action ebStartSpeech () { set(my, INVISIBLE | PASSABLE); // wait var t = 3 * 16; while (t > 0) { t -= time_step; wait(1); } if (g_ebSpeech) { g_ebSpeech = false; var h = snd_play(g_sndWarghostBattleSpeechStart, 100, 0); while (snd_playing(h)) wait(1); } // switch warghost to model without hands if (g_entEbWarghost != NULL) ent_morph(g_entEbWarghost, "warghostChop.mdl"); ent_create(NULL, nullvector, ebHandsBgFly); ptr_remove(my); }
function dialog_say(int dialog) { if(dialogEntries[dialog].initialized == NULL) return; proc_kill(4); var soundID = -1; if(dialogEntries[dialog].sound != NULL) { soundID = snd_play(dialogEntries[dialog].sound, 100, 0); } set(dialogText, SHOW); (dialogText->pstring)[0] = dialogEntries[dialog].text; dialogText->alpha = 0; var timer = 32; while(timer > 0 || snd_playing(soundID)) { dialogText->pos_x = 0.5 * screen_size.x; dialogText->pos_y = screen_size.y - 64; if(timer > 8) { dialogText->alpha = minv(100, dialogText->alpha + 12 * time_step); } else { dialogText->alpha = maxv(0, dialogText->alpha - 12 * time_step); } if(!snd_playing(soundID)) timer -= time_step; wait(1); } reset(dialogText, SHOW); dialogText->alpha = 0; }
// Stone rain action ebHandStone () { set(me, PASSABLE); var randomFallSpeed = random(20); while(my.z > -100) { my.z -=(20+randomFallSpeed) * time_step; my.pan +=randomFallSpeed * time_step; my.tilt +=randomFallSpeed * time_step; my.roll +=randomFallSpeed * time_step; // Give player 2 seconds to recover from last hit if (g_playerJustBeenHit == 0) { // Stone hits player? if (vec_dist(player.x, my.x) < 30) { // Play sounds if (!snd_playing(vPlayerSndHandle)) vPlayerSndHandle = snd_play(g_sndHitByStone, 100, 0); snd_play(g_sndStoneImpact, 100, 0); player.PL_HEALTH -=1; ent_remove(me); g_playerJustBeenHit = 2; // Wait 2 seconds while(g_playerJustBeenHit > 0) { g_playerJustBeenHit -=1; wait(-1); } return; } } wait(1); } ent_remove(me); }
void game_start() { #ifndef SKIP_INTRO resetPpSwirl (); level_load("menu2.wmb"); wait(3); setHdr(LVL_INTRO_HDR_STRENGTH, LVL_INTRO_HDR_THRESHOLD, LVL_INTRO_HDR_EXPOSURE); camera->arc = 60; camera->ambient = 0; fog_color = 0; camera_path("path1"); PANEL* panBlack = pan_create(" ", 100); vec_set(, vector(8,8,8)); pan_setdigits(panBlack, 0, 5, 5, "Press [Space] to skip", font_create("Arial#24b"), 1, vDummy); pan_setcolor(panBlack, 1, 1, vector(255,255,255)); set(panBlack, SHOW | LIGHT | OVERLAY); var vMediaHandle = snd_play(g_musicIntro, 100, 0); while (key_esc || key_space || key_enter) wait(1); while (snd_playing(vMediaHandle) && !key_esc && !key_space && !key_enter) wait(1); proc_kill((void*)camera_path); ptr_remove(panBlack); snd_stop(vMediaHandle); vMediaHandle = 0; #endif nPlayerLifes = 3; flying_man = 0; gui_start(); // standard start level = temple #ifndef SKIP_TO lvlTempleInit(); #else #ifdef SKIP_TO_LOTTIFANTLEVEL lvlLfInit(); #endif #ifdef SKIP_TO_BOSSLEVEL lvlBossInit(); #endif #ifdef SKIP_TO_LAVASTAGE lvlLavastageInit(); #endif #ifdef SKIP_TO_CREDITS creditsInit(); #endif #endif }
