Esempio n. 1
//  Locate a key definition by  key identifier only
//  NOTE:  Group are searched from upper group(menus,..) to lower group (aircraft)
CKeyDefinition* CKeyMap::FindKeyDefinitionById (Tag id)
{ CKeyDefinition *rc = NULL;
  for (U_INT k=0; k< oset.size();k++)
  { CKeySet *ks         = oset[k];
    CKeyDefinition* kdf = ks->GetKeyByTag(id);
    if (0 == kdf) continue;
    return kdf;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
//  Change group callback if key is redirected
//  Activate key in group (simulate a key stroke)
//  The group is taken from the Keydef in case of redirection
bool CKeyMap::Stroke(Tag grp,Tag kid)
{ //--- find the Key set ---------------------------
  CKeySet *ks = FindKeySetById (grp);
  if (0 == ks)    return false;
  CKeyDefinition *kdf = ks->GetKeyByTag(kid);
  if (0 == kdf)   return false;
  //--- Group Redirection --------------------------
  Tag        ngp = kdf->GetSet();
  ks             =   FindKeySetById (ngp);
  KeyGroupCB  cb = ks->GetCB();
  return (cb)(kdf,kdf->GetCode()) ;