Esempio n. 1
 * Internal function for BDD dumping
std::pair<int,unsigned int> BDD_newDumpDotRecurse(const BF &bdd, int level, RecurseContext &rc) {
        const BFManager *cudd = bdd.manager();
	if (rc.nodesSoFar>MAX_NODES_GRAPH) return std::pair<int,unsigned int>(-1,0);
	// Constant nodes?
    if (bdd==cudd->constantFalse()) return std::pair<int,unsigned int>(-1,0);
    if (bdd==cudd->constantTrue()) return std::pair<int,unsigned int>(-1,1);
	// int index = bdd.NodeReadIndex();
	if (level==(int)(rc.vars.size())) {
		#ifdef USE_BDD
		int index = bdd.readNodeIndex();
		std::ostringstream errorMsg;
		errorMsg << "MyDumpDot: Variable List was incomplete. Variable missing (" << index << "): " <<;
                std::cerr << errorMsg.str() << std::endl;
		throw BFDumpDotException(errorMsg.str());
		throw BFDumpDotException("MyDumpDot: Variable List was incomplete. Variable missing (unknown);");
	// While not dependent on this var skip to next one
	BF currentVar;
	BF zeroBranch;
	BF oneBranch;
	bool depends = false;
	while ((!depends) && (level<(int)(rc.vars.size()))) {
		currentVar =[level]);
		BF cube[1];
		int phase[1];
		phase[0] = 1;
		cube[0] = currentVar;
		zeroBranch = bdd & (!currentVar);
		zeroBranch = zeroBranch.ExistAbstract( cudd->computeCube(cube,phase,1));
		oneBranch = bdd & (currentVar);
		oneBranch = oneBranch.ExistAbstract( cudd->computeCube(cube,phase,1));
		if (oneBranch==zeroBranch) {
		} else {
			depends = true;
	if (level==(int)(rc.vars.size())) {
		#ifdef USE_BDD
		int index = bdd.readNodeIndex();
		std::ostringstream errorMsg;
		errorMsg << "MyDumpDot: Variable List was incomplete. Variable missing (" << index << "): " <<;
                std::cerr << errorMsg.str() << std::endl;
		throw BFDumpDotException(errorMsg.str());
		throw BFDumpDotException("MyDumpDot: Variable List was incomplete. Variable missing (unknown)");
	// Search for a suitable node
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<rc.nodes[level].size();i++) {
		MyDumpDotNode &current = rc.nodes[level][i];
		if ((current.getSuccF()==zeroBranch) && (current.getSuccT()==oneBranch))
			return std::pair<int,unsigned int>(level,i);
	// Else: Make suitable node
	std::pair<int,unsigned int> continueZero = BDD_newDumpDotRecurse(zeroBranch, level+1, rc);
	std::pair<int,unsigned int> continueOne = BDD_newDumpDotRecurse(oneBranch, level+1, rc);
	return std::pair<int,unsigned int>(level,rc.nodes[level].size()-1);
Esempio n. 2
 * Dumps a BDD to a file for rendering with DOT
 * Uses a custom variable ordering and "manual" dumping without "negation" edges
void BF_newDumpDot(const VariableInfoContainer &cont, const BF &b, const char* varOrder, const std::string filename)

    // Use NULL as varOrder to just use everything in the list
    std::string allVars;
    if (varOrder==NULL) {
        std::ostringstream os;
        std::vector<string> types;
        for (std::vector<string>::const_iterator it = types.begin();it!=types.end();it++) {
            if (os.str().length()>0) os << " ";
            os << *it;
        allVars = os.str();
        varOrder = allVars.c_str();

        // Decoding Variable order
	std::istringstream order(varOrder);
	std::vector<unsigned int> vars;
	while (!order.eof()) {
		std::string part;
		order >> part;
		std::vector<unsigned int> newVars;
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<newVars.size();i++) {
			std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator first_previous_usage;
			first_previous_usage = std::find(vars.begin(),vars.end(),newVars[i]);
			if (first_previous_usage != vars.end()) {
                // A variable occurs twice!
