void LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateNames() { LLParcel* parcelp = mParcel->getParcel(); if (!parcelp) { mParcelSellerName = LLStringUtil::null; return; } if (mIsClaim) { mParcelSellerName = "Linden Lab"; } else if (parcelp->getIsGroupOwned()) { gCacheName->get(parcelp->getGroupID(), TRUE, boost::bind(&LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateGroupName, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); } else { mParcelSellerName = LLSLURL::buildCommand("agent", parcelp->getOwnerID(), "inspect"); } }
void LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateNames() { LLParcel* parcelp = mParcel->getParcel(); if (!parcelp) { mParcelSellerName = LLStringUtil::null; return; } if (mIsClaim) { mParcelSellerName = "Linden Lab"; } else if (parcelp->getIsGroupOwned()) { gCacheName->getGroup(parcelp->getGroupID(), boost::bind(&LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateGroupName, this, _1, _2, _3)); } else { mParcelSellerName = LLSLURL("agent", parcelp->getOwnerID(), "completename").getSLURLString(); } }
void LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateNames() { LLParcel* parcelp = mParcel->getParcel(); if (!parcelp) { mParcelSellerName = LLStringUtil::null; return; } if (mIsClaim) { mParcelSellerName = "Linden Lab"; } else if (parcelp->getIsGroupOwned()) { mParcelSellerName = "(Loading...)"; gCacheName->getGroup(parcelp->getGroupID(), boost::bind(&LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateName, this, _1, _2, _3)); } else { mParcelSellerName = "(Loading...)"; gCacheName->get(parcelp->getOwnerID(), false, boost::bind(&LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateName, this, _1, _2, _3)); } }
void LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateName(const LLUUID& id, const std::string& name, bool is_group) { LLParcel* parcelp = mParcel->getParcel(); if (parcelp && (is_group ? parcelp->getGroupID() : parcelp->getOwnerID()) == id) { // request is current mParcelSellerName = name; } }
void LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateNames() { LLParcel* parcelp = mParcel->getParcel(); if (!parcelp) { mParcelSellerName = LLStringUtil::null; return; } if (mIsClaim) { mParcelSellerName = "Linden Lab"; } else if (parcelp->getIsGroupOwned()) { gCacheName->getGroupName(parcelp->getGroupID(), mParcelSellerName); } else { gCacheName->getFullName(parcelp->getOwnerID(), mParcelSellerName); } }
void LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateNames() { LLParcel* parcelp = mParcel->getParcel(); if (!parcelp) { mParcelSellerName = LLStringUtil::null; return; } if (mIsClaim) { // TODO: this should be in xml. Silly LL -- MC mParcelSellerName = "InWorldz"; } else if (parcelp->getIsGroupOwned()) { gCacheName->getGroupName(parcelp->getGroupID(), mParcelSellerName); } else { gCacheName->getFullName(parcelp->getOwnerID(), mParcelSellerName); } }
void LLFloaterBuyLandUI::updateParcelInfo() { LLParcel* parcel = mParcel->getParcel(); mParcelValid = parcel && mRegion; mParcelIsForSale = false; mParcelIsGroupLand = false; mParcelGroupContribution = 0; mParcelPrice = 0; mParcelActualArea = 0; mParcelBillableArea = 0; mParcelSupportedObjects = 0; mParcelSoldWithObjects = false; mParcelLocation = ""; mParcelSnapshot.setNull(); mParcelSellerName = ""; mCanBuy = false; mCannotBuyIsError = false; if (!mParcelValid) { mCannotBuyReason = getString("no_land_selected"); return; } if (mParcel->getMultipleOwners()) { mCannotBuyReason = getString("multiple_parcels_selected"); return; } const LLUUID& parcelOwner = parcel->getOwnerID(); mIsClaim = parcel->isPublic(); if (!mIsClaim) { mParcelActualArea = parcel->getArea(); mParcelIsForSale = parcel->getForSale(); mParcelIsGroupLand = parcel->getIsGroupOwned(); mParcelPrice = mParcelIsForSale ? parcel->getSalePrice() : 0; if (mParcelIsGroupLand) { LLUUID group_id = parcel->getGroupID(); mParcelGroupContribution = gAgent.getGroupContribution(group_id); } } else { mParcelActualArea = mParcel->getClaimableArea(); mParcelIsForSale = true; mParcelPrice = mParcelActualArea * parcel->getClaimPricePerMeter(); } mParcelBillableArea = llround(mRegion->getBillableFactor() * mParcelActualArea); mParcelSupportedObjects = llround( parcel->getMaxPrimCapacity() * parcel->getParcelPrimBonus()); // Can't have more than region max tasks, regardless of parcel // object bonus factor. LLViewerRegion* region = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getSelectionRegion(); if(region) { S32 max_tasks_per_region = (S32)region->getMaxTasks(); mParcelSupportedObjects = llmin( mParcelSupportedObjects, max_tasks_per_region); } mParcelSoldWithObjects = parcel->getSellWithObjects(); LLVector3 center = parcel->getCenterpoint(); mParcelLocation = llformat("%s %d,%d", mRegion->getName().c_str(), (int)center[VX], (int)center[VY] ); mParcelSnapshot = parcel->getSnapshotID(); updateNames(); bool haveEnoughCash = mParcelPrice <= mAgentCashBalance; S32 cashBuy = haveEnoughCash ? 