Esempio n. 1
/* Function to execute requested program at child */
void child_code(char *command){
	char *parameters[BUF_SIZE/2+2]; //the parameters could consist of single characters seperated by a space. Add 1 for rounding and 1 for the null character to the array 
	const char delimiter[2] = " ";
	str_to_array(command, delimiter, parameters);

	execvp(parameters[0], parameters);

	perror("exec"); /*will not be reached in case of a success, as exec replaces the complete program*/
static int oem_partition_gpt_handler(FILE *fp)
	int argc = 0;
	int ret = 0;
	int i;
	char buffer[K_MAX_ARG_LEN];
	char **argv = NULL;
	char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {'\0'};

	property_get("sys.partitioning", value, NULL);
	if (strcmp(value, "1")) {
		error("Partitioning is not started\n");
		return -1;

	uuid_generator = uuid_generate;
	while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
		if (buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] == '\n')
		argv = str_to_array(buffer, &argc);

		if(argv != NULL) {
			ret = oem_partition_gpt_sub_command(argc, argv);

			for(i = 0; i < argc ; i++) {
				if (argv[i]) {

			if (ret) {
				error("GPT command failed\n");
				return -1;
		else {
			error("GPT str_to_array error. Malformed string ?\n");
			return -1;

	if (indirected_cmd_reload == cmd_reload)

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
long get_stock_from_yahoo (char* code, 
		char* from_mm, char* from_dd, char* from_yy, 
		char* to_mm, char* to_dd, char* to_yy, GPtrArray* data) {
		STOCK record [10000];	
		int fd[2];

		int curse;
		char* temp = "";
		char url [100];
		memset (url, 0x00, sizeof (url));
		strcpy (url, temp);
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, code);
		curse = (int) strlen (url);
		strcpy (url + curse, "&a=");
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, from_mm);
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, "&b=");
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, from_dd);
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, "&c=");
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, from_yy);
		curse = (int) strlen (url);
		strcpy (url + curse, "&d=");
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, to_mm);
		curse = (int) strlen (url);
		strcpy (url + curse, "&e=");
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, to_dd);
		curse = (int) strlen (url);
		strcpy (url + curse, "&f=");
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, to_yy);
		curse = (int) strlen (url);

		strcpy (url + curse, "&g=d&ignore=.csv");
		printf ("%s\n", url);
		printf ("%s\n", "");	

	/*	int output = open ("output2.csv", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0755);
		if (output == -1) return 1; */
		BufferStruct buffer;
		buffer.buffer = NULL;
		buffer.size = 0;
		CURL* curlHandle = curl_easy_init ();
		curl_easy_setopt (curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, url);
		curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
		curl_easy_setopt (curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void*) &buffer);
		curl_easy_perform (curlHandle);
		int i = 0;
		char* line = strtok (buffer.buffer, ",\n");
		for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
			strtok (NULL, ",\n");
		int t = 1;
		while (str_to_array (line, data)) {
		curl_easy_cleanup (curlHandle);
	/*	close (output);	*/
Value *FlashImageAtPartition(const char *name, State * state, int argc, Expr * argv[])
	Value *funret = NULL;
	char *osname, *filename, *parttable;
	void *data;
	off_t offset = 0;
	int fd;
	FILE *fp;
	char buffer[K_MAX_ARG_LEN];
	char partition_type[K_MAX_ARG_LEN];
	char **gpt_argv = NULL;
	int i, gpt_argc = 0;
	Value *ret = NULL;
	int fret;

	if (argc != 3) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Invalid parameters.", name);
		goto exit;

	if (ReadArgs(state, argv, 3, &osname, &filename, &parttable) < 0) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: ReadArgs failed.", name);
		goto exit;

	/* Open partition file */
	fp = fopen(parttable, "r");
	if (!fp) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Can't open %s partition file.", name, parttable);
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto free;

	/* Check first line of partition file */
	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
	if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "partition file is empty");
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto free;
	buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
	if (sscanf(buffer, "%*[^=]=%255s", partition_type) != 1) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "partition file is invalid");
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto free;

	bool found = false;
	/* parse partitition files line to catch osname */
	while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
		if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '\n')
			buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
		gpt_argv = str_to_array(buffer, &gpt_argc);
		if (gpt_argv == NULL)
		char *command = gpt_argv[0];
		char* e;
		/* catch add commands */
		if (0 == strncmp("add", command, strlen(command))) {
			/* catch partitions to update */
			for (i=0; i < gpt_argc; i++) {
				if (0 == strncmp(osname, gpt_argv[i], strlen(gpt_argv[i]))) {
					found = true;
					printf("found %s ", osname);
			/* get offset of osname */
			if (found) {
				for (i=0; i < gpt_argc; i++) {
					if (0 == strncmp("-b", gpt_argv[i], strlen(gpt_argv[i]))) {
						offset = strtoull(gpt_argv[i+1], &e, 0) * 512;
						if (e && *e) {
							ErrorAbort(state, "Unable to get LBA of partition %s", buffer);
							ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
							goto free;
						printf("at LBA %s offset % ld \n", gpt_argv[i+1], offset);
		/* free gpt_argv */
		for (i = 0; i < gpt_argc; i++) {
			gpt_argv[i] = NULL;
		gpt_argv = NULL;
		if (found)

	if (!found) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "partition %s not found in %s", name, parttable);
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto free;
	} else {
		printf("%s: found partition %s at offset %ld\n", name, osname, offset);

