Esempio n. 1
// ParseFunction
/*virtual*/ bool Function::ParseFunction( NodeGraph & nodeGraph,
										  const BFFIterator & functionNameStart,
										  const BFFIterator * functionBodyStartToken, 
										  const BFFIterator * functionBodyStopToken,
										  const BFFIterator * functionHeaderStartToken,
										  const BFFIterator * functionHeaderStopToken ) const
	if ( AcceptsHeader() &&
		 functionHeaderStartToken && functionHeaderStopToken &&
		 ( functionHeaderStartToken->GetDistTo( *functionHeaderStopToken ) > 1 ) )
		// find opening quote
		BFFIterator start( *functionHeaderStartToken );
		const char c = *start;
		if ( ( c != '"' ) && ( c != '\'' ) )
			Error::Error_1001_MissingStringStartToken( start, this ); 
			return false;
		BFFIterator stop( start );
		stop.SkipString( c );
		ASSERT( stop.GetCurrent() <= functionHeaderStopToken->GetCurrent() ); // should not be in this function if strings are not validly terminated
		if ( start.GetDistTo( stop ) <= 1 )
			Error::Error_1003_EmptyStringNotAllowedInHeader( start, this );
			return false;

		// store alias name for use in Commit
		start++; // skip past opening quote
		if ( BFFParser::PerformVariableSubstitutions( start, stop, m_AliasForFunction ) == false )
			return false; // substitution will have emitted an error

	// parse the function body
	BFFParser subParser( nodeGraph );
	BFFIterator subIter( *functionBodyStartToken );
	subIter++; // skip past opening body token
	subIter.SetMax( functionBodyStopToken->GetCurrent() ); // cap parsing to body end
	if ( subParser.Parse( subIter ) == false )
		return false;

	// complete the function
	return Commit( nodeGraph, functionNameStart );
Esempio n. 2
void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
#define RequireAttr( attr, name, a ) \
    if( MissingAttr( attr, name, a ) ) return;

    if( rName == "Include" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );

        OSFactory *pFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
        string fullPath = m_path + pFactory->getDirSeparator() + attr["file"];
        msg_Dbg( getIntf(), "opening included XML file: %s", fullPath.c_str() );
        SkinParser subParser( getIntf(), fullPath.c_str(), m_path, m_pData );

    else if( rName == "IniFile" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );

        const BuilderData::IniFile iniFile( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"] );
        m_pData->m_listIniFile.push_back( iniFile );

    else if( rName == "Anchor" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "priority" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "points", "(0,0)" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "range", "10" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Anchor anchor( x + m_xOffset,
                y + m_yOffset, attr["lefttop"],
                atoi( attr["range"] ), atoi( attr["priority"] ),
                attr["points"], m_curLayoutId );
        m_pData->m_listAnchor.push_back( anchor );

    else if( rName == "Bitmap" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "alphacolor" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbframes", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fps", "4" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "loop", "0" );

        m_curBitmapId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Bitmap bitmap( m_curBitmapId,
                attr["file"], convertColor( attr["alphacolor"] ),
                atoi( attr["nbframes"] ), atoi( attr["fps"] ),
                atoi( attr["loop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listBitmap.push_back( bitmap );

    else if( rName == "SubBitmap" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "x" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "y" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbframes", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fps", "4" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "loop", "0" );

        const BuilderData::SubBitmap bitmap( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                m_curBitmapId, atoi( attr["x"] ), atoi( attr["y"] ),
                atoi( attr["width"] ), atoi( attr["height"] ),
                atoi( attr["nbframes"] ), atoi( attr["fps"] ),
                atoi( attr["loop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listSubBitmap.push_back( bitmap );

    else if( rName == "BitmapFont" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "type", "digits" );

        const BuilderData::BitmapFont font( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"], attr["type"] );
        m_pData->m_listBitmapFont.push_back( font );

    else if( rName == "PopupMenu" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );

        m_curPopupId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::PopupMenu popup( m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listPopupMenu.push_back( popup );

    else if( rName == "MenuItem" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "label" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );

        const BuilderData::MenuItem item( attr["label"], attr["action"],
                                          m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listMenuItem.push_back( item );

    else if( rName == "MenuSeparator" )
        const BuilderData::MenuSeparator sep( m_popupPosList.back(),
                                              m_curPopupId );
        m_pData->m_listMenuSeparator.push_back( sep );