0 : (mParcelPrice - mAgentCashBalance); mCurrency.setAmount(cashBuy, true); mCurrency.setZeroMessage(haveEnoughCash ? getString("none_needed") : LLStringUtil::null); // checks that we can buy the land if(mIsForGroup && !gAgent.hasPowerInActiveGroup(GP_LAND_DEED)) { mCannotBuyReason = getString("cant_buy_for_group"); return; } if (!mIsClaim) { const LLUUID& authorizedBuyer = parcel->getAuthorizedBuyerID(); const LLUUID buyer = gAgent.getID(); const LLUUID newOwner = mIsForGroup ? gAgent.getGroupID() : buyer; if (!mParcelIsForSale || (mParcelPrice == 0 && authorizedBuyer.isNull())) { mCannotBuyReason = getString("parcel_not_for_sale"); return; } if (parcelOwner == newOwner) { if (mIsForGroup) { mCannotBuyReason = getString("group_already_owns"); } else { mCannotBuyReason = getString("you_already_own"); } return; } if (!authorizedBuyer.isNull() && buyer != authorizedBuyer) { // Maybe the parcel is set for sale to a group we are in. bool authorized_group = gAgent.hasPowerInGroup(authorizedBuyer,GP_LAND_DEED) && gAgent.hasPowerInGroup(authorizedBuyer,GP_LAND_SET_SALE_INFO); if (!authorized_group) { mCannotBuyReason = getString("set_to_sell_to_other"); return; } } } else { if (mParcelActualArea == 0) { mCannotBuyReason = getString("no_public_land"); return; } if (mParcel->hasOthersSelected()) { // Policy: Must not have someone else's land selected mCannotBuyReason = getString("not_owned_by_you"); return; } } mCanBuy = true; }
void LLXmlImport::rez_supply() { if(sImportInProgress && sXmlImportOptions && (sPrimsNeeded > 0)) { sPrimsNeeded--; //group LLUUID group_id = gAgent.getGroupID(); LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AscentAlwaysRezInGroup")) { if (gAgent.isInGroup(parcel->getGroupID())) { group_id = parcel->getGroupID(); } else if (gAgent.isInGroup(parcel->getOwnerID())) { group_id = parcel->getOwnerID(); } } else if (gAgent.hasPowerInGroup(parcel->getGroupID(), GP_LAND_ALLOW_CREATE) && !parcel->getIsGroupOwned()) { group_id = parcel->getGroupID(); } // Need moar prims if(sXmlImportOptions->mSupplier == NULL) { gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_ObjectAdd); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupID, group_id); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PCode, 9); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Material, LL_MCODE_WOOD); gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_AddFlags, FLAGS_CREATE_SELECTED); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PathCurve, 16); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_ProfileCurve, 1); gMessageSystem->addU16Fast(_PREHASH_PathBegin, 0); gMessageSystem->addU16Fast(_PREHASH_PathEnd, 0); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PathScaleX, 100); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PathScaleY, 100); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PathShearX, 0); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PathShearY, 0); gMessageSystem->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_PathTwist, 0); gMessageSystem->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_PathTwistBegin, 0); gMessageSystem->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_PathRadiusOffset, 0); gMessageSystem->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_PathTaperX, 0); gMessageSystem->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_PathTaperY, 0); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PathRevolutions, 0); gMessageSystem->addS8Fast(_PREHASH_PathSkew, 0); gMessageSystem->addU16Fast(_PREHASH_ProfileBegin, 0); gMessageSystem->addU16Fast(_PREHASH_ProfileEnd, 0); gMessageSystem->addU16Fast(_PREHASH_ProfileHollow, 0); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_BypassRaycast, 1); LLVector3 rezpos = gAgent.getPositionAgent() + LLVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_RayStart, rezpos); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_RayEnd, rezpos); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_RayTargetID, LLUUID::null); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_RayEndIsIntersection, 0); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Scale, sSupplyParams->getScale()); gMessageSystem->addQuatFast(_PREHASH_Rotation, LLQuaternion::DEFAULT); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_State, 0); gMessageSystem->sendReliable(gAgent.getRegionHost()); } else // have supplier { gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_ObjectDuplicate); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupID, group_id); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_SharedData); LLVector3 rezpos = gAgent.getPositionAgent() + LLVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f); rezpos -= sSupplyParams->getPositionRegion(); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Offset, rezpos); gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_DuplicateFlags, FLAGS_CREATE_SELECTED); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData); gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ObjectLocalID, sXmlImportOptions->mSupplier->getLocalID()); gMessageSystem->sendReliable(gAgent.getRegionHost()); } LLFloaterImportProgress::update(); } }
// public void LLPanelLandInfo::refresh() { LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getParcelSelection()->getParcel(); LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getSelectionRegion(); if (!parcel || !regionp) { // nothing selected, disable panel childSetVisible("label_area_price",false); childSetVisible("label_area",false); //mTextPrice->setText(LLStringUtil::null); childSetText("textbox price",LLStringUtil::null); childSetEnabled("button buy land",FALSE); childSetEnabled("button abandon land",FALSE); childSetEnabled("button subdivide land",FALSE); childSetEnabled("button join land",FALSE); childSetEnabled("button about land",FALSE); } else { // something selected, hooray! const LLUUID& owner_id = parcel->getOwnerID(); const LLUUID& auth_buyer_id = parcel->getAuthorizedBuyerID(); BOOL is_public = parcel->isPublic(); BOOL is_for_sale = parcel->getForSale() && ((parcel->getSalePrice() > 0) || (auth_buyer_id.notNull())); BOOL can_buy = (is_for_sale && (owner_id != gAgent.getID()) && ((gAgent.getID() == auth_buyer_id) || (auth_buyer_id.isNull()))); if (is_public && !LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getParcelSelection()->getMultipleOwners()) { getChildView("button buy land")->setEnabled(TRUE); } else { getChildView("button buy land")->setEnabled(can_buy); } BOOL owner_release = LLViewerParcelMgr::isParcelOwnedByAgent(parcel, GP_LAND_RELEASE); BOOL owner_divide = LLViewerParcelMgr::isParcelOwnedByAgent(parcel, GP_LAND_DIVIDE_JOIN); BOOL manager_releaseable = ( gAgent.canManageEstate() && (parcel->getOwnerID() == regionp->getOwner()) ); BOOL manager_divideable = ( gAgent.canManageEstate() && ((parcel->getOwnerID() == regionp->getOwner()) || owner_divide) ); childSetEnabled("button abandon land",owner_release || manager_releaseable || gAgent.isGodlike()); // only mainland sims are subdividable by owner if (regionp->getRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_ALLOW_PARCEL_CHANGES)) { childSetEnabled("button subdivide land",owner_divide || manager_divideable || gAgent.isGodlike()); } else { childSetEnabled("button subdivide land",manager_divideable || gAgent.isGodlike()); } // To join land, must have something selected, // not just a single unit of land, // you must own part of it, // and it must not be a whole parcel. if (LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getSelectedArea() > PARCEL_UNIT_AREA //&& LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getSelfCount() > 1 && !LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getParcelSelection()->getWholeParcelSelected()) { childSetEnabled("button join land",TRUE); } else { lldebugs << "Invalid selection for joining land" << llendl; childSetEnabled("button join land",FALSE); } childSetEnabled("button about land",TRUE); // show pricing information S32 area; S32 claim_price; S32 rent_price; BOOL for_sale; F32 dwell; LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getDisplayInfo(&area, &claim_price, &rent_price, &for_sale, &dwell); if(is_public || (is_for_sale && LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getParcelSelection()->getWholeParcelSelected())) { childSetTextArg("label_area_price","[CURRENCY]", gHippoGridManager->getConnectedGrid()->getCurrencySymbol()); childSetTextArg("label_area_price","[PRICE]", llformat("%d",claim_price)); childSetTextArg("label_area_price","[AREA]", llformat("%d",area)); childSetVisible("label_area_price",true); childSetVisible("label_area",false); } else { childSetVisible("label_area_price",false); childSetTextArg("label_area","[AREA]", llformat("%d",area)); childSetVisible("label_area",true); } } }
// Per-frame updates of visibility void LLStatusBar::refresh() { if(gDisconnected) return; //or crash if the sim crashes; because: already ~LLMenuBarGL() // Adding Net Stat Meter back in F32 bwtotal = gViewerThrottle.getMaxBandwidth() / 1000.f; mSGBandwidth->setMin(0.f); mSGBandwidth->setMax(bwtotal*1.25f); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(0, bwtotal*0.75f); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(1, bwtotal); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(2, bwtotal); // Let's not have to reformat time everywhere, shall we? -- MC gViewerTime->refresh(); mTextTime->setText(gViewerTime->getCurTimeStr()); mTextTime->setToolTip(gViewerTime->getCurDateStr()); LLRect r; const S32 MENU_RIGHT = gMenuBarView->getRightmostMenuEdge(); S32 x = MENU_RIGHT + MENU_PARCEL_SPACING; S32 y = 0; bool search_visible = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowSearchBar"); // reshape menu bar to its content's width if (MENU_RIGHT != gMenuBarView->getRect().getWidth()) { gMenuBarView->reshape(MENU_RIGHT, gMenuBarView->getRect().getHeight()); } LLViewerRegion *region = gAgent.getRegion(); LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); LLRect buttonRect; if (LLHUDIcon::iconsNearby()) { childGetRect( "scriptout", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect("scriptout",r); childSetVisible("scriptout", true); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("scriptout", false); } if ((region && region->getAllowDamage()) || (parcel && parcel->getAllowDamage()) ) { // set visibility based on flashing if( mHealthTimer->hasExpired() ) { childSetVisible("health", true); } else { BOOL flash = S32(mHealthTimer->getElapsedSeconds() * ICON_FLASH_FREQUENCY) & 1; childSetVisible("health", flash); } mTextHealth->setVisible(TRUE); // Health childGetRect( "health", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect("health", r); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); const S32 health_width = S32( LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall()->getWidth(std::string("100%")) ); r.set(x, y+TEXT_HEIGHT - 2, x+health_width, y); mTextHealth->setRect(r); x += health_width; } else { // invisible if region doesn't allow damage childSetVisible("health", false); mTextHealth->setVisible(FALSE); } if ((region && region->getBlockFly()) || (parcel && !parcel->getAllowFly()) ) { // No Fly Zone childGetRect( "no_fly", buttonRect ); childSetVisible( "no_fly", true ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_fly", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { // Fly Zone childSetVisible("no_fly", false); } BOOL no_build = parcel && !parcel->getAllowModify(); if (no_build) { childSetVisible("no_build", TRUE); childGetRect( "no_build", buttonRect ); // No