Esempio n. 1
void PassManagerBuilder::addGlobalExtension(
    PassManagerBuilder::ExtensionPointTy Ty,
    PassManagerBuilder::ExtensionFn Fn) {
  GlobalExtensions->push_back(std::make_pair(Ty, Fn));
Esempio n. 2
void PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager(
    legacy::PassManagerBase &MPM) {
  if (!PGOSampleUse.empty()) {

  // Allow forcing function attributes as a debugging and tuning aid.

  // If all optimizations are disabled, just run the always-inline pass and,
  // if enabled, the function merging pass.
  if (OptLevel == 0) {
    if (Inliner) {
      Inliner = nullptr;

    // FIXME: The BarrierNoopPass is a HACK! The inliner pass above implicitly
    // creates a CGSCC pass manager, but we don't want to add extensions into
    // that pass manager. To prevent this we insert a no-op module pass to reset
    // the pass manager to get the same behavior as EP_OptimizerLast in non-O0
    // builds. The function merging pass is
    if (MergeFunctions)
    else if (!GlobalExtensions->empty() || !Extensions.empty())

    if (PrepareForThinLTO)
      // Rename anon globals to be able to export them in the summary.

    addExtensionsToPM(EP_EnabledOnOptLevel0, MPM);

  // Add LibraryInfo if we have some.
  if (LibraryInfo)
    MPM.add(new TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass(*LibraryInfo));


  // For ThinLTO there are two passes of indirect call promotion. The
  // first is during the compile phase when PerformThinLTO=false and
  // intra-module indirect call targets are promoted. The second is during
  // the ThinLTO backend when PerformThinLTO=true, when we promote imported
  // inter-module indirect calls. For that we perform indirect call promotion
  // earlier in the pass pipeline, here before globalopt. Otherwise imported
  // available_externally functions look unreferenced and are removed.
  if (PerformThinLTO)
    MPM.add(createPGOIndirectCallPromotionLegacyPass(/*InLTO = */ true,

  if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
    // Infer attributes about declarations if possible.

    addExtensionsToPM(EP_ModuleOptimizerEarly, MPM);

    MPM.add(createIPSCCPPass());          // IP SCCP
    MPM.add(createGlobalOptimizerPass()); // Optimize out global vars
    // Promote any localized global vars.

    MPM.add(createDeadArgEliminationPass()); // Dead argument elimination

    addInstructionCombiningPass(MPM); // Clean up after IPCP & DAE
    addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass()); // Clean up after IPCP & DAE

  if (!PerformThinLTO) {
    /// PGO instrumentation is added during the compile phase for ThinLTO, do
    /// not run it a second time
    // Indirect call promotion that promotes intra-module targets only.
    // For ThinLTO this is done earlier due to interactions with globalopt
    // for imported functions.
        createPGOIndirectCallPromotionLegacyPass(false, !PGOSampleUse.empty()));

  if (EnableNonLTOGlobalsModRef)
    // We add a module alias analysis pass here. In part due to bugs in the
    // analysis infrastructure this "works" in that the analysis stays alive
    // for the entire SCC pass run below.

  // Start of CallGraph SCC passes.
  if (!DisableUnitAtATime)
    MPM.add(createPruneEHPass()); // Remove dead EH info
  if (Inliner) {
    Inliner = nullptr;
  if (!DisableUnitAtATime)
  if (OptLevel > 2)
    MPM.add(createArgumentPromotionPass()); // Scalarize uninlined fn args

  addExtensionsToPM(EP_CGSCCOptimizerLate, MPM);

  // FIXME: This is a HACK! The inliner pass above implicitly creates a CGSCC
  // pass manager that we are specifically trying to avoid. To prevent this
  // we must insert a no-op module pass to reset the pass manager.

