Esempio n. 1
/// setupEntryBlockAndCallSites - Setup the entry block by creating and filling
/// the function context and marking the call sites with the appropriate
/// values. These values are used by the DWARF EH emitter.
bool SjLjEHPrepare::setupEntryBlockAndCallSites(Function &F) {
  SmallVector<ReturnInst *, 16> Returns;
  SmallVector<InvokeInst *, 16> Invokes;
  SmallSetVector<LandingPadInst *, 16> LPads;

  // Look through the terminators of the basic blocks to find invokes.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB)
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
      if (Function *Callee = II->getCalledFunction())
        if (Callee->isIntrinsic() &&
            Callee->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::donothing) {
          // Remove the NOP invoke.
          BranchInst::Create(II->getNormalDest(), II);

    } else if (ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {

  if (Invokes.empty())
    return false;

  NumInvokes += Invokes.size();

  lowerAcrossUnwindEdges(F, Invokes);

  Value *FuncCtx =
      setupFunctionContext(F, makeArrayRef(LPads.begin(), LPads.end()));
  BasicBlock *EntryBB = F.begin();
  IRBuilder<> Builder(EntryBB->getTerminator());

  // Get a reference to the jump buffer.
  Value *JBufPtr = Builder.CreateConstGEP2_32(FuncCtx, 0, 5, "jbuf_gep");

  // Save the frame pointer.
  Value *FramePtr = Builder.CreateConstGEP2_32(JBufPtr, 0, 0, "jbuf_fp_gep");

  Value *Val = Builder.CreateCall(FrameAddrFn, Builder.getInt32(0), "fp");
  Builder.CreateStore(Val, FramePtr, /*isVolatile=*/true);

  // Save the stack pointer.
  Value *StackPtr = Builder.CreateConstGEP2_32(JBufPtr, 0, 2, "jbuf_sp_gep");

  Val = Builder.CreateCall(StackAddrFn, "sp");
  Builder.CreateStore(Val, StackPtr, /*isVolatile=*/true);

  // Call the setjmp instrinsic. It fills in the rest of the jmpbuf.
  Value *SetjmpArg = Builder.CreateBitCast(JBufPtr, Builder.getInt8PtrTy());
  Builder.CreateCall(BuiltinSetjmpFn, SetjmpArg);

  // Store a pointer to the function context so that the back-end will know
  // where to look for it.
  Value *FuncCtxArg = Builder.CreateBitCast(FuncCtx, Builder.getInt8PtrTy());
  Builder.CreateCall(FuncCtxFn, FuncCtxArg);

  // At this point, we are all set up, update the invoke instructions to mark
  // their call_site values.
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Invokes.size(); I != E; ++I) {
    insertCallSiteStore(Invokes[I], I + 1);

    ConstantInt *CallSiteNum =
        ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F.getContext()), I + 1);

    // Record the call site value for the back end so it stays associated with
    // the invoke.
    CallInst::Create(CallSiteFn, CallSiteNum, "", Invokes[I]);

  // Mark call instructions that aren't nounwind as no-action (call_site ==
  // -1). Skip the entry block, as prior to then, no function context has been
  // created for this function and any unexpected exceptions thrown will go
  // directly to the caller's context, which is what we want anyway, so no need
  // to do anything here.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); ++BB != E;)
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), end = BB->end(); I != end; ++I)
      if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
        if (!CI->doesNotThrow())
          insertCallSiteStore(CI, -1);
      } else if (ResumeInst *RI = dyn_cast<ResumeInst>(I)) {
        insertCallSiteStore(RI, -1);

  // Register the function context and make sure it's known to not throw
  CallInst *Register =
      CallInst::Create(RegisterFn, FuncCtx, "", EntryBB->getTerminator());

  // Following any allocas not in the entry block, update the saved SP in the
  // jmpbuf to the new value.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB) {
    if (BB == F.begin())
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I) {
      if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
        if (CI->getCalledFunction() != StackRestoreFn)
      } else if (!isa<AllocaInst>(I)) {
      Instruction *StackAddr = CallInst::Create(StackAddrFn, "sp");
      Instruction *StoreStackAddr = new StoreInst(StackAddr, StackPtr, true);

  // Finally, for any returns from this function, if this function contains an
  // invoke, add a call to unregister the function context.
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Returns.size(); I != E; ++I)
    CallInst::Create(UnregisterFn, FuncCtx, "", Returns[I]);

  return true;
static bool runImpl(Function &F, LazyValueInfo *LVI, DominatorTree *DT,
                    const SimplifyQuery &SQ) {
  bool FnChanged = false;
  // Visiting in a pre-order depth-first traversal causes us to simplify early
  // blocks before querying later blocks (which require us to analyze early
  // blocks).  Eagerly simplifying shallow blocks means there is strictly less
  // work to do for deep blocks.  This also means we don't visit unreachable
  // blocks.
  for (BasicBlock *BB : depth_first(&F.getEntryBlock())) {
    bool BBChanged = false;
    for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB->begin(), BE = BB->end(); BI != BE;) {
      Instruction *II = &*BI++;
      switch (II->getOpcode()) {
      case Instruction::Select:
        BBChanged |= processSelect(cast<SelectInst>(II), LVI);
      case Instruction::PHI:
        BBChanged |= processPHI(cast<PHINode>(II), LVI, DT, SQ);
      case Instruction::ICmp:
      case Instruction::FCmp:
        BBChanged |= processCmp(cast<CmpInst>(II), LVI);
      case Instruction::Load:
      case Instruction::Store:
        BBChanged |= processMemAccess(II, LVI);
      case Instruction::Call:
      case Instruction::Invoke:
        BBChanged |= processCallSite(CallSite(II), LVI);
      case Instruction::SRem:
        BBChanged |= processSRem(cast<BinaryOperator>(II), LVI);
      case Instruction::SDiv:
        BBChanged |= processSDiv(cast<BinaryOperator>(II), LVI);
      case Instruction::UDiv:
      case Instruction::URem:
        BBChanged |= processUDivOrURem(cast<BinaryOperator>(II), LVI);
      case Instruction::AShr:
        BBChanged |= processAShr(cast<BinaryOperator>(II), LVI);
      case Instruction::Add:
        BBChanged |= processAdd(cast<BinaryOperator>(II), LVI);

    Instruction *Term = BB->getTerminator();
    switch (Term->getOpcode()) {
    case Instruction::Switch:
      BBChanged |= processSwitch(cast<SwitchInst>(Term), LVI, DT);
    case Instruction::Ret: {
      auto *RI = cast<ReturnInst>(Term);
      // Try to determine the return value if we can.  This is mainly here to
      // simplify the writing of unit tests, but also helps to enable IPO by
      // constant folding the return values of callees.
      auto *RetVal = RI->getReturnValue();
      if (!RetVal) break; // handle "ret void"
      if (isa<Constant>(RetVal)) break; // nothing to do
      if (auto *C = getConstantAt(RetVal, RI, LVI)) {
        RI->replaceUsesOfWith(RetVal, C);
        BBChanged = true;

    FnChanged |= BBChanged;

  return FnChanged;
Esempio n. 3
/// \brief Assign DWARF discriminators.
/// To assign discriminators, we examine the boundaries of every
/// basic block and its successors. Suppose there is a basic block B1
/// with successor B2. The last instruction I1 in B1 and the first
/// instruction I2 in B2 are located at the same file and line number.
/// This situation is illustrated in the following code snippet:
///       if (i < 10) x = i;
///     entry:
///       br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.end, !dbg !10
///     if.then:
///       %1 = load i32* %i.addr, align 4, !dbg !10
///       store i32 %1, i32* %x, align 4, !dbg !10
///       br label %if.end, !dbg !10
///     if.end:
///       ret void, !dbg !12
/// Notice how the branch instruction in block 'entry' and all the
/// instructions in block 'if.then' have the exact same debug location
/// information (!dbg !10).
/// To distinguish instructions in block 'entry' from instructions in
/// block 'if.then', we generate a new lexical block for all the
/// instruction in block 'if.then' that share the same file and line
/// location with the last instruction of block 'entry'.
/// This new lexical block will have the same location information as
/// the previous one, but with a new DWARF discriminator value.
/// One of the main uses of this discriminator value is in runtime
/// sample profilers. It allows the profiler to distinguish instructions
/// at location !dbg !10 that execute on different basic blocks. This is
/// important because while the predicate 'if (x < 10)' may have been
/// executed millions of times, the assignment 'x = i' may have only
/// executed a handful of times (meaning that the entry->if.then edge is
/// seldom taken).
/// If we did not have discriminator information, the profiler would
/// assign the same weight to both blocks 'entry' and 'if.then', which
/// in turn will make it conclude that the entry->if.then edge is very
/// hot.
/// To decide where to create new discriminator values, this function
/// traverses the CFG and examines instruction at basic block boundaries.
/// If the last instruction I1 of a block B1 is at the same file and line
/// location as instruction I2 of successor B2, then it creates a new
/// lexical block for I2 and all the instruction in B2 that share the same
/// file and line location as I2. This new lexical block will have a
/// different discriminator number than I1.
bool AddDiscriminators::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  // If the function has debug information, but the user has disabled
  // discriminators, do nothing.
  // Simlarly, if the function has no debug info, do nothing.
  // Finally, if this module is built with dwarf versions earlier than 4,
  // do nothing (discriminator support is a DWARF 4 feature).
  if (NoDiscriminators ||
      !hasDebugInfo(F) ||
      F.getParent()->getDwarfVersion() < 4)
    return false;

  bool Changed = false;
  Module *M = F.getParent();
  LLVMContext &Ctx = M->getContext();
  DIBuilder Builder(*M, /*AllowUnresolved*/ false);

  // Traverse all the blocks looking for instructions in different
  // blocks that are at the same file:line location.
  for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    BasicBlock *B = I;
    TerminatorInst *Last = B->getTerminator();
    DILocation LastDIL = Last->getDebugLoc().get();
    if (!LastDIL)

    for (unsigned I = 0; I < Last->getNumSuccessors(); ++I) {
      BasicBlock *Succ = Last->getSuccessor(I);
      Instruction *First = Succ->getFirstNonPHIOrDbgOrLifetime();
      DILocation FirstDIL = First->getDebugLoc().get();
      if (!FirstDIL)

      // If the first instruction (First) of Succ is at the same file
      // location as B's last instruction (Last), add a new
      // discriminator for First's location and all the instructions
      // in Succ that share the same location with First.
      if (!FirstDIL->canDiscriminate(*LastDIL)) {
        // Create a new lexical scope and compute a new discriminator
        // number for it.
        StringRef Filename = FirstDIL->getFilename();
        auto *Scope = FirstDIL->getScope();
        auto *File = Builder.createFile(Filename, Scope->getDirectory());

        // FIXME: Calculate the discriminator here, based on local information,
        // and delete MDLocation::computeNewDiscriminator().  The current
        // solution gives different results depending on other modules in the
        // same context.  All we really need is to discriminate between
        // FirstDIL and LastDIL -- a local map would suffice.
        unsigned Discriminator = FirstDIL->computeNewDiscriminator();
        auto *NewScope =
            Builder.createLexicalBlockFile(Scope, File, Discriminator);
        auto *NewDIL =
            MDLocation::get(Ctx, FirstDIL->getLine(), FirstDIL->getColumn(),
                            NewScope, FirstDIL->getInlinedAt());
        DebugLoc newDebugLoc = NewDIL;

        // Attach this new debug location to First and every
        // instruction following First that shares the same location.
        for (BasicBlock::iterator I1(*First), E1 = Succ->end(); I1 != E1;
             ++I1) {
          if (I1->getDebugLoc().get() != FirstDIL)
          DEBUG(dbgs() << NewDIL->getFilename() << ":" << NewDIL->getLine()
                       << ":" << NewDIL->getColumn() << ":"
                       << NewDIL->getDiscriminator() << *I1 << "\n");
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n");
        Changed = true;
  return Changed;
bool ReduceCrashingBlocks::TestBlocks(std::vector<const BasicBlock*> &BBs) {
  // Clone the program to try hacking it apart...
  Module *M = CloneModule(BD.getProgram());

  // Convert list to set for fast lookup...
  std::set<BasicBlock*> Blocks;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = BBs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    // Convert the basic block from the original module to the new module...
    const Function *F = BBs[i]->getParent();
    Function *CMF = M->getFunction(F->getName());
    assert(CMF && "Function not in module?!");
    assert(CMF->getFunctionType() == F->getFunctionType() && "wrong type?");

    // Get the mapped basic block...
    Function::iterator CBI = CMF->begin();
    std::advance(CBI, std::distance(F->begin(),

  std::cout << "Checking for crash with only these blocks:";
  unsigned NumPrint = Blocks.size();
  if (NumPrint > 10) NumPrint = 10;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumPrint; i != e; ++i)
    std::cout << " " << BBs[i]->getName();
  if (NumPrint < Blocks.size())
    std::cout << "... <" << Blocks.size() << " total>";
  std::cout << ": ";

  // Loop over and delete any hack up any blocks that are not listed...
  for (Module::iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
    for (Function::iterator BB = I->begin(), E = I->end(); BB != E; ++BB)
      if (!Blocks.count(BB) && BB->getTerminator()->getNumSuccessors()) {
        // Loop over all of the successors of this block, deleting any PHI nodes
        // that might include it.
        for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(BB), E = succ_end(BB); SI != E; ++SI)

        if (BB->getTerminator()->getType() != Type::VoidTy)

        // Delete the old terminator instruction...

