Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
    if (argc < 2){
        printf("Argc number must more than 3");
    if (strcmp("client", argv[1]) == 0){
    }else if (strcmp("server", argv[1]) == 0){
        HashMap* hmap = new HashMap();
        char* key = "a";
        char* value = "This is a";
        hmap->Put(key, value, 1);
        char* answer = (char*)hmap->Get(key, 1, 1);
        printf("%s\n", answer);
//    KVServer* kvServer = new KVServer();
//    kvServer->Start();
//    socketTest();
//    printf("Hello WOrld");
//    KV* kvClient =new KV();
//    testPut(kvClient, "key1", "value1");
//    testPut(kvClient, "This is a Key2", "I am Value2");
//    testGet(kvClient, "key1");
//    testGet(kvClient, "This is a Key2");
Esempio n. 2
// Archive
SecurityContext::Archive(BMessage* archive, bool deep) const
	if (!archive)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;
	status_t error = B_OK;
	ContextLocker _(const_cast<SecurityContext*>(this));

	// users
	int32 userCount = fUsers->Size();
	for (UserMap::Iterator it = fUsers->GetIterator(); it.HasNext();) {
		User* user = it.Next().value;
		BMessage userArchive;
		error = user->Archive(&userArchive, deep);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		error = archive->AddMessage("users", &userArchive);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;

	// shares
	for (ShareMap::Iterator it = fShares->GetIterator(); it.HasNext();) {
		Share* share = it.Next().value;
		BMessage shareArchive;
		error = share->Archive(&shareArchive, deep);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
		error = archive->AddMessage("shares", &shareArchive);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;

	// permissions
	// we slice them per user
	BMessage* tmpUserArchives = new(std::nothrow) BMessage[userCount];
	if (!tmpUserArchives)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	ArrayDeleter<BMessage> deleter(tmpUserArchives);
	HashMap<HashKey32<User*>, BMessage*> userArchives;
	int32 i = 0;
	for (UserMap::Iterator it = fUsers->GetIterator(); it.HasNext();) {
		User* user = it.Next().value;
		error = userArchives.Put(user, tmpUserArchives + i);
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;

	// fill the per user archives
	for (PermissionMap::Iterator it = fPermissions->GetIterator();
		 it.HasNext();) {
		PermissionMap::Entry entry = it.Next();
		BMessage* userArchive = userArchives.Get(entry.key.user);
		error = userArchive->AddInt32(entry.key.path.GetString(),
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;

	// put the user permissions together
	BMessage permissionsArchive;
	for (UserMap::Iterator it = fUsers->GetIterator(); it.HasNext();) {
		User* user = it.Next().value;
		error = permissionsArchive.AddMessage(user->GetName(),
		if (error != B_OK)
			return error;
	error = archive->AddMessage("permissions", &permissionsArchive);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;
	return B_OK;