Esempio n. 1
    PANEL *panel;
    WINDOW *win;
    int height, width, i, attrid, collen;
    call_list_info_t *info;
    char option[80];
    const char *field, *title;

    // Create a new panel that fill all the screen
    panel = new_panel(newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0));
    // Initialize Call List specific data
    info = sng_malloc(sizeof(call_list_info_t));
    // Store it into panel userptr
    set_panel_userptr(panel, (void*) info);

    // Add configured columns
    for (i = 0; i < SIP_ATTR_COUNT; i++) {
        // Get column attribute name from options
        sprintf(option, "cl.column%d", i);
        if ((field = get_option_value(option))) {
            if ((attrid = sip_attr_from_name(field)) == -1)
            // Get column width from options
            sprintf(option, "cl.column%d.width", i);
            if ((collen = get_option_int_value(option)) == -1)
                collen = sip_attr_get_width(attrid);
            // Get column title
            title = sip_attr_get_title(attrid);
            // Add column to the list
            call_list_add_column(panel, attrid, field, title, collen);

    // Let's draw the fixed elements of the screen
    win = panel_window(panel);
    getmaxyx(win, height, width);

    // Initialize the fields
    info->fields[FLD_LIST_FILTER] = new_field(1, width - 19, 2, 18, 0, 0);
    info->fields[FLD_LIST_COUNT] = NULL;

    // Create the form and post it
    info->form = new_form(info->fields);
    set_form_sub(info->form, win);

    // Form starts inactive
    call_list_form_activate(panel, 0);

    // Calculate available printable area
    info->list_win = subwin(win, height - 5, width, 4, 0);
    info->group = call_group_create();

    // Get current call list
    info->calls = sip_calls_iterator();
    vector_iterator_set_filter(&info->calls, filter_check_call);
    info->cur_call = info->first_call = -1;

    // Set autoscroll default status
    info->autoscroll = setting_enabled(SETTING_CL_AUTOSCROLL);

    // Apply initial configured method filters

    // Return the created panel
    return panel;
Esempio n. 2
save_to_file(ui_t *ui)
    char savepath[256];
    char savefile[256];
    char fullfile[512];
    sip_call_t *call = NULL;
    sip_msg_t *msg = NULL;
    pcap_dumper_t *pd = NULL;
    FILE *f = NULL;
    int cur = 0, total = 0;
    WINDOW *progress;
    vector_iter_t calls, msgs, rtps, packets;
    packet_t *packet;
    vector_t *sorted;

    // Get panel information
    save_info_t *info = save_info(ui);

    // Get current path field value.
    memset(savepath, 0, sizeof(savepath));
    strcpy(savepath, field_buffer(info->fields[FLD_SAVE_PATH], 0));
    if (strlen(savepath))
        strcat(savepath, "/");

    // Get current file field value.
    memset(savefile, 0, sizeof(savefile));
    strcpy(savefile, field_buffer(info->fields[FLD_SAVE_FILE], 0));

    if (!strlen(savefile)) {
        dialog_run("Please enter a valid filename");
        return 1;

    if (info->saveformat == SAVE_PCAP || info->saveformat == SAVE_PCAP_RTP) {
        if (!strstr(savefile, ".pcap"))
            strcat(savefile, ".pcap");
    } else {
        if (!strstr(savefile, ".txt"))
            strcat(savefile, ".txt");

    // Absolute filename
    sprintf(fullfile, "%s%s", savepath, savefile);

    if (access(fullfile, R_OK) == 0) {
        if (dialog_confirm("Overwrite confirmation", "Selected file already exits.\n Do you want to overwrite it?", "Yes,No") != 0)
            return 1;

    // Don't allow to save no packets!
    if (info->savemode == SAVE_SELECTED && call_group_msg_count(info->group) == 0) {
        dialog_run("Unable to save: No selected dialogs.");
        return 1;

    if (info->saveformat == SAVE_PCAP || info->saveformat == SAVE_PCAP_RTP) {
        // Open dump file
        pd = dump_open(fullfile);
        if (access(fullfile, W_OK) != 0) {
            return 1;
    } else {
        // Open a text file
        if (!(f = fopen(fullfile, "w"))) {
            dialog_run("Error: %s", strerror(errno));
            return 0;

    // Get calls iterator
    switch (info->savemode) {
        case SAVE_ALL:
            // Get calls iterator
            calls = sip_calls_iterator();
        case SAVE_SELECTED:
            // Save selected packets to file
            calls = vector_iterator(info->group->calls);
        case SAVE_DISPLAYED:
            // Set filtering for this iterator
            calls = sip_calls_iterator();
            vector_iterator_set_filter(&calls, filter_check_call);

    if (info->savemode == SAVE_MESSAGE) {
        if (info->saveformat == SAVE_TXT) {
            // Save selected message to file
            save_msg_txt(f, info->msg);
        } else {
            // Save selected message packet to pcap
            dump_packet(pd, info->msg->packet);
    } else if (info->saveformat == SAVE_TXT) {
        // Save selected packets to file
        while ((call = vector_iterator_next(&calls))) {
            msgs = vector_iterator(call->msgs);
            // Save SIP message content
            while ((msg = vector_iterator_next(&msgs))) {
                save_msg_txt(f, msg);
    } else {
        // Store all messages in a time sorted vector
        sorted = vector_create(100, 50);
        vector_set_sorter(sorted, capture_packet_time_sorter);

        // Count packages for progress bar
        while ((call = vector_iterator_next(&calls))) {
            total += vector_count(call->msgs);
            if (info->saveformat == SAVE_PCAP_RTP)
                total += vector_count(call->rtp_packets);

        progress = dialog_progress_run("Saving packets...");
        dialog_progress_set_value(progress, 0);

        // Save selected packets to file
        while ((call = vector_iterator_next(&calls))) {
            msgs = vector_iterator(call->msgs);
            // Save SIP message content
            while ((msg = vector_iterator_next(&msgs))) {
                // Update progress bar dialog
                dialog_progress_set_value(progress, (++cur * 100) / total);
                vector_append(sorted, msg->packet);

            // Save RTP packets
            if (info->saveformat == SAVE_PCAP_RTP) {
                rtps = vector_iterator(call->rtp_packets);
                while ((packet = vector_iterator_next(&rtps))) {
                    // Update progress bar dialog
                    dialog_progress_set_value(progress, (++cur * 100) / total);
                    vector_append(sorted, packet);

        // Save sorted packets
        packets = vector_iterator(sorted);
        while ((packet = vector_iterator_next(&packets))) {
            dump_packet(pd, packet);


    // Close saved file
    if (info->saveformat == SAVE_PCAP || info->saveformat == SAVE_PCAP_RTP) {
    } else {

    // Show success popup
    if (info->savemode == SAVE_MESSAGE) {
      dialog_run("Successfully saved selected SIP message to %s", savefile);
    } else {
      dialog_run("Successfully saved %d dialogs to %s", vector_iterator_count(&calls), savefile);

    return 0;