Esempio n. 1
/// GetShiftedValue - When CanEvaluateShifted returned true for an expression,
/// this value inserts the new computation that produces the shifted value.
static Value *GetShiftedValue(Value *V, unsigned NumBits, bool isLeftShift,
                              InstCombiner &IC) {
  // We can always evaluate constants shifted.
  if (Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V)) {
    if (isLeftShift)
      V = IC.Builder->CreateShl(C, NumBits);
      V = IC.Builder->CreateLShr(C, NumBits);
    // If we got a constantexpr back, try to simplify it with TD info.
    if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(V))
      V = ConstantFoldConstantExpression(CE, IC.getDataLayout(),
    return V;

  Instruction *I = cast<Instruction>(V);

  switch (I->getOpcode()) {
  default: llvm_unreachable("Inconsistency with CanEvaluateShifted");
  case Instruction::And:
  case Instruction::Or:
  case Instruction::Xor:
    // Bitwise operators can all arbitrarily be arbitrarily evaluated shifted.
    I->setOperand(0, GetShiftedValue(I->getOperand(0), NumBits,isLeftShift,IC));
    I->setOperand(1, GetShiftedValue(I->getOperand(1), NumBits,isLeftShift,IC));
    return I;

  case Instruction::Shl: {
    BinaryOperator *BO = cast<BinaryOperator>(I);
    unsigned TypeWidth = BO->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();

    // We only accept shifts-by-a-constant in CanEvaluateShifted.
    ConstantInt *CI = cast<ConstantInt>(BO->getOperand(1));

    // We can always fold shl(c1)+shl(c2) -> shl(c1+c2).
    if (isLeftShift) {
      // If this is oversized composite shift, then unsigned shifts get 0.
      unsigned NewShAmt = NumBits+CI->getZExtValue();
      if (NewShAmt >= TypeWidth)
        return Constant::getNullValue(I->getType());

      BO->setOperand(1, ConstantInt::get(BO->getType(), NewShAmt));
      return I;

    // We turn shl(c)+lshr(c) -> and(c2) if the input doesn't already have
    // zeros.
    if (CI->getValue() == NumBits) {
      APInt Mask(APInt::getLowBitsSet(TypeWidth, TypeWidth - NumBits));
      V = IC.Builder->CreateAnd(BO->getOperand(0),
                                ConstantInt::get(BO->getContext(), Mask));
      if (Instruction *VI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
      return V;

    // We turn shl(c1)+shr(c2) -> shl(c3)+and(c4), but only when we know that
    // the and won't be needed.
    assert(CI->getZExtValue() > NumBits);
    BO->setOperand(1, ConstantInt::get(BO->getType(),
                                       CI->getZExtValue() - NumBits));
    return BO;
  case Instruction::LShr: {
    BinaryOperator *BO = cast<BinaryOperator>(I);
    unsigned TypeWidth = BO->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
    // We only accept shifts-by-a-constant in CanEvaluateShifted.
    ConstantInt *CI = cast<ConstantInt>(BO->getOperand(1));

    // We can always fold lshr(c1)+lshr(c2) -> lshr(c1+c2).
    if (!isLeftShift) {
      // If this is oversized composite shift, then unsigned shifts get 0.
      unsigned NewShAmt = NumBits+CI->getZExtValue();
      if (NewShAmt >= TypeWidth)
        return Constant::getNullValue(BO->getType());

      BO->setOperand(1, ConstantInt::get(BO->getType(), NewShAmt));
      return I;

    // We turn lshr(c)+shl(c) -> and(c2) if the input doesn't already have
    // zeros.
    if (CI->getValue() == NumBits) {
      APInt Mask(APInt::getHighBitsSet(TypeWidth, TypeWidth - NumBits));
      V = IC.Builder->CreateAnd(I->getOperand(0),
                                ConstantInt::get(BO->getContext(), Mask));
      if (Instruction *VI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
      return V;

    // We turn lshr(c1)+shl(c2) -> lshr(c3)+and(c4), but only when we know that
    // the and won't be needed.
    assert(CI->getZExtValue() > NumBits);
    BO->setOperand(1, ConstantInt::get(BO->getType(),
                                       CI->getZExtValue() - NumBits));
    return BO;

  case Instruction::Select:
    I->setOperand(1, GetShiftedValue(I->getOperand(1), NumBits,isLeftShift,IC));
    I->setOperand(2, GetShiftedValue(I->getOperand(2), NumBits,isLeftShift,IC));
    return I;
  case Instruction::PHI: {
    // We can change a phi if we can change all operands.  Note that we never
    // get into trouble with cyclic PHIs here because we only consider
    // instructions with a single use.
    PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(I);
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
      PN->setIncomingValue(i, GetShiftedValue(PN->getIncomingValue(i),
                                              NumBits, isLeftShift, IC));
    return PN;
Esempio n. 2
void Lint::visitShl(BinaryOperator &I) {
  if (ConstantInt *CI =
          dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(findValue(I.getOperand(1), /*OffsetOk=*/false)))
           "Undefined result: Shift count out of range", &I);
Esempio n. 3
bool AlignmentFromAssumptionsPass::extractAlignmentInfo(CallInst *I,
                                                        Value *&AAPtr,
                                                        const SCEV *&AlignSCEV,
                                                        const SCEV *&OffSCEV) {
  // An alignment assume must be a statement about the least-significant
  // bits of the pointer being zero, possibly with some offset.
  ICmpInst *ICI = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(I->getArgOperand(0));
  if (!ICI)
    return false;

  // This must be an expression of the form: x & m == 0.
  if (ICI->getPredicate() != ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ)
    return false;

  // Swap things around so that the RHS is 0.
  Value *CmpLHS = ICI->getOperand(0);
  Value *CmpRHS = ICI->getOperand(1);
  const SCEV *CmpLHSSCEV = SE->getSCEV(CmpLHS);
  const SCEV *CmpRHSSCEV = SE->getSCEV(CmpRHS);
  if (CmpLHSSCEV->isZero())
    std::swap(CmpLHS, CmpRHS);
  else if (!CmpRHSSCEV->isZero())
    return false;

  BinaryOperator *CmpBO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(CmpLHS);
  if (!CmpBO || CmpBO->getOpcode() != Instruction::And)
    return false;

  // Swap things around so that the right operand of the and is a constant
  // (the mask); we cannot deal with variable masks.
  Value *AndLHS = CmpBO->getOperand(0);
  Value *AndRHS = CmpBO->getOperand(1);
  const SCEV *AndLHSSCEV = SE->getSCEV(AndLHS);
  const SCEV *AndRHSSCEV = SE->getSCEV(AndRHS);
  if (isa<SCEVConstant>(AndLHSSCEV)) {
    std::swap(AndLHS, AndRHS);
    std::swap(AndLHSSCEV, AndRHSSCEV);

  const SCEVConstant *MaskSCEV = dyn_cast<SCEVConstant>(AndRHSSCEV);
  if (!MaskSCEV)
    return false;

  // The mask must have some trailing ones (otherwise the condition is
  // trivial and tells us nothing about the alignment of the left operand).
  unsigned TrailingOnes = MaskSCEV->getAPInt().countTrailingOnes();
  if (!TrailingOnes)
    return false;

  // Cap the alignment at the maximum with which LLVM can deal (and make sure
  // we don't overflow the shift).
  uint64_t Alignment;
  TrailingOnes = std::min(TrailingOnes,
    unsigned(sizeof(unsigned) * CHAR_BIT - 1));
  Alignment = std::min(1u << TrailingOnes, +Value::MaximumAlignment);

  Type *Int64Ty = Type::getInt64Ty(I->getParent()->getParent()->getContext());
  AlignSCEV = SE->getConstant(Int64Ty, Alignment);

  // The LHS might be a ptrtoint instruction, or it might be the pointer
  // with an offset.
  AAPtr = nullptr;
  OffSCEV = nullptr;
  if (PtrToIntInst *PToI = dyn_cast<PtrToIntInst>(AndLHS)) {
    AAPtr = PToI->getPointerOperand();
    OffSCEV = SE->getZero(Int64Ty);
  } else if (const SCEVAddExpr* AndLHSAddSCEV =
             dyn_cast<SCEVAddExpr>(AndLHSSCEV)) {
    // Try to find the ptrtoint; subtract it and the rest is the offset.
    for (SCEVAddExpr::op_iterator J = AndLHSAddSCEV->op_begin(),
         JE = AndLHSAddSCEV->op_end(); J != JE; ++J)
      if (const SCEVUnknown *OpUnk = dyn_cast<SCEVUnknown>(*J))
        if (PtrToIntInst *PToI = dyn_cast<PtrToIntInst>(OpUnk->getValue())) {
          AAPtr = PToI->getPointerOperand();
          OffSCEV = SE->getMinusSCEV(AndLHSAddSCEV, *J);

  if (!AAPtr)
    return false;

  // Sign extend the offset to 64 bits (so that it is like all of the other
  // expressions). 
  unsigned OffSCEVBits = OffSCEV->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
  if (OffSCEVBits < 64)
    OffSCEV = SE->getSignExtendExpr(OffSCEV, Int64Ty);
  else if (OffSCEVBits > 64)
    return false;

  AAPtr = AAPtr->stripPointerCasts();
  return true;
Esempio n. 4
bool LazyValueInfoCache::solveBlockValue(Value *Val, BasicBlock *BB) {
  if (isa<Constant>(Val))
    return true;

  ValueCacheEntryTy &Cache = lookup(Val);
  LVILatticeVal &BBLV = Cache[BB];
  // OverDefinedCacheUpdater is a helper object that will update
  // the OverDefinedCache for us when this method exits.  Make sure to
  // call markResult on it as we exist, passing a bool to indicate if the
  // cache needs updating, i.e. if we have solve a new value or not.
  OverDefinedCacheUpdater ODCacheUpdater(Val, BB, BBLV, this);

  // If we've already computed this block's value, return it.
  if (!BBLV.isUndefined()) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "  reuse BB '" << BB->getName() << "' val=" << BBLV <<'\n');
    // Since we're reusing a cached value here, we don't need to update the 
    // OverDefinedCahce.  The cache will have been properly updated 
    // whenever the cached value was inserted.
    return true;

  // Otherwise, this is the first time we're seeing this block.  Reset the
  // lattice value to overdefined, so that cycles will terminate and be
  // conservatively correct.
  Instruction *BBI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Val);
  if (BBI == 0 || BBI->getParent() != BB) {
    return ODCacheUpdater.markResult(solveBlockValueNonLocal(BBLV, Val, BB));

  if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BBI)) {
    return ODCacheUpdater.markResult(solveBlockValuePHINode(BBLV, PN, BB));

  if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(BBI)) {
    BBLV = LVILatticeVal::getNot(ConstantPointerNull::get(AI->getType()));
    return ODCacheUpdater.markResult(true);

  // We can only analyze the definitions of certain classes of instructions
  // (integral binops and casts at the moment), so bail if this isn't one.
  LVILatticeVal Result;
  if ((!isa<BinaryOperator>(BBI) && !isa<CastInst>(BBI)) ||
     !BBI->getType()->isIntegerTy()) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << " compute BB '" << BB->getName()
                 << "' - overdefined because inst def found.\n");
    return ODCacheUpdater.markResult(true);

  // FIXME: We're currently limited to binops with a constant RHS.  This should
  // be improved.
  BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(BBI);
  if (BO && !isa<ConstantInt>(BO->getOperand(1))) { 
    DEBUG(dbgs() << " compute BB '" << BB->getName()
                 << "' - overdefined because inst def found.\n");

    return ODCacheUpdater.markResult(true);

  return ODCacheUpdater.markResult(solveBlockValueConstantRange(BBLV, BBI, BB));
Esempio n. 5
static bool matchVectorSplittingReduction(const ExtractElementInst *ReduxRoot,
                                          unsigned &Opcode, Type *&Ty) {
  if (!EnableReduxCost)
    return false;

  // Need to extract the first element.
  ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(ReduxRoot->getOperand(1));
  unsigned Idx = ~0u;
  if (CI)
    Idx = CI->getZExtValue();
  if (Idx != 0)
    return false;

  BinaryOperator *RdxStart = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(ReduxRoot->getOperand(0));
  if (!RdxStart)
    return false;
  unsigned RdxOpcode = RdxStart->getOpcode();

  Type *VecTy = ReduxRoot->getOperand(0)->getType();
  unsigned NumVecElems = VecTy->getVectorNumElements();
  if (!isPowerOf2_32(NumVecElems))
    return false;

  // We look for a sequence of shuffles and adds like the following matching one
  // fadd, shuffle vector pair at a time.
  // %rdx.shuf = shufflevector <4 x float> %rdx, <4 x float> undef,
  //                           <4 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3, i32 undef, i32 undef>
  // %bin.rdx = fadd <4 x float> %rdx, %rdx.shuf
  // %rdx.shuf7 = shufflevector <4 x float> %bin.rdx, <4 x float> undef,
  //                          <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
  // %bin.rdx8 = fadd <4 x float> %bin.rdx, %rdx.shuf7
  // %r = extractelement <4 x float> %bin.rdx8, i32 0

  unsigned MaskStart = 1;
  Value *RdxOp = RdxStart;
  SmallVector<int, 32> ShuffleMask(NumVecElems, 0);
  unsigned NumVecElemsRemain = NumVecElems;
  while (NumVecElemsRemain - 1) {
    // Check for the right reduction operation.
    BinaryOperator *BinOp;
    if (!(BinOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(RdxOp)))
      return false;
    if (BinOp->getOpcode() != RdxOpcode)
      return false;

    Value *NextRdxOp;
    ShuffleVectorInst *Shuffle;
    std::tie(NextRdxOp, Shuffle) = getShuffleAndOtherOprd(BinOp);

    // Check the current reduction operation and the shuffle use the same value.
    if (Shuffle == nullptr)
      return false;
    if (Shuffle->getOperand(0) != NextRdxOp)
      return false;

    // Check that shuffle masks matches.
    for (unsigned j = 0; j != MaskStart; ++j)
      ShuffleMask[j] = MaskStart + j;
    // Fill the rest of the mask with -1 for undef.
    std::fill(&ShuffleMask[MaskStart], ShuffleMask.end(), -1);

    SmallVector<int, 16> Mask = Shuffle->getShuffleMask();
    if (ShuffleMask != Mask)
      return false;

    RdxOp = NextRdxOp;
    NumVecElemsRemain /= 2;
    MaskStart *= 2;

