Esempio n. 1
distance_jaccard(struct sr_thread *thread1,
                 struct sr_thread *thread2)
    assert(thread1->type == thread2->type);

    int intersection_size = 0, set1_size = 0, set2_size = 0;

    for (struct sr_frame *curr_frame = sr_thread_frames(thread1);
         curr_frame = sr_frame_next(curr_frame))
        if (distance_jaccard_frames_contain(
            continue; // not last, skip


        if (distance_jaccard_frames_contain(

    for (struct sr_frame *curr_frame = sr_thread_frames(thread2);
         curr_frame = sr_frame_next(curr_frame))
        if (distance_jaccard_frames_contain(
            continue; // not last, skip


    int union_size = set1_size + set2_size - intersection_size;
    if (!union_size)
        return 0.0;

    float j_distance = 1.0 - intersection_size / (float)union_size;
    if (j_distance < 0.0)
        j_distance = 0.0;

    return j_distance;
Esempio n. 2
PyObject *
frames_to_python_list(struct sr_thread *thread, PyTypeObject *frame_type)
    PyObject *result = PyList_New(0);
    if (!result)
        return NULL;

    struct sr_frame *frame = sr_thread_frames(thread);
    struct sr_py_base_frame *item;
    while (frame)
        item = PyObject_New(struct sr_py_base_frame, frame_type);
        if (!item)
            return PyErr_NoMemory();

        /* XXX may need to initialize item further */
        /* It would be a good idea to have a common code that is executed each
         * time new object (e.g. via __new__ or _dup) is created so that we
         * don't miss setting some attribute. As opposed to using PyObject_New
         * directly. */
        item->frame = frame;
        if (PyList_Append(result, (PyObject *)item) < 0)
            return NULL;

        frame = sr_frame_next(frame);

    return result;
Esempio n. 3
distance_jaro_winkler(struct sr_thread *thread1,
                      struct sr_thread *thread2)
    assert(thread1->type == thread2->type);

    int frame1_count = sr_thread_frame_count(thread1);
    int frame2_count = sr_thread_frame_count(thread2);

    if (frame1_count == 0 && frame2_count == 0)
        return 1.0;

    int max_frame_count = frame2_count;
    if (max_frame_count < frame1_count)
        max_frame_count = frame1_count;

    int prefix_len = 0;
    bool still_prefix = true;
    float trans_count = 0, match_count = 0;

    struct sr_frame *curr_frame = sr_thread_frames(thread1);
    for (int i = 1; curr_frame; ++i)
        bool match = false;
        struct sr_frame *curr_frame2 = sr_thread_frames(thread2);
        for (int j = 1; !match && curr_frame2; ++j)
            /* Whether the prefix continues to be the same for both
             * threads or not.
            if (i == j && 0 != sr_frame_cmp_distance(curr_frame, curr_frame2))
                still_prefix = false;

            /* Getting a match only if not too far away from each
             * other and if functions aren't both unpaired unknown
             * functions.
            if (abs(i - j) <= max_frame_count / 2 - 1 &&
                0 == sr_frame_cmp_distance(curr_frame, curr_frame2))
                match = true;
                if (i != j)
                    ++trans_count;  // transposition in place

            curr_frame2 = sr_frame_next(curr_frame2);

        if (still_prefix)

        if (match)

        curr_frame = sr_frame_next(curr_frame);

    trans_count /= 2;

    if (prefix_len > 4)
        prefix_len = 4;

    if (0 == match_count)
        return 0;  // so as not to divide by 0

    float dist_jaro = (match_count / (float)frame1_count +
                       match_count / (float)frame2_count +
                       (match_count - trans_count) / match_count) / 3;

    /* How much weight we give to having common prefixes
     * (always k < 0.25).
    float k = 0.2;

    float dist = dist_jaro + (float)prefix_len * k * (1 - dist_jaro);
    return dist;
Esempio n. 4
distance_levenshtein(struct sr_thread *thread1,
                     struct sr_thread *thread2,
                     bool transposition)
    assert(thread1->type == thread2->type);

    int frame_count1 = sr_thread_frame_count(thread1);
    int frame_count2 = sr_thread_frame_count(thread2);

    int max_frame_count = frame_count2;
    if (max_frame_count < frame_count1)
        max_frame_count = frame_count1;

    /* Avoid division by zero in case we get two empty threads */
    if (max_frame_count == 0)
        return 0.0;

    int m = frame_count1 + 1;
    int n = frame_count2 + 1;

    // store only two last rows and columns instead of whole 2D array
    SR_ASSERT(n <= SIZE_MAX - 1);
    SR_ASSERT(m <= SIZE_MAX - (n + 1));
    int *dist = sr_malloc_array(sizeof(int), m + n + 1);
    int *dist1 = sr_malloc_array(sizeof(int), m + n + 1);

