Esempio n. 1
void TransformState::translateTransform(const LayoutSize& offset)
    if (m_direction == ApplyTransformDirection)
        m_accumulatedTransform->translateRight(offset.width(), offset.height());
        m_accumulatedTransform->translate(offset.width(), offset.height());
Esempio n. 2
bool canScrollInDirection(const LocalFrame* frame, FocusType type)
    if (!frame->view())
        return false;
    ScrollbarMode verticalMode;
    ScrollbarMode horizontalMode;
    frame->view()->calculateScrollbarModesForLayoutAndSetViewportRenderer(horizontalMode, verticalMode);
    if ((type == FocusTypeLeft || type == FocusTypeRight) && ScrollbarAlwaysOff == horizontalMode)
        return false;
    if ((type == FocusTypeUp || type == FocusTypeDown) &&  ScrollbarAlwaysOff == verticalMode)
        return false;
    LayoutSize size = frame->view()->contentsSize();
    LayoutSize offset = frame->view()->scrollOffset();
    LayoutRect rect = frame->view()->visibleContentRect(IncludeScrollbars);

    switch (type) {
    case FocusTypeLeft:
        return offset.width() > 0;
    case FocusTypeUp:
        return offset.height() > 0;
    case FocusTypeRight:
        return rect.width() + offset.width() < size.width();
    case FocusTypeDown:
        return rect.height() + offset.height() < size.height();
        return false;
Esempio n. 3
IntRect RenderVideo::videoBox() const
    if (m_cachedImageSize.isEmpty() && videoElement()->shouldDisplayPosterImage())
        return IntRect();

    LayoutSize elementSize;
    if (videoElement()->shouldDisplayPosterImage())
        elementSize = m_cachedImageSize;
        elementSize = intrinsicSize();

    IntRect contentRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(contentBoxRect());
    if (elementSize.isEmpty() || contentRect.isEmpty())
        return IntRect();

    LayoutRect renderBox = contentRect;
    LayoutUnit ratio = renderBox.width() * elementSize.height() - renderBox.height() * elementSize.width();
    if (ratio > 0) {
        LayoutUnit newWidth = renderBox.height() * elementSize.width() / elementSize.height();
        // Just fill the whole area if the difference is one pixel or less (in both sides)
        if (renderBox.width() - newWidth > 2)
        renderBox.move((contentRect.width() - renderBox.width()) / 2, 0);
    } else if (ratio < 0) {
        LayoutUnit newHeight = renderBox.width() * elementSize.height() / elementSize.width();
        if (renderBox.height() - newHeight > 2)
        renderBox.move(0, (contentRect.height() - renderBox.height()) / 2);

    return pixelSnappedIntRect(renderBox);
Esempio n. 4
bool canScrollInDirection(const Frame* frame, FocusDirection direction)
    if (!frame->view())
        return false;
    ScrollbarMode verticalMode;
    ScrollbarMode horizontalMode;
    frame->view()->calculateScrollbarModesForLayout(horizontalMode, verticalMode);
    if ((direction == FocusDirectionLeft || direction == FocusDirectionRight) && ScrollbarAlwaysOff == horizontalMode)
        return false;
    if ((direction == FocusDirectionUp || direction == FocusDirectionDown) &&  ScrollbarAlwaysOff == verticalMode)
        return false;
    LayoutSize size = frame->view()->totalContentsSize();
    LayoutSize offset = frame->view()->scrollOffset();
    LayoutRect rect = frame->view()->visibleContentRectIncludingScrollbars();

    switch (direction) {
    case FocusDirectionLeft:
        return offset.width() > 0;
    case FocusDirectionUp:
        return offset.height() > 0;
    case FocusDirectionRight:
        return rect.width() + offset.width() < size.width();
    case FocusDirectionDown:
        return rect.height() + offset.height() < size.height();
        return false;
Esempio n. 5
LayoutSize ImageResource::imageSizeForLayoutObject(const LayoutObject* layoutObject, float multiplier, SizeType sizeType)

    if (!m_image)
        return LayoutSize();