    else if( rName == "Button" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Button button( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["up"], attr["down"], attr["over"], attr["action"],
                attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listButton.push_back( button );

    else if( rName == "Checkbox" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up1" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up2" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "state" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action1", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext1", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext2", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Checkbox checkbox( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["up1"], attr["down1"], attr["over1"],
                attr["up2"], attr["down2"], attr["over2"], attr["state"],
                attr["action1"], attr["action2"], attr["tooltiptext1"],
                attr["tooltiptext2"], attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId,
                m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listCheckbox.push_back( checkbox );

    else if( rName == "Font" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "file" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "size", "12" );

        const BuilderData::Font fontData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["file"], atoi( attr["size"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listFont.push_back( fontData );

    else if( rName == "Group" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );

        m_xOffset += atoi( attr["x"] );
        m_yOffset += atoi( attr["y"] );
        m_xOffsetList.push_back( atoi( attr["x"] ) );
        m_yOffsetList.push_back( atoi( attr["y"] ) );

    else if( rName == "Image" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "image" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "action2", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "resize", "mosaic" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "art", "false" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Image imageData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
                attr["image"], attr["action"], attr["action2"], attr["resize"],
                attr["help"], convertBoolean( attr["art"] ),
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listImage.push_back( imageData );

    else if( rName == "Layout" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minwidth", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxwidth", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minheight", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxheight", "-1" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, true );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );

        m_curLayoutId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Layout layout( m_curLayoutId,
                width, height,
                getDimension( attr["minwidth"], refWidth ),
                getDimension( attr["maxwidth"], refWidth ),
                getDimension( attr["minheight"], refHeight ),
                getDimension( attr["maxheight"], refHeight ),
                m_curWindowId );

        updateWindowPos( width, height );
        m_pData->m_listLayout.push_back( layout );
        m_curLayer = 0;

    else if( rName == "Panel" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "width" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "height" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        string panelId = uniqueId( "none" );
        const BuilderData::Panel panel( panelId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                width, height,
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listPanel.push_back( panel );
        // Add the panel to the stack
        m_panelStack.push_back( panelId );

    else if( rName == "Playlist" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "flat", "true" ); // Only difference here
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "itemimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "openimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "closedimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fgcolor", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playcolor", "#FF0000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor1", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor2", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "selcolor", "#0000FF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        m_curTreeId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Tree treeData( m_curTreeId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, attr["visible"],
                width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["font"], "playtree",
                attr["bgimage"], attr["itemimage"],
                attr["openimage"], attr["closedimage"],
                attr["selcolor"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listTree.push_back( treeData );
    else if( rName == "Playtree" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "id" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "flat", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "itemimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "openimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "closedimage", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "fgcolor", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playcolor", "#FF0000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor1", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "bgcolor2", "#FFFFFF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "selcolor", "#0000FF" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        m_curTreeId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );
        const BuilderData::Tree treeData( m_curTreeId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, attr["visible"],
                width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["font"], "playtree",
                attr["bgimage"], attr["itemimage"],
                attr["openimage"], attr["closedimage"],
                attr["fgcolor"], attr["playcolor"],
                attr["bgcolor1"], attr["bgcolor2"],
                attr["selcolor"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listTree.push_back( treeData );

    else if( rName == "RadialSlider" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "sequence" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "nbimages" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "minangle", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "maxangle", "360" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "value", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::RadialSlider radial( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["sequence"],
                atoi( attr["nbimages"] ), atof( attr["minangle"] ) * M_PI /180,
                atof( attr["maxangle"] ) * M_PI / 180, attr["value"],
                attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId,
                m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listRadialSlider.push_back( radial );

    else if( rName == "Slider" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "up" );
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "points" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "down", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "over", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "thickness", "10" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "value", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltiptext", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        string newValue = attr["value"];
        if( m_curTreeId != "" )
            // Slider associated to a tree
            newValue = "playtree.slider";

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Slider slider( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                attr["visible"], x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                width, height, attr["lefttop"],
                attr["rightbottom"], convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["up"], attr["down"],
                attr["over"], attr["points"], atoi( attr["thickness"] ),
                newValue, "none", 0, 0, 0, 0, attr["tooltiptext"],
                attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listSlider.push_back( slider );

    else if( rName == "SliderBackground" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "image" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbhoriz", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "nbvert", "1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "padhoriz", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "padvert", "0" );

