Esempio n. 1
File: send.c Progetto: verrio/radvd
static void update_iface_times(struct Interface * iface)
	struct timespec last_time = iface->times.last_ra_time;
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &iface->times.last_ra_time);
	time_t secs_since_last_ra = timespecdiff(&iface->times.last_ra_time, &last_time);

	if (secs_since_last_ra < 0) {
		secs_since_last_ra = 0;
		flog(LOG_WARNING, "clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) went backwards!");

	struct AdvPrefix *prefix = iface->AdvPrefixList;
	while (prefix) {
		if (prefix->enabled && (!prefix->DecrementLifetimesFlag || prefix->curr_preferredlft > 0)) {
			if (!(iface->state_info.cease_adv && prefix->DeprecatePrefixFlag)) {
				if (prefix->DecrementLifetimesFlag) {

					decrement_lifetime(secs_since_last_ra, &prefix->curr_validlft);
					decrement_lifetime(secs_since_last_ra, &prefix->curr_preferredlft);

					if (prefix->curr_preferredlft == 0) {
						char pfx_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
						addrtostr(&prefix->Prefix, pfx_str, sizeof(pfx_str));
						dlog(LOG_DEBUG, 3, "Will cease advertising %s/%u%%%s, preferred lifetime is 0", pfx_str, prefix->PrefixLen, iface->;
		prefix = prefix->next;
Esempio n. 2
static void process_rs(struct Interface *iface, unsigned char *msg, int len, struct sockaddr_in6 *addr)
	double delay;
	double next;
	struct timespec ts;
	uint8_t *opt_str;

	/* validation */
	len -= sizeof(struct nd_router_solicit);

	opt_str = (uint8_t *) (msg + sizeof(struct nd_router_solicit));

	while (len > 0) {
		int optlen;

		if (len < 2) {
			flog(LOG_WARNING, "trailing garbage in RS");

		optlen = (opt_str[1] << 3);

		if (optlen == 0) {
			flog(LOG_WARNING, "zero length option in RS");
		} else if (optlen > len) {
			flog(LOG_WARNING, "option length greater than total length in RS");

		if (*opt_str == ND_OPT_SOURCE_LINKADDR && IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&addr->sin6_addr)) {
			flog(LOG_WARNING, "received icmpv6 RS packet with unspecified source address and there is a lladdr option");

		len -= optlen;
		opt_str += optlen;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);

	delay = MAX_RA_DELAY_TIME * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);

	if (iface->UnicastOnly) {
		send_ra_forall(iface, &addr->sin6_addr);
	} else if (timespecdiff(&ts, &iface->last_multicast) / 1000.0 < iface->MinDelayBetweenRAs) {
		/* last RA was sent only a few moments ago, don't send another immediately. */
		next =
		    iface->MinDelayBetweenRAs - (ts.tv_sec + ts.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0) + (iface->last_multicast.tv_sec + iface->last_multicast.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0) + delay / 1000.0;
		iface->next_multicast = next_timespec(next);
	} else {
		/* no RA sent in a while, send a multicast reply */
		send_ra_forall(iface, NULL);
		next = rand_between(iface->MinRtrAdvInterval, iface->MaxRtrAdvInterval);
		iface->next_multicast = next_timespec(next);
Esempio n. 3
void throttler_endtick(int cpucyclesexecuted) {

    struct timespec* timediff = timespecdiff(&start, &end);
    long timetaken = (timediff->tv_sec * SIM_ONENANOSECOND) + timediff->tv_nsec;
    long target = SIM_CPUCLOCKDURATION * cpucyclesexecuted;

    double currentspeed = (float) target / (float) timetaken;

    long emulationtime = cputime;
    for (int i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(executiontimes); i++)
        emulationtime += executiontimes[i];
    double currentoverhead = (float) 1
                             - ((float) emulationtime / (float) timetaken);

    speeds[count % G_N_ELEMENTS(speeds)] = currentspeed;
    overheads[count % G_N_ELEMENTS(speeds)] = currentoverhead;

    // This clamps the time taken to a max of twice the
    // expected time so things don't get out of hand
    // trying to catch up
    long clamp = target * 2;
    timetaken = MIN(clamp, timetaken);

    long diff = target - timetaken;
    if (diff > 0)
        owed -= diff; // we were ahead this tick, so take some off of our balance
        owed += labs(diff); // we were behind this tick, so add to our balance;

