Esempio n. 1
        // Test Suite: timeSystemTest()
        // Test will check the TimeSystem comparisons when using
        // the comparison operators.
        int timeSystemTest( void )
            TestUtil testFramework( "CommonTime", "Differing TimeSystem == Operator", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

            CommonTime GPS1;       GPS1.set( 1000, 200, 0.2, TimeSystem(2) );
            CommonTime GPS2;       GPS2.set( 100,  200, 0.2, TimeSystem(2) );
            CommonTime UTC1;       UTC1.set( 1000, 200, 0.2, TimeSystem(5) );
            CommonTime UNKNOWN; UNKNOWN.set( 1000, 200, 0.2, TimeSystem(0) );
            CommonTime ANY;         ANY.set( 1000, 200, 0.2, TimeSystem(1) );

            // ???
            testFramework.assert( !(GPS1 == GPS2), "Verify same Time System but different time inequality", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( GPS1.getTimeSystem() == GPS2.getTimeSystem(), "Verify same Time System equality", __LINE__ );

            // Differing TimeSystem != Operator
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "Differing TimeSystem != Operator" );
            testFramework.assert( GPS1 != UTC1,    "Verify different Time System but same time inequality", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( GPS1 != UNKNOWN, "Verify different Time System but same time inequality", __LINE__ );

            // ANY TimeSystem == Operator
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "ANY TimeSystem == Operator" );
            testFramework.assert( GPS1 == ANY,    "Verify TimeSystem=ANY does not matter in TimeSystem=GPS comparisons",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( UTC1 == ANY,    "Verify TimeSystem=ANY does not matter in TimeSystem=UTC comparisons",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( UNKNOWN == ANY, "Verify TimeSystem=ANY does not matter in TimeSystem=UNKOWN comparisons", __LINE__ );

            // ANY TimeSystem < Operator
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "ANY TimeSystem < Operator" );
            testFramework.assert( !(GPS2 == ANY) && (GPS2 < ANY), "Verify TimeSystem=ANY does not matter in other operator comparisons", __LINE__ );

            // setTimeSystem
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "setTimeSystem" );
            UNKNOWN.setTimeSystem( TimeSystem(2) ); //Set the Unknown TimeSystem
            testFramework.assert( UNKNOWN.getTimeSystem()==TimeSystem(2), "Ensure resetting a Time System changes it", __LINE__ );

            // The End!
            return testFramework.countFails();
Esempio n. 2
      // Test will check converting to/from CommonTime.
   unsigned toFromCommonTimeTest()
      TUDEF("IRNWeekSecond", "isValid");

      IRNWeekSecond compare(0,10.0,TimeSystem::IRN); //Initialize an object
      CommonTime truth;
      long truthDay, truthSOD;
      double truthFSOD;
      truth.set(2451412, 43210,0.0,TimeSystem::IRN);

         //Is the time after the BEGINNING_OF_TIME?
      TUASSERT(compare.convertToCommonTime() > CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME);

         //Is the set object valid?

      CommonTime test = compare.convertToCommonTime(); //Convert to CommonTime
      long testDay, testSOD;
      double testFSOD;
      test.get(testDay, testSOD, testFSOD);
      truth.get(truthDay, truthSOD, truthFSOD);
      // Currently, IRNWeekSecond does not convert to proper CommonTime
      // These tests will be valid and will be uncommented once issue_248 has been 
      // resolved and merged into master.
      // TUASSERTE(long, truthDay, testDay); 
      // TUASSERTE(long, truthSOD, testSOD);
      // TUASSERTFE(truthFSOD, testFSOD);

      IRNWeekSecond test2;
      test2.convertFromCommonTime(test); //Convert From
         //Is the result of conversion the same?
      TUASSERTE(TimeSystem, compare.getTimeSystem(), test2.getTimeSystem());
      TUASSERTE(int, compare.week, test2.week);
      TUASSERTFE(compare.sow, test2.sow);

      //TUASSERT(test2 == test);

