Esempio n. 1
Future<Option<ContainerPrepareInfo>> PosixFilesystemIsolatorProcess::prepare(
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo,
    const ContainerConfig& containerConfig)
  if (infos.contains(containerId)) {
    return Failure("Container has already been prepared");

  if (executorInfo.has_container()) {
    CHECK_EQ(executorInfo.container().type(), ContainerInfo::MESOS);

    // Return failure if the container change the filesystem root
    // because the symlinks will become invalid in the new root.
    if (executorInfo.container().mesos().has_image()) {
      return Failure("Container root filesystems not supported");

    if (executorInfo.container().volumes().size() > 0) {
      return Failure("Volumes in ContainerInfo is not supported");

  infos.put(containerId, Owned<Info>(new Info(;

  return update(containerId, executorInfo.resources())
      .then([]() -> Future<Option<ContainerPrepareInfo>> { return None(); });
Esempio n. 2
bool operator == (const ExecutorInfo& left, const ExecutorInfo& right)
    return left.executor_id() == right.executor_id() &&
  == &&
           Resources(left.resources()) == Resources(right.resources()) &&
           left.command() == right.command() &&
           left.framework_id() == right.framework_id() &&
  == &&
           left.source() == right.source() &&
           left.container() == right.container() &&
           left.discovery() == right.discovery();
process::Future<Option<ContainerPrepareInfo>> NetworkIsolatorProcess::prepare(
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo,
    const std::string& directory,
    const Option<std::string>& user)
  LOG(INFO) << "NetworkIsolator::prepare for container: " << containerId;

  if (!executorInfo.has_container()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "NetworkIsolator::prepare Ignoring request as "
              << "executorInfo.container is missing for container: "
              << containerId;
    return None();

  if (executorInfo.container().network_infos().size() == 0) {
    LOG(INFO) << "NetworkIsolator::prepare Ignoring request as "
              << "executorInfo.container.network_infos is missing for "
              << "container: " << containerId;
    return None();

  if (executorInfo.container().network_infos().size() > 1) {
    return Failure(
        "NetworkIsolator:: multiple NetworkInfos are not supported.");

  NetworkInfo networkInfo = executorInfo.container().network_infos(0);

  if (networkInfo.has_protocol()) {
    return Failure(
      "NetworkIsolator: NetworkInfo.protocol is deprecated and unsupported.");
  if (networkInfo.has_ip_address()) {
    return Failure(
      "NetworkIsolator: NetworkInfo.ip_address is deprecated and"
      " unsupported.");

  string uid = UUID::random().toString();

  // Two IPAM commands:
  // 1) reserve for IPs the user has specifically asked for.
  // 2) auto-assign IPs.
  // Spin through all IPAddress messages once to get info for each command.
  // Then we'll issue each command if needed.
  IPAMReserveIPMessage reserveMessage;
  IPAMReserveIPMessage::Args* reserveArgs = reserveMessage.mutable_args();

  // Counter of IPs to auto assign.
  int numIPv4 = 0;
  foreach (const NetworkInfo::IPAddress& ipAddress, networkInfo.ip_addresses()) {
    if (ipAddress.has_ip_address() && ipAddress.has_protocol()) {
      return Failure("NetworkIsolator: Cannot include both ip_address and "
                     "protocol in a request.");
    if (ipAddress.has_ip_address()) {
      // Store IP to attempt to reserve.
    } else if (ipAddress.has_protocol() &&
               ipAddress.protocol() == NetworkInfo::IPv6){
      return Failure("NetworkIsolator: IPv6 is not supported at this time.");
    } else {
      // Either protocol is IPv4, or not included (in which case we default to
      // IPv4 anyway).

  if (!(reserveArgs->ipv4_addrs_size() + numIPv4)) {
    return Failure(
      "NetworkIsolator: Container requires at least one IP address.");

  // All the IP addresses, both reserved and allocated.
  vector<string> allAddresses;

  // Reserve provided IPs first.
  if (reserveArgs->ipv4_addrs_size()) {

    LOG(INFO) << "Sending IP reserve command to IPAM";
    Try<IPAMResponse> response =
      runCommand<IPAMReserveIPMessage, IPAMResponse>(
          ipamClientPath, reserveMessage);
    if (response.isError()) {
      return Failure("Error reserving IPs with IPAM: " + response.error());

    string addresses = "";
    foreach (const string& addr, reserveArgs->ipv4_addrs()) {
      addresses = addresses + addr + " ";
    LOG(INFO) << "IP(s) " << addresses << "reserved with IPAM";