  Opcode = RdxOpcode;
  Ty = VecTy;
  return true;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitAdd(BinaryOperator &I) {
  bool Changed = SimplifyAssociativeOrCommutative(I);
  Value *LHS = I.getOperand(0), *RHS = I.getOperand(1);

  if (Value *V = SimplifyAddInst(LHS, RHS, I.hasNoSignedWrap(),
                                 I.hasNoUnsignedWrap(), TD))
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, V);

  // (A*B)+(A*C) -> A*(B+C) etc
  if (Value *V = SimplifyUsingDistributiveLaws(I))
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, V);

  if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(RHS)) {
    // X + (signbit) --> X ^ signbit
    const APInt &Val = CI->getValue();
    if (Val.isSignBit())
      return BinaryOperator::CreateXor(LHS, RHS);
    // See if SimplifyDemandedBits can simplify this.  This handles stuff like
    // (X & 254)+1 -> (X&254)|1
    if (SimplifyDemandedInstructionBits(I))
      return &I;

    // zext(bool) + C -> bool ? C + 1 : C
    if (ZExtInst *ZI = dyn_cast<ZExtInst>(LHS))
      if (ZI->getSrcTy()->isIntegerTy(1))
        return SelectInst::Create(ZI->getOperand(0), AddOne(CI), CI);
    Value *XorLHS = 0; ConstantInt *XorRHS = 0;
    if (match(LHS, m_Xor(m_Value(XorLHS), m_ConstantInt(XorRHS)))) {
      uint32_t TySizeBits = I.getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
      const APInt &RHSVal = CI->getValue();
      unsigned ExtendAmt = 0;
      // If we have ADD(XOR(AND(X, 0xFF), 0x80), 0xF..F80), it's a sext.
      // If we have ADD(XOR(AND(X, 0xFF), 0xF..F80), 0x80), it's a sext.
      if (XorRHS->getValue() == -RHSVal) {
        if (RHSVal.isPowerOf2())
          ExtendAmt = TySizeBits - RHSVal.logBase2() - 1;
        else if (XorRHS->getValue().isPowerOf2())
          ExtendAmt = TySizeBits - XorRHS->getValue().logBase2() - 1;
      if (ExtendAmt) {
        APInt Mask = APInt::getHighBitsSet(TySizeBits, ExtendAmt);
        if (!MaskedValueIsZero(XorLHS, Mask))
          ExtendAmt = 0;
      if (ExtendAmt) {
        Constant *ShAmt = ConstantInt::get(I.getType(), ExtendAmt);
        Value *NewShl = Builder->CreateShl(XorLHS, ShAmt, "sext");
        return BinaryOperator::CreateAShr(NewShl, ShAmt);

  if (isa<Constant>(RHS) && isa<PHINode>(LHS))
    if (Instruction *NV = FoldOpIntoPhi(I))
      return NV;

  if (I.getType()->isIntegerTy(1))
    return BinaryOperator::CreateXor(LHS, RHS);

  // X + X --> X << 1
  if (LHS == RHS) {
    BinaryOperator *New =
      BinaryOperator::CreateShl(LHS, ConstantInt::get(I.getType(), 1));
    return New;

  // -A + B  -->  B - A
  // -A + -B  -->  -(A + B)
  if (Value *LHSV = dyn_castNegVal(LHS)) {
    if (Value *RHSV = dyn_castNegVal(RHS)) {
      Value *NewAdd = Builder->CreateAdd(LHSV, RHSV, "sum");
      return BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(NewAdd);
    return BinaryOperator::CreateSub(RHS, LHSV);

  // A + -B  -->  A - B
  if (!isa<Constant>(RHS))
    if (Value *V = dyn_castNegVal(RHS))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateSub(LHS, V);

  ConstantInt *C2;
  if (Value *X = dyn_castFoldableMul(LHS, C2)) {
    if (X == RHS)   // X*C + X --> X * (C+1)
      return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(RHS, AddOne(C2));

    // X*C1 + X*C2 --> X * (C1+C2)
    ConstantInt *C1;
    if (X == dyn_castFoldableMul(RHS, C1))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(X, ConstantExpr::getAdd(C1, C2));

  // X + X*C --> X * (C+1)
  if (dyn_castFoldableMul(RHS, C2) == LHS)
    return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(LHS, AddOne(C2));

  // A+B --> A|B iff A and B have no bits set in common.
  if (const IntegerType *IT = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(I.getType())) {
    APInt Mask = APInt::getAllOnesValue(IT->getBitWidth());
    APInt LHSKnownOne(IT->getBitWidth(), 0);
    APInt LHSKnownZero(IT->getBitWidth(), 0);
    ComputeMaskedBits(LHS, Mask, LHSKnownZero, LHSKnownOne);
    if (LHSKnownZero != 0) {
      APInt RHSKnownOne(IT->getBitWidth(), 0);
      APInt RHSKnownZero(IT->getBitWidth(), 0);
      ComputeMaskedBits(RHS, Mask, RHSKnownZero, RHSKnownOne);
      // No bits in common -> bitwise or.
      if ((LHSKnownZero|RHSKnownZero).isAllOnesValue())
        return BinaryOperator::CreateOr(LHS, RHS);

  // W*X + Y*Z --> W * (X+Z)  iff W == Y
    Value *W, *X, *Y, *Z;
    if (match(LHS, m_Mul(m_Value(W), m_Value(X))) &&
        match(RHS, m_Mul(m_Value(Y), m_Value(Z)))) {
      if (W != Y) {
        if (W == Z) {
          std::swap(Y, Z);
        } else if (Y == X) {
          std::swap(W, X);
        } else if (X == Z) {
          std::swap(Y, Z);
          std::swap(W, X);

      if (W == Y) {
        Value *NewAdd = Builder->CreateAdd(X, Z, LHS->getName());
        return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(W, NewAdd);

  if (ConstantInt *CRHS = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(RHS)) {
    Value *X = 0;
    if (match(LHS, m_Not(m_Value(X))))    // ~X + C --> (C-1) - X
      return BinaryOperator::CreateSub(SubOne(CRHS), X);

    // (X & FF00) + xx00  -> (X+xx00) & FF00
    if (LHS->hasOneUse() &&
        match(LHS, m_And(m_Value(X), m_ConstantInt(C2))) &&
        CRHS->getValue() == (CRHS->getValue() & C2->getValue())) {
      // See if all bits from the first bit set in the Add RHS up are included
      // in the mask.  First, get the rightmost bit.
      const APInt &AddRHSV = CRHS->getValue();
      // Form a mask of all bits from the lowest bit added through the top.
      APInt AddRHSHighBits(~((AddRHSV & -AddRHSV)-1));

      // See if the and mask includes all of these bits.
      APInt AddRHSHighBitsAnd(AddRHSHighBits & C2->getValue());

      if (AddRHSHighBits == AddRHSHighBitsAnd) {
        // Okay, the xform is safe.  Insert the new add pronto.
        Value *NewAdd = Builder->CreateAdd(X, CRHS, LHS->getName());
        return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(NewAdd, C2);

    // Try to fold constant add into select arguments.
    if (SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(LHS))
      if (Instruction *R = FoldOpIntoSelect(I, SI))
        return R;

  // add (select X 0 (sub n A)) A  -->  select X A n
    SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(LHS);
    Value *A = RHS;
    if (!SI) {
      SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(RHS);
      A = LHS;
    if (SI && SI->hasOneUse()) {
      Value *TV = SI->getTrueValue();
      Value *FV = SI->getFalseValue();
      Value *N;

      // Can we fold the add into the argument of the select?
      // We check both true and false select arguments for a matching subtract.
      if (match(FV, m_Zero()) && match(TV, m_Sub(m_Value(N), m_Specific(A))))
        // Fold the add into the true select value.
        return SelectInst::Create(SI->getCondition(), N, A);
      if (match(TV, m_Zero()) && match(FV, m_Sub(m_Value(N), m_Specific(A))))
        // Fold the add into the false select value.
        return SelectInst::Create(SI->getCondition(), A, N);

  // Check for (add (sext x), y), see if we can merge this into an
  // integer add followed by a sext.
  if (SExtInst *LHSConv = dyn_cast<SExtInst>(LHS)) {
    // (add (sext x), cst) --> (sext (add x, cst'))
    if (ConstantInt *RHSC = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(RHS)) {
      Constant *CI = 
        ConstantExpr::getTrunc(RHSC, LHSConv->getOperand(0)->getType());
      if (LHSConv->hasOneUse() &&
          ConstantExpr::getSExt(CI, I.getType()) == RHSC &&
          WillNotOverflowSignedAdd(LHSConv->getOperand(0), CI)) {
        // Insert the new, smaller add.
        Value *NewAdd = Builder->CreateNSWAdd(LHSConv->getOperand(0), 
                                              CI, "addconv");
        return new SExtInst(NewAdd, I.getType());
    // (add (sext x), (sext y)) --> (sext (add int x, y))
    if (SExtInst *RHSConv = dyn_cast<SExtInst>(RHS)) {
      // Only do this if x/y have the same type, if at last one of them has a
      // single use (so we don't increase the number of sexts), and if the
      // integer add will not overflow.
      if (LHSConv->getOperand(0)->getType()==RHSConv->getOperand(0)->getType()&&
          (LHSConv->hasOneUse() || RHSConv->hasOneUse()) &&
                                   RHSConv->getOperand(0))) {
        // Insert the new integer add.
        Value *NewAdd = Builder->CreateNSWAdd(LHSConv->getOperand(0), 
                                             RHSConv->getOperand(0), "addconv");
        return new SExtInst(NewAdd, I.getType());

  return Changed ? &I : 0;
Value *ConstantOffsetExtractor::removeConstOffset(unsigned ChainIndex) {
  if (ChainIndex == 0) {
    return ConstantInt::getNullValue(UserChain[ChainIndex]->getType());

  BinaryOperator *BO = cast<BinaryOperator>(UserChain[ChainIndex]);
  unsigned OpNo = (BO->getOperand(0) == UserChain[ChainIndex - 1] ? 0 : 1);
  assert(BO->getOperand(OpNo) == UserChain[ChainIndex - 1]);
  Value *NextInChain = removeConstOffset(ChainIndex - 1);
  Value *TheOther = BO->getOperand(1 - OpNo);

  // If NextInChain is 0 and not the LHS of a sub, we can simplify the
  // sub-expression to be just TheOther.
  if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(NextInChain)) {
    if (CI->isZero() && !(BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub && OpNo == 0))
      return TheOther;

  if (BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::Or) {
    // Rebuild "or" as "add", because "or" may be invalid for the new
    // epxression.
    // For instance, given
    //   a | (b + 5) where a and b + 5 have no common bits,
    // we can extract 5 as the constant offset.
    // However, reusing the "or" in the new index would give us
    //   (a | b) + 5
    // which does not equal a | (b + 5).
    // Replacing the "or" with "add" is fine, because
    //   a | (b + 5) = a + (b + 5) = (a + b) + 5
    if (OpNo == 0) {
      return BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(NextInChain, TheOther, BO->getName(),
    } else {
      return BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(TheOther, NextInChain, BO->getName(),

  // We can reuse BO in this case, because the new expression shares the same
  // instruction type and BO is used at most once.
  assert(BO->getNumUses() <= 1 &&
         "distributeExtsAndCloneChain clones each BinaryOperator in "
         "UserChain, so no one should be used more than "
  BO->setOperand(OpNo, NextInChain);
  // Make sure it appears after all instructions we've inserted so far.
  return BO;
/// SimplifyDivRemOfSelect - Try to fold a divide or remainder of a select
/// instruction.
bool InstCombiner::SimplifyDivRemOfSelect(BinaryOperator &I) {
  SelectInst *SI = cast<SelectInst>(I.getOperand(1));
  // div/rem X, (Cond ? 0 : Y) -> div/rem X, Y
  int NonNullOperand = -1;
  if (Constant *ST = dyn_cast<Constant>(SI->getOperand(1)))
    if (ST->isNullValue())
      NonNullOperand = 2;
  // div/rem X, (Cond ? Y : 0) -> div/rem X, Y
  if (Constant *ST = dyn_cast<Constant>(SI->getOperand(2)))
    if (ST->isNullValue())
      NonNullOperand = 1;
  if (NonNullOperand == -1)
    return false;
  Value *SelectCond = SI->getOperand(0);
  // Change the div/rem to use 'Y' instead of the select.
  I.setOperand(1, SI->getOperand(NonNullOperand));
  // Okay, we know we replace the operand of the div/rem with 'Y' with no
  // problem.  However, the select, or the condition of the select may have
  // multiple uses.  Based on our knowledge that the operand must be non-zero,
  // propagate the known value for the select into other uses of it, and
  // propagate a known value of the condition into its other users.
  // If the select and condition only have a single use, don't bother with this,
  // early exit.
  if (SI->use_empty() && SelectCond->hasOneUse())
    return true;
  // Scan the current block backward, looking for other uses of SI.
  BasicBlock::iterator BBI = &I, BBFront = I.getParent()->begin();
  while (BBI != BBFront) {
    // If we found a call to a function, we can't assume it will return, so
    // information from below it cannot be propagated above it.
    if (isa<CallInst>(BBI) && !isa<IntrinsicInst>(BBI))
    // Replace uses of the select or its condition with the known values.
    for (Instruction::op_iterator I = BBI->op_begin(), E = BBI->op_end();
         I != E; ++I) {
      if (*I == SI) {
        *I = SI->getOperand(NonNullOperand);
      } else if (*I == SelectCond) {
        *I = NonNullOperand == 1 ? ConstantInt::getTrue(BBI->getContext()) :
    // If we past the instruction, quit looking for it.
    if (&*BBI == SI)
      SI = 0;
    if (&*BBI == SelectCond)
      SelectCond = 0;
    // If we ran out of things to eliminate, break out of the loop.
    if (SelectCond == 0 && SI == 0)
  return true;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitUDiv(BinaryOperator &I) {
  Value *Op0 = I.getOperand(0), *Op1 = I.getOperand(1);

  if (Value *V = SimplifyUDivInst(Op0, Op1, TD))
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, V);

  // Handle the integer div common cases
  if (Instruction *Common = commonIDivTransforms(I))
    return Common;
    // X udiv 2^C -> X >> C
    // Check to see if this is an unsigned division with an exact power of 2,
    // if so, convert to a right shift.
    const APInt *C;
    if (match(Op1, m_Power2(C))) {
      BinaryOperator *LShr =
      if (I.isExact()) LShr->setIsExact();
      return LShr;

  if (ConstantInt *C = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Op1)) {
    // X udiv C, where C >= signbit
    if (C->getValue().isNegative()) {
      Value *IC = Builder->CreateICmpULT(Op0, C);
      return SelectInst::Create(IC, Constant::getNullValue(I.getType()),
                                ConstantInt::get(I.getType(), 1));

