Esempio n. 1
const Vector &
	// terms stemming from acceleration
	const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
	const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();
	const Vector &accel3 = theNodes[2]->getTrialAccel();
	const Vector &accel4 = theNodes[3]->getTrialAccel();
	// compute current resisting force

	// compute mass matrix

	Vector a(12);
	a(0)  = accel1(0);
	a(1)  = accel1(1);
	a(2)  = accel1(2);
	a(3)  = accel2(0);
	a(4)  = accel2(1);
	a(5)  = accel2(2);
	a(6)  = accel3(0);
	a(7)  = accel3(1);
	a(8)  = accel3(2);
	a(9)  = accel4(0);
	a(10) = accel4(1);
	a(11) = accel4(2);

	mInternalForces.addMatrixVector(1.0, mMass, a, 1.0);

	// terms stemming from velocity
	const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel();
	const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel();
	const Vector &vel3 = theNodes[2]->getTrialVel();
	const Vector &vel4 = theNodes[3]->getTrialVel();
	Vector v(12);
	v(0)  = vel1(0);
	v(1)  = vel1(1);
	v(2)  = vel1(2);
	v(3)  = vel2(0);
	v(4)  = vel2(1);
	v(5)  = vel2(2);
	v(6)  = vel3(0);
	v(7)  = vel3(1);
	v(8)  = vel3(2);
	v(9)  = vel4(0);
	v(10) = vel4(1);
	v(11) = vel4(2);

	// compute damping matrix

	mInternalForces.addMatrixVector(1.0, mDamp, v, 1.0);

	return mInternalForces;
  Returns the correct coefficient of friction for this contact.  If either
  body is dynamic, and the relative velocity between them is greater than
  1.0 mm/sec (should be made a parameter), then it returns the kinetic COF,
  otherwise it returns the static COF.
Contact::getCof() const
  DynamicBody *db;
  vec3 radius,vel1(vec3::ZERO),vel2(vec3::ZERO),rotvel;

  if (body1->isDynamic()) {
    db = (DynamicBody *)body1;
    radius = db->getTran().rotation() * (loc - db->getCoG());
    vel1 += radius * rotvel;
  if (body2->isDynamic()) {
    db = (DynamicBody *)body2;
    radius = db->getTran().rotation() * (mate->loc - db->getCoG());
    vel2 += radius * rotvel;
  if ((vel1 - vel2).len() > 1.0) {
    return kcof;
  else return cof;
Esempio n. 3
int TwoNodeLink::update()
    int errCode = 0;
    // get global trial response
    const Vector &dsp1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &dsp2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel();
    int numDOF2 = numDOF/2;
    Vector ug(numDOF), ugdot(numDOF), uldot(numDOF);
    for (int i=0; i<numDOF2; i++)  {
        ug(i)         = dsp1(i);  ugdot(i)         = vel1(i);
        ug(i+numDOF2) = dsp2(i);  ugdot(i+numDOF2) = vel2(i);
    // transform response from the global to the local system
    ul.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tgl, ug, 1.0);
    uldot.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tgl, ugdot, 1.0);
    // transform response from the local to the basic system
    ub.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tlb, ul, 1.0);
    ubdot.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tlb, uldot, 1.0);
    //ub = (Tlb*Tgl)*ug;
    //ubdot = (Tlb*Tgl)*ugdot;
    // set trial response for material models
    for (int i=0; i<numDir; i++)
        errCode += theMaterials[i]->setTrialStrain(ub(i),ubdot(i));
    return errCode;
Esempio n. 4
CollisionAttributes Hurtbox::resolveHurtboxCollision(Hurtbox* hb,
                                                     MapObject* obj1, MapObject* obj2) {
    CollisionAttributes c(obj1);
    // Very simple bouncing simulation, utilizing the property of total elastic collision
    // The resulting angles are not entirely correct at this point
    double mass1 = 1, mass2 = 1; // Mass should be determined in each MapObject later
    Vector2D vel1(obj1->getXVel(), obj1->getYVel());
    Vector2D vel2(obj2->getXVel(), obj2->getYVel());
    // Calculate the new velocities
    Vector2D newVel = (vel1 * (mass1 - mass2) + vel2 * 2 * mass2) / (mass1 + mass2);
    Vector2D* finalVel = new Vector2D(newVel.getX(), newVel.getY());
    return c;
Esempio n. 5
Truss::computeCurrentStrainRate(void) const
    // NOTE method will not be called if L == 0

    // determine the strain
    const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel();	

    double dLength = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
      dLength += (vel2(i)-vel1(i))*cosX[i];

