bool BasicLocator::getCirclePoints( MPointArray &pts ) const
MStatus stat;
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MFnDagNode dagFn( thisNode  );  

MPlug xWidthPlug = dagFn.findPlug( xWidth, &stat );
float xWidthValue;
xWidthPlug.getValue( xWidthValue );

MPlug zWidthPlug = dagFn.findPlug( zWidth, &stat );
float zWidthValue;
zWidthPlug.getValue( zWidthValue );

MPlug typePlug = dagFn.findPlug( dispType, &stat );
short typeValue;
typePlug.getValue( typeValue );

unsigned int nCirclePts;

switch( typeValue )
   case 0:
       nCirclePts = 4;
   case 1:
       nCirclePts = 5;
       nCirclePts = 20;

pts.setSizeIncrement( nCirclePts );
MPoint pt;
pt.y = 0.0;
const double angleIncr = M_2PI / (nCirclePts - 1);
double angle = 0.0;
unsigned int i=0;
for( ; i < nCirclePts; i++, angle+=angleIncr )
	pt.x = xWidthValue * cos( angle );
	pt.z = zWidthValue * sin( angle );
	pts.append( pt );

return true;
Esempio n. 2
MStatus helix2::undoIt()
	MStatus		status;

	MFnNurbsCurve	curveFn( fDagPath );
	status = curveFn.setCVs( fCVs );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
		cerr << "undoIt: array length is " << fCVs.length()
		     << "bad status: " << status << endl;
		return status;

	status = curveFn.updateCurve();
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status )
		cerr << "undoIt: updateCurve() failed status: " << status << endl;
		return status;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 3
MStatus helix2::redoIt()
	unsigned		i, numCVs;
	MStatus			status;
	MFnNurbsCurve   curveFn( fDagPath );

	numCVs = curveFn.numCVs();
	status = curveFn.getCVs( fCVs );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status )
		cerr << "redoIt: could not get cvs status: " << status << endl;
		return MS::kFailure;

	MPointArray		points(fCVs);
	for (i = 0; i < numCVs; i++)
		points[i] = MPoint( radius * cos( (double)i ),
							pitch * (double)i,
							radius * sin( (double)i ) );
	status = curveFn.setCVs( points );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status )
		cerr << "redoIt: could not setCVs status: " << status << endl;
		return status;

	status = curveFn.updateCurve();
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status )
		cerr << "redoIt: updateCurve() failed status: " << status << endl;
		return status;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 4
void TestDeformer::initVertMapping(MDataBlock& data,
                          MItGeometry& iter,
                          const MMatrix& localToWorldMatrix,
                          unsigned int mIndex)
    MStatus status;

    MArrayDataHandle vertMapOutArrayData = data.outputArrayValue( vert_map, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    // use vertMapOutArrayBuilder to modify vertMapOutArrayData
    int count = iter.count();
    MArrayDataBuilder vertMapOutArrayBuilder( vert_map, count, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    MPointArray allPts;// world vertex position of the driven mesh

    // walk through the driven mesh
    /// copy MItGeometry's vertex to vertMapOutArrayData
    int i = 0;
    while( !iter.isDone(&status) )
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        MDataHandle initIndexDataHnd = vertMapOutArrayBuilder.addElement( i, &status );
        CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

        int negIndex = -1;

        initIndexDataHnd.setInt( negIndex );

        // append a vertex position(world coordination) to allPts
        CHECK_MSTATUS(allPts.append( iter.position() * localToWorldMatrix ));
        i = i+1;;
    CHECK_MSTATUS(vertMapOutArrayData.set( vertMapOutArrayBuilder ));

    /// Append more vertex from each driver mesh to vertMapOutArrayData
    MArrayDataHandle meshAttrHandle = data.inputArrayValue( driver_mesh, &status );
    CHECK_MSTATUS( status );

    int numMeshes = meshAttrHandle.elementCount();
    __debug("%s(), numMeshes=%d", __FUNCTION__, numMeshes);

    for( int meshIndex=0; meshIndex < numMeshes; ++meshIndex )
        __debug("%s(), meshIndex=%d", __FUNCTION__, meshIndex);

        MDataHandle currentMesh = meshAttrHandle.inputValue(&status);

        MObject meshMobj = currentMesh.asMesh();
        __debug("%s(), meshMobj.apiTypeStr()=%s", __FUNCTION__, meshMobj.apiTypeStr());

