MStatus PTCMapCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args) { MStatus status = parseArgs( args ); if( status != MS::kSuccess ) return status; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); MAnimControl timeControl; MTime time = timeControl.currentTime(); int frame =int(time.value()); MString proj; MGlobal::executeCommand( MString ("string $p = `workspace -q -fn`"), proj ); MString cache_path = proj + "/data"; MString cache_name = "foo"; MString cache_attrib; double cache_mindist = 0.1; int max_level = 3; double root_size = 32; MString dem_trans = "nil"; double cloud_os = 0.05; MString key_trans = "nil"; MString eye_trans = "nil"; if (argData.isFlagSet("-p")) argData.getFlagArgument("-p", 0, cache_path); if (argData.isFlagSet("-n")) argData.getFlagArgument("-n", 0, cache_name); if (argData.isFlagSet("-a")) argData.getFlagArgument("-a", 0, cache_attrib); if (argData.isFlagSet("-mnd")) argData.getFlagArgument("-mnd", 0, cache_mindist); if (argData.isFlagSet("-ml")) argData.getFlagArgument("-ml", 0, max_level); if (argData.isFlagSet("-rs")) argData.getFlagArgument("-rs", 0, root_size); if (argData.isFlagSet("-t")) argData.getFlagArgument("-t", 0, dem_trans); if(argData.isFlagSet("-o")) argData.getFlagArgument("-o", 0, cloud_os); if(argData.isFlagSet("-tk")) argData.getFlagArgument("-tk", 0, key_trans); if(argData.isFlagSet("-te")) argData.getFlagArgument("-te", 0, eye_trans); float def_area = root_size; int last = 0; while(last < max_level-2) { def_area /= 2; last++; } def_area = 1.0f; //def_area *= def_area; // get bounding box center MDagPath p_bbox; zWorks::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, dem_trans, p_bbox); MObject o_bbox = p_bbox.transform(); float m_space[4][4]; m_space[0][0]=1; m_space[0][1]=0; m_space[0][2]=0; m_space[1][0]=0; m_space[1][1]=1; m_space[1][2]=0; m_space[2][0]=0; m_space[2][1]=0; m_space[2][2]=1; m_space[3][0]=0; m_space[3][1]=0; m_space[3][2]=0; if(o_bbox.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find pmap dimension, use default space."); else zWorks::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_bbox.partialPathName(), m_space); XYZ root_center(m_space[3][0], m_space[3][1], m_space[3][2]); // get key light dir MDagPath p_key; zWorks::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, key_trans, p_key); MObject o_key = p_key.transform(); m_space[0][0]=1; m_space[0][1]=0; m_space[0][2]=0; m_space[1][0]=0; m_space[1][1]=1; m_space[1][2]=0; m_space[2][0]=0; m_space[2][1]=0; m_space[2][2]=1; m_space[3][0]=0; m_space[3][1]=0; m_space[3][2]=0; if(o_key.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find key camera, use default space."); else zWorks::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_key.partialPathName(), m_space); XYZ key_dir(m_space[2][0], m_space[2][1], m_space[2][2]); key_dir.normalize(); // get view dir MDagPath p_eye; zWorks::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, eye_trans, p_eye); MObject o_eye = p_eye.transform(); m_space[0][0]=1; m_space[0][1]=0; m_space[0][2]=0; m_space[1][0]=0; m_space[1][1]=1; m_space[1][2]=0; m_space[2][0]=0; m_space[2][1]=0; m_space[2][2]=1; m_space[3][0]=0; m_space[3][1]=0; m_space[3][2]=0; if(o_eye.