	/* Flash image at offset */
	int length = file_size(filename);
	if (length == -1)
		goto free;

	data = file_mmap(filename, length, false);
	if (data == MAP_FAILED) {
		goto free;

	fd = open(MMC_DEV_POS, O_WRONLY);
	if (fd == -1) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Failed to open %s device block, %s.",
			   name, MMC_DEV_POS, strerror(errno));
		goto unmmap_file;

	fret = lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET);
	if (fret == -1) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Failed to seek into %s device block, %s.",
			   name, MMC_DEV_POS, strerror(errno));
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto close;

	char *ptr = (char *)data;
	fret = 0;
	for (; length; length -= fret, ptr += fret) {
		fret = write(fd, ptr, length);
		if (fret == -1) {
			ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Failed to write into %s device block, %s.",
				   name, MMC_DEV_POS, strerror(errno));
			ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
			goto close;

	fret = fsync(fd);
	if (fret == -1) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Failed to sync %s, %s.", name, MMC_DEV_POS, strerror(errno));
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto close;

	ret = StringValue(strdup("t"));

	munmap(data, length);
	return ret;
Value *FlashOsipToGPTPartition(const char *name, State * state, int argc, Expr * argv[])
	FILE *fp, *fp_update;
	char *filename;
	char buffer[K_MAX_ARG_LEN];
	char partition_type[K_MAX_ARG_LEN];
	char **gpt_argv = NULL;
	unsigned int j;
	int i, gpt_argc = 0;
	Value *ret = NULL;
	struct OSIP_header osip;

	/* Do not reload partition table during OTA since some partition
	 * are still mounted, reload would failed.  */

	if (argc != 1) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Invalid parameters.", name);
		return StringValue(strdup(""));
	if (ReadArgs(state, argv, argc, &filename) < 0) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: ReadArgs failed.", name);
		return StringValue(strdup(""));

	/* Dump OSIP to ease debug and get LBA of OSIP entries */
	if (read_OSIP(&osip)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "read_OSIP fails\n");

	/* Open partition and partition update files */
	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
	if (!fp) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Can't open %s partition file.", name, filename);
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto exit;
	fp_update = fopen(PARTITION_UPDATE, "w+");
	if (!fp_update) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: Can't create %s partition file\n", name, PARTITION_UPDATE);
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto exit;

	/* Check first line of partition file */
	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
	if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "partition file is empty");
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto error;
	buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
	if (sscanf(buffer, "%*[^=]=%255s", partition_type) != 1) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "partition file is invalid");
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		goto error;

	/* Write first line in update file */
	fprintf(fp_update, "%s\n", buffer);

	/* parse partitition files line to catch update_partitions */
	while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
		if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '\n')
			buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
		gpt_argv = str_to_array(buffer, &gpt_argc);
		if (gpt_argv == NULL)
		char *command = gpt_argv[0];
		uint64_t  size, lba_start;
		int64_t osii_lba;
		bool update_need =  false;
		bool update_write = true;
		char *e;
		const char* update_partitions[] = {ANDROID_OS_NAME, RECOVERY_OS_NAME, FASTBOOT_OS_NAME};

		/* catch add commands */
		if (0 == strncmp("add", command, strlen(command))) {
			/* catch partitions to update */
			for (i = 0; i < gpt_argc; i++) {
				/* Do not write back "reserved" */
				if (0 == strncmp("reserved", gpt_argv[i], strlen(gpt_argv[i])))
					update_write = false;
				for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(update_partitions); j++) {
					if (0 == strncmp(update_partitions[j], gpt_argv[i], strlen(gpt_argv[i]))) {
						if ((osii_lba = get_named_osii_logical_start_block(gpt_argv[i])) == -1) {
							ErrorAbort(state, "Unable to get LBA of %s partition", gpt_argv[i]);
							ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
							goto error;
						printf("Found %s partition at osii_lba %"PRId64"\n", gpt_argv[i], osii_lba);
						update_need = true;
				if (update_need || !update_write)

			/* update size and LBA */
			if (update_need) {
				for (i = 0; i < gpt_argc; i++) {
					if (0 == strncmp("-s", gpt_argv[i], strlen(gpt_argv[i]))) {
						size = strtoull(gpt_argv[i+1], &e, 0);
						if (e && *e) {
							ErrorAbort(state, "Unable to get size of partition %s", buffer);
							ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
							goto error;
						printf("Size was %"PRIu64" new is %u \n", size, OS_MAX_LBA);
						sprintf(gpt_argv[i+1],"%d", OS_MAX_LBA);
					if (0 == strncmp("-b", gpt_argv[i], strlen(gpt_argv[i]))) {
						lba_start = strtoull(gpt_argv[i+1], &e, 0);
						if (e && *e) {
							ErrorAbort(state, "Unable to get LBA of partition %s", buffer);
							ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
							goto error;
						printf("LBA was %"PRIu64" new is %"PRId64" \n", lba_start, osii_lba);
						sprintf(gpt_argv[i+1],"%"PRId64"", osii_lba);

		/* write lines in partition update */
		for (i = 0; i < gpt_argc; i++) {
			if (update_write)
				fprintf(fp_update,"%s ",gpt_argv[i]);
			gpt_argv[i] = NULL;
		if (update_write)
		gpt_argv = NULL;

	/* Ensure to close fp_update as it will be re-open by oem_partition_cmd_handler */

	/* partition with new partition file */
	property_set("sys.partitioning", "1");

	char *path[] = {0,PARTITION_UPDATE};
	int partret = -1;

	if ((partret = oem_partition_cmd_handler(2,(char **)path)) == -1) {
		ErrorAbort(state, "%s: re-partitionning fails with error %d", name, partret);
		ret = StringValue(strdup(""));
		ret = StringValue(strdup("t"));
	property_set("sys.partitioning", "0");

	goto exit;

	return ret;