  if (!DisableUnitAtATime && OptLevel > 1 && !PrepareForLTO &&
    // Remove avail extern fns and globals definitions if we aren't
    // compiling an object file for later LTO. For LTO we want to preserve
    // these so they are eligible for inlining at link-time. Note if they
    // are unreferenced they will be removed by GlobalDCE later, so
    // this only impacts referenced available externally globals.
    // Eventually they will be suppressed during codegen, but eliminating
    // here enables more opportunity for GlobalDCE as it may make
    // globals referenced by available external functions dead
    // and saves running remaining passes on the eliminated functions.

  if (!DisableUnitAtATime)

  // If we are planning to perform ThinLTO later, let's not bloat the code with
  // unrolling/vectorization/... now. We'll first run the inliner + CGSCC passes
  // during ThinLTO and perform the rest of the optimizations afterward.
  if (PrepareForThinLTO) {
    // Reduce the size of the IR as much as possible.
    // Rename anon globals to be able to export them in the summary.

  if (PerformThinLTO)
    // Optimize globals now when performing ThinLTO, this enables more
    // optimizations later.

  // Scheduling LoopVersioningLICM when inlining is over, because after that
  // we may see more accurate aliasing. Reason to run this late is that too
  // early versioning may prevent further inlining due to increase of code
  // size. By placing it just after inlining other optimizations which runs
  // later might get benefit of no-alias assumption in clone loop.
  if (UseLoopVersioningLICM) {
    MPM.add(createLoopVersioningLICMPass());    // Do LoopVersioningLICM
    MPM.add(createLICMPass());                  // Hoist loop invariants

  if (EnableNonLTOGlobalsModRef)
    // We add a fresh GlobalsModRef run at this point. This is particularly
    // useful as the above will have inlined, DCE'ed, and function-attr
    // propagated everything. We should at this point have a reasonably minimal
    // and richly annotated call graph. By computing aliasing and mod/ref
    // information for all local globals here, the late loop passes and notably
    // the vectorizer will be able to use them to help recognize vectorizable
    // memory operations.
    // Note that this relies on a bug in the pass manager which preserves
    // a module analysis into a function pass pipeline (and throughout it) so
    // long as the first function pass doesn't invalidate the module analysis.
    // Thus both Float2Int and LoopRotate have to preserve AliasAnalysis for
    // this to work. Fortunately, it is trivial to preserve AliasAnalysis
    // (doing nothing preserves it as it is required to be conservatively
    // correct in the face of IR changes).


  addExtensionsToPM(EP_VectorizerStart, MPM);

  // Re-rotate loops in all our loop nests. These may have fallout out of
  // rotated form due to GVN or other transformations, and the vectorizer relies
  // on the rotated form. Disable header duplication at -Oz.
  MPM.add(createLoopRotatePass(SizeLevel == 2 ? 0 : -1));

  // Distribute loops to allow partial vectorization.  I.e. isolate dependences
  // into separate loop that would otherwise inhibit vectorization.  This is
  // currently only performed for loops marked with the metadata
  // llvm.loop.distribute=true or when -enable-loop-distribute is specified.

  MPM.add(createLoopVectorizePass(DisableUnrollLoops, LoopVectorize));

  // Eliminate loads by forwarding stores from the previous iteration to loads
  // of the current iteration.
  if (EnableLoopLoadElim)

  // FIXME: Because of #pragma vectorize enable, the passes below are always
  // inserted in the pipeline, even when the vectorizer doesn't run (ex. when
  // on -O1 and no #pragma is found). Would be good to have these two passes
  // as function calls, so that we can only pass them when the vectorizer
  // changed the code.
  if (OptLevel > 1 && ExtraVectorizerPasses) {
    // At higher optimization levels, try to clean up any runtime overlap and
    // alignment checks inserted by the vectorizer. We want to track correllated
    // runtime checks for two inner loops in the same outer loop, fold any
    // common computations, hoist loop-invariant aspects out of any outer loop,
    // and unswitch the runtime checks if possible. Once hoisted, we may have
    // dead (or speculatable) control flows or more combining opportunities.
    MPM.add(createLoopUnswitchPass(SizeLevel || OptLevel < 3));

