BOOL CBitziDownloader::MergeMetaData(CXMLElement* pOutput, CXMLElement* pInput)
	if ( ! pOutput || ! pInput ) return FALSE;

	pOutput	= pOutput->GetFirstElement();

	if ( ! pOutput || pOutput->GetName() != pInput->GetName() ) return FALSE;

	for ( POSITION pos = pInput->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pElement	= pInput->GetNextElement( pos );
		CXMLElement* pTarget	= pOutput->GetElementByName( pElement->GetName() );

		if ( pTarget == NULL ) pOutput->AddElement( pElement->Clone() );

	for ( POSITION pos = pInput->GetAttributeIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLAttribute* pAttribute	= pInput->GetNextAttribute( pos );
		CXMLAttribute* pTarget		= pOutput->GetAttribute( pAttribute->GetName() );

		if ( pTarget == NULL ) pOutput->AddAttribute( pAttribute->Clone() );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
Bool CXMLDocument::AddDTD(char *data, unsigned long tlength)
	if (!isinited()) return False;
	xmlParserInputBufferPtr dtdInputBufferPtr; 
	xmlDtdPtr dtd; 
	dtdInputBufferPtr = xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem(data, tlength, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8); 
	dtd = xmlIOParseDTD(NULL, dtdInputBufferPtr, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8); 
	if (!dtd) return False;
	if (dtd->name != NULL)
	CXMLElement telement;
	dtd->name = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *)telement.GetName());
	doc->intSubset = dtd;
    if (dtd->ExternalID != NULL) { 
           xmlFree((xmlChar *) dtd->ExternalID); 
           dtd->ExternalID = NULL; 
       if (dtd->SystemID != NULL) { 
           xmlFree((xmlChar *) dtd->SystemID); 
           dtd->SystemID = NULL; 
	dtd->doc = doc;
	dtd->parent = doc;
	if (doc->children == NULL) xmlAddChild((xmlNodePtr)doc, (xmlNodePtr)dtd);
	else xmlAddPrevSibling(doc->children, (xmlNodePtr)dtd);
	return Validate();
Esempio n. 3
BOOL CSchemaMember::LoadType(const CXMLElement* pType)
	CString strName = pType->GetName();

	if ( strName.CompareNoCase( L"simpleType" ) &&
		 strName.CompareNoCase( L"complexType" ) )
		return FALSE;

	m_sType = pType->GetAttributeValue( L"base", L"" );
	ToLower( m_sType );

	m_bNumeric = ( m_sType == L"decimal" || m_sType == L"int" || m_sType == L"short" );
	m_bBoolean = m_sType == L"boolean";
	m_bYear = m_sType == L"year";
	m_bGUID = m_sType == L"guidtype";

	for ( POSITION pos = pType->GetElementIterator(); pos; )
		CXMLElement* pElement	= pType->GetNextElement( pos );
		CString strElement		= pElement->GetName();

		if ( strElement.CompareNoCase( L"enumeration" ) == 0 )
			CString strValue = pElement->GetAttributeValue( L"value", L"" );
			if ( ! strValue.IsEmpty() ) m_pItems.AddTail( strValue );
		else if ( strElement.CompareNoCase( L"maxInclusive" ) == 0 )
			CString strValue = pElement->GetAttributeValue( L"value", L"0" );
			_stscanf( strValue, L"%i", &m_nMaxLength );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
IVertexDecl * ParseVertexFormat( CXMLElement * pBranch )
	IVertexDecl * pDecl = g_pRenderer->CreateVertexDecl();

	if ( !pDecl )
		return NULL;

	uint nOffset = 0;

	// Перебираем все дочерние элементы ----------------------------------------

	for ( size_t n = 0; n < pBranch->GetNumChilds(); ++n )
		CXMLElement * pInputElem = pBranch->GetChild( n );
		CXMLAttr * pType = pInputElem->GetAttr( "Type" );
		CXMLAttr * pSem = pInputElem->GetAttr( "D3D_Semantic" );

		ETypeID eType = g_pSystem->GetType( pType->GetValue() );

			( NULL != pSem ) ? pSem->GetValue() : NULL,
			eType, nOffset );

		nOffset += g_pSystem->GetSizeOf( eType );

	pDecl->SetStride( nOffset ); // Записывам шаг (размер) вершины в байтах 

	return pDecl;
BOOL CSchemaMember::LoadType(CXMLElement* pType)
	CString strName = pType->GetName();

	if ( strName.CompareNoCase( _T("simpleType") ) &&
		 strName.CompareNoCase( _T("complexType") ) ) return FALSE;

	m_sType = pType->GetAttributeValue( _T("base"), _T("") );
	CharLower( m_sType.GetBuffer() );
	m_bNumeric = ( m_sType == _T("short") || m_sType == _T("int") || m_sType == _T("decimal") );
	for ( POSITION pos = pType->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pElement	= pType->GetNextElement( pos );
		CString strElement		= pElement->GetName();

		if ( strElement.CompareNoCase( _T("enumeration") ) == 0 )
			CString strValue = pElement->GetAttributeValue( _T("value"), _T("") );
			if ( strValue.GetLength() ) m_pItems.AddTail( strValue );
		else if ( strElement.CompareNoCase( _T("maxInclusive") ) == 0 )
			CString strValue = pElement->GetAttributeValue( _T("value"), _T("0") );
			_stscanf( strValue, _T("%i"), &m_nMaxLength );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
CXMLElement* CCollectionFile::CloneMetadata(CXMLElement* pMetadata)
	CString strURI = pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( L"xmlns:s" );
	if ( strURI.IsEmpty() ) return NULL;

	CXMLElement* pCore = pMetadata->GetFirstElement();
	if ( pCore == NULL ) return NULL;

	if ( CSchemaPtr pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( strURI ) )
		pMetadata = pSchema->Instantiate();
		pMetadata = new CXMLElement( NULL, pCore->GetName() + 's' );
		pMetadata->AddAttribute( CXMLAttribute::schemaName, strURI );

	pCore = pCore->Clone();
	pMetadata->AddElement( pCore );

	CString strName = pMetadata->GetName();
	if ( _tcsnicmp( strName, L"s:", 2 ) == 0 )
		pMetadata->SetName( strName.Mid( 2 ) );

	strName = pCore->GetName();
	if ( _tcsnicmp( strName, L"s:", 2 ) == 0 )
		pCore->SetName( strName.Mid( 2 ) );

	for ( POSITION pos = pCore->GetElementIterator(); pos; )
		CXMLNode* pNode = pCore->GetNextElement( pos );
		CString strNodeName = pNode->GetName();
		if ( _tcsnicmp( strNodeName, L"s:", 2 ) == 0 )
			pNode->SetName( strNodeName.Mid( 2 ) );

	for ( POSITION pos = pCore->GetAttributeIterator(); pos; )
		CXMLNode* pNode = pCore->GetNextAttribute( pos );
		CString strNodeName = pNode->GetName();
		if ( _tcsnicmp( strNodeName, L"s:", 2 ) == 0 )
			pNode->SetName( strNodeName.Mid( 2 ) );

	return pMetadata;
Esempio n. 7
tpath - path of child element (ie. /parentelement[1]/childelement)
telement - on success, navigates to element specified by tpath
return True if element found
Bool CXMLElement::GoChildByPath(char *tpath)
	if (!isinited()) return False;
	char *sptr = tpath;
	char *childpointer = NULL;
	CXMLElement telement;
	if (*sptr == '/') sptr++; //skip first slash
	Bool foundmatch = False;
	char *endptr = sptr + strlen(sptr);
	while (sptr < endptr)
		char *namestart,*nameend,*nextname,*numpointer;
		nextname = strchr(sptr, '/' );
		if (!nextname) nextname = endptr;
		namestart = sptr;
		nameend = nextname;

		bool t_is_text;
		t_is_text = (nameend == namestart) || (namestart[0] == '[');

		if (!telement.GoChild(NULL, t_is_text))
			return False;
		int whichchild = 1;
		numpointer = util_strchr(sptr,'[',nameend-sptr);
		if (numpointer)
			whichchild = strtol((const char *)++numpointer, NULL, 10);
			nameend = numpointer-1;
		Bool foundmatch = False;
		int childcounter = 0;
			if ((!t_is_text && util_strnicmp(telement.GetName(),namestart,nameend-namestart)==0) ||
				(t_is_text && telement.IsTextNode()))
				if (childcounter == whichchild)
					sptr = nextname+1;
					foundmatch = True;
		while (!foundmatch && telement.GoNext(NULL, t_is_text));
		if (!foundmatch)
			return False;
	return True;

Esempio n. 8
CXMLElement* CXMLElement::Prefix(const CString& sPrefix, CXMLElement* pParent) const
	CXMLElement* pCloned = Clone( pParent );
	if ( pCloned )
		pCloned->SetName( sPrefix + pCloned->GetName() );

		for ( POSITION pos = pCloned->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
			CXMLElement* pNode = pCloned->GetNextElement( pos );
			pNode->SetName( sPrefix + pNode->GetName() );

		for ( POSITION pos = pCloned->GetAttributeIterator() ; pos ; )
			CXMLAttribute* pNode = pCloned->GetNextAttribute( pos );
			pNode->SetName( sPrefix + pNode->GetName() );
	return pCloned;
Esempio n. 9
int		wmain()
	//const TCHAR * pFileName = _T( "AttributeLoad.xml" );
	const TCHAR * pFileName = _T( "ElementLoad.xml" );
	//const TCHAR * pFileName = _T( "expat_test.vcproj" );
	//const TCHAR * pFileName = _T( "vcproj.xml" );

	CXMLDocument * pDoc = NULL;
		CXMLReader clReader;
		pDoc = clReader.Load( pFileName );
		if( pDoc == NULL )
			::wprintf( L"Parse error at file: %s, line %lu:\n%s\n",

			return 0;

	DumpAllXMLElement( CXMLDocument::GetElement( pDoc->GetRoot(), _T( "Root" ) ) );

		CXMLElement * pElement = CXMLDocument::GetElement( pDoc->GetRoot(), _T( "/Root/Monster" ) );
		DumpAllXMLElement( pElement );

		CXMLElement * pNotFound = CXMLDocument::GetElement( pDoc->GetRoot(), _T( "/Rootadf/Monster" ) );
		if( pNotFound != NULL )
			wprintf( L"Found! Name: %s\n", pNotFound->GetName() );

		const TCHAR * pText = CXMLDocument::GetText( pElement, _T( "Name/" ) );
		if( pText != NULL )
			wprintf( L"Name Text: %s\n", pText );

		const TCHAR * pValue = CXMLDocument::GetAttr( pElement, _T( "/Name" ), _T( "Attr" ) );
		if( pValue != NULL )
			wprintf( L"Name Attr: %s\n", pValue );

	return 0;
Esempio n. 10
BOOL CUserChannel::OnSyncMirrorView(CXMLElement* pXML)
	CSingleLock pLock( &Traffic.m_pSection, TRUE );
	for ( POSITION pos = pXML->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pSync = pXML->GetNextElement( pos );
		CString strValue = pSync->GetName();
		if ( RTPSessionLayer* pChannel = Traffic.FindChannel(strValue) )
			CString strSSRC = pSync->GetAttributeValue( "SSRC" );
			if ( pXML->GetAttribute("leave") ) pChannel->LeavedMirror( "", 0 );
			else pChannel->JoinedMirror( "", _ttoi(strSSRC) );
	return TRUE;
BOOL CUserChannel::OnSyncMonitorView(CXMLElement* pXML)
	CWaitCursor pCursor;
	CSingleLock pLock( &Traffic.m_pSection, TRUE );
	for ( POSITION pos = pXML->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pSync = pXML->GetNextElement( pos );
		CString strValue = pSync->GetName();
		if ( RTPSessionLayer* pChannel = Traffic.FindChannel(strValue) )
			pChannel->JoinMirror( m_xUserId, pSync, ! pXML->GetAttribute("leave") );
	return TRUE;
CString CBitziDownloader::LookupValue(LPCTSTR pszPath)
	CString strName, strPath( pszPath );
	CXMLElement* pXML = m_pXML;
	BOOL bFirst = TRUE;

	while ( strPath.GetLength() )
		strName = strPath.SpanExcluding( _T("/") );
		strPath = strPath.Mid( strName.GetLength() );

		if ( strPath.IsEmpty() )
			return pXML->GetAttributeValue( strName, NULL );

		if ( bFirst )
			bFirst = FALSE;
			if ( strName.CompareNoCase( pXML->GetName() ) ) pXML = NULL;
			pXML = pXML->GetElementByName( strName );

		if ( ! pXML )
			return strName;

		strPath = strPath.Mid( 1 );

	if ( pXML ) strName = pXML->GetValue();

	return strName;
Esempio n. 12
void CShaderCfgLoader::FinalizeRes( TResource * pRes )
	pRes->eState = TResource::FAILED;

	// Tip: Check XMLWrapper
	IXMLWrapper * pWrapper = (IXMLWrapper *)g_pSystem->GetInterface( IT_UTIL );

	if ( !pWrapper )

	CXMLElement * pRoot = NULL;
	pWrapper->LoadXMLFromMem( (char *)pRes->pBuffer, pRes->nSize, &pRoot );
	DEL_ARRAY( pRes->pBuffer );
	//pRes->pResource = pRoot;

	// Tip: Check root element name
	CStr sName( pRoot->GetName() );

	if ( !sName.Compare( "Shaders" ) )
		DEL( pRoot );

	// Tip: Parsing shaders
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < pRoot->GetNumChilds(); ++i )
		// Tip: New shader
		CXMLElement * pShaderBranch = pRoot->GetChild( i );
		CStr sPath( "Shaders/" );
		sPath.Add( pShaderBranch->GetName() );

//		const CStr		sShader( pShaderBranch->GetName() );
//		CBaseShader	*	pShader	= NEW CBaseShader( sShader.GetString() );
//		CXMLAttr *		pProgPath = pShaderBranch->GetAttr( "ProgramPath" );
//		CStr			sProgPath( pProgPath->GetValue() );

		SysWrite( Va( "\tshader %s", pShaderBranch->GetName() ) );

		IVertexDecl *	pDecl = NULL;
		TUniform	*	pUniforms = NULL;
		uint			nUnfmCount = 0;

		// Tip: Parse shader data
		for ( size_t j = 0; j < pShaderBranch->GetNumChilds(); ++j )
			CXMLElement *	pStruct = pShaderBranch->GetChild( j );
			const CStr		sStruct( pStruct->GetName() );

			if ( sStruct.Compare( "VertexFormat" ) )
				pDecl = ParseVertexFormat( pStruct );
			else if ( sStruct.Compare( "Constants" ) )
				pShader->m_nUniformCount	= 1;
				pShader->m_pUniforms		= NEW CBaseShader::TUniform [ pShader->m_nUniformCount ];

				pShader->m_pUniforms[ 0 ].sName	= "vColorMod";
				pShader->m_pUniforms[ 0 ].eType	= TYPE_VEC4;
				pShader->m_pUniforms[ 0 ].nLoc	= pShader->GetUniformLoc( pShader->m_pUniforms[ 0 ].sName );
				pShader->m_pUniforms[ 0 ].nCount	= 1;

				m_ppShaders[ UI_SHADER ] = pShader;
				nUnfmCount = ParseConstants( pStruct, &pUniforms );
				//pShader->ParseMaps( pStruct );

		g_pRenderer->CreateShader( sPath.GetString(), pDecl, pUniforms, nUnfmCount );

	DEL( pRoot );

	pRes->eState = TResource::LOADED;