Esempio n. 1
 * In case you are curious: this treats the FSM like a recognizer. It
 * resets the FSM to a default state and then processes each character
 * in the input string. If at the end of the string it is in an
 * accepting state, it means the FSM matched that string.
 * the 'exp' param tells us if we actually expect it to recognize it.
 * the 'is_bogus' param tells us if we expect the FSM to go into a
 * terminally bogus state, meaning it absolutely won't recognize the
 * input, no matter what comes next.
 * It is possible for it to be in an unaccepted state without being
 * bogus. For example the string "BA" is not accepted, but if the next
 * character is "G", then the FSM would be in an accepted state.
void recognize(FSM& fsm, string input, bool exp, bool is_bogus) {
    State* st;
    st = fsm.getState(fsm.getCurrentState());
    if (st == NULL) {
        IsTrue("Null", false, "Current State is NULL");
    //  cout << "Initial state: " << st << endl;
    string::iterator it = input.begin();
    for(; it != input.end(); it++) {
        char c = *it;
        int sig = (int) c;
        st = fsm.getState(fsm.getCurrentState());
        //    cout << "After " << c << ", current state: " << st << endl;
    IsTrue(input, fsm.isAcceptState() == exp, "Wrong Accept State");
    if (is_bogus) {
        st = fsm.getState(fsm.getCurrentState());
        IsTrue("Bogus", st->label == "Bogus State", "Should be in Bogus state");
Esempio n. 2
    // ./fsm_driver --manual

    cout << "Manual Program Begin" << endl;
    char a = 'A';
    int a_as_int = (int) a;
    cout << a << " vs " << a_as_int << endl;
    cout << 'B' << " vs " << (int) 'B' << endl;
    cout << "Manual Program End" << endl;

SUITE_BEGIN("Finite State Machines")

    FSM fsm;
    int current = fsm.getCurrentState();
    IsTrue("Current State", current == -1, "Default current state should be -1");
    bool accept = fsm.isAcceptState();
    IsTrue("Accept", accept == false, "Default accept state should be false");
    State* bogus = fsm.getState(0);
    IsTrue("State", bogus == NULL, "Default getState should give NULL");
    int defstate = fsm.getDefaultState();
    IsTrue("DefState", defstate == -1, "Default default state should be -1");
    bool handle = fsm.handleSignal(0);
    IsTrue("Handle Signal", handle == false,
           "Default fsm should not be able to handle signals");
    bool numStates = fsm.countStates();
    IsTrue("NumStates", numStates == 0, "Default num states should be 0");
    bool numTrans = fsm.countTransitions();
    IsTrue("NumTrans", numTrans == 0, "Default num transitions should be 0");