Esempio n. 1
clRotate(ClCmdQueue& queue, cl::KernelFunctor& rotate,
        BitmapImage& srcImg, float sinTheta, float cosTheta) throw (cl::Error) {
    BitmapImage outImg;
    outImg.resize(srcImg.getWidth(), srcImg.getHeight());
    // Create the input, output image, and filter buffers!
    cl::Image2D srcBuf = queue.makeImage(srcImg.getRow(0), srcImg.getWidth(),
                                         srcImg.getHeight(), queue.ROFlags);
    cl::Image2D outBuf = queue.makeImage(outImg.getRow(0), outImg.getWidth(),
                                         outImg.getHeight(), queue.WOFlags);
    // Setup sampler for source image to control sampler
    cl::Sampler sampler(queue.getContext(), CL_FALSE, CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP,
    // Now use the OpenCl kernel to perform convolution
    rotate(srcBuf, outBuf, srcImg.getWidth(), srcImg.getHeight(), sampler,
          sinTheta, cosTheta);
    // Copy result image back from the device to host.
    // Return the resulting image back to the caller.
    return outImg;
Esempio n. 2
clRotate(ClCmdQueue& queue, cl::KernelFunctor& vrotate,
	 BitmapImage& srcImg, float theta) throw (cl::Error) {
  // Create a new bitmap and scale it
    BitmapImage outImg = srcImg;
    float imgMax = sqrt(pow(srcImg.getWidth(),2) + pow(srcImg.getHeight(),2));
    outImg.resize(imgMax, imgMax);
    // Create the input, output image, and filter buffers!
    cl::Image2D srcBuf = queue.makeImage(srcImg.getRow(0), srcImg.getWidth(),
                                         srcImg.getHeight(), queue.ROFlags);
    cl::Image2D outBuf = queue.makeImage(outImg.getRow(0), outImg.getWidth(),
                                         outImg.getHeight(), queue.WOFlags);
    // Setup sampler for source image to control sampler
    cl::Sampler sampler(queue.getContext(), CL_FALSE, CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP,
    // Now use the OpenCl kernel to perform convolution
    vrotate(srcBuf, outBuf, outImg.getWidth(), outImg.getHeight(), sampler, 
	    (float)cos(theta), (float)sin(theta));
    // Copy result image back from the device to host.
    // Return the resulting image back to the caller.
    return outImg;