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find render camera, use default space."); else zWorks::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_eye.partialPathName(), m_space); XYZ view_dir(-m_space[2][0], -m_space[2][1], -m_space[2][2]); view_dir.normalize(); // additional attribs MStringArray attribArray; cache_attrib.split('.', attribArray); MSelectionList slist; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( slist ); MItSelectionList list( slist, MFn::kParticle, &status ); if (MS::kSuccess != status) { displayError( "Could not create selection list iterator"); return status; } if (list.isDone()) { displayError( "No particles selected" ); return MS::kSuccess; } MDagPath fDagPath; MObject component; unsigned npt = 0,acc = 0; for(; !list.isDone(); { list.getDagPath (fDagPath, component); MFnParticleSystem ps( fDagPath ); npt += ps.count(); } if(npt < 1) { MGlobal::displayInfo(" zero particle: do nothing "); return MS::kSuccess; } std::list<AParticle *> particles; RGRID *buf = new RGRID[npt]; unsigned *idxb = new unsigned[npt]; float *opab = new float[npt]; float *ageb = new float[npt]; list.reset(); for(; !list.isDone(); { list.getDagPath (fDagPath, component); MFnParticleSystem ps( fDagPath ); MVectorArray positions; ps.position( positions ); MVectorArray velarr; ps.velocity( velarr ); MIntArray ids; ps.particleIds(ids); MVectorArray cols; ps.rgb(cols); MDoubleArray opas; ps.opacity(opas); MDoubleArray ages; ps.opacity(ages); for(unsigned i=0; i<positions.length(); i++,acc++ ) { buf[acc].pos.x = positions[i].x; buf[acc].pos.y = positions[i].y; buf[acc].pos.z = positions[i].z; buf[acc].nor.x = velarr[i].x; buf[acc].nor.y = velarr[i].y; buf[acc].nor.z = velarr[i].z; buf[acc].area = def_area; if(ps.hasRgb()) { buf[acc].col.x = cols[i].x; buf[acc].col.y = cols[i].y; buf[acc].col.z = cols[i].z; } else buf[acc].col = XYZ(1,1,1); idxb[acc] = ids[i]; if(ps.hasOpacity ()) opab[acc] = opas[i]; else opab[acc] = 1.f; ageb[acc] = ages[i]; AParticle *pt = new AParticle(); pt->pos.x = positions[i].x; pt->pos.y = positions[i].y; pt->pos.z = positions[i].z; pt->r = def_area; particles.push_back(pt); } } /* Z3DTexture* tree = new Z3DTexture(); tree->setGrid(buf, npt); tree->constructTree(root_center, root_size, max_level); tree->setGridIdData(idxb, npt); tree->setGridOpacityData(opab, npt); tree->setGridAgeData(ageb, npt); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" num grid ")+ tree->getNumGrid()); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" num voxel ")+ tree->getNumVoxel()); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" num leaf ")+ tree->getNumLeaf()); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" max level ")+ tree->getMaxLevel()); MGlobal::displayInfo(" calculating voxel volume occlusion..."); tree->occlusionVolume(cloud_os, key_dir, view_dir); MGlobal::displayInfo(" done"); MGlobal::displayInfo(" updating grid distance to neighbour..."); tree->distanceToNeighbour(cache_mindist); MGlobal::displayInfo(" done"); char filename[512]; sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.%d.pmap", cache_path.asChar(), cache_name.asChar(), frame ); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("PTCMap saved ") + filename); tree->save(filename); delete tree; */ if(!particles.empty()) { GPUOctree *data = new GPUOctree(); data->create(root_center, root_size, 8, particles); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" num voxel ")+ data->getNumVoxel()+ MString(" minvar ")+ data->getMinVariation()+ MString(" max level ")+ data->getMaxLevel()+ MString(" filter size ")+ def_area); char filename[512]; sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.%d", cache_path.asChar(), cache_name.asChar(), frame ); data->dumpIndirection(filename); delete data; particles.clear(); } return MS::kSuccess; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method should be overridden in user defined nodes. // Recompute the given output based on the nodes inputs. // The plug represents the data value that needs to be recomputed, and the data block holds the storage // for all of the node'_scale attributes. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MStatus OceanNode::compute( const MPlug &_plug , MDataBlock &_data ){ MStatus status; // see if we get the output plug if( _plug == m_output){ MDataHandle dataHandle; dataHandle = _data.inputValue(m_resolution, &status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to get data handle for resolution plug"); if (m_res != dataHandle.asInt()){ switch(dataHandle.asInt()){ case 0: m_ocean->setResolution(128); MGlobal::displayInfo("Resolution: 128"); break; case 1: m_ocean->setResolution(256); MGlobal::displayInfo("Resolution: 256"); break; case 2: m_ocean->setResolution(512); MGlobal::displayInfo("Resolution: 512"); break; case 3: m_ocean->setResolution(1024); MGlobal::displayInfo("Resolution: 1024"); break; default: break; } m_res = dataHandle.asInt(); } dataHandle = _data.inputValue( m_amplitude , &status ); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL( status , "Unable to get data handle for amplitude plug" ); // now get the value for the data handle as a double double amp = dataHandle.asDouble(); m_ocean->setAmplitude(amp); dataHandle = _data.inputValue(m_frequency, &status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to get handle for \"frequency\" plug"); double freq = dataHandle.asDouble(); m_ocean->setFrequency(freq); dataHandle = _data.inputValue(m_windDirectionX, &status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to get data handle for windDirectionX plug"); // now get value for data handle double wdx = dataHandle.asDouble(); dataHandle = _data.inputValue(m_windDirectionZ, &status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to get data handle for windDirectionY plug"); // now get value for data handle double wdz = dataHandle.asDouble(); m_ocean->setWindVector(make_float2(wdx, wdz)); dataHandle = _data.inputValue(m_windSpeed, &status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to get data handle for windSpeed plug"); // now get value for data handle double ws = dataHandle.asDouble(); m_ocean->setWindSpeed(ws); // Only create a new frequency domain if either amplitude or the wind vecotr has changed if (m_amp != amp || m_wdx != wdx || m_wdz != wdz || m_ws != ws ){ MGlobal::displayInfo("here"); m_ocean->createH0(); m_amp = amp; m_wdx = wdx; m_wdz = wdz; m_ws = ws; } dataHandle = _data.inputValue(m_choppiness, &status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to get data handle for the choppiness plug"); double choppiness = dataHandle.asDouble(); dataHandle = _data.inputValue(m_time, &status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to get data handle for time plug"); MTime time = dataHandle.asTime(); MDataHandle outputData = _data.outputValue(m_output, &status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL( status , "Unable to get data handle for output plug" ); MFnMeshData mesh; MObject outputObject = mesh.create(&status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to create output mesh"); // Find the current frame number we're on and create the grid based on this MAnimControl anim; anim.setMinTime(time); createGrid((int)pow(2.0, m_res+7), anim.currentTime().value()/24, choppiness, outputObject, status); CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN_MSTATUS_IF_FAIL(status, "Unable to to create grid"); outputData.set(outputObject); // clean the output plug, ie unset it from dirty so that maya does not re-evaluate it _data.setClean( _plug ); return MStatus::kSuccess; } return MStatus::kUnknownParameter; }
