void SpinBox::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* e) { //qDebug() << "focusout"; QString str = text(); if (str != _imp->valueWhenEnteringFocus) { if ( validateText() ) { //setValue_internal(text().toDouble(), true, true); // force a reformat bool ok; QString newValueStr = text(); double newValue = newValueStr.toDouble(&ok); if (!ok) { newValueStr = _imp->valueWhenEnteringFocus; newValue = newValueStr.toDouble(&ok); assert(ok); } QLineEdit::setText(newValueStr); Q_EMIT valueChanged(newValue); } } else { bool ok; double v = str.toDouble(&ok); Q_UNUSED(v); if (!ok) { QLineEdit::setText(_imp->valueWhenEnteringFocus); } } LineEdit::focusOutEvent(e); }
void SpinBox::interpretReturn() { if ( validateText() ) { //setValue_internal(text().toDouble(), true, true); // force a reformat Q_EMIT valueChanged( value() ); } }
void FindLineEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { QLineEdit::keyPressEvent(event); if (use_regex_) { validateText(); } }
LicenseTemplate::LicenseTemplate() { QVBoxLayout *licenseTemplateVLayout = new QVBoxLayout; licensePlainTextEdit = new QPlainTextEdit; licensePlainTextEdit->setPlainText(settings.value("License/Template", "").toString()); licenseTemplateVLayout->addWidget(licensePlainTextEdit); fileSelector = new FileSelector(FileSelectorContexts::LicenseFile); fileSelector->setFileName(settings.value("License/File", "").toString()); connect(fileSelector, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(fileSelectorSlot())), licenseTemplateVLayout->addWidget(fileSelector); buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Save | QDialogButtonBox::Help); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(saveLicenseTemplateText())); licenseTemplateVLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(helpRequested()), this, SLOT(helpLicenseTemplate())); connect(licensePlainTextEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(validateText())); retranslateUi(); setLayout(licenseTemplateVLayout); validateText(); }
/** * \brief Validates the entered Unicode number and displays its Unicode character. */ void UnicodeDialog::slotTextChanged(QString text) { unicodeNumber->blockSignals(true); QString newText = validateText(text); if (newText.length() == 0) { unicodeChar->setText(""); unicodeNumber->setText(""); clearOverviewChars(); m_lastCursorPos = 0; m_lastUnicodeNumber = ""; labelInfoText->setText(unicodeInfo("")); } else { int cursorPos = unicodeNumber->cursorPosition(); unicodeNumber->setText(newText); unicodeNumber->setCursorPosition(cursorPos); // Get the decimal number as uint to create the QChar from bool ok; uint value = 0; switch (inputMethod) { case InputHex: value = newText.toUInt(&ok, 16); break; case InputDec: value = newText.toUInt(&ok, 10); break; } updateOverviewChars(value); if (!ok) { // Impossible! validateText never fails! } // If an invalid character has been entered: // Reset the cursor position because the entered char has been deleted. if (text != newText && newText == m_lastUnicodeNumber) { unicodeNumber->setCursorPosition(m_lastCursorPos); } m_lastCursorPos = unicodeNumber->cursorPosition(); m_lastUnicodeNumber = newText; labelInfoText->setText(unicodeInfo(newText)); unicodeChar->setText(QChar(value)); } unicodeNumber->blockSignals(false); }