        // Retrieve the current slider data
        BuilderData::Slider &slider = m_pData->m_listSlider.back();

        slider.m_imageId = attr["image"];
        slider.m_nbHoriz = atoi( attr["nbhoriz"] );
        slider.m_nbVert = atoi( attr["nbvert"] );
        slider.m_padHoriz = atoi( attr["padhoriz"] );
        slider.m_padVert = atoi( attr["padvert"] );

    else if( rName == "Text" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "font" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "text", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "color", "#000000" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "scrolling", "auto" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "alignment", "left" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "focus", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );

        const BuilderData::Text textData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["visible"], attr["font"],
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                convertColor( attr["color"] ),
                attr["scrolling"], attr["alignment"],
                attr["focus"], attr["help"],
                m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listText.push_back( textData );

    else if( rName == "Theme" )
        RequireAttr( attr, rName, "version" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "tooltipfont", "defaultfont" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "magnet", "15" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "alpha", "255" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "movealpha", "255" );

        // Check the version
        if( strcmp( attr["version"], SKINS_DTD_VERSION ) )
            msg_Err( getIntf(), "bad theme version : %s (you need version %s)",
                     attr["version"], SKINS_DTD_VERSION );
            m_errors = true;
        const BuilderData::Theme theme( attr["tooltipfont"],
                atoi( attr["magnet"] ),
                convertInRange( attr["alpha"], 1, 255, "alpha" ),
                convertInRange( attr["movealpha"], 1, 255, "movealpha" ) );
        m_pData->m_listTheme.push_back( theme );

    else if( rName == "ThemeInfo" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "name", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "author", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "email", "" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "website", "" );
        msg_Info( getIntf(), "skin: %s  author: %s", attr["name"],
                  attr["author"] );

    else if( rName == "Video" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "width", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "height", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "lefttop", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xkeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ykeepratio", "false" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "autoresize", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "help", "" );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, false );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        int width = getDimension( attr["width"], refWidth );
        int height = getDimension( attr["height"], refHeight );
        convertPosition( attr["position"],
                         attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                         attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                         width, height, refWidth, refHeight, &x, &y );

        const BuilderData::Video videoData( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset, width, height,
                attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
                convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
                attr["visible"], convertBoolean( attr["autoresize"] ),
                attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
                m_panelStack.back() );
        m_pData->m_listVideo.push_back( videoData );

    else if( rName == "Window" )
        DefaultAttr( attr, "id", "none" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "visible", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "x", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "y", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "position", "-1" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "yoffset", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "xmargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "ymargin", "0" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "dragdrop", "true" );
        DefaultAttr( attr, "playondrop", "true" );

        m_curWindowId = uniqueId( attr["id"] );

        int refWidth, refHeight;
        getRefDimensions( refWidth, refHeight, true );
        int x = getDimension( attr["x"], refWidth );
        int y = getDimension( attr["y"], refHeight );
        const BuilderData::Window window( m_curWindowId,
                x + m_xOffset, y + m_yOffset,
                attr["xoffset"], attr["yoffset"],
                attr["xmargin"], attr["ymargin"],
                convertBoolean( attr["visible"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["dragdrop"] ),
                convertBoolean( attr["playondrop"] ) );
        m_pData->m_listWindow.push_back( window );
#undef  RequireAttr
Esempio n. 3
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionForEach::ParseFunction(
                    NodeGraph & nodeGraph,
                    const BFFIterator & functionNameStart,
                    const BFFIterator * functionBodyStartToken,
                    const BFFIterator * functionBodyStopToken,
                    const BFFIterator * functionHeaderStartToken,
                    const BFFIterator * functionHeaderStopToken ) const
    // build array for each pair to loop through
    Array< AString >                localNames( 4, true );
    Array< const BFFVariable * >    arrayVars( 4, true );

    int loopLen = -1;

    // parse it all out
    BFFIterator pos( *functionHeaderStartToken );
    pos++; // skip opening token
    while ( pos < *functionHeaderStopToken )
        if ( *pos != BFFParser::BFF_DECLARE_VAR_INTERNAL )
            Error::Error_1200_ExpectedVar( pos, this );
            return false;

        const BFFIterator arrayVarNameBegin = pos;
        AStackString< BFFParser::MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH > localName;
        bool localParentScope = false; // always false thanks to the previous test
        if ( BFFParser::ParseVariableName( pos, localName, localParentScope ) == false )
            return false;
        ASSERT( false == localParentScope );

        localNames.Append( localName );