    // this method should never be called with L == 0
    return dLength/L;
Esempio n. 6
int EETruss::update()
    int rValue = 0;
    // get current time
    Domain *theDomain = this->getDomain();
    (*t)(0) = theDomain->getCurrentTime();
    // determine dsp, vel and acc in basic system
    const Vector &disp1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &disp2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &dispIncr1 = theNodes[0]->getIncrDeltaDisp();
    const Vector &dispIncr2 = theNodes[1]->getIncrDeltaDisp();
    (*db)(0) = (*vb)(0) = (*ab)(0) = 0.0;
    double dbDelta = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i<numDIM; i++)  {
        (*db)(0) += (disp2(i)-disp1(i))*cosX[i];
        (*vb)(0) += (vel2(i)-vel1(i))*cosX[i];
        (*ab)(0) += (accel2(i)-accel1(i))*cosX[i];
        dbDelta  += (dispIncr2(i)-dispIncr1(i))*cosX[i];
    // do not check time for right now because of transformation constraint
    // handler calling update at beginning of new step when applying load
    // if (fabs(dbDelta) > DBL_EPSILON || (*t)(0) > tLast)  {
    if (fabs(dbDelta) > DBL_EPSILON)  {
        // set the trial response at the site
        if (theSite != 0)  {
            theSite->setTrialResponse(db, vb, ab, (Vector*)0, t);
        else  {
            sData[0] = OF_RemoteTest_setTrialResponse;
            rValue += theChannel->sendVector(0, 0, *sendData, 0);
    // save the last time
    tLast = (*t)(0);
    return rValue;
Esempio n. 7
const Vector &
	// determine global velocities
	const Vector &vel1 = nodeIPtr->getTrialVel();
	const Vector &vel2 = nodeJPtr->getTrialVel();
	static double vg[6];
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		vg[i]   = vel1(i);
		vg[i+3] = vel2(i);
	static Vector vb(3);
	double oneOverL = 1.0/L;
	double sl = sinTheta*oneOverL;
	double cl = cosTheta*oneOverL;
	vb(0) = -cosTheta*vg[0] - sinTheta*vg[1] +
		cosTheta*vg[3] + sinTheta*vg[4];
	vb(1) = -sl*vg[0] + cl*vg[1] + vg[2] +
		sl*vg[3] - cl*vg[4];
	if (nodeIOffset != 0) {
		double t02 = -cosTheta*nodeIOffset[1] + sinTheta*nodeIOffset[0];
		double t12 =  sinTheta*nodeIOffset[1] + cosTheta*nodeIOffset[0];
		vb(0) -= t02*vg[2];
		vb(1) += oneOverL*t12*vg[2];
	if (nodeJOffset != 0) {
		double t35 = -cosTheta*nodeJOffset[1] + sinTheta*nodeJOffset[0];
		double t45 =  sinTheta*nodeJOffset[1] + cosTheta*nodeJOffset[0];
		vb(0) += t35*vg[5];
		vb(1) -= oneOverL*t45*vg[5];
	vb(2) = vb(1) + vg[5] - vg[2];
	return vb;
Esempio n. 8
int EETrussCorot::update()
    int rValue = 0;
    // get current time
    Domain *theDomain = this->getDomain();
    (*t)(0) = theDomain->getCurrentTime();
    // determine dsp, vel and acc in basic system
    const Vector &disp1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &disp2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &dispIncr1 = theNodes[0]->getIncrDeltaDisp();
    const Vector &dispIncr2 = theNodes[1]->getIncrDeltaDisp();
    // initial offsets
    double d21Last[3];
    d21[0] = L; d21[1] = d21[2] = 0.0;
    v21[0] = v21[1] = v21[2] = 0.0;
    a21[0] = a21[1] = a21[2] = 0.0;
    d21Last[0] = L; d21Last[1] = d21Last[2] = 0.0;
    // update offsets in basic system
    for (int i=0; i<numDIM; i++)  {
        double deltaDisp = disp2(i) - disp1(i);
        d21[0] += deltaDisp*R(0,i);
        d21[1] += deltaDisp*R(1,i);
        d21[2] += deltaDisp*R(2,i);
        double deltaVel = vel2(i) - vel1(i);
        v21[0] += deltaVel*R(0,i);
        v21[1] += deltaVel*R(1,i);
        v21[2] += deltaVel*R(2,i);
        double deltaAccel = accel2(i) - accel1(i);
        a21[0] += deltaAccel*R(0,i);
        a21[1] += deltaAccel*R(1,i);
        a21[2] += deltaAccel*R(2,i);
        double deltaDispLast = (disp2(i)-dispIncr2(i))
                             - (disp1(i)-dispIncr1(i));
        d21Last[0] += deltaDispLast*R(0,i);
        d21Last[1] += deltaDispLast*R(1,i);
        d21Last[2] += deltaDispLast*R(2,i);
    // compute new length and deformation
    Ln = sqrt(d21[0]*d21[0] + d21[1]*d21[1] + d21[2]*d21[2]);
    double c1 = d21[0]*v21[0] + d21[1]*v21[1] + d21[2]*v21[2];
    double c2 = v21[0]*v21[0] + v21[1]*v21[1] + v21[2]*v21[2]
              + d21[0]*a21[0] + d21[1]*a21[1] + d21[2]*a21[2];
    (*db)(0) = Ln - L;
    (*vb)(0) = c1/Ln;
    (*ab)(0) = c2/Ln - (c1*c1)/(Ln*Ln*Ln);
    double LnLast = sqrt(d21Last[0]*d21Last[0] + d21Last[1]*d21Last[1]
                  + d21Last[2]*d21Last[2]);
    double dbDelta = (Ln - L) - (LnLast - L);