Build Zone r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_build", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("no_build", FALSE); } BOOL no_scripts = FALSE; if((region && ((region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_SKIP_SCRIPTS) || (region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_ESTATE_SKIP_SCRIPTS))) || (parcel && !parcel->getAllowOtherScripts())) { no_scripts = TRUE; } if (no_scripts) { // No scripts childSetVisible("no_scripts", TRUE); childGetRect( "no_scripts", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_scripts", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { // Yes scripts childSetVisible("no_scripts", FALSE); } BOOL no_region_push = (region && region->getRestrictPushObject()); BOOL no_push = no_region_push || (parcel && parcel->getRestrictPushObject()); if (no_push) { childSetVisible("restrictpush", TRUE); childGetRect( "restrictpush", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "restrictpush", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("restrictpush", FALSE); } BOOL have_voice = parcel && parcel->getParcelFlagAllowVoice(); if (have_voice) { childSetVisible("status_no_voice", FALSE); } else { childSetVisible("status_no_voice", TRUE); childGetRect( "status_no_voice", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "status_no_voice", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } // TODO: disable buy land button when connected to non-SL grids // that don't support currency. // TODO: make this brandable -- MC BOOL canBuyLand = parcel && !parcel->isPublic() && LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->canAgentBuyParcel(parcel, false); childSetVisible("buyland", canBuyLand); if (canBuyLand) { //HACK: layout tweak until this is all xml x += 9; childGetRect( "buyland", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "buyland", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } std::string location_name; if (region) { const LLVector3& agent_pos_region = gAgent.getPositionAgent(); S32 pos_x = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VX] ); S32 pos_y = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VY] ); S32 pos_z = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VZ] ); // Round the numbers based on the velocity LLVector3 agent_velocity = gAgent.getVelocity(); F32 velocity_mag_sq = agent_velocity.magVecSquared(); const F32 FLY_CUTOFF = 6.f; // meters/sec const F32 FLY_CUTOFF_SQ = FLY_CUTOFF * FLY_CUTOFF; const F32 WALK_CUTOFF = 1.5f; // meters/sec const F32 WALK_CUTOFF_SQ = WALK_CUTOFF * WALK_CUTOFF; if (velocity_mag_sq > FLY_CUTOFF_SQ) { pos_x -= pos_x % 4; pos_y -= pos_y % 4; } else if (velocity_mag_sq > WALK_CUTOFF_SQ) { pos_x -= pos_x % 2; pos_y -= pos_y % 2; } mRegionDetails.mTime = mTextTime->getText(); mRegionDetails.mBalance = mBalance; mRegionDetails.mAccessString = region->getSimAccessString(); mRegionDetails.mPing = region->getNetDetailsForLCD(); if (parcel) { location_name = region->getName() + llformat(" %d, %d, %d (%s) - %s", pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, region->getSimAccessString().c_str(), parcel->getName().c_str()); // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = region->getName(); mRegionDetails.mParcelName = parcel->getName(); mRegionDetails.mX = pos_x; mRegionDetails.mY = pos_y; mRegionDetails.mZ = pos_z; mRegionDetails.mArea = parcel->getArea(); mRegionDetails.mForSale = parcel->getForSale(); mRegionDetails.mTraffic = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getDwelling(); if (parcel->isPublic()) { mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Public"; } else { if (parcel->getIsGroupOwned()) { if(!parcel->getGroupID().isNull()) { gCacheName->getGroupName(parcel->getGroupID(), mRegionDetails.mOwner); } else { mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Group Owned"; } } else { // Figure out the owner's name gCacheName->getFullName(parcel->getOwnerID(), mRegionDetails.mOwner); } } } else { location_name = region->getName() + llformat(" %d, %d, %d (%s)", pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, region->getSimAccessString().c_str()); // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = region->getName(); mRegionDetails.mParcelName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mX = pos_x; mRegionDetails.mY = pos_y; mRegionDetails.mZ = pos_z; mRegionDetails.mArea = 0; mRegionDetails.mForSale = FALSE; mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mTraffic = 0.0f; } } else { // no region location_name = "(Unknown)"; // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mParcelName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mAccessString = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mX = 0; mRegionDetails.mY = 0; mRegionDetails.mZ = 0; mRegionDetails.mArea = 0; mRegionDetails.mForSale = FALSE; mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mTraffic = 0.0f; } // [RLVa:KB] - Checked: 2009-07-04 (RLVa-1.0.0a) | Modified: RLVa-1.0.0a if ( (region) && (gRlvHandler.hasBehaviour(RLV_BHVR_SHOWLOC)) ) // region == NULL if we loose our connection to the grid { // TODO-RLVa: find out whether the LCD code is still used because if so then we need to filter that as well location_name = llformat("%s (%s) - %s", rlv_handler_t::cstrHiddenRegion.c_str(), region->getSimAccessString().c_str(), rlv_handler_t::cstrHidden.c_str()); } // [/RLVa:KB] mTextParcelName->setText(location_name); // x = right edge // loop through: stat graphs, search btn, search text editor, money, buy