Esempio n. 1
MainWindow::MainWindow() :
	m_workspace( NULL ),
	m_templatesMenu( NULL ),
	m_recentlyOpenedProjectsMenu( NULL ),
	m_toolsMenu( NULL ),
	m_autoSaveTimer( this ),
	m_viewMenu( NULL ),
	m_metronomeToggle( 0 ),
	m_session( Normal )
	setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );

	QWidget * main_widget = new QWidget( this );
	QVBoxLayout * vbox = new QVBoxLayout( main_widget );
	vbox->setSpacing( 0 );
	vbox->setMargin( 0 );

	QWidget * w = new QWidget( main_widget );
	QHBoxLayout * hbox = new QHBoxLayout( w );
	hbox->setSpacing( 0 );
	hbox->setMargin( 0 );

	SideBar * sideBar = new SideBar( Qt::Vertical, w );

	QSplitter * splitter = new QSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, w );
	splitter->setChildrenCollapsible( false );

	ConfigManager* confMgr = ConfigManager::inst();

	emit initProgress(tr("Preparing plugin browser"));
	sideBar->appendTab( new PluginBrowser( splitter ) );
	emit initProgress(tr("Preparing file browsers"));
	sideBar->appendTab( new FileBrowser(
				confMgr->userProjectsDir() + "*" +
					"*.mmp *.mmpz *.xml *.mid",
							tr( "My Projects" ),
					embed::getIconPixmap( "project_file" ).transformed( QTransform().rotate( 90 ) ),
							splitter, false, true ) );
	sideBar->appendTab( new FileBrowser(
				confMgr->userSamplesDir() + "*" +
					"*", tr( "My Samples" ),
					embed::getIconPixmap( "sample_file" ).transformed( QTransform().rotate( 90 ) ),
							splitter, false, true ) );
	sideBar->appendTab( new FileBrowser(
				confMgr->userPresetsDir() + "*" +
					"*.xpf *.cs.xml *.xiz",
					tr( "My Presets" ),
					embed::getIconPixmap( "preset_file" ).transformed( QTransform().rotate( 90 ) ),
							splitter , false, true  ) );
	sideBar->appendTab( new FileBrowser( QDir::homePath(), "*",
							tr( "My Home" ),
					embed::getIconPixmap( "home" ).transformed( QTransform().rotate( 90 ) ),
							splitter, false, false ) );

	QStringList root_paths;
	QString title = tr( "Root directory" );
	bool dirs_as_items = false;

	title = tr( "Volumes" );
	root_paths += "/Volumes";
#elif defined(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32)
	title = tr( "My Computer" );
	dirs_as_items = true;

#if ! defined(LMMS_BUILD_APPLE)
	QFileInfoList drives = QDir::drives();
	for( const QFileInfo & drive : drives )
		root_paths += drive.absolutePath();

	sideBar->appendTab( new FileBrowser( root_paths.join( "*" ), "*", title,
					embed::getIconPixmap( "computer" ).transformed( QTransform().rotate( 90 ) ),
							splitter, dirs_as_items) );

	m_workspace = new QMdiArea( splitter );

	// Load background
	emit initProgress(tr("Loading background artwork"));
	QString bgArtwork = ConfigManager::inst()->backgroundArtwork();
	QImage bgImage;
	if( !bgArtwork.isEmpty() )
		bgImage = QImage( bgArtwork );
	if( !bgImage.isNull() )
		m_workspace->setBackground( bgImage );
		m_workspace->setBackground( Qt::NoBrush );

	m_workspace->setOption( QMdiArea::DontMaximizeSubWindowOnActivation );
	m_workspace->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded );
	m_workspace->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded );

	hbox->addWidget( sideBar );
	hbox->addWidget( splitter );

	// create global-toolbar at the top of our window
	m_toolBar = new QWidget( main_widget );
	m_toolBar->setObjectName( "mainToolbar" );
	m_toolBar->setFixedHeight( 64 );
	m_toolBar->move( 0, 0 );

	// add layout for organizing quite complex toolbar-layouting
	m_toolBarLayout = new QGridLayout( m_toolBar/*, 2, 1*/ );
	m_toolBarLayout->setMargin( 0 );
	m_toolBarLayout->setSpacing( 0 );

	vbox->addWidget( m_toolBar );
	vbox->addWidget( w );
	setCentralWidget( main_widget );

	m_updateTimer.start( 1000 / 20, this );  // 20 fps

	if( !ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui", "disableautosave" ).toInt() )
		// connect auto save
		connect(&m_autoSaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(autoSave()));
		m_autoSaveInterval = ConfigManager::inst()->value(
					"ui", "saveinterval" ).toInt() < 1 ?
					"ui", "saveinterval" ).toInt();

		// The auto save function mustn't run until there is a project
		// to save or it will run over recover.mmp if you hesitate at the
		// recover messagebox for a minute. It is now started in main.
		// See autoSaveTimerReset() in MainWindow.h

	connect( Engine::getSong(), SIGNAL( playbackStateChanged() ),
				this, SLOT( updatePlayPauseIcons() ) );