Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Attack phase decision making
std::pair<std::string, std::string> Defensive::attackPhase() {
	RiskMap* map = this->driver->getRiskMap();
	std::string playerName = this->driver->getCurrentPlayerName();
	std::set<std::string> countriesOwnedByPlayer = map->getCountriesOwnedByPlayer(playerName);

	std::pair<std::string, std::string> maxDifferencePair;
	int maxDifference = 0;

	for (const std::string &countryName : countriesOwnedByPlayer) {
		Country* country = map->getCountry(countryName);

		// Check if we have more armies than all of the neighbours opponents own
		bool moreArmiesThanNeighbours = true;
		for (const std::string &neighnourName : map->getNeighbours(country->getName())) {
			Country* neighbour = map->getCountry(neighnourName);
			if (neighbour->getPlayer() != playerName && neighbour->getArmies() > country->getArmies()) {
				moreArmiesThanNeighbours = false;

		// If we do, find the pair of countries with the greatest chance for success
		for (const std::string &neighnourName : map->getNeighbours(country->getName())) {
			Country* neighbour = map->getCountry(neighnourName);
			if (neighbour->getPlayer() != playerName) {
				int difference = neighbour->getArmies() - country->getArmies();
				if (difference >= maxDifference) {
					maxDifference = difference;
					maxDifferencePair = std::pair<std::string, std::string>(country->getName(), neighbour->getName());
	return maxDifferencePair;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief A signal sent to the Strategy class from the game driver to indicate
 * that a computer-controlled player should made their move.
 * The AI strategy implementations override each of the fooPhase() methods
 * which return the name(s) of the country or countries to act upon.
 * Empty string indicates the AI wishes to make no move, or there are none
 * possible.
void Strategy::takeAction(Mode mode) {
	RiskMap* map = this->driver->getRiskMap();

	if (mode == REINFORCEMENT) {
		std::string countryName = this->reinforcePhase();
		if (countryName == "") {
		Country* country = map->getCountry(countryName);
		Player* player = map->getPlayer(country->getPlayer());
		this->driver->reinforceCountry(player, country, player->getReinforcements());
	else if (mode == ATTACK) {
		std::pair<std::string, std::string> countryNames = this->attackPhase();
		if (countryNames.first == "" || countryNames.second == "") {
		driver->attackCountry(map->getCountry(countryNames.first), map->getCountry(countryNames.second));
	else if (mode == FORTIFICATION) {
		std::pair<std::string, std::string> countryNames = this->fortifyPhase();
		if (countryNames.first == "" || countryNames.second == "") {
		// Given the two countries, fortify so that the armies are as equal as possible.
		Country* origin = map->getCountry(countryNames.first);
		Country* destination = map->getCountry(countryNames.second);
		int splitDifference = std::abs(origin->getArmies() - destination->getArmies()) / 2;
		this->driver->fortifyCountry(origin, destination, splitDifference);
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief Gets a list of continent names owned by a player
string_set RiskMap::getContinentsOwnedByPlayer(const std::string& playerName) {
	string_set continentsOwned;
	for (auto &ent1: this->continents) {
		std::string continentName = ent1.first;
		string_set countriesInContent = this->getCountriesInContinent(continentName);

		bool totalOwnership = true;
		for (auto &countryName: countriesInContent) {
			Country* country = this->getCountry(countryName);
			if (country->getPlayer() != playerName) {
				totalOwnership = false;

		if (totalOwnership) {
	return continentsOwned;