Esempio n. 1
osd_file::error osd_file::remove(std::string const &filename)
    osd::text::tstring tempstr = osd::text::to_tstring(filename);

    error filerr = error::NONE;
    if (!DeleteFile(tempstr.c_str()))
        filerr = win_error_to_file_error(GetLastError());

    return filerr;
Esempio n. 2
osd_file::error osd_file::remove(std::string const &filename)
    TCHAR *tempstr = tstring_from_utf8(filename.c_str());
    if (!tempstr)
        return error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    error filerr = error::NONE;
    if (!DeleteFile(tempstr))
        filerr = win_error_to_file_error(GetLastError());

    return filerr;
Esempio n. 3
file_error win_write_ptty(osd_file *file, const void *buffer, UINT64 offset, UINT32 count, UINT32 *actual)
	BOOL res;
	DWORD bytes_wrote;

	res = WriteFile(file->handle, buffer, count, &bytes_wrote, NULL);
	if(res == FALSE)
		return win_error_to_file_error(GetLastError());

	if(actual != NULL)
		*actual = bytes_wrote;

	return FILERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 4
osd_file::error osd_get_full_path(std::string &dst, std::string const &path)
    // convert the path to TCHARs
    osd::text::tstring t_path = osd::text::to_tstring(path);

    // cannonicalize the path
    TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
    if (!GetFullPathName(t_path.c_str(), ARRAY_LENGTH(buffer), buffer, nullptr))
        return win_error_to_file_error(GetLastError());

    // convert the result back to UTF-8
    osd::text::from_tstring(dst, buffer);
    return osd_file::error::NONE;
Esempio n. 5
osd_file::error osd_get_full_path(std::string &dst, std::string const &path)
    // convert the path to TCHARs
    TCHAR *t_path = tstring_from_utf8(path.c_str());
    osd_disposer<TCHAR> t_path_disposer(t_path);
    if (!t_path)
        return osd_file::error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    // cannonicalize the path
    TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
    if (!GetFullPathName(t_path, ARRAY_LENGTH(buffer), buffer, nullptr))
        return win_error_to_file_error(GetLastError());

    // convert the result back to UTF-8
    char *result = utf8_from_tstring(buffer);
    osd_disposer<char> result_disposer(result);
    if (!result)
        return osd_file::error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    dst = result;
    return osd_file::error::NONE;
Esempio n. 6
file_error osd_open(const char *path, UINT32 openflags, osd_file **file, UINT64 *filesize)
	DWORD disposition, access, sharemode;
	file_error filerr = FILERR_NONE;
	const TCHAR *src;
	DWORD upper;
	TCHAR *t_path;
	TCHAR *dst;

	// convert path to TCHAR
	t_path = tstring_from_utf8(path);
	if (t_path == NULL)
		goto error;

	// allocate a file object, plus space for the converted filename
	*file = (osd_file *)malloc(sizeof(**file) + sizeof(TCHAR) * _tcslen(t_path));
	if (*file == NULL)
		goto error;

	// convert the path into something Windows compatible
	dst = (*file)->filename;
	for (src = t_path; *src != 0; src++)
		*dst++ = *src;//(*src == '/') ? '\\' : *src;
	*dst++ = 0;

	// select the file open modes
	if (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_WRITE)
		disposition = (!is_path_to_physical_drive(path) && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE)) ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING;
		sharemode = 0;
	else if (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_READ)
		disposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
		access = GENERIC_READ;
		sharemode = FILE_SHARE_READ;
		goto error;

	// attempt to open the file
	(*file)->handle = CreateFile((*file)->filename, access, sharemode, NULL, disposition, 0, NULL);
	if ((*file)->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		DWORD error = GetLastError();

		// create the path if necessary
		if (error == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE) && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS))
			TCHAR *pathsep = _tcsrchr((*file)->filename, '\\');
			if (pathsep != NULL)
				// create the path up to the file
				*pathsep = 0;
				error = create_path_recursive((*file)->filename);
				*pathsep = '\\';

				// attempt to reopen the file
				if (error == NO_ERROR)
					(*file)->handle = CreateFile((*file)->filename, access, sharemode, NULL, disposition, 0, NULL);

		// if we still failed, clean up and free
		if ((*file)->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
			filerr = win_error_to_file_error(error);
			goto error;

	// get the file size
	*filesize = GetFileSize((*file)->handle, &upper);
	*filesize |= (UINT64)upper << 32;

	// cleanup
	if (filerr != FILERR_NONE && *file != NULL)
		*file = NULL;
	return filerr;
Esempio n. 7
osd_file::error osd_file::open(std::string const &orig_path, UINT32 openflags, ptr &file, std::uint64_t &filesize)
    std::string path;
    try {
        osd_subst_env(path, orig_path);
    catch (...) {
        return error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if (win_check_socket_path(path))
        return win_open_socket(path, openflags, file, filesize);
    else if (win_check_ptty_path(path))
        return win_open_ptty(path, openflags, file, filesize);

