Esempio n. 1
void ShaderEffectItem::bindGeometry()
    if (!m_program)

    char const *const *attrNames = m_attributeNames.constData();
    int offset = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < m_attributeNames.size(); ++j) {
        if (!*attrNames[j])
        Q_ASSERT_X(j < m_geometry.attributeCount(), "ShaderEffectItem::bindGeometry()", "Geometry lacks attribute required by material");
        const QSGGeometry::Attribute &a = m_geometry.attributes()[j];
        Q_ASSERT_X(j == a.position, "ShaderEffectItem::bindGeometry()", "Geometry does not have continuous attribute positions");
#if defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)
        GLboolean normalize = a.type != GL_FLOAT;
        GLboolean normalize = a.type != GL_FLOAT && a.type != GL_DOUBLE;
        if (normalize)
            qWarning() << "ShaderEffectItem::bindGeometry() - non supported attribute type!";

        m_program->setAttributeArray(a.position, (GLfloat*) (((char*) m_geometry.vertexData()) + offset), a.tupleSize, m_geometry.stride());
        //glVertexAttribPointer(a.position, a.tupleSize, a.type, normalize, m_geometry.stride(), (char *) m_geometry.vertexData() + offset);
        offset += a.tupleSize * size_of_type(a.type);
Esempio n. 2
 * Check that the buffer pointed to by \c readback contains the
 * expected transform feedback output data.
static bool
check_outputs(const void *readback)
	const float *readback_f = readback;
	const int *readback_i = readback;
	unsigned num_good_varyings = count_strings(test->good_varyings);
	unsigned i;
	unsigned output_component = 0;
	unsigned float_index = 0;
	unsigned int_index = 0;
	bool pass = true;

	for (i = 0; i < num_good_varyings; i++) {
		const char *varying_name = test->good_varyings[i];
		unsigned varying_size = test->expected_sizes[i]
			* size_of_type(test->expected_types[i]);
		if (is_floating_type(test->expected_types[i])) {
			unsigned j;
			for (j = 0; j < varying_size; j++) {
				float actual = readback_f[output_component];
				float expected
					= test->expected_floats[float_index];
				if (actual != expected) {
					printf("Output %s element %u: "
					       "expected %f, got %f\n",
					       varying_name, j, expected,
					pass = false;
		} else {
			unsigned j;
			for (j = 0; j < varying_size; j++) {
				int actual = readback_i[output_component];
				int expected = test->expected_ints[int_index];
				if (actual != expected) {
					printf("Output %s element %u: "
					       "expected %i, got %i\n",
					       varying_name, j, expected,
					pass = false;

	return pass;
Esempio n. 3
 * Compute the expected number of transform feedback outputs for the
 * current test.  This is used to size the transform feedback buffer.
static unsigned
	unsigned num_good_varyings = count_strings(test->good_varyings);
	unsigned i;
	unsigned num_outputs = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < num_good_varyings; i++) {
		num_outputs += size_of_type(test->expected_types[i])
			* test->expected_sizes[i];
	return num_outputs;
Esempio n. 4
void QSGRenderer::bindGeometry(QSGMaterialShader *material, const QSGGeometry *g)
    char const *const *attrNames = material->attributeNames();
    int offset = 0;
    for (int j = 0; attrNames[j]; ++j) {
        if (!*attrNames[j])
        Q_ASSERT_X(j < g->attributeCount(), "QSGRenderer::bindGeometry()", "Geometry lacks attribute required by material");
        const QSGGeometry::Attribute &a = g->attributes()[j];
        Q_ASSERT_X(j == a.position, "QSGRenderer::bindGeometry()", "Geometry does not have continuous attribute positions");
#if defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)
        GLboolean normalize = a.type != GL_FLOAT;
        GLboolean normalize = a.type != GL_FLOAT && a.type != GL_DOUBLE;
        glVertexAttribPointer(a.position, a.tupleSize, a.type, normalize, g->stride(), (char *) g->vertexData() + offset);
        offset += a.tupleSize * size_of_type(a.type);
Esempio n. 5
void QSGRenderer::draw(const QSGMaterialShader *shader, const QSGGeometry *g)
    const void *vertexData;
    int vertexByteSize = g->vertexCount() * g->sizeOfVertex();
    if (g->vertexDataPattern() != QSGGeometry::AlwaysUploadPattern && vertexByteSize > 1024) {

        // The base pointer for a VBO is 0
        vertexData = 0;

        bool updateData = QSGGeometryData::hasDirtyVertexData(g);
        QSGRendererVBOGeometryData *gd = QSGRendererVBOGeometryData::get(g);
        if (!gd->vertexBuffer) {
            glGenBuffers(1, &gd->vertexBuffer);
            updateData = true;

        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gd->vertexBuffer);
        m_vertex_buffer_bound = true;

        if (updateData) {
            glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexByteSize, g->vertexData(),

    } else {
        if (m_vertex_buffer_bound) {
            glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
            m_vertex_buffer_bound = false;
        vertexData = g->vertexData();

    // Bind the vertices to attributes...
    char const *const *attrNames = shader->attributeNames();
    int offset = 0;
    for (int j = 0; attrNames[j]; ++j) {
        if (!*attrNames[j])
        Q_ASSERT_X(j < g->attributeCount(), "QSGRenderer::bindGeometry()", "Geometry lacks attribute required by material");
        const QSGGeometry::Attribute &a = g->attributes()[j];
        Q_ASSERT_X(j == a.position, "QSGRenderer::bindGeometry()", "Geometry does not have continuous attribute positions");

#if defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)
        GLboolean normalize = a.type != GL_FLOAT;
        GLboolean normalize = a.type != GL_FLOAT && a.type != GL_DOUBLE;
        glVertexAttribPointer(a.position, a.tupleSize, a.type, normalize, g->sizeOfVertex(), (char *) vertexData + offset);
        offset += a.tupleSize * size_of_type(a.type);

    // Set up the indices...
    const void *indexData;
    if (g->indexDataPattern() != QSGGeometry::AlwaysUploadPattern && g->indexCount() > 512) {

        // Base pointer for a VBO is 0
        indexData = 0;

        bool updateData = QSGGeometryData::hasDirtyIndexData(g);
        QSGRendererVBOGeometryData *gd = QSGRendererVBOGeometryData::get(g);
        if (!gd->indexBuffer) {
            glGenBuffers(1, &gd->indexBuffer);
            updateData = true;

        glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, gd->indexBuffer);
        m_index_buffer_bound = true;

        if (updateData) {
                         g->indexCount() * g->sizeOfIndex(),

    } else {
        if (m_index_buffer_bound) {
            glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
            m_index_buffer_bound = false;
        indexData = g->indexData();

    // Set the line width if applicable
    if (g->drawingMode() == GL_LINES || g->drawingMode() == GL_LINE_STRIP || g->drawingMode() == GL_LINE_LOOP) {

    // draw the stuff...
    if (g->indexCount()) {
        glDrawElements(g->drawingMode(), g->indexCount(), g->indexType(), indexData);
    } else {
        glDrawArrays(g->drawingMode(), 0, g->vertexCount());

    // We leave buffers bound for now... They will be reset by bind on next draw() or
    // set back to 0 if next draw is not using VBOs