    // if throttling is enabled and we're far enough ahead sleep for a little while to let realtime catch up
    if (enabled && (owed < -AHEADTHRESHOLD)) {
        static struct timespec nanosleepreq, r;
        nanosleepreq.tv_nsec = labs(owed);
        nanosleep(&nanosleepreq, &r);
        owed = -r.tv_nsec;
Esempio n. 4
int send_ra(struct Interface *iface, struct in6_addr *dest)
	struct in6_addr all_hosts_addr = {{{0xff,0x02,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}}};
	struct nd_router_advert *radvert;
	struct AdvPrefix *prefix;
	struct AdvRoute *route;
	struct AdvRDNSS *rdnss;
	struct AdvDNSSL *dnssl;
	struct AdvLowpanCo *lowpanco;
	struct AdvAbro *abroo;
	struct timespec time_now;
	int64_t secs_since_last_ra;
	char addr_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];

	unsigned char buff[MSG_SIZE_SEND];
	size_t buff_dest = 0;
	size_t len = 0;
	ssize_t err;


	/* First we need to check that the interface hasn't been removed or deactivated */
	if (check_device(iface) < 0) {
		if (iface->IgnoreIfMissing)	/* a bit more quiet warning message.. */
			dlog(LOG_DEBUG, 4, "interface %s does not exist, ignoring the interface", iface->Name);
		else {
			flog(LOG_WARNING, "interface %s does not exist, ignoring the interface", iface->Name);
		iface->HasFailed = 1;
		/* not really a 'success', but we need to schedule new timers.. */
		return 0;
	} else {
		/* check_device was successful, act if it has failed previously */
		if (iface->HasFailed == 1) {
			flog(LOG_WARNING, "interface %s seems to have come back up, trying to reinitialize", iface->Name);
			iface->HasFailed = 0;
			 * return -1 so timer_handler() doesn't schedule new timers,
			 * reload_config() will kick off new timers anyway.  This avoids
			 * timer list corruption.
			return -1;

	/* Make sure that we've joined the all-routers multicast group */
	if (!disableigmp6check && check_allrouters_membership(iface) < 0)
		flog(LOG_WARNING, "problem checking all-routers membership on %s", iface->Name);

	if (!iface->AdvSendAdvert) {
		dlog(LOG_DEBUG, 2, "AdvSendAdvert is off for %s", iface->Name);
		return 0;

	dlog(LOG_DEBUG, 3, "sending RA on %s", iface->Name);

	if (dest == NULL) {
		dest = (struct in6_addr *)&all_hosts_addr;
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &iface->last_multicast);

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time_now);
	secs_since_last_ra = timespecdiff(&time_now, &iface->last_ra_time) / 1000;
	if (secs_since_last_ra < 0) {
		secs_since_last_ra = 0;
		flog(LOG_WARNING, "clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) went backwards!");
	iface->last_ra_time = time_now;

	memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
	radvert = (struct nd_router_advert *)buff;

	send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(struct nd_router_advert));

	radvert->nd_ra_type = ND_ROUTER_ADVERT;
	radvert->nd_ra_code = 0;
	radvert->nd_ra_cksum = 0;

	radvert->nd_ra_curhoplimit = iface->AdvCurHopLimit;
	radvert->nd_ra_flags_reserved = (iface->AdvManagedFlag) ? ND_RA_FLAG_MANAGED : 0;
	radvert->nd_ra_flags_reserved |= (iface->AdvOtherConfigFlag) ? ND_RA_FLAG_OTHER : 0;
	/* Mobile IPv6 ext */
	radvert->nd_ra_flags_reserved |= (iface->AdvHomeAgentFlag) ? ND_RA_FLAG_HOME_AGENT : 0;

	if (iface->cease_adv) {
		radvert->nd_ra_router_lifetime = 0;
	} else {
		/* if forwarding is disabled, send zero router lifetime */
		radvert->nd_ra_router_lifetime = !check_ip6_forwarding()? htons(iface->AdvDefaultLifetime) : 0;
	radvert->nd_ra_flags_reserved |= (iface->AdvDefaultPreference << ND_OPT_RI_PRF_SHIFT) & ND_OPT_RI_PRF_MASK;

	radvert->nd_ra_reachable = htonl(iface->AdvReachableTime);
	radvert->nd_ra_retransmit = htonl(iface->AdvRetransTimer);

	prefix = iface->AdvPrefixList;

