Module *ModuleMap::inferModuleFromLocation(FullSourceLoc Loc) {
  if (Loc.isInvalid())
    return 0;
  // Use the expansion location to determine which module we're in.
  FullSourceLoc ExpansionLoc = Loc.getExpansionLoc();
  if (!ExpansionLoc.isFileID())
    return 0;  
  const SourceManager &SrcMgr = Loc.getManager();
  FileID ExpansionFileID = ExpansionLoc.getFileID();
  while (const FileEntry *ExpansionFile
           = SrcMgr.getFileEntryForID(ExpansionFileID)) {
    // Find the module that owns this header (if any).
    if (Module *Mod = findModuleForHeader(ExpansionFile))
      return Mod;
    // No module owns this header, so look up the inclusion chain to see if
    // any included header has an associated module.
    SourceLocation IncludeLoc = SrcMgr.getIncludeLoc(ExpansionFileID);
    if (IncludeLoc.isInvalid())
      return 0;
    ExpansionFileID = SrcMgr.getFileID(IncludeLoc);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
void HTMLDiagnostics::HandlePiece(Rewriter& R, FileID BugFileID,
                                  const PathDiagnosticPiece& P,
                                  unsigned num, unsigned max) {

  // For now, just draw a box above the line in question, and emit the
  // warning.
  FullSourceLoc Pos = P.getLocation().asLocation();

  if (!Pos.isValid())

  SourceManager &SM = R.getSourceMgr();
  assert(&Pos.getManager() == &SM && "SourceManagers are different!");
  std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LPosInfo = SM.getDecomposedExpansionLoc(Pos);

  if (LPosInfo.first != BugFileID)

  const llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buf = SM.getBuffer(LPosInfo.first);
  const char* FileStart = Buf->getBufferStart();

  // Compute the column number.  Rewind from the current position to the start
  // of the line.
  unsigned ColNo = SM.getColumnNumber(LPosInfo.first, LPosInfo.second);
  const char *TokInstantiationPtr =Pos.getExpansionLoc().getCharacterData();
  const char *LineStart = TokInstantiationPtr-ColNo;

  // Compute LineEnd.
  const char *LineEnd = TokInstantiationPtr;
  const char* FileEnd = Buf->getBufferEnd();
  while (*LineEnd != '\n' && LineEnd != FileEnd)

  // Compute the margin offset by counting tabs and non-tabs.
  unsigned PosNo = 0;
  for (const char* c = LineStart; c != TokInstantiationPtr; ++c)
    PosNo += *c == '\t' ? 8 : 1;

  // Create the html for the message.

  const char *Kind = 0;
  switch (P.getKind()) {
  case PathDiagnosticPiece::Call:
      llvm_unreachable("Calls should already be handled");
  case PathDiagnosticPiece::Event:  Kind = "Event"; break;
  case PathDiagnosticPiece::ControlFlow: Kind = "Control"; break;
    // Setting Kind to "Control" is intentional.
  case PathDiagnosticPiece::Macro: Kind = "Control"; break;

  std::string sbuf;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream os(sbuf);

  os << "\n<tr><td class=\"num\"></td><td class=\"line\"><div id=\"";

  if (num == max)
    os << "EndPath";
    os << "Path" << num;

  os << "\" class=\"msg";
  if (Kind)
    os << " msg" << Kind;
  os << "\" style=\"margin-left:" << PosNo << "ex";

  // Output a maximum size.
  if (!isa<PathDiagnosticMacroPiece>(P)) {
    // Get the string and determining its maximum substring.
    const std::string& Msg = P.getString();
    unsigned max_token = 0;
    unsigned cnt = 0;
    unsigned len = Msg.size();

    for (std::string::const_iterator I=Msg.begin(), E=Msg.end(); I!=E; ++I)
      switch (*I) {
      case ' ':
      case '\t':
      case '\n':
        if (cnt > max_token) max_token = cnt;
        cnt = 0;

    if (cnt > max_token)
      max_token = cnt;

