(newcol2); MEMDEFINE(oldcol2); /* Dont save the error buffer */ save_errbuf = 0; if (xgetenv("BBALLHISTLOG")) save_allevents = (strcmp(xgetenv("BBALLHISTLOG"), "TRUE") == 0); if (xgetenv("BBHOSTHISTLOG")) save_hostevents = (strcmp(xgetenv("BBHOSTHISTLOG"), "TRUE") == 0); if (xgetenv("SAVESTATUSLOG")) save_histlogs = (strcmp(xgetenv("SAVESTATUSLOG"), "TRUE") == 0); for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--histdir=")) { histdir = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--histlogdir=")) { histlogdir = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--debug")) { debug = 1; } } if (xgetenv("BBHIST") && (histdir == NULL)) { histdir = strdup(xgetenv("BBHIST")); } if (histdir == NULL) { errprintf("No history directory given, aborting\n"); return 1; } if (save_histlogs && (histlogdir == NULL) && xgetenv("BBHISTLOGS")) { histlogdir = strdup(xgetenv("BBHISTLOGS")); } if (save_histlogs && (histlogdir == NULL)) { errprintf("No history-log directory given, aborting\n"); return 1; } if (save_allevents) { char alleventsfn[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(alleventsfn); sprintf(alleventsfn, "%s/allevents", histdir); alleventsfd = fopen(alleventsfn, "a"); if (alleventsfd == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot open the all-events file '%s'\n", alleventsfn); } setvbuf(alleventsfd, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0); MEMUNDEFINE(alleventsfn); } /* For picking up lost children */ setup_signalhandler("hobbitd_history"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); while (running) { char *metadata[20] = { NULL, }; int metacount; char *p; char *statusdata = ""; char *hostname, *hostnamecommas, *testname, *dismsg; time_t tstamp, lastchg, disabletime, clienttstamp; int tstamp_i, lastchg_i; int newcolor, oldcolor; int downtimeactive; struct tm tstamptm; int trend; int childstat; /* Pickup any finished child processes to avoid zombies */ while (wait3(&childstat, WNOHANG, NULL) > 0) ; msg = get_hobbitd_message(C_STACHG, "hobbitd_history", &seq, NULL); if (msg == NULL) { running = 0; continue; } p = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; statusdata = msg_data(p+1); } metacount = 0; memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata)); p = gettok(msg, "|"); while (p && (metacount < 20)) { metadata[metacount++] = p; p = gettok(NULL, "|"); } if ((metacount > 9) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@stachg", 8) == 0)) { /* @@stachg#seq|timestamp|sender|origin|hostname|testname|expiretime|color|prevcolor|changetime|disabletime|disablemsg|downtimeactive|clienttstamp */ sscanf(metadata[1], "%d.%*d", &tstamp_i); tstamp = tstamp_i; hostname = metadata[4]; testname = metadata[5]; newcolor = parse_color(metadata[7]); oldcolor = parse_color(metadata[8]); lastchg = atoi(metadata[9]); disabletime = atoi(metadata[10]); dismsg = metadata[11]; downtimeactive = (atoi(metadata[12]) > 0); clienttstamp = atoi(metadata[13]); if (newcolor == -1) { errprintf("Bad message: newcolor is unknown '%s'\n", metadata[7]); continue; } p = hostnamecommas = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; if (save_statusevents) { char statuslogfn[PATH_MAX]; int logexists; FILE *statuslogfd; char oldcol[100]; char timestamp[40]; struct stat st; MEMDEFINE(statuslogfn); MEMDEFINE(oldcol); MEMDEFINE(timestamp); sprintf(statuslogfn, "%s/%s.%s", histdir, hostnamecommas, testname); stat(statuslogfn, &st); statuslogfd = fopen(statuslogfn, "r+"); logexists = (statuslogfd != NULL); *oldcol = '\0'; if (logexists) { /* * There is a fair chance hobbitd has not been * running all the time while this system was monitored. * So get the time of the latest status change from the file, * instead of relying on the "lastchange" value we get * from hobbitd. This is also needed when migrating from * standard bbd to hobbitd. */ off_t pos = -1; char l[1024]; int gotit; MEMDEFINE(l); fseeko(statuslogfd, 0, SEEK_END); if (ftello(statuslogfd) > 512) { /* Go back 512 from EOF, and skip to start of a line */ fseeko(statuslogfd, -512, SEEK_END); gotit = (fgets(l, sizeof(l)-1, statuslogfd) == NULL); } else { /* Read from beginning of file */ fseeko(statuslogfd, 0, SEEK_SET); gotit = 0; } while (!gotit) { off_t tmppos = ftello(statuslogfd); time_t dur; int dur_i; if (fgets(l, sizeof(l)-1, statuslogfd)) { /* Sun Oct 10 06:49:42 2004 red 1097383782 602 */ if ((strlen(l) > 24) && (sscanf(l+24, " %s %d %d", oldcol, &lastchg_i, &dur_i) == 2) && (parse_color(oldcol) != -1)) { /* * Record the start location of the line */ pos = tmppos; lastchg = lastchg_i; dur = dur_i; } } else { gotit = 1; } } if (pos == -1) { /* * Couldnt find anything in