	 *      add prefix options

	while (prefix) {
		if (prefix->enabled && (!prefix->DecrementLifetimesFlag || prefix->curr_preferredlft > 0)) {
			struct nd_opt_prefix_info *pinfo;

			pinfo = (struct nd_opt_prefix_info *)(buff + len);

			send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(*pinfo));

			pinfo->nd_opt_pi_type = ND_OPT_PREFIX_INFORMATION;
			pinfo->nd_opt_pi_len = 4;
			pinfo->nd_opt_pi_prefix_len = prefix->PrefixLen;

			pinfo->nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved = (prefix->AdvOnLinkFlag) ? ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_ONLINK : 0;
			pinfo->nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved |= (prefix->AdvAutonomousFlag) ? ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_AUTO : 0;
			/* Mobile IPv6 ext */
			pinfo->nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved |= (prefix->AdvRouterAddr) ? ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_RADDR : 0;

			if (iface->cease_adv && prefix->DeprecatePrefixFlag) {
				/* RFC4862, 5.5.3, step e) */
				if (prefix->curr_validlft < MIN_AdvValidLifetime) {
					if (prefix->DecrementLifetimesFlag) {
					pinfo->nd_opt_pi_valid_time = htonl(prefix->curr_validlft);
				} else {
					pinfo->nd_opt_pi_valid_time = htonl(MIN_AdvValidLifetime);
				pinfo->nd_opt_pi_preferred_time = 0;
			} else {
				if (prefix->DecrementLifetimesFlag) {
					decrement_lifetime(secs_since_last_ra, &prefix->curr_validlft);

					decrement_lifetime(secs_since_last_ra, &prefix->curr_preferredlft);
					if (prefix->curr_preferredlft == 0)
						cease_adv_pfx_msg(iface->Name, &prefix->Prefix, prefix->PrefixLen);
				pinfo->nd_opt_pi_valid_time = htonl(prefix->curr_validlft);
				pinfo->nd_opt_pi_preferred_time = htonl(prefix->curr_preferredlft);

			pinfo->nd_opt_pi_reserved2 = 0;

			memcpy(&pinfo->nd_opt_pi_prefix, &prefix->Prefix, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
			print_addr(&prefix->Prefix, addr_str);
			dlog(LOG_DEBUG, 5, "adding prefix %s to advert for %s with %u seconds(s) valid lifetime and %u seconds(s) preferred time",
				addr_str, iface->Name, ntohl(pinfo->nd_opt_pi_valid_time), ntohl(pinfo->nd_opt_pi_preferred_time));

		prefix = prefix->next;

	route = iface->AdvRouteList;

	 *      add route options

	while (route) {
		struct nd_opt_route_info_local *rinfo;

		rinfo = (struct nd_opt_route_info_local *)(buff + len);

		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(*rinfo));

		rinfo->nd_opt_ri_type = ND_OPT_ROUTE_INFORMATION;
		/* XXX: the prefixes are allowed to be sent in smaller chunks as well */
		rinfo->nd_opt_ri_len = 3;
		rinfo->nd_opt_ri_prefix_len = route->PrefixLen;

		rinfo->nd_opt_ri_flags_reserved = (route->AdvRoutePreference << ND_OPT_RI_PRF_SHIFT) & ND_OPT_RI_PRF_MASK;
		if (iface->cease_adv && route->RemoveRouteFlag) {
			rinfo->nd_opt_ri_lifetime = 0;
		} else {
			rinfo->nd_opt_ri_lifetime = htonl(route->AdvRouteLifetime);

		memcpy(&rinfo->nd_opt_ri_prefix, &route->Prefix, sizeof(struct in6_addr));

		route = route->next;

	rdnss = iface->AdvRDNSSList;

	 *      add rdnss options

	while (rdnss) {
		struct nd_opt_rdnss_info_local *rdnssinfo;

		rdnssinfo = (struct nd_opt_rdnss_info_local *)(buff + len);