void TextInput::appendText(const std::string &text) { if (!validateText(text.c_str())) { return; } std::string str = getText(); str.insert(mInputPosition, text); if (mMaxCharacters > 0 && str.size() > mMaxCharacters) { str.resize(mMaxCharacters); } mText->setText(str); fireChangeEvent(); updateInputCursor(text.size()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char key[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; FILE *fin = stdin; /* * Get command line arguments. Setup key and input location */ switch (argc) { case 2: fin = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (fin == NULL) { printf("Invalid file: %s. Unable to open for reading.\n", argv[3]); return -1; } case 1: if (!removeLetter(key, 'J')) { printf("Could not remove letter J from cipher key.\n"); return -1; } break; case 4: fin = fopen(argv[3], "r"); if (fin == NULL) { printf("Invalid file: %s. Unable to open for reading.\n", argv[3]); return -1; } case 3: if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r")) { printf("Optional parameter '-r' not found. '%s' found instead.\n", argv[1]); return -1; } if(!removeLetter(key, argv[2][0])) { printf("Could not remove letter %c from cipher key.\n", argv[2][0]); return -1; } break; default: printf("Invalid usage. See below for proper usage.\n"); printf("\t./%s [ -r <character_to_remove> ] [ ciphertext_filepath ]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } /* * Input cipher and ensure it is valid */ char *ciphertext, *plaintext; int messageLen; ciphertext = readCipher(fin, INPUT_STEP_SIZE); messageLen = strlen(ciphertext); if (validateText(ciphertext, &messageLen) != 0) { free(ciphertext); return -1; } ciphertext = realloc(ciphertext, sizeof(*ciphertext) * (messageLen + 1)); ciphertext[messageLen] = '\0'; plaintext = calloc(messageLen + 1, sizeof(*plaintext)); strcpy(plaintext, ciphertext); // close the file as long as it is not stdin if (fin != stdin) fclose(fin); // Output relevant information for error checking printf("Attempting to crack the following ciphertext with key: %s\n", key); printf("%s\n", ciphertext); int iter = 0; double score = -DBL_MAX, maxScore = -DBL_MAX; srand(time(NULL)); // randomize seed // Run until max iteration met while (iter < MAX_ITERATIONS) { iter++; score = simulatedAnnealing(key, ciphertext, plaintext, messageLen); if (score > maxScore) { maxScore = score; decipher(key, ciphertext, plaintext, messageLen); printf("\nPossible Plaintext found using key:\n"); outputKey(key); printf("%s\n\n", plaintext); } } free(plaintext); free(ciphertext); return 0; }
void FindLineEdit::setUseRegex() { use_regex_ = true; validateText(); emit useRegexFind(use_regex_); }
void FindLineEdit::setUseTextual() { use_regex_ = false; validateText(); emit useRegexFind(use_regex_); }
void ProgramInit::connectCoreAndGui() { qDebug() << "--> GetInfoInit::connectAll()"; connect(mainWindow, &MainWindow::searchParameters, core, &Core::search); connect(mainWindow, &MainWindow::addNewPlugin, core, &Core::addNewPlugin); connect(mainWindow, SIGNAL(textValidation(QString)), core->inputValidator.data(), SLOT(validateText(QString))); connect(mainWindow, &MainWindow::getQueryResultTable, core, &Core::getQueryResultModel); connect(mainWindow, &MainWindow::deleteHistoryRow, core, &Core::deleteHistoryRow); connect(mainWindow, &MainWindow::countryFieldChanged, core, &Core::setCurrentCountry); connect(mainWindow, &MainWindow::cityFieldChanged, core, &Core::updateCityModel); connect(mainWindow, &MainWindow::knowledgeFieldChanged, core, &Core::updateKnowledgeModel); connect(core, &Core::setResultModel, mainWindow , &MainWindow::setSearchResultModel); connect(core, &Core::setPluginList, mainWindow, &MainWindow::setupSearchResourcesCheckBoxes); connect(core->inputValidator.data(), &InputValidator::showValidateError, mainWindow, &MainWindow::showStatusBarMessage); connect(core->inputValidator.data(), &InputValidator::showNoValidateError, mainWindow, &MainWindow::clearStatusBarMessage); connect(core, &Core::setResultModel, mainWindow, &MainWindow::setQueryResultModel); connect(core, &Core::setPluginErrorMessage, mainWindow, &MainWindow::showErrorMessageFromPlugin); connect(core->getPluginProcessor(), &PluginProcessor::pluginsResultFinished, mainWindow, &MainWindow::closeProgressBar); }