  // X udiv (C1 << N), where C1 is "1<<C2"  -->  X >> (N+C2)
  { const APInt *CI; Value *N;
    if (match(Op1, m_Shl(m_Power2(CI), m_Value(N)))) {
      if (*CI != 1)
        N = Builder->CreateAdd(N, ConstantInt::get(I.getType(),CI->logBase2()));
      if (I.isExact())
        return BinaryOperator::CreateExactLShr(Op0, N);
      return BinaryOperator::CreateLShr(Op0, N);
  // udiv X, (Select Cond, C1, C2) --> Select Cond, (shr X, C1), (shr X, C2)
  // where C1&C2 are powers of two.
  { Value *Cond; const APInt *C1, *C2;
    if (match(Op1, m_Select(m_Value(Cond), m_Power2(C1), m_Power2(C2)))) {
      // Construct the "on true" case of the select
      Value *TSI = Builder->CreateLShr(Op0, C1->logBase2(), Op1->getName()+".t",
      // Construct the "on false" case of the select
      Value *FSI = Builder->CreateLShr(Op0, C2->logBase2(), Op1->getName()+".f",
      // construct the select instruction and return it.
      return SelectInst::Create(Cond, TSI, FSI);

  // (zext A) udiv (zext B) --> zext (A udiv B)
  if (ZExtInst *ZOp0 = dyn_cast<ZExtInst>(Op0))
    if (Value *ZOp1 = dyn_castZExtVal(Op1, ZOp0->getSrcTy()))
      return new ZExtInst(Builder->CreateUDiv(ZOp0->getOperand(0), ZOp1, "div",

  return 0;
Esempio n. 10
void IndVarSimplify::EliminateIVRemainders() {
  SmallVector<WeakVH, 16> DeadInsts;

  // Look for SRem and URem users.
  for (IVUsers::iterator I = IU->begin(), E = IU->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    IVStrideUse &UI = *I;
    BinaryOperator *Rem = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(UI.getUser());
    if (!Rem) continue;

    bool isSigned = Rem->getOpcode() == Instruction::SRem;
    if (!isSigned && Rem->getOpcode() != Instruction::URem)

    // We're only interested in the case where we know something about
    // the numerator.
    if (UI.getOperandValToReplace() != Rem->getOperand(0))

    // Get the SCEVs for the ICmp operands.
    const SCEV *S = SE->getSCEV(Rem->getOperand(0));
    const SCEV *X = SE->getSCEV(Rem->getOperand(1));

    // Simplify unnecessary loops away.
    const Loop *ICmpLoop = LI->getLoopFor(Rem->getParent());
    S = SE->getSCEVAtScope(S, ICmpLoop);
    X = SE->getSCEVAtScope(X, ICmpLoop);

    // i % n  -->  i  if i is in [0,n).
    if ((!isSigned || SE->isKnownNonNegative(S)) &&
        SE->isKnownPredicate(isSigned ? ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT : ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT,
                             S, X))
    else {
      // (i+1) % n  -->  (i+1)==n?0:(i+1)  if i is in [0,n).
      const SCEV *LessOne =
        SE->getMinusSCEV(S, SE->getConstant(S->getType(), 1));
      if ((!isSigned || SE->isKnownNonNegative(LessOne)) &&
          SE->isKnownPredicate(isSigned ? ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT : ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT,
                               LessOne, X)) {
        ICmpInst *ICmp = new ICmpInst(Rem, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ,
                                      Rem->getOperand(0), Rem->getOperand(1),
        SelectInst *Sel =
                             ConstantInt::get(Rem->getType(), 0),
                             Rem->getOperand(0), "tmp", Rem);
      } else

    // Inform IVUsers about the new users.
    if (Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Rem->getOperand(0)))

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "INDVARS: Simplified rem: " << *Rem << '\n');

  // Now that we're done iterating through lists, clean up any instructions
  // which are now dead.
  while (!DeadInsts.empty())
    if (Instruction *Inst =
Esempio n. 11
/// HandleFloatingPointIV - If the loop has floating induction variable
/// then insert corresponding integer induction variable if possible.
/// For example,
/// for(double i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
///   bar(i)
/// is converted into
/// for(int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
///   bar((double)i);
void IndVarSimplify::HandleFloatingPointIV(Loop *L, PHINode *PN) {
  unsigned IncomingEdge = L->contains(PN->getIncomingBlock(0));
  unsigned BackEdge     = IncomingEdge^1;

  // Check incoming value.
  ConstantFP *InitValueVal =

  int64_t InitValue;
  if (!InitValueVal || !ConvertToSInt(InitValueVal->getValueAPF(), InitValue))

  // Check IV increment. Reject this PN if increment operation is not
  // an add or increment value can not be represented by an integer.
  BinaryOperator *Incr =
  if (Incr == 0 || Incr->getOpcode() != Instruction::FAdd) return;
  // If this is not an add of the PHI with a constantfp, or if the constant fp
  // is not an integer, bail out.
  ConstantFP *IncValueVal = dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(Incr->getOperand(1));
  int64_t IncValue;
  if (IncValueVal == 0 || Incr->getOperand(0) != PN ||
      !ConvertToSInt(IncValueVal->getValueAPF(), IncValue))

  // Check Incr uses. One user is PN and the other user is an exit condition
  // used by the conditional terminator.
  Value::use_iterator IncrUse = Incr->use_begin();
  Instruction *U1 = cast<Instruction>(*IncrUse++);
  if (IncrUse == Incr->use_end()) return;
  Instruction *U2 = cast<Instruction>(*IncrUse++);
  if (IncrUse != Incr->use_end()) return;

  // Find exit condition, which is an fcmp.  If it doesn't exist, or if it isn't
  // only used by a branch, we can't transform it.
  FCmpInst *Compare = dyn_cast<FCmpInst>(U1);
  if (!Compare)
    Compare = dyn_cast<FCmpInst>(U2);
  if (Compare == 0 || !Compare->hasOneUse() ||
  BranchInst *TheBr = cast<BranchInst>(Compare->use_back());

  // We need to verify that the branch actually controls the iteration count
  // of the loop.  If not, the new IV can overflow and no one will notice.
  // The branch block must be in the loop and one of the successors must be out
  // of the loop.
  assert(TheBr->isConditional() && "Can't use fcmp if not conditional");
  if (!L->contains(TheBr->getParent()) ||
      (L->contains(TheBr->getSuccessor(0)) &&
  // If it isn't a comparison with an integer-as-fp (the exit value), we can't
  // transform it.
  ConstantFP *ExitValueVal = dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(Compare->getOperand(1));
  int64_t ExitValue;
  if (ExitValueVal == 0 ||
      !ConvertToSInt(ExitValueVal->getValueAPF(), ExitValue))
  // Find new predicate for integer comparison.
  CmpInst::Predicate NewPred = CmpInst::BAD_ICMP_PREDICATE;
  switch (Compare->getPredicate()) {
  default: return;  // Unknown comparison.
  case CmpInst::FCMP_OEQ:
  case CmpInst::FCMP_UEQ: NewPred = CmpInst::ICMP_EQ; break;
  case CmpInst::FCMP_ONE:
  case CmpInst::FCMP_UNE: NewPred = CmpInst::ICMP_NE; break;
  case CmpInst::FCMP_OGT:
  case CmpInst::FCMP_UGT: NewPred = CmpInst::ICMP_SGT; break;
  case CmpInst::FCMP_OGE:
  case CmpInst::FCMP_UGE: NewPred = CmpInst::ICMP_SGE; break;
  case CmpInst::FCMP_OLT:
  case CmpInst::FCMP_ULT: NewPred = CmpInst::ICMP_SLT; break;
  case CmpInst::FCMP_OLE:
  case CmpInst::FCMP_ULE: NewPred = CmpInst::ICMP_SLE; break;
  // We convert the floating point induction variable to a signed i32 value if
  // we can.  This is only safe if the comparison will not overflow in a way
  // that won't be trapped by the integer equivalent operations.  Check for this
  // now.
  // TODO: We could use i64 if it is native and the range requires it.
  // The start/stride/exit values must all fit in signed i32.
  if (!isInt<32>(InitValue) || !isInt<32>(IncValue) || !isInt<32>(ExitValue))

  // If not actually striding (add x, 0.0), avoid touching the code.
  if (IncValue == 0)

  // Positive and negative strides have different safety conditions.
  if (IncValue > 0) {
    // If we have a positive stride, we require the init to be less than the
    // exit value and an equality or less than comparison.
    if (InitValue >= ExitValue ||
        NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_SGT || NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_SGE)
    uint32_t Range = uint32_t(ExitValue-InitValue);
    if (NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_SLE) {
      // Normalize SLE -> SLT, check for infinite loop.
      if (++Range == 0) return;  // Range overflows.
    unsigned Leftover = Range % uint32_t(IncValue);
    // If this is an equality comparison, we require that the strided value
    // exactly land on the exit value, otherwise the IV condition will wrap
    // around and do things the fp IV wouldn't.
    if ((NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_EQ || NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_NE) &&
        Leftover != 0)
    // If the stride would wrap around the i32 before exiting, we can't
    // transform the IV.
    if (Leftover != 0 && int32_t(ExitValue+IncValue) < ExitValue)
  } else {
    // If we have a negative stride, we require the init to be greater than the
    // exit value and an equality or greater than comparison.
    if (InitValue >= ExitValue ||
        NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_SLT || NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_SLE)
    uint32_t Range = uint32_t(InitValue-ExitValue);
    if (NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_SGE) {
      // Normalize SGE -> SGT, check for infinite loop.
      if (++Range == 0) return;  // Range overflows.
    unsigned Leftover = Range % uint32_t(-IncValue);
    // If this is an equality comparison, we require that the strided value
    // exactly land on the exit value, otherwise the IV condition will wrap
    // around and do things the fp IV wouldn't.
    if ((NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_EQ || NewPred == CmpInst::ICMP_NE) &&
        Leftover != 0)
    // If the stride would wrap around the i32 before exiting, we can't
    // transform the IV.
    if (Leftover != 0 && int32_t(ExitValue+IncValue) > ExitValue)
  const IntegerType *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(PN->getContext());

  // Insert new integer induction variable.
  PHINode *NewPHI = PHINode::Create(Int32Ty, PN->getName()+".int", PN);
  NewPHI->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, InitValue),

  Value *NewAdd =
    BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(NewPHI, ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, IncValue),
                              Incr->getName()+".int", Incr);
  NewPHI->addIncoming(NewAdd, PN->getIncomingBlock(BackEdge));

  ICmpInst *NewCompare = new ICmpInst(TheBr, NewPred, NewAdd,
                                      ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, ExitValue),

  // In the following deletions, PN may become dead and may be deleted.
  // Use a WeakVH to observe whether this happens.
  WeakVH WeakPH = PN;

  // Delete the old floating point exit comparison.  The branch starts using the
  // new comparison.

  // Delete the old floating point increment.

  // If the FP induction variable still has uses, this is because something else
  // in the loop uses its value.  In order to canonicalize the induction
  // variable, we chose to eliminate the IV and rewrite it in terms of an
  // int->fp cast.
  // We give preference to sitofp over uitofp because it is faster on most
  // platforms.
  if (WeakPH) {
    Value *Conv = new SIToFPInst(NewPHI, PN->getType(), "indvar.conv",

  // Add a new IVUsers entry for the newly-created integer PHI.
Esempio n. 12
/// Insert code in the prolog code when unrolling a loop with a
/// run-time trip-count.
/// This method assumes that the loop unroll factor is total number
/// of loop bodes in the loop after unrolling. (Some folks refer
/// to the unroll factor as the number of *extra* copies added).
/// We assume also that the loop unroll factor is a power-of-two. So, after
/// unrolling the loop, the number of loop bodies executed is 2,
/// 4, 8, etc.  Note - LLVM converts the if-then-sequence to a switch
/// instruction in SimplifyCFG.cpp.  Then, the backend decides how code for
/// the switch instruction is generated.
///    extraiters = tripcount % loopfactor
///    if (extraiters == 0) jump Loop:
///    if (extraiters == loopfactor) jump L1
///    if (extraiters == loopfactor-1) jump L2
///    ...
///    L1:  LoopBody;
///    L2:  LoopBody;
///    ...
///    if tripcount < loopfactor jump End
///    Loop:
///    ...
///    End:
bool llvm::UnrollRuntimeLoopProlog(Loop *L, unsigned Count, LoopInfo *LI,
                                   LPPassManager *LPM) {
  // for now, only unroll loops that contain a single exit
  if (!L->getExitingBlock())
    return false;

  // Make sure the loop is in canonical form, and there is a single
  // exit block only.
  if (!L->isLoopSimplifyForm() || L->getUniqueExitBlock() == 0)
    return false;

  // Use Scalar Evolution to compute the trip count.  This allows more
  // loops to be unrolled than relying on induction var simplification
  ScalarEvolution *SE = LPM->getAnalysisIfAvailable<ScalarEvolution>();
  if (SE == 0)
    return false;

  // Only unroll loops with a computable trip count and the trip count needs
  // to be an int value (allowing a pointer type is a TODO item)
  const SCEV *BECount = SE->getBackedgeTakenCount(L);
  if (isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(BECount) || !BECount->getType()->isIntegerTy())
    return false;

  // Add 1 since the backedge count doesn't include the first loop iteration
  const SCEV *TripCountSC =
    SE->getAddExpr(BECount, SE->getConstant(BECount->getType(), 1));
  if (isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(TripCountSC))
    return false;

  // We only handle cases when the unroll factor is a power of 2.
  // Count is the loop unroll factor, the number of extra copies added + 1.
  if ((Count & (Count-1)) != 0)
    return false;

  // If this loop is nested, then the loop unroller changes the code in
  // parent loop, so the Scalar Evolution pass needs to be run again
  if (Loop *ParentLoop = L->getParentLoop())

  BasicBlock *PH = L->getLoopPreheader();
  BasicBlock *Header = L->getHeader();
  BasicBlock *Latch = L->getLoopLatch();
  // It helps to splits the original preheader twice, one for the end of the
  // prolog code and one for a new loop preheader
  BasicBlock *PEnd = SplitEdge(PH, Header, LPM->getAsPass());
  BasicBlock *NewPH = SplitBlock(PEnd, PEnd->getTerminator(), LPM->getAsPass());
  BranchInst *PreHeaderBR = cast<BranchInst>(PH->getTerminator());

  // Compute the number of extra iterations required, which is:
  //  extra iterations = run-time trip count % (loop unroll factor + 1)
  SCEVExpander Expander(*SE, "loop-unroll");
  Value *TripCount = Expander.expandCodeFor(TripCountSC, TripCountSC->getType(),
  Type *CountTy = TripCount->getType();
  BinaryOperator *ModVal =
                               ConstantInt::get(CountTy, Count),