    // Determine the approximate size of the message bubble in em.
    unsigned em;
    const unsigned max_line = 120;

    if (max_token >= max_line)
      em = max_token / 2;
    else {
      unsigned characters = max_line;
      unsigned lines = len / max_line;

      if (lines > 0) {
        for (; characters > max_token; --characters)
          if (len / characters > lines) {

      em = characters / 2;

    if (em < max_line/2)
      os << "; max-width:" << em << "em";
    os << "; max-width:100em";

  os << "\">";

  if (max > 1) {
    os << "<table class=\"msgT\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">";
    os << "<div class=\"PathIndex";
    if (Kind) os << " PathIndex" << Kind;
    os << "\">" << num << "</div>";

    if (num > 1) {
      os << "</td><td><div class=\"PathNav\"><a href=\"#Path"
         << (num - 1)
         << "\" title=\"Previous event ("
         << (num - 1)
         << ")\">&#x2190;</a></div></td>";

    os << "</td><td>";

  if (const PathDiagnosticMacroPiece *MP =
        dyn_cast<PathDiagnosticMacroPiece>(&P)) {

    os << "Within the expansion of the macro '";

    // Get the name of the macro by relexing it.
      FullSourceLoc L = MP->getLocation().asLocation().getExpansionLoc();
      StringRef BufferInfo = L.getBufferData();
      std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = L.getDecomposedLoc();
      const char* MacroName = LocInfo.second +;
      Lexer rawLexer(SM.getLocForStartOfFile(LocInfo.first), PP.getLangOpts(),
                     BufferInfo.begin(), MacroName, BufferInfo.end());

      Token TheTok;
      for (unsigned i = 0, n = TheTok.getLength(); i < n; ++i)
        os << MacroName[i];

    os << "':\n";

    if (max > 1) {
      os << "</td>";
      if (num < max) {
        os << "<td><div class=\"PathNav\"><a href=\"#";
        if (num == max - 1)
          os << "EndPath";
          os << "Path" << (num + 1);
        os << "\" title=\"Next event ("
        << (num + 1)
        << ")\">&#x2192;</a></div></td>";

      os << "</tr></table>";

    // Within a macro piece.  Write out each event.
    ProcessMacroPiece(os, *MP, 0);
  else {
    os << html::EscapeText(P.getString());

    if (max > 1) {
      os << "</td>";
      if (num < max) {
        os << "<td><div class=\"PathNav\"><a href=\"#";
        if (num == max - 1)
          os << "EndPath";
          os << "Path" << (num + 1);
        os << "\" title=\"Next event ("
           << (num + 1)
           << ")\">&#x2192;</a></div></td>";
      os << "</tr></table>";

  os << "</div></td></tr>";

  // Insert the new html.
  unsigned DisplayPos = LineEnd - FileStart;
  SourceLocation Loc =

  R.InsertTextBefore(Loc, os.str());

  // Now highlight the ranges.
  ArrayRef<SourceRange> Ranges = P.getRanges();
  for (ArrayRef<SourceRange>::iterator I = Ranges.begin(),
                                       E = Ranges.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    HighlightRange(R, LPosInfo.first, *I);
Esempio n. 3
/// Emit a code snippet and caret line.
/// This routine emits a single line's code snippet and caret line..
/// \param Loc The location for the caret.
/// \param Ranges The underlined ranges for this code snippet.
/// \param Hints The FixIt hints active for this diagnostic.
void TextDiagnostic::emitSnippetAndCaret(
    FullSourceLoc Loc, DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
    SmallVectorImpl<CharSourceRange> &Ranges, ArrayRef<FixItHint> Hints) {
  assert(Loc.isValid() && "must have a valid source location here");
  assert(Loc.isFileID() && "must have a file location here");

  // If caret diagnostics are enabled and we have location, we want to
  // emit the caret.  However, we only do this if the location moved
  // from the last diagnostic, if the last diagnostic was a note that
  // was part of a different warning or error diagnostic, or if the
  // diagnostic has ranges.  We don't want to emit the same caret
  // multiple times if one loc has multiple diagnostics.
  if (!DiagOpts->ShowCarets)
  if (Loc == LastLoc && Ranges.empty() && Hints.empty() &&
      (LastLevel != DiagnosticsEngine::Note || Level == LastLevel))

  // Decompose the location into a FID/Offset pair.
  std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = Loc.getDecomposedLoc();
  FileID FID = LocInfo.first;
  const SourceManager &SM = Loc.getManager();

  // Get information about the buffer it points into.
  bool Invalid = false;
  StringRef BufData = Loc.getBufferData(&Invalid);
  if (Invalid)

  unsigned CaretLineNo = Loc.getLineNumber();
  unsigned CaretColNo = Loc.getColumnNumber();