    LayoutSize imageSize;

    if (m_image->isBitmapImage() && (layoutObject && layoutObject->shouldRespectImageOrientation() == RespectImageOrientation))
        imageSize = LayoutSize(toBitmapImage(m_image.get())->sizeRespectingOrientation());
    else if (m_image->isSVGImage() && sizeType == NormalSize)
        imageSize = LayoutSize(svgImageSizeForLayoutObject(layoutObject));
        imageSize = LayoutSize(m_image->size());

    if (multiplier == 1.0f)
        return imageSize;

    // Don't let images that have a width/height >= 1 shrink below 1 when zoomed.
    float widthScale = m_image->hasRelativeWidth() ? 1.0f : multiplier;
    float heightScale = m_image->hasRelativeHeight() ? 1.0f : multiplier;
    LayoutSize minimumSize(imageSize.width() > 0 ? 1 : 0, imageSize.height() > 0 ? 1 : 0);
    imageSize.scale(widthScale, heightScale);
    ASSERT(multiplier != 1.0f || (imageSize.width().fraction() == 0.0f && imageSize.height().fraction() == 0.0f));
    return imageSize;
Esempio n. 6
LayoutSize CachedImage::imageSizeForRenderer(const RenderObject* renderer, float multiplier, SizeType sizeType)
    if (!m_image)
        return LayoutSize();

    LayoutSize imageSize;

    if (is<BitmapImage>(*m_image) && renderer && renderer->shouldRespectImageOrientation() == RespectImageOrientation)
        imageSize = LayoutSize(downcast<BitmapImage>(*m_image).sizeRespectingOrientation());
    else if (is<SVGImage>(*m_image) && sizeType == UsedSize)
        imageSize = LayoutSize(m_svgImageCache->imageSizeForRenderer(renderer));
        imageSize = LayoutSize(m_image->size());

    if (multiplier == 1.0f)
        return imageSize;
    // Don't let images that have a width/height >= 1 shrink below 1 when zoomed.
    float widthScale = m_image->hasRelativeWidth() ? 1.0f : multiplier;
    float heightScale = m_image->hasRelativeHeight() ? 1.0f : multiplier;
    LayoutSize minimumSize(imageSize.width() > 0 ? 1 : 0, imageSize.height() > 0 ? 1 : 0);
    imageSize.scale(widthScale, heightScale);
    ASSERT(multiplier != 1.0f || (imageSize.width().fraction() == 0.0f && imageSize.height().fraction() == 0.0f));
    return imageSize;
Esempio n. 7
LayoutSize LayoutSize::constrainedBetween(const LayoutSize& min, const LayoutSize& max) const
    return {
        std::max(min.width(), std::min(max.width(), m_width)),
        std::max(min.height(), std::min(max.height(), m_height))
Esempio n. 8
LayoutBoxExtent NinePieceImage::computeSlices(const LayoutSize& size, const LengthBox& lengths, int scaleFactor)
    LayoutUnit top    = std::min<LayoutUnit>(size.height(), valueForLength(,    size.height())) * scaleFactor;
    LayoutUnit right  = std::min<LayoutUnit>(size.width(),  valueForLength(lengths.right(),  size.width()))  * scaleFactor;
    LayoutUnit bottom = std::min<LayoutUnit>(size.height(), valueForLength(lengths.bottom(), size.height())) * scaleFactor;
    LayoutUnit left   = std::min<LayoutUnit>(size.width(),  valueForLength(lengths.left(),   size.width()))  * scaleFactor;
    return LayoutBoxExtent(top, right, bottom, left);
Esempio n. 9
PassOwnPtr<Shape> Shape::createShape(const LayoutSize& logicalSize, const LayoutSize& logicalRadii, WritingMode writingMode, Length margin, Length padding)
    FloatRect rect(0, 0, logicalSize.width(), logicalSize.height());
    FloatSize radii(logicalRadii.width(), logicalRadii.height());
    FloatRoundedRect bounds(rect, radii, radii, radii, radii);

    OwnPtr<Shape> shape = createBoxShape(bounds);
    shape->m_writingMode = writingMode;
    shape->m_margin = floatValueForLength(margin, 0);
    shape->m_padding = floatValueForLength(padding, 0);

    return shape.release();
Esempio n. 10
bool ImageDocument::imageFitsInWindow()
    if (!m_imageElement)
        return true;

    FrameView* view = this->view();
    if (!view)
        return true;