        // check for "in" token
        bool foundIn = false;
        if ( *pos == 'i' )
            if ( *pos == 'n' )
                foundIn = true;
        if ( foundIn == false )
            Error::Error_1201_MissingIn( pos, this );
            return false;

        if ( *pos != BFFParser::BFF_DECLARE_VAR_INTERNAL &&
             *pos != BFFParser::BFF_DECLARE_VAR_PARENT /* tolerant with parent vars */ )
            Error::Error_1202_ExpectedVarFollowingIn( pos, this );
            return false;

        const BFFIterator arrayNameStart( pos );
        AStackString< BFFParser::MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH > arrayVarName;
        bool arrayParentScope = false;
        if ( BFFParser::ParseVariableName( pos, arrayVarName, arrayParentScope ) == false )
            return false;

        const BFFVariable * var = nullptr;
        BFFStackFrame * const arrayFrame = ( arrayParentScope )
            ? BFFStackFrame::GetParentDeclaration( arrayVarName, BFFStackFrame::GetCurrent()->GetParent(), var )
            : nullptr;

        if ( false == arrayParentScope )
            var = BFFStackFrame::GetVar( arrayVarName, nullptr );

        if ( ( arrayParentScope && ( nullptr == arrayFrame ) ) || ( var == nullptr ) )
            Error::Error_1009_UnknownVariable( arrayNameStart, this, arrayVarName );
            return false;

        // it can be of any supported type
        if ( ( var->IsArrayOfStrings() == false ) && ( var->IsArrayOfStructs() == false ) )
            Error::Error_1050_PropertyMustBeOfType( arrayVarNameBegin, this, arrayVarName.Get(), var->GetType(), BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRINGS, BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRUCTS );
            return false;

        // is this the first variable?
        int thisArrayLen( -1 );
        if ( var->GetType() == BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRINGS )
            thisArrayLen = (int)var->GetArrayOfStrings().GetSize();
        else if ( var->GetType() == BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRUCTS )
            thisArrayLen = (int)var->GetArrayOfStructs().GetSize();
            ASSERT( false );

        if ( loopLen == -1 )
            // it will set the length of looping
            loopLen = thisArrayLen;
            // variables after the first must match length of the first
            if ( loopLen != thisArrayLen )
                Error::Error_1204_LoopVariableLengthsDiffer( arrayVarNameBegin, this, arrayVarName.Get(), (uint32_t)thisArrayLen, (uint32_t)loopLen );
                return false;
        arrayVars.Append( var );

        // skip optional separator
        if ( *pos == ',' )

    ASSERT( localNames.GetSize() == arrayVars.GetSize() );

    // gracefully allow empty loops
    if ( loopLen < 1 )
        return true;

    // freeze the variable to avoid modifications while looping
    for ( uint32_t j=0; j<arrayVars.GetSize(); ++j )
        arrayVars[ j ]->Freeze();
        FLOG_INFO( "Freezing loop array '%s' of type <%s>",
                   arrayVars[j]->GetName().Get(), BFFVariable::GetTypeName( arrayVars[j]->GetType() ) );

    bool succeed = true;

    for ( uint32_t i=0; i<(uint32_t)loopLen; ++i )
        // create local loop variables
        BFFStackFrame loopStackFrame;
        for ( uint32_t j=0; j<localNames.GetSize(); ++j )
            if ( arrayVars[ j ]->GetType() == BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRINGS )
                BFFStackFrame::SetVarString( localNames[ j ], arrayVars[ j ]->GetArrayOfStrings()[ i ], &loopStackFrame );
            else if ( arrayVars[ j ]->GetType() == BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRUCTS )
                BFFStackFrame::SetVarStruct( localNames[ j ], arrayVars[ j ]->GetArrayOfStructs()[ i ]->GetStructMembers(), &loopStackFrame );
                ASSERT( false );

        // parse the function body
        BFFParser subParser( nodeGraph );
        BFFIterator subIter( *functionBodyStartToken );
        subIter++; // skip opening token
        subIter.SetMax( functionBodyStopToken->GetCurrent() ); // limit to closing token
        if ( subParser.Parse( subIter ) == false )
            succeed = false;

        // complete the function
        if ( Commit( nodeGraph, functionNameStart ) == false )
            succeed = false;