        // Add a new return instruction of the appropriate type...
        const Type *RetTy = BB->getParent()->getReturnType();
        new ReturnInst(RetTy == Type::VoidTy ? 0 :
                       Constant::getNullValue(RetTy), BB);

  // The CFG Simplifier pass may delete one of the basic blocks we are
  // interested in.  If it does we need to take the block out of the list.  Make
  // a "persistent mapping" by turning basic blocks into <function, name> pairs.
  // This won't work well if blocks are unnamed, but that is just the risk we
  // have to take.
  std::vector<std::pair<Function*, std::string> > BlockInfo;

  for (std::set<BasicBlock*>::iterator I = Blocks.begin(), E = Blocks.end();
       I != E; ++I)
    BlockInfo.push_back(std::make_pair((*I)->getParent(), (*I)->getName()));

  // Now run the CFG simplify pass on the function...
  PassManager Passes;

  // Try running on the hacked up program...
  if (TestFn(BD, M)) {
    BD.setNewProgram(M);      // It crashed, keep the trimmed version...

    // Make sure to use basic block pointers that point into the now-current
    // module, and that they don't include any deleted blocks.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = BlockInfo.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      ValueSymbolTable &ST = BlockInfo[i].first->getValueSymbolTable();
      Value* V = ST.lookup(BlockInfo[i].second);
      if (V && V->getType() == Type::LabelTy)
    return true;
  delete M;  // It didn't crash, try something else.
  return false;
Esempio n. 5
TargetIRAnalysis::Result TargetIRAnalysis::getDefaultTTI(const Function &F) {
  return Result(F.getParent()->getDataLayout());
Esempio n. 6
GaussNewton(Function& f,
            real_type t,
            Vector& x,
            real_type atol, real_type rtol,
            unsigned *itCount,
            unsigned maxit,
            unsigned maxjac,
            real_type lambdamin)
  Vector err, dx;
  Matrix J;
#define USE_QR
#ifdef USE_QR
  LinAlg::MatrixFactors<real_type,0,0,LinAlg::QRTag> jacFactors;
  LinAlg::MatrixFactors<real_type,0,0,LinAlg::LUTag> jacFactors;

  bool converged;
  do {
    // Compute in each step a new jacobian
    f.jac(t, x, J);
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Jacobian is:\n" << J << endl;
#ifdef USE_QR
    jacFactors = J;
    jacFactors = trans(J)*J;
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Jacobian is "
                             << (jacFactors.singular() ? "singular" : "ok")
                             << endl;
    // Compute the actual error
    f.eval(t, x, err);

    // Compute the search direction
#ifdef USE_QR
    dx = jacFactors.solve(err);
    dx = jacFactors.solve(trans(J)*err);
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "dx residual "
                             << trans(J*dx - err) << endl
                             << trans(J*dx - err)*J
                             << endl;

    // Get a better search guess
    if (1 < norm(dx))
      dx = normalize(dx);
    Vector xnew = LineSearch(f, t, x, -dx, 1.0, atol);

    // check convergence
    converged = norm1(xnew - x) < atol;

    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Convergence test: |dx| = " << norm(xnew - x)
                             << ", converged = " << converged << endl;
    // New guess is the better one
    x = xnew;
  } while (!converged);

  return converged;
Esempio n. 7
NewtonTypeMethod(Function& f,
                 LinAlg::MatrixFactors<T,0,0,FactorTag>& jacInv,
                 real_type t,
                 Vector& x,
                 real_type atol, real_type rtol,
                 unsigned *itCount,
                 unsigned maxit,
                 unsigned maxjac,
                 real_type lambdamin)
  // The initial damping factor.
  // lambda == 1 means nondapmed newton method.
  real_type lambda = 1;

  // Flag if we observe convergence or not.
  // If not abort and hope that the caller knows what todo ...
  bool converging;

  // True if the method is converged.
  // That is the error is below a given tolerance.
  bool converged = false;
  // x_new is the potential solution at the next iteration step.
  Vector x_new;

  Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "__________________________" << endl;
  // The displacement of the undamped newton method for the first
  // iteration step.
  Vector err;
  f.eval(t, x, err);
  Log(NewtonMethod, Debug1) << "err " << trans(err) << endl;
  Vector dx_bar = jacInv.solve(err);
  Log(NewtonMethod, Debug2) << "dx_bar " << trans(dx_bar) << endl;
  do {
    // Increment the iteration counter. Just statistics ...
    if (itCount)
    // dx contains the displacement of the undamped newton iteration in the
    // current iteration step.
    Vector dx = dx_bar;

    // Compute the the error norm of the increment.
    real_type normdx = norm(dx);
    if (normdx == 0.0)
      return true;

    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug1) << "outer " << normdx << endl;

    // Damped newton method:
    // Use lambda*dx with 0 < lambda <= 1 instead of just dx as displacement.
    // Be optimistic and try twice the displacement from the prevous step.
    lambda = min(static_cast<real_type>(1), 2.0*lambda);

    // Convergence rate, that is an estimate of || e_{n+1} ||/|| e_{n} ||
    real_type convergenceRate;

    do {
      // Compute the new approximation to the solution with the current damping
      // factor lambda.
      x_new = x - lambda*dx;
      // Compute the error of that new approximation.
      f.eval(t, x_new, err);

      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "err " << trans(err) << endl;

      // Check if we get some kind of convergence with this lambda.
      // This jacobian evaluation will also be used for the next step if
      // this lambda truns out to be acceptable.
      dx_bar = jacInv.solve(err);
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug2) << "dx_bar " << trans(dx_bar) << endl;

      // The convergence criterion parameter theta.
      real_type theta = 1.0 - 0.5*lambda;

      // Compute the norm of dx_bar and check if we get a better approximation
      // to the current solution.
      real_type normdx_bar = norm(dx_bar);

      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "inner " << normdx_bar << endl;

      const real_type min_conv_rate = 1e-10;
      if (normdx == 0.0) {
        Log(NewtonMethod, Error) << "Whow: we have most likely an exact "
          "solution and we iterate furter:  normdx = " << normdx << endl;
        convergenceRate = min_conv_rate;
      } else
        convergenceRate = max(min_conv_rate, normdx_bar/normdx);
      converging = normdx_bar < theta*normdx;
      if (converging)

      // If we are still not converging, half the damping factor and try again.
      lambda *= 0.5;
    } while (lambdamin < lambda);

    if (converging) {
      // Ok, we found a better approximation to the solution.
      // Finally check for convergence:
      // Compute the scaled norm of our last displacement ...
      real_type enormdx = scaledDiff(x, x_new, atol, rtol);
      // ... and check if either the convergence rate is very high, which
      // signals that we are very near to the zero crossing or if our last
      // displacement is *very* short
      converged = enormdx*max(static_cast<real_type>(1e-2),convergenceRate)
        < (1-convergenceRate);

      // Use the newly computed solution.
      x = x_new;
    } else if (0 <= maxjac) {

      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Computing new jacobian" << endl;

      // get a new jacobian ...
      f.jac(t, x,;
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug2) << << endl;
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug2) << "decomposed qr\n" << << endl;

      if (jacInv.singular())
        Log(NewtonMethod, Warning) << "Have singular jacobian!" << endl;

      converging = true;

    // Iterate as long as either the iteration converged or the
    // maximum iteration count is reached.
  } while (!converged && converging && 0 < maxit);

  Log(NewtonMethod, Info) << "Newton type method: converged = "
                          << converged << endl;
  // Tell the caller if it worked or not.
  return converged;
Esempio n. 8
void StatsTracker::writeIStats() {
  Module *m = executor.kmodule->module;
  uint64_t istatsMask = 0;
  llvm::raw_fd_ostream &of = *istatsFile;
  // We assume that we didn't move the file pointer
  unsigned istatsSize = of.tell();;

  of << "version: 1\n";
  of << "creator: klee\n";
  of << "pid: " << getpid() << "\n";
  of << "cmd: " << m->getModuleIdentifier() << "\n\n";
  of << "\n";
  StatisticManager &sm = *theStatisticManager;
  unsigned nStats = sm.getNumStatistics();

  // Max is 13, sadly
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("Queries");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("QueriesValid");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("QueriesInvalid");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("QueryTime");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("ResolveTime");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("Instructions");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("InstructionTimes");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("InstructionRealTimes");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("Forks");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("CoveredInstructions");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("UncoveredInstructions");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("States");
  istatsMask |= 1<<sm.getStatisticID("MinDistToUncovered");

  of << "positions: instr line\n";

  for (unsigned i=0; i<nStats; i++) {
    if (istatsMask & (1<<i)) {
      Statistic &s = sm.getStatistic(i);
      of << "event: " << s.getShortName() << " : " 
         << s.getName() << "\n";

  of << "events: ";
  for (unsigned i=0; i<nStats; i++) {
    if (istatsMask & (1<<i))
      of << sm.getStatistic(i).getShortName() << " ";
  of << "\n";
  // set state counts, decremented after we process so that we don't
  // have to zero all records each time.
  if (istatsMask & (1<<stats::states.getID()))

  std::string sourceFile = "";

  CallSiteSummaryTable callSiteStats;
  if (UseCallPaths)

  of << "ob=" << objectFilename << "\n";

  for (Module::iterator fnIt = m->begin(), fn_ie = m->end(); 
       fnIt != fn_ie; ++fnIt) {
    if (!fnIt->isDeclaration()) {
      // Always try to write the filename before the function name, as otherwise
      // KCachegrind can create two entries for the function, one with an
      // unnamed file and one without.
      const InstructionInfo &ii = executor.kmodule->infos->getFunctionInfo(fnIt);
      if (ii.file != sourceFile) {
        of << "fl=" << ii.file << "\n";
        sourceFile = ii.file;
      of << "fn=" << fnIt->getName().str() << "\n";
      for (Function::iterator bbIt = fnIt->begin(), bb_ie = fnIt->end(); 
           bbIt != bb_ie; ++bbIt) {
        for (BasicBlock::iterator it = bbIt->begin(), ie = bbIt->end(); 
             it != ie; ++it) {
          Instruction *instr = &*it;
          const InstructionInfo &ii = executor.kmodule->infos->getInfo(instr);
          unsigned index =;
          if (ii.file!=sourceFile) {
            of << "fl=" << ii.file << "\n";
            sourceFile = ii.file;
          of << ii.assemblyLine << " ";
          of << ii.line << " ";
          for (unsigned i=0; i<nStats; i++)
            if (istatsMask&(1<<i))
              of << sm.getIndexedValue(sm.getStatistic(i), index) << " ";
          of << "\n";

          if (UseCallPaths && 
              (isa<CallInst>(instr) || isa<InvokeInst>(instr))) {
            CallSiteSummaryTable::iterator it = callSiteStats.find(instr);
            if (it!=callSiteStats.end()) {
              for (std::map<llvm::Function*, CallSiteInfo>::iterator
                     fit = it->second.begin(), fie = it->second.end(); 
                   fit != fie; ++fit) {
                Function *f = fit->first;
                CallSiteInfo &csi = fit->second;
                const InstructionInfo &fii = 
                if (fii.file!="" && fii.file!=sourceFile)
                  of << "cfl=" << fii.file << "\n";
                of << "cfn=" << f->getName().str() << "\n";
                of << "calls=" << csi.count << " ";
                of << fii.assemblyLine << " ";
                of << fii.line << "\n";

                of << ii.assemblyLine << " ";
                of << ii.line << " ";
                for (unsigned i=0; i<nStats; i++) {
                  if (istatsMask&(1<<i)) {
                    Statistic &s = sm.getStatistic(i);
                    uint64_t value;

                    // Hack, ignore things that don't make sense on
                    // call paths.
                    if (&s == &stats::uncoveredInstructions) {
                      value = 0;
                    } else {
                      value = csi.statistics.getValue(s);

                    of << value << " ";
                of << "\n";

  if (istatsMask & (1<<stats::states.getID()))
  // Clear then end of the file if necessary (no truncate op?).
  unsigned pos = of.tell();
  for (unsigned i=pos; i<istatsSize; ++i)
    of << '\n';
Esempio n. 9
void StatsTracker::computeReachableUncovered() {
  KModule *km = executor.kmodule;
  Module *m = km->module;
  static bool init = true;
  const InstructionInfoTable &infos = *km->infos;
  StatisticManager &sm = *theStatisticManager;
  if (init) {
    init = false;

    // Compute call targets. It would be nice to use alias information
    // instead of assuming all indirect calls hit all escaping
    // functions, eh?
    for (Module::iterator fnIt = m->begin(), fn_ie = m->end(); 
         fnIt != fn_ie; ++fnIt) {
      for (Function::iterator bbIt = fnIt->begin(), bb_ie = fnIt->end(); 
           bbIt != bb_ie; ++bbIt) {
        for (BasicBlock::iterator it = bbIt->begin(), ie = bbIt->end(); 
             it != ie; ++it) {
          if (isa<CallInst>(it) || isa<InvokeInst>(it)) {
            CallSite cs(it);
            if (isa<InlineAsm>(cs.getCalledValue())) {
              // We can never call through here so assume no targets
              // (which should be correct anyhow).
            } else if (Function *target = getDirectCallTarget(cs)) {
            } else {
              callTargets[it] = 