  if (RunSLPAfterLoopVectorization) {
    if (SLPVectorize) {
      MPM.add(createSLPVectorizerPass());   // Vectorize parallel scalar chains.
      if (OptLevel > 1 && ExtraVectorizerPasses) {

    if (BBVectorize) {
      addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
      if (OptLevel > 1 && UseGVNAfterVectorization)
                    ? createNewGVNPass()
                    : createGVNPass(DisableGVNLoadPRE)); // Remove redundancies
        MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());      // Catch trivial redundancies

      // BBVectorize may have significantly shortened a loop body; unroll again.
      if (!DisableUnrollLoops)

  addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);

  if (!DisableUnrollLoops) {
    MPM.add(createLoopUnrollPass(OptLevel));    // Unroll small loops

    // LoopUnroll may generate some redundency to cleanup.

    // Runtime unrolling will introduce runtime check in loop prologue. If the
    // unrolled loop is a inner loop, then the prologue will be inside the
    // outer loop. LICM pass can help to promote the runtime check out if the
    // checked value is loop invariant.

  // After vectorization and unrolling, assume intrinsics may tell us more
  // about pointer alignments.

  if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
    // FIXME: We shouldn't bother with this anymore.
    MPM.add(createStripDeadPrototypesPass()); // Get rid of dead prototypes

    // GlobalOpt already deletes dead functions and globals, at -O2 try a
    // late pass of GlobalDCE.  It is capable of deleting dead cycles.
    if (OptLevel > 1) {
      MPM.add(createGlobalDCEPass());         // Remove dead fns and globals.
      MPM.add(createConstantMergePass());     // Merge dup global constants

  if (MergeFunctions)

  // LoopSink pass sinks instructions hoisted by LICM, which serves as a
  // canonicalization pass that enables other optimizations. As a result,
  // LoopSink pass needs to be a very late IR pass to avoid undoing LICM
  // result too early.
  // Get rid of LCSSA nodes.
  addExtensionsToPM(EP_OptimizerLast, MPM);
Esempio n. 3
void PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager(PassManagerBase &MPM) {
  // If all optimizations are disabled, just run the always-inline pass.
  if (OptLevel == 0) {
    if (Inliner) {
      Inliner = 0;

    // FIXME: This is a HACK! The inliner pass above implicitly creates a CGSCC
    // pass manager, but we don't want to add extensions into that pass manager.
    // To prevent this we must insert a no-op module pass to reset the pass
    // manager to get the same behavior as EP_OptimizerLast in non-O0 builds.
    if (!GlobalExtensions->empty() || !Extensions.empty())

    addExtensionsToPM(EP_EnabledOnOptLevel0, MPM);

  // Add LibraryInfo if we have some.
  if (LibraryInfo) MPM.add(new TargetLibraryInfo(*LibraryInfo));


  if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
    addExtensionsToPM(EP_ModuleOptimizerEarly, MPM);

    MPM.add(createGlobalOptimizerPass());     // Optimize out global vars

    MPM.add(createIPSCCPPass());              // IP SCCP
    MPM.add(createDeadArgEliminationPass());  // Dead argument elimination

    MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());// Clean up after IPCP & DAE
    MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());   // Clean up after IPCP & DAE

  // Start of CallGraph SCC passes.
  if (!DisableUnitAtATime)
    MPM.add(createPruneEHPass());             // Remove dead EH info
  if (Inliner) {
    Inliner = 0;
  if (!DisableUnitAtATime)
    MPM.add(createFunctionAttrsPass());       // Set readonly/readnone attrs
  if (OptLevel > 2)
    MPM.add(createArgumentPromotionPass());   // Scalarize uninlined fn args

