Esempio n. 1
int CLuaPedDefs::IsPedDead ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CPed* pPed;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pPed );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, pPed->IsDead () );
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Esempio n. 2
void CRPCFunctions::RequestStealthKill ( NetBitStreamInterface & bitStream )
    ElementID ID;
    bitStream.ReadCompressed ( ID );
    CElement * pElement = CElementIDs::GetElement ( ID );
    if ( pElement )
        int elementType = pElement->GetType ();
        if ( elementType == CElement::PLAYER || elementType == CElement::PED )
            CPed * pTarget = static_cast < CPed * > ( pElement );

            // Are they both alive?
            if ( !m_pSourcePlayer->IsDead () && !pTarget->IsDead () )
                //Do we have any record of the killer currently having a knife?
                if ( m_pSourcePlayer->GetWeaponType( 1 ) == 4 )
                    // Are they close enough?
                    if ( DistanceBetweenPoints3D ( m_pSourcePlayer->GetPosition (), pTarget->GetPosition () ) <= STEALTH_KILL_RANGE )
                        CLuaArguments Arguments;
                        Arguments.PushElement ( pTarget );
                        if ( m_pSourcePlayer->CallEvent ( "onPlayerStealthKill", Arguments, false ) )
                            // Start the stealth kill
                            CStaticFunctionDefinitions::KillPed ( pTarget, m_pSourcePlayer, 4 /*WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE*/, 9/*BODYPART_HEAD*/, true );
                    //You shouldn't be able to get here without cheating to get a knife.
                    if ( !g_pGame->GetConfig ()->IsDisableAC ( "2" ) )
                        CStaticFunctionDefinitions::KickPlayer ( m_pSourcePlayer, NULL, "AC #2: You were kicked from the game" );