  // Check if for no extra iterations, then jump to unrolled loop
  Value *BranchVal = new ICmpInst(PreHeaderBR,
                                  ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, ModVal,
                                  ConstantInt::get(CountTy, 0), "lcmp");
  // Branch to either the extra iterations or the unrolled loop
  // We will fix up the true branch label when adding loop body copies
  BranchInst::Create(PEnd, PEnd, BranchVal, PreHeaderBR);
  assert(PreHeaderBR->isUnconditional() &&
         PreHeaderBR->getSuccessor(0) == PEnd &&
         "CFG edges in Preheader are not correct");

  ValueToValueMapTy LVMap;
  Function *F = Header->getParent();
  // These variables are used to update the CFG links in each iteration
  BasicBlock *CompareBB = 0;
  BasicBlock *LastLoopBB = PH;
  // Get an ordered list of blocks in the loop to help with the ordering of the
  // cloned blocks in the prolog code
  LoopBlocksDFS LoopBlocks(L);

  // For each extra loop iteration, create a copy of the loop's basic blocks
  // and generate a condition that branches to the copy depending on the
  // number of 'left over' iterations.
  for (unsigned leftOverIters = Count-1; leftOverIters > 0; --leftOverIters) {
    std::vector<BasicBlock*> NewBlocks;
    ValueToValueMapTy VMap;

    // Clone all the basic blocks in the loop, but we don't clone the loop
    // This function adds the appropriate CFG connections.
    CloneLoopBlocks(L, (leftOverIters == Count-1), LastLoopBB, PEnd, NewBlocks,
                    LoopBlocks, VMap, LVMap, LI);
    LastLoopBB = cast<BasicBlock>(VMap[Latch]);

    // Insert the cloned blocks into function just before the original loop
    F->getBasicBlockList().splice(PEnd, F->getBasicBlockList(),
                                  NewBlocks[0], F->end());

    // Generate the code for the comparison which determines if the loop
    // prolog code needs to be executed.
    if (leftOverIters == Count-1) {
      // There is no compare block for the fall-thru case when for the last
      // left over iteration
      CompareBB = NewBlocks[0];
    } else {
      // Create a new block for the comparison
      BasicBlock *NewBB = BasicBlock::Create(CompareBB->getContext(), "unr.cmp",
                                             F, CompareBB);
      if (Loop *ParentLoop = L->getParentLoop()) {
        // Add the new block to the parent loop, if needed
        ParentLoop->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());

      // The comparison w/ the extra iteration value and branch
      Value *BranchVal = new ICmpInst(*NewBB, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, ModVal,
                                      ConstantInt::get(CountTy, leftOverIters),
      // Branch to either the extra iterations or the unrolled loop
      BranchInst::Create(NewBlocks[0], CompareBB,
                         BranchVal, NewBB);
      CompareBB = NewBB;
      PH->getTerminator()->setSuccessor(0, NewBB);
      VMap[NewPH] = CompareBB;

    // Rewrite the cloned instruction operands to use the values
    // created when the clone is created.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = NewBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      for (BasicBlock::iterator I = NewBlocks[i]->begin(),
             E = NewBlocks[i]->end(); I != E; ++I) {
        RemapInstruction(I, VMap,

  // Connect the prolog code to the original loop and update the
  // PHI functions.
  ConnectProlog(L, TripCount, Count, LastLoopBB, PEnd, PH, NewPH, LVMap,
  return true;
Esempio n. 13
static Value *genVal(int &Budget, unsigned Width, bool ConstOK, bool ArgOK) {
  if (Budget > 0 && Choose(2)) {
    if (Verbose)
      errs() << "adding a phi, budget = " << Budget << "\n";
    Value *V = Builder->CreatePHI(Type::getIntNTy(*C, Width), N);
    return V;

  if (Budget > 0 && Budget != N && Choose(2)) {
    if (Verbose)
      errs() << "adding a branch, budget = " << Budget << "\n";
    BranchInst *Br;
    if (0 && Builder->GetInsertBlock()->size() > 0 && Choose(2)) {
      Br = Builder->CreateBr(BBs[0]);
    } else {
      Value *C = genVal(Budget, 1, false, ArgOK);
      Br = Builder->CreateCondBr(C, BBs[0], BBs[0]);
    BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(*C, "", F);
    return genVal(Budget, Width, ConstOK, ArgOK);

  if (Budget > 0 && Width == W && Choose(2)) {
    if (Verbose)
      errs() << "adding a select with width = " << Width
             << " and budget = " << Budget << "\n";
    Value *L, *R;
    genLR(L, R, Budget, Width);
    Value *C = genVal(Budget, 1, false);
    Value *V = Builder->CreateSelect(C, L, R);
    return V;

  if (Budget > 0 && Width == 1 && Choose(2)) {
    if (Verbose)
      errs() << "adding an icmp with width = " << Width
             << " and budget = " << Budget << "\n";
    Value *L, *R;
    genLR(L, R, Budget, Width);
    CmpInst::Predicate P;
    switch (OneICmp ? 0 : Choose(10)) {
    case 0:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_EQ;
    case 1:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_NE;
    case 2:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_UGT;
    case 3:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_UGE;
    case 4:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_ULT;
    case 5:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_ULE;
    case 6:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_SGT;
    case 7:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_SGE;
    case 8:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_SLT;
    case 9:
      P = CmpInst::ICMP_SLE;
    Value *V = Builder->CreateICmp(P, L, R);
    return V;

  if (Budget > 0 && Width == W && Choose(2)) {
    unsigned OldW = Width * 2;
    if (Verbose)
      errs() << "adding a trunc from " << OldW << " to " << Width
             << " and budget = " << Budget << "\n";
    Value *V = Builder->CreateTrunc(genVal(Budget, OldW, false),
                                    Type::getIntNTy(*C, Width));
    return V;

  if (Budget > 0 && Width == W && Choose(2)) {
    unsigned OldW = Width / 2;
    if (OldW > 1 && Choose(2))
      OldW = 1;
    if (Verbose)
      errs() << "adding a zext from " << OldW << " to " << Width
             << " and budget = " << Budget << "\n";
    Value *V;
    if (Choose(2))
      V = Builder->CreateZExt(genVal(Budget, OldW, false),
                              Type::getIntNTy(*C, Width));
      V = Builder->CreateSExt(genVal(Budget, OldW, false),
                              Type::getIntNTy(*C, Width));
    return V;

  if (Budget > 0 && Width == W && Choose(2)) {
    if (Verbose)
      errs() << "adding a binop with width = " << Width
             << " and budget = " << Budget << "\n";
    Instruction::BinaryOps Op;
    switch (OneBinop ? 0 : Choose(10)) {
    case 0:
      Op = Instruction::Add;
    case 1:
      Op = Instruction::Sub;
    case 2:
      Op = Instruction::Mul;
    case 3:
      Op = Instruction::SDiv;
    case 4:
      Op = Instruction::UDiv;
    case 5:
      Op = Instruction::SRem;
    case 6:
      Op = Instruction::URem;
    case 7:
      Op = Instruction::And;
    case 8:
      Op = Instruction::Or;
    case 9:
      Op = Instruction::Xor;
    Value *L, *R;
    genLR(L, R, Budget, Width);
    Value *V = Builder->CreateBinOp(Op, L, R);
    if (!NoUB) {
      if ((Op == Instruction::Add || Op == Instruction::Sub ||
           Op == Instruction::Mul || Op == Instruction::Shl) &&
          Choose(2)) {
        BinaryOperator *B = cast<BinaryOperator>(V);
      if ((Op == Instruction::Add || Op == Instruction::Sub ||
           Op == Instruction::Mul || Op == Instruction::Shl) &&
          Choose(2)) {
        BinaryOperator *B = cast<BinaryOperator>(V);
      if ((Op == Instruction::UDiv || Op == Instruction::SDiv ||
           Op == Instruction::LShr || Op == Instruction::AShr) &&
          Choose(2)) {
        BinaryOperator *B = cast<BinaryOperator>(V);
    return V;

  if (ConstOK && Choose(2)) {
    if (Verbose)
      errs() << "adding a const with width = " << Width
             << " and budget = " << Budget << "\n";
    if (OneConst) {
      return ConstantInt::get(*C, APInt(Width, 1));
    } else {
      int n = Choose((1 << Width) + 1);
      if (n == (1 << Width))
        return UndefValue::get(Type::getIntNTy(*C, Width));
        return ConstantInt::get(*C, APInt(Width, n));

  if (Verbose)
    errs() << "using existing val with width = " << Width
           << " and budget = " << Budget << " and ArgOK = " << ArgOK << "\n";
  std::vector<Value *> Vs;
  for (auto &it : Vals)
    if (it->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() == Width)
  unsigned choices = Vs.size() + (ArgOK ? 1 : 0);
  if (choices == 0)
  unsigned which = Choose(choices);
  if (which == Vs.size()) {
    Value *V = 0;
    for (auto it = F->arg_begin(); it != F->arg_end(); ++it) {
      if (UsedArgs.find(it) == UsedArgs.end() &&
          it->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() == Width) {
        V = it;
    return V;
  } else {
Esempio n. 14
Instruction *InstCombiner::FoldShiftByConstant(Value *Op0, Constant *Op1,
                                               BinaryOperator &I) {
  bool isLeftShift = I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl;

  ConstantInt *COp1 = nullptr;
  if (ConstantDataVector *CV = dyn_cast<ConstantDataVector>(Op1))
    COp1 = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantInt>(CV->getSplatValue());
  else if (ConstantVector *CV = dyn_cast<ConstantVector>(Op1))
    COp1 = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantInt>(CV->getSplatValue());
    COp1 = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Op1);

  if (!COp1)
    return nullptr;

  // See if we can propagate this shift into the input, this covers the trivial
  // cast of lshr(shl(x,c1),c2) as well as other more complex cases.
  if (I.getOpcode() != Instruction::AShr &&
      CanEvaluateShifted(Op0, COp1->getZExtValue(), isLeftShift, *this)) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "ICE: GetShiftedValue propagating shift through expression"
              " to eliminate shift:\n  IN: " << *Op0 << "\n  SH: " << I <<"\n");

    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I,
                 GetShiftedValue(Op0, COp1->getZExtValue(), isLeftShift, *this));

  // See if we can simplify any instructions used by the instruction whose sole
  // purpose is to compute bits we don't care about.
  uint32_t TypeBits = Op0->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();

  assert(!COp1->uge(TypeBits) &&
         "Shift over the type width should have been removed already");

  // ((X*C1) << C2) == (X * (C1 << C2))
  if (BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Op0))
    if (BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::Mul && isLeftShift)
      if (Constant *BOOp = dyn_cast<Constant>(BO->getOperand(1)))
        return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(BO->getOperand(0),
                                        ConstantExpr::getShl(BOOp, Op1));

  // Try to fold constant and into select arguments.
  if (SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(Op0))
    if (Instruction *R = FoldOpIntoSelect(I, SI))
      return R;
  if (isa<PHINode>(Op0))
    if (Instruction *NV = FoldOpIntoPhi(I))
      return NV;

  // Fold shift2(trunc(shift1(x,c1)), c2) -> trunc(shift2(shift1(x,c1),c2))
  if (TruncInst *TI = dyn_cast<TruncInst>(Op0)) {
    Instruction *TrOp = dyn_cast<Instruction>(TI->getOperand(0));
    // If 'shift2' is an ashr, we would have to get the sign bit into a funny
    // place.  Don't try to do this transformation in this case.  Also, we
    // require that the input operand is a shift-by-constant so that we have
    // confidence that the shifts will get folded together.  We could do this
    // xform in more cases, but it is unlikely to be profitable.
    if (TrOp && I.isLogicalShift() && TrOp->isShift() &&
        isa<ConstantInt>(TrOp->getOperand(1))) {
      // Okay, we'll do this xform.  Make the shift of shift.
      Constant *ShAmt = ConstantExpr::getZExt(COp1, TrOp->getType());
      // (shift2 (shift1 & 0x00FF), c2)
      Value *NSh = Builder->CreateBinOp(I.getOpcode(), TrOp, ShAmt,I.getName());

      // For logical shifts, the truncation has the effect of making the high
      // part of the register be zeros.  Emulate this by inserting an AND to
      // clear the top bits as needed.  This 'and' will usually be zapped by
      // other xforms later if dead.
      unsigned SrcSize = TrOp->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
      unsigned DstSize = TI->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
      APInt MaskV(APInt::getLowBitsSet(SrcSize, DstSize));

      // The mask we constructed says what the trunc would do if occurring
      // between the shifts.  We want to know the effect *after* the second
      // shift.  We know that it is a logical shift by a constant, so adjust the
      // mask as appropriate.
      if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl)
        MaskV <<= COp1->getZExtValue();
      else {
        assert(I.getOpcode() == Instruction::LShr && "Unknown logical shift");
        MaskV = MaskV.lshr(COp1->getZExtValue());

      // shift1 & 0x00FF
      Value *And = Builder->CreateAnd(NSh,
                                      ConstantInt::get(I.getContext(), MaskV),

      // Return the value truncated to the interesting size.
      return new TruncInst(And, I.getType());

  if (Op0->hasOneUse()) {
    if (BinaryOperator *Op0BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Op0)) {
      // Turn ((X >> C) + Y) << C  ->  (X + (Y << C)) & (~0 << C)
      Value *V1, *V2;
      ConstantInt *CC;
      switch (Op0BO->getOpcode()) {
      default: break;
      case Instruction::Add:
      case Instruction::And:
      case Instruction::Or:
      case Instruction::Xor: {
        // These operators commute.
        // Turn (Y + (X >> C)) << C  ->  (X + (Y << C)) & (~0 << C)
        if (isLeftShift && Op0BO->getOperand(1)->hasOneUse() &&
            match(Op0BO->getOperand(1), m_Shr(m_Value(V1),
                  m_Specific(Op1)))) {
          Value *YS =         // (Y << C)
            Builder->CreateShl(Op0BO->getOperand(0), Op1, Op0BO->getName());
          // (X + (Y << C))
          Value *X = Builder->CreateBinOp(Op0BO->getOpcode(), YS, V1,
          uint32_t Op1Val = COp1->getLimitedValue(TypeBits);

          APInt Bits = APInt::getHighBitsSet(TypeBits, TypeBits - Op1Val);
          Constant *Mask = ConstantInt::get(I.getContext(), Bits);
          if (VectorType *VT = dyn_cast<VectorType>(X->getType()))
            Mask = ConstantVector::getSplat(VT->getNumElements(), Mask);
          return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(X, Mask);

