Esempio n. 1
//  CMouseControl::ProcessMouseMove
//  Process a windows mouse movement message and turn it into control
bool CMouseControl::ProcessMouseMove ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
    if ( uMsg != WM_MOUSEMOVE )
        return false;

    if ( g_pCore->GetGame ()->GetSystemState () != 9 )
        return false;

    // HACK:  Grab our local player, and check his vehicle
    CPed* pPed = g_pCore->GetGame ()->GetPools ()->GetPedFromRef ( (DWORD)1 );
    if ( !pPed )
        return false;

    CVehicle* pVehicle = pPed->GetVehicle ();
    if ( !pVehicle )
        return false;

    CModelInfo* pModelInfo = g_pCore->GetGame ()->GetModelInfo( pVehicle->GetModelIndex() );

    bool bVar;
    CVARS_GET ( "fly_with_mouse", bVar );
    if ( pModelInfo->IsPlane() || pModelInfo->IsHeli() && !bVar ) // Are we in a plane, but not have mouse flight enabled?
        return false;

    CVARS_GET ( "steer_with_mouse", bVar );
    if ( !bVar )  // Are we in another type of vehicle, but not have mouse steering enabled?
        return false;

    // Let's calculate our mouse movement directions
    CVector2D resolution = g_pCore->GetGUI()->GetResolution();
    int iX = LOWORD ( lParam ), iY = HIWORD ( lParam );
    float fX = (iX - resolution.fX*0.5f)/resolution.fX;


    float fMouseSensitivity = g_pCore->GetGame ( )->GetSettings()->GetMouseSensitivity ();
    fX *= fMouseSensitivity;

    m_usLeftStickX += fX*128;
    m_usLeftStickX  = Clamp < const short > ( -128, m_usLeftStickX, 128 );

    // Only process Y input if we're in a vehicle that requires it
    if ( pModelInfo->IsPlane() || pModelInfo->IsHeli() || pModelInfo->IsBike() || pModelInfo->IsBmx() || pModelInfo->IsQuadBike() )
        float fY = (resolution.fY*0.5f - iY)/resolution.fY;
        fY *= fMouseSensitivity;

        CVARS_GET ( "invert_mouse", bVar );
        fY = bVar ? -fY : fY;

        m_usLeftStickY += fY*128;
        m_usLeftStickY  = Clamp < const short > ( -128, m_usLeftStickY, 128 );

    return true;
Esempio n. 2
int cheat_panic ( void )
	traceLastFunc( "cheat_panic()" );

	static int	pstate_map = 0, // m0d's map
		pstate_d3dtext_hud = 0, // hud bar
		pstate_actor_hp_nSP = 0, // "Extra actor invincibility" patch (invulnerable single player enemies)
		pstate_actor_hp_SP = 0, // "Extra actor invincibility2" patch (no problems in SP)
		pstate_vehicle_hp = 0, // vehicle hp patch
		pstate_generic_menu = 0, // m0d's menu
		pstate_infnos = 0, // infinite NOS
		pstate_dummy_aligner; // this should all be a structure, static = DOING IT WRONG
	int			i;

	// sa-mp related
	static int	pstate_chat = 0, // chat
		pstate_deathlist = 0; // deathlist

	if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_panic) )
		// toggle panic
		cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled ^= 1;

		if ( cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled )
			struct actor_info	*actor_info = actor_info_get( ACTOR_SELF, ACTOR_ALIVE );

			if ( actor_info )
				actor_info->flags &= ~ACTOR_FLAGS_INVULNERABLE;
				actor_info->weapon_slot = 0;