    // do not check time for right now because of transformation constraint
    // handler calling update at beginning of new step when applying load
    // if (fabs(dbDelta) > DBL_EPSILON || (*t)(0) > tLast)  {
    if (fabs(dbDelta) > DBL_EPSILON)  {
        // set the trial response at the site
        if (theSite != 0)  {
            theSite->setTrialResponse(db, vb, ab, (Vector*)0, t);
        else  {
            sData[0] = OF_RemoteTest_setTrialResponse;
            rValue += theChannel->sendVector(0, 0, *sendData, 0);
    // save the last time
    tLast = (*t)(0);
    return rValue;
int ElastomericBearingBoucWen2d::update()
    // get global trial displacements and velocities
    const Vector &dsp1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &dsp2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel();
    static Vector ug(6), ugdot(6), uldot(6), ubdot(3);
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  {
        ug(i)   = dsp1(i);  ugdot(i)   = vel1(i);
        ug(i+3) = dsp2(i);  ugdot(i+3) = vel2(i);
    // transform response from the global to the local system
    ul.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tgl, ug, 1.0);
    uldot.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tgl, ugdot, 1.0);
    // transform response from the local to the basic system
    ub.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tlb, ul, 1.0);
    ubdot.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tlb, uldot, 1.0);
    // 1) get axial force and stiffness in basic x-direction
    theMaterials[0]->setTrialStrain(ub(0), ubdot(0));
    qb(0) = theMaterials[0]->getStress();
    kb(0,0) = theMaterials[0]->getTangent();
    // 2) calculate shear force and stiffness in basic y-direction
    // get displacement increment (trial - commited)
    double delta_ub = ub(1) - ubC(1);
    if (fabs(delta_ub) > 0.0)  {
        // get yield displacement
        double uy = qYield/k0;
        // calculate hysteretic evolution parameter z using Newton-Raphson
        int iter = 0;
        double zAbs, tmp1, f, Df, delta_z;
        do  {
            zAbs = fabs(z);
            if (zAbs == 0.0)    // check because of negative exponents
                zAbs = DBL_EPSILON;
            tmp1 = gamma + beta*sgn(z*delta_ub);
            // function and derivative
            f  = z - zC - delta_ub/uy*(A - pow(zAbs,eta)*tmp1);
            Df = 1.0 + delta_ub/uy*eta*pow(zAbs,eta-1.0)*sgn(z)*tmp1;
            // issue warning if derivative Df is zero
            if (fabs(Df) <= DBL_EPSILON)  {
                opserr << "WARNING: ElastomericBearingBoucWen2d::update() - "
                    << "zero derivative in Newton-Raphson scheme for "
                    << "hysteretic evolution parameter z.\n";
                return -1;
            // advance one step
            delta_z = f/Df;
            z -= delta_z;
        } while ((fabs(delta_z) >= tol) && (iter < maxIter));
        // issue warning if Newton-Raphson scheme did not converge
        if (iter >= maxIter)   {
            opserr << "WARNING: ElastomericBearingBoucWen2d::update() - "
                << "did not find the hysteretic evolution parameter z after "
                << iter << " iterations and norm: " << fabs(delta_z) << endln;
            return -2;
        // get derivative of hysteretic evolution parameter * uy
        dzdu = A - pow(fabs(z),eta)*(gamma + beta*sgn(z*delta_ub));
        // set shear force
        qb(1) = qYield*z + k2*ub(1) + k3*sgn(ub(1))*pow(fabs(ub(1)),mu);
        // set tangent stiffness
        kb(1,1) = k0*dzdu + k2 + k3*mu*pow(fabs(ub(1)),mu-1.0);
    // 3) get moment and stiffness about basic z-direction
    theMaterials[1]->setTrialStrain(ub(2), ubdot(2));
    qb(2) = theMaterials[1]->getStress();
    kb(2,2) = theMaterials[1]->getTangent();
    return 0;
Esempio n. 10
int SingleFPSimple2d::update()
    // get global trial displacements and velocities
    const Vector &dsp1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &dsp2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel();
    static Vector ug(6), ugdot(6), uldot(6), ubdot(3);
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  {
        ug(i)   = dsp1(i);  ugdot(i)   = vel1(i);
        ug(i+3) = dsp2(i);  ugdot(i+3) = vel2(i);
    // transform response from the global to the local system
    ul = Tgl*ug;
    uldot = Tgl*ugdot;
    // transform response from the local to the basic system
    ub = Tlb*ul;
    ubdot = Tlb*uldot;
    // get absolute velocity
    double ubdotAbs = sqrt(pow(ubdot(1)/Reff*ub(1),2) + pow(ubdot(1),2));
    // 1) get axial force and stiffness in basic x-direction
    double ub0Old = theMaterials[0]->getStrain();
    qb(0) = theMaterials[0]->getStress();
    kb(0,0) = theMaterials[0]->getTangent();
    // check for uplift
    if (qb(0) >= 0.0)  {
        kb = kbInit;
        if (qb(0) > 0.0)  {
            kb(0,0) *= DBL_EPSILON;
            kb(2,2) *= DBL_EPSILON;
            // update plastic displacement
            ubPlastic = ub(1);
        return 0;
    // 2) calculate shear force and stiffness in basic y-direction
    int iter = 0;
    double qb1Old = 0.0;
    do  {
        // save old shear force
        qb1Old = qb(1);
        // get normal and friction (yield) forces
        double N = -qb(0) + qb(1)/Reff*ub(1) - qb(1)*ul(2);
        theFrnMdl->setTrial(N, ubdotAbs);
        double qYield = (theFrnMdl->getFrictionForce());
        // get stiffness of elastic component
        double k2 = N/Reff;
        // get initial stiffness of hysteretic component
        double k0 = qYield/uy;
        // get trial shear force of hysteretic component
        double qTrial = k0*(ub(1) - ubPlasticC);
        // compute yield criterion of hysteretic component
        double qTrialNorm = fabs(qTrial);
        double Y = qTrialNorm - qYield;
        // elastic step -> no updates required
        if (Y <= 0.0)  {
            // set shear force
            qb(1) = qTrial + k2*ub(1) - N*ul(2);
            // set tangent stiffness
            kb(1,1) = k0 + k2;
        // plastic step -> return mapping
        else  {
            // compute consistency parameter
            double dGamma = Y/k0;
            // update plastic displacement
            ubPlastic = ubPlasticC + dGamma*qTrial/qTrialNorm;
            // set shear force
            qb(1) = qYield*qTrial/qTrialNorm + k2*ub(1) - N*ul(2);
            // set tangent stiffness
            kb(1,1) = k2;
    } while ((fabs(qb(1)-qb1Old) >= tol) && (iter < maxIter));
    // issue warning if iteration did not converge
    if (iter >= maxIter)  {
        opserr << "WARNING: SingleFPSimple2d::update() - did not find the shear force after "
            << iter << " iterations and norm: " << fabs(qb(1)-qb1Old) << endln;
        return -1;
    // 3) get moment and stiffness in basic z-direction
    qb(2) = theMaterials[1]->getStress();
    kb(2,2) = theMaterials[1]->getTangent();
    return 0;
void dgWorldDynamicUpdate::ResolveClusterForces(dgBodyCluster* const cluster, dgInt32 threadID, dgFloat32 timestep) const
	if (cluster->m_activeJointCount) {
		SortClusters(cluster, timestep, threadID);

