Album::Album(const Album& album) : id(album.getId()), name(album.getName()), artist(album.getArtist()), coverFilepath(album.getCoverFilepath()), mixed(album.getMixed()), label(album.getLabel()), catalogId(album.getCatalogId()), releaseDateYear(album.getReleaseDateYear()), releaseDateMonth(album.getReleaseDateMonth()), releaseDateDay(album.getReleaseDateDay()), basicGenreId(album.getBasicGenreId()), basicGenre(NULL) { if (album.basicGenre) setBasicGenre(*album.basicGenre); }
void Album::operator=(const Album& album) { id = album.getId(); name = album.getName(); artist = album.getArtist(); coverFilepath = album.getCoverFilepath(); mixed = album.getMixed(); label = album.getLabel(); catalogId = album.getCatalogId(); releaseDateYear = album.getReleaseDateYear(); releaseDateMonth = album.getReleaseDateMonth(); releaseDateDay = album.getReleaseDateDay(); basicGenreId = album.getBasicGenreId(); if (!album.getBasicGenreId() && album.basicGenre) { if (!basicGenre) basicGenre = new BasicGenre(*album.basicGenre); else *basicGenre = *album.basicGenre; } else { delete basicGenre; basicGenre = NULL; } }
bool Album::sync() { Album* album = findById(id); if (!album) { if (!basicGenreId && basicGenre) { basicGenre->sync(); basicGenreId = basicGenre->getId(); } } if (!album) album = findByNameAndArtist(getName(), getArtist()); if (!album) return true; // check fields bool needsUpdate = false; boost::regex decimal("(-?\\d+)\\.?\\d*"); boost::smatch match1; boost::smatch match2; if (id != album->getId()) { if (id) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " id from " << album->getId() << " to " << id; needsUpdate = true; } else { id = album->getId(); } } if (>getName()) && (!boost::regex_match(name, match1, decimal) || !boost::regex_match(album->getName(), match2, decimal) || match1[1].str().compare(match2[1].str()))) { if (!name.empty()) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " name from " << album->getName() << " to " << name; needsUpdate = true; } else { name = album->getName(); } } if (>getArtist()) && (!boost::regex_match(artist, match1, decimal) || !boost::regex_match(album->getArtist(), match2, decimal) || match1[1].str().compare(match2[1].str()))) { if (!artist.empty()) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " artist from " << album->getArtist() << " to " << artist; needsUpdate = true; } else { artist = album->getArtist(); } } if (>getCoverFilepath()) && (!boost::regex_match(coverFilepath, match1, decimal) || !boost::regex_match(album->getCoverFilepath(), match2, decimal) || match1[1].str().compare(match2[1].str()))) { if (!coverFilepath.empty()) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " coverFilepath from " << album->getCoverFilepath() << " to " << coverFilepath; needsUpdate = true; } else { coverFilepath = album->getCoverFilepath(); } } if (mixed != album->getMixed()) { if (mixed) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " mixed from " << album->getMixed() << " to " << mixed; needsUpdate = true; } else { mixed = album->getMixed(); } } if (>getLabel()) && (!boost::regex_match(label, match1, decimal) || !boost::regex_match(album->getLabel(), match2, decimal) || match1[1].str().compare(match2[1].str()))) { if (!label.empty()) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " label from " << album->getLabel() << " to " << label; needsUpdate = true; } else { label = album->getLabel(); } } if (>getCatalogId()) && (!boost::regex_match(catalogId, match1, decimal) || !boost::regex_match(album->getCatalogId(), match2, decimal) || match1[1].str().compare(match2[1].str()))) { if (!catalogId.empty()) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " catalogId from " << album->getCatalogId() << " to " << catalogId; needsUpdate = true; } else { catalogId = album->getCatalogId(); } } if (releaseDateYear != album->getReleaseDateYear()) { if (releaseDateYear) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " releaseDateYear from " << album->getReleaseDateYear() << " to " << releaseDateYear; needsUpdate = true; } else { releaseDateYear = album->getReleaseDateYear(); } } if (releaseDateMonth != album->getReleaseDateMonth()) { if (releaseDateMonth) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " releaseDateMonth from " << album->getReleaseDateMonth() << " to " << releaseDateMonth; needsUpdate = true; } else { releaseDateMonth = album->getReleaseDateMonth(); } } if (releaseDateDay != album->getReleaseDateDay()) { if (releaseDateDay) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " releaseDateDay from " << album->getReleaseDateDay() << " to " << releaseDateDay; needsUpdate = true; } else { releaseDateDay = album->getReleaseDateDay(); } } if (basicGenreId != album->getBasicGenreId()) { if (basicGenreId) { LOG(INFO) << "updating album " << id << " basicGenreId from " << album->getBasicGenreId() << " to " << basicGenreId; needsUpdate = true; } else { basicGenreId = album->getBasicGenreId(); } } if (basicGenre) needsUpdate |= basicGenre->sync(); return needsUpdate; }
vector<string> MusicVideoService::downloadAudio(const string& url) { LOG(INFO) << "downloadYouTubeAudio with url " << url; vector<string> filepaths; boost::filesystem::path tmpPath(SoulSifterSettings::getInstance().get<string>("dir.tmp")); // todo: use os.tmpdir() if (!boost::filesystem::exists(tmpPath)) { if (!boost::filesystem::create_directories(tmpPath)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to create temporary directory " << tmpPath; return filepaths; } } else if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(tmpPath)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Temporary directory is not a directory " << tmpPath; return filepaths; } FILE *fpipe; stringstream command; command << "cd " << tmpPath << "; youtube-dl --print-json --write-all-thumbnails --restrict-filenames --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --quiet " << url; if (!(fpipe = (FILE*)popen(command.str().c_str(), "r"))) { LOG(WARNING) << "Problem with youtube-dl pipe."; return filepaths; } char buffer[1024]; stringstream ss; LOG(INFO) << "Running command '" << command.str() << "'"; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, fpipe)) { ss << buffer; } pclose(fpipe); // read output string json; while (std::getline(ss, json, '\n')) { if ( == '{') { boost::property_tree::ptree ptree; std::stringstream tmp(json); read_json(tmp, ptree); Song* song = new Song(); Album* album = new Album(); song->setAlbum(album); string baseFileName = ptree.get<string>("_filename").substr(0, ptree.get<string>("_filename").size() - ptree.get<string>("ext").size()); song->setFilepath(SoulSifterSettings::getInstance().get<string>("dir.tmp") + '/' + baseFileName + "mp3"); album->setCoverFilepath(SoulSifterSettings::getInstance().get<string>("dir.tmp") + '/' + baseFileName + "jpg"); string title = ptree.get<string>("title"); if (!MusicManager::getInstance().splitArtistAndTitle(title, song)) { song->setArtist(ptree.get<string>("uploader")); song->setTitle(title); } MusicManager::getInstance().moveFeaturing(song); MusicManager::getInstance().copyRemixer(song); song->setLowQuality(true); song->setCurator(ptree.get<string>("uploader")); string date = ptree.get<string>("upload_date", "00000000"); if (!date.empty() && !!"null")) { album->setReleaseDateYear(std::stoi(date.substr(0, 4))); album->setReleaseDateMonth(std::stoi(date.substr(4, 2))); album->setReleaseDateDay(std::stoi(date.substr(6, 4))); } album->setArtist(song->getArtist()); album->setName(song->getTitle()); TagService::writeId3v2Tag(song); filepaths.push_back(song->getFilepath()); filepaths.push_back(album->getCoverFilepath()); delete song; return filepaths; } } return filepaths; }