the log. * Take lastchg from the timestamp of the logfile, * and just append the data. */ lastchg = st.st_mtime; fseeko(statuslogfd, 0, SEEK_END); } else { /* * lastchg was updated above. * Seek to where the last line starts. */ fseeko(statuslogfd, pos, SEEK_SET); } MEMUNDEFINE(l); } else { /* * Logfile does not exist. */ lastchg = tstamp; statuslogfd = fopen(statuslogfn, "a"); if (statuslogfd == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot open status historyfile '%s' : %s\n", statuslogfn, strerror(errno)); } } if (strcmp(oldcol, colorname(newcolor)) == 0) { /* We wont update history unless the color did change. */ if ((time(NULL) - starttime) > 300) { errprintf("Will not update %s - color unchanged (%s)\n", statuslogfn, oldcol); } if (hostnamecommas) xfree(hostnamecommas); if (statuslogfd) fclose(statuslogfd); MEMUNDEFINE(statuslogfn); MEMUNDEFINE(oldcol); MEMUNDEFINE(timestamp); continue; } if (statuslogfd) { if (logexists) { struct tm oldtm; /* Re-print the old record, now with the final duration */ memcpy(&oldtm, localtime(&lastchg), sizeof(oldtm)); strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", &oldtm); fprintf(statuslogfd, "%s %s %d %d\n", timestamp, oldcol, (int)lastchg, (int)(tstamp - lastchg)); } /* And the new record. */ memcpy(&tstamptm, localtime(&tstamp), sizeof(tstamptm)); strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", &tstamptm); fprintf(statuslogfd, "%s %s %d", timestamp, colorname(newcolor), (int)tstamp); fclose(statuslogfd); } MEMUNDEFINE(statuslogfn); MEMUNDEFINE(oldcol); MEMUNDEFINE(timestamp); } if (save_histlogs) { char *hostdash; char fname[PATH_MAX]; FILE *histlogfd; MEMDEFINE(fname); p = hostdash = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = '_'; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", histlogdir, hostdash); mkdir(fname, S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH); p = fname + sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/%s", histlogdir, hostdash, testname); mkdir(fname, S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH); p += sprintf(p, "/%s", histlogtime(tstamp)); histlogfd = fopen(fname, "w"); if (histlogfd) { /* * When a host gets disabled or goes purple, the status * message data is not changed - so it will include a * wrong color as the first word of the message. * Therefore we need to fixup this so it matches the * newcolor value. */ int txtcolor = parse_color(statusdata); char *origstatus = statusdata; if (txtcolor != -1) { fprintf(histlogfd, "%s", colorname(newcolor)); statusdata += strlen(colorname(txtcolor)); } if (dismsg && *dismsg) nldecode(dismsg); if (disabletime > 0) { fprintf(histlogfd, " Disabled until %s\n%s\n\n", ctime(&disabletime), (dismsg ? dismsg : "")); fprintf(histlogfd, "Status message when disabled follows:\n\n"); statusdata = origstatus; } else if (dismsg && *dismsg) { fprintf(histlogfd, " Planned downtime: %s\n\n", dismsg); fprintf(histlogfd, "Original status message follows:\n\n"); statusdata = origstatus; } fwrite(statusdata, strlen(statusdata), 1, histlogfd); fprintf(histlogfd, "Status unchanged in 0.00 minutes\n"); fprintf(histlogfd, "Message received from %s\n", metadata[2]); if (clienttstamp) fprintf(histlogfd, "Client data ID %d\n", (int) clienttstamp); fclose(histlogfd); } else { errprintf("Cannot create histlog file '%s' : %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); } xfree(hostdash); MEMUNDEFINE(fname); } strncpy(oldcol2, ((oldcolor >= 0) ? colorname(oldcolor) : "-"), 2); strncpy(newcol2, colorname(newcolor), 2); newcol2[2] = oldcol2[2] = '\0'; if (oldcolor == -1) trend = -1; /* we dont know how bad it was */ else if (newcolor > oldcolor) trend = 2; /* It's getting worse */ else if (newcolor < oldcolor) trend = 1; /* It's getting better */ else trend = 0; /* Shouldn't happen ... */ if (save_hostevents) { char hostlogfn[PATH_MAX]; FILE *hostlogfd; MEMDEFINE(hostlogfn); sprintf(hostlogfn, "%s/%s", histdir, hostname); hostlogfd = fopen(hostlogfn, "a"); if (hostlogfd) { fprintf(hostlogfd, "%s %d %d %d %s %s %d\n", testname, (int)tstamp, (int)lastchg, (int)(tstamp - lastchg), newcol2, oldcol2, trend); fclose(hostlogfd); } else { errprintf("Cannot open host logfile '%s' : %s\n", hostlogfn, strerror(errno)); } MEMUNDEFINE(hostlogfn); } if (save_allevents) { fprintf(alleventsfd, "%s %s %d %d %d %s %s %d\n", hostname, testname, (int)tstamp, (int)lastchg, (int)(tstamp - lastchg), newcol2, oldcol2, trend); fflush(alleventsfd); } xfree(hostnamecommas); } else if ((metacount > 3) && ((strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0))) { /* @@drophost|timestamp|sender|hostname */ hostname = metadata[3]; if (save_histlogs) { char *hostdash; char testdir[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(testdir); /* Remove all directories below the host-specific histlog dir */ p = hostdash = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = '_'; sprintf(testdir, "%s/%s", histlogdir, hostdash); dropdirectory(testdir, 1); xfree(hostdash); MEMUNDEFINE(testdir); } if (save_hostevents) { char hostlogfn[PATH_MAX]; struct stat st; MEMDEFINE(hostlogfn); sprintf(hostlogfn, "%s/%s", histdir, hostname); if ((stat(hostlogfn, &st) == 0) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { unlink(hostlogfn); } MEMUNDEFINE(hostlogfn); } if (save_statusevents) { DIR *dirfd; struct dirent *de; char *hostlead; char statuslogfn[PATH_MAX]; struct stat st; MEMDEFINE(statuslogfn); /* Remove bbvar/hist/host,name.* */ p = hostnamecommas = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; hostlead = malloc(strlen(hostname) + 2); strcpy(hostlead, hostnamecommas); strcat(hostlead, "."); dirfd = opendir(histdir); if (dirfd) { while ((de = readdir(dirfd)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(de->d_name, hostlead, strlen(hostlead)) == 0) { sprintf(statuslogfn, "%s/%s", histdir, de->d_name); if ((stat(statuslogfn, &st) == 0) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { unlink(statuslogfn); } } } closedir(dirfd); } xfree(hostlead); xfree(hostnamecommas); MEMUNDEFINE(statuslogfn); } } else if ((metacount > 4) && ((strncmp(metadata[0], "@@droptest", 10) == 0))) { /* @@droptest|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname */ hostname = metadata[3]; testname = metadata[4]; if (save_histlogs) { char *hostdash; char testdir[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(testdir); p = hostdash = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = '_'; sprintf(testdir, "%s/%s/%s", histlogdir, hostdash, testname); dropdirectory(testdir, 1); xfree(hostdash); MEMUNDEFINE(testdir); } if (save_statusevents) { char *hostnamecommas; char statuslogfn[PATH_MAX]; struct stat st; MEMDEFINE(statuslogfn); p = hostnamecommas = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; sprintf(statuslogfn, "%s/%s.%s", histdir, hostnamecommas, testname); if ((stat(statuslogfn, &st) == 0) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) unlink(statuslogfn); xfree(hostnamecommas); MEMUNDEFINE(statuslogfn); } } else if ((metacount > 4) && ((strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0))) { /* @@renamehost|timestamp|sender|hostname|newhostname */ char *newhostname; hostname = metadata[3]; newhostname = metadata[4]; if (save_histlogs) { char *hostdash; char *newhostdash; char olddir[PATH_MAX]; char newdir[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(olddir); MEMDEFINE(newdir); p = hostdash = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = '_'; p = newhostdash = strdup(newhostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = '_'; sprintf(olddir, "%s/%s", histlogdir, hostdash); sprintf(newdir, "%s/%s", histlogdir, newhostdash); rename(olddir, newdir); xfree(newhostdash); xfree(hostdash); MEMUNDEFINE(newdir); MEMUNDEFINE(olddir); } if (save_hostevents) { char hostlogfn[PATH_MAX]; char newhostlogfn[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(hostlogfn); MEMDEFINE(newhostlogfn); sprintf(hostlogfn, "%s/%s", histdir, hostname); sprintf(newhostlogfn, "%s/%s", histdir, newhostname); rename(hostlogfn, newhostlogfn); MEMUNDEFINE(hostlogfn); MEMUNDEFINE(newhostlogfn); } if (save_statusevents) { DIR *dirfd; struct dirent *de; char *hostlead; char *newhostnamecommas; char statuslogfn[PATH_MAX]; char newlogfn[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(statuslogfn); MEMDEFINE(newlogfn); p = hostnamecommas = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; hostlead = malloc(strlen(hostname) + 2); strcpy(hostlead, hostnamecommas); strcat(hostlead, "."); p = newhostnamecommas = strdup(newhostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; dirfd = opendir(histdir); if (dirfd) { while ((de = readdir(dirfd)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(de->d_name, hostlead, strlen(hostlead)) == 0) { char *testname = strchr(de->d_name, '.'); sprintf(statuslogfn, "%s/%s", histdir, de->d_name); sprintf(newlogfn, "%s/%s%s", histdir, newhostnamecommas, testname); rename(statuslogfn, newlogfn); } } closedir(dirfd); } xfree(newhostnamecommas); xfree(hostlead); xfree(hostnamecommas); MEMUNDEFINE(statuslogfn); MEMUNDEFINE(newlogfn); } } else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renametest", 12) == 0)) { /* @@renametest|timestamp|sender|hostname|oldtestname|newtestname */ char *newtestname; hostname = metadata[3]; testname = metadata[4]; newtestname = metadata[5]; if (save_histlogs) { char *hostdash; char olddir[PATH_MAX]; char newdir[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(olddir); MEMDEFINE(newdir); p = hostdash = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = '_'; sprintf(olddir, "%s/%s/%s", histlogdir, hostdash, testname); sprintf(newdir, "%s/%s/%s", histlogdir, hostdash, newtestname); rename(olddir, newdir); xfree(hostdash); MEMUNDEFINE(newdir); MEMUNDEFINE(olddir); } if (save_statusevents) { char *hostnamecommas; char statuslogfn[PATH_MAX]; char newstatuslogfn[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(statuslogfn); MEMDEFINE(newstatuslogfn); p = hostnamecommas = strdup(hostname); while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; sprintf(statuslogfn, "%s/%s.%s", histdir, hostnamecommas, testname); sprintf(newstatuslogfn, "%s/%s.%s", histdir, hostnamecommas, newtestname); rename(statuslogfn, newstatuslogfn); xfree(hostnamecommas); MEMUNDEFINE(newstatuslogfn); MEMUNDEFINE(statuslogfn); } } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) { running = 0; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) { char *fn = xgetenv("HOBBITCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME"); if (fn && strlen(fn)) { freopen(fn, "a", stdout); freopen(fn, "a", stderr); } continue; } } MEMUNDEFINE(newcol2); MEMUNDEFINE(oldcol2); fclose(alleventsfd); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int daemonize = 0; char *pidfile = NULL; char *envarea = NULL; int cnid = -1; pcre *msgfilter = NULL; pcre *stdfilter = NULL; int argi; struct sigaction sa; RbtIterator handle; /* Dont save the error buffer */ save_errbuf = 0; /* Create the peer container */ peers = rbtNew(name_compare); for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--debug")) { debug = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--channel=")) { char *cn = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; for (cnid = C_STATUS; (channelnames[cnid] && strcmp(channelnames[cnid], cn)); cnid++) ; if (channelnames[cnid] == NULL) cnid = -1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--daemon")) { daemonize = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--no-daemon")) { daemonize = 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--pidfile=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); pidfile = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--log=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); logfn = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); loadenv(p+1, envarea); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); envarea = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--locator=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); locator_init(p+1); locatorbased = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--service=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); locatorservice = get_servicetype(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--filter=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); msgfilter = compileregex(p+1); if (!msgfilter) { errprintf("Invalid filter (bad expression): %s\n", p+1); } else { stdfilter = compileregex("^@@(logrotate|shutdown|drophost|droptest|renamehost|renametest)"); } } else { char *childcmd; char **childargs; int i = 0; childcmd = argv[argi]; childargs = (char **) calloc((1 + argc - argi), sizeof(char *)); while (argi < argc) { childargs[i++] = argv[argi++]; } addlocalpeer(childcmd, childargs); } } /* Sanity checks */ if (cnid == -1) { errprintf("No channel/unknown channel specified\n"); return 1; } if (locatorbased && (locatorservice == ST_MAX)) { errprintf("Must specify --service when using locator\n"); return 1; } if (!locatorbased && (rbtBegin(peers) == rbtEnd(peers))) { errprintf("Must specify command for local worker\n"); return 1; } /* Do cache responses to avoid doing too many lookups */ if (locatorbased) locator_prepcache(locatorservice, 0); /* Go daemon */ if (daemonize) { /* Become a daemon */ pid_t daemonpid = fork(); if (daemonpid < 0) { /* Fork failed */ errprintf("Could not fork child\n"); exit(1); } else if (daemonpid > 0) { /* Parent creates PID file and exits */ FILE *fd = NULL; if (pidfile) fd = fopen(pidfile, "w"); if (fd) { fprintf(fd, "%d\n", (int)daemonpid); fclose(fd); } exit(0); } /* Child (daemon) continues here */ setsid(); } /* Catch signals */ setup_signalhandler("xymond_channel"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); /* Switch stdout/stderr to the logfile, if one was specified */ freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin); /* xymond_channel's stdin is not used */ if (logfn) { freopen(logfn, "a", stdout); freopen(logfn, "a", stderr); } /* Attach to the channel */ channel = setup_channel(cnid, CHAN_CLIENT); if (channel == NULL) { errprintf("Channel not available\n"); running = 0; } while (running) { /* * Wait for GOCLIENT to go up. * * Note that we use IPC_NOWAIT if there are messages in the * queue, because then we just want to pick up a message if * there is one, and if not we want to continue pushing the * queued data to the worker. */ struct sembuf s; int n; s.sem_num = GOCLIENT; s.sem_op = -1; s.sem_flg = ((pendingcount > 0) ? IPC_NOWAIT : 0); n = semop(channel->semid, &s, 1); if (n == 0) { /* * GOCLIENT went high, and so we got alerted about a new * message arriving. Copy the message to our own buffer queue. */ char *inbuf = NULL; if (!msgfilter || matchregex(channel->channelbuf, msgfilter) || matchregex(channel->channelbuf, stdfilter)) { inbuf = strdup(channel->channelbuf); } /* * Now we have safely stored the new message in our buffer. * Wait until any other clients on the same channel have picked up * this message (GOCLIENT reaches 0). * * We wrap this into an alarm handler, because it can occasionally * fail, causing the whole system to lock up. We dont want that.... * We'll set the alarm to trigger after 1 second. Experience shows * that we'll either succeed in a few milliseconds, or fail completely * and wait the full alarm-timer duration. */ gotalarm = 0; signal(SIGALRM, sig_handler); alarm(2); do { s.sem_num = GOCLIENT; s.sem_op = 0; s.sem_flg = 0; n = semop(channel->semid, &s, 1); } while ((n == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN) && running && (!gotalarm)); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); if (gotalarm) { errprintf("Gave up waiting for GOCLIENT to go low.\n"); } /* * Let master know we got it by downing BOARDBUSY. * This should not block, since BOARDBUSY is upped * by the master just before he ups GOCLIENT. */ do { s.sem_num = BOARDBUSY; s.sem_op = -1; s.sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT; n = semop(channel->semid, &s, 1); } while ((n == -1) && (errno == EINTR)); if (n == -1) { errprintf("Tried to down BOARDBUSY: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (inbuf) { /* * See if they want us to rotate logs. We pass this on to * the worker module as well, but must handle our own logfile. */ if (strncmp(inbuf, "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) { freopen(logfn, "a", stdout); freopen(logfn, "a", stderr); } /* * Put the new message on our outbound queue. */ if (addmessage(inbuf) != 0) { /* Failed to queue message, free the buffer */ xfree(inbuf); } } } else { if (errno != EAGAIN) { dbgprintf("Semaphore wait aborted: %s\n", strerror(errno)); continue; } } /* * We've picked up messages from the master. Now we * must push them to the worker process. Since there * is no way to hang off both a semaphore and select(), * we'll just push as much data as possible into the * pipe. If we get to a point where we would block, * then wait a teeny bit of time and restart the * whole loop with checking for new messages from the * master etc. * * In theory, this could become an almost busy-wait loop. * In practice, however, the queue will be empty most * of the time because we'll just shove the data to the * worker child. */ for (handle = rbtBegin(peers); (handle != rbtEnd(peers)); handle = rbtNext(peers, handle)) { int canwrite = 1, hasfailed = 0; xymon_peer_t *pwalk; time_t msgtimeout = gettimer() - MSGTIMEOUT; int flushcount = 0; pwalk = (xymon_peer_t *) gettreeitem(peers, handle); if (pwalk->msghead == NULL) continue; /* Ignore peers with nothing queued */ switch (pwalk->peerstatus) { case P_UP: canwrite = 1; break; case P_DOWN: openconnection(pwalk); canwrite = (pwalk->peerstatus == P_UP); break; case P_FAILED: canwrite = 0; break; } /* See if we have stale messages queued */ while (pwalk->msghead && (pwalk->msghead->tstamp < msgtimeout)) { flushmessage(pwalk); flushcount++; } if (flushcount) { errprintf("Flushed %d stale messages for %s:%d\n", flushcount, inet_ntoa(pwalk->peeraddr.sin_addr), ntohs(pwalk->peeraddr.sin_port)); } while (pwalk->msghead && canwrite) { fd_set fdwrite; struct timeval tmo; /* Check that this peer is ready for writing. */ FD_ZERO(&fdwrite); FD_SET(pwalk->peersocket, &fdwrite); tmo.tv_sec = 0; tmo.tv_usec = 2000; n = select(pwalk->peersocket+1, NULL, &fdwrite, NULL, &tmo); if (n == -1) { errprintf("select() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); canwrite = 0; hasfailed = 1; continue; } else if ((n == 0) || (!FD_ISSET(pwalk->peersocket, &fdwrite))) { canwrite = 0; continue; } n = write(pwalk->peersocket, pwalk->msghead->bufp, pwalk->msghead->buflen); if (n >= 0) { pwalk->msghead->bufp += n; pwalk->msghead->buflen -= n; if (pwalk->msghead->buflen == 0) flushmessage(pwalk); } else if (errno == EAGAIN) { /* * Write would block ... stop for now. */ canwrite = 0; } else { hasfailed = 1; } if (hasfailed) { /* Write failed, or message grew stale */ errprintf("Peer at %s:%d failed: %s\n", inet_ntoa(pwalk->peeraddr.sin_addr), ntohs(pwalk->peeraddr.sin_port), strerror(errno)); canwrite = 0; shutdownconnection(pwalk); if (pwalk->peertype == P_NET) locator_serverdown(pwalk->peername, locatorservice); pwalk->peerstatus = P_FAILED; } } } } /* Detach from channels */ close_channel(channel, CHAN_CLIENT); /* Close peer connections */ for (handle = rbtBegin(peers); (handle != rbtEnd(peers)); handle = rbtNext(peers, handle)) { xymon_peer_t *pwalk = (xymon_peer_t *) gettreeitem(peers, handle); shutdownconnection(pwalk); } /* Remove the PID file */ if (pidfile) unlink(pidfile); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *filedir = NULL; char *htmldir = NULL; char *htmlextension = "html"; char *onlytests = NULL; char *msg; enum role_t role = ROLE_STATUS; enum msgchannels_t chnid = C_STATUS; int argi; int seq; int running = 1; /* Dont save the error buffer */ save_errbuf = 0; for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--status") == 0) { role = ROLE_STATUS; chnid = C_STATUS; if (!filedir) filedir = xgetenv("XYMONRAWSTATUSDIR"); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--html") == 0) { role = ROLE_STATUS; chnid = C_STATUS; if (!htmldir) htmldir = xgetenv("XYMONHTMLSTATUSDIR"); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--data") == 0) { role = ROLE_DATA; chnid = C_DATA; if (!filedir) filedir = xgetenv("XYMONDATADIR"); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--notes") == 0) { role = ROLE_NOTES; chnid = C_NOTES; if (!filedir) filedir = xgetenv("XYMONNOTESDIR"); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--enadis") == 0) { role = ROLE_ENADIS; chnid = C_ENADIS; if (!filedir) filedir = xgetenv("XYMONDISABLEDDIR"); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--dir=")) { filedir = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--htmldir=")) { htmldir = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--htmlext=")) { htmlextension = strchr(argv[argi], '=')+1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--only=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; onlytests = (char *)malloc(3 + strlen(p)); sprintf(onlytests, ",%s,", p); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--multigraphs=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); multigraphs = (char *)malloc(strlen(p+1) + 3); sprintf(multigraphs, ",%s,", p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--locator=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); locator_init(p+1); locatorbased = 1; } } if (filedir == NULL) { errprintf("No directory given, aborting\n"); return 1; } /* For picking up lost children */ setup_signalhandler("xymond_filestore"); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); if (onlytests) dbgprintf("Storing tests '%s' only\n", onlytests); else dbgprintf("Storing all tests\n"); while (running) { char *metadata[20] = { NULL, }; char *statusdata = ""; char *p; int metacount; char *hostname, *testname; time_t expiretime = 0; char logfn[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(logfn); msg = get_xymond_message(chnid, "filestore", &seq, NULL); if (msg == NULL) { running = 0; MEMUNDEFINE(logfn); continue; } p = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; statusdata = p+1; } metacount = 0; memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata)); p = gettok(msg, "|"); while (p && (metacount < 20)) { metadata[metacount++] = p; p = gettok(NULL, "|"); } if ((role == ROLE_STATUS) && (metacount >= 14) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@status", 8) == 0)) { /* @@status|timestamp|sender|origin|hostname|testname|expiretime|color|testflags|prevcolor|changetime|ackexpiretime|ackmessage|disableexpiretime|disablemessage|clientmsgtstamp|flapping */ int ltime, flapping = 0; time_t logtime = 0, timesincechange = 0, acktime = 0, disabletime = 0; hostname = metadata[4]; testname = metadata[5]; if (!wantedtest(onlytests, testname)) { dbgprintf("Status dropped - not wanted\n"); MEMUNDEFINE(logfn); continue; } sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s.%s", filedir, commafy(hostname), testname); expiretime = atoi(metadata[6]); statusdata = msg_data(statusdata); sscanf(metadata[1], "%d.