    // Compute function callers as reflexion of callTargets.
    for (calltargets_ty::iterator it = callTargets.begin(), 
           ie = callTargets.end(); it != ie; ++it)
      for (std::vector<Function*>::iterator fit = it->second.begin(), 
             fie = it->second.end(); fit != fie; ++fit) 

    // Initialize minDistToReturn to shortest paths through
    // functions. 0 is unreachable.
    std::vector<Instruction *> instructions;
    for (Module::iterator fnIt = m->begin(), fn_ie = m->end(); 
         fnIt != fn_ie; ++fnIt) {
      if (fnIt->isDeclaration()) {
        if (fnIt->doesNotReturn()) {
          functionShortestPath[fnIt] = 0;
        } else {
          functionShortestPath[fnIt] = 1; // whatever
      } else {
        functionShortestPath[fnIt] = 0;

      // Not sure if I should bother to preorder here. XXX I should.
      for (Function::iterator bbIt = fnIt->begin(), bb_ie = fnIt->end(); 
           bbIt != bb_ie; ++bbIt) {
        for (BasicBlock::iterator it = bbIt->begin(), ie = bbIt->end(); 
             it != ie; ++it) {
          unsigned id = infos.getInfo(it).id;
                             || isa<UnwindInst>(it)
    std::reverse(instructions.begin(), instructions.end());
    // I'm so lazy it's not even worklisted.
    bool changed;
    do {
      changed = false;
      for (std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator it = instructions.begin(),
             ie = instructions.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
        Instruction *inst = *it;
        unsigned bestThrough = 0;

        if (isa<CallInst>(inst) || isa<InvokeInst>(inst)) {
          std::vector<Function*> &targets = callTargets[inst];
          for (std::vector<Function*>::iterator fnIt = targets.begin(),
                 ie = targets.end(); fnIt != ie; ++fnIt) {
            uint64_t dist = functionShortestPath[*fnIt];
            if (dist) {
              dist = 1+dist; // count instruction itself
              if (bestThrough==0 || dist<bestThrough)
                bestThrough = dist;
        } else {
          bestThrough = 1;
        if (bestThrough) {
          unsigned id = infos.getInfo(*it).id;
          uint64_t best, cur = best = sm.getIndexedValue(stats::minDistToReturn, id);
          std::vector<Instruction*> succs = getSuccs(*it);
          for (std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator it2 = succs.begin(),
                 ie = succs.end(); it2 != ie; ++it2) {
            uint64_t dist = sm.getIndexedValue(stats::minDistToReturn,
            if (dist) {
              uint64_t val = bestThrough + dist;
              if (best==0 || val<best)
                best = val;
          // there's a corner case here when a function only includes a single
          // instruction (a ret). in that case, we MUST update
          // functionShortestPath, or it will remain 0 (erroneously indicating
          // that no return instructions are reachable)
          Function *f = inst->getParent()->getParent();
          if (best != cur
              || (inst == f->begin()->begin()
                  && functionShortestPath[f] != best)) {
            sm.setIndexedValue(stats::minDistToReturn, id, best);
            changed = true;

            // Update shortest path if this is the entry point.
            if (inst==f->begin()->begin())
              functionShortestPath[f] = best;
    } while (changed);

  // compute minDistToUncovered, 0 is unreachable
  std::vector<Instruction *> instructions;
  for (Module::iterator fnIt = m->begin(), fn_ie = m->end(); 
       fnIt != fn_ie; ++fnIt) {
    // Not sure if I should bother to preorder here.
    for (Function::iterator bbIt = fnIt->begin(), bb_ie = fnIt->end(); 
         bbIt != bb_ie; ++bbIt) {
      for (BasicBlock::iterator it = bbIt->begin(), ie = bbIt->end(); 
           it != ie; ++it) {
        unsigned id = infos.getInfo(it).id;
                           sm.getIndexedValue(stats::uncoveredInstructions, id));
  std::reverse(instructions.begin(), instructions.end());
  // I'm so lazy it's not even worklisted.
  bool changed;
  do {
    changed = false;
    for (std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator it = instructions.begin(),
           ie = instructions.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
      Instruction *inst = *it;
      uint64_t best, cur = best = sm.getIndexedValue(stats::minDistToUncovered, 
      unsigned bestThrough = 0;
      if (isa<CallInst>(inst) || isa<InvokeInst>(inst)) {
        std::vector<Function*> &targets = callTargets[inst];
        for (std::vector<Function*>::iterator fnIt = targets.begin(),
               ie = targets.end(); fnIt != ie; ++fnIt) {
          uint64_t dist = functionShortestPath[*fnIt];
          if (dist) {
            dist = 1+dist; // count instruction itself
            if (bestThrough==0 || dist<bestThrough)
              bestThrough = dist;

          if (!(*fnIt)->isDeclaration()) {
            uint64_t calleeDist = sm.getIndexedValue(stats::minDistToUncovered,
            if (calleeDist) {
              calleeDist = 1+calleeDist; // count instruction itself
              if (best==0 || calleeDist<best)
                best = calleeDist;
      } else {
        bestThrough = 1;
      if (bestThrough) {
        std::vector<Instruction*> succs = getSuccs(inst);
        for (std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator it2 = succs.begin(),
               ie = succs.end(); it2 != ie; ++it2) {
          uint64_t dist = sm.getIndexedValue(stats::minDistToUncovered,
          if (dist) {
            uint64_t val = bestThrough + dist;
            if (best==0 || val<best)
              best = val;

      if (best != cur) {
        changed = true;
  } while (changed);

  for (std::set<ExecutionState*>::iterator it = executor.states.begin(),
         ie = executor.states.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
    ExecutionState *es = *it;
    uint64_t currentFrameMinDist = 0;
	for (Thread::stack_ty::iterator sfIt = es->stack().begin(),
				sf_ie = es->stack().end(); sfIt != sf_ie; ++sfIt) {
		Thread::stack_ty::iterator next = sfIt + 1;
		KInstIterator kii;
		if (next==es->stack().end()) {
			kii = es->pc();
	for (ExecutionState::stack_ty::iterator sfIt = es->stack.begin(),
           sf_ie = es->stack.end(); sfIt != sf_ie; ++sfIt) {
      ExecutionState::stack_ty::iterator next = sfIt + 1;
      KInstIterator kii;

      if (next==es->stack.end()) {
        kii = es->pc;
      } else {
        kii = next->caller;
      sfIt->minDistToUncoveredOnReturn = currentFrameMinDist;
      currentFrameMinDist = computeMinDistToUncovered(kii, currentFrameMinDist);
Esempio n. 10
vector<Opcode*> ScriptParser::assembleOne(
		Program& program, vector<Opcode*> runCode, int numparams)
    vector<Opcode *> rval;

    // Push on the params to the run.
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numparams && i < 9; ++i)
        rval.push_back(new OPushRegister(new VarArgument(i)));
    for (; i < numparams; ++i)
        rval.push_back(new OPushRegister(new VarArgument(EXP1)));

    // Generate a map of labels to functions.
    vector<Function*> allFunctions = getFunctions(program);
    map<int, Function*> functionsByLabel;
    for (vector<Function*>::iterator it = allFunctions.begin();
         it != allFunctions.end(); ++it)
	    Function& function = **it;
	    functionsByLabel[function.getLabel()] = &function;

    // Grab all labels directly jumped to.
    set<int> usedLabels;
    for (vector<Opcode*>::iterator it = runCode.begin();
         it != runCode.end(); ++it)
	    GetLabels temp(usedLabels);
	    (*it)->execute(temp, NULL);
    set<int> unprocessedLabels(usedLabels);

    // Grab labels used by each function until we run out of functions.
    while (!unprocessedLabels.empty())
	    int label = *unprocessedLabels.begin();
	    Function* function =
		    find<Function*>(functionsByLabel, label).value_or(NULL);
	    if (function)
		    vector<Opcode*> const& functionCode = function->getCode();
		    for (vector<Opcode*>::const_iterator it = functionCode.begin();
		         it != functionCode.end(); ++it)
			    GetLabels temp(usedLabels);
			    (*it)->execute(temp, NULL);
			    insertElements(unprocessedLabels, temp.newLabels);

    // Make the rval
    for (vector<Opcode*>::iterator it = runCode.begin();
         it != runCode.end(); ++it)
    for (set<int>::iterator it = usedLabels.begin();
         it != usedLabels.end(); ++it)
	    int label = *it;
	    Function* function =
		    find<Function*>(functionsByLabel, label).value_or(NULL);
	    if (!function) continue;

	    vector<Opcode*> functionCode = function->getCode();
	    for (vector<Opcode*>::iterator it = functionCode.begin();
	         it != functionCode.end(); ++it)
    // Set the label line numbers.
    map<int, int> linenos;
    int lineno = 1;
    for (vector<Opcode*>::iterator it = rval.begin();
         it != rval.end(); ++it)
        if ((*it)->getLabel() != -1)
            linenos[(*it)->getLabel()] = lineno;
    // Now fill in those labels
    for (vector<Opcode*>::iterator it = rval.begin();
         it != rval.end(); ++it)
        SetLabels temp;
        (*it)->execute(temp, &linenos);
    return rval;
Esempio n. 11
/// JITCompilerFn - This function is called when a lazy compilation stub has
/// been entered.  It looks up which function this stub corresponds to, compiles
/// it if necessary, then returns the resultant function pointer.
void *JITResolver::JITCompilerFn(void *Stub) {
  JITResolver *JR = StubToResolverMap->getResolverFromStub(Stub);
  assert(JR && "Unable to find the corresponding JITResolver to the call site");

  Function* F = nullptr;
  void* ActualPtr = nullptr;

    // Only lock for getting the Function. The call getPointerToFunction made
    // in this function might trigger function materializing, which requires
    // JIT lock to be unlocked.
    MutexGuard locked(JR->TheJIT->lock);

    // The address given to us for the stub may not be exactly right, it might
    // be a little bit after the stub.  As such, use upper_bound to find it.
    std::pair<void*, Function*> I =
    F = I.second;
    ActualPtr = I.first;

  // If we have already code generated the function, just return the address.
  void *Result = JR->TheJIT->getPointerToGlobalIfAvailable(F);

  if (!Result) {
    // Otherwise we don't have it, do lazy compilation now.

    // If lazy compilation is disabled, emit a useful error message and abort.
    if (!JR->TheJIT->isCompilingLazily()) {
      report_fatal_error("LLVM JIT requested to do lazy compilation of"
                         " function '"
                        + F->getName() + "' when lazy compiles are disabled!");

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "JIT: Lazily resolving function '" << F->getName()
          << "' In stub ptr = " << Stub << " actual ptr = "
          << ActualPtr << "\n");

    Result = JR->TheJIT->getPointerToFunction(F);

  // Reacquire the lock to update the GOT map.
  MutexGuard locked(JR->TheJIT->lock);

  // We might like to remove the call site from the CallSiteToFunction map, but
  // we can't do that! Multiple threads could be stuck, waiting to acquire the
  // lock above. As soon as the 1st function finishes compiling the function,
  // the next one will be released, and needs to be able to find the function it
  // needs to call.

  // FIXME: We could rewrite all references to this stub if we knew them.