        // Turn (Y + ((X >> C) & CC)) << C  ->  ((X & (CC << C)) + (Y << C))
        Value *Op0BOOp1 = Op0BO->getOperand(1);
        if (isLeftShift && Op0BOOp1->hasOneUse() &&
                  m_And(m_OneUse(m_Shr(m_Value(V1), m_Specific(Op1))),
                        m_ConstantInt(CC)))) {
          Value *YS =   // (Y << C)
            Builder->CreateShl(Op0BO->getOperand(0), Op1,
          // X & (CC << C)
          Value *XM = Builder->CreateAnd(V1, ConstantExpr::getShl(CC, Op1),
          return BinaryOperator::Create(Op0BO->getOpcode(), YS, XM);

      // FALL THROUGH.
      case Instruction::Sub: {
        // Turn ((X >> C) + Y) << C  ->  (X + (Y << C)) & (~0 << C)
        if (isLeftShift && Op0BO->getOperand(0)->hasOneUse() &&
            match(Op0BO->getOperand(0), m_Shr(m_Value(V1),
                  m_Specific(Op1)))) {
          Value *YS =  // (Y << C)
            Builder->CreateShl(Op0BO->getOperand(1), Op1, Op0BO->getName());
          // (X + (Y << C))
          Value *X = Builder->CreateBinOp(Op0BO->getOpcode(), V1, YS,
          uint32_t Op1Val = COp1->getLimitedValue(TypeBits);

          APInt Bits = APInt::getHighBitsSet(TypeBits, TypeBits - Op1Val);
          Constant *Mask = ConstantInt::get(I.getContext(), Bits);
          if (VectorType *VT = dyn_cast<VectorType>(X->getType()))
            Mask = ConstantVector::getSplat(VT->getNumElements(), Mask);
          return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(X, Mask);

        // Turn (((X >> C)&CC) + Y) << C  ->  (X + (Y << C)) & (CC << C)
        if (isLeftShift && Op0BO->getOperand(0)->hasOneUse() &&
                  m_And(m_OneUse(m_Shr(m_Value(V1), m_Value(V2))),
                        m_ConstantInt(CC))) && V2 == Op1) {
          Value *YS = // (Y << C)
            Builder->CreateShl(Op0BO->getOperand(1), Op1, Op0BO->getName());
          // X & (CC << C)
          Value *XM = Builder->CreateAnd(V1, ConstantExpr::getShl(CC, Op1),

          return BinaryOperator::Create(Op0BO->getOpcode(), XM, YS);


      // If the operand is an bitwise operator with a constant RHS, and the
      // shift is the only use, we can pull it out of the shift.
      if (ConstantInt *Op0C = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Op0BO->getOperand(1))) {
        bool isValid = true;     // Valid only for And, Or, Xor
        bool highBitSet = false; // Transform if high bit of constant set?

        switch (Op0BO->getOpcode()) {
        default: isValid = false; break;   // Do not perform transform!
        case Instruction::Add:
          isValid = isLeftShift;
        case Instruction::Or:
        case Instruction::Xor:
          highBitSet = false;
        case Instruction::And:
          highBitSet = true;

        // If this is a signed shift right, and the high bit is modified
        // by the logical operation, do not perform the transformation.
        // The highBitSet boolean indicates the value of the high bit of
        // the constant which would cause it to be modified for this
        // operation.
        if (isValid && I.getOpcode() == Instruction::AShr)
          isValid = Op0C->getValue()[TypeBits-1] == highBitSet;

        if (isValid) {
          Constant *NewRHS = ConstantExpr::get(I.getOpcode(), Op0C, Op1);

          Value *NewShift =
            Builder->CreateBinOp(I.getOpcode(), Op0BO->getOperand(0), Op1);

          return BinaryOperator::Create(Op0BO->getOpcode(), NewShift,

  // Find out if this is a shift of a shift by a constant.
  BinaryOperator *ShiftOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Op0);
  if (ShiftOp && !ShiftOp->isShift())
    ShiftOp = nullptr;

  if (ShiftOp && isa<ConstantInt>(ShiftOp->getOperand(1))) {

    // This is a constant shift of a constant shift. Be careful about hiding
    // shl instructions behind bit masks. They are used to represent multiplies
    // by a constant, and it is important that simple arithmetic expressions
    // are still recognizable by scalar evolution.
    // The transforms applied to shl are very similar to the transforms applied
    // to mul by constant. We can be more aggressive about optimizing right
    // shifts.
    // Combinations of right and left shifts will still be optimized in
    // DAGCombine where scalar evolution no longer applies.

    ConstantInt *ShiftAmt1C = cast<ConstantInt>(ShiftOp->getOperand(1));
    uint32_t ShiftAmt1 = ShiftAmt1C->getLimitedValue(TypeBits);
    uint32_t ShiftAmt2 = COp1->getLimitedValue(TypeBits);
    assert(ShiftAmt2 != 0 && "Should have been simplified earlier");
    if (ShiftAmt1 == 0) return nullptr;  // Will be simplified in the future.
    Value *X = ShiftOp->getOperand(0);

    IntegerType *Ty = cast<IntegerType>(I.getType());

    // Check for (X << c1) << c2  and  (X >> c1) >> c2
    if (I.getOpcode() == ShiftOp->getOpcode()) {
      uint32_t AmtSum = ShiftAmt1+ShiftAmt2;   // Fold into one big shift.
      // If this is oversized composite shift, then unsigned shifts get 0, ashr
      // saturates.
      if (AmtSum >= TypeBits) {
        if (I.getOpcode() != Instruction::AShr)
          return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, Constant::getNullValue(I.getType()));
        AmtSum = TypeBits-1;  // Saturate to 31 for i32 ashr.

      return BinaryOperator::Create(I.getOpcode(), X,
                                    ConstantInt::get(Ty, AmtSum));

    if (ShiftAmt1 == ShiftAmt2) {
      // If we have ((X << C) >>u C), turn this into X & (-1 >>u C).
      if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::LShr &&
          ShiftOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl) {
        APInt Mask(APInt::getLowBitsSet(TypeBits, TypeBits - ShiftAmt1));
        return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(X,
                                        ConstantInt::get(I.getContext(), Mask));
    } else if (ShiftAmt1 < ShiftAmt2) {
      uint32_t ShiftDiff = ShiftAmt2-ShiftAmt1;

      // (X >>?,exact C1) << C2 --> X << (C2-C1)
      // The inexact version is deferred to DAGCombine so we don't hide shl
      // behind a bit mask.
      if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl &&
          ShiftOp->getOpcode() != Instruction::Shl &&
          ShiftOp->isExact()) {
        assert(ShiftOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::LShr ||
               ShiftOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::AShr);
        ConstantInt *ShiftDiffCst = ConstantInt::get(Ty, ShiftDiff);
        BinaryOperator *NewShl = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Shl,
                                                        X, ShiftDiffCst);
        return NewShl;

      // (X << C1) >>u C2  --> X >>u (C2-C1) & (-1 >> C2)
      if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::LShr &&
          ShiftOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl) {
        ConstantInt *ShiftDiffCst = ConstantInt::get(Ty, ShiftDiff);
        // (X <<nuw C1) >>u C2 --> X >>u (C2-C1)
        if (ShiftOp->hasNoUnsignedWrap()) {
          BinaryOperator *NewLShr = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::LShr,
                                                           X, ShiftDiffCst);
          return NewLShr;
        Value *Shift = Builder->CreateLShr(X, ShiftDiffCst);

        APInt Mask(APInt::getLowBitsSet(TypeBits, TypeBits - ShiftAmt2));
        return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(Shift,

      // We can't handle (X << C1) >>s C2, it shifts arbitrary bits in. However,
      // we can handle (X <<nsw C1) >>s C2 since it only shifts in sign bits.
      if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::AShr &&
          ShiftOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl) {
        if (ShiftOp->hasNoSignedWrap()) {
          // (X <<nsw C1) >>s C2 --> X >>s (C2-C1)
          ConstantInt *ShiftDiffCst = ConstantInt::get(Ty, ShiftDiff);
          BinaryOperator *NewAShr = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::AShr,
                                                           X, ShiftDiffCst);
          return NewAShr;
    } else {
      assert(ShiftAmt2 < ShiftAmt1);
      uint32_t ShiftDiff = ShiftAmt1-ShiftAmt2;

      // (X >>?exact C1) << C2 --> X >>?exact (C1-C2)
      // The inexact version is deferred to DAGCombine so we don't hide shl
      // behind a bit mask.
      if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl &&
          ShiftOp->getOpcode() != Instruction::Shl &&
          ShiftOp->isExact()) {
        ConstantInt *ShiftDiffCst = ConstantInt::get(Ty, ShiftDiff);
        BinaryOperator *NewShr = BinaryOperator::Create(ShiftOp->getOpcode(),
                                                        X, ShiftDiffCst);
        return NewShr;

      // (X << C1) >>u C2  --> X << (C1-C2) & (-1 >> C2)
      if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::LShr &&
          ShiftOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl) {
        ConstantInt *ShiftDiffCst = ConstantInt::get(Ty, ShiftDiff);
        if (ShiftOp->hasNoUnsignedWrap()) {
          // (X <<nuw C1) >>u C2 --> X <<nuw (C1-C2)
          BinaryOperator *NewShl = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Shl,
                                                          X, ShiftDiffCst);
          return NewShl;
        Value *Shift = Builder->CreateShl(X, ShiftDiffCst);

        APInt Mask(APInt::getLowBitsSet(TypeBits, TypeBits - ShiftAmt2));
        return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(Shift,

      // We can't handle (X << C1) >>s C2, it shifts arbitrary bits in. However,
      // we can handle (X <<nsw C1) >>s C2 since it only shifts in sign bits.
      if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::AShr &&
          ShiftOp->getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl) {
        if (ShiftOp->hasNoSignedWrap()) {
          // (X <<nsw C1) >>s C2 --> X <<nsw (C1-C2)
          ConstantInt *ShiftDiffCst = ConstantInt::get(Ty, ShiftDiff);
          BinaryOperator *NewShl = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Shl,
                                                          X, ShiftDiffCst);
          return NewShl;
  return nullptr;
Esempio n. 15
void Lint::visitURem(BinaryOperator &I) {
  Assert1(!isZero(I.getOperand(1), TD),
          "Undefined behavior: Division by zero", &I);
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitMul(BinaryOperator &I) {
  bool Changed = SimplifyAssociativeOrCommutative(I);
  Value *Op0 = I.getOperand(0), *Op1 = I.getOperand(1);

  if (Value *V = SimplifyMulInst(Op0, Op1, TD))
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, V);

  if (Value *V = SimplifyUsingDistributiveLaws(I))
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, V);

  if (match(Op1, m_AllOnes()))  // X * -1 == 0 - X
    return BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(Op0, I.getName());
  if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Op1)) {
    // ((X << C1)*C2) == (X * (C2 << C1))
    if (BinaryOperator *SI = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Op0))
      if (SI->getOpcode() == Instruction::Shl)
        if (Constant *ShOp = dyn_cast<Constant>(SI->getOperand(1)))
          return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(SI->getOperand(0),
                                           ConstantExpr::getShl(CI, ShOp));
    const APInt &Val = CI->getValue();
    if (Val.isPowerOf2()) {          // Replace X*(2^C) with X << C
      Constant *NewCst = ConstantInt::get(Op0->getType(), Val.logBase2());
      BinaryOperator *Shl = BinaryOperator::CreateShl(Op0, NewCst);
      if (I.hasNoSignedWrap()) Shl->setHasNoSignedWrap();
      if (I.hasNoUnsignedWrap()) Shl->setHasNoUnsignedWrap();
      return Shl;
    // Canonicalize (X+C1)*CI -> X*CI+C1*CI.
    { Value *X; ConstantInt *C1;
      if (Op0->hasOneUse() &&
          match(Op0, m_Add(m_Value(X), m_ConstantInt(C1)))) {
        Value *Add = Builder->CreateMul(X, CI);
        return BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Add, Builder->CreateMul(C1, CI));

    // (Y - X) * (-(2**n)) -> (X - Y) * (2**n), for positive nonzero n
    // (Y + const) * (-(2**n)) -> (-constY) * (2**n), for positive nonzero n
    // The "* (2**n)" thus becomes a potential shifting opportunity.
      const APInt &   Val = CI->getValue();
      const APInt &PosVal = Val.abs();
      if (Val.isNegative() && PosVal.isPowerOf2()) {
        Value *X = 0, *Y = 0;
        if (Op0->hasOneUse()) {
          ConstantInt *C1;
          Value *Sub = 0;
          if (match(Op0, m_Sub(m_Value(Y), m_Value(X))))
            Sub = Builder->CreateSub(X, Y, "suba");
          else if (match(Op0, m_Add(m_Value(Y), m_ConstantInt(C1))))
            Sub = Builder->CreateSub(Builder->CreateNeg(C1), Y, "subc");
          if (Sub)
                                        ConstantInt::get(Y->getType(), PosVal));
  // Simplify mul instructions with a constant RHS.
  if (isa<Constant>(Op1)) {    
    // Try to fold constant mul into select arguments.
    if (SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(Op0))
      if (Instruction *R = FoldOpIntoSelect(I, SI))
        return R;

    if (isa<PHINode>(Op0))
      if (Instruction *NV = FoldOpIntoPhi(I))
        return NV;

  if (Value *Op0v = dyn_castNegVal(Op0))     // -X * -Y = X*Y
    if (Value *Op1v = dyn_castNegVal(Op1))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Op0v, Op1v);

  // (X / Y) *  Y = X - (X % Y)
  // (X / Y) * -Y = (X % Y) - X
    Value *Op1C = Op1;
    BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Op0);
    if (!BO ||
        (BO->getOpcode() != Instruction::UDiv && 
         BO->getOpcode() != Instruction::SDiv)) {
      Op1C = Op0;
      BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Op1);
    Value *Neg = dyn_castNegVal(Op1C);
    if (BO && BO->hasOneUse() &&
        (BO->getOperand(1) == Op1C || BO->getOperand(1) == Neg) &&
        (BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::UDiv ||
         BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::SDiv)) {
      Value *Op0BO = BO->getOperand(0), *Op1BO = BO->getOperand(1);

      // If the division is exact, X % Y is zero, so we end up with X or -X.
      if (PossiblyExactOperator *SDiv = dyn_cast<PossiblyExactOperator>(BO))
        if (SDiv->isExact()) {
          if (Op1BO == Op1C)
            return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, Op0BO);
          return BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(Op0BO);

