Esempio n. 1
 * @method HandleNextPass [int:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token we are using for reading the data file
 * @param offset [int&] the offset (see below)
 * Called from within HandleMatrix, this function is used to deal with interleaved
 * matrices.  It is called once for each pass through the taxa.
 * <P>The local variable jmax records the number of columns read in the current
 * interleaved page and is used to determine the offset used for j in subsequent
 * pages.
int DistancesBlock::HandleNextPass( NexusToken& token, int& offset )
   int i, j, k, jmax = 0, done = 0;

   int i_first = 0;
   if( triangle == lower )
      i_first = offset;

   int i_last  = ntax;

   for( i = i_first; i < i_last; i++ )
      // Deal with taxon label if provided
      if( labels && ( !newtaxa || offset>0 ) )
         do {
            token.SetLabileFlagBit( NexusToken::newlineIsToken );
         } while( token.AtEOL() );
         try {
            k = taxa.FindTaxon( token.GetToken() );
            if( taxonPos[i]==-1 )
               taxonPos[i] = k;
            else if( taxonPos[i] != k ) {
               errormsg = "Taxon labeled ";
               errormsg += token.GetToken();
               errormsg += " is out of order compared to previous interleave pages";
               throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
         catch (std::out_of_range) {
            errormsg = "Could not find ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " among taxa previously defined";
            throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
      else if( labels && newtaxa ) {
         do {
            token.SetLabileFlagBit( NexusToken::newlineIsToken );
         } while( token.AtEOL() );
         taxa.AddTaxonLabel( token.GetToken() );
         taxonPos[i] = i;

      // Now deal with the row of distance values
      int true_j = 0;
      for( j = 0; j < ntax; j++ )
         if( i == ntax-1 && j == ntax-1 ) {
            done = 1;

         if( i == ntax-1 && true_j == ntax-1 ) {
            done = 1;

         if( i == ntax-1 && !diagonal && triangle==upper ) {
            done = 1;

         if( !diagonal && triangle==lower && j == ntax-offset-1) {
            done = 1;

         token.SetLabileFlagBit( NexusToken::newlineIsToken );

      	if( token.AtEOL() ) {
            if( j > jmax ) {
               jmax = j;
               if( !diagonal && triangle == upper && i >= offset )
               if( interleave && triangle == upper )
                     i_last = jmax + offset;

         true_j = j+offset;
         if( triangle==upper && i > offset )
            true_j += ( i - offset );
         if( !diagonal && triangle==upper && i >= offset )

         if( true_j == ntax ) {
            errormsg = "Too many distances specified in row just read in";
            throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         std::string t = token.GetToken();
         if( token.GetTokenLength() == 1 && t[0] == missing )
            SetMissing( i, true_j );
            SetDistance( i, true_j, atof( t.c_str() ) );


   offset += jmax;

   if( done )
      return 1;
      return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 * @method HandleFormatCommand [void:protected]
 * @param token [NexusToken&] the token used to read from in
 * @throws XNexus
 * Called when FORMAT command needs to be parsed from within the
 * DISTANCES block.  Deals with everything after the token FORMAT
 * up to and including the semicolon that terminates the FORMAT
 * command.
void DistancesBlock::HandleFormatCommand( NexusToken& token )

      // token should either be ';' or the name of a subcommand
		if( token.Equals(";") ) {
      else if( token.Equals("TRIANGLE") ) {

         // this should be the equals sign
         if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
      		errormsg = "Expecting '=' but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         // this should be LOWER, UPPER, or BOTH
         if( token.Equals("LOWER") )
            triangle = lower;
         else if( token.Equals("UPPER") )
            triangle = upper;
         else if( token.Equals("BOTH") )
            triangle = both;
         else {
      		errormsg = "Expecting UPPER, LOWER, or BOTH but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

      else if( token.Equals("DIAGONAL") ) {
         diagonal = 1;
      else if( token.Equals("NODIAGONAL") ) {
         diagonal = 0;
      else if( token.Equals("LABELS") ) {
         labels = 1;
      else if( token.Equals("NOLABELS") ) {
         labels = 0;
      else if( token.Equals("INTERLEAVE") ) {
         interleave = 1;
      else if( token.Equals("NOINTERLEAVE") ) {
         interleave = 0;
      else if( token.Equals("MISSING") ) {

         // this should be the equals sign
         if( !token.Equals("=") ) {
      		errormsg = "Expecting '=' but found ";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += " instead";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );

         // this should be the missing data symbol
         if( token.GetTokenLength() != 1 ) {
      		errormsg = "Missing data symbol specified (";
            errormsg += token.GetToken();
            errormsg += ") is invalid (must be a single character)";
      		throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );
         missing = token.GetToken()[0];
      else {
         errormsg = "Token specified (";
         errormsg += token.GetToken();
         errormsg += ") is an invalid subcommand for the FORMAT command";
         throw XNexus( errormsg, token.GetFilePosition(), token.GetFileLine(), token.GetFileColumn() );