 * lim_update_assoc_sta_datas() - Updates station Descriptor
 * mac_ctx: Pointer to Global MAC structure
 * sta_ds: Station Descriptor in DPH
 * assoc_rsp: Pointer to Association Response Structure
 * session_entry : PE session Entry
 * This function is called to Update the Station Descriptor (dph) Details from
 * Association / ReAssociation Response Frame
 * Return: None
void lim_update_assoc_sta_datas(tpAniSirGlobal mac_ctx,
	tpDphHashNode sta_ds, tpSirAssocRsp assoc_rsp,
	tpPESession session_entry)
	uint32_t phy_mode;
	bool qos_mode;
	tDot11fIEVHTCaps *vht_caps = NULL;

	lim_get_phy_mode(mac_ctx, &phy_mode, session_entry);
	sta_ds->staType = STA_ENTRY_SELF;
	limGetQosMode(session_entry, &qos_mode);
	sta_ds->mlmStaContext.authType = session_entry->limCurrentAuthType;

	/* Add capabilities information, rates and AID */
	sta_ds->mlmStaContext.capabilityInfo = assoc_rsp->capabilityInfo;
	sta_ds->shortPreambleEnabled =
		(uint8_t) assoc_rsp->capabilityInfo.shortPreamble;

	/* Update HT Capabilites only when the self mode supports HT */
	if (IS_DOT11_MODE_HT(session_entry->dot11mode))
		lim_update_stads_htcap(mac_ctx, sta_ds, assoc_rsp,

	if (assoc_rsp->VHTCaps.present)
		vht_caps = &assoc_rsp->VHTCaps;
	else if (assoc_rsp->vendor2_ie.VHTCaps.present)
		vht_caps = &assoc_rsp->vendor2_ie.VHTCaps;

	if (IS_DOT11_MODE_VHT(session_entry->dot11mode)) {
		if ((vht_caps != NULL) && vht_caps->present) {
			sta_ds->mlmStaContext.vhtCapability =
			 * If 11ac is supported and if the peer is
			 * sending VHT capabilities,
			 * then htMaxRxAMpduFactor should be
			 * overloaded with VHT maxAMPDULenExp
			sta_ds->htMaxRxAMpduFactor = vht_caps->maxAMPDULenExp;
			if (session_entry->htSupportedChannelWidthSet) {
				if (assoc_rsp->VHTOperation.present)
					sta_ds->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet =
					sta_ds->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet =
	if (lim_populate_peer_rate_set(mac_ctx, &sta_ds->supportedRates,
				false, session_entry,
				vht_caps) != eSIR_SUCCESS) {
		lim_log(mac_ctx, LOGP,
			FL("could not get rateset and extended rate set"));
	if (lim_populate_peer_rate_set(mac_ctx, &sta_ds->supportedRates,
		false, session_entry) != eSIR_SUCCESS) {
		lim_log(mac_ctx, LOGP,
			FL("could not get rateset and extended rate set"));
	sta_ds->vhtSupportedRxNss =
		((sta_ds->supportedRates.vhtRxMCSMap & MCSMAPMASK2x2)
		 == MCSMAPMASK2x2) ? 1 : 2;
	/* If one of the rates is 11g rates, set the ERP mode. */
	if ((phy_mode == WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G) &&
		sirIsArate(sta_ds->supportedRates.llaRates[0] & 0x7f))
		sta_ds->erpEnabled = eHAL_SET;

	/* Could not get prop rateset from CFG. Log error. */
	sta_ds->qosMode = 0;
	sta_ds->lleEnabled = 0;

	/* update TSID to UP mapping */
	if (qos_mode) {
		if (assoc_rsp->edcaPresent) {
			tSirRetStatus status;
			status =
					&assoc_rsp->edca, session_entry);
			lim_log(mac_ctx, LOG2,
				"Edca set update based on AssocRsp: status %d",
			if (status != eSIR_SUCCESS) {
				lim_log(mac_ctx, LOGE,
					FL("Edca error in AssocResp "));
			} else {
				/* update default tidmap based on ACM */
				sta_ds->qosMode = 1;
				sta_ds->lleEnabled = 1;