      Value *Rem;
      if (BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::UDiv)
        Rem = Builder->CreateURem(Op0BO, Op1BO);
        Rem = Builder->CreateSRem(Op0BO, Op1BO);

      if (Op1BO == Op1C)
        return BinaryOperator::CreateSub(Op0BO, Rem);
      return BinaryOperator::CreateSub(Rem, Op0BO);

  /// i1 mul -> i1 and.
  if (I.getType()->isIntegerTy(1))
    return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(Op0, Op1);

  // X*(1 << Y) --> X << Y
  // (1 << Y)*X --> X << Y
    Value *Y;
    if (match(Op0, m_Shl(m_One(), m_Value(Y))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateShl(Op1, Y);
    if (match(Op1, m_Shl(m_One(), m_Value(Y))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateShl(Op0, Y);
  // If one of the operands of the multiply is a cast from a boolean value, then
  // we know the bool is either zero or one, so this is a 'masking' multiply.
  //   X * Y (where Y is 0 or 1) -> X & (0-Y)
  if (!I.getType()->isVectorTy()) {
    // -2 is "-1 << 1" so it is all bits set except the low one.
    APInt Negative2(I.getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits(), (uint64_t)-2, true);
    Value *BoolCast = 0, *OtherOp = 0;
    if (MaskedValueIsZero(Op0, Negative2))
      BoolCast = Op0, OtherOp = Op1;
    else if (MaskedValueIsZero(Op1, Negative2))
      BoolCast = Op1, OtherOp = Op0;

    if (BoolCast) {
      Value *V = Builder->CreateSub(Constant::getNullValue(I.getType()),
      return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(V, OtherOp);

  return Changed ? &I : 0;
Esempio n. 17
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitSub(BinaryOperator &I) {
  Value *Op0 = I.getOperand(0), *Op1 = I.getOperand(1);

  if (Value *V = SimplifySubInst(Op0, Op1, I.hasNoSignedWrap(),
                                 I.hasNoUnsignedWrap(), TD))
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, V);

  // (A*B)-(A*C) -> A*(B-C) etc
  if (Value *V = SimplifyUsingDistributiveLaws(I))
    return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, V);

  // If this is a 'B = x-(-A)', change to B = x+A.  This preserves NSW/NUW.
  if (Value *V = dyn_castNegVal(Op1)) {
    BinaryOperator *Res = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Op0, V);
    return Res;

  if (I.getType()->isIntegerTy(1))
    return BinaryOperator::CreateXor(Op0, Op1);

  // Replace (-1 - A) with (~A).
  if (match(Op0, m_AllOnes()))
    return BinaryOperator::CreateNot(Op1);
  if (ConstantInt *C = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Op0)) {
    // C - ~X == X + (1+C)
    Value *X = 0;
    if (match(Op1, m_Not(m_Value(X))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(X, AddOne(C));

    // -(X >>u 31) -> (X >>s 31)
    // -(X >>s 31) -> (X >>u 31)
    if (C->isZero()) {
      Value *X; ConstantInt *CI;
      if (match(Op1, m_LShr(m_Value(X), m_ConstantInt(CI))) &&
          // Verify we are shifting out everything but the sign bit.
          CI->getValue() == I.getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits()-1)
        return BinaryOperator::CreateAShr(X, CI);

      if (match(Op1, m_AShr(m_Value(X), m_ConstantInt(CI))) &&
          // Verify we are shifting out everything but the sign bit.
          CI->getValue() == I.getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits()-1)
        return BinaryOperator::CreateLShr(X, CI);

    // Try to fold constant sub into select arguments.
    if (SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(Op1))
      if (Instruction *R = FoldOpIntoSelect(I, SI))
        return R;

    // C - zext(bool) -> bool ? C - 1 : C
    if (ZExtInst *ZI = dyn_cast<ZExtInst>(Op1))
      if (ZI->getSrcTy()->isIntegerTy(1))
        return SelectInst::Create(ZI->getOperand(0), SubOne(C), C);

    // C-(X+C2) --> (C-C2)-X
    ConstantInt *C2;
    if (match(Op1, m_Add(m_Value(X), m_ConstantInt(C2))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateSub(ConstantExpr::getSub(C, C2), X);

  { Value *Y;
    // X-(X+Y) == -Y    X-(Y+X) == -Y
    if (match(Op1, m_Add(m_Specific(Op0), m_Value(Y))) ||
        match(Op1, m_Add(m_Value(Y), m_Specific(Op0))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(Y);
    // (X-Y)-X == -Y
    if (match(Op0, m_Sub(m_Specific(Op1), m_Value(Y))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(Y);
  if (Op1->hasOneUse()) {
    Value *X = 0, *Y = 0, *Z = 0;
    Constant *C = 0;
    ConstantInt *CI = 0;

    // (X - (Y - Z))  -->  (X + (Z - Y)).
    if (match(Op1, m_Sub(m_Value(Y), m_Value(Z))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Op0,
                                      Builder->CreateSub(Z, Y, Op1->getName()));

    // (X - (X & Y))   -->   (X & ~Y)
    if (match(Op1, m_And(m_Value(Y), m_Specific(Op0))) ||
        match(Op1, m_And(m_Specific(Op0), m_Value(Y))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(Op0,
                                  Builder->CreateNot(Y, Y->getName() + ".not"));
    // 0 - (X sdiv C)  -> (X sdiv -C)
    if (match(Op1, m_SDiv(m_Value(X), m_Constant(C))) &&
        match(Op0, m_Zero()))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateSDiv(X, ConstantExpr::getNeg(C));

    // 0 - (X << Y)  -> (-X << Y)   when X is freely negatable.
    if (match(Op1, m_Shl(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y))) && match(Op0, m_Zero()))
      if (Value *XNeg = dyn_castNegVal(X))
        return BinaryOperator::CreateShl(XNeg, Y);

    // X - X*C --> X * (1-C)
    if (match(Op1, m_Mul(m_Specific(Op0), m_ConstantInt(CI)))) {
      Constant *CP1 = ConstantExpr::getSub(ConstantInt::get(I.getType(),1), CI);
      return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Op0, CP1);

    // X - X<<C --> X * (1-(1<<C))
    if (match(Op1, m_Shl(m_Specific(Op0), m_ConstantInt(CI)))) {
      Constant *One = ConstantInt::get(I.getType(), 1);
      C = ConstantExpr::getSub(One, ConstantExpr::getShl(One, CI));
      return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Op0, C);
    // X - A*-B -> X + A*B
    // X - -A*B -> X + A*B
    Value *A, *B;
    if (match(Op1, m_Mul(m_Value(A), m_Neg(m_Value(B)))) ||
        match(Op1, m_Mul(m_Neg(m_Value(A)), m_Value(B))))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Op0, Builder->CreateMul(A, B));
    // X - A*CI -> X + A*-CI
    // X - CI*A -> X + A*-CI
    if (match(Op1, m_Mul(m_Value(A), m_ConstantInt(CI))) ||
        match(Op1, m_Mul(m_ConstantInt(CI), m_Value(A)))) {
      Value *NewMul = Builder->CreateMul(A, ConstantExpr::getNeg(CI));
      return BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(Op0, NewMul);

  ConstantInt *C1;
  if (Value *X = dyn_castFoldableMul(Op0, C1)) {
    if (X == Op1)  // X*C - X --> X * (C-1)
      return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(Op1, SubOne(C1));

    ConstantInt *C2;   // X*C1 - X*C2 -> X * (C1-C2)
    if (X == dyn_castFoldableMul(Op1, C2))
      return BinaryOperator::CreateMul(X, ConstantExpr::getSub(C1, C2));
  // Optimize pointer differences into the same array into a size.  Consider:
  //  &A[10] - &A[0]: we should compile this to "10".
  if (TD) {
    Value *LHSOp, *RHSOp;
    if (match(Op0, m_PtrToInt(m_Value(LHSOp))) &&
        match(Op1, m_PtrToInt(m_Value(RHSOp))))
      if (Value *Res = OptimizePointerDifference(LHSOp, RHSOp, I.getType()))
        return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, Res);
    // trunc(p)-trunc(q) -> trunc(p-q)
    if (match(Op0, m_Trunc(m_PtrToInt(m_Value(LHSOp)))) &&
        match(Op1, m_Trunc(m_PtrToInt(m_Value(RHSOp)))))
      if (Value *Res = OptimizePointerDifference(LHSOp, RHSOp, I.getType()))
        return ReplaceInstUsesWith(I, Res);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 18
bool LazyValueInfoCache::solveBlockValue(Value *Val, BasicBlock *BB) {
  if (isa<Constant>(Val))
    return true;

  if (lookup(Val).count(BB)) {
    // If we have a cached value, use that.
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "  reuse BB '" << BB->getName()
                 << "' val=" << lookup(Val)[BB] << '\n');

    // Since we're reusing a cached value, we don't need to update the
    // OverDefinedCache. The cache will have been properly updated whenever the
    // cached value was inserted.
    return true;

  // Hold off inserting this value into the Cache in case we have to return
  // false and come back later.
  LVILatticeVal Res;

  Instruction *BBI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Val);
  if (!BBI || BBI->getParent() != BB) {
    if (!solveBlockValueNonLocal(Res, Val, BB))
      return false;
   insertResult(Val, BB, Res);
   return true;

  if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BBI)) {
    if (!solveBlockValuePHINode(Res, PN, BB))
      return false;
    insertResult(Val, BB, Res);
    return true;

  if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(BBI)) {
    Res = LVILatticeVal::getNot(ConstantPointerNull::get(AI->getType()));
    insertResult(Val, BB, Res);
    return true;

  // We can only analyze the definitions of certain classes of instructions
  // (integral binops and casts at the moment), so bail if this isn't one.
  LVILatticeVal Result;
  if ((!isa<BinaryOperator>(BBI) && !isa<CastInst>(BBI)) ||
     !BBI->getType()->isIntegerTy()) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << " compute BB '" << BB->getName()
                 << "' - overdefined because inst def found.\n");
    insertResult(Val, BB, Res);
    return true;

  // FIXME: We're currently limited to binops with a constant RHS.  This should
  // be improved.
  BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(BBI);
  if (BO && !isa<ConstantInt>(BO->getOperand(1))) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << " compute BB '" << BB->getName()
                 << "' - overdefined because inst def found.\n");

    insertResult(Val, BB, Res);
    return true;

  if (!solveBlockValueConstantRange(Res, BBI, BB))
    return false;
  insertResult(Val, BB, Res);
  return true;
Esempio n. 19
Value *BoUpSLP::vectorizeTree(ValueList &VL, int VF) {
  Type *ScalarTy = VL[0]->getType();
  if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(VL[0]))
    ScalarTy = SI->getValueOperand()->getType();
  VectorType *VecTy = VectorType::get(ScalarTy, VF);

  // Check if all of the operands are constants or identical.
  bool AllConst = true;
  bool AllSameScalar = true;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = VF; i < e; ++i) {
    AllConst &= !!dyn_cast<Constant>(VL[i]);
    AllSameScalar &= (VL[0] == VL[i]);
    // Must have a single use.
    Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VL[i]);
    if (I && (I->getNumUses() > 1 || I->getParent() != BB))
      return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

  // Is this a simple vector constant.
  if (AllConst || AllSameScalar) return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

  // Scalarize unknown structures.
  Instruction *VL0 = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VL[0]);
  if (!VL0) return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

  unsigned Opcode = VL0->getOpcode();
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = VF; i < e; ++i) {
    Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VL[i]);
    // If not all of the instructions are identical then we have to scalarize.
    if (!I || Opcode != I->getOpcode()) return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

  switch (Opcode) {
  case Instruction::Add:
  case Instruction::FAdd:
  case Instruction::Sub:
  case Instruction::FSub:
  case Instruction::Mul:
  case Instruction::FMul:
  case Instruction::UDiv:
  case Instruction::SDiv:
  case Instruction::FDiv:
  case Instruction::URem:
  case Instruction::SRem:
  case Instruction::FRem:
  case Instruction::Shl:
  case Instruction::LShr:
  case Instruction::AShr:
  case Instruction::And:
  case Instruction::Or:
  case Instruction::Xor: {
    ValueList LHSVL, RHSVL;
    for (int i = 0; i < VF; ++i) {

    Value *RHS = vectorizeTree(RHSVL, VF);
    Value *LHS = vectorizeTree(LHSVL, VF);
    IRBuilder<> Builder(GetLastInstr(VL, VF));
    BinaryOperator *BinOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(VL0);
    return Builder.CreateBinOp(BinOp->getOpcode(), RHS,LHS);
  case Instruction::Load: {
    LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(VL0);
    unsigned Alignment = LI->getAlignment();

    // Check if all of the loads are consecutive.
    for (unsigned i = 1, e = VF; i < e; ++i)
      if (!isConsecutiveAccess(VL[i-1], VL[i]))
        return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

    IRBuilder<> Builder(GetLastInstr(VL, VF));
    Value *VecPtr = Builder.CreateBitCast(LI->getPointerOperand(),
    LI = Builder.CreateLoad(VecPtr);
    return LI;
  case Instruction::Store: {
    StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(VL0);
    unsigned Alignment = SI->getAlignment();

    ValueList ValueOp;
    for (int i = 0; i < VF; ++i)

    Value *VecValue = vectorizeTree(ValueOp, VF);