%*d", <ime); logtime = ltime; timesincechange = logtime - atoi(metadata[10]); update_file(logfn, "w", statusdata, expiretime, metadata[2], timesincechange, seq); if (htmldir) { char *ackmsg = NULL; char *dismsg = NULL; char htmllogfn[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(htmllogfn); if (metadata[11]) acktime = atoi(metadata[11]); if (metadata[12] && strlen(metadata[12])) ackmsg = metadata[12]; if (ackmsg) nldecode(ackmsg); if (metadata[13]) disabletime = atoi(metadata[13]); if (metadata[14] && strlen(metadata[14]) && (disabletime > 0)) dismsg = metadata[14]; if (dismsg) nldecode(dismsg); flapping = (metadata[16] ? (*metadata[16] == '1') : 0); sprintf(htmllogfn, "%s/%s.%s.%s", htmldir, hostname, testname, htmlextension); update_htmlfile(htmllogfn, statusdata, hostname, testname, parse_color(metadata[7]), flapping, metadata[2], metadata[8], logtime, timesincechange, acktime, ackmsg, disabletime, dismsg); MEMUNDEFINE(htmllogfn); } } else if ((role == ROLE_DATA) && (metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@data", 6) == 0)) { /* @@data|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname */ p = hostname = metadata[4]; while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; testname = metadata[5]; if (!wantedtest(onlytests, testname)) { dbgprintf("data dropped - not wanted\n"); MEMUNDEFINE(logfn); continue; } statusdata = msg_data(statusdata); if (*statusdata == '\n') statusdata++; sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s.%s", filedir, hostname, testname); expiretime = 0; update_file(logfn, "a", statusdata, expiretime, NULL, -1, seq); } else if ((role == ROLE_NOTES) && (metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@notes", 7) == 0)) { /* @@notes|timestamp|sender|hostname */ hostname = metadata[3]; statusdata = msg_data(statusdata); if (*statusdata == '\n') statusdata++; sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s", basename(filedir), hostname); expiretime = 0; update_file(logfn, "w", statusdata, expiretime, NULL, -1, seq); } else if ((role == ROLE_ENADIS) && (metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@enadis", 8) == 0)) { /* @@enadis|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname|expiretime */ p = hostname = metadata[3]; while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; testname = metadata[4]; expiretime = atoi(metadata[5]); sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s.%s", filedir, hostname, testname); update_enable(logfn, expiretime); } else if (((role == ROLE_STATUS) || (role == ROLE_DATA) || (role == ROLE_ENADIS)) && (metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0)) { /* @@drophost|timestamp|sender|hostname */ DIR *dirfd; struct dirent *de; char *hostlead; p = hostname = metadata[3]; while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; hostlead = malloc(strlen(hostname) + 2); strcpy(hostlead, hostname); strcat(hostlead, "."); dirfd = opendir(filedir); if (dirfd) { while ( (de = readdir(dirfd)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(de->d_name, hostlead, strlen(hostlead)) == 0) { sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s", filedir, de->d_name); unlink(logfn); } } closedir(dirfd); } xfree(hostlead); } else if (((role == ROLE_STATUS) || (role == ROLE_DATA) || (role == ROLE_ENADIS)) && (metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@droptest", 10) == 0)) { /* @@droptest|timestamp|sender|hostname|testname */ p = hostname = metadata[3]; while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; testname = metadata[4]; sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s.%s", filedir, hostname, testname); unlink(logfn); } else if (((role == ROLE_STATUS) || (role == ROLE_DATA) || (role == ROLE_ENADIS)) && (metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) { /* @@renamehost|timestamp|sender|hostname|newhostname */ DIR *dirfd; struct dirent *de; char *hostlead; char *newhostname; char newlogfn[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(newlogfn); p = hostname = metadata[3]; while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; hostlead = malloc(strlen(hostname) + 2); strcpy(hostlead, hostname); strcat(hostlead, "."); p = newhostname = metadata[4]; while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; dirfd = opendir(filedir); if (dirfd) { while ( (de = readdir(dirfd)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(de->d_name, hostlead, strlen(hostlead)) == 0) { char *testname = strchr(de->d_name, '.'); sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s", filedir, de->d_name); sprintf(newlogfn, "%s/%s%s", filedir, newhostname, testname); rename(logfn, newlogfn); } } closedir(dirfd); } xfree(hostlead); MEMUNDEFINE(newlogfn); } else if (((role == ROLE_STATUS) || (role == ROLE_DATA) || (role == ROLE_ENADIS)) && (metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renametest", 12) == 0)) { /* @@renametest|timestamp|sender|hostname|oldtestname|newtestname */ char *newtestname; char newfn[PATH_MAX]; MEMDEFINE(newfn); p = hostname = metadata[3]; while ((p = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) *p = ','; testname = metadata[4]; newtestname = metadata[5]; sprintf(logfn, "%s/%s.