  // Start of function pass.
  // Break up aggregate allocas, using SSAUpdater.
  if (UseNewSROA)
    MPM.add(createSROAPass(/*RequiresDomTree*/ false));
    MPM.add(createScalarReplAggregatesPass(-1, false));
  MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());              // Catch trivial redundancies
  if (!DisableSimplifyLibCalls)
    MPM.add(createSimplifyLibCallsPass());    // Library Call Optimizations
  MPM.add(createJumpThreadingPass());         // Thread jumps.
  MPM.add(createCorrelatedValuePropagationPass()); // Propagate conditionals
  MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());     // Merge & remove BBs
  MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());  // Combine silly seq's

  MPM.add(createTailCallEliminationPass());   // Eliminate tail calls
  MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());     // Merge & remove BBs
  MPM.add(createReassociatePass());           // Reassociate expressions
  MPM.add(createLoopRotatePass());            // Rotate Loop
  MPM.add(createLICMPass());                  // Hoist loop invariants
  MPM.add(createLoopUnswitchPass(SizeLevel || OptLevel < 3));
  MPM.add(createIndVarSimplifyPass());        // Canonicalize indvars
  MPM.add(createLoopIdiomPass());             // Recognize idioms like memset.
  MPM.add(createLoopDeletionPass());          // Delete dead loops

  if (LoopVectorize && OptLevel > 2)

  if (!DisableUnrollLoops)
    MPM.add(createLoopUnrollPass());          // Unroll small loops
  addExtensionsToPM(EP_LoopOptimizerEnd, MPM);

  if (OptLevel > 1)
    MPM.add(createGVNPass());                 // Remove redundancies
  MPM.add(createMemCpyOptPass());             // Remove memcpy / form memset
  MPM.add(createSCCPPass());                  // Constant prop with SCCP

  // Run instcombine after redundancy elimination to exploit opportunities
  // opened up by them.
  MPM.add(createJumpThreadingPass());         // Thread jumps
  MPM.add(createDeadStoreEliminationPass());  // Delete dead stores

  addExtensionsToPM(EP_ScalarOptimizerLate, MPM);

  if (SLPVectorize)
    MPM.add(createSLPVectorizerPass());     // Vectorize parallel scalar chains.

  if (BBVectorize) {
    if (OptLevel > 1 && UseGVNAfterVectorization)
      MPM.add(createGVNPass());                   // Remove redundancies
      MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());              // Catch trivial redundancies

    // BBVectorize may have significantly shortened a loop body; unroll again.
    if (!DisableUnrollLoops)

  MPM.add(createAggressiveDCEPass());         // Delete dead instructions
  MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());     // Merge & remove BBs
  MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());  // Clean up after everything.

  if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
    // FIXME: We shouldn't bother with this anymore.
    MPM.add(createStripDeadPrototypesPass()); // Get rid of dead prototypes

    // GlobalOpt already deletes dead functions and globals, at -O2 try a
    // late pass of GlobalDCE.  It is capable of deleting dead cycles.
    if (OptLevel > 1) {
      MPM.add(createGlobalDCEPass());         // Remove dead fns and globals.
      MPM.add(createConstantMergePass());     // Merge dup global constants
  addExtensionsToPM(EP_OptimizerLast, MPM);
Esempio n. 4
void PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager(PassManagerBase &MPM) {
  // If all optimizations are disabled, just run the always-inline pass and,
  // if enabled, the function merging pass.
  if (OptLevel == 0) {
    if (Inliner) {
      Inliner = nullptr;

    // FIXME: The BarrierNoopPass is a HACK! The inliner pass above implicitly
    // creates a CGSCC pass manager, but we don't want to add extensions into
    // that pass manager. To prevent this we insert a no-op module pass to reset
    // the pass manager to get the same behavior as EP_OptimizerLast in non-O0
    // builds. The function merging pass is 
    if (MergeFunctions)
    else if (!GlobalExtensions->empty() || !Extensions.empty())

    addExtensionsToPM(EP_EnabledOnOptLevel0, MPM);