money, clock // adjust rect // finally adjust parcel name rect S32 new_right = getRect().getWidth(); if (search_visible) { childGetRect("search_btn", r); //r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); //childSetRect("search_btn", r); new_right -= r.getWidth(); childGetRect("search_editor", r); //r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); //childSetRect("search_editor", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; } else { childGetRect("stat_btn", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("stat_btn", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; } // Set rects of money, buy money, time childGetRect("BalanceText", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("BalanceText", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() - 18; childGetRect("buycurrency", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("buycurrency", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; // Don't toggle this visibility while in mouselook -- MC if (!gAgent.cameraMouselook()) { // Set search bar visibility childSetVisible("search_editor", search_visible); childSetVisible("search_btn", search_visible); childSetVisible("menubar_search_bevel_bg", search_visible); mSGBandwidth->setVisible(! search_visible); mSGPacketLoss->setVisible(! search_visible); childSetEnabled("stat_btn", ! search_visible); } childGetRect("TimeText", r); // mTextTime->getTextPixelWidth(); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("TimeText", r); // new_right -= r.getWidth() + MENU_PARCEL_SPACING; // Adjust region name and parcel name x += 8; const S32 PARCEL_RIGHT = llmin(mTextTime->getRect().mLeft, mTextParcelName->getTextPixelWidth() + x + 5); r.set(x+4, getRect().getHeight() - 2, PARCEL_RIGHT, 0); mTextParcelName->setRect(r); }
BOOL LLToolPlacer::addObject( LLPCode pcode, S32 x, S32 y, U8 use_physics ) { LLVector3 ray_start_region; LLVector3 ray_end_region; LLViewerRegion* regionp = NULL; BOOL b_hit_land = FALSE; S32 hit_face = -1; LLViewerObject* hit_obj = NULL; U8 state = 0; BOOL success = raycastForNewObjPos( x, y, &hit_obj, &hit_face, &b_hit_land, &ray_start_region, &ray_end_region, ®ionp ); if( !success ) { return FALSE; } if( hit_obj && (hit_obj->isAvatar() || hit_obj->isAttachment()) ) { // Can't create objects on avatars or attachments return FALSE; } if (NULL == regionp) { llwarns << "regionp was NULL; aborting function." << llendl; return FALSE; } if (regionp->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_SANDBOX) { LLFirstUse::useSandbox(); } // Set params for new object based on its PCode. LLQuaternion rotation; LLVector3 scale = DEFAULT_OBJECT_SCALE; U8 material = LL_MCODE_WOOD; BOOL create_selected = FALSE; LLVolumeParams volume_params; switch (pcode) { case LL_PCODE_LEGACY_GRASS: // Randomize size of grass patch scale.setVec(10.f + ll_frand(20.f), 10.f + ll_frand(20.f), 1.f + ll_frand(2.f)); state = getTreeGrassSpecies(LLVOGrass::sSpeciesNames, "LastGrass", LLVOGrass::sMaxGrassSpecies); break; case LL_PCODE_LEGACY_TREE: case LL_PCODE_TREE_NEW: state = getTreeGrassSpecies(LLVOTree::sSpeciesNames, "LastTree", LLVOTree::sMaxTreeSpecies); break; case LL_PCODE_SPHERE: case LL_PCODE_CONE: case LL_PCODE_CUBE: case LL_PCODE_CYLINDER: case LL_PCODE_TORUS: case LLViewerObject::LL_VO_SQUARE_TORUS: case LLViewerObject::LL_VO_TRIANGLE_TORUS: default: create_selected = TRUE; break; } // Play creation sound if (gAudiop) { gAudiop->triggerSound( LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("UISndObjectCreate")), gAgent.getID(), 1.0f, LLAudioEngine::AUDIO_TYPE_UI); } gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_ObjectAdd); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); // Alway rez objects as land group if available. if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AscentAlwaysRezInGroup")) { LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); if(gAgent.isInGroup(parcel->getGroupID())) gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupID, parcel->getGroupID()); else if(gAgent.isInGroup(parcel->getOwnerID())) gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupID, parcel->getOwnerID()); else gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupID, gAgent.getGroupID()); } else gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupID, gAgent.getGroupID()); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Material, material); U32 flags = 0; // not selected if (use_physics) { flags |= FLAGS_USE_PHYSICS; } //if (create_selected) // [RLVa:KB] - Checked: 2009-07-04 (RLVa-1.0.0b) | Added: RLVa-1.0.0b if ( (create_selected) && (!gRlvHandler.hasBehaviour(RLV_BHVR_EDIT)) ) // [/RLVa:KB] { flags |= FLAGS_CREATE_SELECTED; } gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_AddFlags, flags ); LLPCode volume_pcode; // ...PCODE_VOLUME, or the original on error switch (pcode) { case LL_PCODE_SPHERE: rotation.setQuat(90.f * DEG_TO_RAD, LLVector3::y_axis); volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_TORUS: rotation.setQuat(90.f * DEG_TO_RAD, LLVector3::y_axis); volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1.f, 0.25f ); // "top size" volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LLViewerObject::LL_VO_SQUARE_TORUS: rotation.setQuat(90.f * DEG_TO_RAD, LLVector3::y_axis); volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1.f, 0.25f ); // "top size" volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LLViewerObject::LL_VO_TRIANGLE_TORUS: rotation.setQuat(90.f * DEG_TO_RAD, LLVector3::y_axis); volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_EQUALTRI, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1.f, 0.25f ); // "top size" volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_SPHERE_HEMI: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF, LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE ); //volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.5f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 0.5f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CUBE: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_PRISM: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( -0.5f, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_PYRAMID: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_TETRAHEDRON: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_EQUALTRI, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CYLINDER: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CYLINDER_HEMI: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.25f, 0.75f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 1, 1 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CONE: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; case LL_PCODE_CONE_HEMI: volume_params.setType( LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS( 0.25f, 0.75f ); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT( 0.f, 1.f ); volume_params.setRatio ( 0, 0 ); volume_params.setShear ( 0, 0 ); LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&volume_params, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = LL_PCODE_VOLUME; break; default: LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(0, gMessageSystem); volume_pcode = pcode; break; } gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_PCode, volume_pcode); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Scale, scale ); gMessageSystem->addQuatFast(_PREHASH_Rotation, rotation ); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_RayStart, ray_start_region ); gMessageSystem->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_RayEnd, ray_end_region ); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_BypassRaycast, (U8)b_hit_land ); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_RayEndIsIntersection, (U8)FALSE ); gMessageSystem->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_State, state); // Limit raycast to a single object. // Speeds up server raycast + avoid problems with server ray hitting objects // that were clipped by the near plane or culled on the viewer. LLUUID ray_target_id; if( hit_obj ) { ray_target_id = hit_obj->getID(); } else { ray_target_id.setNull(); } gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_RayTargetID, ray_target_id ); // Pack in name value pairs gMessageSystem->sendReliable(regionp->getHost()); // Spawns a message, so must be after above send if (create_selected) { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->deselectAll(); gViewerWindow->getWindow()->incBusyCount(); } // VEFFECT: AddObject LLHUDEffectSpiral *effectp = (LLHUDEffectSpiral *)LLHUDManager::getInstance()->createViewerEffect(LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_EFFECT_BEAM, TRUE); effectp->setSourceObject((LLViewerObject*)gAgentAvatarp); effectp->setPositionGlobal(regionp->getPosGlobalFromRegion(ray_end_region)); effectp->setDuration(LL_HUD_DUR_SHORT); effectp->setColor(LLColor4U(gAgent.getEffectColor())); LLViewerStats::getInstance()->incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_CREATE_COUNT); return TRUE; }
// Per-frame updates of visibility void LLStatusBar::refresh() { // Adding Net Stat Meter back in F32 bwtotal = gViewerThrottle.getMaxBandwidth() / 1000.f; mSGBandwidth->setMin(0.f); mSGBandwidth->setMax(bwtotal*1.25f); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(0, bwtotal*0.75f); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(1, bwtotal); mSGBandwidth->setThreshold(2, bwtotal); // *TODO: Localize / translate time // Get current UTC time, adjusted for the user's clock // being off. time_t utc_time; utc_time = time_corrected(); // There's only one internal tm buffer. struct tm* internal_time; // Convert to Pacific, based on server's opinion of whether // it's daylight savings time there. internal_time = utc_to_pacific_time(utc_time, gPacificDaylightTime); S32 hour = internal_time->tm_hour; S32 min = internal_time->tm_min; std::string am_pm = "AM"; if (hour > 11) { hour -= 12; am_pm = "PM"; } std::string tz = "PST"; if (gPacificDaylightTime) { tz = "PDT"; } // Zero hour is 12 AM if (hour == 0) hour = 12; std::ostringstream t; t << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(2) << hour << ":" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << min << " " << am_pm << " " << tz; mTextTime->setText(t.str()); // Year starts at 1900, set the tooltip to have the date std::ostringstream date; date << sDays[internal_time->tm_wday] << ", " << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << internal_time->tm_mday << " " << sMonths[internal_time->tm_mon] << " " << internal_time->tm_year + 1900; mTextTime->setToolTip(date.str()); LLRect r; const S32 MENU_RIGHT = gMenuBarView->getRightmostMenuEdge(); S32 x = MENU_RIGHT + MENU_PARCEL_SPACING; S32 y = 0; bool search_visible = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowSearchBar"); // reshape menu bar to its content's width if (MENU_RIGHT != gMenuBarView->getRect().getWidth()) { gMenuBarView->reshape(MENU_RIGHT, gMenuBarView->getRect().getHeight()); } LLViewerRegion *region = gAgent.getRegion(); LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); LLRect buttonRect; if (LLHUDIcon::iconsNearby()) { childGetRect( "scriptout", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect("scriptout",r); childSetVisible("scriptout", true); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("scriptout", false); } if ((region && region->getAllowDamage()) || (parcel && parcel->getAllowDamage()) ) { // set visibility based on flashing if( mHealthTimer->hasExpired() ) { childSetVisible("health", true); } else { BOOL flash = S32(mHealthTimer->getElapsedSeconds() * ICON_FLASH_FREQUENCY) & 1; childSetVisible("health", flash); } mTextHealth->setVisible(TRUE); // Health childGetRect( "health", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect("health", r); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); const S32 health_width = S32( LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall()->getWidth(std::string("100%")) ); r.set(x, y+TEXT_HEIGHT - 2, x+health_width, y); mTextHealth->setRect(r); x += health_width; } else { // invisible if region doesn't allow damage childSetVisible("health", false); mTextHealth->setVisible(FALSE); } if ((region && region->getBlockFly()) || (parcel && !parcel->getAllowFly()) ) { // No Fly Zone childGetRect( "no_fly", buttonRect ); childSetVisible( "no_fly", true ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_fly", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { // Fly Zone childSetVisible("no_fly", false); } BOOL no_build = parcel && !parcel->getAllowModify(); if (no_build) { childSetVisible("no_build", TRUE); childGetRect( "no_build", buttonRect ); // No Build Zone r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_build", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("no_build", FALSE); } BOOL no_scripts = FALSE; if((region && ((region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_SKIP_SCRIPTS) || (region->getRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAGS_ESTATE_SKIP_SCRIPTS))) || (parcel && !parcel->getAllowOtherScripts())) { no_scripts = TRUE; } if (no_scripts) { // No scripts childSetVisible("no_scripts", TRUE); childGetRect( "no_scripts", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "no_scripts", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { // Yes scripts childSetVisible("no_scripts", FALSE); } BOOL no_region_push = (region && region->getRestrictPushObject()); BOOL no_push = no_region_push || (parcel && parcel->getRestrictPushObject()); if (no_push) { childSetVisible("restrictpush", TRUE); childGetRect( "restrictpush", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "restrictpush", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } else { childSetVisible("restrictpush", FALSE); } BOOL have_voice = parcel && parcel->getParcelFlagAllowVoice(); if (have_voice) { childSetVisible("status_no_voice", FALSE); } else { childSetVisible("status_no_voice", TRUE); childGetRect( "status_no_voice", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "status_no_voice", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } BOOL canBuyLand = parcel && !parcel->isPublic() && LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->canAgentBuyParcel(parcel, false); childSetVisible("buyland", canBuyLand); if (canBuyLand) { //HACK: layout tweak until this is all xml x += 9; childGetRect( "buyland", buttonRect ); r.setOriginAndSize( x, y, buttonRect.getWidth(), buttonRect.getHeight()); childSetRect( "buyland", r ); x += buttonRect.getWidth(); } std::string location_name; if (region) { const LLVector3& agent_pos_region = gAgent.getPositionAgent(); S32 pos_x = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VX] ); S32 pos_y = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VY] ); S32 pos_z = lltrunc( agent_pos_region.mV[VZ] ); // Round the numbers based on the velocity LLVector3 agent_velocity = gAgent.getVelocity(); F32 velocity_mag_sq = agent_velocity.magVecSquared(); const F32 FLY_CUTOFF = 6.f; // meters/sec const F32 FLY_CUTOFF_SQ = FLY_CUTOFF * FLY_CUTOFF; const F32 WALK_CUTOFF = 1.5f; // meters/sec const F32 WALK_CUTOFF_SQ = WALK_CUTOFF * WALK_CUTOFF; if (velocity_mag_sq > FLY_CUTOFF_SQ) { pos_x -= pos_x % 4; pos_y -= pos_y % 4; } else if (velocity_mag_sq > WALK_CUTOFF_SQ) { pos_x -= pos_x % 2; pos_y -= pos_y % 2; } mRegionDetails.mTime = mTextTime->getText(); mRegionDetails.mBalance = mBalance; mRegionDetails.mAccessString = region->getSimAccessString(); mRegionDetails.mPing = region->getNetDetailsForLCD(); if (parcel) { location_name = region->getName() + llformat(" %d, %d, %d (%s) - %s", pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, region->getSimAccessString().c_str(), parcel->getName().c_str()); // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = region->getName(); mRegionDetails.mParcelName = parcel->getName(); mRegionDetails.mX = pos_x; mRegionDetails.mY = pos_y; mRegionDetails.mZ = pos_z; mRegionDetails.mArea = parcel->getArea(); mRegionDetails.mForSale = parcel->getForSale(); mRegionDetails.mTraffic = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getDwelling(); if (parcel->isPublic()) { mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Public"; } else { if (parcel->getIsGroupOwned()) { if(!parcel->getGroupID().isNull()) { gCacheName->getGroupName(parcel->getGroupID(), mRegionDetails.mOwner); } else { mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Group Owned"; } } else { // Figure out the owner's name gCacheName->getFullName(parcel->getOwnerID(), mRegionDetails.mOwner); } } } else { location_name = region->getName() + llformat(" %d, %d, %d (%s)", pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, region->getSimAccessString().c_str()); // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = region->getName(); mRegionDetails.mParcelName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mX = pos_x; mRegionDetails.mY = pos_y; mRegionDetails.mZ = pos_z; mRegionDetails.mArea = 0; mRegionDetails.mForSale = FALSE; mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mTraffic = 0.0f; } } else { // no region location_name = "(Unknown)"; // keep these around for the LCD to use mRegionDetails.mRegionName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mParcelName = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mAccessString = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mX = 0; mRegionDetails.mY = 0; mRegionDetails.mZ = 0; mRegionDetails.mArea = 0; mRegionDetails.mForSale = FALSE; mRegionDetails.mOwner = "Unknown"; mRegionDetails.mTraffic = 0.0f; } // [RLVa:KB] - Checked: 2009-07-04 (RLVa-1.0.0a) | Modified: RLVa-1.0.0a if ( (region) && (gRlvHandler.hasBehaviour(RLV_BHVR_SHOWLOC)) ) // region == NULL if we loose our connection to the grid { // TODO-RLVa: find out whether the LCD code is still used because if so then we need to filter that as well location_name = llformat("%s (%s) - %s", rlv_handler_t::cstrHiddenRegion.c_str(), region->getSimAccessString().c_str(), rlv_handler_t::cstrHidden.c_str()); } // [/RLVa:KB] mTextParcelName->setText(location_name); // x = right edge // loop through: stat graphs, search btn, search text editor, money, buy money, clock // adjust rect // finally adjust parcel name rect S32 new_right = getRect().getWidth(); if (search_visible) { childGetRect("search_btn", r); //r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); //childSetRect("search_btn", r); new_right -= r.getWidth(); childGetRect("search_editor", r); //r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); //childSetRect("search_editor", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; } else { childGetRect("stat_btn", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("stat_btn", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; } // Set rects of money, buy money, time childGetRect("BalanceText", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("BalanceText", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() - 18; childGetRect("buycurrency", r); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("buycurrency", r); new_right -= r.getWidth() + 6; childGetRect("TimeText", r); // mTextTime->getTextPixelWidth(); r.translate( new_right - r.mRight, 0); childSetRect("TimeText", r); // new_right -= r.getWidth() + MENU_PARCEL_SPACING; // Adjust region name and parcel name x += 8; const S32 PARCEL_RIGHT = llmin(mTextTime->getRect().mLeft, mTextParcelName->getTextPixelWidth() + x + 5); r.set(x+4, getRect().getHeight() - 2, PARCEL_RIGHT, 0); mTextParcelName->setRect(r); // Set search bar visibility childSetVisible("search_editor", search_visible); childSetVisible("search_btn", search_visible); childSetVisible("menubar_search_bevel_bg", search_visible); mSGBandwidth->setVisible(! search_visible); mSGPacketLoss->setVisible(! search_visible); childSetEnabled("stat_btn", ! search_visible); }
bool KCWindlightInterface::ChatCommand(std::string message, std::string from_name, LLUUID source_id, LLUUID owner_id) { boost::cmatch match; const boost::regex prefix_exp("^\\)\\*\\((.*)"); if(boost::regex_match(message.c_str(), match, prefix_exp)) { std::string data(match[1].first, match[1].second); //TODO: expand these or good as is? /*const boost::regex setWLpreset_exp("^setWLpreset\\|(.*)"); const boost::regex setWWpreset_exp("^setWWpreset\\|(.*)"); if(boost::regex_match(data.c_str(), match, setWLpreset_exp)) { llinfos << "got setWLpreset : " << match[1] << llendl; LLWLParamManager::instance()->mAnimator.mIsRunning = false; LLWLParamManager::instance()->mAnimator.mUseLindenTime = false; LLWLParamManager::instance()->loadPreset(match[1]); return true; } else if(boost::regex_match(data.c_str(), match, setWWpreset_exp)) { llinfos << "got setWWpreset : " << match[1] << llendl; LLWaterParamManager::instance()->loadPreset(match[1], true); return true; } else {*/ //TODO: add save settings for reuse instead of just clearing on parcel change //TODO: add support for region wide settings on non-mainland //TODO: add support for targeting specfic users //TODO: add support for custom settings via notecards or something //TODO: improved data processing, possibly just use LLSD as input instead boost::smatch match2; const boost::regex Parcel_exp("^(Parcel),WLPreset=\"([^\"\\r\\n]+)\"(,WWPreset=\"([^\"\\r\\n]+)\")?$"); //([\\w]{8}-[\\w]{4}-[\\w]{4}-[\\w]{4}-[\\w]{12}) if(boost::regex_search(data, match2, Parcel_exp)) { if (SetDialogVisible) //TODO: handle this better return true; if (match2[1]=="Parcel") { llinfos << "Got Parcel WL : " << match[2] << llendl; LLParcel *parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); LLSD payload; payload["local_id"] = parcel->getLocalID(); payload["land_owner"] = parcel->getOwnerID(); payload["wlpreset"] = std::string(match2[2].first, match2[2].second); payload["wwpreset"] = std::string(match2[3].first, match2[3].second); LLSD args; args["PARCEL_NAME"] = parcel->getName(); LLNotifications::instance().add("PhoenixWL", args, payload, boost::bind(&KCWindlightInterface::callbackParcelWL, this, _1, _2)); SetDialogVisible = true; } return true; } /*}*/ } return false; }