Esempio n. 1
void *
st_pbo_create_vs(struct st_context *st)
   struct pipe_screen *pscreen = st->pipe->screen;
   bool use_nir = PIPE_SHADER_IR_NIR ==
      pscreen->get_shader_param(pscreen, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX,

   if (use_nir) {
      unsigned inputs[] =  {  VERT_ATTRIB_POS, SYSTEM_VALUE_INSTANCE_ID, };
      unsigned outputs[] = { VARYING_SLOT_POS,       VARYING_SLOT_LAYER  };

      return st_nir_make_passthrough_shader(st, "st/pbo VS",
                                            st->pbo.layers ? 2 : 1,
                                            inputs, outputs, NULL, (1 << 1));

   struct ureg_program *ureg;
   struct ureg_src in_pos;
   struct ureg_src in_instanceid;
   struct ureg_dst out_pos;
   struct ureg_dst out_layer;

   ureg = ureg_create(PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX);
   if (!ureg)
      return NULL;

   in_pos = ureg_DECL_vs_input(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION);

   out_pos = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION, 0);

   if (st->pbo.layers) {
      in_instanceid = ureg_DECL_system_value(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_INSTANCEID, 0);

      if (!st->pbo.use_gs)
         out_layer = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_LAYER, 0);

   /* out_pos = in_pos */
   ureg_MOV(ureg, out_pos, in_pos);

   if (st->pbo.layers) {
      if (st->pbo.use_gs) {
         /* out_pos.z = i2f(gl_InstanceID) */
         ureg_I2F(ureg, ureg_writemask(out_pos, TGSI_WRITEMASK_Z),
                        ureg_scalar(in_instanceid, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X));
      } else {
         /* out_layer = gl_InstanceID */
         ureg_MOV(ureg, ureg_writemask(out_layer, TGSI_WRITEMASK_X),
                        ureg_scalar(in_instanceid, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X));


   return ureg_create_shader_and_destroy(ureg, st->pipe);
Esempio n. 2
void *
util_make_fs_msaa_resolve(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                          enum tgsi_texture_type tgsi_tex, unsigned nr_samples,
                          enum tgsi_return_type stype)
   struct ureg_program *ureg;
   struct ureg_src sampler, coord;
   struct ureg_dst out, tmp_sum, tmp_coord, tmp;
   unsigned i;

   ureg = ureg_create(PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
   if (!ureg)
      return NULL;

   /* Declarations. */
   sampler = ureg_DECL_sampler(ureg, 0);
   ureg_DECL_sampler_view(ureg, 0, tgsi_tex, stype, stype, stype, stype);
   coord = ureg_DECL_fs_input(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC, 0,
   out = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR, 0);
   tmp_sum = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);
   tmp_coord = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);
   tmp = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);

   /* Instructions. */
   ureg_MOV(ureg, tmp_sum, ureg_imm1f(ureg, 0));
   ureg_F2U(ureg, tmp_coord, coord);

   for (i = 0; i < nr_samples; i++) {
      /* Read one sample. */
      ureg_MOV(ureg, ureg_writemask(tmp_coord, TGSI_WRITEMASK_W),
               ureg_imm1u(ureg, i));
      ureg_TXF(ureg, tmp, tgsi_tex, ureg_src(tmp_coord), sampler);

      if (stype == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_UINT)
         ureg_U2F(ureg, tmp, ureg_src(tmp));
      else if (stype == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_SINT)
         ureg_I2F(ureg, tmp, ureg_src(tmp));

      /* Add it to the sum.*/
      ureg_ADD(ureg, tmp_sum, ureg_src(tmp_sum), ureg_src(tmp));

   /* Calculate the average and return. */
   ureg_MUL(ureg, tmp_sum, ureg_src(tmp_sum),
            ureg_imm1f(ureg, 1.0 / nr_samples));

   if (stype == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_UINT)
      ureg_F2U(ureg, out, ureg_src(tmp_sum));
   else if (stype == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_SINT)
      ureg_F2I(ureg, out, ureg_src(tmp_sum));
      ureg_MOV(ureg, out, ureg_src(tmp_sum));


   return ureg_create_shader_and_destroy(ureg, pipe);
Esempio n. 3
void *
st_pbo_create_vs(struct st_context *st)
   struct ureg_program *ureg;
   struct ureg_src in_pos;
   struct ureg_src in_instanceid;
   struct ureg_dst out_pos;
   struct ureg_dst out_layer;

   ureg = ureg_create(PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX);
   if (!ureg)
      return NULL;

   in_pos = ureg_DECL_vs_input(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION);

   out_pos = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION, 0);

   if (st->pbo.layers) {
      in_instanceid = ureg_DECL_system_value(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_INSTANCEID, 0);

      if (!st->pbo.use_gs)
         out_layer = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_LAYER, 0);