Esempio n. 3
        // Test Suite: resetTest()
        // Test will check the reset method.
        int resetTest( void )
            TestUtil testFramework( "CommonTime", "reset" , __FILE__, __LINE__ );

            CommonTime Compare; Compare.set(1000,200,0.2); // Initialize with value
            long day, sod;
            double fsod;
            Compare.reset(); // Reset it

            testFramework.assert( TimeSystem(0) == Compare.getTimeSystem(), "Was the time system reset to expectation?", __LINE__  );
            testFramework.assert( 0 == day,  "Was the day value reset to expectation?",  __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( 0 == sod,  "Was the sod value reset to expectation?",  __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( 0 == fsod, "Was the fsod value reset to expectation?", __LINE__ );

            return testFramework.countFails();
Esempio n. 4
   CommonTime JulianDate::convertToCommonTime() const
         long double temp_jd( jd + 0.5 );
         long jday( static_cast<long>( temp_jd ) );
         long double sod =
            ( temp_jd - static_cast<long double>( jday ) ) * SEC_PER_DAY;

         CommonTime ct;
         return ct.set( jday,
                        static_cast<long>( sod ),
                        static_cast<double>( sod - static_cast<long>( sod ) ),
                        timeSystem );
      catch (InvalidParameter& ip)
         InvalidRequest ir(ip);
Esempio n. 5
   CommonTime WeekSecond::convertToCommonTime() const
	      //int dow = static_cast<int>( sow * DAY_PER_SEC );
         // Appears to have rounding issues on 32-bit platforms

         int dow = static_cast<int>( sow / SEC_PER_DAY );
         // NB this assumes MJDEpoch is an integer - what if epoch H:M:S != 0:0:0 ?
         long jday = MJD_JDAY + MJDEpoch() + (7 * week) + dow;
         double sod(sow - SEC_PER_DAY * dow);
         CommonTime ct;
         return ct.set( jday,
                        sod - static_cast<long>(sod),
                        timeSystem );
      catch (InvalidParameter& ip)
Esempio n. 6
        // Test Suite: rolloverTest()
        // Test to check arithmetic operations function properly when
        // rolling over or under the three time variables
        int rolloverTest( void )
            TestUtil testFramework( "CommonTime", "addSeconds", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	    CommonTime  fsodRollover;  fsodRollover.set(10 , 6789 , 0.000999);
            CommonTime  msodRollover;  msodRollover.set(10 , 86399, 0.0001  );
            CommonTime  dayRollunder;  dayRollunder.set(10 , 2    , 0.0001  );
            CommonTime msodRollunder; msodRollunder.set(10 , 10   , 0.000001);

            CommonTime  expectedfsodROver;  expectedfsodROver.set(10, 6789 , 0.001000);
            CommonTime  expectedmsodROver;  expectedmsodROver.set(11, 0    , 0.0001);
            CommonTime  expectedDayRUnder;  expectedDayRUnder.set( 9, 86399, 0.0001); 
            CommonTime expectedmsodRUnder; expectedmsodRUnder.set(10, 9    , 0.999999);

            long    obtainedDay,  expectedDay;
            long   obtainedMsod, expectedMsod;
            double obtainedFsod, expectedFsod;
	    double diff;
            long   incrementSecLong   = 1L      , decrementSecLong   = -3L;
            double incrementSecDouble = 0.000001, decrementSecDouble = -0.000002;

	    //Rollover Tests

            //fsod Rollover test

            testFramework.assert(obtainedDay == expectedDay  , "Rollover of fsod affected day value" , __LINE__);
            testFramework.assert(obtainedMsod == expectedMsod, "Rollover of fsod did not change msod", __LINE__);
            diff = fabs(obtainedFsod - expectedFsod);
            testFramework.assert(diff < eps, "fsod did not rollover properly"      , __LINE__);

            //msod Rollover test

            testFramework.assert(obtainedDay == expectedDay  , "Rollover of msod did not change day" , __LINE__);
            testFramework.assert(obtainedMsod == expectedMsod, "msod did not rollover properly"       , __LINE__);
            diff = fabs(obtainedFsod - expectedFsod);
            testFramework.assert(diff < eps, "Rollover of msod affected fsod oddly", __LINE__);