	if (!cluster->m_isContinueCollision) {
		if (cluster->m_activeJointCount) {
			BuildJacobianMatrix (cluster, threadID, timestep);
			CalculateClusterReactionForces(cluster, threadID, timestep, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR);
			//CalculateClusterReactionForces_1(cluster, threadID, timestep, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR);
		} else {
			IntegrateExternalForce(cluster, timestep, threadID);
		IntegrateVelocity (cluster, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR, timestep, threadID); 
	} else {
		// calculate reaction forces and new velocities
		BuildJacobianMatrix (cluster, threadID, timestep);
		IntegrateReactionsForces (cluster, threadID, timestep, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR);

		// see if the island goes to sleep
		bool isAutoSleep = true;
		bool stackSleeping = true;
		dgInt32 sleepCounter = 10000;

		dgWorld* const world = (dgWorld*) this;
		const dgInt32 bodyCount = cluster->m_bodyCount;
		dgBodyInfo* const bodyArrayPtr = (dgBodyInfo*) &world->m_bodiesMemory[0]; 
		dgBodyInfo* const bodyArray = &bodyArrayPtr[cluster->m_bodyStart];

		const dgFloat32 forceDamp = DG_FREEZZING_VELOCITY_DRAG;
		dgFloat32 maxAccel = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		dgFloat32 maxAlpha = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		dgFloat32 maxSpeed = dgFloat32 (0.0f);
		dgFloat32 maxOmega = dgFloat32 (0.0f);

		const dgFloat32 speedFreeze = world->m_freezeSpeed2;
		const dgFloat32 accelFreeze = world->m_freezeAccel2;
		const dgVector forceDampVect (forceDamp, forceDamp, forceDamp, dgFloat32 (0.0f));
		for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
			dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[i].m_body;
			if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
				dgAssert (body->m_invMass.m_w);

				const dgFloat32 accel2 = body->m_accel.DotProduct3(body->m_accel);
				const dgFloat32 alpha2 = body->m_alpha.DotProduct3(body->m_alpha);
				const dgFloat32 speed2 = body->m_veloc.DotProduct3(body->m_veloc);
				const dgFloat32 omega2 = body->m_omega.DotProduct3(body->m_omega);

				maxAccel = dgMax (maxAccel, accel2);
				maxAlpha = dgMax (maxAlpha, alpha2);
				maxSpeed = dgMax (maxSpeed, speed2);
				maxOmega = dgMax (maxOmega, omega2);