   /* out_pos = in_pos */
   ureg_MOV(ureg, out_pos, in_pos);

   if (st->pbo.layers) {
      if (st->pbo.use_gs) {
         /* out_pos.z = i2f(gl_InstanceID) */
         ureg_I2F(ureg, ureg_writemask(out_pos, TGSI_WRITEMASK_Z),
                        ureg_scalar(in_instanceid, TGSI_SWIZZLE_X));
      } else {
         /* out_layer = gl_InstanceID */
         ureg_MOV(ureg, out_layer, in_instanceid);


   return ureg_create_shader_and_destroy(ureg, st->pipe);
Esempio n. 4
void *
util_make_fs_msaa_resolve_bilinear(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                                   enum tgsi_texture_type tgsi_tex,
                                   unsigned nr_samples,
                                   enum tgsi_return_type stype)
   struct ureg_program *ureg;
   struct ureg_src sampler, coord;
   struct ureg_dst out, tmp, top, bottom;
   struct ureg_dst tmp_coord[4], tmp_sum[4];
   unsigned i, c;

   ureg = ureg_create(PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
   if (!ureg)
      return NULL;

   /* Declarations. */
   sampler = ureg_DECL_sampler(ureg, 0);
   ureg_DECL_sampler_view(ureg, 0, tgsi_tex, stype, stype, stype, stype);
   coord = ureg_DECL_fs_input(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC, 0,
   out = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR, 0);
   for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
      tmp_sum[c] = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);
   for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
      tmp_coord[c] = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);
   tmp = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);
   top = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);
   bottom = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);

   /* Instructions. */
   for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
      ureg_MOV(ureg, tmp_sum[c], ureg_imm1f(ureg, 0));

   /* Get 4 texture coordinates for the bilinear filter. */
   ureg_F2U(ureg, tmp_coord[0], coord); /* top-left */
   ureg_UADD(ureg, tmp_coord[1], ureg_src(tmp_coord[0]),
             ureg_imm4u(ureg, 1, 0, 0, 0)); /* top-right */
   ureg_UADD(ureg, tmp_coord[2], ureg_src(tmp_coord[0]),
             ureg_imm4u(ureg, 0, 1, 0, 0)); /* bottom-left */
   ureg_UADD(ureg, tmp_coord[3], ureg_src(tmp_coord[0]),
             ureg_imm4u(ureg, 1, 1, 0, 0)); /* bottom-right */

   for (i = 0; i < nr_samples; i++) {
      for (c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
         /* Read one sample. */
         ureg_MOV(ureg, ureg_writemask(tmp_coord[c], TGSI_WRITEMASK_W),
                  ureg_imm1u(ureg, i));
         ureg_TXF(ureg, tmp, tgsi_tex, ureg_src(tmp_coord[c]), sampler);

         if (stype == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_UINT)
            ureg_U2F(ureg, tmp, ureg_src(tmp));
         else if (stype == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_SINT)
            ureg_I2F(ureg, tmp, ureg_src(tmp));

         /* Add it to the sum.*/
         ureg_ADD(ureg, tmp_sum[c], ureg_src(tmp_sum[c]), ureg_src(tmp));

   /* Calculate the average. */
   for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
      ureg_MUL(ureg, tmp_sum[c], ureg_src(tmp_sum[c]),
               ureg_imm1f(ureg, 1.0 / nr_samples));

   /* Take the 4 average values and apply a standard bilinear filter. */
   ureg_FRC(ureg, tmp, coord);

   ureg_LRP(ureg, top,
            ureg_scalar(ureg_src(tmp), 0),

   ureg_LRP(ureg, bottom,
            ureg_scalar(ureg_src(tmp), 0),

   ureg_LRP(ureg, tmp,
            ureg_scalar(ureg_src(tmp), 1),

   /* Convert to the texture format and return. */
   if (stype == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_UINT)
      ureg_F2U(ureg, out, ureg_src(tmp));
   else if (stype == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_SINT)
      ureg_F2I(ureg, out, ureg_src(tmp));
      ureg_MOV(ureg, out, ureg_src(tmp));


   return ureg_create_shader_and_destroy(ureg, pipe);