  // What we will do is set the compiled function address to map to the
  // same GOT entry as the stub so that later clients may update the GOT
  // if they see it still using the stub address.
  // Note: this is done so the Resolver doesn't have to manage GOT memory
  // Do this without allocating map space if the target isn't using a GOT
  if(JR->revGOTMap.find(Stub) != JR->revGOTMap.end())
    JR->revGOTMap[Result] = JR->revGOTMap[Stub];

  return Result;
Esempio n. 12
/// InsertUniqueBackedgeBlock - This method is called when the specified loop
/// has more than one backedge in it.  If this occurs, revector all of these
/// backedges to target a new basic block and have that block branch to the loop
/// header.  This ensures that loops have exactly one backedge.
BasicBlock *
LoopSimplify::InsertUniqueBackedgeBlock(Loop *L, BasicBlock *Preheader) {
  assert(L->getNumBackEdges() > 1 && "Must have > 1 backedge!");

  // Get information about the loop
  BasicBlock *Header = L->getHeader();
  Function *F = Header->getParent();

  // Unique backedge insertion currently depends on having a preheader.
  if (!Preheader)
    return 0;

  // The header is not a landing pad; preheader insertion should ensure this.
  assert(!Header->isLandingPad() && "Can't insert backedge to landing pad");

  // Figure out which basic blocks contain back-edges to the loop header.
  std::vector<BasicBlock*> BackedgeBlocks;
  for (pred_iterator I = pred_begin(Header), E = pred_end(Header); I != E; ++I){
    BasicBlock *P = *I;

    // Indirectbr edges cannot be split, so we must fail if we find one.
    if (isa<IndirectBrInst>(P->getTerminator()))
      return 0;

    if (P != Preheader) BackedgeBlocks.push_back(P);

  // Create and insert the new backedge block...
  BasicBlock *BEBlock = BasicBlock::Create(Header->getContext(),
                                           Header->getName()+".backedge", F);
  BranchInst *BETerminator = BranchInst::Create(Header, BEBlock);

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "LoopSimplify: Inserting unique backedge block "
               << BEBlock->getName() << "\n");

  // Move the new backedge block to right after the last backedge block.
  Function::iterator InsertPos = BackedgeBlocks.back(); ++InsertPos;
  F->getBasicBlockList().splice(InsertPos, F->getBasicBlockList(), BEBlock);

  // Now that the block has been inserted into the function, create PHI nodes in
  // the backedge block which correspond to any PHI nodes in the header block.
  for (BasicBlock::iterator I = Header->begin(); isa<PHINode>(I); ++I) {
    PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(I);
    PHINode *NewPN = PHINode::Create(PN->getType(), BackedgeBlocks.size(),
                                     PN->getName()+".be", BETerminator);
    if (AA) AA->copyValue(PN, NewPN);

    // Loop over the PHI node, moving all entries except the one for the
    // preheader over to the new PHI node.
    unsigned PreheaderIdx = ~0U;
    bool HasUniqueIncomingValue = true;
    Value *UniqueValue = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
      BasicBlock *IBB = PN->getIncomingBlock(i);
      Value *IV = PN->getIncomingValue(i);
      if (IBB == Preheader) {
        PreheaderIdx = i;
      } else {
        NewPN->addIncoming(IV, IBB);
        if (HasUniqueIncomingValue) {
          if (UniqueValue == 0)
            UniqueValue = IV;
          else if (UniqueValue != IV)
            HasUniqueIncomingValue = false;

    // Delete all of the incoming values from the old PN except the preheader's
    assert(PreheaderIdx != ~0U && "PHI has no preheader entry??");
    if (PreheaderIdx != 0) {
      PN->setIncomingValue(0, PN->getIncomingValue(PreheaderIdx));
      PN->setIncomingBlock(0, PN->getIncomingBlock(PreheaderIdx));
    // Nuke all entries except the zero'th.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues()-1; i != e; ++i)
      PN->removeIncomingValue(e-i, false);

    // Finally, add the newly constructed PHI node as the entry for the BEBlock.
    PN->addIncoming(NewPN, BEBlock);

    // As an optimization, if all incoming values in the new PhiNode (which is a
    // subset of the incoming values of the old PHI node) have the same value,
    // eliminate the PHI Node.
    if (HasUniqueIncomingValue) {
      if (AA) AA->deleteValue(NewPN);

  // Now that all of the PHI nodes have been inserted and adjusted, modify the
  // backedge blocks to just to the BEBlock instead of the header.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = BackedgeBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    TerminatorInst *TI = BackedgeBlocks[i]->getTerminator();
    for (unsigned Op = 0, e = TI->getNumSuccessors(); Op != e; ++Op)
      if (TI->getSuccessor(Op) == Header)
        TI->setSuccessor(Op, BEBlock);

  //===--- Update all analyses which we must preserve now -----------------===//

  // Update Loop Information - we know that this block is now in the current
  // loop and all parent loops.
  L->addBasicBlockToLoop(BEBlock, LI->getBase());

  // Update dominator information

  return BEBlock;
Esempio n. 13
static bool runImpl(CallGraphSCC &SCC, CallGraph &CG) {
  SmallPtrSet<CallGraphNode *, 8> SCCNodes;
  bool MadeChange = false;

  // Fill SCCNodes with the elements of the SCC.  Used for quickly
  // looking up whether a given CallGraphNode is in this SCC.
  for (CallGraphNode *I : SCC)

  // First pass, scan all of the functions in the SCC, simplifying them
  // according to what we know.
  for (CallGraphNode *I : SCC)
    if (Function *F = I->getFunction())
      MadeChange |= SimplifyFunction(F, CG);

  // Next, check to see if any callees might throw or if there are any external
  // functions in this SCC: if so, we cannot prune any functions in this SCC.
  // Definitions that are weak and not declared non-throwing might be
  // overridden at linktime with something that throws, so assume that.
  // If this SCC includes the unwind instruction, we KNOW it throws, so
  // obviously the SCC might throw.
  bool SCCMightUnwind = false, SCCMightReturn = false;
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end();
       (!SCCMightUnwind || !SCCMightReturn) && I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();
    if (!F) {
      SCCMightUnwind = true;
      SCCMightReturn = true;
    } else if (!F->hasExactDefinition()) {
      SCCMightUnwind |= !F->doesNotThrow();
      SCCMightReturn |= !F->doesNotReturn();
    } else {
      bool CheckUnwind = !SCCMightUnwind && !F->doesNotThrow();
      bool CheckReturn = !SCCMightReturn && !F->doesNotReturn();
      // Determine if we should scan for InlineAsm in a naked function as it
      // is the only way to return without a ReturnInst.  Only do this for
      // no-inline functions as functions which may be inlined cannot
      // meaningfully return via assembly.
      bool CheckReturnViaAsm = CheckReturn &&
                               F->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::Naked) &&

      if (!CheckUnwind && !CheckReturn)

      for (const BasicBlock &BB : *F) {
        const TerminatorInst *TI = BB.getTerminator();
        if (CheckUnwind && TI->mayThrow()) {
          SCCMightUnwind = true;
        } else if (CheckReturn && isa<ReturnInst>(TI)) {
          SCCMightReturn = true;

        for (const Instruction &I : BB) {
          if ((!CheckUnwind || SCCMightUnwind) &&
              (!CheckReturnViaAsm || SCCMightReturn))

          // Check to see if this function performs an unwind or calls an
          // unwinding function.
          if (CheckUnwind && !SCCMightUnwind && I.mayThrow()) {
            bool InstMightUnwind = true;
            if (const auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) {
              if (Function *Callee = CI->getCalledFunction()) {
                CallGraphNode *CalleeNode = CG[Callee];
                // If the callee is outside our current SCC then we may throw
                // because it might.  If it is inside, do nothing.
                if (SCCNodes.count(CalleeNode) > 0)
                  InstMightUnwind = false;
            SCCMightUnwind |= InstMightUnwind;
          if (CheckReturnViaAsm && !SCCMightReturn)
            if (auto ICS = ImmutableCallSite(&I))
              if (const auto *IA = dyn_cast<InlineAsm>(ICS.getCalledValue()))
                if (IA->hasSideEffects())
                  SCCMightReturn = true;

        if (SCCMightUnwind && SCCMightReturn)

  // If the SCC doesn't unwind or doesn't throw, note this fact.
  if (!SCCMightUnwind || !SCCMightReturn)
    for (CallGraphNode *I : SCC) {
      Function *F = I->getFunction();

      if (!SCCMightUnwind && !F->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoUnwind)) {
        MadeChange = true;

      if (!SCCMightReturn && !F->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoReturn)) {
        MadeChange = true;

  for (CallGraphNode *I : SCC) {
    // Convert any invoke instructions to non-throwing functions in this node
    // into call instructions with a branch.  This makes the exception blocks
    // dead.
    if (Function *F = I->getFunction())
      MadeChange |= SimplifyFunction(F, CG);

  return MadeChange;
Esempio n. 14
void VCButton::pressFunction()

  if (/*m_keyBind->pressAction() == KeyBind::PressNothing || */
      m_functionID == KNoID)
  else if (m_keyBind->pressAction() == KeyBind::PressStart)
      Function* f = _app->doc()->function(m_functionID);
      if (f)
	  if (f->engage(static_cast<QObject*> (this)))
	  qDebug("Function has been deleted!");
  else //if (m_keyBind->pressAction() == KeyBind::PressToggle)
      Function* f = _app->doc()->function(m_functionID);
      if (f)
	  if (isOn())
	      if (f->engage(static_cast<QObject*> (this)))
	  qDebug("Function has been deleted!");
  else if (m_keyBind->pressAction() == KeyBind::PressStepForward)
      // TODO: Implement a bus for stepping
  else if (m_keyBind->pressAction() == KeyBind::PressStepBackward)
      // TODO: Implement a bus for stepping
Esempio n. 15
bool WinEHStatePass::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  // If this is an outlined handler, don't do anything. We'll do state insertion
  // for it in the parent.
  StringRef WinEHParentName =
  if (WinEHParentName != F.getName() && !WinEHParentName.empty())
    return false;

  // Check the personality. Do nothing if this is not an MSVC personality.
  if (!F.hasPersonalityFn())
    return false;
  PersonalityFn =
  if (!PersonalityFn)
    return false;
  Personality = classifyEHPersonality(PersonalityFn);
  if (!isMSVCEHPersonality(Personality))
    return false;

  // Skip this function if there are no EH pads and we aren't using IR-level
  // outlining.
  if (WinEHParentName.empty()) {
    bool HasPads = false;
    for (BasicBlock &BB : F) {
      if (BB.isEHPad()) {
        HasPads = true;
    if (!HasPads)
      return false;

  // Disable frame pointer elimination in this function.
  // FIXME: Do the nested handlers need to keep the parent ebp in ebp, or can we
  // use an arbitrary register?
  F.addFnAttr("no-frame-pointer-elim", "true");


  auto *MMI = getAnalysisIfAvailable<MachineModuleInfo>();
  // If MMI is null, create our own WinEHFuncInfo.  This only happens in opt
  // tests.
  std::unique_ptr<WinEHFuncInfo> FuncInfoPtr;
  if (!MMI)
    FuncInfoPtr.reset(new WinEHFuncInfo());
  WinEHFuncInfo &FuncInfo =
      *(MMI ? &MMI->getWinEHFuncInfo(&F) : FuncInfoPtr.get());

  FuncInfo.EHRegNode = RegNode;

  switch (Personality) {
  default: llvm_unreachable("unexpected personality function");
  case EHPersonality::MSVC_CXX:
    addCXXStateStores(F, FuncInfo);
  case EHPersonality::MSVC_X86SEH:
    addSEHStateStores(F, FuncInfo);

  // Reset per-function state.
  PersonalityFn = nullptr;
  Personality = EHPersonality::Unknown;
  return true;
Esempio n. 16
/// AddNoCaptureAttrs - Deduce nocapture attributes for the SCC.
bool FunctionAttrs::AddNoCaptureAttrs(const CallGraphSCC &SCC) {
  bool Changed = false;

  SmallPtrSet<Function*, 8> SCCNodes;

  // Fill SCCNodes with the elements of the SCC.  Used for quickly
  // looking up whether a given CallGraphNode is in this SCC.
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();
    if (F && !F->isDeclaration() && !F->mayBeOverridden())

  ArgumentGraph AG;

  AttrBuilder B;

  // Check each function in turn, determining which pointer arguments are not
  // captured.
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();

    if (F == 0)
      // External node - only a problem for arguments that we pass to it.

    // Definitions with weak linkage may be overridden at linktime with
    // something that captures pointers, so treat them like declarations.
    if (F->isDeclaration() || F->mayBeOverridden())

    // Functions that are readonly (or readnone) and nounwind and don't return
    // a value can't capture arguments. Don't analyze them.
    if (F->onlyReadsMemory() && F->doesNotThrow() &&
        F->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
      for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
           A != E; ++A) {
        if (A->getType()->isPointerTy() && !A->hasNoCaptureAttr()) {
          A->addAttr(Attributes::get(F->getContext(), B));
          Changed = true;

    for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); A!=E; ++A)
      if (A->getType()->isPointerTy() && !A->hasNoCaptureAttr()) {
        ArgumentUsesTracker Tracker(SCCNodes);
        PointerMayBeCaptured(A, &Tracker);
        if (!Tracker.Captured) {
          if (Tracker.Uses.empty()) {
            // If it's trivially not captured, mark it nocapture now.
            A->addAttr(Attributes::get(F->getContext(), B));
            Changed = true;
          } else {
            // If it's not trivially captured and not trivially not captured,
            // then it must be calling into another function in our SCC. Save
            // its particulars for Argument-SCC analysis later.
            ArgumentGraphNode *Node = AG[A];
            for (SmallVectorImpl<Argument*>::iterator UI = Tracker.Uses.begin(),
                   UE = Tracker.Uses.end(); UI != UE; ++UI)
        // Otherwise, it's captured. Don't bother doing SCC analysis on it.