    LayoutSize imageSize = this->imageSize();
    LayoutSize windowSize = LayoutSize(view->width(), view->height());
    return imageSize.width() <= windowSize.width() && imageSize.height() <= windowSize.height();
Esempio n. 11
int RenderListBox::listIndexAtOffset(const LayoutSize& offset)
    if (!numItems())
        return -1;

    if (offset.height() < borderTop() + paddingTop() || offset.height() > height() - paddingBottom() - borderBottom())
        return -1;

    LayoutUnit scrollbarWidth = m_vBar ? m_vBar->width() : LayoutUnit(0);
    if (offset.width() < borderLeft() + paddingLeft() || offset.width() > width() - borderRight() - paddingRight() - scrollbarWidth)
        return -1;

    int newOffset = (offset.height() - borderTop() - paddingTop()) / itemHeight() + m_indexOffset;
    return newOffset < numItems() ? newOffset : -1;
Esempio n. 12
void RenderHTMLCanvas::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    LayoutRect contentRect = contentBoxRect();
    LayoutRect paintRect = replacedContentRect();

    bool clip = !contentRect.contains(paintRect);
    if (clip) {
        // Not allowed to overflow the content box.

    // FIXME: InterpolationNone should be used if ImageRenderingOptimizeContrast is set.
    // See bug for more details:
    InterpolationQuality interpolationQuality = style()->imageRendering() == ImageRenderingOptimizeContrast ? InterpolationLow : CanvasDefaultInterpolationQuality;

    HTMLCanvasElement* canvas = toHTMLCanvasElement(node());
    LayoutSize layoutSize = contentRect.size();
    if (style()->imageRendering() == ImageRenderingPixelated
        && (layoutSize.width() > canvas->width() || layoutSize.height() > canvas->height() || layoutSize == canvas->size())) {
        interpolationQuality = InterpolationNone;

    InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality = context->imageInterpolationQuality();
    canvas->paint(context, paintRect);

    if (clip)
void RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    // First get the transform state's point into the block flow thread's physical coordinate space.
    parent()->mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);
    LayoutPoint transformPoint = roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint());

    // Now walk through each region.
    const RenderMultiColumnSet* candidateColumnSet = nullptr;
    LayoutPoint candidatePoint;
    LayoutSize candidateContainerOffset;

    for (const auto& columnSet : childrenOfType<RenderMultiColumnSet>(*parent())) {
        candidateContainerOffset = columnSet.offsetFromContainer(parent(), LayoutPoint());

        candidatePoint = transformPoint - candidateContainerOffset;
        candidateColumnSet = &columnSet;

        // We really have no clue what to do with overflow. We'll just use the closest region to the point in that case.
        LayoutUnit pointOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? candidatePoint.y() : candidatePoint.x();
        LayoutUnit regionOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? columnSet.topLeftLocation().y() : columnSet.topLeftLocation().x();
        if (pointOffset < regionOffset + columnSet.logicalHeight())

    // Once we have a good guess as to which region we hit tested through (and yes, this was just a heuristic, but it's
    // the best we could do), then we can map from the region into the flow thread.
    LayoutSize translationOffset = physicalTranslationFromRegionToFlow(candidateColumnSet, candidatePoint) + candidateContainerOffset;
    bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && (parent()->style().preserves3D() || style().preserves3D());
    if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(parent())) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(parent(), translationOffset, t);
        transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
    } else
        transformState.move(translationOffset.width(), translationOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
LayoutRect InlineFlowBoxPainter::paintRectForImageStrip(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, const LayoutSize& frameSize, TextDirection direction) const
    // We have a fill/border/mask image that spans multiple lines.
    // We need to adjust the offset by the width of all previous lines.
    // Think of background painting on inlines as though you had one long line, a single continuous
    // strip. Even though that strip has been broken up across multiple lines, you still paint it
    // as though you had one single line. This means each line has to pick up the background where
    // the previous line left off.
    LayoutUnit logicalOffsetOnLine = 0;
    LayoutUnit totalLogicalWidth;
    if (direction == LTR) {
        for (const InlineFlowBox* curr = m_inlineFlowBox.prevLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox())
            logicalOffsetOnLine += curr->logicalWidth();
        totalLogicalWidth = logicalOffsetOnLine;
        for (const InlineFlowBox* curr = &m_inlineFlowBox; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
            totalLogicalWidth += curr->logicalWidth();
    } else {
        for (const InlineFlowBox* curr = m_inlineFlowBox.nextLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
            logicalOffsetOnLine += curr->logicalWidth();
        totalLogicalWidth = logicalOffsetOnLine;
        for (const InlineFlowBox* curr = &m_inlineFlowBox; curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox())
            totalLogicalWidth += curr->logicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit stripX = paintOffset.x() - (m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? logicalOffsetOnLine : LayoutUnit());
    LayoutUnit stripY = paintOffset.y() - (m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? LayoutUnit() : logicalOffsetOnLine);
    LayoutUnit stripWidth = m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? totalLogicalWidth : frameSize.width();
    LayoutUnit stripHeight = m_inlineFlowBox.isHorizontal() ? frameSize.height() : totalLogicalWidth;
    return LayoutRect(stripX, stripY, stripWidth, stripHeight);
Esempio n. 15
void RenderReplaced::layout()
    StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;
    LayoutRepainter repainter(*this, checkForRepaintDuringLayout());