        __debugMeshInfo(__FUNCTION__, meshMobj);
            _initVertMapping_on_one_mesh(meshMobj, vertMapOutArrayBuilder, allPts);// Note: vertMapOutArrayBuilder is updated in this function!
            //CHECK_MSTATUS(vertMapOutArrayData.set( vertMapOutArrayBuilder ));

        if( ! )
    }// for (mesh
    CHECK_MSTATUS(vertMapOutArrayData.set( vertMapOutArrayBuilder ));

Esempio n. 5
MStatus mshUtil::doIt( const MArgList& args ) 
	MString objname, mcfname;
	MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args);
	MSelectionList selList;
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList ( selList );

	if ( selList.length() < 2 ) {
		MGlobal:: displayError ( "Not sufficient selection!" );
		return MS::kSuccess;
	MItSelectionList iter( selList );
	MDagPath meshPath;		
	iter.getDagPath( meshPath );
	MObject meshObj = meshPath.node();

	MString surface = meshPath.partialPathName();
	MStatus status;
	MFnMesh meshFn(meshPath, &status );
	if(!status) {
		MGlobal:: displayError ( "Not sufficient selection!" );
		return MS::kSuccess;
	MPointArray vxa;
	meshFn.getPoints (vxa, MSpace::kWorld);
	MPoint cenfrom(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	for(unsigned i=0; i<vxa.length(); i++) cenfrom += vxa[i];
	cenfrom = cenfrom/(float)vxa.length();;
	iter.getDagPath( meshPath );
	MFnMesh mesh1Fn(meshPath, &status );
	if(!status) {
		MGlobal:: displayError ( "Not sufficient selection!" );
		return MS::kSuccess;
	mesh1Fn.getPoints (vxa, MSpace::kWorld);
	MPoint cento(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	for(unsigned i=0; i<vxa.length(); i++) cento += vxa[i];
	cento = cento/(float)vxa.length();
	MVector diff = cento - cenfrom;
	MDoubleArray res;
	setResult ( res );
	if ( !argData.isFlagSet("-i") || !argData.isFlagSet("-o") ) {
		//MGlobal::displayError( "No .obj or .mcf file specified to translate! Example: mshUtil -i filename.obj -o filename.mcf" );
		return MS::kSuccess;
	else {
		argData.getFlagArgument("-i", 0, objname);
		argData.getFlagArgument("-o", 0, mcfname);
		return MS::kSuccess;
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus	Molecule3Cmd::redoIt()
	MStatus stat;
	MDagPath dagPath;
	MFnMesh meshFn;
	// Create a ball
	int nBallPolys;
	MPointArray ballVerts;
	MIntArray ballPolyCounts;
	MIntArray ballPolyConnects;
	MFloatArray ballUCoords;
	MFloatArray ballVCoords;
	MIntArray ballFvUVIDs;
	genBall( MPoint::origin, ballRodRatio * radius.value(), segs, nBallPolys, 
			 ballVerts, ballPolyCounts, ballPolyConnects,
			 true, ballUCoords, ballVCoords, ballFvUVIDs );
	unsigned int i, j, vertOffset;
	MPointArray meshVerts;
	MPoint p0, p1;
	MObject objTransform;
	// Setup for rods
	int nRodPolys;
	MPointArray rodVerts;
	MIntArray rodPolyCounts;
	MIntArray rodPolyConnects;
	MFloatArray rodUCoords;
	MFloatArray rodVCoords;
	MIntArray rodFvUVIDs;
	// Setup for newMesh
	int nNewPolys;
	MPointArray newVerts;
	MIntArray newPolyCounts;
	MIntArray newPolyConnects;
	MFloatArray newUCoords;
	MFloatArray newVCoords;
	MIntArray newFvUVIDs;
	int uvOffset; 
	MDagModifier dagMod;
	MFnDagNode dagFn;
	// Iterate over the meshes
	unsigned int mi;
	for( mi=0; mi < selMeshes.length(); mi++ )
		dagPath = selMeshes[mi];
		meshFn.setObject( dagPath );
		uvOffset = 0;
		nNewPolys = 0;
		// Generate balls
		meshFn.getPoints( meshVerts, MSpace::kWorld );
		for( i=0; i < meshVerts.length(); i++ )
			vertOffset = newVerts.length();
			// Add the ball to the new mesh
			nNewPolys += nBallPolys;
			// Move the ball vertices to the mesh vertex. Add it to the newMesh
			for( j=0; j < ballVerts.length(); j++ )
				newVerts.append( meshVerts[i] + ballVerts[j] );
			for( j=0; j < ballPolyCounts.length(); j++ )
				newPolyCounts.append( ballPolyCounts[j] );
			for( j=0; j < ballPolyConnects.length(); j++ )
				newPolyConnects.append( vertOffset + ballPolyConnects[j] );
			// Only add the uv coordinates once, since they are shared
			// by all balls
			if( i == 0 )
				for( j=0; j < ballUCoords.length(); j++ )
					newUCoords.append( ballUCoords[j] );
					newVCoords.append( ballVCoords[j] );
			for( j=0; j < ballFvUVIDs.length(); j++ )
				newFvUVIDs.append( uvOffset + ballFvUVIDs[j] );
		uvOffset = newUCoords.length();
		// Generate rods
		int nRods = 0;
		MItMeshEdge edgeIter( dagPath );
		for( ; !edgeIter.isDone();, nRods++  )
			p0 = edgeIter.point( 0, MSpace::kWorld );		
			p1 = edgeIter.point( 1, MSpace::kWorld );
			// N.B. Generate the uv coordinates only once since they
			// are referenced by all rods
			genRod( p0, p1, 
					radius.value(), segs, nRodPolys, 
					rodVerts, rodPolyCounts, rodPolyConnects,
					nRods == 0,	rodUCoords, rodVCoords,
					rodFvUVIDs ); 