    // unfreeze all array variables
    for ( uint32_t j=0; j<arrayVars.GetSize(); ++j )
        arrayVars[ j ]->Unfreeze();
        FLOG_INFO( "Unfreezing loop array '%s' of type <%s>",
                   arrayVars[j]->GetName().Get(), BFFVariable::GetTypeName( arrayVars[j]->GetType() ) );

    return succeed;
void DatabaseParser::processDirective (QString directive, shared_ptr <FlashcardsDatabase> database)
    const QString includeDirectivePrefix = "#include ",
                  pushDirectivePrefix = "#push ",
                  popDirectivePrefix = "#pop",
                  imageDirectivePrefix = "#image ",
                  pushReplacementPrefix = "#push_replacement",
                  popReplacementPrefix = "#pop_replacement";

    if (directive.startsWith (includeDirectivePrefix))
        QString includePath = directive.right (directive.length() - includeDirectivePrefix.length());
        shared_ptr <DatabaseParser> subParser (new DatabaseParser);
        subParser->blockParsers = blockParsers;
        QPair <QString, QString> contentsNamePair = FileReaderSingletone::instance().readContents (includePath, DATABASE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES_CONTEXT);
        subParser->parseDatabase (contentsNamePair.second, contentsNamePair.first, database, nullptr);
    else if (directive.startsWith (pushDirectivePrefix))
        directive = directive.right (directive.length() - pushDirectivePrefix.length());

        QString name = "", value = "";

        int valueColonIndex = directive.indexOf (':');
        if (valueColonIndex != -1)
            if (directive.length() <= valueColonIndex + 1 || directive[valueColonIndex + 1] != ' ')
                blockParseError (0, "Space expected after a colon in a variable push directive.");

            name = directive.left (valueColonIndex).trimmed();
            value = directive.right (directive.length() - valueColonIndex - 2);
            name = directive.trimmed();

        if (name.isEmpty())
            blockParseError (0, "Variable name is empty.");

        for (QChar c: name)
            if (!c.isLetterOrNumber() && c != '_')
                blockParseError (0, QString ("Invalid character '") + c + "' in variable name '" + name + "'.");

        //qstderr << "Push variable '" << name << "' with value '" << value << "'" << endl;
        currentDatabase->variableStack->pushVariable (name, currentDatabase->variableStack->getVariableExpansion (value));
    else if (directive.startsWith (popDirectivePrefix) && !directive.startsWith (popReplacementPrefix))
        directive = directive.right (directive.length() - popDirectivePrefix.length()).trimmed();

        if (!currentDatabase->variableStack->popVariable (directive))
            blockParseError (0, directive.isEmpty() ? "Failed to pop variable: the stack is empty." : "Failed to pop variable '" + directive + "': not found on stack.");
    else if (directive.startsWith (imageDirectivePrefix))
        directive = directive.right (directive.length() - imageDirectivePrefix.length()).trimmed();
        directive = FileReaderSingletone::instance().getAbsolutePath (directive, DATABASE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES_CONTEXT);

        currentDatabase->variableStack->pushVariable ("image", directive);
    else if (directive.startsWith (pushReplacementPrefix))
        directive = directive.right (directive.length() - pushReplacementPrefix.length());

        QChar delimiter = directive.isEmpty() ? QChar ('.') : directive[0];

        if (directive.isEmpty())
            blockParseError (0, "Directive '" + pushReplacementPrefix + "' expects a delimiter character.");
            directive = directive.right(directive.size() - 1);

        QStringList parts = directive.split (delimiter, QString::KeepEmptyParts);

        if (parts.size() != 3)
            blockParseError (0, QString ("Delimiter '") + delimiter + "' breaks '" + directive + "' into " + QString::number (parts.size()) + " parts, 3 expected.");

        if (!parts[2].isEmpty())
            blockParseError (0, "Non-empty last part of a '" + pushReplacementPrefix + "' directive: '" + parts[2] + "'.");

        currentDatabase->replacements.push_back (QPair <QString, QString> (parts[0], currentDatabase->variableStack->getVariableExpansion (parts[1])));
    else if (directive.startsWith (popReplacementPrefix))
        if (directive != popReplacementPrefix)
            blockParseError (0, "Directive '" + popReplacementPrefix + "' has no parameters.");

        if (currentDatabase->replacements.empty())
            blockParseError (0, "Replacements stack is empty.");

        blockParseError (0, "Unknown directive: '" + directive + "'.");