  // Arbitrarily stop showing snippets when the line is too long.
  static const size_t MaxLineLengthToPrint = 4096;
  if (CaretColNo > MaxLineLengthToPrint)

  // Find the set of lines to include.
  const unsigned MaxLines = DiagOpts->SnippetLineLimit;
  std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> Lines = {CaretLineNo, CaretLineNo};
  for (SmallVectorImpl<CharSourceRange>::iterator I = Ranges.begin(),
                                                  E = Ranges.end();
       I != E; ++I)
    if (auto OptionalRange = findLinesForRange(*I, FID, SM))
      Lines = maybeAddRange(Lines, *OptionalRange, MaxLines);

  for (unsigned LineNo = Lines.first; LineNo != Lines.second + 1; ++LineNo) {
    const char *BufStart =;
    const char *BufEnd = BufStart + BufData.size();

    // Rewind from the current position to the start of the line.
    const char *LineStart =
        BufStart +
        SM.getDecomposedLoc(SM.translateLineCol(FID, LineNo, 1)).second;
    if (LineStart == BufEnd)

    // Compute the line end.
    const char *LineEnd = LineStart;
    while (*LineEnd != '\n' && *LineEnd != '\r' && LineEnd != BufEnd)

    // Arbitrarily stop showing snippets when the line is too long.
    // FIXME: Don't print any lines in this case.
    if (size_t(LineEnd - LineStart) > MaxLineLengthToPrint)

    // Trim trailing null-bytes.
    StringRef Line(LineStart, LineEnd - LineStart);
    while (!Line.empty() && Line.back() == '\0' &&
           (LineNo != CaretLineNo || Line.size() > CaretColNo))
      Line = Line.drop_back();

    // Copy the line of code into an std::string for ease of manipulation.
    std::string SourceLine(Line.begin(), Line.end());

    // Build the byte to column map.
    const SourceColumnMap sourceColMap(SourceLine, DiagOpts->TabStop);

    // Create a line for the caret that is filled with spaces that is the same
    // number of columns as the line of source code.
    std::string CaretLine(sourceColMap.columns(), ' ');

    // Highlight all of the characters covered by Ranges with ~ characters.
    for (SmallVectorImpl<CharSourceRange>::iterator I = Ranges.begin(),
                                                    E = Ranges.end();
         I != E; ++I)
      highlightRange(*I, LineNo, FID, sourceColMap, CaretLine, SM, LangOpts);

    // Next, insert the caret itself.
    if (CaretLineNo == LineNo) {
      CaretColNo = sourceColMap.byteToContainingColumn(CaretColNo - 1);
      if (CaretLine.size() < CaretColNo + 1)
        CaretLine.resize(CaretColNo + 1, ' ');
      CaretLine[CaretColNo] = '^';

    std::string FixItInsertionLine = buildFixItInsertionLine(
        FID, LineNo, sourceColMap, Hints, SM, DiagOpts.get());

    // If the source line is too long for our terminal, select only the
    // "interesting" source region within that line.
    unsigned Columns = DiagOpts->MessageLength;
    if (Columns)
      selectInterestingSourceRegion(SourceLine, CaretLine, FixItInsertionLine,
                                    Columns, sourceColMap);

    // If we are in -fdiagnostics-print-source-range-info mode, we are trying
    // to produce easily machine parsable output.  Add a space before the
    // source line and the caret to make it trivial to tell the main diagnostic
    // line from what the user is intended to see.
    if (DiagOpts->ShowSourceRanges) {
      SourceLine = ' ' + SourceLine;
      CaretLine = ' ' + CaretLine;

    // Finally, remove any blank spaces from the end of CaretLine.
    while (!CaretLine.empty() && CaretLine[CaretLine.size() - 1] == ' ')
      CaretLine.erase(CaretLine.end() - 1);

    // Emit what we have computed.

    if (!CaretLine.empty()) {
      if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)
        OS.changeColor(caretColor, true);
      OS << CaretLine << '\n';
      if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)

    if (!FixItInsertionLine.empty()) {
      if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)
        // Print fixit line in color
        OS.changeColor(fixitColor, false);
      if (DiagOpts->ShowSourceRanges)
        OS << ' ';
      OS << FixItInsertionLine << '\n';
      if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)

  // Print out any parseable fixit information requested by the options.
  emitParseableFixits(Hints, SM);