			vertOffset = newVerts.length();
			// Add the rod to the mesh
			nNewPolys += nRodPolys;
			for( i=0; i < rodVerts.length(); i++ )
				newVerts.append( rodVerts[i] );
			for( i=0; i < rodPolyCounts.length(); i++ )
				newPolyCounts.append( rodPolyCounts[i] );
			for( i=0; i < rodPolyConnects.length(); i++ )
				newPolyConnects.append( vertOffset + rodPolyConnects[i] );

			// First rod
			if( nRods == 0 )
				// Add rod's uv coordinates to the list
				for( i=0; i < rodUCoords.length(); i++ )
					newUCoords.append( rodUCoords[i] );
					newVCoords.append( rodVCoords[i] );
			// Set the face-vertex-uvIDs
			for( i=0; i < rodFvUVIDs.length(); i++ )
				newFvUVIDs.append( uvOffset + rodFvUVIDs[i] );
		objTransform = meshFn.create( newVerts.length(), nNewPolys, newVerts, 
									  newPolyCounts, newPolyConnects,
									  newUCoords, newVCoords, 
									  MObject::kNullObj, &stat ); 
		if( !stat )
			MGlobal::displayError( MString( "Unable to create mesh: " ) + stat.errorString() );
			return stat;
		objTransforms.append( objTransform );
		meshFn.assignUVs( newPolyCounts, newFvUVIDs );
		// Rename transform node
		dagFn.setObject( objTransform );
		dagFn.setName( "molecule" );
		// Put mesh into the initial shading group
		dagMod.commandToExecute( MString( "sets -e -fe initialShadingGroup " ) + );

	// Select all the newly created molecule meshes
	MString cmd( "select -r" );
	for( i=0; i < objTransforms.length(); i++ )
		dagFn.setObject( objTransforms[i] );
		cmd += " " +;	

	dagMod.commandToExecute( cmd );
	return dagMod.doIt();
MStatus genRod(
	const MPoint &p0,
	const MPoint &p1,
	const double radius,
	const unsigned int nSegs,
	int &nPolys,
	MPointArray &verts,
	MIntArray &polyCounts,
	MIntArray &polyConnects
	unsigned int nCirclePts = nSegs; 
	unsigned int nVerts = 2 * nCirclePts;
	// Calculate the local axiis of the rod
	MVector vec( p1 - p0 );
	MVector up( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
	MVector xAxis, yAxis, zAxis;
	yAxis = vec.normal();
	if( up.isParallel( yAxis, 0.1 ) )
		up = MVector( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	xAxis = yAxis ^ up;
	zAxis = (xAxis ^ yAxis).normal();
	xAxis = (yAxis ^ zAxis ).normal(); 
	// Calculate the vertex positions
	verts.setLength( nVerts );
	double angleIncr = 2.0 * M_PI / nSegs;
	double angle;
	MPoint p;
	double x, z;
	unsigned int i;
	for( i=0, angle=0; i < nCirclePts; i++, angle += angleIncr )
		// Calculate position in circle
		x = radius * cos( angle );
		z = radius * sin( angle );
		p = p0 + x * xAxis + z * zAxis;

		verts[ i ] = p;
		p += vec;