void creditsText () { static char strIni [256]; sprintf(strIni, "%s\\credits.ini", _chr(work_dir)); // start music and lyrics { snd_stop(g_fhCreditsSong); g_fhCreditsSong = snd_play(g_musicCredits, 100, 0); lyricsStart(NULL, g_txtCreditsLyrics, g_fhCreditsSong); } int pos = 0; int count = ini_read_int(strIni, "Credits", "max", "0"); var duration = ini_read_int(strIni, "Credits", "duration", "15"); var itemDuration = duration / (var)count; creditsHead1.flags |= SHOW; creditsBody1.flags |= SHOW; creditsHead2.flags |= SHOW; creditsBody2.flags |= SHOW; creditsHead2.pos_y = screen_size.y - g_lyricsBarHeight - 150; creditsBody2.pos_y = screen_size.y - g_lyricsBarHeight - 100; int size1 = 300; int size2 = 600; var x = 0; var len = 0; while (snd_playing(g_fhCreditsSong) != 0 && !g_bCreditsAllExplode) { static char section [256]; sprintf(section, "Credit%d", pos + 1); ini_read(creditsText1Head, strIni, section, "Head1", " "); ini_read(creditsText1Body, strIni, section, "Body1", " "); ini_read(creditsText2Head, strIni, section, "Head2", " "); ini_read(creditsText2Body, strIni, section, "Body2", " "); str_replaceall(creditsText1Body, "##", "\n"); str_replaceall(creditsText2Body, "##", "\n"); creditsHead1.pos_x = -size1; creditsBody1.pos_x = -size1; creditsHead2.pos_x = screen_size.x + size2; creditsBody2.pos_x = screen_size.x + size2; var fadetime = 0.22 * itemDuration; var fade = 0; var fadespeed = 16 / fadetime; for (fade = 0; fade < 100; fade += fadespeed * time_step) { creditsHead1.pos_x = -size1 + 1.5 * size1 * (1 - pow(1 - 0.01 * fade, 2)); creditsBody1.pos_x = -size1 + 1.7 * size1 * (1 - pow(1 - 0.01 * fade, 2)); if (g_bCreditsAllExplode) break; wait(1); } for (fade = 0; fade < 100; fade += fadespeed * time_step) { creditsHead2.pos_x = screen_size.x + size2 - 1.2 * size2 * (1 - pow(1 - 0.01 * fade, 2)); creditsBody2.pos_x = screen_size.x + size2 - 1.3 * size2 * (1 - pow(1 - 0.01 * fade, 2)); if (g_bCreditsAllExplode) break; wait(1); } var t_id = 0.6 * itemDuration * 16; while (t_id > 0 && !g_bCreditsAllExplode) { t_id -= time_step; wait(1); } var scrollspeed = 100; for (fade = 0; fade < 100; fade += fadespeed * time_step) { creditsHead1.pos_x += scrollspeed * time_step; if (fade > 20) creditsBody1.pos_x += scrollspeed * time_step; if (g_bCreditsAllExplode) break; wait(1); } for (fade = 0; fade < 100; fade += fadespeed * time_step) { creditsHead2.pos_x -= scrollspeed * time_step; if (fade > 20) creditsBody2.pos_x -= scrollspeed * time_step; if (g_bCreditsAllExplode) break; wait(1); } pos += 1; wait(1); } snd_stopall(4); creditsHead1.flags &= ~SHOW; creditsBody1.flags &= ~SHOW; creditsHead2.flags &= ~SHOW; creditsBody2.flags &= ~SHOW; g_bCreditsAllExplode = true; creditsFinished = true; var et = 5 * 16; while (et > 0) { camera->tilt += time_step * 0.2; camera->arc += time_step * 0.2; et -= time_step; wait(1); } // show space text { set(g_txtCreditsSpace, SHOW); g_txtCreditsSpace->pos_x = screen_size.x / 2; g_txtCreditsSpace->pos_y = screen_size.y * 0.8; on_space = creditsSpace; } }