		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(*rdnssinfo) - (3 - rdnss->AdvRDNSSNumber) * sizeof(struct in6_addr));

		rdnssinfo->nd_opt_rdnssi_type = ND_OPT_RDNSS_INFORMATION;
		rdnssinfo->nd_opt_rdnssi_len = 1 + 2 * rdnss->AdvRDNSSNumber;
		rdnssinfo->nd_opt_rdnssi_pref_flag_reserved = 0;

		if (iface->cease_adv && rdnss->FlushRDNSSFlag) {
			rdnssinfo->nd_opt_rdnssi_lifetime = 0;
		} else {
			rdnssinfo->nd_opt_rdnssi_lifetime = htonl(rdnss->AdvRDNSSLifetime);

		memcpy(&rdnssinfo->nd_opt_rdnssi_addr1, &rdnss->AdvRDNSSAddr1, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
		memcpy(&rdnssinfo->nd_opt_rdnssi_addr2, &rdnss->AdvRDNSSAddr2, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
		memcpy(&rdnssinfo->nd_opt_rdnssi_addr3, &rdnss->AdvRDNSSAddr3, sizeof(struct in6_addr));

		rdnss = rdnss->next;

	dnssl = iface->AdvDNSSLList;

	 *      add dnssl options

	while (dnssl) {
		struct nd_opt_dnssl_info_local *dnsslinfo;
		int const start_len = len;
		int i;

		dnsslinfo = (struct nd_opt_dnssl_info_local *)(buff + len);

		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_type) +
				sizeof(dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_len) + sizeof(dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_reserved) + sizeof(dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_lifetime)

		dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_type = ND_OPT_DNSSL_INFORMATION;
		dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_reserved = 0;

		if (iface->cease_adv && dnssl->FlushDNSSLFlag) {
			dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_lifetime = 0;
		} else {
			dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_lifetime = htonl(dnssl->AdvDNSSLLifetime);

		for (i = 0; i < dnssl->AdvDNSSLNumber; i++) {
			char *label;
			int label_len;

			label = dnssl->AdvDNSSLSuffixes[i];

			while (label[0] != '\0') {
				if (strchr(label, '.') == NULL)
					label_len = strlen(label);
					label_len = strchr(label, '.') - label;

				buff_dest = len;
				send_ra_inc_len(&len, 1);
				buff[buff_dest] = label_len;

				buff_dest = len;
				send_ra_inc_len(&len, label_len);
				memcpy(buff + buff_dest, label, label_len);

				label += label_len;

				if (label[0] == '.')
				if (label[0] == '\0') {
					buff_dest = len;
					send_ra_inc_len(&len, 1);
					buff[buff_dest] = 0;

		dnsslinfo->nd_opt_dnssli_len = (len - start_len) / 8;

		if ((len - start_len) % 8 != 0) {
			send_ra_inc_len(&len, 8 - (len - start_len) % 8);

		dnssl = dnssl->next;

	 *      add MTU option

	if (iface->AdvLinkMTU != 0) {
		struct nd_opt_mtu *mtu;

		mtu = (struct nd_opt_mtu *)(buff + len);

		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(*mtu));

		mtu->nd_opt_mtu_type = ND_OPT_MTU;
		mtu->nd_opt_mtu_len = 1;
		mtu->nd_opt_mtu_reserved = 0;
		mtu->nd_opt_mtu_mtu = htonl(iface->AdvLinkMTU);

	 * add Source Link-layer Address option

	if (iface->AdvSourceLLAddress && iface->if_hwaddr_len > 0) {
		4.6.1.  Source/Target Link-layer Address

		      0                   1                   2                   3
		      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
		     |     Type      |    Length     |    Link-Layer Address ...


				     1 for Source Link-layer Address
				     2 for Target Link-layer Address

		      Length         The length of the option (including the type and
				     length fields) in units of 8 octets.  For example,
				     the length for IEEE 802 addresses is 1 [IPv6-

		      Link-Layer Address
				     The variable length link-layer address.