  // The graph we've collected is partial because we stopped scanning for
  // argument uses once we solved the argument trivially. These partial nodes
  // show up as ArgumentGraphNode objects with an empty Uses list, and for
  // these nodes the final decision about whether they capture has already been
  // made.  If the definition doesn't have a 'nocapture' attribute by now, it
  // captures.

  for (scc_iterator<ArgumentGraph*> I = scc_begin(&AG), E = scc_end(&AG);
       I != E; ++I) {
    std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode*> &ArgumentSCC = *I;
    if (ArgumentSCC.size() == 1) {
      if (!ArgumentSCC[0]->Definition) continue;  // synthetic root node

      // eg. "void f(int* x) { if (...) f(x); }"
      if (ArgumentSCC[0]->Uses.size() == 1 &&
          ArgumentSCC[0]->Uses[0] == ArgumentSCC[0]) {
          addAttr(Attributes::get(ArgumentSCC[0]->Definition->getContext(), B));
        Changed = true;

    bool SCCCaptured = false;
    for (std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode*>::iterator I = ArgumentSCC.begin(),
           E = ArgumentSCC.end(); I != E && !SCCCaptured; ++I) {
      ArgumentGraphNode *Node = *I;
      if (Node->Uses.empty()) {
        if (!Node->Definition->hasNoCaptureAttr())
          SCCCaptured = true;
    if (SCCCaptured) continue;

    SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> ArgumentSCCNodes;
    // Fill ArgumentSCCNodes with the elements of the ArgumentSCC.  Used for
    // quickly looking up whether a given Argument is in this ArgumentSCC.
    for (std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode*>::iterator I = ArgumentSCC.begin(),
           E = ArgumentSCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {

    for (std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode*>::iterator I = ArgumentSCC.begin(),
           E = ArgumentSCC.end(); I != E && !SCCCaptured; ++I) {
      ArgumentGraphNode *N = *I;
      for (SmallVectorImpl<ArgumentGraphNode*>::iterator UI = N->Uses.begin(),
             UE = N->Uses.end(); UI != UE; ++UI) {
        Argument *A = (*UI)->Definition;
        if (A->hasNoCaptureAttr() || ArgumentSCCNodes.count(A))
        SCCCaptured = true;
    if (SCCCaptured) continue;

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentSCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[i]->Definition;
      A->addAttr(Attributes::get(A->getContext(), B));
      Changed = true;

  return Changed;
Esempio n. 17
bool ObjCARCContract::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  if (!EnableARCOpts)
    return false;

  // If nothing in the Module uses ARC, don't do anything.
  if (!Run)
    return false;

  Changed = false;
  AA = &getAnalysis<AliasAnalysis>();
  DT = &getAnalysis<DominatorTree>();


  // Track whether it's ok to mark objc_storeStrong calls with the "tail"
  // keyword. Be conservative if the function has variadic arguments.
  // It seems that functions which "return twice" are also unsafe for the
  // "tail" argument, because they are setjmp, which could need to
  // return to an earlier stack state.
  bool TailOkForStoreStrongs = !F.isVarArg() &&

  // For ObjC library calls which return their argument, replace uses of the
  // argument with uses of the call return value, if it dominates the use. This
  // reduces register pressure.
  SmallPtrSet<Instruction *, 4> DependingInstructions;
  SmallPtrSet<const BasicBlock *, 4> Visited;
  for (inst_iterator I = inst_begin(&F), E = inst_end(&F); I != E; ) {
    Instruction *Inst = &*I++;

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "ObjCARCContract: Visiting: " << *Inst << "\n");

    // Only these library routines return their argument. In particular,
    // objc_retainBlock does not necessarily return its argument.
    InstructionClass Class = GetBasicInstructionClass(Inst);
    switch (Class) {
    case IC_FusedRetainAutorelease:
    case IC_FusedRetainAutoreleaseRV:
    case IC_Autorelease:
    case IC_AutoreleaseRV:
      if (ContractAutorelease(F, Inst, Class, DependingInstructions, Visited))
    case IC_Retain:
      // Attempt to convert retains to retainrvs if they are next to function
      // calls.
      if (!OptimizeRetainCall(F, Inst))
      // If we succeed in our optimization, fall through.
    case IC_RetainRV: {
      // If we're compiling for a target which needs a special inline-asm
      // marker to do the retainAutoreleasedReturnValue optimization,
      // insert it now.
      if (!RetainRVMarker)
      BasicBlock::iterator BBI = Inst;
      BasicBlock *InstParent = Inst->getParent();

      // Step up to see if the call immediately precedes the RetainRV call.
      // If it's an invoke, we have to cross a block boundary. And we have
      // to carefully dodge no-op instructions.
      do {
        if (&*BBI == InstParent->begin()) {
          BasicBlock *Pred = InstParent->getSinglePredecessor();
          if (!Pred)
            goto decline_rv_optimization;
          BBI = Pred->getTerminator();
      } while (IsNoopInstruction(BBI));

      if (&*BBI == GetObjCArg(Inst)) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "ObjCARCContract: Adding inline asm marker for "
                        "retainAutoreleasedReturnValue optimization.\n");
        Changed = true;
        InlineAsm *IA =
                         /*Constraints=*/"", /*hasSideEffects=*/true);
        CallInst::Create(IA, "", Inst);
    case IC_InitWeak: {
      // objc_initWeak(p, null) => *p = null
      CallInst *CI = cast<CallInst>(Inst);
      if (IsNullOrUndef(CI->getArgOperand(1))) {
        Value *Null =
        Changed = true;
        new StoreInst(Null, CI->getArgOperand(0), CI);

        DEBUG(dbgs() << "OBJCARCContract: Old = " << *CI << "\n"
                     << "                 New = " << *Null << "\n");

    case IC_Release:
      ContractRelease(Inst, I);
    case IC_User:
      // Be conservative if the function has any alloca instructions.
      // Technically we only care about escaping alloca instructions,
      // but this is sufficient to handle some interesting cases.
      if (isa<AllocaInst>(Inst))
        TailOkForStoreStrongs = false;
    case IC_IntrinsicUser:
      // Remove calls to @clang.arc.use(...).

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "ObjCARCContract: Finished List.\n\n");

    // Don't use GetObjCArg because we don't want to look through bitcasts
    // and such; to do the replacement, the argument must have type i8*.
    const Value *Arg = cast<CallInst>(Inst)->getArgOperand(0);
    for (;;) {
      // If we're compiling bugpointed code, don't get in trouble.
      if (!isa<Instruction>(Arg) && !isa<Argument>(Arg))
      // Look through the uses of the pointer.
      for (Value::const_use_iterator UI = Arg->use_begin(), UE = Arg->use_end();
           UI != UE; ) {
        Use &U = UI.getUse();
        unsigned OperandNo = UI.getOperandNo();
        ++UI; // Increment UI now, because we may unlink its element.

        // If the call's return value dominates a use of the call's argument
        // value, rewrite the use to use the return value. We check for
        // reachability here because an unreachable call is considered to
        // trivially dominate itself, which would lead us to rewriting its
        // argument in terms of its return value, which would lead to
        // infinite loops in GetObjCArg.
        if (DT->isReachableFromEntry(U) && DT->dominates(Inst, U)) {
          Changed = true;
          Instruction *Replacement = Inst;
          Type *UseTy = U.get()->getType();
          if (PHINode *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(U.getUser())) {
            // For PHI nodes, insert the bitcast in the predecessor block.
            unsigned ValNo = PHINode::getIncomingValueNumForOperand(OperandNo);
            BasicBlock *BB = PHI->getIncomingBlock(ValNo);
            if (Replacement->getType() != UseTy)
              Replacement = new BitCastInst(Replacement, UseTy, "",
            // While we're here, rewrite all edges for this PHI, rather
            // than just one use at a time, to minimize the number of
            // bitcasts we emit.
            for (unsigned i = 0, e = PHI->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
              if (PHI->getIncomingBlock(i) == BB) {
                // Keep the UI iterator valid.
                if (&PHI->getOperandUse(
                      PHINode::getOperandNumForIncomingValue(i)) ==
                PHI->setIncomingValue(i, Replacement);
          } else {
            if (Replacement->getType() != UseTy)
              Replacement = new BitCastInst(Replacement, UseTy, "",

      // If Arg is a no-op casted pointer, strip one level of casts and iterate.
      if (const BitCastInst *BI = dyn_cast<BitCastInst>(Arg))
        Arg = BI->getOperand(0);
      else if (isa<GEPOperator>(Arg) &&
        Arg = cast<GEPOperator>(Arg)->getPointerOperand();
      else if (isa<GlobalAlias>(Arg) &&
        Arg = cast<GlobalAlias>(Arg)->getAliasee();

  // If this function has no escaping allocas or suspicious vararg usage,
  // objc_storeStrong calls can be marked with the "tail" keyword.
  if (TailOkForStoreStrongs)
    for (SmallPtrSet<CallInst *, 8>::iterator I = StoreStrongCalls.begin(),
         E = StoreStrongCalls.end(); I != E; ++I)

  return Changed;
Esempio n. 18
/// AddReadAttrs - Deduce readonly/readnone attributes for the SCC.
bool FunctionAttrs::AddReadAttrs(const CallGraphSCC &SCC) {
  SmallPtrSet<Function*, 8> SCCNodes;

  // Fill SCCNodes with the elements of the SCC.  Used for quickly
  // looking up whether a given CallGraphNode is in this SCC.
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I)

  // Check if any of the functions in the SCC read or write memory.  If they
  // write memory then they can't be marked readnone or readonly.
  bool ReadsMemory = false;
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();

    if (F == 0)
      // External node - may write memory.  Just give up.
      return false;

    AliasAnalysis::ModRefBehavior MRB = AA->getModRefBehavior(F);
    if (MRB == AliasAnalysis::DoesNotAccessMemory)
      // Already perfect!

    // Definitions with weak linkage may be overridden at linktime with
    // something that writes memory, so treat them like declarations.
    if (F->isDeclaration() || F->mayBeOverridden()) {
      if (!AliasAnalysis::onlyReadsMemory(MRB))
        // May write memory.  Just give up.
        return false;

      ReadsMemory = true;

    // Scan the function body for instructions that may read or write memory.
    for (inst_iterator II = inst_begin(F), E = inst_end(F); II != E; ++II) {
      Instruction *I = &*II;

      // Some instructions can be ignored even if they read or write memory.
      // Detect these now, skipping to the next instruction if one is found.
      CallSite CS(cast<Value>(I));
      if (CS) {
        // Ignore calls to functions in the same SCC.
        if (CS.getCalledFunction() && SCCNodes.count(CS.getCalledFunction()))
        AliasAnalysis::ModRefBehavior MRB = AA->getModRefBehavior(CS);
        // If the call doesn't access arbitrary memory, we may be able to
        // figure out something.
        if (AliasAnalysis::onlyAccessesArgPointees(MRB)) {
          // If the call does access argument pointees, check each argument.
          if (AliasAnalysis::doesAccessArgPointees(MRB))
            // Check whether all pointer arguments point to local memory, and
            // ignore calls that only access local memory.
            for (CallSite::arg_iterator CI = CS.arg_begin(), CE = CS.arg_end();
                 CI != CE; ++CI) {
              Value *Arg = *CI;
              if (Arg->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
                AliasAnalysis::Location Loc(Arg,
                if (!AA->pointsToConstantMemory(Loc, /*OrLocal=*/true)) {
                  if (MRB & AliasAnalysis::Mod)
                    // Writes non-local memory.  Give up.
                    return false;
                  if (MRB & AliasAnalysis::Ref)
                    // Ok, it reads non-local memory.
                    ReadsMemory = true;
        // The call could access any memory. If that includes writes, give up.
        if (MRB & AliasAnalysis::Mod)
          return false;
        // If it reads, note it.
        if (MRB & AliasAnalysis::Ref)
          ReadsMemory = true;
      } else if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
        // Ignore non-volatile loads from local memory. (Atomic is okay here.)
        if (!LI->isVolatile()) {
          AliasAnalysis::Location Loc = AA->getLocation(LI);
          if (AA->pointsToConstantMemory(Loc, /*OrLocal=*/true))
      } else if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I)) {
        // Ignore non-volatile stores to local memory. (Atomic is okay here.)
        if (!SI->isVolatile()) {
          AliasAnalysis::Location Loc = AA->getLocation(SI);
          if (AA->pointsToConstantMemory(Loc, /*OrLocal=*/true))
      } else if (VAArgInst *VI = dyn_cast<VAArgInst>(I)) {
        // Ignore vaargs on local memory.
        AliasAnalysis::Location Loc = AA->getLocation(VI);
        if (AA->pointsToConstantMemory(Loc, /*OrLocal=*/true))

      // Any remaining instructions need to be taken seriously!  Check if they
      // read or write memory.
      if (I->mayWriteToMemory())
        // Writes memory.  Just give up.
        return false;

      // If this instruction may read memory, remember that.
      ReadsMemory |= I->mayReadFromMemory();

  // Success!  Functions in this SCC do not access memory, or only read memory.
  // Give them the appropriate attribute.
  bool MadeChange = false;
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();

    if (F->doesNotAccessMemory())
      // Already perfect!

    if (F->onlyReadsMemory() && ReadsMemory)
      // No change.