				bool equilibrium = (accel2 < accelFreeze) && (alpha2 < accelFreeze) && (speed2 < speedFreeze) && (omega2 < speedFreeze);
				if (equilibrium) {
					dgVector veloc (body->m_veloc * forceDampVect);
					dgVector omega = body->m_omega * forceDampVect;
					body->m_veloc = (dgVector (veloc.DotProduct4(veloc)) > m_velocTol) & veloc;
					body->m_omega = (dgVector (omega.DotProduct4(omega)) > m_velocTol) & omega;

				body->m_equilibrium = dgUnsigned32 (equilibrium);
				stackSleeping &= equilibrium;
				isAutoSleep &= body->m_autoSleep;

				sleepCounter = dgMin (sleepCounter, body->m_sleepingCounter);
			// clear accel and angular acceleration
			body->m_accel = dgVector::m_zero;
			body->m_alpha = dgVector::m_zero;

		if (isAutoSleep) {
			if (stackSleeping) {
				// the island went to sleep mode, 
				for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
					dgBody* const body = bodyArray[i].m_body;
					dgAssert (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI) || body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_kinematicBodyRTTI));
					body->m_accel = dgVector::m_zero;
					body->m_alpha = dgVector::m_zero;
					body->m_veloc = dgVector::m_zero;
					body->m_omega = dgVector::m_zero;
			} else {
				// island is not sleeping but may be resting with small residual velocity for a long time
				// see if we can force to go to sleep
				if ((maxAccel > world->m_sleepTable[DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES - 1].m_maxAccel) ||
					(maxAlpha > world->m_sleepTable[DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES - 1].m_maxAlpha) ||
					(maxSpeed > world->m_sleepTable[DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES - 1].m_maxVeloc) ||
					(maxOmega > world->m_sleepTable[DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES - 1].m_maxOmega)) {
					for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
						dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[i].m_body;
						if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
							body->m_sleepingCounter = 0;
				} else {
					dgInt32 index = 0;
					for (dgInt32 i = 0; i < DG_SLEEP_ENTRIES; i ++) {
						if ((maxAccel <= world->m_sleepTable[i].m_maxAccel) &&
							(maxAlpha <= world->m_sleepTable[i].m_maxAlpha) &&
							(maxSpeed <= world->m_sleepTable[i].m_maxVeloc) &&
							(maxOmega <= world->m_sleepTable[i].m_maxOmega)) {
								index = i;

					dgInt32 timeScaleSleepCount = dgInt32 (dgFloat32 (60.0f) * sleepCounter * timestep);
					if (timeScaleSleepCount > world->m_sleepTable[index].m_steps) {
						// force island to sleep
						stackSleeping = true;
						for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
							dgBody* const body = bodyArray[i].m_body;
							dgAssert (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI) || body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_kinematicBodyRTTI));
							body->m_accel = dgVector::m_zero;
							body->m_alpha = dgVector::m_zero;
							body->m_veloc = dgVector::m_zero;
							body->m_omega = dgVector::m_zero;
							body->m_equilibrium = true;
					} else {
						sleepCounter ++;
						for (dgInt32 i = 1; i < bodyCount; i ++) {
							dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[i].m_body;
							if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
								body->m_sleepingCounter = sleepCounter;

		if (!(isAutoSleep & stackSleeping)) {
			// island is not sleeping, need to integrate island velocity
			const dgUnsigned32 lru = world->GetBroadPhase()->m_lru;
			const dgInt32 jointCount = cluster->m_jointCount;
			dgJointInfo* const constraintArrayPtr = (dgJointInfo*) &world->m_jointsMemory[0];
			dgJointInfo* const constraintArray = &constraintArrayPtr[cluster->m_jointStart];

			dgFloat32 timeRemaining = timestep;
			const dgFloat32 timeTol = dgFloat32 (0.01f) * timestep;
			for (dgInt32 i = 0; (i < DG_MAX_CONTINUE_COLLISON_STEPS) && (timeRemaining > timeTol); i ++) {
				// calculate the closest time to impact 
				dgFloat32 timeToImpact = timeRemaining;
				for (dgInt32 j = 0; (j < jointCount) && (timeToImpact > timeTol); j ++) {
					dgContact* const contact = (dgContact*) constraintArray[j].m_joint;
					if (contact->GetId() == dgConstraint::m_contactConstraint) {
						dgDynamicBody* const body0 = (dgDynamicBody*)contact->m_body0;
						dgDynamicBody* const body1 = (dgDynamicBody*)contact->m_body1;
						if (body0->m_continueCollisionMode | body1->m_continueCollisionMode) {
							dgVector p;
							dgVector q;
							dgVector normal;
							timeToImpact = dgMin (timeToImpact, world->CalculateTimeToImpact (contact, timeToImpact, threadID, p, q, normal, dgFloat32 (-1.0f / 256.0f)));

				if (timeToImpact > timeTol) {
					timeRemaining -= timeToImpact;
					for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j ++) {
						dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[j].m_body;
						if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
				} else {
					if (timeToImpact >= dgFloat32 (-1.0e-5f)) {
						for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j++) {
							dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*)bodyArray[j].m_body;
							if (body->IsRTTIType(dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {

					CalculateClusterContacts (cluster, timeRemaining, lru, threadID);
					BuildJacobianMatrix (cluster, threadID, 0.0f);
					IntegrateReactionsForces (cluster, threadID, 0.0f, DG_SOLVER_MAX_ERROR);

					bool clusterReceding = true;
					const dgFloat32 step = timestep * dgFloat32 (1.0f / DG_MAX_CONTINUE_COLLISON_STEPS); 
					for (dgInt32 k = 0; (k < DG_MAX_CONTINUE_COLLISON_STEPS) && clusterReceding; k ++) {
						dgFloat32 smallTimeStep = dgMin (step, timeRemaining);
						timeRemaining -= smallTimeStep;
						for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j ++) {
							dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[j].m_body;
							if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
								body->IntegrateVelocity (smallTimeStep);

						clusterReceding = false;
						if (timeRemaining > timeTol) {
							CalculateClusterContacts (cluster, timeRemaining, lru, threadID);

							bool isColliding = false;
							for (dgInt32 j = 0; (j < jointCount) && !isColliding; j ++) {
								dgContact* const contact = (dgContact*) constraintArray[j].m_joint;
								if (contact->GetId() == dgConstraint::m_contactConstraint) {

									const dgBody* const body0 = contact->m_body0;
									const dgBody* const body1 = contact->m_body1;

									const dgVector& veloc0 = body0->m_veloc;
									const dgVector& veloc1 = body1->m_veloc;

									const dgVector& omega0 = body0->m_omega;
									const dgVector& omega1 = body1->m_omega;

									const dgVector& com0 = body0->m_globalCentreOfMass;
									const dgVector& com1 = body1->m_globalCentreOfMass;
									for (dgList<dgContactMaterial>::dgListNode* node = contact->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
										const dgContactMaterial* const contactMaterial = &node->GetInfo();
										dgVector vel0 (veloc0 + omega0.CrossProduct3(contactMaterial->m_point - com0));
										dgVector vel1 (veloc1 + omega1.CrossProduct3(contactMaterial->m_point - com1));
										dgVector vRel (vel0 - vel1);
										dgAssert (contactMaterial->m_normal.m_w == dgFloat32 (0.0f));
										dgFloat32 speed = vRel.DotProduct4(contactMaterial->m_normal).m_w;
										isColliding |= (speed < dgFloat32 (0.0f));
							clusterReceding = !isColliding;

			if (timeRemaining > dgFloat32 (0.0)) {
				for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j ++) {
					dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[j].m_body;
					if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
						body->UpdateCollisionMatrix (timeRemaining, threadID);
			} else {
				for (dgInt32 j = 1; j < bodyCount; j ++) {
					dgDynamicBody* const body = (dgDynamicBody*) bodyArray[j].m_body;
					if (body->IsRTTIType (dgBody::m_dynamicBodyRTTI)) {
						body->UpdateCollisionMatrix (timestep, threadID);
Esempio n. 12
const Vector&
    int i, j, k;

    const Vector &accel1 = nd1Ptr->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &accel2 = nd2Ptr->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &accel3 = nd3Ptr->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &accel4 = nd4Ptr->getTrialAccel();

    static double a[12];

    a[0] = accel1(0);
    a[1] = accel1(1);
    a[2] = accel1(2);
    a[3] = accel2(0);
    a[4] = accel2(1);
    a[5] = accel2(2);
    a[6] = accel3(0);
    a[7] = accel3(1);
    a[8] = accel3(2);
    a[9] = accel4(0);
    a[10] = accel4(1);
    a[11] = accel4(2);

    // Compute the current resisting force
    //opserr<<"K "<<P<<endln;

    // Compute the mass matrix

    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
            P(i) += K(i,j)*a[j];
    //opserr<<"K+M "<<P<<endln;

    // dynamic seepage force
    /*for (i = 0, k = 0; i < 4; i++, k += 3) {
      // loop over integration points
      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
        P(i+2) -= rho*dvol[j]*(shp[2][i][j]*a[k]*perm[0]*shp[0][i][j]
    //opserr<<"K+M+fb "<<P<<endln;

    const Vector &vel1 = nd1Ptr->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel2 = nd2Ptr->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel3 = nd3Ptr->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel4 = nd4Ptr->getTrialVel();

    a[0] = vel1(0);
    a[1] = vel1(1);
    a[2] = vel1(2);
    a[3] = vel2(0);
    a[4] = vel2(1);
    a[5] = vel2(2);
    a[6] = vel3(0);
    a[7] = vel3(1);
    a[8] = vel3(2);
    a[9] = vel4(0);
    a[10] = vel4(1);
    a[11] = vel4(2);