				throw BFDumpDotException(__FILE__,__LINE__);
			//std::cout << "bddDump Variable: " << newVars[i] << std::endl;
	if ( throw BFDumpDotException("Illegal variable order.");
	// Process the nodes
	// This is done by pushing a node downwards whenever it is independent of the current variable.
	std::vector<std::vector< MyDumpDotNode > > nodes;
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<vars.size();i++)
	RecurseContext context(vars,nodes,cont);
	// Process recursively
        // Opening output file
	std::ofstream dumpFile(filename.c_str());
	if (context.nodesSoFar<=MAX_NODES_GRAPH) {
		// Preface
		dumpFile << "digraph \"DD\" { size = \"8,8\" \n  center = true; " << std::endl;
		// Start with variable order
		dumpFile << "edge [dir = none];\n"
			<< "{ node [shape = plaintext];\n"
			<< "  edge [style = invis];\n"
			<< " \"CONST NODES\" [style = invis];\n";
		std::vector<string> localVarNames;
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<vars.size();i++) {
			if (nodes[i].size()>0) {
				unsigned int var = vars[i];
				std::ostringstream thisOne;
                                std::string varName = cont.getVariableName(var);
                                std::replace(varName.begin(), varName.end(), '\"', '\'');
                                thisOne << "\"" << varName << "-";
				thisOne << " (" << var << ")\"";
				dumpFile << thisOne.str();
				dumpFile << " -> ";
			} else {
		dumpFile << "\"CONST NODES\"\n}\n";
		// Print the normal nodes
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<vars.size();i++) {
			if (nodes[i].size()>0) {
				dumpFile << "{ rank = same; " << localVarNames[i] << "; ";
				std::ostringstream thisOne;
				for (unsigned int j=0;j<nodes[i].size();j++) {
					thisOne << " \"" << i << "_" << j << "\"; "; 
				dumpFile << thisOne.str() << "\n}\n";
		// Print the const nodes
		dumpFile << "{ rank = same; \"CONST NODES\";" << std::endl;
                        BFManager const *cudd = b.manager();
                        if (b==cudd->constantFalse())
				dumpFile << "{ node [shape = box]; \"0\"; }}";
				dumpFile << "{ node [shape = box]; \"1\"; }}";
		// Print the Connections
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<vars.size();i++) {
			if (nodes[i].size()>0) {
				for (unsigned int j=0;j<nodes[i].size();j++) {
					std::ostringstream thisOne;
					// ELSE (But no zero-Transitions)
					if ((nodes[i][j].getSuccFlevel()!=-1) || (nodes[i][j].getSuccFnr()!=0)) {
						thisOne << " \"" << i << "_" << j << "\" ->";
						if (nodes[i][j].getSuccFlevel()==-1) {
							if (nodes[i][j].getSuccFnr()==0) thisOne << "\"0\"";
							else thisOne << "\"1\"";
						} else {
							thisOne << " \"" << nodes[i][j].getSuccFlevel() << "_" << nodes[i][j].getSuccFnr() << "\"";
						thisOne << "[color=red];\n";
					// IF
					if ((nodes[i][j].getSuccTlevel()!=-1) || (nodes[i][j].getSuccTnr()!=0)) { 
						thisOne << " \"" << i << "_" << j << "\" ->";
						if (nodes[i][j].getSuccTlevel()==-1) {
							if (nodes[i][j].getSuccTnr()==0) thisOne << "\"0\"";
							else thisOne << "\"1\"";
						} else {
							thisOne << " \"" << nodes[i][j].getSuccTlevel() << "_" << nodes[i][j].getSuccTnr() << "\"";
						thisOne << "[color=blue,style=bold,dir=forward];\n";
					dumpFile << thisOne.str();
		dumpFile << "\n}\n";
	} else {
		dumpFile << "digraph \"DD\" { \n  \"Graph is too big\"\n}\n";		
	if ( throw BFDumpDotException("MyDotDump: Writing to output file "+filename+" failed.");