Esempio n. 1
Py::Object pysvn_client::cmd_ls( const Py::Tuple &a_args, const Py::Dict &a_kws )
    static argument_description args_desc[] =
    { true,  name_url_or_path },
    { false, name_revision },
    { false, name_recurse },
#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LS2 )
    { false, name_peg_revision },
    { false, NULL }
    FunctionArguments args( "ls", args_desc, a_args, a_kws );

    std::string path( args.getUtf8String( name_url_or_path ) );
    bool recurse = args.getBoolean( name_recurse, false );
    svn_opt_revision_t revision = args.getRevision( name_revision, svn_opt_revision_head );

    SvnPool pool( m_context );
    apr_hash_t *hash = NULL;
    std::string norm_path( svnNormalisedIfPath( path, pool ) );
#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LS2 )
    svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision = args.getRevision( name_peg_revision, revision );

    bool is_url = is_svn_url( path );
#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LS2 )
    revisionKindCompatibleCheck( is_url, peg_revision, name_peg_revision, name_url_or_path );
    revisionKindCompatibleCheck( is_url, revision, name_revision, name_url_or_path );


        PythonAllowThreads permission( m_context );

#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LS2 )
        svn_error_t *error = svn_client_ls2
        svn_error_t *error = svn_client_ls
        if( error != 0 )
            throw SvnException( error );
    catch( SvnException &e )
        // use callback error over ClientException
        m_context.checkForError( m_module.client_error );

        throw_client_error( e );

    apr_array_header_t *array = svn_sort__hash( hash, compare_items_as_paths, pool );

    std::string base_path;
    if( !norm_path.empty() )
        base_path = norm_path;
        base_path += '/';

    // convert the entries into python objects
    Py::List entries_list;

    for( int i = 0; i < array->nelts; ++i )
        svn_sort__item_t *item = &APR_ARRAY_IDX( array, i, svn_sort__item_t );

        const char *utf8_entryname = static_cast<const char *>( item->key );
        svn_dirent_t *dirent = static_cast<svn_dirent_t *>( apr_hash_get( hash, utf8_entryname, item->klen ) );

        std::string full_name( base_path );
        full_name += utf8_entryname;

        Py::Dict entry_dict;
        entry_dict[ *py_name_name ] = Py::String( full_name, name_utf8 );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_kind ] = toEnumValue( dirent->kind );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_has_props ] = Py::Int( dirent->has_props );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_size ] = Py::Long( Py::Float( double( static_cast<signed_int64>( dirent->size ) ) ) );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_created_rev ] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, dirent->created_rev ) );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_time ] = toObject( dirent->time );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_last_author ] = utf8_string_or_none( dirent->last_author );

        entries_list.append( m_wrapper_dirent.wrapDict( entry_dict ) );

    return entries_list;
main (int argc, const char **argv)
  apr_pool_t *pool;
  svn_error_t *err;
  svn_opt_revision_t revision;
  apr_hash_t *dirents;
  apr_hash_index_t *hi;
  svn_client_ctx_t *ctx;
  const char *URL;

  if (argc <= 1)
      printf ("Usage:  %s URL\n", argv[0]);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    URL = argv[1];

  /* Initialize the app.  Send all error messages to 'stderr'.  */
  if (svn_cmdline_init ("minimal_client", stderr) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Create top-level memory pool. Be sure to read the HACKING file to
     understand how to properly use/free subpools. */
  pool = svn_pool_create (NULL);

  /* Initialize the FS library. */
  err = svn_fs_initialize (pool);
  if (err)
      /* For functions deeper in the stack, we usually use the
         SVN_ERR() exception-throwing macro (see svn_error.h).  At the
         top level, we catch & print the error with svn_handle_error2(). */
      svn_handle_error2 (err, stderr, FALSE, "minimal_client: ");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Make sure the ~/.subversion run-time config files exist */
  err = svn_config_ensure (NULL, pool);
  if (err)
      svn_handle_error2 (err, stderr, FALSE, "minimal_client: ");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* All clients need to fill out a client_ctx object. */
    /* Initialize and allocate the client_ctx object. */
    if ((err = svn_client_create_context (&ctx, pool)))
        svn_handle_error2 (err, stderr, FALSE, "minimal_client: ");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Load the run-time config file into a hash */
    if ((err = svn_config_get_config (&(ctx->config), NULL, pool)))
        svn_handle_error2 (err, stderr, FALSE, "minimal_client: ");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

#ifdef WIN32
    /* Set the working copy administrative directory name. */
    if (getenv ("SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK"))
        err = svn_wc_set_adm_dir ("_svn", pool);
        if (err)
            svn_handle_error2 (err, stderr, FALSE, "minimal_client: ");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Depending on what your client does, you'll want to read about
       (and implement) the various callback function types below.  */

    /* A func (& context) which receives event signals during
       checkouts, updates, commits, etc.  */
    /* ctx->notify_func = my_notification_func;
       ctx->notify_baton = NULL; */

    /* A func (& context) which can receive log messages */
    /* ctx->log_msg_func = my_log_msg_receiver_func;
       ctx->log_msg_baton = NULL; */

    /* A func (& context) which checks whether the user cancelled */
    /* ctx->cancel_func = my_cancel_checking_func;
       ctx->cancel_baton = NULL; */

    /* Make the client_ctx capable of authenticating users */
      /* There are many different kinds of authentication back-end
         "providers".  See svn_auth.h for a full overview.

         If you want to get the auth behavior of the 'svn' program,
         you can use svn_cmdline_setup_auth_baton, which will give
         you the exact set of auth providers it uses.  This program
         doesn't use it because it's only appropriate for a command
         line program, and this is supposed to be a general purpose
         example. */

      svn_auth_provider_object_t *provider;
      apr_array_header_t *providers
        = apr_array_make (pool, 4, sizeof (svn_auth_provider_object_t *));

      svn_auth_get_simple_prompt_provider (&provider,
                                           NULL, /* baton */
                                           2, /* retry limit */ pool);
      APR_ARRAY_PUSH (providers, svn_auth_provider_object_t *) = provider;

      svn_auth_get_username_prompt_provider (&provider,
                                             NULL, /* baton */
                                             2, /* retry limit */ pool);
      APR_ARRAY_PUSH (providers, svn_auth_provider_object_t *) = provider;

      /* Register the auth-providers into the context's auth_baton. */
      svn_auth_open (&ctx->auth_baton, providers, pool);
  } /* end of client_ctx setup */

  /* Now do the real work. */

  /* Set revision to always be the HEAD revision.  It could, however,
     be set to a specific revision number, date, or other values. */
  revision.kind = svn_opt_revision_head;

  /* Main call into libsvn_client does all the work. */
  err = svn_client_ls (&dirents,
                       URL, &revision,
                       FALSE, /* no recursion */
                       ctx, pool);
  if (err)
      svn_handle_error2 (err, stderr, FALSE, "minimal_client: ");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Print the dir entries in the hash. */
  for (hi = apr_hash_first (pool, dirents); hi; hi = apr_hash_next (hi))
      const char *entryname;
      svn_dirent_t *val;

      apr_hash_this (hi, (void *) &entryname, NULL, (void *) &val);
      printf ("   %s\n", entryname);

      /* 'val' is actually an svn_dirent_t structure; a more complex
          program would mine it for extra printable information. */

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;