		verts[ i + nCirclePts ] = p;
	nPolys = nSegs;
	// Generate polycounts
	polyCounts.setLength( nPolys );
	for( i=0; i < polyCounts.length(); i++ )
		polyCounts[i] = 4;
	// Generate polyconnects
	polyConnects.setLength( nPolys * 4 );
	for( i=0; i < nSegs; i++ )
		polyConnects.append( linearIndex( 0, i, 2, nCirclePts ) );
		polyConnects.append( linearIndex( 0, i+1, 2, nCirclePts ) );
		polyConnects.append( linearIndex( 1, i+1, 2, nCirclePts ) );
		polyConnects.append( linearIndex( 1, i, 2, nCirclePts ) );
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus genBall( 
	const MPoint &centre,
	const double radius,
	const unsigned int nSegs,
	int &nPolys,
	MPointArray &verts,
	MIntArray &polyCounts,
	MIntArray &polyConnects
	int nAzimuthSegs = nSegs * 2;
	int nZenithSegs = nSegs;
	int nAzimuthPts = nAzimuthSegs; // Last point corresponds to the first
	int nZenithPts = nZenithSegs + 1; // Last point is at other pole
	double azimIncr = 2.0 * M_PI / nAzimuthSegs;
	double zenIncr = M_PI / nZenithSegs;
	MPoint p;
	double azimuth, zenith;
	double sinZenith;
	int azi, zeni;
	zenith = 0.0;
	for( zeni=0; zeni < nZenithPts; zeni++, zenith += zenIncr )
		azimuth = 0.0;
		for( azi=0; azi < nAzimuthPts; azi++, azimuth += azimIncr )
			sinZenith = sin(zenith);
			p.x = radius * sinZenith * cos(azimuth);
			p.y = radius * cos(zenith);
			p.z = radius * sinZenith * sin(azimuth);
			verts.append( p );
	// Calculate the number of polygons
	nPolys = nAzimuthSegs * nZenithSegs;
	// Each face has four points
	polyCounts.setLength( nPolys );
	int i;
	for( i=0; i < nPolys; i++ )
		polyCounts[i] = 4;
	// Generate the faces
	for( zeni=0; zeni < nZenithSegs; zeni++ )
		for( azi=0; azi < nAzimuthSegs; azi++ )
			//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString( "\n" ) + azi + "," + zeni );
			polyConnects.append( linearIndex( zeni, azi, nZenithPts, nAzimuthPts ) );
			polyConnects.append( linearIndex( zeni, azi+1, nZenithPts, nAzimuthPts ) );
			polyConnects.append( linearIndex( zeni+1, azi+1, nZenithPts, nAzimuthPts ) );
			polyConnects.append( linearIndex( zeni+1, azi, nZenithPts, nAzimuthPts ) );
	return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 9
MStatus cvColor::initialize()
	MStatus				stat;
	MFnNumericAttribute	numericAttr;
	MFnTypedAttribute	typedAttr;

	drawingEnabled = numericAttr.create( "drawingEnabled", "en",
									MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 1, &stat );
	if (!stat) {
		stat.perror("create drawingEnabled attribute");
		return stat;

	pointSize = numericAttr.create( "pointSize", "ps",
									MFnNumericData::kFloat, 4.0, &stat );
	if (!stat) {
		stat.perror("create pointSize attribute");
		return stat;
	inputSurface = typedAttr.create( "inputSurface", "is",
							 MFnNurbsSurfaceData::kNurbsSurface, &stat);
	if (!stat) {
		stat.perror("create inputSurface attribute");
		return stat;

	cvLocations = typedAttr.create( "cvLocations", "cv",
							 MFnPointArrayData::kPointArray, &stat);
	if (!stat) {
		stat.perror("create cvLocations attribute");
		return stat;

	MPointArray			defaultPoints;
	MFnPointArrayData	defaultArray;
	MObject				defaultAttr;

	defaultPoints.clear(); // Empty array
	defaultAttr = defaultArray.create (defaultPoints);
	stat = typedAttr.setDefault(defaultAttr);
	if (!stat) {
		stat.perror("could not create default output attribute");
		return stat;

	stat = addAttribute (drawingEnabled);
		if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}
	stat = addAttribute (pointSize);
		if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}
	stat = addAttribute (inputSurface);
		if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}
	stat = addAttribute (cvLocations);
		if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}

