Esempio n. 1
void test_recommend_fillmissingvalues()
	// Make some input files
	TempFileMaker tempFile1("a.arff",
		"@RELATION test\n"
		"@ATTRIBUTE a1 { a, b, c }\n"
		"@ATTRIBUTE a2 continuous\n"
		"@ATTRIBUTE a3 { d, e, f }\n"
		"@ATTRIBUTE a4 { g, h, i }\n"
		"a, ?, f, i\n"
		"?, 2, ?, i\n"
		"b, ?, d, ?\n"
		"?, 4, ?, ?\n"
		"?, ?, e, g\n"
		"?, ?, e, ?\n"
		"a, ?, ?, h\n"

	// Execute the command
	GPipe pipeStdOut;
	if(sysExec("waffles_recommend", "fillmissingvalues a.arff baseline", &pipeStdOut) != 0)
		throw Ex("exit status indicates failure");
	char buf[512];
	size_t len =, 512);
	if(len == 512)
		throw Ex("need a bigger buffer");
	buf[len] = '\0';

	// Check the results
	GMatrix M;
	M.parseArff(buf, strlen(buf));
	if(M.rows() != 7 || M.cols() != 4)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[0][0] != 0)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[0][1] != 3)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[1][1] != 2)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[2][1] != 3)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[3][3] != 2)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[4][0] != 0)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[5][1] != 3)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[6][2] != 1)
		throw Ex("failed");
	if(M[6][3] != 1)
		throw Ex("failed");
Esempio n. 2
void test_parsearff_quoting(){
  const char* inputArff=
    "@relation 'squares of numbers'\n"
    "@attribute 'the number' real\n"
    "@attribute 'the square of the number' real\n"
    "@attribute exact {'is exact', inexact,is\\\\\\ exact}\n"
    "1,1,'is exact'\n"
    "2,4,is\\ exact\n"
    "3,9,\"is exact\"\n"
    "4,16,\"is\\ exact\"\n"

  GMatrix M;
  M.parseArff(inputArff, strlen(inputArff));
  double expected_data[5][3]={{1,1,0},{2,4,0},{1.414,2,1},{3,9,0},{4,16,2}};
  const GArffRelation* pRel = (const GArffRelation*)&M.relation();
  const GArffRelation& R = *pRel;

  TestEqual(R.size(), (std::size_t)3, "Incorrect number of attributes");
  for(unsigned row = 0; row < 5; ++row){
    for(unsigned col = 0; col < 3; ++col){
      std::stringstream errdescr;
      errdescr << "Incorrect matrix entry [" << row << "][" << col << "]";
      TestEqual(M[row][col], expected_data[row][col], errdescr.str());
  TestEqual(true, R.areContinuous(0,2),
	      "First or second attribute is not continuous");
  TestEqual(true, R.areNominal(2,1), "Third attribute is not nominal");

   std::stringstream val0, val1, val2;
   R.printAttrValue(val0, 2, 0);
   R.printAttrValue(val1, 2, 1);
   R.printAttrValue(val2, 2, 2);
   TestEqual("'is exact'",val0.str(),
	       "First value of third attribute incorrect name");
	       "Second value of third attribute incorrect name");
   TestEqual("is\\ exact",val2.str(),
	       "Third value of third attribute incorrect name");

  TestEqual("'the number'",R.attrName(0),"First attribute incorrect name");
  TestEqual("'the square of the number'",R.attrName(1),
	      "Second attribute incorrect name");
  TestEqual("exact",R.attrName(2),"Third attribute incorrect name");

Esempio n. 3
void GNaiveBayes_testMath()
	const char* trainFile =
	"@RELATION test\n"
	"@ATTRIBUTE a {t,f}\n"
	"@ATTRIBUTE b {r,g,b}\n"
	"@ATTRIBUTE c {y,n}\n"
	GMatrix train;
	train.parseArff(trainFile, strlen(trainFile));
	GMatrix* pFeatures = train.cloneSub(0, 0, train.rows(), 2);
	std::unique_ptr<GMatrix> hFeatures(pFeatures);
	GMatrix* pLabels = train.cloneSub(0, 2, train.rows(), 1);
	std::unique_ptr<GMatrix> hLabels(pLabels);
	GNaiveBayes nb;
	nb.train(*pFeatures, *pLabels);
	GPrediction out;
	GVec pat(2);
	pat[0] = 0; pat[1] = 0;
	nb.predictDistribution(pat, &out);
	GNaiveBayes_CheckResults(7.0/12.0, 4.0/7.0*3.0/7.0, 5.0/12.0, 2.0/5.0*3.0/5.0, &out);
	pat[0] = 0; pat[1] = 1;
	nb.predictDistribution(pat, &out);
	GNaiveBayes_CheckResults(7.0/12.0, 4.0/7.0*2.0/7.0, 5.0/12.0, 2.0/5.0*2.0/5.0, &out);
	pat[0] = 0; pat[1] = 2;
	nb.predictDistribution(pat, &out);
	GNaiveBayes_CheckResults(7.0/12.0, 4.0/7.0*2.0/7.0, 5.0/12.0, 2.0/5.0*0.0/5.0, &out);
	pat[0] = 1; pat[1] = 0;
	nb.predictDistribution(pat, &out);
	GNaiveBayes_CheckResults(7.0/12.0, 3.0/7.0*3.0/7.0, 5.0/12.0, 3.0/5.0*3.0/5.0, &out);
	pat[0] = 1; pat[1] = 1;
	nb.predictDistribution(pat, &out);
	GNaiveBayes_CheckResults(7.0/12.0, 3.0/7.0*2.0/7.0, 5.0/12.0, 3.0/5.0*2.0/5.0, &out);
	pat[0] = 1; pat[1] = 2;
	nb.predictDistribution(pat, &out);
	GNaiveBayes_CheckResults(7.0/12.0, 3.0/7.0*2.0/7.0, 5.0/12.0, 3.0/5.0*0.0/5.0, &out);