Esempio n. 1
CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> VTFSchemeHandlerFactory::Create(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
											CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
											const CefString& scheme_name,
											CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request)
	CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> pResourceHandler = NULL;

	CefURLParts parts;
	CefParseURL(request->GetURL(), parts);

	std::string strVtfPath = CefString(&parts.path);

	char vtfPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_snprintf( vtfPath, sizeof( vtfPath ), "materials/%s", strVtfPath.c_str() );
	V_FixupPathName( vtfPath, sizeof( vtfPath ), vtfPath );

	if (!filesystem->FileExists(vtfPath))
		Warning( "VTFSchemeHandlerFactory: invalid vtf %s\n", vtfPath );
		return NULL;

	CUtlBuffer imageDataBuffer( 0, filesystem->Size(vtfPath), 0 );
	if( !filesystem->ReadFile( vtfPath, NULL, imageDataBuffer ) ) 
		Warning( "VTFSchemeHandlerFactory: failed to read vtf %s\n", vtfPath );
		return NULL;

	IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture();
	if( pVTFTexture->Unserialize( imageDataBuffer ) )
		pVTFTexture->ConvertImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, false, false );

		if( pVTFTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 )
			uint8 *pImageData = pVTFTexture->ImageData();

			CUtlBuffer buf;
			VTFHandler_ConvertImageToJPG( buf, pImageData, pVTFTexture->Width(), pVTFTexture->Height() );

			if( buf.Size() > 0 )
				CefRefPtr<CefStreamReader> stream =
					CefStreamReader::CreateForData(static_cast<void*>(buf.Base()), buf.Size());

				pResourceHandler = new CefStreamResourceHandler("image/jpeg", stream);
			Warning( "VTFSchemeHandlerFactory: unable to convert vtf %s to rgb format\n", vtfPath );
	DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );

	return pResourceHandler;
bool CUDPSocket::RecvFrom( netadr_t& packet_from, CUtlBuffer& data )
	sockaddr from;
	int nFromLen = sizeof( from );

	int nMaxBytesToRead = data.Size() - data.TellPut();
	char *pBuffer = (char*)data.PeekPut();

	int nBytesRead = recvfrom( m_Socket, pBuffer, nMaxBytesToRead, 0, &from, &nFromLen );
	if ( nBytesRead == SOCKET_ERROR )
		int nError = WSAGetLastError();
		if ( nError != WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
			Warning( "Socket error '%i'\n", nError );
		return false;

	packet_from.SetFromSockadr( &from );
	data.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nBytesRead );
	return true;
Esempio n. 3
// Creates a collision model (based on the render geometry!)
void CVradStaticPropMgr::CreateCollisionModel( char const* pModelName )
	CUtlBuffer buf;
	CUtlBuffer bufvtx;
	CUtlBuffer bufphy;

	int i = m_StaticPropDict.AddToTail();
	m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = NULL;
	m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pStudioHdr = NULL;

	if ( !LoadStudioModel( pModelName, buf ) )
		VectorCopy( vec3_origin, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Mins );
		VectorCopy( vec3_origin, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Maxs );

	studiohdr_t* pHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.Base();

	// necessary for vertex access
	SetCurrentModel( pHdr );

	VectorCopy( pHdr->hull_min, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Mins );
	VectorCopy( pHdr->hull_max, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Maxs );

	if ( LoadStudioCollisionModel( pModelName, bufphy ) )
		phyheader_t header;
		bufphy.Get( &header, sizeof(header) );

		vcollide_t *pCollide = &m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel;
		s_pPhysCollision->VCollideLoad( pCollide, header.solidCount, (const char *)bufphy.PeekGet(), bufphy.TellPut() - bufphy.TellGet() );
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel.solids[0];

		static int propNum = 0;
		char tmp[128];
		sprintf( tmp, "staticprop%03d.txt", propNum );
		DumpCollideToGlView( pCollide, tmp );
		// mark this as unused
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel.solidCount = 0;

		// CPhysCollide* pPhys = CreatePhysCollide( pHdr, pVtxHdr );
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = ComputeConvexHull( pHdr );

	// clone it
	m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t *)malloc( buf.Size() );
	memcpy( m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pStudioHdr, (studiohdr_t*)buf.Base(), buf.Size() );

	if ( !LoadVTXFile( pModelName, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pStudioHdr, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_VtxBuf ) )
		// failed, leave state identified as disabled