	    //Rollunder Tests

            //fsod Rollover test

            testFramework.assert(obtainedDay == expectedDay  , "Rollunder of msod did not change day" , __LINE__);
            testFramework.assert(obtainedMsod == expectedMsod, "msod did not rollunder properly"       , __LINE__);
            diff = fabs(obtainedFsod - expectedFsod);
            testFramework.assert(diff < eps, "Rollunder of msod affected fsod oddly", __LINE__);

            //msod Rollover test

            testFramework.assert(obtainedDay == expectedDay  , "Rollunder of fsod affected day value" , __LINE__);
            testFramework.assert(obtainedMsod == expectedMsod, "Rollunder of fsod did not change msod", __LINE__);
            diff = fabs(obtainedFsod - expectedFsod);
            testFramework.assert(diff < eps, "fsod did not rollunder properly"      , __LINE__);

            return testFramework.countFails();
Esempio n. 7
        // Test Suite: operatorTest()
        // Test the comparison operators
        int operatorTest( void )
            TestUtil testFramework( "CommonTime", "Differing TimeSystem, Operator ==", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

            CommonTime Compare; Compare.set(1000,200,0.2); // Initialize with value
            CommonTime LessThanDay; LessThanDay.set(100,200,0.2); // Initialize with smaller day value
            CommonTime LessThanSecond; LessThanSecond.set(1000,20,0.2); // Initialize with smaller second value
            CommonTime LessThanFSecond; LessThanFSecond.set(1000,200,0.1); // Initialize with smaller fractional second value
            CommonTime CompareCopy(Compare); // Initialize with copy constructor

            testFramework.assert( Compare == CompareCopy,    "GPSWeekZCount operator ==, Are equivalent objects equivalent?",     __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare == LessThanDay), "GPSWeekZCount operator !=, Are non-equivalent objects equivalent?", __LINE__ );

            // Operator !=
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "Operator !=" );
            testFramework.assert( Compare != LessThanDay,     "GPSWeekZCount operator !=, Are non-equivalent objects not equivalent?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( Compare != LessThanSecond,  "GPSWeekZCount operator !=, Are non-equivalent objects not equivalent?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( Compare != LessThanFSecond, "GPSWeekZCount operator !=, Are non-equivalent objects not equivalent?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare != Compare),      "GPSWeekZCount operator !=, Are equivalent objects not equivalent?",     __LINE__ );

            // Operator <
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "Operator <" );
            testFramework.assert( LessThanDay < Compare,        "Does the < operator function when left_object < right_object?",            __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( LessThanSecond < Compare,     "Does the < operator function when left_object < right_object by days?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare < LessThanSecond),  "Does the < operator function when left_object > right_object by days?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( LessThanFSecond < Compare,    "Does the < operator function when left_object < right_object by seconds?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare < LessThanFSecond), "Does the < operator function when left_object > right_object by seconds?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare < CompareCopy),     "Does the < operator function when left_object = right_object?",            __LINE__ );

            // Greater than assertions
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "Operator >" );
            testFramework.assert( Compare > LessThanDay,        "Does the > operator function when left_object > right_object by years?",   __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(LessThanDay > Compare),     "Does the > operator function when left_object < right_object by years?",   __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( Compare > LessThanSecond,     "Does the > operator function when left_object > right_object by days?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(LessThanSecond > Compare),  "Does the > operator function when left_object < right_object by days?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( Compare > LessThanFSecond,    "Does the > operator function when left_object > right_object by seconds?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(LessThanFSecond > Compare), "Does the > operator function when left_object < right_object by seconds?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare > CompareCopy),     "Does the > operator function when left_object = right_object?",            __LINE__ );