    IRBuilder<> Builder(GetLastInstr(VL, VF));
    Value *VecPtr = Builder.CreateBitCast(SI->getPointerOperand(),
    Builder.CreateStore(VecValue, VecPtr)->setAlignment(Alignment);

    for (int i = 0; i < VF; ++i)
    return 0;
    return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);
Esempio n. 20
/// FoldSelectIntoOp - Try fold the select into one of the operands to
/// facilitate further optimization.
Instruction *InstCombiner::FoldSelectIntoOp(SelectInst &SI, Value *TrueVal,
                                            Value *FalseVal) {
  // See the comment above GetSelectFoldableOperands for a description of the
  // transformation we are doing here.
  if (Instruction *TVI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(TrueVal)) {
    if (TVI->hasOneUse() && TVI->getNumOperands() == 2 &&
        !isa<Constant>(FalseVal)) {
      if (unsigned SFO = GetSelectFoldableOperands(TVI)) {
        unsigned OpToFold = 0;
        if ((SFO & 1) && FalseVal == TVI->getOperand(0)) {
          OpToFold = 1;
        } else if ((SFO & 2) && FalseVal == TVI->getOperand(1)) {
          OpToFold = 2;

        if (OpToFold) {
          Constant *C = GetSelectFoldableConstant(TVI);
          Value *OOp = TVI->getOperand(2-OpToFold);
          // Avoid creating select between 2 constants unless it's selecting
          // between 0, 1 and -1.
          if (!isa<Constant>(OOp) || isSelect01(C, cast<Constant>(OOp))) {
            Value *NewSel = Builder->CreateSelect(SI.getCondition(), OOp, C);
            BinaryOperator *TVI_BO = cast<BinaryOperator>(TVI);
            BinaryOperator *BO = BinaryOperator::Create(TVI_BO->getOpcode(),
                                                        FalseVal, NewSel);
            if (isa<PossiblyExactOperator>(BO))
            if (isa<OverflowingBinaryOperator>(BO)) {
            return BO;

  if (Instruction *FVI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(FalseVal)) {
    if (FVI->hasOneUse() && FVI->getNumOperands() == 2 &&
        !isa<Constant>(TrueVal)) {
      if (unsigned SFO = GetSelectFoldableOperands(FVI)) {
        unsigned OpToFold = 0;
        if ((SFO & 1) && TrueVal == FVI->getOperand(0)) {
          OpToFold = 1;
        } else if ((SFO & 2) && TrueVal == FVI->getOperand(1)) {
          OpToFold = 2;

        if (OpToFold) {
          Constant *C = GetSelectFoldableConstant(FVI);
          Value *OOp = FVI->getOperand(2-OpToFold);
          // Avoid creating select between 2 constants unless it's selecting
          // between 0, 1 and -1.
          if (!isa<Constant>(OOp) || isSelect01(C, cast<Constant>(OOp))) {
            Value *NewSel = Builder->CreateSelect(SI.getCondition(), C, OOp);
            BinaryOperator *FVI_BO = cast<BinaryOperator>(FVI);
            BinaryOperator *BO = BinaryOperator::Create(FVI_BO->getOpcode(),
                                                        TrueVal, NewSel);
            if (isa<PossiblyExactOperator>(BO))
            if (isa<OverflowingBinaryOperator>(BO)) {
            return BO;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 21
 bool isRemainderWhenDevidingByTwo(Expr *expr)
     BinaryOperator *binaryOperator = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(expr);
     return binaryOperator &&
         binaryOperator->getOpcode() == BO_Rem && isIntegerLiteral(binaryOperator->getRHS(), 2);
TEST(CloneInstruction, OverflowBits) {
  LLVMContext context;
  Value *V = new Argument(Type::getInt32Ty(context));

  BinaryOperator *Add = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, V, V);
  BinaryOperator *Sub = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Sub, V, V);
  BinaryOperator *Mul = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Mul, V, V);







Esempio n. 23
static bool matchPairwiseReductionAtLevel(const BinaryOperator *BinOp,
                                          unsigned Level, unsigned NumLevels) {
  // Match one level of pairwise operations.
  // %rdx.shuf.0.0 = shufflevector <4 x float> %rdx, <4 x float> undef,
  //       <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2 , i32 undef, i32 undef>
  // %rdx.shuf.0.1 = shufflevector <4 x float> %rdx, <4 x float> undef,
  //       <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 3, i32 undef, i32 undef>
  // %bin.rdx.0 = fadd <4 x float> %rdx.shuf.0.0, %rdx.shuf.0.1
  if (BinOp == nullptr)
    return false;

  assert(BinOp->getType()->isVectorTy() && "Expecting a vector type");

  unsigned Opcode = BinOp->getOpcode();
  Value *L = BinOp->getOperand(0);
  Value *R = BinOp->getOperand(1);

  ShuffleVectorInst *LS = dyn_cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(L);
  if (!LS && Level)
    return false;
  ShuffleVectorInst *RS = dyn_cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(R);
  if (!RS && Level)
    return false;

  // On level 0 we can omit one shufflevector instruction.
  if (!Level && !RS && !LS)
    return false;

  // Shuffle inputs must match.
  Value *NextLevelOpL = LS ? LS->getOperand(0) : nullptr;
  Value *NextLevelOpR = RS ? RS->getOperand(0) : nullptr;
  Value *NextLevelOp = nullptr;
  if (NextLevelOpR && NextLevelOpL) {
    // If we have two shuffles their operands must match.
    if (NextLevelOpL != NextLevelOpR)
      return false;

    NextLevelOp = NextLevelOpL;
  } else if (Level == 0 && (NextLevelOpR || NextLevelOpL)) {
    // On the first level we can omit the shufflevector <0, undef,...>. So the
    // input to the other shufflevector <1, undef> must match with one of the
    // inputs to the current binary operation.
    // Example:
    //  %NextLevelOpL = shufflevector %R, <1, undef ...>
    //  %BinOp        = fadd          %NextLevelOpL, %R
    if (NextLevelOpL && NextLevelOpL != R)
      return false;
    else if (NextLevelOpR && NextLevelOpR != L)
      return false;

    NextLevelOp = NextLevelOpL ? R : L;
  } else
    return false;

  // Check that the next levels binary operation exists and matches with the
  // current one.
  BinaryOperator *NextLevelBinOp = nullptr;
  if (Level + 1 != NumLevels) {
    if (!(NextLevelBinOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(NextLevelOp)))
      return false;
    else if (NextLevelBinOp->getOpcode() != Opcode)
      return false;

  // Shuffle mask for pairwise operation must match.
  if (matchPairwiseShuffleMask(LS, true, Level)) {
    if (!matchPairwiseShuffleMask(RS, false, Level))
      return false;
  } else if (matchPairwiseShuffleMask(RS, true, Level)) {
    if (!matchPairwiseShuffleMask(LS, false, Level))
      return false;
  } else
    return false;

  if (++Level == NumLevels)
    return true;

  // Match next level.
  return matchPairwiseReductionAtLevel(NextLevelBinOp, Level, NumLevels);
Esempio n. 24
// Peephole optimize the following instructions:
// %t1 = cast ? to x *
// %t2 = add x * %SP, %t1              ;; Constant must be 2nd operand
// Into: %t3 = getelementptr {<...>} * %SP, <element indices>
//       %t2 = cast <eltype> * %t3 to {<...>}*
static bool HandleCastToPointer(BasicBlock::iterator BI,
                                const PointerType *DestPTy,
                                const TargetData &TD) {
  CastInst &CI = cast<CastInst>(*BI);
  if (CI.use_empty()) return false;

  // Scan all of the uses, looking for any uses that are not add or sub
  // instructions.  If we have non-adds, do not make this transformation.
  bool HasSubUse = false;  // Keep track of any subtracts...
  for (Value::use_iterator I = CI.use_begin(), E = CI.use_end();
       I != E; ++I)
    if (BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(*I)) {
      if ((BO->getOpcode() != Instruction::Add &&
           BO->getOpcode() != Instruction::Sub) ||
          // Avoid add sbyte* %X, %X cases...
          BO->getOperand(0) == BO->getOperand(1))
        return false;
        HasSubUse |= BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub;
    } else {
      return false;

  std::vector<Value*> Indices;
  Value *Src = CI.getOperand(0);
  const Type *Result = ConvertibleToGEP(DestPTy, Src, Indices, TD, &BI);
  if (Result == 0) return false;  // Not convertible...

  // Cannot handle subtracts if there is more than one index required...
  if (HasSubUse && Indices.size() != 1) return false;

  PRINT_PEEPHOLE2("cast-add-to-gep:in", *Src, CI);

  // If we have a getelementptr capability... transform all of the 
  // add instruction uses into getelementptr's.
  while (!CI.use_empty()) {
    BinaryOperator *I = cast<BinaryOperator>(*CI.use_begin());
    assert((I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add ||
            I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub) && 
           "Use is not a valid add instruction!");
    // Get the value added to the cast result pointer...
    Value *OtherPtr = I->getOperand((I->getOperand(0) == &CI) ? 1 : 0);

    Instruction *GEP = new GetElementPtrInst(OtherPtr, Indices, I->getName());
    PRINT_PEEPHOLE1("cast-add-to-gep:i", *I);

    // If the instruction is actually a subtract, we are guaranteed to only have
    // one index (from code above), so we just need to negate the pointer index
    // long value.
    if (I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub) {
      Instruction *Neg = BinaryOperator::createNeg(GEP->getOperand(1), 
                                       GEP->getOperand(1)->getName()+".neg", I);
      GEP->setOperand(1, Neg);

    if (GEP->getType() == I->getType()) {
      // Replace the old add instruction with the shiny new GEP inst
      ReplaceInstWithInst(I, GEP);
    } else {
      // If the type produced by the gep instruction differs from the original
      // add instruction type, insert a cast now.

      // Insert the GEP instruction before the old add instruction...
      I->getParent()->getInstList().insert(I, GEP);

      PRINT_PEEPHOLE1("cast-add-to-gep:o", *GEP);
      GEP = new CastInst(GEP, I->getType());

      // Replace the old add instruction with the shiny new GEP inst
      ReplaceInstWithInst(I, GEP);

    PRINT_PEEPHOLE1("cast-add-to-gep:o", *GEP);
  return true;
Esempio n. 25
void Lint::visitSub(BinaryOperator &I) {
  Assert(!isa<UndefValue>(I.getOperand(0)) || !isa<UndefValue>(I.getOperand(1)),
         "Undefined result: sub(undef, undef)", &I);
bool WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj::runSjLjOnFunction(Function &F) {
  Module &M = *F.getParent();
  LLVMContext &C = F.getContext();
  IRBuilder<> IRB(C);
  SmallVector<Instruction *, 64> ToErase;
  // Vector of %setjmpTable values
  std::vector<Instruction *> SetjmpTableInsts;
  // Vector of %setjmpTableSize values
  std::vector<Instruction *> SetjmpTableSizeInsts;

  // Setjmp preparation

  // This instruction effectively means %setjmpTableSize = 4.
  // We create this as an instruction intentionally, and we don't want to fold
  // this instruction to a constant 4, because this value will be used in
  // SSAUpdater.AddAvailableValue(...) later.
  BasicBlock &EntryBB = F.getEntryBlock();
  BinaryOperator *SetjmpTableSize = BinaryOperator::Create(
      Instruction::Add, IRB.getInt32(4), IRB.getInt32(0), "setjmpTableSize",
  // setjmpTable = (int *) malloc(40);
  Instruction *SetjmpTable = CallInst::CreateMalloc(
      SetjmpTableSize, IRB.getInt32Ty(), IRB.getInt32Ty(), IRB.getInt32(40),
      nullptr, nullptr, "setjmpTable");
  // setjmpTable[0] = 0;
  IRB.CreateStore(IRB.getInt32(0), SetjmpTable);

  // Setjmp transformation
  std::vector<PHINode *> SetjmpRetPHIs;
  Function *SetjmpF = M.getFunction("setjmp");
  for (User *U : SetjmpF->users()) {
    auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U);
    if (!CI)
      report_fatal_error("Does not support indirect calls to setjmp");

    BasicBlock *BB = CI->getParent();
    if (BB->getParent() != &F) // in other function

    // The tail is everything right after the call, and will be reached once
    // when setjmp is called, and later when longjmp returns to the setjmp
    BasicBlock *Tail = SplitBlock(BB, CI->getNextNode());
    // Add a phi to the tail, which will be the output of setjmp, which
    // indicates if this is the first call or a longjmp back. The phi directly
    // uses the right value based on where we arrive from
    PHINode *SetjmpRet = IRB.CreatePHI(IRB.getInt32Ty(), 2, "setjmp.ret");

    // setjmp initial call returns 0
    SetjmpRet->addIncoming(IRB.getInt32(0), BB);
    // The proper output is now this, not the setjmp call itself
    // longjmp returns to the setjmp will add themselves to this phi

    // Fix call target
    // Our index in the function is our place in the array + 1 to avoid index
    // 0, because index 0 means the longjmp is not ours to handle.
    Value *Args[] = {CI->getArgOperand(0), IRB.getInt32(SetjmpRetPHIs.size()),
                     SetjmpTable, SetjmpTableSize};
    Instruction *NewSetjmpTable =
        IRB.CreateCall(SaveSetjmpF, Args, "setjmpTable");
    Instruction *NewSetjmpTableSize =
        IRB.CreateLoad(TempRet0GV, "setjmpTableSize");

  // Update each call that can longjmp so it can return to a setjmp where
  // relevant.

  // Because we are creating new BBs while processing and don't want to make
  // all these newly created BBs candidates again for longjmp processing, we
  // first make the vector of candidate BBs.
  std::vector<BasicBlock *> BBs;
  for (BasicBlock &BB : F)

  // BBs.size() will change within the loop, so we query it every time
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < BBs.size(); i++) {
    BasicBlock *BB = BBs[i];
    for (Instruction &I : *BB) {
      auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I);
      if (!CI)

      const Value *Callee = CI->getCalledValue();
      if (!canLongjmp(M, Callee))

      Value *Threw = nullptr;
      BasicBlock *Tail;
      if (Callee->getName().startswith(InvokePrefix)) {
        // If invoke wrapper has already been generated for this call in
        // previous EH phase, search for the load instruction
        // %__THREW__.val = __THREW__;
        // in postamble after the invoke wrapper call
        LoadInst *ThrewLI = nullptr;
        StoreInst *ThrewResetSI = nullptr;
        for (auto I = std::next(BasicBlock::iterator(CI)), IE = BB->end();
             I != IE; ++I) {
          if (auto *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I))
            if (auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(LI->getPointerOperand()))
              if (GV == ThrewGV) {
                Threw = ThrewLI = LI;
        // Search for the store instruction after the load above
        // __THREW__ = 0;
        for (auto I = std::next(BasicBlock::iterator(ThrewLI)), IE = BB->end();
             I != IE; ++I) {
          if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I))
            if (auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(SI->getPointerOperand()))
              if (GV == ThrewGV && SI->getValueOperand() == IRB.getInt32(0)) {
                ThrewResetSI = SI;
        assert(Threw && ThrewLI && "Cannot find __THREW__ load after invoke");
        assert(ThrewResetSI && "Cannot find __THREW__ store after invoke");
        Tail = SplitBlock(BB, ThrewResetSI->getNextNode());

      } else {
        // Wrap call with invoke wrapper and generate preamble/postamble
        Threw = wrapInvoke(CI);
        Tail = SplitBlock(BB, CI->getNextNode());

      // We need to replace the terminator in Tail - SplitBlock makes BB go
      // straight to Tail, we need to check if a longjmp occurred, and go to the
      // right setjmp-tail if so

      // Generate a function call to testSetjmp function and preamble/postamble
      // code to figure out (1) whether longjmp occurred (2) if longjmp
      // occurred, which setjmp it corresponds to
      Value *Label = nullptr;
      Value *LongjmpResult = nullptr;
      BasicBlock *EndBB = nullptr;
      wrapTestSetjmp(BB, CI, Threw, SetjmpTable, SetjmpTableSize, Label,
                     LongjmpResult, EndBB);
      assert(Label && LongjmpResult && EndBB);