	stat = attributeAffects( inputSurface, cvLocations );
		if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
	stat = attributeAffects( drawingEnabled, cvLocations );
		if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
	stat = attributeAffects( pointSize, cvLocations );
		if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}
	return MS::kSuccess;
Esempio n. 10
void curveColliderLocator::draw(M3dView &view, const MDagPath &path, 
								 M3dView::DisplayStyle style,
								 M3dView::DisplayStatus status)
	// Get the input curve
	MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
	MPlug radiusPlug(thisNode, colliderRadiusIn);
	MPlug colorPlugR(thisNode, colliderColorR);
	MPlug colorPlugG(thisNode, colliderColorG);
	MPlug colorPlugB(thisNode, colliderColorB);
	MPlug colorPlugT(thisNode, colliderTransparency);
	MPlug radiusElement;
	double radius;
	double radius2;
	double param;
	double param2;
	double paramNorm;
	MStatus stat;
	MQuaternion rotateQuat;
	double degreesToRadians = ( M_PI/ 180.0 );
	double radiansToDegrees = ( 180.0/M_PI );
	double rotateRadians;
	MVector crvNormalRotated;
	MPointArray radiusPts;
	MPoint radiusPt;
	// Alternate method of getting the MFnNurbsCurve:
	MPlug curvePlug(thisNode, colliderCurveIn);
	MPlugArray inputCrvArray;
	curvePlug.connectedTo(inputCrvArray, true, false);
	MObject crvColliderObj = inputCrvArray[0].node();
	MFnNurbsCurve cColliderFn(crvColliderObj, &stat);
		MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Error creating MFnNurbsCurve for collider curve"));
	MFnDagNode crvDagNode(crvColliderObj);
	MDagPath crvDagPath;
	MMatrix crvXform = crvDagPath.inclusiveMatrix();
	int numSpans = cColliderFn.numSpans();
	MPoint crvPoint;
	MPoint crvPoint2;
	GLUquadricObj* qobj = gluNewQuadric();

	//                  DRAW SMOOTH SHADED 
	if ( ( style == M3dView::kFlatShaded ) || ( style == M3dView::kGouraudShaded ) ) {
		glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );
		glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
		float3 color; 
		float transparency;
		float  diffuse[] = {color[0], color[1], color[2], transparency};
		float  specular[] = { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, transparency};
		float  shine[] = { 100.0f };
		float  ambient[] = { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, transparency };
		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, specular);
		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shine);
		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, ambient);
		// Draw the beginning and ending sphere caps
		cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(0, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
		crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
		glTranslatef(crvPoint.x, crvPoint.y, crvPoint.z);
		radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0, &stat);
		gluSphere(qobj, radius, 16, 16);

		cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(numSpans, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
		crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
		glTranslatef(crvPoint.x, crvPoint.y, crvPoint.z);
		radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( (radiusPlug.numElements() - 1), &stat);
		gluSphere(qobj, radius, 16, 16);
		int numStacks = numSpans*30;
		int numSlices = 32;
		// Initialize our point array with the radius values
		for(int radiusItr = 0; radiusItr < radiusPlug.numElements(); radiusItr++){
			radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(radiusItr, &stat);
			if(!stat){MGlobal::displayError(MString("Could not get radius element.")); return;}
			radiusPt.x = (double)radius; radiusPt.y = 0.0; radiusPt.z = 0.0;
			radiusPts[radiusItr] = radiusPt;
			for(uint crvItr = 0; crvItr < numStacks - 1; crvItr++){
				param = (float(crvItr)/float(numStacks-1))*numSpans;
				param2 = (float(crvItr+1)/float(numStacks-1))*numSpans;
				cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(param, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
				cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(param2, crvPoint2, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvPoint2 = crvPoint2 * crvXform;
				// Determine the radius value 
				int lastRadiusIndex = radiusPlug.numElements() - 1;
				if(lastRadiusIndex == 0){
					radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0, &stat);
					if(!stat){MGlobal::displayError(MString("Could not get radius element.")); return;}
					radius2 = radius;
				}else if(lastRadiusIndex > 0){

					paramNorm = param/numSpans;
					radiusPt = getInterpolatedSplinePoint(paramNorm, radiusPts);
					radius = radiusPt.x;
					paramNorm = param2/numSpans;
					radiusPt  = getInterpolatedSplinePoint(paramNorm, radiusPts);
					radius2 = radiusPt.x;			
				// First, we need to determine our starting position by travelling along the normal 
				MVector crvNormal = cColliderFn.normal(param, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvNormal = crvNormal * crvXform;
				MVector crvTangent = cColliderFn.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvTangent = crvTangent * crvXform;
				MVector crvNormal2 = cColliderFn.normal(param2, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvNormal2 = crvNormal2 * crvXform;
				MVector crvTangent2 = cColliderFn.tangent(param2, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvTangent2 = crvTangent2 * crvXform;
	//			glTranslatef(crvNormal.x, crvNormal.y, crvNormal.z);