				     The content and format of this field (including
				     byte and bit ordering) is expected to be specified
				     in specific documents that describe how IPv6
				     operates over different link layers.  For instance,

		/* +2 for the ND_OPT_SOURCE_LINKADDR and the length (each occupy one byte) */
		size_t const sllao_bytes = (iface->if_hwaddr_len / 8) + 2;
		size_t const sllao_len = (sllao_bytes + 7) / 8;
		uint8_t *sllao = (uint8_t *) (buff + len);

		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sllao_len * 8);

		*sllao++ = (uint8_t) sllao_len;

		/* if_hwaddr_len is in bits, so divide by 8 to get the byte count. */
		memcpy(sllao, iface->if_hwaddr, iface->if_hwaddr_len / 8);

	 * Mobile IPv6 ext: Advertisement Interval Option to support
	 * movement detection of mobile nodes

	if (iface->AdvIntervalOpt) {
		struct AdvInterval a_ival;
		uint32_t ival;
		if (iface->MaxRtrAdvInterval < Cautious_MaxRtrAdvInterval) {
			ival = ((iface->MaxRtrAdvInterval + Cautious_MaxRtrAdvInterval_Leeway) * 1000);

		} else {
			ival = (iface->MaxRtrAdvInterval * 1000);
		a_ival.type = ND_OPT_RTR_ADV_INTERVAL;
		a_ival.length = 1;
		a_ival.reserved = 0;
		a_ival.adv_ival = htonl(ival);

		buff_dest = len;
		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(a_ival));
		memcpy(buff + buff_dest, &a_ival, sizeof(a_ival));

	 * Mobile IPv6 ext: Home Agent Information Option to support
	 * Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery

	if (iface->AdvHomeAgentInfo && (iface->AdvMobRtrSupportFlag || iface->HomeAgentPreference != 0 || iface->HomeAgentLifetime != iface->AdvDefaultLifetime)) {
		struct HomeAgentInfo ha_info;
		ha_info.type = ND_OPT_HOME_AGENT_INFO;
		ha_info.length = 1;
		ha_info.flags_reserved = (iface->AdvMobRtrSupportFlag) ? ND_OPT_HAI_FLAG_SUPPORT_MR : 0;
		ha_info.preference = htons(iface->HomeAgentPreference);
		ha_info.lifetime = htons(iface->HomeAgentLifetime);

		buff_dest = len;
		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(ha_info));
		memcpy(buff + buff_dest, &ha_info, sizeof(ha_info));

	lowpanco = iface->AdvLowpanCoList;

	 * Add 6co option

	if (lowpanco) {
		struct nd_opt_6co *co;
		co = (struct nd_opt_6co *)(buff + len);

		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(*co));

		co->nd_opt_6co_type = ND_OPT_6CO;
		co->nd_opt_6co_len = 3;
		co->nd_opt_6co_context_len = lowpanco->ContextLength;
		co->nd_opt_6co_c = lowpanco->ContextCompressionFlag;
		co->nd_opt_6co_cid = lowpanco->AdvContextID;
		co->nd_opt_6co_valid_lifetime = lowpanco->AdvLifeTime;
		co->nd_opt_6co_con_prefix = lowpanco->AdvContextPrefix;

	abroo = iface->AdvAbroList;

	 * Add ABRO option

	if (abroo) {
		struct nd_opt_abro *abro;
		abro = (struct nd_opt_abro *)(buff + len);

		send_ra_inc_len(&len, sizeof(*abro));

		abro->nd_opt_abro_type = ND_OPT_ABRO;
		abro->nd_opt_abro_len = 3;
		abro->nd_opt_abro_ver_low = abroo->Version[1];
		abro->nd_opt_abro_ver_high = abroo->Version[0];
		abro->nd_opt_abro_valid_lifetime = abroo->ValidLifeTime;
		abro->nd_opt_abro_6lbr_address = abroo->LBRaddress;

	err = really_send(dest, iface->if_index, iface->if_addr, buff, len);

	if (err < 0) {
		if (!iface->IgnoreIfMissing || !(errno == EINVAL || errno == ENODEV))
			flog(LOG_WARNING, "sendmsg: %s", strerror(errno));
			dlog(LOG_DEBUG, 3, "sendmsg: %s", strerror(errno));

	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
void throttler_endcardtick(int slot) {
    struct timespec* diff = timespecdiff(&cardstart, &cardend);
    long time = (diff->tv_sec * SIM_ONENANOSECOND) + diff->tv_nsec;
    executiontimes[slot] = time;
Esempio n. 6
void throttler_endcputick() {
    struct timespec* diff = timespecdiff(&cpustart, &cpuend);
    cputime = (diff->tv_sec * SIM_ONENANOSECOND) + diff->tv_nsec;