    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
            P(i) += K(i,j)*a[j];
    //opserr<<"final "<<P<<endln;
    return P;
Esempio n. 13
int ElastomericBearing2d::update()
    // get global trial displacements and velocities
    const Vector &dsp1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &dsp2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialDisp();
    const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel();
    const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel();
    static Vector ug(6), ugdot(6), uldot(6), ubdot(3);
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  {
        ug(i)   = dsp1(i);  ugdot(i)   = vel1(i);
        ug(i+3) = dsp2(i);  ugdot(i+3) = vel2(i);
    // transform response from the global to the local system
    ul = Tgl*ug;
    uldot = Tgl*ugdot;
    // transform response from the local to the basic system
    ub = Tlb*ul;
    ubdot = Tlb*uldot;
    // 1) get axial force and stiffness in basic x-direction
    qb(0) = theMaterials[0]->getStress();
    kb(0,0) = theMaterials[0]->getTangent();
    // 2) calculate shear force and stiffness in basic y-direction
    // get trial shear force of hysteretic component
    double qTrial = k0*(ub(1) - ubPlasticC);
    // compute yield criterion of hysteretic component
    double qTrialNorm = fabs(qTrial);
    double Y = qTrialNorm - qYield;
    // elastic step -> no updates required
    if (Y <= 0.0)  {
        // set shear force
        qb(1) = qTrial + k2*ub(1);
        // set tangent stiffness
        kb(1,1) = k0 + k2;
    // plastic step -> return mapping
    else  {
        // compute consistency parameter
        double dGamma = Y/k0;
        // update plastic displacement
        ubPlastic = ubPlasticC + dGamma*qTrial/qTrialNorm;
        // set shear force
        qb(1) = qYield*qTrial/qTrialNorm + k2*ub(1);
        // set tangent stiffness
        kb(1,1) = k2;
    // 3) get moment and stiffness in basic z-direction
    qb(2) = theMaterials[1]->getStress();
    kb(2,2) = theMaterials[1]->getTangent();
    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
int main() {
	std::mt19937 generator(time(nullptr));

	sys::ComputeSystem cs;


	sys::ComputeProgram prog;

	prog.loadFromFile("resources/", cs);

	// --------------------------- Create the Sparse Coder ---------------------------

	cl::Image2D inputImage = cl::Image2D(cs.getContext(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl::ImageFormat(CL_R, CL_FLOAT), 64, 64);

	std::ifstream fromFile("resources/train-images.idx3-ubyte", std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);

	if (!fromFile.is_open()) {
		std::cerr << "Could not open train-images.idx3-ubyte!" << std::endl;

		return 1;

	std::vector<neo::PredictiveHierarchy::LayerDesc> layerDescs(4);

	layerDescs[0]._size = { 64, 64 };
	layerDescs[0]._feedForwardRadius = 8;

	layerDescs[1]._size = { 48, 48 };

	layerDescs[2]._size = { 32, 32 };

	layerDescs[3]._size = { 24, 24 };

	neo::PredictiveHierarchy ph;

	ph.createRandom(cs, prog, { 64, 64 }, layerDescs, { -0.01f, 0.01f }, { 0.01f, 0.05f }, 0.1f, generator);

	float avgError = 1.0f;

	float avgErrorDecay = 0.1f;

	sf::RenderWindow window;

	window.create(sf::VideoMode(1024, 512), "MNIST Video Test");

	vis::Plot plot;


	plot._curves[0]._name = "Squared Error";

	std::uniform_int_distribution<int> digitDist(0, 59999);
	std::uniform_real<float> dist01(0.0f, 1.0f);

	sf::RenderTexture rt;

	rt.create(64, 64);

	sf::Image digit0;
	sf::Texture digit0Tex;
	sf::Image digit1;
	sf::Texture digit1Tex;

	sf::Image pred;
	sf::Texture predTex;

	digit0.create(28, 28);
	digit1.create(28, 28);

	pred.create(rt.getSize().x, rt.getSize().y);

	const float boundingSize = (64 - 28) / 2;
	const float center = 32;
	const float minimum = center - boundingSize;
	const float maximum = center + boundingSize;

	float avgError2 = 1.0f;

	const float avgError2Decay = 0.01f;

	std::vector<float> prediction(64 * 64, 0.0f);

	for (int iter = 0; iter < 10000; iter++) {
		// Select digit indices
		int d0 = digitDist(generator);
		int d1 = digitDist(generator);

		// Load digits
		Image img0, img1;

		loadMNISTimage(fromFile, d0, img0);
		loadMNISTimage(fromFile, d1, img1);

		for (int x = 0; x < digit0.getSize().x; x++)
			for (int y = 0; y < digit0.getSize().y; y++) {
				int index = x + y * digit0.getSize().x;

				sf::Color c = sf::Color::White;

				c.a = img0._intensities[index];

				digit0.setPixel(x, y, c);


		for (int x = 0; x < digit1.getSize().x; x++)
			for (int y = 0; y < digit1.getSize().y; y++) {
				int index = x + y * digit1.getSize().x;

				sf::Color c = sf::Color::White;

				c.a = img1._intensities[index];

				digit1.setPixel(x, y, c);


		sf::Vector2f vel0(dist01(generator) * 2.0f - 1.0f, dist01(generator) * 2.0f - 1.0f);
		sf::Vector2f vel1(dist01(generator) * 2.0f - 1.0f, dist01(generator) * 2.0f - 1.0f);

		sf::Vector2f pos0(dist01(generator) * (maximum - minimum) + minimum, dist01(generator) * (maximum - minimum) + minimum);
		sf::Vector2f pos1(dist01(generator) * (maximum - minimum) + minimum, dist01(generator) * (maximum - minimum) + minimum);

		float vel0mul = dist01(generator) * 6.0f / std::max(1.0f, std::sqrt(vel0.x * vel0.x + vel0.y + vel0.y));

		vel0 *= vel0mul;

		float vel1mul = dist01(generator) * 6.0f / std::max(1.0f, std::sqrt(vel1.x * vel1.x + vel1.y + vel1.y));

		vel1 *= vel1mul;