				for(int sliceItr = 0; sliceItr < numSlices; sliceItr++){
					// quad vertex 4
					rotateRadians = ((((float)sliceItr+1)/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
					rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent, rotateRadians);
					crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
					glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
					glVertex3f((float)crvPoint.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius),
							   (float)crvPoint.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius),
							   (float)crvPoint.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius));		
					// quad vertex 3
					rotateRadians = ((((float)sliceItr+1)/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
					rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent2, rotateRadians);
					crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
					glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
					glVertex3f((float)crvPoint2.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius2),
							   (float)crvPoint2.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius2),
							   (float)crvPoint2.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius2));
					// quad vertex 2
					rotateRadians = (((float)sliceItr/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
					rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent2, rotateRadians);
					crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
					glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
					glVertex3f((float)crvPoint2.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius2),
							   (float)crvPoint2.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius2),
							   (float)crvPoint2.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius2));
					// quad vertex 1
					rotateRadians = (((float)sliceItr/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
					rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent, rotateRadians);
					crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
					glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
					glVertex3f((float)crvPoint.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius),
							   (float)crvPoint.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius),
							   (float)crvPoint.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius));				
	//                  END SMOOTH SHADED 
	//                  DRAW WIREFRAME 
	if ( style == M3dView::kWireFrame ||  status == M3dView::kActive || status == M3dView::kLead) {
		glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );

		// Draw the beginning and ending sphere caps
		// Quadrilateral strips
		glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
		cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(0, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
		crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
		glTranslatef(crvPoint.x, crvPoint.y, crvPoint.z);
		radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0, &stat);
		gluSphere(qobj, radius, 16, 16);
		cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(numSpans, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
		crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
		glTranslatef(crvPoint.x, crvPoint.y, crvPoint.z);
		radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( (radiusPlug.numElements() - 1), &stat);
		gluSphere(qobj, radius, 16, 16);
		int numStacks = numSpans*10;
		int numSlices = 32;
		// Initialize our point array with the radius values
		for(int radiusItr = 0; radiusItr < radiusPlug.numElements(); radiusItr++){
			radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(radiusItr, &stat);
			if(!stat){MGlobal::displayError(MString("Could not get radius element.")); return;}
			radiusPt.x = (double)radius; radiusPt.y = 0.0; radiusPt.z = 0.0;
			radiusPts[radiusItr] = radiusPt;
		for(uint crvItr = 0; crvItr < numStacks; crvItr++){
			param = (float(crvItr)/float(numStacks))*numSpans;
			param2 = (float(crvItr+1)/float(numStacks))*numSpans;
			cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(param, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
			cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(param2, crvPoint2, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvPoint2 = crvPoint2 * crvXform;
			// Determine the radius value 
			int lastRadiusIndex = radiusPlug.numElements() - 1;
			if(lastRadiusIndex == 0){
				radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0, &stat);
				if(!stat){MGlobal::displayError(MString("Could not get radius element.")); return;}
				radius2 = radius;
			}else if(lastRadiusIndex > 0){
				paramNorm = param/numSpans;
				radiusPt = getInterpolatedSplinePoint(paramNorm, radiusPts);
				radius = radiusPt.x;
				paramNorm = param2/numSpans;
				radiusPt  = getInterpolatedSplinePoint(paramNorm, radiusPts);
				radius2 = radiusPt.x;			
			// First, we need to determine our starting position by travelling along the normal 
			MVector crvNormal = cColliderFn.normal(param, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvNormal = crvNormal * crvXform;
			MVector crvTangent = cColliderFn.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvTangent = crvTangent * crvXform;
			MVector crvNormal2 = cColliderFn.normal(param2, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvNormal2 = crvNormal2 * crvXform;
			MVector crvTangent2 = cColliderFn.tangent(param2, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvTangent2 = crvTangent2 * crvXform;
			//			glTranslatef(crvNormal.x, crvNormal.y, crvNormal.z);
			for(int sliceItr = 0; sliceItr < numSlices; sliceItr++){
				// quad vertex 4
				rotateRadians = ((((float)sliceItr+1)/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
				rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent, rotateRadians);
				crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
				glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
				glVertex3f((float)crvPoint.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius),
						   (float)crvPoint.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius),
						   (float)crvPoint.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius));		
				// quad vertex 3
				rotateRadians = ((((float)sliceItr+1)/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
				rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent2, rotateRadians);
				crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
				glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
				glVertex3f((float)crvPoint2.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius2),
						   (float)crvPoint2.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius2),
						   (float)crvPoint2.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius2));
				// quad vertex 2
				rotateRadians = (((float)sliceItr/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
				rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent2, rotateRadians);
				crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
				glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
				glVertex3f((float)crvPoint2.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius2),
						   (float)crvPoint2.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius2),
						   (float)crvPoint2.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius2));
				// quad vertex 1
				rotateRadians = (((float)sliceItr/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
				rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent, rotateRadians);
				crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
				glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
				glVertex3f((float)crvPoint.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius),
						   (float)crvPoint.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius),
						   (float)crvPoint.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius));				
	//                  END WIREFRAME 
//	glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);
Esempio n. 11
MStatus CXRayObjectExport::ExportPart(CEditableObject* O, MDagPath& mdagPath, MObject&  mComponent)
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
	MSpace::Space space = MSpace::kWorld;

