Esempio n. 1
static void
on_geany_startup_complete(G_GNUC_UNUSED GObject *obj,
                          G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data)
    if (check_on_startup == TRUE)
Esempio n. 2
static void
statsd_handle_payload(noit_check_t **checks, int nchecks,
                      char *payload, int len) {
  char *cp, *ecp, *endptr;
  cp = ecp = payload;
  endptr = payload + len - 1;
  while(ecp != NULL && ecp < endptr) {
    int i, idx = 0, last_space = 0;
    char key[256], *value;
    const char *type = NULL;
    ecp = memchr(ecp, '\n', len - (ecp - payload));
    if(ecp) *ecp++ = '\0';
    while(idx < sizeof(key) - 2 && *cp != '\0' && *cp != ':') {
      if(isspace(*cp)) {
        if(!last_space) key[idx++] = '_';
        last_space = 1;
      else if(*cp == '/') key[idx++] = '-';
      else if((*cp >= 'a' && *cp <= 'z') ||
              (*cp >= 'A' && *cp <= 'Z') ||
              (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') ||
              *cp == '`' || *cp == '.' || *cp == '_' || *cp == '-') {
        key[idx++] = *cp;
      last_space = 0;
    key[idx] = '\0';

    while((NULL != cp) && NULL != (value = strchr(cp, ':'))) {
      double sampleRate = 1.0;
      double diff = 1.0;
      if(value) {
        *value++ = '\0';
        cp = strchr(value, '|');
        if(cp) {
          char *sample_string;
          *cp++ = '\0';
          type = cp;
          sample_string = strchr(type, '|');
          if(sample_string) {
            *sample_string++ = '\0';
            if(*sample_string == '@')
              sampleRate = strtod(sample_string + 1, NULL);
          if(*type == 'g') {
            diff = 0.0;
          else if(0 == strcmp(type, "ms")) {
            diff = 0.0;
          else {
            type = NULL;
        diff = strtod(value, NULL);
      if(type == NULL) type = COUNTER_STRING;

      switch(*type) {
        case 'g':
        case 'c':
        case 'm':
            update_check(checks[i], key, *type, diff, sampleRate);
      cp = value;

    cp = ecp;
Esempio n. 3
static void manual_check_activated_cb(GtkMenuItem *menuitem, gpointer gdata)
Esempio n. 4
 * We periodically check here what actions happened in this "time-slice".
 * This can be:
 * - dpkg_was_run=TRUE: set when apt wrote the "dpkg-run-stamp" file
 * - apt_get_running: set when apt/dpkg activity is detected (in the
 *                    lists-dir, archive-cache, or /var/lib/dpkg/status)
 * - hook_pending: we have new upgrade hoook information
 * - reboot_pending: we need to reboot
 * - crashreport_pending: we have a new crashreport
 * - unicast_local_avahi_pending: avahi got disabled due to a unicast .local domain
static gboolean
file_monitor_periodic_check(gpointer data)
   UpgradeNotifier *un = (UpgradeNotifier *)data;

   // we are not ready yet, wait for the next timeslice
   if((un->reboot == NULL) || (un->crashreport == NULL))
      return TRUE;

   // DPkg::Post-Invoke has written a stamp file, that means an install/remove
   // operation finished, we can show hooks/reboot notifications then
   if(un->dpkg_was_run) {

      // check updates

      // run cache-changed plugin scripts
      GDir *dir = g_dir_open(CACHE_CHANGED_PLUGIN_DIR, 0, NULL);
      const gchar *fname, *full_path;
      GSList *cache_changed_scripts = NULL;
      while ( (fname = g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL ) {
        full_path = g_build_filename(CACHE_CHANGED_PLUGIN_DIR, fname, NULL);
        cache_changed_scripts = g_slist_insert_sorted(cache_changed_scripts,
                                 (gpointer)full_path, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0);
      // launch first script and queue others
      start_next_script(0, 0, cache_changed_scripts);

      // any apt-get update must be finished, otherwise
      // apt-get install wouldn't be finished
      update_apt_is_running(un->update, FALSE);
      if(un->update_finished_timer > 0) 
      if(un->reboot_pending) {
	 //g_print("checking reboot now\n");
	 reboot_check (un->reboot);
	 un->reboot_pending = FALSE;

      // apt must be finished when a new stamp file was written, so we
      // reset the apt_get_running time-slice field because its not
      // important anymore (it finished running)
      // This may leave a 5s race condition when a apt-get install finished
      // and something new (apt-get) was started
      un->apt_get_running = FALSE;
      un->last_apt_action = 0;

   // show pending hooks
   if(un->hook_pending) {
      //g_print("checking hooks now\n");
      un->hook_pending = FALSE;

   // apt-get update/install or dpkg is running (and updates files in
   // its list/cache dir) or in /var/lib/dpkg/status
      update_apt_is_running(un->update, TRUE);

   // update time information for apt/dpkg
   time_t now = time(NULL);
      un->last_apt_action = now;

   // no apt operation for a long time
   if(un->last_apt_action > 0 &&
      (now - un->last_apt_action) >  TIMEOUT_APT_RUN) {
      update_apt_is_running(un->update, FALSE);
      un->last_apt_action = 0;

   if(un->crashreport_pending) {
      g_debug("checking for valid crashreport now");
      crashreport_check (un->crashreport);
      un->crashreport_pending = FALSE;

   if(un->unicast_local_avahi_pending) {
      g_debug("checking for disabled avahi due to unicast .local domain now");
      avahi_disabled_check ();
      un->unicast_local_avahi_pending = FALSE;

   // reset the bitfields (for the next "time-slice")
   un->dpkg_was_run = FALSE;
   un->apt_get_running = FALSE;

   return TRUE;