    // convert path to TCHAR
    TCHAR *t_path = tstring_from_utf8(path.c_str());
    osd_disposer<TCHAR> t_path_disposer(t_path);
    if (!t_path)
        return error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    // convert the path into something Windows compatible
    for (TCHAR *src = t_path; *src != 0; src++)
        *src = /* ('/' == *src) ? '\\' : */ *src;

    // select the file open modes
    DWORD disposition, access, sharemode;
    if (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_WRITE)
        disposition = (!is_path_to_physical_drive(path.c_str()) && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE)) ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING;
        access = (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_READ) ? (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE) : GENERIC_WRITE;
        sharemode = FILE_SHARE_READ;
    else if (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_READ)
        disposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
        access = GENERIC_READ;
        sharemode = FILE_SHARE_READ;
        return error::INVALID_ACCESS;

    // attempt to open the file
    HANDLE h = CreateFile(t_path, access, sharemode, nullptr, disposition, 0, nullptr);
        DWORD err = GetLastError();
        // create the path if necessary
        if ((ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == err) && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE) && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS))
            TCHAR *pathsep = _tcsrchr(t_path, '\\');
            if (pathsep != nullptr)
                // create the path up to the file
                *pathsep = 0;
                err = create_path_recursive(t_path);
                *pathsep = '\\';

                // attempt to reopen the file
                if (err == NO_ERROR)
                    h = CreateFile(t_path, access, sharemode, nullptr, disposition, 0, nullptr);
                    err = GetLastError();

        // if we still failed, clean up and free
        if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h)
            return win_error_to_file_error(err);

    // get the file size
    DWORD upper, lower;
    lower = GetFileSize(h, &upper);
    if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == lower)
        DWORD const err = GetLastError();
        if (NO_ERROR != err)
            return win_error_to_file_error(err);

        file = std::make_unique<win_osd_file>(h);
        filesize = (std::uint64_t(upper) << 32) | lower;
        return error::NONE;
    catch (...)
        return error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;
Esempio n. 8
osd_file::error osd_file::open(std::string const &orig_path, uint32_t openflags, ptr &file, std::uint64_t &filesize)
    std::string path;
    try {
        osd_subst_env(path, orig_path);
    catch (...) {
        return error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if (win_check_socket_path(path))
        return win_open_socket(path, openflags, file, filesize);
    else if (win_check_ptty_path(path))
        return win_open_ptty(path, openflags, file, filesize);

    // convert path to TCHAR
    osd::text::tstring t_path = osd::text::to_tstring(path);

    // convert the path into something Windows compatible (the actual interesting part appears
    // to have been commented out???)
    for (auto iter = t_path.begin(); iter != t_path.end(); iter++)
        *iter = /* ('/' == *iter) ? '\\' : */ *iter;

    // select the file open modes
    DWORD disposition, access, sharemode;
    if (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_WRITE)
        disposition = (!is_path_to_physical_drive(path.c_str()) && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE)) ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING;
        access = (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_READ) ? (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE) : GENERIC_WRITE;
        sharemode = FILE_SHARE_READ;
    else if (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_READ)
        disposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
        access = GENERIC_READ;
        sharemode = FILE_SHARE_READ;
        return error::INVALID_ACCESS;

    // attempt to open the file
    HANDLE h = CreateFile(t_path.c_str(), access, sharemode, nullptr, disposition, 0, nullptr);
        DWORD err = GetLastError();
        // create the path if necessary
        if ((ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == err) && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE) && (openflags & OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS))
            auto pathsep = t_path.rfind('\\');
            if (pathsep != decltype(t_path)::npos)
                // create the path up to the file
                t_path[pathsep] = 0;
                err = create_path_recursive(&t_path[0]);
                t_path[pathsep] = '\\';

                // attempt to reopen the file
                if (err == NO_ERROR)
                    h = CreateFile(t_path.c_str(), access, sharemode, nullptr, disposition, 0, nullptr);
                    err = GetLastError();

        // if we still failed, clean up and free
        if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h)
            return win_error_to_file_error(err);

    // get the file size
    DWORD upper, lower;
    lower = GetFileSize(h, &upper);
    if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == lower)
        DWORD const err = GetLastError();
        if (NO_ERROR != err)
            return win_error_to_file_error(err);

        file = std::make_unique<win_osd_file>(h);
        filesize = (std::uint64_t(upper) << 32) | lower;
        return error::NONE;
    catch (...)
        return error::OUT_OF_MEMORY;