Esempio n. 1
void KReplaceDialogPrivate::_k_slotOk()
    // If regex and backrefs are enabled, do a sanity check.
    if ( q->KFindDialog::d->regExp->isChecked() && q->KFindDialog::d->backRef->isChecked() )
        QRegExp r ( q->pattern() );
        int caps = r.numCaptures();
        QRegExp check(QString("((?:\\\\)+)(\\d+)"));
        int p = 0;
        QString rep = q->replacement();
        while ( (p = check.indexIn( rep, p ) ) > -1 )
            if ( check.cap(1).length()%2 && check.cap(2).toInt() > caps )
                KMessageBox::information( q, i18n(
                        "Your replacement string is referencing a capture greater than '\\%1', ",  caps ) +
                    ( caps ?
                        i18np("but your pattern only defines 1 capture.",
                             "but your pattern only defines %1 captures.", caps ) :
                        i18n("but your pattern defines no captures.") ) +
                    i18n("\nPlease correct.") );
                return; // abort OKing
            p += check.matchedLength();


Esempio n. 2
void KateSearch::replace()
  if (!doc()->isReadWrite()) return;

  // if multiline selection around, search in it
  long searchf = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags();
  if (m_view->hasSelection() && m_view->selStartLine() != m_view->selEndLine())
    searchf |= KFindDialog::SelectedText;

  KReplaceDialog *replaceDialog = new KReplaceDialog (  m_view, "", searchf,
                                               s_searchList, s_replaceList, m_view->hasSelection() );

  replaceDialog->setPattern (getSearchText());

  if( replaceDialog->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
    long opts = replaceDialog->options();
    m_replacement = replaceDialog->replacement();
    s_searchList = replaceDialog->findHistory () ;
    s_replaceList = replaceDialog->replacementHistory () ;

    // Do *not* remove the TQString() wrapping, it fixes a nasty crash
    replace( TQString(s_searchList.first()), m_replacement, opts );

  delete replaceDialog;
  m_view->update ();