    // Now that we've calculated our preferred layout, we check to see
    // if we should further constrain sizing to the intrinsic aspect ratio.
    if (style().aspectRatioType() == AspectRatioFromIntrinsic && !m_intrinsicSize.isEmpty()) {
        float aspectRatio = m_intrinsicSize.aspectRatio();
        LayoutSize frameSize = size();
        float frameAspectRatio = frameSize.aspectRatio();
        if (frameAspectRatio < aspectRatio)
            setHeight(computeReplacedLogicalHeightRespectingMinMaxHeight(frameSize.height() * frameAspectRatio / aspectRatio));
        else if (frameAspectRatio > aspectRatio)
            setWidth(computeReplacedLogicalWidthRespectingMinMaxWidth(frameSize.width() * aspectRatio / frameAspectRatio, ComputePreferred));


void MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation::setSize(const IntSize& size)
    m_size = size;

    if (!m_videoDisplay)

    LayoutSize scrollOffset;
    IntPoint positionInWindow(m_lastPaintRect.location());

    FrameView* view = nullptr;
    if (m_player && m_player->cachedResourceLoader() && m_player->cachedResourceLoader()->document())
        view = m_player->cachedResourceLoader()->document()->view();

    if (view) {
        scrollOffset = view->scrollOffsetForFixedPosition();
        positionInWindow = view->convertToContainingWindow(IntPoint(m_lastPaintRect.location()));

    positionInWindow.move(-scrollOffset.width().toInt(), -scrollOffset.height().toInt());

    if (m_hwndVideo && !m_lastPaintRect.isEmpty())
        ::MoveWindow(m_hwndVideo, positionInWindow.x(), positionInWindow.y(), m_size.width(), m_size.height(), FALSE);

    RECT rc = { 0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height() };
    m_videoDisplay->SetVideoPosition(nullptr, &rc);
Esempio n. 17
LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::selectionTopAdjustedForPrecedingBlock() const
    const RootInlineBox& rootBox = root();
    LayoutUnit top = selectionTop();

    RenderObject::SelectionState blockSelectionState = rootBox.blockFlow().selectionState();
    if (blockSelectionState != RenderObject::SelectionInside && blockSelectionState != RenderObject::SelectionEnd)
        return top;

    LayoutSize offsetToBlockBefore;
    if (RenderBlock* block = rootBox.blockFlow().blockBeforeWithinSelectionRoot(offsetToBlockBefore)) {
        if (block->isRenderBlockFlow()) {
            if (RootInlineBox* lastLine = toRenderBlockFlow(block)->lastRootBox()) {
                RenderObject::SelectionState lastLineSelectionState = lastLine->selectionState();
                if (lastLineSelectionState != RenderObject::SelectionInside && lastLineSelectionState != RenderObject::SelectionStart)
                    return top;

                LayoutUnit lastLineSelectionBottom = lastLine->selectionBottom() + offsetToBlockBefore.height();
                top = std::max(top, lastLineSelectionBottom);

    return top;
Esempio n. 18
AffineTransform SVGSVGElement::localCoordinateSpaceTransform(SVGLocatable::CTMScope mode) const
    AffineTransform viewBoxTransform;
    if (hasAttribute(SVGNames::viewBoxAttr)) {
        FloatSize size = currentViewportSize();
        viewBoxTransform = viewBoxToViewTransform(size.width(), size.height());