      // Create switch instruction
      SwitchInst *SI = IRB.CreateSwitch(Label, Tail, SetjmpRetPHIs.size());
      // -1 means no longjmp happened, continue normally (will hit the default
      // switch case). 0 means a longjmp that is not ours to handle, needs a
      // rethrow. Otherwise the index is the same as the index in P+1 (to avoid
      // 0).
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < SetjmpRetPHIs.size(); i++) {
        SI->addCase(IRB.getInt32(i + 1), SetjmpRetPHIs[i]->getParent());
        SetjmpRetPHIs[i]->addIncoming(LongjmpResult, EndBB);

      // We are splitting the block here, and must continue to find other calls
      // in the block - which is now split. so continue to traverse in the Tail

  // Erase everything we no longer need in this function
  for (Instruction *I : ToErase)

  // Free setjmpTable buffer before each return instruction
  for (BasicBlock &BB : F) {
    TerminatorInst *TI = BB.getTerminator();
    if (isa<ReturnInst>(TI))
      CallInst::CreateFree(SetjmpTable, TI);

  // Every call to saveSetjmp can change setjmpTable and setjmpTableSize
  // (when buffer reallocation occurs)
  // entry:
  //   setjmpTableSize = 4;
  //   setjmpTable = (int *) malloc(40);
  //   setjmpTable[0] = 0;
  // ...
  // somebb:
  //   setjmpTable = saveSetjmp(buf, label, setjmpTable, setjmpTableSize);
  //   setjmpTableSize = __tempRet0;
  // So we need to make sure the SSA for these variables is valid so that every
  // saveSetjmp and testSetjmp calls have the correct arguments.
  SSAUpdater SetjmpTableSSA;
  SSAUpdater SetjmpTableSizeSSA;
  SetjmpTableSSA.Initialize(Type::getInt32PtrTy(C), "setjmpTable");
  SetjmpTableSizeSSA.Initialize(Type::getInt32Ty(C), "setjmpTableSize");
  for (Instruction *I : SetjmpTableInsts)
    SetjmpTableSSA.AddAvailableValue(I->getParent(), I);
  for (Instruction *I : SetjmpTableSizeInsts)
    SetjmpTableSizeSSA.AddAvailableValue(I->getParent(), I);

  for (auto UI = SetjmpTable->use_begin(), UE = SetjmpTable->use_end();
       UI != UE;) {
    // Grab the use before incrementing the iterator.
    Use &U = *UI;
    // Increment the iterator before removing the use from the list.
    if (Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser()))
      if (I->getParent() != &EntryBB)
  for (auto UI = SetjmpTableSize->use_begin(), UE = SetjmpTableSize->use_end();
       UI != UE;) {
    Use &U = *UI;
    if (Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser()))
      if (I->getParent() != &EntryBB)

  // Finally, our modifications to the cfg can break dominance of SSA variables.
  // For example, in this code,
  // if (x()) { .. setjmp() .. }
  // if (y()) { .. longjmp() .. }
  // We must split the longjmp block, and it can jump into the block splitted
  // from setjmp one. But that means that when we split the setjmp block, it's
  // first part no longer dominates its second part - there is a theoretically
  // possible control flow path where x() is false, then y() is true and we
  // reach the second part of the setjmp block, without ever reaching the first
  // part. So, we rebuild SSA form here.
  return true;
Esempio n. 27
void Lint::visitURem(BinaryOperator &I) {
  Assert(!isZero(I.getOperand(1), I.getModule()->getDataLayout(), DT, AC),
         "Undefined behavior: Division by zero", &I);
Esempio n. 28
void Lint::visitShl(BinaryOperator &I) {
  if (ConstantInt *CI =
            "Undefined result: Shift count out of range", &I);
Esempio n. 29
/// InsertPHITranslatedPointer - Insert a computation of the PHI translated
/// version of 'V' for the edge PredBB->CurBB into the end of the PredBB
/// block.  All newly created instructions are added to the NewInsts list.
/// This returns null on failure.
Value *PHITransAddr::
InsertPHITranslatedSubExpr(Value *InVal, BasicBlock *CurBB,
                           BasicBlock *PredBB, const DominatorTree &DT,
                           SmallVectorImpl<Instruction*> &NewInsts) {
  // See if we have a version of this value already available and dominating
  // PredBB.  If so, there is no need to insert a new instance of it.
  PHITransAddr Tmp(InVal, TD);
  if (!Tmp.PHITranslateValue(CurBB, PredBB, &DT))
    return Tmp.getAddr();

  // If we don't have an available version of this value, it must be an
  // instruction.
  Instruction *Inst = cast<Instruction>(InVal);

  // Handle cast of PHI translatable value.
  if (CastInst *Cast = dyn_cast<CastInst>(Inst)) {
    if (!Cast->isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute()) return 0;
    Value *OpVal = InsertPHITranslatedSubExpr(Cast->getOperand(0),
                                              CurBB, PredBB, DT, NewInsts);
    if (OpVal == 0) return 0;

    // Otherwise insert a cast at the end of PredBB.
    CastInst *New = CastInst::Create(Cast->getOpcode(),
                                     OpVal, InVal->getType(),
    return New;

  // Handle getelementptr with at least one PHI operand.
  if (GetElementPtrInst *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(Inst)) {
    SmallVector<Value*, 8> GEPOps;
    BasicBlock *CurBB = GEP->getParent();
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = GEP->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
      Value *OpVal = InsertPHITranslatedSubExpr(GEP->getOperand(i),
                                                CurBB, PredBB, DT, NewInsts);
      if (OpVal == 0) return 0;

    GetElementPtrInst *Result =
      GetElementPtrInst::Create(GEPOps[0], makeArrayRef(GEPOps).slice(1),
    return Result;

#if 0
  // FIXME: This code works, but it is unclear that we actually want to insert
  // a big chain of computation in order to make a value available in a block.
  // This needs to be evaluated carefully to consider its cost trade offs.

  // Handle add with a constant RHS.
  if (Inst->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add &&
      isa<ConstantInt>(Inst->getOperand(1))) {
    // PHI translate the LHS.
    Value *OpVal = InsertPHITranslatedSubExpr(Inst->getOperand(0),
                                              CurBB, PredBB, DT, NewInsts);
    if (OpVal == 0) return 0;

    BinaryOperator *Res = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(OpVal, Inst->getOperand(1),
    return Res;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 30
		   this helper function is called when the traversal reaches a node of type Stmt
		void StmtHelper(Stmt *x){
			//variable used for <cond> </cond>
			//bool condition = false;
			bool isElse = false;
			if(x != NULL){
				string output = "";
				//find current level and next level
				int intLevel = getLevelStmt(x); int intNextLevel = intLevel+1;
				//convert them both to strings to use for output
				string level; string nextLevel;
				stringstream ss;
				ss << intLevel;
				level = ss.str();
				stringstream ss2;
				ss2 << intNextLevel;
				nextLevel = ss2.str();

				const Stmt* parent = getStmtParent(x, Context);
				if(x->getStmtClassName() != std::string("ForStmt") && isFlowControl(x, Context)){

				//if the parent is calling any type of funciton then this node should be enclosed in <args> </args>
				string filename;
				if(callStackDebug && !callStack.empty()){
					cerr << "stmt: call stack top: " <<>getStmtClassName() << endl;

				while(!callStack.empty() && numClosingArgsNeeded > 0
						&& !isParentStmt(parent,>getStmtClassName())){

						cerr << "adding args" << endl;
					output += "</args,1>\n";


						cerr << "popping" << endl;

				if(isParentStmtInCurFile(x,"CXXConstructExpr") && isParentStmt(x, "CXXConstructExpr")){

						cerr << "setting previousConstructorCall to true" << endl;

				}else if(isParentStmtInCurFile(x,"CXXTemporaryObjectExpr") && isParentStmt(x, "CXXTemporaryObjectExpr")){

						cerr << "setting previousTempConstructorCallArg" << endl;

				}else if(isParentStmt(x, "CallExpr")){

						cerr << "setting previousCallArgs to true" << endl;

				}else if(isParentStmt(x, "CXXMemberCallExpr")){

						cerr << "setting previousMemberCallArgs to true" << endl;


				//if the parent is a variable declaration then this node should be encolsed in <decl> </decl>
				if(isParentStmt(x, "Var")){
					previousRhsDecl = true;
						cout << "setting prev var to true" << endl;

				}else if(previousRhsDecl && numClosingVarsNeeded > 0){
					//if the current node is not a child of a variable declaration 
					//but the previous node was a child of a variable declation 
					//then we know to print a </decl>
					output +="</variableDecl,1>\n";
					previousRhsDecl = false;

				if(parent != NULL && strcmp(parent->getStmtClassName(), "IfStmt") == 0){
						cerr << "possibly an if statement" << endl;
					//find the first child of the if statemt
					const Stmt* firstChild = NULL;
					auto children = parent->children();
					for(const Stmt* child : children){
						if(child != NULL){
							firstChild = child;

					//if the first child is the current node, then we know it is part of the condition
					if(firstChild != NULL  && x->getLocStart() == firstChild->getLocStart()){
							cerr << "part of the condition" << endl;
						prevCondition = true;
					}else if(prevCondition){
						output +="</cond,1>\n";
						prevCondition = false;

					//find if else
					const IfStmt* ifstmt = (IfStmt*) parent;
					const Stmt* elseStmt = ifstmt->getElse();
					if(elseStmt != NULL){
							cout << "checking if " << x->getLocStart().printToString(Context->getSourceManager());
							cout << " == " << elseStmt->getLocStart().printToString(Context->getSourceManager());
							cout << " : " << (x->getLocStart() == elseStmt->getLocStart()) << endl;
						if(x->getLocStart() == elseStmt->getLocStart()){
							isElse = true;


				string node = x->getStmtClassName();
				if(node == "ReturnStmt"){
					output += "<return";
				}else if(node == "ForStmt"){
					output += "<forLoop";
				}else if(node == "WhileStmt"){
					output += "<whileLoop";
				}else if(node == "DoStmt"){
					output += "<do";		
				}else if(node == "IfStmt"){
                                        if(parent->getStmtClassName() != std::string("IfStmt")){
						stringstream ssminus;
						ssminus << (intLevel-1);
						output += "<ifBlock," + ssminus.str() + ">\n";
						intLevel += 1;
						stringstream ssif;
						ssif << intLevel;
						level = ssif.str();
					output += "<ifStatement";
				}else if(node == "SwitchStmt"){
					output += "<switch";
				}else if(node == "CaseStmt"){
					output += "<case";
				}else if(node == "CXXMemberCallExpr"){
					CXXMemberCallExpr* ce = (CXXMemberCallExpr*) x;
					Expr* obj = ce->getImplicitObjectArgument();
					CallExpr* expr = (CallExpr*) x;
					output += "<object: ";
					QualType qt = obj->getType();
					output += qt.getBaseTypeIdentifier()->getName().str();
					output += "; calling func: ";
					output += expr->getDirectCallee()->getNameInfo().getAsString();
					output += ", " + level + ">\n";
					output += "<args";

						cerr << "pushing" << endl;

				}else if(node == "CallExpr"){
					CallExpr* expr = (CallExpr*) x;
					output += "<calling func: ";
					output += expr->getDirectCallee()->getNameInfo().getAsString();
					output += ", " + level + ">\n";
					output += "<args";
						cerr << "pushing" << endl;

				}else if(node == "CXXConstructExpr"){
					CXXConstructExpr* ce = (CXXConstructExpr*) x;
					//Decl* CD = ce->getConstructor();

					string filename;
					//if(isInCurFile(Context, CD, filename)){
						CXXMethodDecl* MD =  ce->getConstructor();
						output += "<calling func: ";
						output += MD->getNameInfo().getAsString();
						output += "," + level + ">\n";
						output += "<args";
							cerr << "pushing" << endl;


				}else if(node == "BinaryOperator"){
					BinaryOperator* binaryOp = (BinaryOperator*) x;
						output += "<assignment";
					}else if(binaryOp->isComparisonOp()){
						output += "<comparison";
						output += "<binaryOp";
				}else if(node == "UnaryOperator"){
					UnaryOperator* uo = (UnaryOperator*) x;
					string op = uo->getOpcodeStr(uo->getOpcode()).str();
					if(op != "-"){
						output += "<unaryOp";
				}else if(node == "CompoundAssignOperator"){
					output += "<augAssign";
				}else if(node == "CompoundStmt"){
						output += "<elseStatement";
						output += "<compoundStmt";
				}else if(node == "CXXThrowExpr"){
					output += "<raisingException";
				}else if(node == "CXXTryStmt"){
					output += "<try";
				}else if(node == "CXXCatchStmt"){
					output += "<except";
				}else if(node == "CXXOperatorCallExpr"){
					CXXOperatorCallExpr* ce = (CXXOperatorCallExpr*) x;
						output += "<assignment";
				}else if(node == "CXXTemporaryObjectExpr"){
					CXXTemporaryObjectExpr* ce = (CXXTemporaryObjectExpr*) x;
					Decl* CD = ce->getConstructor();

					string filename;
					if(isInCurFile(Context, CD, filename)){
						CXXMethodDecl* MD =  ce->getConstructor();
						output += "<calling func: ";
						output += MD->getNameInfo().getAsString();
						output += "," + level + ">\n";
						output += "<args";
							cerr << "pushing" << endl;


				}else if(node == "DeclRefExpr"){
                                        if(parent != NULL && parent->getStmtClassName() == std::string("ImplicitCastExpr")){
						DeclRefExpr* dr = (DeclRefExpr*) x;
						ValueDecl* d = (ValueDecl*) dr->getDecl();
						//cout << d->getQualType().getAsString() << endl;
						if(d != NULL){
							QualType qt = d->getType();
							//cout << qt.getAsString() << endl;
							if(qt.getAsString() == "std::vector<int, class std::allocator<int> >::const_reference (std::vector::size_type) const noexcept"){
								//string type = io->getName().str();
								//cout << type << endl;

								//if(type == "vector"){
								output += "<expr";
						output += "<";
						output += node;
						output += ">";


				if(output.size() != 0 && !endsIn(output, "</cond,1>\n") && 
						!endsIn(output,"</variableDecl,1>\n") && !endsIn(output,"</args,1>\n") 
						&& !endsIn(output,">") && !endsIn(output, ">\n")){

					output += ", " + level + ">";
					cout << output << endl;
					output = "";
				}else if(output.size() != 0){
					cout << output << endl;
					output = "";
						cerr << "printing output" << endl;
