// Computes surface tangent vectors for many normal vectors at once
//   normals: (3 x m) matrix where each column is a normal vector in world coordinates
//   tangents: list of k (3 x m) matrices where each column contains one of the k tangent vectors
//              for the corresponding normal.
// NOTE:
//  k = BASIS_VECTOR_HALF_COUNT is defined as a preprocessor directive so that 
//      Eigen templates can be optimized at compile time
void RigidBodyManipulator::surfaceTangents(Map<Matrix3xd> const & normals, std::vector< Map<Matrix3xd> > & tangents)
  const size_t numContactPairs = normals.cols();
  for (size_t curNormal = 0 ; curNormal < numContactPairs; curNormal++) {
    Matrix3kd d;
    surfaceTangentsSingle(normals.col(curNormal), d);
    for (size_t k = 0 ; k < BASIS_VECTOR_HALF_COUNT ; k++) {
      tangents[k].col(curNormal) = d.col(k);
Esempio n. 2
void RigidBodyTree<T>::surfaceTangents(
    Map<Matrix3Xd> const &normals,
    // TODO(#2274) Fix NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references).
    std::vector<Map<Matrix3Xd> > &tangents) const {
  const size_t numContactPairs = normals.cols();
  for (size_t curNormal = 0; curNormal < numContactPairs; curNormal++) {
    Matrix3kd d;
    surfaceTangentsSingle(normals.col(curNormal), d);
    for (size_t k = 0; k < BASIS_VECTOR_HALF_COUNT; k++) {
      tangents[k].col(curNormal) = d.col(k);
Esempio n. 3
// Computes surface tangent vectors for a single normal vector
//   normal: (3 x 1) normal vector in world coordinates
//   d: (3 x k) matrix where the k columns contain the surface tangents
// NOTE:
//  k = BASIS_VECTOR_HALF_COUNT is defined as a preprocessor directive so that
//      Eigen templates can be optimized at compile time
void surfaceTangentsSingle(Vector3d const &normal, Matrix3kd &d) {
  Vector3d t1, t2;
  double theta;

  if (1.0 - normal(2) < EPSILON) {  // handle the unit-normal case (since it's
                                    // unit length, just check z)
    t1 << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
  } else if (1 + normal(2) < EPSILON) {
    t1 << -1.0, 0.0, 0.0;  // same for the reflected case
  } else {                 // now the general case
    t1 << normal(1), -normal(0), 0.0;
    t1 /= sqrt(normal(1) * normal(1) + normal(0) * normal(0));

  t2 = t1.cross(normal);

  for (size_t k = 0; k < BASIS_VECTOR_HALF_COUNT; k++) {
    theta = k * M_PI / BASIS_VECTOR_HALF_COUNT;
    d.col(k) = cos(theta) * t1 + sin(theta) * t2;