    AffineTransform transform;
    if (!isOutermostSVG()) {
        SVGLengthContext lengthContext(this);
        transform.translate(x().value(lengthContext), y().value(lengthContext));
    } else if (mode == SVGLocatable::ScreenScope) {
        if (RenderObject* renderer = this->renderer()) {
            // Translate in our CSS parent coordinate space
            // FIXME: This doesn't work correctly with CSS transforms.
            FloatPoint location = renderer->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), false, true);

            // Be careful here! localToAbsolute() includes the x/y offset coming from the viewBoxToViewTransform(), because
            // RenderSVGRoot::localToBorderBoxTransform() (called through mapLocalToContainer(), called from localToAbsolute())
            // also takes the viewBoxToViewTransform() into account, so we have to subtract it here (original cause of bug #27183)
            transform.translate(location.x() - viewBoxTransform.e(), location.y() - viewBoxTransform.f());

            // Respect scroll offset.
            if (FrameView* view = document()->view()) {
                LayoutSize scrollOffset = view->scrollOffset();
                transform.translate(-scrollOffset.width(), -scrollOffset.height());

    return transform.multiply(viewBoxTransform);
Esempio n. 19
LayoutRect RenderReplaced::replacedContentRect(const LayoutSize& intrinsicSize) const
    LayoutRect contentRect = contentBoxRect();
    ObjectFit objectFit = style().objectFit();
    if (objectFit == ObjectFitFill)
        return contentRect;

    if (!intrinsicSize.width() || !intrinsicSize.height())
        return contentRect;

    LayoutRect finalRect = contentRect;
    switch (objectFit) {
    case ObjectFitContain:
    case ObjectFitScaleDown:
    case ObjectFitCover:
        finalRect.setSize(finalRect.size().fitToAspectRatio(intrinsicSize, objectFit == ObjectFitCover ? AspectRatioFitGrow : AspectRatioFitShrink));
        if (objectFit != ObjectFitScaleDown || finalRect.width() <= intrinsicSize.width())
        // fall through
    case ObjectFitNone:
    case ObjectFitFill:

    // FIXME: This is where object-position should be taken into account, but since it's not
    // implemented yet, assume the initial value of "50% 50%".
    LayoutUnit xOffset = (contentRect.width() - finalRect.width()) / 2;
    LayoutUnit yOffset = (contentRect.height() - finalRect.height()) / 2;
    finalRect.move(xOffset, yOffset);

    return finalRect;
Esempio n. 20
void InlineBox::move(const LayoutSize& delta)

    if (lineLayoutItem().isReplaced())
        toLayoutBox(layoutObject()).move(delta.width(), delta.height());
Esempio n. 21
void RenderBoxModelObject::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    RenderObject* o = container();
    if (!o)

    if (o->isRenderFlowThread())

    o->mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);

    LayoutSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(o, LayoutPoint());

    if (!style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition() && o->hasColumns()) {
        RenderBlock* block = toRenderBlock(o);
        LayoutPoint point(roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint()));
        point -= containerOffset;
        block->adjustForColumnRect(containerOffset, point);

    bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && (o->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D());
    if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(o)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(o, containerOffset, t);
        transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
    } else
        transformState.move(containerOffset.width(), containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
Esempio n. 22
LayoutPoint ScrollableArea::constrainScrollPositionForOverhang(const LayoutRect& visibleContentRect, const LayoutSize& totalContentsSize, const LayoutPoint& scrollPosition, const LayoutPoint& scrollOrigin, int headerHeight, int footerHeight)
    // The viewport rect that we're scrolling shouldn't be larger than our document.
    LayoutSize idealScrollRectSize(std::min(visibleContentRect.width(), totalContentsSize.width()), std::min(visibleContentRect.height(), totalContentsSize.height()));
    LayoutRect scrollRect(scrollPosition + scrollOrigin - LayoutSize(0, headerHeight), idealScrollRectSize);
    LayoutRect documentRect(LayoutPoint(), LayoutSize(totalContentsSize.width(), totalContentsSize.height() - headerHeight - footerHeight));

    // Use intersection to constrain our ideal scroll rect by the document rect.

    if (scrollRect.size() != idealScrollRectSize) {
        // If the rect was clipped, restore its size, effectively pushing it "down" from the top left.

