Esempio n. 1
	/** Initializes the message tunnel with the current settings. */
	void InitializeTunnel()

		UUdpMessagingSettings* Settings = GetMutableDefault<UUdpMessagingSettings>();
		bool ResaveSettings = false;

		FIPv4Endpoint UnicastEndpoint;
		FIPv4Endpoint MulticastEndpoint;

		if (!FIPv4Endpoint::Parse(Settings->TunnelUnicastEndpoint, UnicastEndpoint))
			GLog->Logf(TEXT("Warning: Invalid UDP Tunneling UnicastEndpoint '%s' - binding to all local network adapters instead"), *Settings->UnicastEndpoint);
			UnicastEndpoint = FIPv4Endpoint::Any;
			Settings->UnicastEndpoint = UnicastEndpoint.ToString();
			ResaveSettings = true;

		if (!FIPv4Endpoint::Parse(Settings->TunnelMulticastEndpoint, MulticastEndpoint))
			GLog->Logf(TEXT("Warning: Invalid UDP Tunneling MulticastEndpoint '%s' - using default endpoint '%s' instead"), *Settings->MulticastEndpoint, *UDP_MESSAGING_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_ENDPOINT.ToText().ToString());
			Settings->MulticastEndpoint = MulticastEndpoint.ToString();
			ResaveSettings = true;

		if (ResaveSettings)

		GLog->Logf(TEXT("UdpMessaging: Initializing tunnel on interface %s to multicast group %s."), *UnicastEndpoint.ToText().ToString(), *MulticastEndpoint.ToText().ToString());

		MessageTunnel = MakeShareable(new FUdpMessageTunnel(UnicastEndpoint, MulticastEndpoint));

		// initiate connections
		for (int32 EndpointIndex = 0; EndpointIndex < Settings->RemoteTunnelEndpoints.Num(); ++EndpointIndex)
			FIPv4Endpoint RemoteEndpoint;

			if (FIPv4Endpoint::Parse(Settings->RemoteTunnelEndpoints[EndpointIndex], RemoteEndpoint))
				GLog->Logf(TEXT("Warning: Invalid UDP RemoteTunnelEndpoint '%s' - skipping"), *Settings->RemoteTunnelEndpoints[EndpointIndex]);
Esempio n. 2
/* Provide a dummy echo service to echo received data back for development purpose */
bool UNetworkManager::StartEchoService(FSocket* ClientSocket, const FIPv4Endpoint& ClientEndpoint)
	if (!this->ConnectionSocket) // Only maintain one active connection, So just reuse the TCPListener thread.
		UE_LOG(LogUnrealCV, Warning, TEXT("New client connected from %s"), *ClientEndpoint.ToString());
		// ClientSocket->SetNonBlocking(false); // When this in blocking state, I can not use this socket to send message back
		ConnectionSocket = ClientSocket;

		// Listening data here or start a new thread for data?
		// Reuse the TCP Listener thread for getting data, only support one connection
		uint32 BufferSize = 1024;
		int32 Read = 0;
		TArray<uint8> ReceivedData;
		while (1)
			// Easier to use raw FSocket here, need to detect remote socket disconnection
			bool RecvStatus = ClientSocket->Recv(ReceivedData.GetData(), ReceivedData.Num(), Read);

			// if (!RecvStatus) // The connection is broken
			if (Read == 0)
			// RecvStatus == true if Read >= 0, this is used to determine client disconnection
			// -1 means no data, 0 means disconnected
				ConnectionSocket = NULL; // Use this to determine whether client is connected
				return false;
			int32 Sent;
			ClientSocket->Send(ReceivedData.GetData(), Read, Sent); // Echo the message back
			check(Read == Sent);
		return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 3
/** Connected Handler */
bool UNetworkManager::Connected(FSocket* ClientSocket, const FIPv4Endpoint& ClientEndpoint)
	bool ServiceStatus = false;
	// ServiceStatus = StartEchoService(ClientSocket, ClientEndpoint);
	ServiceStatus = StartMessageService(ClientSocket, ClientEndpoint);
	return ServiceStatus;
	// This is a blocking service, if need to support multiple connections, consider start a new thread here.
Esempio n. 4
  * Start message service in listening thread
  * TODO: Start a new background thread to receive message
bool UNetworkManager::StartMessageService(FSocket* ClientSocket, const FIPv4Endpoint& ClientEndpoint)
	if (!this->ConnectionSocket)
		ConnectionSocket = ClientSocket;

		UE_LOG(LogUnrealCV, Warning, TEXT("New client connected from %s"), *ClientEndpoint.ToString());
		// ClientSocket->SetNonBlocking(false); // When this in blocking state, I can not use this socket to send message back
		FString Confirm = FString::Printf(TEXT("connected to %s"), *GetProjectName());
		bool IsSent = this->SendMessage(Confirm); // Send a hello message
		if (!IsSent)
			UE_LOG(LogUnrealCV, Error, TEXT("Failed to send welcome message to client."));

		// TODO: Start a new thread
		while (this->ConnectionSocket) // Listening thread, while the client is still connected
			FArrayReader ArrayReader;
      bool unknown_error = false;
			if (!FSocketMessageHeader::ReceivePayload(ArrayReader, ConnectionSocket, &unknown_error))
				// Wait forever until got a message, or return false when error happened
        if (unknown_error) {
          BroadcastError(FString("ReceivePayload failed with unknown error"));
				this->ConnectionSocket = NULL;
				return false; // false will release the ClientSocket
				break; // Remote socket disconnected

			FString Message = StringFromBinaryArray(ArrayReader);
			// Fire raw message received event, use message id to connect request and response
			UE_LOG(LogUnrealCV, Warning, TEXT("Receive message %s"), *Message);
		return false; // TODO: What is the meaning of return value?
		// No response and let the client silently timeout
		UE_LOG(LogUnrealCV, Warning, TEXT("Only one client is allowed, can not allow new connection from %s"), *ClientEndpoint.ToString());
		return false; // Already have a connection