Esempio n. 1
// ParseCellTag
// This function is responsible for creating
// a tree of groupcells when loading XML document.
// Any changes in GroupCell structure or methods
// has to be reflected here in order to ensure proper
// loading of WXMX files.
MathCell* MathParser::ParseCellTag(wxXmlNode* node)
  GroupCell *group = NULL;

  // read hide status
#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
  bool hide = (node->GetAttribute(wxT("hide"), wxT("false")) == wxT("true")) ? true : false;
  bool hide = (node->GetPropVal(wxT("hide"), wxT("false")) == wxT("true")) ? true : false;
  // read (group)cell type
#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
  wxString type = node->GetAttribute(wxT("type"), wxT("text"));
  wxString type = node->GetPropVal(wxT("type"), wxT("text"));

  if (type == wxT("code")) {
    group = new GroupCell(GC_TYPE_CODE);
    wxXmlNode *children = node->GetChildren();
    while (children) {
      if (children->GetName() == wxT("input")) {
        MathCell *editor = ParseTag(children->GetChildren());
        delete editor;
      if (children->GetName() == wxT("output"))
      children = children->GetNext();
  else if (type == wxT("image")) {
    group = new GroupCell(GC_TYPE_IMAGE);
    wxXmlNode *children = node->GetChildren();
    while (children) {
      if (children->GetName() == wxT("editor")) {
        MathCell *ed = ParseEditorTag(children);
        delete ed;
      children = children->GetNext();
  else if (type == wxT("pagebreak")) {
    group = new GroupCell(GC_TYPE_PAGEBREAK);
  else if (type == wxT("text")) {
    group = new GroupCell(GC_TYPE_TEXT);
    MathCell *editor = ParseTag(node->GetChildren());
    delete editor;
  else {
    // text types
    if (type == wxT("title"))
      group = new GroupCell(GC_TYPE_TITLE);
    else if (type == wxT("section"))
      group = new GroupCell(GC_TYPE_SECTION);
    else if (type == wxT("subsection"))
      group = new GroupCell(GC_TYPE_SUBSECTION);
      return NULL;

    wxXmlNode *children = node->GetChildren();
    while (children) {
      if (children->GetName() == wxT("editor")) {
        MathCell *ed = ParseEditorTag(children);
        delete ed;
      else if (children->GetName() == wxT("fold")) { // we have folded groupcells
        wxXmlNode *xmlcells = children->GetChildren();
        MathCell *tree = NULL;
        MathCell *last = NULL;
        if (xmlcells) {
          last = tree = ParseTag(xmlcells, false); // first cell
          while (xmlcells->GetNext()) {
            xmlcells = xmlcells->GetNext();
            MathCell *cell = ParseTag(xmlcells, false);

            last->m_next = last->m_nextToDraw = cell;
            last->m_next->m_previous = last->m_next->m_previousToDraw = last;

            last = last->m_next;
          if (tree)
            group->HideTree((GroupCell *)tree);
      children = children->GetNext();

  group->SetParent(group, false);
  return group;