            // Less than equals assertion
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "Operator <=" );
            testFramework.assert( LessThanDay <= Compare,        "Does the < operator function when left_object < right_object by years?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare <= LessThanDay),     "Does the <= operator function when left_object > right_object by years?",   __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( LessThanSecond <= Compare,     "Does the <= operator function when left_object < right_object by days?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare <= LessThanSecond),  "Does the <= operator function when left_object > right_object by days?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( LessThanFSecond <= Compare,    "Does the <= operator function when left_object < right_object by seconds?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare <= LessThanFSecond), "Does the <= operator function when left_object > right_object by seconds?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( Compare <= CompareCopy,        "Does the <= operator function when left_object = right_object?",            __LINE__ );

            // Greater than equals assertion
            testFramework.changeSourceMethod( "Operator >=" );
            testFramework.assert( Compare >= LessThanDay,        "Does the >= operator function when left_object > right_object by years?",   __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(LessThanDay >= Compare),     "Does the >= operator function when left_object < right_object by years?",   __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( Compare >= LessThanSecond,     "Does the >= operator function when left_object > right_object by days?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(LessThanSecond >= Compare),  "Does the >= operator function when left_object < right_object by days?",    __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( Compare >= LessThanFSecond,    "Does the >= operator function when left_object > right_object by seconds?", __LINE__ );
            testFramework.assert( !(LessThanFSecond >= Compare), "Does the >= operator function when left_object < right_object by seconds?", __LINE__ );
            // typo from last guy??
            testFramework.assert( !(Compare < CompareCopy),      "Does the >  operator function when left_object = right_object?",            __LINE__ );

            // The End!
            return testFramework.countFails();
Esempio n. 8
        // Test Suite: improperSetTest()
        //  Test to see if setting improper values induces the
        //  correct exception handling.
        int improperSetTest( void )
            CommonTime Test;
            Test.set (700000, 0, 0.);

            TestUtil testFramework( "CommonTime", "set", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

            // Break the input in various ways and make sure the proper exception is called

            // Does CommonTime.set() work with negative days?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with negative day, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            // QUESTION: Why test for gpstk::InvalidRequest exception instead of gpstk::Exception?
            // ANSWER: gpstk::InvalidRequest is a child of gpstk::Exception, and depending on CommonTime.cpp
            // we might sometimes need to be more specific than catching gpstk::Exception
            //     catch( gpstk::InvalidParameter e)
            // For now, I'm replacing gpstk::InvalidParameter with gpstk::Exception to be consistent throughout this test application
            catch( gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.set() with negative day should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with negative day, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does CommonTime.set() work with too many days?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with too many days, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.set() with too many days should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__  );
            catch (...)
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with too many days, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does CommonTime.set() work with negative seconds?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with negative seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.set() with negative seconds should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
            catch (...)
                testFramework.assert( false, "Fail", __LINE__ );

            // Does a set method work with too many seconds?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with too many seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.set() with too many seconds should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
            catch (...)
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with too many seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does a set method work with negative fractional seconds?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with negative fractional seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.set() with negative fractional seconds should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
            catch (...)
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with negative fractional seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does a set method work with too many fractional seconds?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with too many fractional seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch( gpstk::Exception e )
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.set() with too many fractional seconds should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.set() with too many fractional seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does CommonTime.setInterval() work with negative days?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with negative days, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch( gpstk::Exception e )
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.set() with negative days should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
            catch (...)
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with negative days, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does CommonTime.setInterval() work with too many days?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many days, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many days should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
            catch (...)
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many days, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does CommonTime.setInterval() work with negative seconds?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with negative seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.setInterval() with negative seconds should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
            catch (...)
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with negative seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does a set method work with too many seconds?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many seconds should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
            // catch(...)
            // {
            //     testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );
            // }

            // Does a set method work with negative fractional seconds?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with negative fractional seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.setInterval() with negative fractional seconds should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
            catch (...)
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with negative fractional seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // Does a set method work with too many fractional seconds?
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many fractional seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw no exception", __LINE__ );
            catch(gpstk::Exception e)
                testFramework.assert( true, "[expected] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many fractional seconds should throw a gpstk::Exception", __LINE__ );
                testFramework.assert( false, "[testing] CommonTime.setInterval() with too many fractional seconds, [expected] exception gpstk::Exception, [actual] threw wrong exception", __LINE__ );

            // The End!
            return testFramework.countFails();