	sta_ds->wmeEnabled = 0;
	sta_ds->wsmEnabled = 0;
	if (session_entry->limWmeEnabled && assoc_rsp->wmeEdcaPresent) {
		tSirRetStatus status;
		status = sch_beacon_edca_process(mac_ctx, &assoc_rsp->edca,
		lim_log(mac_ctx, LOGW,
			"WME Edca set update based on AssocRsp: status %d",

		if (status != eSIR_SUCCESS)
			lim_log(mac_ctx, LOGE,
				FL("WME Edca error in AssocResp - ignoring"));

			else {
				/* update default tidmap based on HashACM */
				sta_ds->qosMode = 1;
				sta_ds->wmeEnabled = 1;
	} else {
		 * We received assoc rsp from a legacy AP.
		 * So fill in the default  local EDCA params.
		 * This is needed (refer to bug #14989) as we'll
		 * be passing the gLimEdcaParams to HAL in
		 * lim_process_sta_mlm_add_bss_rsp().
		sch_set_default_edca_params(mac_ctx, session_entry);

	if (qos_mode && (!sta_ds->qosMode) &&
		 sta_ds->mlmStaContext.htCapability) {
		 * Enable QOS for all HT AP's even though WMM
		 * or 802.11E IE is not present
		sta_ds->qosMode = 1;
		sta_ds->wmeEnabled = 1;
	if (session_entry->limRmfEnabled)
		sta_ds->rmfEnabled = 1;
 * @function : limUpdateAssocStaDatas
 * @brief :  This function is called to Update the Station Descriptor (dph) Details from
 *                  Association / ReAssociation Response Frame
 * @param  pMac    - Pointer to Global MAC structure
 * @param  pStaDs   - Station Descriptor in DPH
 * @param  pAssocRsp    - Pointer to Association Response Structure
 * @return None
void limUpdateAssocStaDatas(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpDphHashNode pStaDs, tpSirAssocRsp pAssocRsp,tpPESession psessionEntry)
    tANI_U32        prop;
    tANI_U32        phyMode;
    tANI_U32        val;
    //tpSirBoardCapabilities pBoardCaps;
    tANI_BOOLEAN    qosMode; 
    tANI_U16        rxHighestRate = 0;

    limGetPhyMode(pMac, &phyMode, psessionEntry);

    pStaDs->staType= STA_ENTRY_SELF;

    limGetQosMode(psessionEntry, &qosMode);    
    // set the ani peer bit, if self mode is one of the proprietary modes
       wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_PROPRIETARY_ANI_FEATURES_ENABLED, &prop);

       if (prop) 
           pStaDs->aniPeer = eHAL_SET;
           pStaDs->propCapability = pAssocRsp->propIEinfo.capability;
       //pMac->lim.gLimMlmState         = eLIM_MLM_LINK_ESTABLISHED_STATE;
       pStaDs->mlmStaContext.authType = psessionEntry->limCurrentAuthType;
       // Add capabilities information, rates and AID
       pStaDs->mlmStaContext.capabilityInfo = pAssocRsp->capabilityInfo;
       pStaDs->shortPreambleEnabled= (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->capabilityInfo.shortPreamble;
       //Update HT Capabilites only when the self mode supports HT
       if(IS_DOT11_MODE_HT(psessionEntry->dot11mode)) {
           pStaDs->mlmStaContext.htCapability = pAssocRsp->HTCaps.present;
           if ( pAssocRsp->HTCaps.present ) {
               pStaDs->htGreenfield = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.greenField;
               pStaDs->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = ( tANI_U8 ) (pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedChannelWidthSet ? 
                                                                               pAssocRsp->HTInfo.recommendedTxWidthSet : 
                                                                               pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedChannelWidthSet );
                   pStaDs->htLsigTXOPProtection = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.lsigTXOPProtection;
                   pStaDs->htMIMOPSState =  (tSirMacHTMIMOPowerSaveState)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.mimoPowerSave;
                   pStaDs->htMaxAmsduLength = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.maximalAMSDUsize;
                   pStaDs->htAMpduDensity =             pAssocRsp->HTCaps.mpduDensity;
                   pStaDs->htDsssCckRate40MHzSupport = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.dsssCckMode40MHz;
                   pStaDs->htShortGI20Mhz = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.shortGI20MHz;
                   pStaDs->htShortGI40Mhz = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.shortGI40MHz;
                   pStaDs->htMaxRxAMpduFactor = pAssocRsp->HTCaps.maxRxAMPDUFactor;
                   limFillRxHighestSupportedRate(pMac, &rxHighestRate, pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedMCSSet);
                   pStaDs->supportedRates.rxHighestDataRate = rxHighestRate;
                   /* This is for AP as peer STA and we are INFRA STA. We will put APs offset in dph node which is peer STA */
                   pStaDs->htSecondaryChannelOffset = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTInfo.secondaryChannelOffset;