MStatus depthMap::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus status = parseArgs( args ); if( status != MS::kSuccess ) return status; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); MAnimControl timeControl; MTime time = timeControl.currentTime(); int frame =int(time.value()); MString scene_name, camera_name, title; if (argData.isFlagSet("-n")) argData.getFlagArgument("-n", 0, title); else return MS::kFailure; if (argData.isFlagSet("-sc")) argData.getFlagArgument("-sc", 0, scene_name); else return MS::kFailure; if (argData.isFlagSet("-ca")) argData.getFlagArgument("-ca", 0, camera_name); else return MS::kFailure; m_eye[0][0]=1; m_eye[0][1]=0; m_eye[0][2]=0; m_eye[0][3]=0; m_eye[1][0]=0; m_eye[1][1]=1; m_eye[1][2]=0; m_eye[1][3]=0; m_eye[2][0]=0; m_eye[2][1]=0; m_eye[2][2]=1; m_eye[2][3]=0; m_eye[3][0]=0; m_eye[3][1]=0; m_eye[3][2]=0; m_eye[3][3]=1; // get eye space zWorks::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, camera_name, p_eye); MObject o_eye = p_eye.transform(); if(o_eye.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find eye camera, use default space."); else zWorks::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_eye.partialPathName(), m_eye); m_eye[0][0] *=-1; m_eye[0][1] *=-1; m_eye[0][2] *=-1; m_eye[2][0] *=-1; m_eye[2][1] *=-1; m_eye[2][2] *=-1; p_eye.extendToShape(); MFnCamera feye(p_eye); double fov = feye.horizontalFieldOfView(); int map_w = 1024, map_h = 1024; float* data = new float[map_w * map_h]; for(int i=0; i<map_w * map_h; i++) data[i] = 10e6; string sscene = scene_name.asChar(); zGlobal::changeFrameNumber(sscene, frame); MGlobal::displayInfo ( MString(" calculating ") + sscene.c_str()); FXMLScene* fscene = new FXMLScene(); if(fscene->load(sscene.c_str()) != 1) { MGlobal::displayWarning(" cannot open scene, do nothing."); return MS::kFailure; } fscene->depthMap(data, map_w, map_h, fov, m_eye); zGlobal::cutByLastSlash(sscene); sscene = sscene + "/" + title.asChar() + ".1.exr"; zGlobal::changeFrameNumber(sscene, frame); //zGlobal::changeFilenameExtension(sscene, "exr"); MGlobal::displayInfo ( MString(" saving ") + sscene.c_str()); M44f amat(m_eye[0][0], m_eye[0][1], m_eye[0][2], m_eye[0][3], m_eye[1][0], m_eye[1][1], m_eye[1][2], m_eye[1][3], m_eye[2][0], m_eye[2][1], m_eye[2][2], m_eye[2][3], m_eye[3][0], m_eye[3][1], m_eye[3][2], m_eye[3][3] ); ZFnEXR::saveCameraNZ(data, amat, fov, sscene.c_str(), map_w, map_h); delete[] data; delete fscene; return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus vxCache::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus status = parseArgs( args ); if( status != MS::kSuccess ) return status; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); MAnimControl timeControl; MTime time = timeControl.currentTime(); int frame =int(time.value()); MString proj; MGlobal::executeCommand( MString ("string $p = `workspace -q -fn`"), proj ); MSelectionList selList; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList ( selList ); MItSelectionList iter( selList ); MString cache_path = proj + "/data/"; MString cache_name; MString scene_name = "untitled"; worldSpace = false; if (argData.isFlagSet("-p")) argData.getFlagArgument("-p", 0, cache_path); if (argData.isFlagSet("-n")) argData.getFlagArgument("-n", 0, cache_name); if (argData.isFlagSet("-w")) argData.getFlagArgument("-w", 0, worldSpace); for ( ; !iter.isDone(); ) { MDagPath meshPath; iter.getDagPath( meshPath ); meshPath.extendToShape(); MObject meshObj = meshPath.node(); MString surface = meshPath.partialPathName(); zWorks::validateFilePath(surface); char filename[512]; cache_name = surface; if(argData.isFlagSet("-sg")) sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.mcf", cache_path.asChar(), cache_name.asChar() ); else sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.%d.mcf", cache_path.asChar(), cache_name.asChar(), frame ); MDagPath surfDag; if ( meshPath.