			// remove infinite NOS
			pstate_infnos = cheat_state->vehicle.infNOS_toggle_on;
			cheat_state->vehicle.infNOS_toggle_on = false;
			patcher_remove( &patch_vehicle_inf_NOS );

			if ( pPedSelf->GetVehicle() )
				CVehicle	*pVehicleSelf = pPedSelf->GetVehicle();
				CVehicle	*pVehicleTemp = NULL;

				for ( pVehicleTemp = pVehicleSelf; pVehicleTemp != NULL; pVehicleTemp = pVehicleTemp->GetTowedVehicle() )
					pVehicleTemp->SetGravity( &CVector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) );
					pVehicleTemp->SetCanBeDamaged( true );

					if ( !set.trailer_support )

				// remove inf NOS
				if ( pstate_infnos )
					pVehicleSelf->RemoveVehicleUpgrade( 1010 );
					//pVehicleSelf->AddVehicleUpgrade( 1010 );

				// reset overrideLights, pstate not needed, will be reactivated on demand
				if ( set.enable_car_lights_at_day_time )
					pVehicleSelf->SetOverrideLights( 0 );

			// hud bar, this should probably become a cheat_state
			pstate_d3dtext_hud = set.d3dtext_hud;
			set.d3dtext_hud = 0;

			// m0d's map
			pstate_map = cheat_state->;
			cheat_state-> = 0;

			// m0d's menu
			pstate_generic_menu = cheat_state->;
			cheat_state-> = 0;

			// remove "Extra actor invincibility" patch
			pstate_actor_hp_nSP = patch_actor_hp_extraInv.installed;
			patcher_remove( &patch_actor_hp_extraInv );
			pstate_actor_hp_SP = patch_actor_hp.installed;
			patcher_remove( &patch_actor_hp );

			// remove vehicle hp patch
			pstate_vehicle_hp = patch_vehicle_hp.installed;
			patcher_remove( &patch_vehicle_hp );

			// just call with null vehicle info to disable
			cheat_handle_vehicle_fly( NULL, 0.0f );

			for ( i = 0; i < INI_PATCHES_MAX; i++ )
				// added to not remove volatile patches
				if ( !set.patch[i].has_volatile )
					pstate_ini[i] = set.patch[i].installed;
					patcher_remove( &set.patch[i] );

			// turn off kill & chat
			if ( g_DeathList != NULL )
				pstate_deathlist = g_DeathList->iEnabled;
				g_DeathList->iEnabled = 1;
			if ( g_Chat != NULL )
				pstate_chat = g_Chat->iChatWindowMode;
				g_Chat->iChatWindowMode = 2;
			// restore infinite NOS
			if ( pstate_infnos )
				cheat_state->vehicle.infNOS_toggle_on = true;
				patcher_install( &patch_vehicle_inf_NOS );

			// vehicle stuff
			CPed	*pPedSelf = pPools->GetPedFromRef( CPOOLS_PED_SELF_REF );
			if ( pPedSelf->GetVehicle() )
				CVehicle	*pVehicleSelf = pPedSelf->GetVehicle();
				// restore inf NOS
				if ( pstate_infnos )
					pVehicleSelf->AddVehicleUpgrade( 1010 );

			// restore "Extra actor invincibility" patch
			if ( pstate_actor_hp_nSP )
				patcher_install( &patch_actor_hp_extraInv );
			if ( pstate_actor_hp_SP )
				patcher_install( &patch_actor_hp );

			// restore vehicle hp patch
			if ( pstate_vehicle_hp )
				patcher_install( &patch_vehicle_hp );

			// restore some cheat_states
			set.d3dtext_hud = pstate_d3dtext_hud;
			cheat_state-> = pstate_map;
			cheat_state-> = pstate_generic_menu;

			// restore patches
			for ( i = 0; i < INI_PATCHES_MAX; i++ )
				if ( pstate_ini[i] )
					patcher_install( &set.patch[i] );

			// restore kill & chat
			if ( g_DeathList != NULL )
				g_DeathList->iEnabled = pstate_deathlist;
			if ( g_Chat != NULL )
				g_Chat->iChatWindowMode = pstate_chat;

			// clear cheat state text
			cheat_state_text( NULL );

	return cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled;