Esempio n. 1
void CSkeletonCandidate::GetTranslationAndRotation(int boneCandidateId, float time, CalVector& translation, CalQuaternion& rotation)
	// clear the translation and the rotation

	// check if the bone candidate id is valid
	if((boneCandidateId < 0) || (boneCandidateId >= (int)m_vectorBoneCandidate.size())) return;

	// get the bone candidate
	CBoneCandidate *pBoneCandidate = m_vectorBoneCandidate[boneCandidateId];

	// get the node of the bone candidate
	CBaseNode *pNode = pBoneCandidate->GetNode();

	// get the parent id
	int parentId = pBoneCandidate->GetParentId();

	// get the node of the parent bone candidate
	CBaseNode *pParentNode = 0;
	if(parentId != -1)
		pParentNode = m_vectorBoneCandidate[parentId]->GetNode();

  // get the translation and rotation of the node
	theExporter.GetInterface()->GetTranslationAndRotation(pNode, pParentNode, time, translation, rotation);
Esempio n. 2
bool CalCoreTrack::getState(float time, CalVector& translation, CalQuaternion& rotation) const
  std::vector<CalCoreKeyframe*>::const_iterator iteratorCoreKeyframeBefore;
  std::vector<CalCoreKeyframe*>::const_iterator iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter;

  // get the keyframe after the requested time
  iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter = getUpperBound(time);

  // check if the time is after the last keyframe
  if(iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter == m_keyframes.end())
    // return the last keyframe state
    rotation = (*iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter)->getRotation();
    translation = (*iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter)->getTranslation();

    return true;

  // check if the time is before the first keyframe
  if(iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter == m_keyframes.begin())
    // return the first keyframe state
    rotation = (*iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter)->getRotation();
    translation = (*iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter)->getTranslation();

    return true;

  // get the keyframe before the requested one
  iteratorCoreKeyframeBefore = iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter;

  // get the two keyframe pointers
  CalCoreKeyframe *pCoreKeyframeBefore;
  pCoreKeyframeBefore = *iteratorCoreKeyframeBefore;
  CalCoreKeyframe *pCoreKeyframeAfter;
  pCoreKeyframeAfter = *iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter;

  // calculate the blending factor between the two keyframe states
  float blendFactor;
  blendFactor = (time - pCoreKeyframeBefore->getTime()) / (pCoreKeyframeAfter->getTime() - pCoreKeyframeBefore->getTime());

  // blend between the two keyframes
  translation = pCoreKeyframeBefore->getTranslation();
  translation.blend(blendFactor, pCoreKeyframeAfter->getTranslation());

  rotation = pCoreKeyframeBefore->getRotation();
  rotation.blend(blendFactor, pCoreKeyframeAfter->getRotation());

  return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool CalCoreTrack::getState(float time, CalVector& translation, CalQuaternion& rotation)
  rde::sorted_vector<float, CalCoreKeyframe *>::iterator iteratorCoreKeyframeBefore;
  rde::sorted_vector<float, CalCoreKeyframe *>::iterator iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter;

  // get the keyframe after the requested time
  iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter = m_mapCoreKeyframe.upper_bound(time);

  // check if the time is after the last keyframe
  if(iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter == m_mapCoreKeyframe.end())
    // return the last keyframe state
    rotation = (iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter->second)->getRotation();
    translation = (iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter->second)->getTranslation();

    return true;

  // check if the time is before the first keyframe
  if(iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter == m_mapCoreKeyframe.begin())
    // return the first keyframe state
    rotation = (iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter->second)->getRotation();
    translation = (iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter->second)->getTranslation();

    return true;

  // get the keyframe before the requested one
  iteratorCoreKeyframeBefore = iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter;

  // get the two keyframe pointers
  CalCoreKeyframe *pCoreKeyframeBefore;
  pCoreKeyframeBefore = iteratorCoreKeyframeBefore->second;
  CalCoreKeyframe *pCoreKeyframeAfter;
  pCoreKeyframeAfter = iteratorCoreKeyframeAfter->second;

  // calculate the blending factor between the two keyframe states
  float blendFactor;
  blendFactor = (time - pCoreKeyframeBefore->getTime()) / (pCoreKeyframeAfter->getTime() - pCoreKeyframeBefore->getTime());

  // blend between the two keyframes
  translation = pCoreKeyframeBefore->getTranslation();
  translation.blend(blendFactor, pCoreKeyframeAfter->getTranslation());

  rotation = pCoreKeyframeBefore->getRotation();
  rotation.blend(blendFactor, pCoreKeyframeAfter->getRotation());

  return true;
Esempio n. 4
CalCoreTrack::keyframeEliminatable( CalCoreKeyframe * prev, 
                                   CalCoreKeyframe * p, 
                                   CalCoreKeyframe * next,
                                   double transTolerance,
                                   double rotTolerance )
  CalVector translation;
  CalQuaternion rotation;
  assert( prev && p && next );
  float time = p->getTime();
  float blendFactor;
  blendFactor = ( time - prev->getTime() ) / ( next->getTime() - prev->getTime() );

  // blend between the two keyframes
  translation = prev->getTranslation();
  translation.blend( blendFactor, next->getTranslation() );
  rotation = prev->getRotation();
  rotation.blend( blendFactor, next->getRotation() );
  CalVector const ppos = p->getTranslation();
  CalQuaternion const pori = p->getRotation();
  return Near( translation, rotation, ppos, pori, transTolerance, rotTolerance );
Esempio n. 5
void CalSpringSystem::calculateVertices(CalSubmesh *pSubmesh, float deltaTime)
  // get the vertex vector of the submesh
  std::vector<CalVector>& vectorVertex = pSubmesh->getVectorVertex();

  // get the physical property vector of the submesh
  std::vector<CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorPhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // get the physical property vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorCorePhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // loop through all the vertices
  int vertexId;
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < (int)vectorVertex.size(); ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalVector& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the vertex
    CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the core vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& corePhysicalProperty = vectorCorePhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // store current position for later use
    CalVector position;
    position = physicalProperty.position;

    // only take vertices with a weight > 0 into account
    if(corePhysicalProperty.weight > 0.0f)
      // do the Verlet step
      physicalProperty.position += (position - physicalProperty.positionOld) * 0.99f + physicalProperty.force / corePhysicalProperty.weight * deltaTime * deltaTime;

		CalSkeleton *pSkeleton = m_pModel->getSkeleton();
			std::vector<CalBone *> &m_vectorbone =  pSkeleton->getVectorBone();
			unsigned long boneId;
			for(boneId=0; boneId < m_vectorbone.size(); boneId++)
				CalBoundingBox p = m_vectorbone[boneId]->getBoundingBox();
				bool in=true;
				float min=1e10;
				int index=-1;
				int faceId;
				for(faceId=0; faceId < 6 ; faceId++)
						float dist=p.plane[faceId].dist(physicalProperty.position);
				if(in && index!=-1)
					CalVector normal = CalVector(p.plane[index].a,p.plane[index].b,normal.z = p.plane[index].c);
					physicalProperty.position = physicalProperty.position - min*normal;
				for(faceId=0; faceId < 6 ; faceId++)
					if(p.plane[faceId].eval(physicalProperty.position) < 0 )
					physicalProperty.position = vectorVertex[vertexId];

      physicalProperty.position = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // make the current position the old one
    physicalProperty.positionOld = position;

    // set the new position of the vertex
    vertex = physicalProperty.position;

    // clear the accumulated force on the vertex

  // get the spring vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Spring>& vectorSpring = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorSpring();

  // iterate a few times to relax the constraints
  int iterationCount;
  for(iterationCount = 0; iterationCount < ITERATION_COUNT; ++iterationCount)
    // loop through all the springs
    std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Spring>::iterator iteratorSpring;
    for(iteratorSpring = vectorSpring.begin(); iteratorSpring != vectorSpring.end(); ++iteratorSpring)
      // get the spring
      CalCoreSubmesh::Spring& spring = *iteratorSpring;

      // compute the difference between the two spring vertices
      CalVector distance;
      distance = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]] - vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]];

      // get the current length of the spring
      float length;
      length = distance.length();

      if(length > 0.0f)
      	/*if (spring.springCoefficient == 0)
      	 	vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]] = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]];  
      	 	vectorPhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[1]].position = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]]; 
	   float factor[2];
	   factor[0] = (length - spring.idleLength) / length;
	   factor[1] = factor[0];
	   if(vectorCorePhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[0]].weight > 0.0f)
              factor[0] /= 2.0f;
              factor[1] /= 2.0f;
             factor[0] = 0.0f;
           if(vectorCorePhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[1]].weight <= 0.0f)
              factor[0] *= 2.0f;
              factor[1] = 0.0f;

           vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]] += distance * factor[0];
           vectorPhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[0]].position = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]];

           vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]] -= distance * factor[1];
           vectorPhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[1]].position = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]];
/* DEBUG-CODE ********************
  CalVector spherePosition(Sphere.x, Sphere.y, Sphere.z);
  float sphereRadius = Sphere.radius;

  // loop through all the vertices
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < (int)vectorVertex.size(); ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalVector& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the vertex
    CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the core vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& corePhysicalProperty = vectorCorePhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // only take vertices with a weight > 0 into account
    if(corePhysicalProperty.weight > 0.0f)
      CalVector position;
      position = physicalProperty.position;
      position -= spherePosition;

      float length;
      length = position.normalize();

      if(length < sphereRadius)
        position *= sphereRadius;
        position += spherePosition;

        physicalProperty.position = position;
        physicalProperty.positionOld = position;
        vertex = physicalProperty.position;
Esempio n. 6
generateTangentAndHandednessBuffer( osgCal::MeshData* m,
                                    const CalIndex*   indexBuffer )
    if ( !m->texCoordBuffer.valid() )

    int vertexCount = m->vertexBuffer->size();
    int faceCount   = m->getIndicesCount() / 3;    

    m->tangentAndHandednessBuffer = new TangentAndHandednessBuffer( vertexCount );

    CalVector* tan1 = new CalVector[vertexCount];
    CalVector* tan2 = new CalVector[vertexCount];

    const GLfloat* texCoordBufferData = (GLfloat*) m->texCoordBuffer->getDataPointer();

    const GLfloat* vb = (GLfloat*) m->vertexBuffer->getDataPointer();
    GLfloat* thb = new GLfloat[ vertexCount*4 ];
    const GLfloat* nb = floatNormalBuffer;
    GLfloat* thb = (GLfloat*) m->tangentAndHandednessBuffer->getDataPointer();
//    GLshort* thb = (GLshort*) m->tangentAndHandednessBuffer->getDataPointer();
    const GLfloat* nb = (GLfloat*) m->normalBuffer->getDataPointer();

    for ( int face = 0; face < faceCount; face++ )
        for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
            // there seems to be no visual difference in calculating
            // tangent per vertex (as is tan1[i1] += spos(j=0,1,2))
            // or per face (tan1[i1,i2,i3] += spos)
            CalIndex i1 = indexBuffer[face*3+(j+0)%3];
            CalIndex i2 = indexBuffer[face*3+(j+1)%3];
            CalIndex i3 = indexBuffer[face*3+(j+2)%3];
            const float* v1 = &vb[i1*3];
            const float* v2 = &vb[i2*3];
            const float* v3 = &vb[i3*3];

            const float* w1 = &texCoordBufferData[i1*2];
            const float* w2 = &texCoordBufferData[i2*2];
            const float* w3 = &texCoordBufferData[i3*2];

#define x(_a) (_a[0])
#define y(_a) (_a[1])
#define z(_a) (_a[2])
            float x1 = x(v2) - x(v1);
            float x2 = x(v3) - x(v1);
            float y1 = y(v2) - y(v1);
            float y2 = y(v3) - y(v1);
            float z1 = z(v2) - z(v1);
            float z2 = z(v3) - z(v1);
            float s1 = x(w2) - x(w1);
            float s2 = x(w3) - x(w1);
            float t1 = y(w2) - y(w1);
            float t2 = y(w3) - y(w1);

#undef x
#undef y
#undef z
            //float r = 1.0F / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
            float r = (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1) < 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0;
            CalVector sdir((t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r,
                           (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r);
            CalVector tdir((s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r,
                           (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r);

            // sdir & tdir can be 0 (when UV unwrap doesn't exists
            // or has errors like coincide points)
            // we ignore them
            if ( sdir.length() > 0 )

                tan1[i1] += sdir;
                //tan1[i2] += sdir;
                //tan1[i3] += sdir;

            if ( tdir.length() > 0 )

                tan2[i1] += tdir;
                //tan2[i2] += tdir;
                //tan2[i3] += tdir;
    for (long a = 0; a < vertexCount; a++)
        CalVector tangent;
        CalVector binormal;
        CalVector t = tan1[a];
        CalVector b = tan2[a];
        CalVector n = CalVector( nb[a*3+0],
                                 nb[a*3+2] );

        // tangent & bitangent can be zero when UV unwrap doesn't exists
        // or has errors like coincide points
        if ( t.length() > 0 )
            // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize
            tangent = t - n * (n*t);

            // Calculate handedness
            binormal = CalVector(n % tangent) *
                ((((n % t) * b) < 0.0F) ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
        else if ( b.length() > 0 )
            // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize
            binormal = b - n * (n*b);

            // Calculate handedness
            tangent = CalVector(n % binormal) *
                ((((n % b) * t) < 0.0F) ? -1.0f : 1.0f);

//         std::cout << "t = " << tangent.x  << '\t' << tangent.y  << '\t' << tangent.z  << '\n';
//         std::cout << "b = " << binormal.x << '\t' << binormal.y << '\t' << binormal.z << '\n';
//            std::cout << "n = " << n.x        << '\t' << n.y        << '\t' << n.z        << '\n';

//         thb[a*4+0] = floatToHalf( tangent.x ); //tangent.x * 0x7FFF;
//         thb[a*4+1] = floatToHalf( tangent.y ); //tangent.y * 0x7FFF;
//         thb[a*4+2] = floatToHalf( tangent.z ); //tangent.z * 0x7FFF;
//         thb[a*4+3] = floatToHalf((((n % tangent) * binormal) > 0.0F) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); // handedness
        thb[a*4+0] = tangent.x; 
        thb[a*4+1] = tangent.y;
        thb[a*4+2] = tangent.z;
        thb[a*4+3] = ((((n % tangent) * binormal) > 0.0F) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); // handedness
    delete[] tan1;
    delete[] tan2;

    GLbyte* tangents = (GLbyte*) tangentBuffer->getDataPointer();
    GLbyte* binormals = (GLbyte*) binormalBuffer->getDataPointer();

    for ( int i = 0; i < vertexCount*3; i++ )
        tangents[i]  = static_cast< GLbyte >( tangentBuffer[i]*127.0 );
        binormals[i] = static_cast< GLbyte >( binormalBuffer[i]*127.0 );
        //std::cout << (int)tangents[i] << '\n';

    delete[] tangentBuffer;
    delete[] binormalBuffer;
Esempio n. 7
CVertexCandidate::GetVertColor( CalVector &c )
  c.set(m_color.x, m_color.y, m_color.z);
Esempio n. 8
void CalSpringSystem::calculateVertices(CalSubmesh *pSubmesh, float deltaTime)
  // get the vertex vector of the submesh
  std::vector<CalVector>& vectorVertex = pSubmesh->getVectorVertex();

  // get the physical property vector of the submesh
  std::vector<CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorPhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // get the physical property vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty>& vectorCorePhysicalProperty = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorPhysicalProperty();

  // loop through all the vertices
  int vertexId;
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < (int)vectorVertex.size(); ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalVector& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the vertex
    CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the core vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& corePhysicalProperty = vectorCorePhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // store current position for later use
    CalVector position;
    position = physicalProperty.position;

    // only take vertices with a weight > 0 into account
    if(corePhysicalProperty.weight > 0.0f)
      // do the Verlet step
      physicalProperty.position += (position - physicalProperty.positionOld) * 0.99f + physicalProperty.force / corePhysicalProperty.weight * deltaTime * deltaTime;
      physicalProperty.position = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // make the current position the old one
    physicalProperty.positionOld = position;

    // set the new position of the vertex
    vertex = physicalProperty.position;

    // clear the accumulated force on the vertex

  // get the spring vector of the core submesh
  std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Spring>& vectorSpring = pSubmesh->getCoreSubmesh()->getVectorSpring();

  // iterate a few times to relax the constraints
  int iterationCount;
  for(iterationCount = 0; iterationCount < ITERATION_COUNT; ++iterationCount)
    // loop through all the springs
    std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Spring>::iterator iteratorSpring;
    for(iteratorSpring = vectorSpring.begin(); iteratorSpring != vectorSpring.end(); ++iteratorSpring)
      // get the spring
      CalCoreSubmesh::Spring& spring = *iteratorSpring;

      // compute the difference between the two spring vertices
      CalVector distance;
      distance = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]] - vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]];

      // get the current length of the spring
      float length;
      length = distance.length();

      if(length > 0.0f)
        float factor[2];
        factor[0] = (length - spring.idleLength) / length;
        factor[1] = factor[0];

        if(vectorCorePhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[0]].weight > 0.0f)
          factor[0] /= 2.0f;
          factor[1] /= 2.0f;
          factor[0] = 0.0f;

        if(vectorCorePhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[1]].weight <= 0.0f)
          factor[0] *= 2.0f;
          factor[1] = 0.0f;

        vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]] += distance * factor[0];
        vectorPhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[0]].position = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[0]];

        vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]] -= distance * factor[1];
        vectorPhysicalProperty[spring.vertexId[1]].position = vectorVertex[spring.vertexId[1]];
/* DEBUG-CODE ********************
  CalVector spherePosition(Sphere.x, Sphere.y, Sphere.z);
  float sphereRadius = Sphere.radius;

  // loop through all the vertices
  for(vertexId = 0; vertexId < (int)vectorVertex.size(); ++vertexId)
    // get the vertex
    CalVector& vertex = vectorVertex[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the vertex
    CalSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& physicalProperty = vectorPhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // get the physical property of the core vertex
    CalCoreSubmesh::PhysicalProperty& corePhysicalProperty = vectorCorePhysicalProperty[vertexId];

    // only take vertices with a weight > 0 into account
    if(corePhysicalProperty.weight > 0.0f)
      CalVector position;
      position = physicalProperty.position;
      position -= spherePosition;

      float length;
      length = position.normalize();

      if(length < sphereRadius)
        position *= sphereRadius;
        position += spherePosition;

        physicalProperty.position = position;
        physicalProperty.positionOld = position;
        vertex = physicalProperty.position;
Esempio n. 9
void IKCharacter::draw( int bone_id, float scale, bool additional_drawing )
	CalBone* bone = skeleton->getBone( bone_id );
	int parent_id = bone->getCoreBone()->getParentId();
	if ( parent_id != -1 )
		// current
		CalBone* parent = skeleton->getBone( parent_id );
		glBegin( GL_LINES );
		CalVector v = parent->getTranslationAbsolute();
		CalVector c = v;
		glVertex3f( v.x, v.y, v.z );
		v = bone->getTranslationAbsolute();
		c += v;
		c /= 2.0f;
		glVertex3f( v.x, v.y, v.z );

		// world
		glPushAttrib( GL_CURRENT_BIT );
		glColor3f( 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f );
		glBegin( GL_LINES );
		v = world_positions[parent_id];
		glVertex3f( v.x, v.y, v.z );
		v = world_positions[bone_id];
		glVertex3f( v.x, v.y, v.z );

		if ( additional_drawing )
			glPushAttrib( GL_CURRENT_BIT );
			glBegin( GL_LINES );
			// core
			glColor3f( (parent_id==debug_bone)?1.0f:0.3f, 0.3f, 0.5f );
			v = parent->getCoreBone()->getTranslationAbsolute();
			glVertex3f( v.x, v.y, v.z );
			v = bone->getCoreBone()->getTranslationAbsolute();
			glVertex3f( v.x, v.y, v.z );

			// draw rotation
			CalVector root = bone->getCoreBone()->getTranslationAbsolute();
			glTranslatef( root.x, root.y, root.z );
			CalVector rot;
			rot.set( 0, 0.1f*scale, 0 );
			rot *= bone->getCoreBone()->getRotationAbsolute();
			glColor4f( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 0.2f );
			glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
			//glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( rot.x, rot.y, rot.z );
			rot *= debug_cached_rotations[bone_id];
			glVertex3f( rot.x, rot.y, rot.z );
			glColor4f( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 0.8f );
			rot.set( 0, 0.1f*scale, 0 );
			rot *= bone->getCoreBone()->getRotationAbsolute();
			glBegin( GL_LINES );
			glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( rot.x, rot.y, rot.z );
			rot *= debug_cached_rotations[bone_id];
			glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( rot.x, rot.y, rot.z );
			CalVector u( 0, 0.1f*scale, 0);
			u *= bone->getRotationAbsolute();
			CalVector r( 0.1f*scale, 0, 0 );
			r *= bone->getRotationAbsolute();
			CalVector f( 0, 0, 0.1f*scale );
			f *= bone->getRotationAbsolute();
			// right blue
			root = bone->getTranslationAbsolute();
			glTranslatef( root.x, root.y, root.z );
			glBegin( GL_LINES );
			glColor3f( 0, 0, 1 );
			glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( r.x, r.y, r.z );
			// up red
			glColor3f( 1, 0, 0 );
			glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( u.x, u.y, u.z );
			// forward green
			glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 );
			glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( f.x, f.y, f.z );

			// right blue
			root = world_positions[bone_id];
			glTranslatef( root.x, root.y, root.z );
			glBegin( GL_LINES );
			glColor3f( 0, 0, 1 );
			glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( r.x, r.y, r.z );
			// up red
			glColor3f( 1, 0, 0 );
			glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( u.x, u.y, u.z );
			// forward green
			glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 );
			glVertex3f( 0,0,0 );
			glVertex3f( f.x, f.y, f.z );
	list<int> children = bone->getCoreBone()->getListChildId();
	for ( list<int>::iterator it = children.begin(); 
		 it != children.end();
		 ++it )
		draw( *it, scale, additional_drawing );
Esempio n. 10
void IKCharacter::solve( int iterations, int root_id, int leaf_id )
	while ( iterations>0 )
		// start at leaf nodes
		deque<int> queue;
		// push leaf bones to target positions
		for ( int i=0; i<leaf_bones.size(); i++ )
			// if we have a leaf id to use, skip all other leaves
			if ( leaf_id != -1 && leaf_id != leaf_bones[i] )
			// if we have a target for this one
			if ( leaf_targets.find(leaf_bones[i]) != leaf_targets.end() )
				// set it
				world_positions[leaf_bones[i]] = leaf_targets[leaf_bones[i]].second;
			int parent_id = skeleton->getCoreSkeleton()->getCoreBone( leaf_bones[i] )->getParentId();
			if ( parent_id != -1 )
				queue.push_back( parent_id );
		// queue to handle branching
		deque< int > branch_queue;
		while ( !queue.empty() || !branch_queue.empty() )
			// if main queue is empty then we are ready to deal with branches
			if ( queue.empty() )
				queue.push_back( branch_queue.front() );
			int next_id = queue.front();
			// bail out if we should
			if ( root_id != -1 && next_id == root_id )
			CalBone* bone = skeleton->getBone( next_id );
			list<int>& children = bone->getCoreBone()->getListChildId();
			// is this a branch?
			if ( children.size()>1 )
				// still other children to process -- push to branch queue
				if ( !queue.empty() )
					branch_queue.push_back( next_id );
				// otherwise, process branch here
				// if we're here, then all the children of this branch have been processed already
				int parent_id = bone->getCoreBone()->getParentId();
				if ( parent_id != -1 )
					//printf("averaging %lu positions for %s wc %f: ", children.size(), bone->getCoreBone()->getName().c_str(), getWeightCentre( next_id ) );
					// fetch all child positions
					vector<CalVector> results;
					results.insert( results.begin(), children.size(), world_positions[next_id] );
					int count=0;
					for ( list<int>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it,++count ) 
						// child_pos
						CalVector& b_c = world_positions[*it];
						// current pos
						CalVector& b_p = results[count];

						// now, the bone is the wrong length. correct its length to fulfil size constraint.
						CalVector delta = b_c - b_p;
						float length = delta.length();
						length = max( 0.00001f, length );
						// pointing from parent to child
						CalVector direction = delta/length;
						CalCoreBone* child_bone = skeleton->getCoreSkeleton()->getCoreBone( *it );
						CalVector rest_delta = bone->getCoreBone()->getTranslationAbsolute() - child_bone->getTranslationAbsolute();
						float desired_length = rest_delta.length();
						float delta_length = desired_length - length;
						// balance according to weight_centre
						float weight_centre = getWeightCentre(next_id);
						// move
						b_c += weight_centre * delta_length * direction;
						b_p -= (1.0f-weight_centre) * delta_length * direction;
						//printf("%s %f (%f %f %f), ", child_bone->getName().c_str(), delta_length, b_p.x, b_p.y, b_p.z );
					// now average
					CalVector average;
					for ( int i=0; i<results.size(); i++ )
						average += results[i];
					average /= results.size();

					// store
					world_positions[next_id] = average;
					// add parent
					queue.push_back( parent_id );
				// children.size() is exactly 1
				assert( children.size()==1 );
				int child_id = children.front();
				// child_pos
				CalVector& b_c = world_positions[child_id];
				// current pos
				CalVector& b_p = world_positions[next_id];
				// now, the bone is the wrong length. correct its length to fulfil size constraint.
				float desired_length = getBoneLength(next_id);
				CalVector delta = b_c - b_p;
				float length = delta.length();
				length = max( 0.00001f, length );
				length = min( desired_length*1.5f, length );
				// pointing from parent to child
				CalVector direction = delta/length;
				float delta_length = desired_length - length;
				// balance according to weight_centre
				float weight_centre = getWeightCentre(next_id);
				// move
				b_c += weight_centre * delta_length * direction;
				b_p -= (1.0f-weight_centre) * delta_length * direction;
				// add parent
				int parent_id = bone->getCoreBone()->getParentId();
				if ( parent_id != -1 )
					queue.push_back( parent_id );
Esempio n. 11
void IKCharacter::setup( CalSkeleton* cal_skel, bool _auto_root_follow )
	skeleton = cal_skel;
	auto_root_follow = _auto_root_follow;
	// find leaf bones
	deque<int> current;
	vector<int> roots = cal_skel->getCoreSkeleton()->getVectorRootCoreBoneId();
	current.insert( current.begin(), roots.begin(), roots.end() );
	while( !current.empty() )
		CalCoreBone* check = skeleton->getCoreSkeleton()->getCoreBone( current.front() );
		list<int> children = check->getListChildId();
		if ( children.size()==0 )
			// this is a leaf
			leaf_bones.push_back( current.front() );
			printf("found leaf: %s\n", skeleton->getCoreSkeleton()->getCoreBone( leaf_bones.back() )->getName().c_str() );
			// not a leaf
			current.insert( current.end(), children.begin(), children.end() );
		// store length
		// default non-zero
		bone_lengths[current.front()] = 0.0001f;
		if ( check->getParentId()!= -1 )
			CalCoreBone* parent = skeleton->getCoreSkeleton()->getCoreBone( check->getParentId() );
			CalVector delta = check->getTranslationAbsolute() - parent->getTranslationAbsolute();
			bone_lengths[check->getParentId()] = delta.length();
		// cached rotations
		debug_cached_rotations[current.front()] = CalQuaternion();

	// set all weights to default
	vector<CalCoreBone*> all_bones = skeleton->getCoreSkeleton()->getVectorCoreBone();
	for( int i=0; i<all_bones.size() ;i++ )
		weight_centres[all_bones[i]->getId()] = 0.5f;
	// release all leaves
	for ( int i=0; i<leaf_bones.size() ;i++ )
		weight_centres[leaf_bones[i]] = 0;
	// pin all roots
	for ( int i=0; i<roots.size(); i++ )
		weight_centres[roots[i]] = 1;
	// fetch world positions from Cal3D model
	// set targets
	for ( int i=0; i<leaf_bones.size(); i++ )
		CalVector p = world_positions[leaf_bones[i]];
		setTarget( leaf_bones[i], ofxVec3f(p.x,p.y,p.z) );