    MadeChange = true;

    // Clear out any existing attributes.
    AttrBuilder B;
                       Attributes::get(F->getContext(), B));

    // Add in the new attribute.
    B.addAttribute(ReadsMemory ? Attributes::ReadOnly : Attributes::ReadNone);
                    Attributes::get(F->getContext(), B));

    if (ReadsMemory)

  return MadeChange;
Esempio n. 19
LevenbergMarquart(Function& f,
                  real_type t,
                  Vector& x,
                  real_type atol, real_type rtol,
                  unsigned *itCount,
                  unsigned maxit)
  Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "Start guess\nx = " << trans(x) << endl;

  Matrix J;
  LinAlg::MatrixFactors<real_type,0,0,LinAlg::LUTag> jacFactors;

  bool converged = false;
  real_type tau = 1e-1;
  real_type nu = 2;

  // Compute in each step a new jacobian
  f.jac(t, x, J);
  Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "Jacobian is:\n" << J << endl;
  real_type mu = tau*norm1(J);

  Vector fx;
  // Compute the actual error
  f.eval(t, x, fx);
  Vector g = trans(J)*fx;

  do {
    jacFactors = trans(J)*J + mu*LinAlg::Eye<real_type,0,0>(rows(x), rows(x));
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Jacobian is "
                             << (jacFactors.singular() ? "singular" : "ok")
                             << endl;
    // Compute the search direction
    Vector h = jacFactors.solve(-g);
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Solve Residual "
                             << norm(trans(J)*J*h + mu*h + g)/norm(g) << endl;

    // Get a better search guess
    Vector xnew = x + h;

    // check convergence
    converged = equal(x, xnew, atol, rtol);
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Convergence test: ||h||_1 = " << norm1(h)
                             << ", converged = " << converged << endl;
    if (converged)

    f.eval(t, x, fx);
    real_type Fx = norm(fx);
    f.eval(t, xnew, fx);
    real_type Fxnew = norm(fx);
    real_type rho = (Fx - Fxnew)/(0.5*dot(h, mu*h - g));
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Rho = " << rho
                             << ", Fxnew = " << Fxnew 
                             << ", Fx = " << Fx
                             << endl;
    if (0 < rho) {
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Accepted step!" << endl;
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "xnew = " << trans(xnew) << endl;
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "h    = " << trans(h) << endl;

      // New guess is the better one
      x = xnew;

      f.jac(t, x, J);
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "Jacobian is:\n" << J << endl;
      // Compute the actual error
      f.eval(t, x, fx);
      g = trans(J)*fx;
      converged = norm1(g) < atol;
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "||g||_1 = " << norm1(g) << endl;

      mu = mu * max(real_type(1)/3, 1-pow(2*rho-1, real_type(3)));
      nu = 2;

    } else {
      mu = mu * nu;
      nu = 2 * nu;
  } while (!converged);

  return converged;
Esempio n. 20
 int CodeGenerator::getDependency(const Function& f) const {
   const void* h = static_cast<const void*>(f.get());
   PointerMap::const_iterator it=added_dependencies_.find(h);
   return it->second;
Esempio n. 21
  void interpolate_nonmatching_mesh(const GenericFunction& u0, Function& u) 
    // Interpolate from GenericFunction u0 to FunctionSpace of Function u
    // The FunctionSpace of u can have a different mesh than that of u0 
    // (if u0 has a mesh)
    // The algorithm is like this
    //   1) Tabulate all coordinates for all dofs in u.function_space()
    //   2) Create a map from dof to component number in Mixed Space.
    //   3) Evaluate u0 for all coordinates in u (computed in 1)). 
    //        Problem here is that u0 and u will have different meshes 
    //        and as such a vertex in u will not necessarily be found 
    //        on the same processor for u0. Hence the vertex will be 
    //        passed around and searched on all ranks until found.
    //   4) Set all values in local u using the dof to component map
    // Get the function space interpolated to
    boost::shared_ptr<const FunctionSpace> V = u.function_space();
    // Get mesh and dimension of the FunctionSpace interpolated to
    const Mesh& mesh = *V->mesh();
    const std::size_t gdim = mesh.geometry().dim();
    // Create arrays used to evaluate one point
    std::vector<double> x(gdim);
    std::vector<double> values(u.value_size());
    Array<double> _x(gdim,;
    Array<double> _values(u.value_size(),;
    // Create vector to hold all local values of u 
    std::vector<double> local_u_vector(u.vector()->local_size());
    // Get coordinates of all dofs on mesh of this processor
    std::vector<double> coords = V->dofmap()->tabulate_all_coordinates(mesh);
    // Get dof ownership range
    std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> owner_range = V->dofmap()->ownership_range();
    // Get a map from global dofs to component number in mixed space
    std::map<std::size_t, std::size_t> dof_component_map;
    int component = -1;
    extract_dof_component_map(dof_component_map, *V, &component);
    // Search this process first for all coordinates in u's local mesh
    std::vector<std::size_t> global_dofs_not_found;
    std::vector<double> coords_not_found;
    for (std::size_t j=0; j<coords.size()/gdim; j++)
      std::copy(coords.begin()+j*gdim, coords.begin()+(j+1)*gdim, x.begin());
      { // store when point is found
        u0.eval(_values, _x);  // This evaluates all dofs, but need only one component. Possible fix?
        local_u_vector[j] = values[dof_component_map[j+owner_range.first]];
      catch (std::exception &e)
      { // If not found then it must be seached on the other processes
        for (std::size_t jj=0; jj<gdim; jj++)
    // Send all points not found to processor with one higher rank.
    // Search there and send found points back to owner and not found to 
    // next processor in line. By the end of this loop all processors 
    // will have been searched and thus if not found the point is not
    // in the mesh of Function u0. In that case the point will take
    // the value of zero.
    std::size_t num_processes = MPI::num_processes();
    std::size_t rank = MPI::process_number();
    for (std::size_t k = 1; k < num_processes; ++k)
      std::vector<double> coords_recv;
      std::vector<std::size_t> global_dofs_recv;
      std::size_t src = (rank-1+num_processes) % num_processes;
      std::size_t dest =  (rank+1) % num_processes;
      MPI::send_recv(global_dofs_not_found, dest, global_dofs_recv, src);
      MPI::send_recv(coords_not_found, dest, coords_recv, src);
      // Search this processor for received points
      std::vector<std::size_t> global_dofs_found;
      std::vector<std::vector<double> > coefficients_found;
      for (std::size_t j=0; j<coords_recv.size()/gdim; j++)
        std::size_t m = global_dofs_recv[j];
        std::copy(coords_recv.begin()+j*gdim, coords_recv.begin()+(j+1)*gdim, x.begin());

        { // push back when point is found
          u0.eval(_values, _x);
        catch (std::exception &e)
        { // If not found then collect and send to next rank
          for (std::size_t jj=0; jj<gdim; jj++)
      // Send found coefficients back to owner (dest)
      std::vector<std::size_t> global_dofs_found_recv;
      std::vector<std::vector<double> > coefficients_found_recv;
      dest = (rank-k+num_processes) % num_processes;
      src  = (rank+k) % num_processes;
      MPI::send_recv(global_dofs_found, dest, global_dofs_found_recv, src);
      MPI::send_recv(coefficients_found, dest, coefficients_found_recv, src);

      // Move all found coefficients onto the local_u_vector
      // Choose the correct component using dof_component_map  
      for (std::size_t j=0; j<global_dofs_found_recv.size(); j++)
        std::size_t m = global_dofs_found_recv[j]-owner_range.first;
        std::size_t n = dof_component_map[m+owner_range.first];
        local_u_vector[m] = coefficients_found_recv[j][n];
      // Note that this algorithm computes and sends back all values, 
      // i.e., coefficients_found pushes back the entire vector for all 
      // components in mixed space. An alternative algorithm is to send 
      // around the correct component number in addition to global dof number 
      // and coordinates and then just send back the correct value.
Esempio n. 22
bool AMDGPURewriteOutArguments::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  if (skipFunction(F))
    return false;

  // TODO: Could probably handle variadic functions.
  if (F.isVarArg() || F.hasStructRetAttr() ||
    return false;

  MDA = &getAnalysis<MemoryDependenceWrapperPass>().getMemDep();

  unsigned ReturnNumRegs = 0;
  SmallSet<int, 4> OutArgIndexes;
  SmallVector<Type *, 4> ReturnTypes;
  Type *RetTy = F.getReturnType();
  if (!RetTy->isVoidTy()) {
    ReturnNumRegs = DL->getTypeStoreSize(RetTy) / 4;

    if (ReturnNumRegs >= MaxNumRetRegs)
      return false;


  SmallVector<Argument *, 4> OutArgs;
  for (Argument &Arg : F.args()) {
    if (isOutArgumentCandidate(Arg)) {
      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found possible out argument " << Arg
                        << " in function " << F.getName() << '\n');

  if (OutArgs.empty())
    return false;

  using ReplacementVec = SmallVector<std::pair<Argument *, Value *>, 4>;

  DenseMap<ReturnInst *, ReplacementVec> Replacements;

  SmallVector<ReturnInst *, 4> Returns;
  for (BasicBlock &BB : F) {
    if (ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(&BB.back()))

  if (Returns.empty())
    return false;

  bool Changing;

  do {
    Changing = false;

    // Keep retrying if we are able to successfully eliminate an argument. This
    // helps with cases with multiple arguments which may alias, such as in a
    // sincos implemntation. If we have 2 stores to arguments, on the first
    // attempt the MDA query will succeed for the second store but not the
    // first. On the second iteration we've removed that out clobbering argument
    // (by effectively moving it into another function) and will find the second
    // argument is OK to move.
    for (Argument *OutArg : OutArgs) {
      bool ThisReplaceable = true;
      SmallVector<std::pair<ReturnInst *, StoreInst *>, 4> ReplaceableStores;

      Type *ArgTy = OutArg->getType()->getPointerElementType();

      // Skip this argument if converting it will push us over the register
      // count to return limit.

      // TODO: This is an approximation. When legalized this could be more. We
      // can ask TLI for exactly how many.
      unsigned ArgNumRegs = DL->getTypeStoreSize(ArgTy) / 4;
      if (ArgNumRegs + ReturnNumRegs > MaxNumRetRegs)

      // An argument is convertible only if all exit blocks are able to replace
      // it.
      for (ReturnInst *RI : Returns) {
        BasicBlock *BB = RI->getParent();

        MemDepResult Q = MDA->getPointerDependencyFrom(MemoryLocation(OutArg),
                                                       true, BB->end(), BB, RI);
        StoreInst *SI = nullptr;
        if (Q.isDef())
          SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Q.getInst());

        if (SI) {
          LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Found out argument store: " << *SI << '\n');
          ReplaceableStores.emplace_back(RI, SI);
        } else {
          ThisReplaceable = false;

      if (!ThisReplaceable)
        continue; // Try the next argument candidate.

      for (std::pair<ReturnInst *, StoreInst *> Store : ReplaceableStores) {
        Value *ReplVal = Store.second->getValueOperand();

        auto &ValVec = Replacements[Store.first];
        if (llvm::find_if(ValVec,
              [OutArg](const std::pair<Argument *, Value *> &Entry) {
                 return Entry.first == OutArg;}) != ValVec.end()) {
                     << "Saw multiple out arg stores" << *OutArg << '\n');
          // It is possible to see stores to the same argument multiple times,
          // but we expect these would have been optimized out already.
          ThisReplaceable = false;

        ValVec.emplace_back(OutArg, ReplVal);

      if (ThisReplaceable) {
        Changing = true;
  } while (Changing);

  if (Replacements.empty())
    return false;

  LLVMContext &Ctx = F.getParent()->getContext();
  StructType *NewRetTy = StructType::create(Ctx, ReturnTypes, F.getName());

  FunctionType *NewFuncTy = FunctionType::get(NewRetTy,

  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Computed new return type: " << *NewRetTy << '\n');

  Function *NewFunc = Function::Create(NewFuncTy, Function::PrivateLinkage,
                                       F.getName() + ".body");
  F.getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(F.getIterator(), NewFunc);

  // We want to preserve the function and param attributes, but need to strip
  // off any return attributes, e.g. zeroext doesn't make sense with a struct.

  AttrBuilder RetAttrs;
  NewFunc->removeAttributes(AttributeList::ReturnIndex, RetAttrs);
  // TODO: How to preserve metadata?

  // Move the body of the function into the new rewritten function, and replace
  // this function with a stub.
  NewFunc->getBasicBlockList().splice(NewFunc->begin(), F.getBasicBlockList());

  for (std::pair<ReturnInst *, ReplacementVec> &Replacement : Replacements) {
    ReturnInst *RI = Replacement.first;
    IRBuilder<> B(RI);

    int RetIdx = 0;
    Value *NewRetVal = UndefValue::get(NewRetTy);

    Value *RetVal = RI->getReturnValue();
    if (RetVal)
      NewRetVal = B.CreateInsertValue(NewRetVal, RetVal, RetIdx++);

    for (std::pair<Argument *, Value *> ReturnPoint : Replacement.second) {
      Argument *Arg = ReturnPoint.first;
      Value *Val = ReturnPoint.second;
      Type *EltTy = Arg->getType()->getPointerElementType();
      if (Val->getType() != EltTy) {
        Type *EffectiveEltTy = EltTy;
        if (StructType *CT = dyn_cast<StructType>(EltTy)) {
          assert(CT->getNumElements() == 1);
          EffectiveEltTy = CT->getElementType(0);

        if (DL->getTypeSizeInBits(EffectiveEltTy) !=
            DL->getTypeSizeInBits(Val->getType())) {
          assert(isVec3ToVec4Shuffle(EffectiveEltTy, Val->getType()));
          Val = B.CreateShuffleVector(Val, UndefValue::get(Val->getType()),
                                      { 0, 1, 2 });

        Val = B.CreateBitCast(Val, EffectiveEltTy);

        // Re-create single element composite.
        if (EltTy != EffectiveEltTy)
          Val = B.CreateInsertValue(UndefValue::get(EltTy), Val, 0);

      NewRetVal = B.CreateInsertValue(NewRetVal, Val, RetIdx++);

    if (RetVal)
      RI->setOperand(0, NewRetVal);
    else {

  SmallVector<Value *, 16> StubCallArgs;
  for (Argument &Arg : F.args()) {
    if (OutArgIndexes.count(Arg.getArgNo())) {
      // It's easier to preserve the type of the argument list. We rely on
      // DeadArgumentElimination to take care of these.
    } else {

  BasicBlock *StubBB = BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "", &F);
  IRBuilder<> B(StubBB);
  CallInst *StubCall = B.CreateCall(NewFunc, StubCallArgs);

  int RetIdx = RetTy->isVoidTy() ? 0 : 1;
  for (Argument &Arg : F.args()) {
    if (!OutArgIndexes.count(Arg.getArgNo()))

    PointerType *ArgType = cast<PointerType>(Arg.getType());

    auto *EltTy = ArgType->getElementType();
    unsigned Align = Arg.getParamAlignment();
    if (Align == 0)
      Align = DL->getABITypeAlignment(EltTy);

    Value *Val = B.CreateExtractValue(StubCall, RetIdx++);
    Type *PtrTy = Val->getType()->getPointerTo(ArgType->getAddressSpace());

    // We can peek through bitcasts, so the type may not match.
    Value *PtrVal = B.CreateBitCast(&Arg, PtrTy);

    B.CreateAlignedStore(Val, PtrVal, Align);

  if (!RetTy->isVoidTy()) {
    B.CreateRet(B.CreateExtractValue(StubCall, 0));
  } else {

  // The function is now a stub we want to inline.

  return true;
Esempio n. 23
/// run - Start execution with the specified function and arguments.
GenericValue JIT::runFunction(Function *F,
                              const std::vector<GenericValue> &ArgValues) {
    assert(F && "Function *F was null at entry to run()");

    void *FPtr = getPointerToFunction(F);
    assert(FPtr && "Pointer to fn's code was null after getPointerToFunction");
    const FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
    const Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();

    assert((FTy->getNumParams() == ArgValues.size() ||
            (FTy->isVarArg() && FTy->getNumParams() <= ArgValues.size())) &&
           "Wrong number of arguments passed into function!");
    assert(FTy->getNumParams() == ArgValues.size() &&
           "This doesn't support passing arguments through varargs (yet)!");

    // Handle some common cases first.  These cases correspond to common `main'
    // prototypes.
    if (RetTy->isIntegerTy(32) || RetTy->isVoidTy()) {
        switch (ArgValues.size()) {
        case 3:
            if (FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32) &&
                    FTy->getParamType(1)->isPointerTy() &&
                    FTy->getParamType(2)->isPointerTy()) {
                int (*PF)(int, char **, const char **) =
                    (int(*)(int, char **, const char **))(intptr_t)FPtr;

                // Call the function.
                GenericValue rv;
                rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
                                         (char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[1]),
                                         (const char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[2])));
                return rv;
        case 2:
            if (FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32) &&
                    FTy->getParamType(1)->isPointerTy()) {
                int (*PF)(int, char **) = (int(*)(int, char **))(intptr_t)FPtr;

                // Call the function.
                GenericValue rv;
                rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
                                         (char **)GVTOP(ArgValues[1])));
                return rv;
        case 1:
            if (FTy->getNumParams() == 1 &&
                    FTy->getParamType(0)->isIntegerTy(32)) {
                GenericValue rv;
                int (*PF)(int) = (int(*)(int))(intptr_t)FPtr;
                rv.IntVal = APInt(32, PF(ArgValues[0].IntVal.getZExtValue()));
                return rv;

    // Handle cases where no arguments are passed first.
    if (ArgValues.empty()) {
        GenericValue rv;
        switch (RetTy->getTypeID()) {
            llvm_unreachable("Unknown return type for function call!");
        case Type::IntegerTyID: {
            unsigned BitWidth = cast<IntegerType>(RetTy)->getBitWidth();
            if (BitWidth == 1)
                rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((bool(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
            else if (BitWidth <= 8)
                rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((char(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
            else if (BitWidth <= 16)
                rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((short(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
            else if (BitWidth <= 32)
                rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((int(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
            else if (BitWidth <= 64)
                rv.IntVal = APInt(BitWidth, ((int64_t(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
                llvm_unreachable("Integer types > 64 bits not supported");
            return rv;
        case Type::VoidTyID:
            rv.IntVal = APInt(32, ((int(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());
            return rv;
        case Type::FloatTyID:
            rv.FloatVal = ((float(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)();
            return rv;
        case Type::DoubleTyID:
            rv.DoubleVal = ((double(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)();
            return rv;
        case Type::X86_FP80TyID:
        case Type::FP128TyID:
        case Type::PPC_FP128TyID:
            llvm_unreachable("long double not supported yet");
            return rv;
        case Type::PointerTyID:
            return PTOGV(((void*(*)())(intptr_t)FPtr)());

    // Okay, this is not one of our quick and easy cases.  Because we don't have a
    // full FFI, we have to codegen a nullary stub function that just calls the
    // function we are interested in, passing in constants for all of the
    // arguments.  Make this function and return.

    // First, create the function.
    FunctionType *STy=FunctionType::get(RetTy, false);
    Function *Stub = Function::Create(STy, Function::InternalLinkage, "",

    // Insert a basic block.
    BasicBlock *StubBB = BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(), "", Stub);

    // Convert all of the GenericValue arguments over to constants.  Note that we
    // currently don't support varargs.
    SmallVector<Value*, 8> Args;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgValues.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        Constant *C = 0;
        const Type *ArgTy = FTy->getParamType(i);
        const GenericValue &AV = ArgValues[i];
        switch (ArgTy->getTypeID()) {
            llvm_unreachable("Unknown argument type for function call!");
        case Type::IntegerTyID:
            C = ConstantInt::get(F->getContext(), AV.IntVal);
        case Type::FloatTyID:
            C = ConstantFP::get(F->getContext(), APFloat(AV.FloatVal));
        case Type::DoubleTyID:
            C = ConstantFP::get(F->getContext(), APFloat(AV.DoubleVal));
        case Type::PPC_FP128TyID:
        case Type::X86_FP80TyID:
        case Type::FP128TyID:
            C = ConstantFP::get(F->getContext(), APFloat(AV.IntVal));
        case Type::PointerTyID:
            void *ArgPtr = GVTOP(AV);
            if (sizeof(void*) == 4)
                C = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()),
                C = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(F->getContext()),
            // Cast the integer to pointer
            C = ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(C, ArgTy);

    CallInst *TheCall = CallInst::Create(F, Args.begin(), Args.end(),
                                         "", StubBB);
    if (!TheCall->getType()->isVoidTy())
        // Return result of the call.
        ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), TheCall, StubBB);
        ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), StubBB);           // Just return void.

    // Finally, call our nullary stub function.
    GenericValue Result = runFunction(Stub, std::vector<GenericValue>());
    // Erase it, since no other function can have a reference to it.
    // And return the result.
    return Result;
Esempio n. 24
bool AtomicExpand::expandAtomicCmpXchg(AtomicCmpXchgInst *CI) {
  AtomicOrdering SuccessOrder = CI->getSuccessOrdering();
  AtomicOrdering FailureOrder = CI->getFailureOrdering();
  Value *Addr = CI->getPointerOperand();
  BasicBlock *BB = CI->getParent();
  Function *F = BB->getParent();
  LLVMContext &Ctx = F->getContext();
  // If getInsertFencesForAtomic() returns true, then the target does not want
  // to deal with memory orders, and emitLeading/TrailingFence should take care
  // of everything. Otherwise, emitLeading/TrailingFence are no-op and we
  // should preserve the ordering.
  AtomicOrdering MemOpOrder =
      TLI->getInsertFencesForAtomic() ? Monotonic : SuccessOrder;

  // Given: cmpxchg some_op iN* %addr, iN %desired, iN %new success_ord fail_ord
  // The full expansion we produce is:
  //     [...]
  //     fence?
  // cmpxchg.start:
  //     %loaded = @load.linked(%addr)
  //     %should_store = icmp eq %loaded, %desired
  //     br i1 %should_store, label %cmpxchg.trystore,
  //                          label %cmpxchg.failure
  // cmpxchg.trystore:
  //     %stored = @store_conditional(%new, %addr)
  //     %success = icmp eq i32 %stored, 0
  //     br i1 %success, label %cmpxchg.success, label %loop/%cmpxchg.failure
  // cmpxchg.success:
  //     fence?
  //     br label %cmpxchg.end
  // cmpxchg.failure:
  //     fence?
  //     br label %cmpxchg.end
  // cmpxchg.end:
  //     %success = phi i1 [true, %cmpxchg.success], [false, %cmpxchg.failure]
  //     %restmp = insertvalue { iN, i1 } undef, iN %loaded, 0
  //     %res = insertvalue { iN, i1 } %restmp, i1 %success, 1
  //     [...]
  BasicBlock *ExitBB = BB->splitBasicBlock(CI, "cmpxchg.end");
  auto FailureBB = BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "cmpxchg.failure", F, ExitBB);
  auto SuccessBB = BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "cmpxchg.success", F, FailureBB);
  auto TryStoreBB = BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "cmpxchg.trystore", F, SuccessBB);
  auto LoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "cmpxchg.start", F, TryStoreBB);

  // This grabs the DebugLoc from CI
  IRBuilder<> Builder(CI);

  // The split call above "helpfully" added a branch at the end of BB (to the
  // wrong place), but we might want a fence too. It's easiest to just remove
  // the branch entirely.
  TLI->emitLeadingFence(Builder, SuccessOrder, /*IsStore=*/true,

  // Start the main loop block now that we've taken care of the preliminaries.
  Value *Loaded = TLI->emitLoadLinked(Builder, Addr, MemOpOrder);
  Value *ShouldStore =
      Builder.CreateICmpEQ(Loaded, CI->getCompareOperand(), "should_store");

  // If the cmpxchg doesn't actually need any ordering when it fails, we can
  // jump straight past that fence instruction (if it exists).
  Builder.CreateCondBr(ShouldStore, TryStoreBB, FailureBB);

  Value *StoreSuccess = TLI->emitStoreConditional(
      Builder, CI->getNewValOperand(), Addr, MemOpOrder);
  StoreSuccess = Builder.CreateICmpEQ(
      StoreSuccess, ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), 0), "success");
  Builder.CreateCondBr(StoreSuccess, SuccessBB,
                       CI->isWeak() ? FailureBB : LoopBB);

  // Make sure later instructions don't get reordered with a fence if necessary.
  TLI->emitTrailingFence(Builder, SuccessOrder, /*IsStore=*/true,

  TLI->emitTrailingFence(Builder, FailureOrder, /*IsStore=*/true,

  // Finally, we have control-flow based knowledge of whether the cmpxchg
  // succeeded or not. We expose this to later passes by converting any
  // subsequent "icmp eq/ne %loaded, %oldval" into a use of an appropriate PHI.

  // Setup the builder so we can create any PHIs we need.
  Builder.SetInsertPoint(ExitBB, ExitBB->begin());
  PHINode *Success = Builder.CreatePHI(Type::getInt1Ty(Ctx), 2);
  Success->addIncoming(ConstantInt::getTrue(Ctx), SuccessBB);
  Success->addIncoming(ConstantInt::getFalse(Ctx), FailureBB);

  // Look for any users of the cmpxchg that are just comparing the loaded value
  // against the desired one, and replace them with the CFG-derived version.
  SmallVector<ExtractValueInst *, 2> PrunedInsts;
  for (auto User : CI->users()) {
    ExtractValueInst *EV = dyn_cast<ExtractValueInst>(User);
    if (!EV)

    assert(EV->getNumIndices() == 1 && EV->getIndices()[0] <= 1 &&
           "weird extraction from { iN, i1 }");

    if (EV->getIndices()[0] == 0)


  // We can remove the instructions now we're no longer iterating through them.
  for (auto EV : PrunedInsts)

  if (!CI->use_empty()) {
    // Some use of the full struct return that we don't understand has happened,
    // so we've got to reconstruct it properly.
    Value *Res;
    Res = Builder.CreateInsertValue(UndefValue::get(CI->getType()), Loaded, 0);
    Res = Builder.CreateInsertValue(Res, Success, 1);


  return true;
Esempio n. 25
// run - Run the transformation on the program. We grab the function
// prototypes for longjmp and setjmp. If they are used in the program,
// then we can go directly to the places they're at and transform them.
bool LowerSetJmp::runOnModule(Module& M) {
  bool Changed = false;

  // These are what the functions are called.
  Function* SetJmp = M.getFunction("llvm.setjmp");
  Function* LongJmp = M.getFunction("llvm.longjmp");

  // This program doesn't have longjmp and setjmp calls.
  if ((!LongJmp || LongJmp->use_empty()) &&
        (!SetJmp || SetJmp->use_empty())) return false;

  // Initialize some values and functions we'll need to transform the
  // setjmp/longjmp functions.