%s", filedir, hostname, testname); sprintf(newfn, "%s/%s.%s", filedir, hostname, newtestname); rename(logfn, newfn); MEMUNDEFINE(newfn); } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) { running = 0; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) { char *fn = xgetenv("XYMONCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME"); if (fn && strlen(fn)) { freopen(fn, "a", stdout); freopen(fn, "a", stderr); } continue; } else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) { /* Ignored */ } else { errprintf("Dropping message type %s, metacount=%d\n", metadata[0], metacount); } MEMUNDEFINE(logfn); } return 0; }
/** * Main program * @param argc argument counter * @param argv argument vector * @param appdata application data * @return application return code to shell */ int oonf_main(int argc, char **argv, const struct oonf_appdata *appdata) { int return_code; int result; /* early initialization */ return_code = 1; _schema_name = NULL; _display_schema = false; _debug_early = false; _ignore_unknown = false; /* setup signal handler */ _end_oonf_signal = false; setup_signalhandler(); /* parse "early" command line arguments */ parse_early_commandline(argc, argv); /* initialize core */ os_core_init(appdata->app_name); /* initialize logger */ if (oonf_log_init(appdata, _debug_early ? LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG : LOG_SEVERITY_WARN)) { goto oonf_cleanup; } /* prepare plugin initialization */ oonf_subsystem_init(); /* initialize configuration system */ if (oonf_cfg_init(argc, argv, appdata->default_cfg_handler)) { goto oonf_cleanup; } /* add custom configuration definitions */ oonf_logcfg_init(); /* parse command line and read configuration files */ return_code = parse_commandline(argc, argv, appdata, false); if (return_code != -1) { /* end OONFd now */ goto oonf_cleanup; } /* prepare for an error during initialization */ return_code = 1; /* read global section early */ if ((result = oonf_cfg_update_globalcfg(true))) { OONF_WARN(LOG_MAIN, "Cannot read global configuration section (%d)", result); goto oonf_cleanup; } /* configure logger */ if (oonf_logcfg_apply(oonf_cfg_get_rawdb())) { goto oonf_cleanup; } /* load plugins */ if (oonf_cfg_load_subsystems()) { goto oonf_cleanup; } /* show schema if necessary */ if (_display_schema) { return_code = display_schema(); goto oonf_cleanup; } /* check if we are root, otherwise stop */ if (appdata->need_root) { if (geteuid() != 0) { OONF_WARN(LOG_MAIN, "You must be root(uid = 0) to run %s!\n", appdata->app_name); goto oonf_cleanup; } } if (appdata->need_lock && config_global.lockfile != NULL && *config_global.lockfile != 0) { /* create application lock */ if (os_core_create_lockfile(config_global.lockfile)) { OONF_WARN(LOG_MAIN, "Could not acquire application lock '%s'", config_global.lockfile); goto oonf_cleanup; } } /* call initialization callbacks of dynamic plugins */ oonf_cfg_initplugins(); /* apply configuration */ if (oonf_cfg_apply()) { goto oonf_cleanup; } if (!oonf_cfg_is_running()) { /* * mayor error during late initialization * or maybe the user decided otherwise and pressed CTRL-C */ return_code = _end_oonf_signal ? 0 : 1; goto oonf_cleanup; } if (!_handle_scheduling) { OONF_WARN(LOG_MAIN, "No event scheduler present"); return_code = 1; goto oonf_cleanup; } /* see if we need to fork */ if (config_global.fork && !_display_schema) { /* tell main process that we are finished with initialization */ if (daemon(0,0) < 0) { OONF_WARN(LOG_MAIN, "Could not fork into background: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); goto oonf_cleanup; } if (config_global.pidfile && *config_global.pidfile != 0) { if (_write_pidfile(config_global.pidfile)) { goto oonf_cleanup; } } } /* activate mainloop */ return_code = mainloop(argc, argv, appdata); /* tell plugins shutdown is in progress */ oonf_subsystem_initiate_shutdown(); /* wait for 500 ms and process socket events */ while(!_handle_scheduling()); oonf_cleanup: /* free plugins */ oonf_cfg_unconfigure_subsystems(); oonf_subsystem_cleanup(); /* free logging/config bridge resources */ oonf_logcfg_cleanup(); /* free configuration resources */ oonf_cfg_cleanup(); /* free logger resources */ oonf_log_cleanup(); /* free core resources */ os_core_cleanup(); return return_code; }