    // first row and column having distance equal to their position
    for (int i = m; i > 0; --i)
        dist[m - i] = i;

    for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
        dist[m + i] = i;

    struct sr_frame *curr_frame2 = sr_thread_frames(thread2);
    struct sr_frame *prev_frame = NULL;
    struct sr_frame *prev_frame2 = NULL;

    for (int j = 1; curr_frame2; ++j)
        struct sr_frame *curr_frame = sr_thread_frames(thread1);
        for (int i = 1; curr_frame; ++i)
            int l = m + j - i;

            int dist2 = dist1[l];
            dist1[l] = dist[l];

            int cost;

            /*similar characters have distance equal to the previous
              one diagonally, "??" functions aren't taken as
              similar */
            if (0 == sr_frame_cmp_distance(curr_frame, curr_frame2))
                cost = 0;
                // different ones takes the lowest value of all
                // previous distances
                cost = 1;
                dist[l] += 1;
                if (dist[l] > dist[l - 1] + 1)
                    dist[l] = dist[l - 1] + 1;

                if (dist[l] > dist[l + 1] + 1)
                    dist[l] = dist[l + 1] + 1;

            /*checking for transposition of two characters in both ways
              taking into account that "??" functions are not similar*/
            if (transposition &&
                (i >= 2 && j >= 2 && dist[l] > dist2 + cost &&
                 0 == sr_frame_cmp_distance(curr_frame, prev_frame2) &&
                 0 == sr_frame_cmp_distance(prev_frame, curr_frame2)))
                dist[l] = dist2 + cost;

            prev_frame = curr_frame;
            curr_frame = sr_frame_next(curr_frame);

        prev_frame2 = curr_frame2;
        curr_frame2 = sr_frame_next(curr_frame2);

    int result = dist[n];

    return (float)result / max_frame_count;
Esempio n. 5
void abrt_oops_save_data_in_dump_dir(struct dump_dir *dd, char *oops, const char *proc_modules)
    char *first_line = oops;
    char *second_line = (char*)strchr(first_line, '\n'); /* never NULL */
    *second_line++ = '\0';

    if (first_line[0])
        dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_KERNEL, first_line);
    dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_BACKTRACE, second_line);

    /* save crash_function into dumpdir */
    char *error_message = NULL;
    struct sr_stacktrace *stacktrace = sr_stacktrace_parse(SR_REPORT_KERNELOOPS,
                                                           (const char *)second_line, &error_message);

    if (stacktrace)
        sr_normalize_koops_stacktrace((struct sr_koops_stacktrace *)stacktrace);
        /* stacktrace is the same as thread, there is no need to check return value */
        struct sr_thread *thread = sr_stacktrace_find_crash_thread(stacktrace);
        struct sr_koops_frame *frame = (struct sr_koops_frame *)sr_thread_frames(thread);
        if (frame && frame->function_name)
            dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_CRASH_FUNCTION, frame->function_name);

        error_msg("Can't parse stacktrace: %s", error_message);

    /* check if trace doesn't have line: 'Your BIOS is broken' */
    if (strstr(second_line, "Your BIOS is broken"))
        dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_NOT_REPORTABLE,
                _("A kernel problem occurred because of broken BIOS. "
                  "Unfortunately, such problems are not fixable by kernel maintainers."));
    /* check if trace doesn't have line: 'Your hardware is unsupported' */
    else if (strstr(second_line, "Your hardware is unsupported"))
        dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_NOT_REPORTABLE,
                _("A kernel problem occurred, but your hardware is unsupported, "
                  "therefore kernel maintainers are unable to fix this problem."));
        char *tainted_short = kernel_tainted_short(second_line);
        if (tainted_short)
            log_notice("Kernel is tainted '%s'", tainted_short);
            dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_TAINTED_SHORT, tainted_short);

            char *tnt_long = kernel_tainted_long(tainted_short);
            dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_TAINTED_LONG, tnt_long);

            struct strbuf *reason = strbuf_new();
            const char *fmt = _("A kernel problem occurred, but your kernel has been "
                    "tainted (flags:%s). Kernel maintainers are unable to "
                    "diagnose tainted reports.");
            strbuf_append_strf(reason, fmt, tainted_short);

            char *modlist = !proc_modules ? NULL : abrt_oops_list_of_tainted_modules(proc_modules);
            if (modlist)
                strbuf_append_strf(reason, _(" Tainted modules: %s."), modlist);

            dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_NOT_REPORTABLE, reason->buf);

    // TODO: add "Kernel oops: " prefix, so that all oopses have recognizable FILENAME_REASON?
    // kernel oops 1st line may look quite puzzling otherwise...
    char *reason_pretty = NULL;
    char *error = NULL;
    struct sr_stacktrace *trace = sr_stacktrace_parse(SR_REPORT_KERNELOOPS, second_line, &error);
    if (trace)
        reason_pretty = sr_stacktrace_get_reason(trace);

    if (reason_pretty)
        dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_REASON, reason_pretty);
        dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_REASON, second_line);