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) { writeMesh(filename, meshPath, meshObj); MGlobal::displayInfo ( MString("vxCache writes ") + filename); } else MGlobal::displayError ( surface + "- Cannot find mesh to write!" ); } if ( selList.length() == 0 ) { MGlobal:: displayError ( "Nothing is selected!" ); return MS::kSuccess; } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus ExportACache::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus status = parseArgs( args ); if( status != MS::kSuccess ) return status; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); MAnimControl timeControl; MTime time = timeControl.currentTime(); int frame =int(time.value()); MString proj; MGlobal::executeCommand( MString ("string $p = `workspace -q -fn`"), proj ); MSelectionList selList; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList ( selList ); if ( selList.length() == 0 ) { MGlobal:: displayError ( "Nothing is selected!" ); return MS::kSuccess; } MItSelectionList iter( selList ); MString cache_path = proj + "/data/"; MString cache_name; MString scene_name = "untitled"; MString sscat("spaceBS"); MString seye("spaceBS"); if (argData.isFlagSet("-p")) argData.getFlagArgument("-p", 0, cache_path); if (argData.isFlagSet("-t")) argData.getFlagArgument("-t", 0, scene_name); m_space[0][0]=1; m_space[0][1]=0; m_space[0][2]=0; m_space[1][0]=0; m_space[1][1]=1; m_space[1][2]=0; m_space[2][0]=0; m_space[2][1]=0; m_space[2][2]=1; m_space[3][0]=0; m_space[3][1]=0; m_space[3][2]=0; m_eye[0][0]=1; m_eye[0][1]=0; m_eye[0][2]=0; m_eye[1][0]=0; m_eye[1][1]=1; m_eye[1][2]=0; m_eye[2][0]=0; m_eye[2][1]=0; m_eye[2][2]=1; m_eye[3][0]=0; m_eye[3][1]=0; m_eye[3][2]=0; if (argData.isFlagSet("-bc")) { argData.getFlagArgument("-bc", 0, sscat); // get back light space MDagPath p_backscat; AHelper::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, sscat, p_backscat); MObject o_backscat = p_backscat.transform(); if(o_backscat.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find backscat camera, use default space."); else AHelper::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_backscat.partialPathName(), m_space); } if (argData.isFlagSet("-ec")) { argData.getFlagArgument("-ec", 0, seye); // get eye space AHelper::getTypedPathByName(MFn::kTransform, seye, p_eye); MObject o_eye = p_eye.transform(); if(o_eye.isNull()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Cannot find eye camera, use default space."); else AHelper::getTransformWorldNoScale(p_eye.partialPathName(), m_eye); } m_mesh_list.clear(); m_nurbs_list.clear(); for ( ; !iter.isDone(); ) { MDagPath meshPath; iter.getDagPath( meshPath ); if( meshPath.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)) m_mesh_list.append(meshPath); if( meshPath.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsSurface)) m_nurbs_list.append(meshPath); } int istart = 1, iend = 1; if(argData.isFlagSet("-fs")) argData.getFlagArgument("-fs", 0, istart); if(argData.isFlagSet("-fe")) argData.getFlagArgument("-fe", 0, iend); // log on start if(frame == istart) MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("acache ") + scene_name + " to " + cache_path); char file_name[512]; sprintf( file_name, "%s/%s.%d.scene", cache_path.asChar(), scene_name.asChar(), frame ); if(frame == istart) save(file_name, frame, 1); else save(file_name, frame, 0); MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("writes frame ") + frame); if(argData.isFlagSet("-ej")) { MString jobparam; argData.getFlagArgument("-ej", 0, jobparam); std::string sjob = file_name; SHelper::cutByFirstDot(sjob); std::string stitle = sjob; sjob = sjob + ".txt"; std::ofstream ffjob;, ios::out); char job_line[1024]; for(int i=istart; i<= iend; i++) { sprintf(job_line, "%s %s.%i.scene\n", jobparam.asChar(), stitle.c_str(), i); ffjob.write((char*)job_line, strlen(job_line)); } ffjob.close(); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("writes external job script: ") + sjob.c_str()); } return MS::kSuccess; }