                   // In the future, may need to check for "assoc.HTCaps.delayedBA"
                   // For now, it is IMMEDIATE BA only on ALL TID's
                   pStaDs->baPolicyFlag = 0xFF;

           pStaDs->mlmStaContext.vhtCapability = pAssocRsp->VHTCaps.present;
       if (limPopulatePeerRateSet(pMac, &pStaDs->supportedRates,
                                false,psessionEntry , &pAssocRsp->VHTCaps) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
       if (limPopulatePeerRateSet(pMac, &pStaDs->supportedRates, pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedMCSSet, false,psessionEntry) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
           limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("could not get rateset and extended rate set"));
       //If one of the rates is 11g rates, set the ERP mode.
       if ((phyMode == WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G) && sirIsArate(pStaDs->supportedRates.llaRates[0] & 0x7f))
           pStaDs->erpEnabled = eHAL_SET;
                     (tANI_U8 *) &pStaDs->mlmStaContext.propRateSet.propRate,
                     &val) != eSIR_SUCCESS) {
           /// Could not get prop rateset from CFG. Log error.
           limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("could not retrieve prop rateset"));
       pStaDs->mlmStaContext.propRateSet.numPropRates = (tANI_U8) val;
       pStaDs->qosMode    = 0;
       pStaDs->lleEnabled = 0;
       // update TSID to UP mapping
       //if (pMac->lim.gLimQosEnabled)
       if (qosMode) {
           if (pAssocRsp->edcaPresent) {
               tSirRetStatus status;
               status = schBeaconEdcaProcess(pMac,&pAssocRsp->edca, psessionEntry);
              PELOG2(limLog(pMac, LOG2, "Edca set update based on AssocRsp: status %d",
               if (status != eSIR_SUCCESS) {
                   PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Edca error in AssocResp "));)
               } else { // update default tidmap based on ACM
 * @function : limUpdateAssocStaDatas
 * @brief :  This function is called to Update the Station Descriptor (dph) Details from
 *                  Association / ReAssociation Response Frame
 * @param  pMac    - Pointer to Global MAC structure
 * @param  pStaDs   - Station Descriptor in DPH
 * @param  pAssocRsp    - Pointer to Association Response Structure
 * @return None
void limUpdateAssocStaDatas(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpDphHashNode pStaDs, tpSirAssocRsp pAssocRsp,tpPESession psessionEntry)
    tANI_U32        phyMode;
    tANI_BOOLEAN    qosMode;
    tANI_U16        rxHighestRate = 0;
    uint32_t        shortgi_20mhz_support;
    uint32_t        shortgi_40mhz_support;

    limGetPhyMode(pMac, &phyMode, psessionEntry);

    pStaDs->staType= STA_ENTRY_SELF;

    limGetQosMode(psessionEntry, &qosMode);

       pStaDs->mlmStaContext.authType = psessionEntry->limCurrentAuthType;

       // Add capabilities information, rates and AID
       pStaDs->mlmStaContext.capabilityInfo = pAssocRsp->capabilityInfo;
       pStaDs->shortPreambleEnabled= (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->capabilityInfo.shortPreamble;

       //Update HT Capabilites only when the self mode supports HT
       if(IS_DOT11_MODE_HT(psessionEntry->dot11mode)) {
           pStaDs->mlmStaContext.htCapability = pAssocRsp->HTCaps.present;

           if ( pAssocRsp->HTCaps.present ) {
               pStaDs->htGreenfield = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.greenField;
               if (psessionEntry->htSupportedChannelWidthSet) {
                   pStaDs->htSupportedChannelWidthSet =
                           (tANI_U8)(pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedChannelWidthSet ?
                           pAssocRsp->HTInfo.recommendedTxWidthSet :
                   pStaDs->htSupportedChannelWidthSet = eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20MHZ;