	MFnMesh fnMesh( mdagPath, &stat );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failure in MFnMesh initialization.\n");
		return MS::kFailure;

	MString mdagPathNodeName =;

	MFnDagNode dagNode1(mdagPath);
	u32 pc = dagNode1.parentCount();
	for(u32 ip=0;ip<pc;++ip)
		MObject object_parent = dagNode1.parent(ip, &stat);
			MFnTransform parent_transform(object_parent,&stat);
			if ( MS::kSuccess == stat) 
				mdagPathNodeName =;

	MItMeshPolygon meshPoly( mdagPath, mComponent, &stat );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failure in MItMeshPolygon initialization.\n");
		return MS::kFailure;

	MItMeshVertex vtxIter( mdagPath, mComponent, &stat );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != stat) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failure in MItMeshVertex initialization.\n");
		return MS::kFailure;

	// If the shape is instanced then we need to determine which
	// instance this path refers to.
	int instanceNum = 0;
	if (mdagPath.isInstanced())
		instanceNum = mdagPath.instanceNumber();

	// Get a list of all shaders attached to this mesh
	MObjectArray rgShaders;
	MIntArray texMap;
	MStatus status;
	status = fnMesh.getConnectedShaders (instanceNum, rgShaders, texMap);
	if (status == MStatus::kFailure)
		Log("! Unable to load shaders for mesh");
		return (MStatus::kFailure);

	XRShaderDataVec xr_data;
		for ( int i=0; i<(int)rgShaders.length(); i++ ) {
			MObject shader = rgShaders[i];

			SXRShaderData& D = xr_data.back();

			status = parseShader(shader, D);
			if (status == MStatus::kFailure) {
				status.perror ("Unable to retrieve filename of texture");

	CEditableMesh* MESH = new CEditableMesh(O);

	int objectIdx, length;

	// Find i such that objectGroupsTablePtr[i] corresponds to the
	// object node pointed to by mdagPath
	length = objectNodeNamesArray.length();
		for( int i=0; i<length; i++ ) {
			if( objectNodeNamesArray[i] == mdagPathNodeName ) {
				objectIdx = i;
	// Reserve uv table
		VMapVec& _vmaps	= MESH->m_VMaps;
		_vmaps.resize	(1);
		st_VMap*& VM	= _vmaps.back();
		VM				= new st_VMap("Texture",vmtUV,false);

	// write faces
		using FaceVec = xr_vector<st_Face>;
		using FaceIt = FaceVec::iterator;

		VMapVec& _vmaps			= MESH->m_VMaps;
		SurfFaces& _surf_faces	= MESH->m_SurfFaces;
		VMRefsVec& _vmrefs		= MESH->m_VMRefs;
		// temp variables
		FvectorVec	_points;
		FaceVec _faces;
		U32Vec _sgs;

		int f_cnt				= fnMesh.numPolygons();

		_sgs.reserve	(f_cnt);
		_faces.reserve	(f_cnt);
		_vmrefs.reserve	(f_cnt*3);

//		int lastSmoothingGroup = INITIALIZE_SMOOTHING;
		MPointArray rgpt;
		MIntArray rgint;

		PtLookupMap ptMap;
		CSurface* surf	= 0;
		for ( ; !meshPoly.isDone();{
			// Write out the smoothing group that this polygon belongs to
			// We only write out the smoothing group if it is different
			// from the last polygon.
			int compIdx	= meshPoly.index();
			int smoothingGroup = polySmoothingGroups[ compIdx ];
			// for each polygon, first setup the reverse mapping
			// between object-relative vertex indices and face-relative
			// vertex indices
			for (int i=0; i<(int)meshPoly.polygonVertexCount(); i++)
				ptMap.insert (PtLookupMap::value_type(meshPoly.vertexIndex(i), i) );