  // Add LibraryInfo if we have some.
  if (LibraryInfo) MPM.add(new TargetLibraryInfo(*LibraryInfo));


  if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
    addExtensionsToPM(EP_ModuleOptimizerEarly, MPM);

    MPM.add(createIPSCCPPass());              // IP SCCP
    MPM.add(createGlobalOptimizerPass());     // Optimize out global vars

    MPM.add(createDeadArgEliminationPass());  // Dead argument elimination

    MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());// Clean up after IPCP & DAE
    addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());   // Clean up after IPCP & DAE

  // Start of CallGraph SCC passes.
  if (!DisableUnitAtATime)
    MPM.add(createPruneEHPass());             // Remove dead EH info
  if (Inliner) {
    Inliner = nullptr;
  if (!DisableUnitAtATime)
    MPM.add(createFunctionAttrsPass());       // Set readonly/readnone attrs
  if (OptLevel > 2)
    MPM.add(createArgumentPromotionPass());   // Scalarize uninlined fn args

  // Start of function pass.
  // Break up aggregate allocas, using SSAUpdater.
  if (UseNewSROA)
    MPM.add(createSROAPass(/*RequiresDomTree*/ false));
    MPM.add(createScalarReplAggregatesPass(-1, false));
  MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());              // Catch trivial redundancies
  MPM.add(createJumpThreadingPass());         // Thread jumps.
  MPM.add(createCorrelatedValuePropagationPass()); // Propagate conditionals
  MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());     // Merge & remove BBs
  MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());  // Combine silly seq's
  addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);

  if (!DisableTailCalls)
    MPM.add(createTailCallEliminationPass()); // Eliminate tail calls
  MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());     // Merge & remove BBs
  MPM.add(createReassociatePass());           // Reassociate expressions
  MPM.add(createLoopRotatePass());            // Rotate Loop
  MPM.add(createLICMPass());                  // Hoist loop invariants
  MPM.add(createLoopUnswitchPass(SizeLevel || OptLevel < 3));
  MPM.add(createIndVarSimplifyPass());        // Canonicalize indvars
  MPM.add(createLoopIdiomPass());             // Recognize idioms like memset.
  MPM.add(createLoopDeletionPass());          // Delete dead loops

  if (!DisableUnrollLoops)
    MPM.add(createSimpleLoopUnrollPass());    // Unroll small loops
  addExtensionsToPM(EP_LoopOptimizerEnd, MPM);

  if (OptLevel > 1) {
    if (EnableMLSM)
      MPM.add(createMergedLoadStoreMotionPass()); // Merge ld/st in diamonds
    MPM.add(createGVNPass(DisableGVNLoadPRE));  // Remove redundancies
  MPM.add(createMemCpyOptPass());             // Remove memcpy / form memset
  MPM.add(createSCCPPass());                  // Constant prop with SCCP

  // Run instcombine after redundancy elimination to exploit opportunities
  // opened up by them.
  addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
  MPM.add(createJumpThreadingPass());         // Thread jumps
  MPM.add(createDeadStoreEliminationPass());  // Delete dead stores

  addExtensionsToPM(EP_ScalarOptimizerLate, MPM);

  if (RerollLoops)
  if (!RunSLPAfterLoopVectorization) {
    if (SLPVectorize)
      MPM.add(createSLPVectorizerPass());   // Vectorize parallel scalar chains.

    if (BBVectorize) {
      addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
      if (OptLevel > 1 && UseGVNAfterVectorization)
        MPM.add(createGVNPass(DisableGVNLoadPRE)); // Remove redundancies
        MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());      // Catch trivial redundancies

      // BBVectorize may have significantly shortened a loop body; unroll again.
      if (!DisableUnrollLoops)

  if (LoadCombine)

  MPM.add(createAggressiveDCEPass());         // Delete dead instructions
  MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass()); // Merge & remove BBs
  MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());  // Clean up after everything.
  addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);

  // FIXME: This is a HACK! The inliner pass above implicitly creates a CGSCC
  // pass manager that we are specifically trying to avoid. To prevent this
  // we must insert a no-op module pass to reset the pass manager.

