Esempio n. 1
 * Reset the currently monitored DAG nodes by extracting the DAG nodes from the model again 
 * and store this in the set of DAG nodes.
void ModelMonitor::resetDagNodes( void )
    // for savety we empty our dag nodes
    if ( model != NULL )
        // we only want to have each nodes once
        // this should by default happen by here we check again
        std::set<std::string> varNames;
        const std::vector<DagNode*> &n = model->getDagNodes();
        for (std::vector<DagNode*>::const_iterator it = n.begin(); it != n.end(); ++it) 
            DagNode *theNode = *it;
            // only simple numeric variable can be monitored (i.e. only integer and real numbers)
            if ( theNode->isSimpleNumeric() && !theNode->isClamped())
                if ( (!stochasticNodesOnly && !theNode->isConstant() && theNode->getName() != "" && !theNode->isHidden() && !theNode->isElementVariable() ) || ( theNode->isStochastic() && !theNode->isClamped() && theNode->isHidden() == false  && theNode->isElementVariable() == false ) )
                    const std::string &name = theNode->getName();
                    if ( varNames.find( name ) == varNames.end() )
                        nodes.push_back( theNode );
                        varNames.insert( name );
                        std::cerr << "Trying to add variable with name '" << name << "' twice." << std::endl;
Esempio n. 2
void HillClimber::initializeSampler( void )
    std::vector<DagNode *>& dagNodes = model->getDagNodes();
    std::vector<DagNode *> orderedStochNodes = model->getOrderedStochasticNodes(  );
    // Get rid of previous move schedule, if any
    if ( schedule )
        delete schedule;
    schedule = NULL;
    // Get initial lnProbability of model
    // first we touch all nodes so that the likelihood is dirty
    for (std::vector<DagNode *>::iterator i=dagNodes.begin(); i!=dagNodes.end(); i++)
        DagNode *the_node = *i;
        the_node->setMcmcMode( true );
        the_node->setPriorOnly( false );
    int numTries    = 0;
    int maxNumTries = 100;
    double lnProbability = 0.0;
    for ( ; numTries < maxNumTries; numTries ++ )
        // a flag if we failed to find a valid starting value
        bool failed = false;
        lnProbability = 0.0;
        for (std::vector<DagNode *>::iterator i=dagNodes.begin(); i!=dagNodes.end(); i++)
            DagNode* node = (*i);
            double lnProb = node->getLnProbability();
            if ( !RbMath::isAComputableNumber(lnProb) )
                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << "Could not compute lnProb for node " << node->getName() << "." << std::endl;
                node->printValue( ss );
                ss << std::endl;
                RBOUT( ss.str() );
                // set the flag
                failed = true;
            lnProbability += lnProb;
        // now we keep all nodes so that the likelihood is stored
        for (std::vector<DagNode *>::iterator i=dagNodes.begin(); i!=dagNodes.end(); i++)
        if ( failed == true )
            std::cout << "Drawing new initial states ... " << std::endl;
            for (std::vector<DagNode *>::iterator i=orderedStochNodes.begin(); i!=orderedStochNodes.end(); i++)
                if ( !(*i)->isClamped() && (*i)->isStochastic() )
                else if ( (*i)->isClamped() )
                    // make sure that the clamped node also recompute their probabilities
    if ( numTries == maxNumTries )
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "Unable to find a starting state with computable probability";
        if ( numTries > 1 )
            msg << " after " << numTries << " tries";
        throw RbException( msg.str() );
    // Create the move scheduler
    if ( scheduleType == "sequential" )
        schedule = new SequentialMoveSchedule( &moves );
    else if ( scheduleType == "single" )
        schedule = new SingleRandomMoveSchedule( &moves );
        schedule = new RandomMoveSchedule( &moves );
    generation = 0;