        // If we still clip, push our rect "up" from the bottom right.
        if (scrollRect.width() < idealScrollRectSize.width())
            scrollRect.move(-(idealScrollRectSize.width() - scrollRect.width()), 0);
        if (scrollRect.height() < idealScrollRectSize.height())
            scrollRect.move(0, -(idealScrollRectSize.height() - scrollRect.height()));

    return scrollRect.location() - toLayoutSize(scrollOrigin);
Esempio n. 23
void MediaControlPanelElement::continueDrag(const LayoutPoint& eventLocation)
    if (!m_isBeingDragged)

    LayoutSize distanceDragged = eventLocation - m_dragStartEventLocation;
    setPosition(LayoutPoint(distanceDragged.width(), distanceDragged.height()));
bool ImageDocument::imageFitsInWindow() const
    ASSERT(m_shrinkToFitMode == Desktop);

    if (!m_imageElement || m_imageElement->document() != this)
        return true;

    FrameView* view = frame()->view();
    if (!view)
        return true;

    LayoutSize imageSize = m_imageElement->cachedImage()->imageSizeForLayoutObject(m_imageElement->layoutObject(), pageZoomFactor(this));
    LayoutSize windowSize = LayoutSize(view->width(), view->height());

    return imageSize.width() <= windowSize.width() && imageSize.height() <= windowSize.height();
Esempio n. 25
LayoutPoint RenderTheme::volumeSliderOffsetFromMuteButton(const RenderBox& muteButtonBox, const LayoutSize& size) const
    LayoutUnit y = -size.height();
    FloatPoint absPoint = muteButtonBox.localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(muteButtonBox.offsetLeft(), y), IsFixed | UseTransforms);
    if (absPoint.y() < 0)
        y = muteButtonBox.height();
    return LayoutPoint(0, y);
Esempio n. 26
LayoutSize LayoutImageResource::imageSize(float multiplier) const
    if (!m_cachedImage)
        return LayoutSize();
    LayoutSize size = m_cachedImage->imageSize(LayoutObject::shouldRespectImageOrientation(m_layoutObject), multiplier);
    if (m_layoutObject && m_layoutObject->isLayoutImage() && size.width() && size.height())
    return size;
float ImageDocument::scale() const
    if (!m_imageElement || m_imageElement->document() != this)
        return 1.0f;

    FrameView* view = frame()->view();
    if (!view)
        return 1;

    LayoutSize imageSize = m_imageElement->cachedImage()->imageSizeForLayoutObject(m_imageElement->layoutObject(), pageZoomFactor(this));
    LayoutSize windowSize = LayoutSize(view->width(), view->height());

    float widthScale = windowSize.width().toFloat() / imageSize.width().toFloat();
    float heightScale = windowSize.height().toFloat() / imageSize.height().toFloat();

    return min(widthScale, heightScale);
bool ShapeInsideInfo::updateSegmentsForLine(LayoutSize lineOffset, LayoutUnit lineHeight)
    bool result = updateSegmentsForLine(lineOffset.height(), lineHeight);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_segments.size(); i++) {
        m_segments[i].logicalLeft -= lineOffset.width();
        m_segments[i].logicalRight -= lineOffset.width();
    return result;
Esempio n. 29
static bool areRectsMoreThanFullScreenApart(FocusType type, const LayoutRect& curRect, const LayoutRect& targetRect, const LayoutSize& viewSize)
    ASSERT(isRectInDirection(type, curRect, targetRect));

    switch (type) {
    case FocusTypeLeft:
        return curRect.x() - targetRect.maxX() > viewSize.width();
    case FocusTypeRight:
        return targetRect.x() - curRect.maxX() > viewSize.width();
    case FocusTypeUp:
        return curRect.y() - targetRect.maxY() > viewSize.height();
    case FocusTypeDown:
        return targetRect.y() - curRect.maxY() > viewSize.height();
        return true;
LayoutSize LayoutImageResource::getImageSize(float multiplier, ImageResource::SizeType type) const
    if (!m_cachedImage)
        return LayoutSize();
    LayoutSize size = m_cachedImage->imageSizeForLayoutObject(m_layoutObject, multiplier, type);
    if (m_layoutObject && m_layoutObject->isLayoutImage() && size.width() && size.height())
    return size;