Esempio n. 1
    ControlMetro metro = ControlMetro().bpm(100);
    ControlGenerator freq = ControlRandom().trigger(metro).min(0).max(1);
    Generator tone = RectWave().freq(
        freq * addParameter("frequencyRandomAmount") + 100
        + addParameter("freq")
      ) * SineWave().freq(50);
    ADSR env = ADSR()
      .decay( addParameter("decay") )
    StereoDelay delay = StereoDelay(3.0f,3.0f)
    .delayTimeLeft( 0.5 + SineWave().freq(0.2) * 0.01)
    .delayTimeRight(0.55 + SineWave().freq(0.23) * 0.01)
    Generator filterFreq = (SineWave().freq(0.01) + 1) * 200 + 225;
    LPF24 filter = LPF24().Q(2).cutoff( filterFreq );

    Generator outputGen = filter.input(delay.input( tone * env )) * 0.3;
Esempio n. 2
void ofApp::setup(){
    sliderArea = ofRectangle(0, 0, ofGetWindowWidth() / 2, ofGetWindowHeight());
    //      Audio Stuff
    const int NUM_STEPS = 8;
    // synth paramters are like instance variables -- they're values you can set later, by
    // cally synth.setParameter()
    ControlGenerator bpm = synth.addParameter("tempo",100).min(50).max(300);
    ControlGenerator transpose = synth.addParameter("transpose", 0).min(-6).max(6);
    // ControlMetro generates a "trigger" message at a given bpm. We multiply it by four because we
    // want four 16th notes for every beat
    ControlGenerator metro = ControlMetro().bpm(4 * bpm);
    // ControlStepper increments a value every time it's triggered, and then starts at the beginning again
    // Here, we're using it to move forward in the sequence
    ControlGenerator step = ControlStepper().end(NUM_STEPS).trigger(metro);
    // ControlSwitcher holds a list of ControlGenerators, and routes whichever one the inputIndex is pointing
    // to to its output.
    ControlSwitcher pitches = ControlSwitcher().inputIndex(step);
    ControlSwitcher cutoffs = ControlSwitcher().inputIndex(step);
    ControlSwitcher glides = ControlSwitcher().inputIndex(step);
    // stick a bunch of random values into the pitch and cutoff lists
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_STEPS; i++){
        ControlGenerator pitchForThisStep = synth.addParameter("step" + to_string(i) + "Pitch", randomFloat(10, 80)).min(10).max(80);
        ControlGenerator cutoff = synth.addParameter("step" + to_string(i) + "Cutoff", 500).min(30).max(1500);
        ControlGenerator glide = synth.addParameter("step" + to_string(i) + "Glide", 0).min(0).max(0.1);
    // Define a scale according to steps in a 12-note octave. This is a pentatonic scale. Like using
    // just the black keys on a piano
    vector<float> scale;
    // ControlSnapToScale snaps a float value to the nearest scale value, no matter what octave its in
    ControlGenerator midiNote = transpose + ControlSnapToScale().setScale(scale).input(pitches);
    ControlGenerator frequencyInHertz = ControlMidiToFreq().input(midiNote);
    // now that we've done all that, we have a frequency signal that's changing 4x per beat
    Generator tone = RectWave().freq( frequencyInHertz.smoothed().length(glides) );
    // create an amplitude signal with an ADSR envelope, and scale it down a little so it's not scary loud
    Generator amplitude = ADSR(0.01, 0.1, 0,0).trigger(metro) * 0.3;
    // create a filter, and feed the cutoff sequence in to it
    LPF24 filter =  LPF24().cutoff(cutoffs).Q(0.1);
    filter.input(tone * amplitude);
    // rout the output of the filter to the synth's main output
    synth.setOutputGen( filter );
    // build a slider for each parameter
    vector<ControlParameter> synthParameters = synth.getParameters();
    for(int i = 0; i < synthParameters.size(); i++){
    auto _devices = soundStream.getDeviceList();
    ofSoundStreamSettings _settings;
    if (!_devices.empty()) {
    _settings.bufferSize = 512;
    _settings.sampleRate = 44100;
    _settings.numInputChannels = 0;
    _settings.numOutputChannels = 2;