		// Render video
		for (int f = 0; f < 20; f++) {
			sf::Event windowEvent;

			while (window.pollEvent(windowEvent)) {
				switch (windowEvent.type) {
				case sf::Event::Closed:
					return 0;

			pos0 += vel0;

			pos1 += vel1;

			if (pos0.x < minimum) {
				pos0.x = minimum;

				vel0.x *= -1.0f;
			else if (pos0.x > maximum) {
				pos0.x = maximum;

				vel0.x *= -1.0f;

			if (pos0.y < minimum) {
				pos0.y = minimum;

				vel0.y *= -1.0f;
			else if (pos0.y > maximum) {
				pos0.y = maximum;

				vel0.y *= -1.0f;

			if (pos1.x < minimum) {
				pos1.x = minimum;

				vel1.x *= -1.0f;
			else if (pos1.x > maximum) {
				pos1.x = maximum;

				vel1.x *= -1.0f;

			if (pos1.y < minimum) {
				pos1.y = minimum;

				vel1.y *= -1.0f;
			else if (pos1.y > maximum) {
				pos1.y = maximum;

				vel1.y *= -1.0f;


			sf::Sprite s0;


			s0.setOrigin(28 / 2, 28 / 2);



			sf::Sprite s1;


			s1.setOrigin(28 / 2, 28 / 2);




			// Get input image
			sf::Image res = rt.getTexture().copyToImage();

			// Show RT
			const float scale = 4.0f;

			sf::Sprite s;

			s.setScale(scale, scale);



			std::vector<float> input(64 * 64);

			// Train
			if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::T)) {
				for (int x = 0; x < res.getSize().x; x++)
					for (int y = 0; y < res.getSize().y; y++) {
						input[x + y * 64] = prediction[x + y * 64];
			else {
				const float predictionIncorporateRatio = 0.1f;

				for (int x = 0; x < res.getSize().x; x++)
					for (int y = 0; y < res.getSize().y; y++) {
						input[x + y * 64] = (1.0f - predictionIncorporateRatio) * res.getPixel(x, y).r / 255.0f + predictionIncorporateRatio * prediction[x + y * 64];

			// Error
			float error = 0.0f;

			for (int x = 0; x < res.getSize().x; x++)
				for (int y = 0; y < res.getSize().y; y++) {
					error += std::pow(res.getPixel(x, y).r / 255.0f - prediction[x + y * 64], 2);

			error /= res.getSize().x * res.getSize().y;

			avgError2 = (1.0f - avgError2Decay) * avgError2 + avgError2Decay * error;

			std::cout << "Squared Error: " << avgError2 << std::endl;

			cs.getQueue().enqueueWriteImage(inputImage, CL_TRUE, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 64, 64, 1 }, 0, 0,;

			ph.simStep(cs, inputImage);

			cs.getQueue().enqueueReadImage(ph.getPrediction(), CL_TRUE, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 64, 64, 1 }, 0, 0,;

			// Show prediction
			for (int x = 0; x < rt.getSize().x; x++)
				for (int y = 0; y < rt.getSize().y; y++) {
					sf::Color c = sf::Color::White;

					c.r = c.b = c.g = std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, prediction[x + y * 64])) * 255.0f;

					pred.setPixel(x, y, c);


			sf::Sprite sp;


			sp.setScale(scale, scale);

			sp.setPosition(window.getSize().x - scale * rt.getSize().x, 0);


			/*sf::Image sdr;

			sdr.create(prsdr.getLayerDescs().front()._width, prsdr.getLayerDescs().front()._height);

			for (int x = 0; x < sdr.getSize().x; x++)
				for (int y = 0; y < sdr.getSize().y; y++) {
					sf::Color c = sf::Color::White;

					c.r = c.g = c.b = prsdr.getLayers().front()._sdr.getHiddenState(x, y) * 255.0f;

					sdr.setPixel(x, y, c);

			sf::Texture sdrTex;


			sf::Sprite sdrS;


			sdrS.setPosition(0.0f, window.getSize().y - sdrTex.getSize().y * scale);

			sdrS.setScale(scale, scale);


			if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape))
				return 0;

	/*sf::RenderTexture rt;

	rt.create(1024, 1024);

	sf::Texture lineGradientTexture;


	sf::Font tickFont;


	plot.draw(rt, lineGradientTexture, tickFont, 1.0f, sf::Vector2f(0.0f, step), sf::Vector2f(0.0f, 1.0f), sf::Vector2f(128.0f, 128.0f), sf::Vector2f(500.0f, 0.1f), 2.0f, 3.0f, 1.5f, 3.0f, 20.0f, 6);



	return 0;