                   pStaDs->htLsigTXOPProtection = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.lsigTXOPProtection;
                   pStaDs->htMIMOPSState =  (tSirMacHTMIMOPowerSaveState)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.mimoPowerSave;
                   pStaDs->htMaxAmsduLength = ( tANI_U8 ) pAssocRsp->HTCaps.maximalAMSDUsize;
                   pStaDs->htAMpduDensity =             pAssocRsp->HTCaps.mpduDensity;
                   pStaDs->htDsssCckRate40MHzSupport = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTCaps.dsssCckMode40MHz;
                   pStaDs->htMaxRxAMpduFactor = pAssocRsp->HTCaps.maxRxAMPDUFactor;
                   limFillRxHighestSupportedRate(pMac, &rxHighestRate, pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedMCSSet);
                   pStaDs->supportedRates.rxHighestDataRate = rxHighestRate;
                   /* This is for AP as peer STA and we are INFRA STA. We will put APs offset in dph node which is peer STA */
                   pStaDs->htSecondaryChannelOffset = (tANI_U8)pAssocRsp->HTInfo.secondaryChannelOffset;

                   // In the future, may need to check for "assoc.HTCaps.delayedBA"
                   // For now, it is IMMEDIATE BA only on ALL TID's
                   pStaDs->baPolicyFlag = 0xFF;

                    * Check if we have support for gShortGI20Mhz and
                    * gShortGI40Mhz from ini file.
                   if (HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(ccmCfgGetInt(pMac,
                                          &shortgi_20mhz_support))) {
                       if (VOS_TRUE == shortgi_20mhz_support)
                           pStaDs->htShortGI20Mhz =
                           pStaDs->htShortGI20Mhz = VOS_FALSE;
                   } else {
                       limLog(pMac, LOGE,
                              FL("could not retrieve shortGI 20Mhz CFG, setting value to default"));
                       pStaDs->htShortGI20Mhz = WNI_CFG_SHORT_GI_20MHZ_STADEF;

                   if (HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(ccmCfgGetInt(pMac,
                                          &shortgi_40mhz_support))) {
                       if (VOS_TRUE == shortgi_40mhz_support)
                           pStaDs->htShortGI40Mhz =
                           pStaDs->htShortGI40Mhz = VOS_FALSE;
                   } else {
                       limLog(pMac, LOGE,
                              FL("could not retrieve shortGI 40Mhz CFG,setting value to default"));
                       pStaDs->htShortGI40Mhz = WNI_CFG_SHORT_GI_40MHZ_STADEF;

           pStaDs->mlmStaContext.vhtCapability = pAssocRsp->VHTCaps.present;
           if (pAssocRsp->VHTCaps.present &&
               pStaDs->vhtSupportedChannelWidthSet =

       // If 11ac is supported and if the peer is sending VHT capabilities,
       // then htMaxRxAMpduFactor should be overloaded with VHT maxAMPDULenExp
       if (pAssocRsp->VHTCaps.present)
          pStaDs->htMaxRxAMpduFactor = pAssocRsp->VHTCaps.maxAMPDULenExp;

       if (limPopulatePeerRateSet(pMac, &pStaDs->supportedRates,
                                false,psessionEntry , &pAssocRsp->VHTCaps) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
       if (limPopulatePeerRateSet(pMac, &pStaDs->supportedRates, pAssocRsp->HTCaps.supportedMCSSet, false,psessionEntry) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
           limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("could not get rateset and extended rate set"));

        pStaDs->vhtSupportedRxNss = ((pStaDs->supportedRates.vhtRxMCSMap & MCSMAPMASK2x2)
                                                                == MCSMAPMASK2x2) ? 1 : 2;
       //If one of the rates is 11g rates, set the ERP mode.
       if ((phyMode == WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G) && sirIsArate(pStaDs->supportedRates.llaRates[0] & 0x7f))
           pStaDs->erpEnabled = eHAL_SET;

       pStaDs->qosMode    = 0;
       pStaDs->lleEnabled = 0;

       // update TSID to UP mapping
       if (qosMode) {
           if (pAssocRsp->edcaPresent) {
               tSirRetStatus status;
               status = schBeaconEdcaProcess(pMac,&pAssocRsp->edca, psessionEntry);
              PELOG2(limLog(pMac, LOG2, "Edca set update based on AssocRsp: status %d",
               if (status != eSIR_SUCCESS) {
                   PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Edca error in AssocResp "));)
               } else { // update default tidmap based on ACM