  // Re-rotate loops in all our loop nests. These may have fallout out of
  // rotated form due to GVN or other transformations, and the vectorizer relies
  // on the rotated form.
  if (ExtraVectorizerPasses)

  MPM.add(createLoopVectorizePass(DisableUnrollLoops, LoopVectorize));
  // FIXME: Because of #pragma vectorize enable, the passes below are always
  // inserted in the pipeline, even when the vectorizer doesn't run (ex. when
  // on -O1 and no #pragma is found). Would be good to have these two passes
  // as function calls, so that we can only pass them when the vectorizer
  // changed the code.
  if (OptLevel > 1 && ExtraVectorizerPasses) {
    // At higher optimization levels, try to clean up any runtime overlap and
    // alignment checks inserted by the vectorizer. We want to track correllated
    // runtime checks for two inner loops in the same outer loop, fold any
    // common computations, hoist loop-invariant aspects out of any outer loop,
    // and unswitch the runtime checks if possible. Once hoisted, we may have
    // dead (or speculatable) control flows or more combining opportunities.
    MPM.add(createLoopUnswitchPass(SizeLevel || OptLevel < 3));

  if (RunSLPAfterLoopVectorization) {
    if (SLPVectorize) {
      MPM.add(createSLPVectorizerPass());   // Vectorize parallel scalar chains.
      if (OptLevel > 1 && ExtraVectorizerPasses) {

    if (BBVectorize) {
      addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
      if (OptLevel > 1 && UseGVNAfterVectorization)
        MPM.add(createGVNPass(DisableGVNLoadPRE)); // Remove redundancies
        MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());      // Catch trivial redundancies

      // BBVectorize may have significantly shortened a loop body; unroll again.
      if (!DisableUnrollLoops)

  addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);

  if (!DisableUnrollLoops)
    MPM.add(createLoopUnrollPass());    // Unroll small loops

  // After vectorization and unrolling, assume intrinsics may tell us more
  // about pointer alignments.

  if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
    // FIXME: We shouldn't bother with this anymore.
    MPM.add(createStripDeadPrototypesPass()); // Get rid of dead prototypes

    // GlobalOpt already deletes dead functions and globals, at -O2 try a
    // late pass of GlobalDCE.  It is capable of deleting dead cycles.
    if (OptLevel > 1) {
      MPM.add(createGlobalDCEPass());         // Remove dead fns and globals.
      MPM.add(createConstantMergePass());     // Merge dup global constants

  if (MergeFunctions)

  addExtensionsToPM(EP_OptimizerLast, MPM);
bool CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash() {
  return tlIsRecoveringFromCrash->get() != nullptr;
Esempio n. 6
AttributeListImpl::~AttributeListImpl() {
  // NOTE: Lock must be acquired by caller.
Esempio n. 7
void LeakDetector::removeGarbageObjectImpl(void *Object) {
  sys::SmartScopedLock<true> Lock(*ObjectsLock);
Esempio n. 8
static void clearGarbage(LLVMContext &Context) {
Esempio n. 9
std::string &PluginLoader::getPlugin(unsigned num) {
  sys::SmartScopedLock<true> Lock(*PluginsLock);
  assert(Plugins.isConstructed() && num < Plugins->size() &&
         "Asking for an out of bounds plugin");
  return (*Plugins)[num];
Esempio n. 10
unsigned PluginLoader::getNumPlugins() {
  sys::SmartScopedLock<true> Lock(*PluginsLock);
  return Plugins.isConstructed() ? Plugins->size() : 0;