  if (SetJmp) {
    for (Value::use_iterator B = SetJmp->use_begin(), E = SetJmp->use_end();
         B != E; ++B) {
      BasicBlock* BB = cast<Instruction>(*B)->getParent();
      for (df_ext_iterator<BasicBlock*> I = df_ext_begin(BB, DFSBlocks),
             E = df_ext_end(BB, DFSBlocks); I != E; ++I)
        /* empty */;

    while (!SetJmp->use_empty()) {
      assert(isa<CallInst>(SetJmp->use_back()) &&
             "User of setjmp intrinsic not a call?");
      Changed = true;

  if (LongJmp)
    while (!LongJmp->use_empty()) {
      assert(isa<CallInst>(LongJmp->use_back()) &&
             "User of longjmp intrinsic not a call?");
      Changed = true;

  // Now go through the affected functions and convert calls and invokes
  // to new invokes...
  for (std::map<Function*, AllocaInst*>::iterator
      B = SJMap.begin(), E = SJMap.end(); B != E; ++B) {
    Function* F = B->first;
    for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(), BE = F->end(); BB != BE; ++BB)
      for (BasicBlock::iterator IB = BB->begin(), IE = BB->end(); IB != IE; ) {
        if (IB != BB->end() && IB->getParent() != BB)
          break;  // The next instruction got moved to a different block!


  return Changed;
Esempio n. 26
bool llvm::expandAtomicRMWToCmpXchg(AtomicRMWInst *AI,
                                    CreateCmpXchgInstFun CreateCmpXchg) {

  AtomicOrdering MemOpOrder =
      AI->getOrdering() == Unordered ? Monotonic : AI->getOrdering();
  Value *Addr = AI->getPointerOperand();
  BasicBlock *BB = AI->getParent();
  Function *F = BB->getParent();
  LLVMContext &Ctx = F->getContext();

  // Given: atomicrmw some_op iN* %addr, iN %incr ordering
  // The standard expansion we produce is:
  //     [...]
  //     %init_loaded = load atomic iN* %addr
  //     br label %loop
  // loop:
  //     %loaded = phi iN [ %init_loaded, %entry ], [ %new_loaded, %loop ]
  //     %new = some_op iN %loaded, %incr
  //     %pair = cmpxchg iN* %addr, iN %loaded, iN %new
  //     %new_loaded = extractvalue { iN, i1 } %pair, 0
  //     %success = extractvalue { iN, i1 } %pair, 1
  //     br i1 %success, label %atomicrmw.end, label %loop
  // atomicrmw.end:
  //     [...]
  BasicBlock *ExitBB = BB->splitBasicBlock(AI, "atomicrmw.end");
  BasicBlock *LoopBB = BasicBlock::Create(Ctx, "atomicrmw.start", F, ExitBB);

  // This grabs the DebugLoc from AI.
  IRBuilder<> Builder(AI);

  // The split call above "helpfully" added a branch at the end of BB (to the
  // wrong place), but we want a load. It's easiest to just remove
  // the branch entirely.
  LoadInst *InitLoaded = Builder.CreateLoad(Addr);
  // Atomics require at least natural alignment.
  InitLoaded->setAlignment(AI->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() / 8);

  // Start the main loop block now that we've taken care of the preliminaries.
  PHINode *Loaded = Builder.CreatePHI(AI->getType(), 2, "loaded");
  Loaded->addIncoming(InitLoaded, BB);

  Value *NewVal =
      performAtomicOp(AI->getOperation(), Builder, Loaded, AI->getValOperand());

  Value *NewLoaded = nullptr;
  Value *Success = nullptr;

  CreateCmpXchg(Builder, Addr, Loaded, NewVal, MemOpOrder,
                Success, NewLoaded);
  assert(Success && NewLoaded);

  Loaded->addIncoming(NewLoaded, LoopBB);

  Builder.CreateCondBr(Success, ExitBB, LoopBB);

  Builder.SetInsertPoint(ExitBB, ExitBB->begin());


  return true;
Esempio n. 27
void MasterTimer::timerTickFunctions(QList<Universe *> universes)
    // List of m_functionList indices that should be removed at the end of this
    // function. The functions at the indices have been stopped.
    QList<int> removeList;

    bool functionListHasChanged = false;
    bool stoppedAFunction = true;
    bool firstIteration = true;

    while (stoppedAFunction)
        stoppedAFunction = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < m_functionList.size(); i++)
            Function* function =;

            if (function != NULL)
                /* Run the function unless it's supposed to be stopped */
                if (function->stopped() == false && m_stopAllFunctions == false)
                    if (firstIteration)
                        function->write(this, universes);
                    // Clear function's parentList
                    if (m_stopAllFunctions)
                    /* Function should be stopped instead */
                    function->postRun(this, universes);
                    //qDebug() << "[MasterTimer] Add function (ID: " << function->id() << ") to remove list ";
                    removeList << i; // Don't remove the item from the list just yet.
                    functionListHasChanged = true;
                    stoppedAFunction = true;

        // Remove functions that need to be removed AFTER all functions have been run
        // for this round. This is done separately to prevent a case when a function
        // is first removed and then another is added (chaser, for example), keeping the
        // list's size the same, thus preventing the last added function from being run
        // on this round. The indices in removeList are automatically sorted because the
        // list is iterated with an int above from 0 to size, so iterating the removeList
        // backwards here will always remove the correct indices.
        QListIterator <int> it(removeList);
        while (it.hasPrevious() == true)

        firstIteration = false;

        QMutexLocker locker(&m_functionListMutex);
        while (m_startQueue.size() > 0)
            QList<Function*> startQueue(m_startQueue);

            foreach (Function* f, startQueue)
                if (m_functionList.contains(f))
                    f->postRun(this, universes);
                    functionListHasChanged = true;
                f->write(this, universes);
                emit functionStarted(f->id());


    if (functionListHasChanged)
        emit functionListChanged();
bool FFPTexturing::resolveFunctionsParams(TextureUnitParams* textureUnitParams, ProgramSet* programSet)
	Program* vsProgram = programSet->getCpuVertexProgram();
	Program* psProgram = programSet->getCpuFragmentProgram();
	Function* vsMain   = vsProgram->getEntryPointFunction();
	Function* psMain   = psProgram->getEntryPointFunction();
	Parameter::Content texCoordContent = Parameter::SPC_UNKNOWN;
	switch (textureUnitParams->mTexCoordCalcMethod)
		case TEXCALC_NONE:					
			// Resolve explicit vs input texture coordinates.
			if (textureUnitParams->mTextureMatrix.get() == NULL)
				texCoordContent = Parameter::Content(Parameter::SPC_TEXTURE_COORDINATE0 + textureUnitParams->mTextureUnitState->getTextureCoordSet());

			textureUnitParams->mVSInputTexCoord = vsMain->resolveInputParameter(Parameter::SPS_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 
				Parameter::Content(Parameter::SPC_TEXTURE_COORDINATE0 + textureUnitParams->mTextureUnitState->getTextureCoordSet()),
			if (textureUnitParams->mVSInputTexCoord.get() == NULL)			
				return false;		

			// Resolve vertex normal.
			mVSInputNormal = vsMain->resolveInputParameter(Parameter::SPS_NORMAL, 0, Parameter::SPC_NORMAL_OBJECT_SPACE, GCT_FLOAT3);
			if (mVSInputNormal.get() == NULL)			
				return false;									


			// Resolve vertex normal.
			mVSInputNormal = vsMain->resolveInputParameter(Parameter::SPS_NORMAL, 0, Parameter::SPC_NORMAL_OBJECT_SPACE, GCT_FLOAT3);
			if (mVSInputNormal.get() == NULL)			
				return false;		

			// Resolve vertex position.
			mVSInputPos = vsMain->resolveInputParameter(Parameter::SPS_POSITION, 0, Parameter::SPC_POSITION_OBJECT_SPACE, GCT_FLOAT4);
			if (mVSInputPos.get() == NULL)			
				return false;		

			// Resolve vertex position.
			mVSInputPos = vsMain->resolveInputParameter(Parameter::SPS_POSITION, 0, Parameter::SPC_POSITION_OBJECT_SPACE, GCT_FLOAT4);
			if (mVSInputPos.get() == NULL)			
				return false;		

	// Resolve vs output texture coordinates.
	textureUnitParams->mVSOutputTexCoord = vsMain->resolveOutputParameter(Parameter::SPS_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 

	if (textureUnitParams->mVSOutputTexCoord.get() == NULL)
		return false;

	// Resolve ps input texture coordinates.
	textureUnitParams->mPSInputTexCoord = psMain->resolveInputParameter(Parameter::SPS_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 

	if (textureUnitParams->mPSInputTexCoord.get() == NULL)
		return false;

	const ShaderParameterList& inputParams = psMain->getInputParameters();
	const ShaderParameterList& localParams = psMain->getLocalParameters();

	mPSDiffuse = psMain->getParameterByContent(inputParams, Parameter::SPC_COLOR_DIFFUSE, GCT_FLOAT4);
	if (mPSDiffuse.get() == NULL)
		mPSDiffuse = psMain->getParameterByContent(localParams, Parameter::SPC_COLOR_DIFFUSE, GCT_FLOAT4);
		if (mPSDiffuse.get() == NULL)
			return false;

	mPSSpecular = psMain->getParameterByContent(inputParams, Parameter::SPC_COLOR_SPECULAR, GCT_FLOAT4);
	if (mPSSpecular.get() == NULL)
		mPSSpecular = psMain->getParameterByContent(localParams, Parameter::SPC_COLOR_SPECULAR, GCT_FLOAT4);
		if (mPSSpecular.get() == NULL)
			return false;

	mPSOutDiffuse = psMain->resolveOutputParameter(Parameter::SPS_COLOR, 0, Parameter::SPC_COLOR_DIFFUSE, GCT_FLOAT4);
	if (mPSOutDiffuse.get() == NULL)	
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 29
static bool hasDebugInfo(const Function &F) {
  NamedMDNode *CUNodes = F.getParent()->getNamedMetadata("");
  return CUNodes != nullptr;
Esempio n. 30
/// lowerAcrossUnwindEdges - Find all variables which are alive across an unwind
/// edge and spill them.
void SjLjEHPrepare::lowerAcrossUnwindEdges(Function &F,
                                           ArrayRef<InvokeInst *> Invokes) {
  // Finally, scan the code looking for instructions with bad live ranges.
  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), BBE = F.end(); BB != BBE; ++BB) {
    for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), IIE = BB->end(); II != IIE;
         ++II) {
      // Ignore obvious cases we don't have to handle. In particular, most
      // instructions either have no uses or only have a single use inside the
      // current block. Ignore them quickly.
      Instruction *Inst = II;
      if (Inst->use_empty())
      if (Inst->hasOneUse() &&
          cast<Instruction>(Inst->user_back())->getParent() == BB &&

      // If this is an alloca in the entry block, it's not a real register
      // value.
      if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(Inst))
        if (isa<ConstantInt>(AI->getArraySize()) && BB == F.begin())

      // Avoid iterator invalidation by copying users to a temporary vector.
      SmallVector<Instruction *, 16> Users;
      for (User *U : Inst->users()) {
        Instruction *UI = cast<Instruction>(U);
        if (UI->getParent() != BB || isa<PHINode>(UI))

      // Find all of the blocks that this value is live in.
      SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 64> LiveBBs;
      while (!Users.empty()) {
        Instruction *U = Users.back();

        if (!isa<PHINode>(U)) {
          MarkBlocksLiveIn(U->getParent(), LiveBBs);
        } else {
          // Uses for a PHI node occur in their predecessor block.
          PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(U);
          for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
            if (PN->getIncomingValue(i) == Inst)
              MarkBlocksLiveIn(PN->getIncomingBlock(i), LiveBBs);

      // Now that we know all of the blocks that this thing is live in, see if
      // it includes any of the unwind locations.
      bool NeedsSpill = false;
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Invokes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        BasicBlock *UnwindBlock = Invokes[i]->getUnwindDest();
        if (UnwindBlock != BB && LiveBBs.count(UnwindBlock)) {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "SJLJ Spill: " << *Inst << " around "
                       << UnwindBlock->getName() << "\n");
          NeedsSpill = true;

      // If we decided we need a spill, do it.
      // FIXME: Spilling this way is overkill, as it forces all uses of
      // the value to be reloaded from the stack slot, even those that aren't
      // in the unwind blocks. We should be more selective.
      if (NeedsSpill) {
        DemoteRegToStack(*Inst, true);

  // Go through the landing pads and remove any PHIs there.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Invokes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    BasicBlock *UnwindBlock = Invokes[i]->getUnwindDest();
    LandingPadInst *LPI = UnwindBlock->getLandingPadInst();

    // Place PHIs into a set to avoid invalidating the iterator.
    SmallPtrSet<PHINode *, 8> PHIsToDemote;
    for (BasicBlock::iterator PN = UnwindBlock->begin(); isa<PHINode>(PN); ++PN)
    if (PHIsToDemote.empty())

    // Demote the PHIs to the stack.
    for (SmallPtrSet<PHINode *, 8>::iterator I = PHIsToDemote.begin(),
                                             E = PHIsToDemote.end();
         I != E; ++I)

    // Move the landingpad instruction back to the top of the landing pad block.