			// verify polygon zero area
			if (meshPoly.zeroArea()){
				status = MS::kFailure;
				Log("! polygon have zero area:",meshPoly.index());
				return status;

			// verify polygon zero UV area
/*			if (meshPoly.zeroUVArea()){
				status = MS::kFailure;
				Log("! polygon have zero UV area:",meshPoly.index());
				return status;
			// verify polygon has UV information
			if (!meshPoly.hasUVs (&status)) {
				status = MS::kFailure;
				Log("! polygon is missing UV information:",meshPoly.index());
				return status;

			int cTri;
			// now iterate through each triangle on this polygon and create a triangle object in our list
			status = meshPoly.numTriangles (cTri);	
			if (!status) {
				Log("! can't getting triangle count");
				return status;

			for (int i=0; i < cTri; i++) {

				// for each triangle, first get the triangle data
				rgpt.clear();//triangle vertices
				rgint.clear();//triangle vertex indices 

				// triangles that come from object are retrieved in world space
				status = meshPoly.getTriangle (i, rgpt, rgint, MSpace::kWorld);

				if (!status) {
					Log("! can't getting triangle for mesh poly");
					return status;

				if ((rgpt.length() != 3) || (rgint.length() != 3)) {
					Msg("! 3 points not returned for triangle");
					return MS::kFailure;

				// Write out vertex/uv index information
				R_ASSERT2(fnMesh.numUVs()>0,"Can't find uvmaps.");
				set_smoth_flags( _sgs.back(), rgint );

				st_Face& f_it		= _faces.back();
				for ( int vtx=0; vtx<3; vtx++ ) {
					// get face-relative vertex
					PtLookupMap::iterator mapIt;

					int vtLocal, vtUV;
					int vt = rgint[vtx];
					mapIt = ptMap.find(vt);
					Fvector2 uv;
					if (mapIt == ptMap.end()){
						Msg("! Can't find local index.");
						return MS::kFailure;
					vtLocal = (*mapIt).second;

					status = meshPoly.getUVIndex (vtLocal, vtUV, uv.x, uv.y); 
					if (!status) {
						Msg("! error getting UV Index for local vertex '%d' and object vertex '%d'",vtLocal,vt);
						return status;

					// flip v-part 

					f_it.pv[2-vtx].pindex	= AppendVertex(_points,rgpt[vtx]);
					f_it.pv[2-vtx].vmref	= _vmrefs.size();
					_vmrefs.push_back		(st_VMapPtLst());
					st_VMapPtLst& vm_lst	= _vmrefs.back();
					vm_lst.count			= 1;
					vm_lst.pts				= xr_alloc<st_VMapPt>(vm_lst.count);
					vm_lst.pts[0].vmap_index= 0;
					vm_lst.pts[0].index 	= AppendUV(_vmaps.back(),uv);
				// out face material
				int iTexture	= texMap[meshPoly.index()];
				if (iTexture<0)
					xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Can't find material for polygon: %d",meshPoly.index());
				SXRShaderData& D= xr_data[iTexture];

				int compIdx = meshPoly.index();
				surf		= MESH->Parent()->CreateSurface(getMaterialName(mdagPath, compIdx, objectIdx),D);
				if (!surf)	return MStatus::kFailure;	
			// copy from temp
			MESH->m_VertCount	= _points.size();
			MESH->m_FaceCount	= _faces.size();
			MESH->m_Vertices	= xr_alloc<Fvector>(MESH->m_VertCount);
			Memory.mem_copy		(MESH->m_Vertices,&*_points.begin(),MESH->m_VertCount*sizeof(Fvector));
			MESH->m_Faces		= xr_alloc<st_Face>(MESH->m_FaceCount);
			Memory.mem_copy		(MESH->m_Faces,&*_faces.begin(),MESH->m_FaceCount*sizeof(st_Face));
			MESH->m_SmoothGroups = xr_alloc<u32>(MESH->m_FaceCount);
			Memory.mem_copy		(MESH->m_SmoothGroups,&*_sgs.begin(),MESH->m_FaceCount*sizeof(u32));

			MESH->RecomputeBBox	();
		if ((MESH->GetVertexCount()<4)||(MESH->GetFaceCount()<2))
			Log		("! Invalid mesh: '%s'. Faces<2 or Verts<4",*MESH->Name());
			return MS::kFailure;
	return stat;