Esempio n. 1
bool InexactSearchDirCalculator::InitializeImpl(
   const OptionsList& options,
   const std::string& prefix
   options.GetNumericValue("local_inf_Ac_tol", local_inf_Ac_tol_, prefix);
   Index enum_int;
   options.GetEnumValue("inexact_step_decomposition", enum_int, prefix);
   decomposition_type_ = DecompositionTypeEnum(enum_int);

   bool compute_normal = false;
   switch( decomposition_type_ )
      case ALWAYS:
         compute_normal = true;
      case ADAPTIVE:
      case SWITCH_ONCE:
         compute_normal = false;


   bool retval = inexact_pd_solver_->Initialize(Jnlst(), IpNLP(), IpData(), IpCq(), options, prefix);
   if( !retval )
      return false;
   return normal_step_calculator_->Initialize(Jnlst(), IpNLP(), IpData(), IpCq(), options, prefix);
Esempio n. 2
SmartPtr<AugSystemSolver> AlgorithmBuilder::AugSystemSolverFactory(
   const Journalist&     jnlst,
   const OptionsList&    options,
   const std::string&    prefix
   SmartPtr<AugSystemSolver> AugSolver;
   std::string linear_solver;
   options.GetStringValue("linear_solver", linear_solver, prefix);
   if( linear_solver == "custom" )
      ASSERT_EXCEPTION(IsValid(custom_solver_), OPTION_INVALID, "Selected linear solver CUSTOM not available.");
      AugSolver = custom_solver_;
      AugSolver = new StdAugSystemSolver(*GetSymLinearSolver(jnlst, options, prefix));

   Index enum_int;
   options.GetEnumValue("hessian_approximation", enum_int, prefix);
   HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation = HessianApproximationType(enum_int);
   if( hessian_approximation == LIMITED_MEMORY )
      std::string lm_aug_solver;
      options.GetStringValue("limited_memory_aug_solver", lm_aug_solver, prefix);
      if( lm_aug_solver == "sherman-morrison" )
         AugSolver = new LowRankAugSystemSolver(*AugSolver);
      else if( lm_aug_solver == "extended" )
         Index lm_history;
         options.GetIntegerValue("limited_memory_max_history", lm_history, prefix);
         Index max_rank;
         std::string lm_type;
         options.GetStringValue("limited_memory_update_type", lm_type, prefix);
         if( lm_type == "bfgs" )
            max_rank = 2 * lm_history;
         else if( lm_type == "sr1" )
            max_rank = lm_history;
            THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Unknown value for option \"limited_memory_update_type\".");
         AugSolver = new LowRankSSAugSystemSolver(*AugSolver, max_rank);
         THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Unknown value for option \"limited_memory_aug_solver\".");
   return AugSolver;
Esempio n. 3
  bool OrigIterationOutput::InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
      const std::string& prefix)
    options.GetBoolValue("print_info_string", print_info_string_, prefix);
    Index enum_int;
    options.GetEnumValue("inf_pr_output", enum_int, prefix);
    inf_pr_output_ = InfPrOutput(enum_int);

    return true;
Esempio n. 4
  bool RestoIterationOutput::InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
      const std::string& prefix)
    options.GetBoolValue("print_info_string", print_info_string_, prefix);
    Index enum_int;
    options.GetEnumValue("inf_pr_output", enum_int, prefix);
    inf_pr_output_ = InfPrOutput(enum_int);

    bool retval = true;
    if (IsValid(resto_orig_iteration_output_)) {
      retval = resto_orig_iteration_output_->Initialize(Jnlst(), IpNLP(),
               IpData(), IpCq(),
               options, prefix);
    return retval;
Esempio n. 5
bool RestoIpoptNLP::Initialize(
   const Journalist&  jnlst,
   const OptionsList& options,
   const std::string& prefix
   options.GetBoolValue("evaluate_orig_obj_at_resto_trial", evaluate_orig_obj_at_resto_trial_, prefix);
   options.GetNumericValue("resto_penalty_parameter", rho_, prefix);
   Index enum_int;
   options.GetEnumValue("hessian_approximation", enum_int, prefix);
   hessian_approximation_ = HessianApproximationType(enum_int);
   options.GetNumericValue("resto_proximity_weight", eta_factor_, prefix);

   initialized_ = true;
   return IpoptNLP::Initialize(jnlst, options, prefix);
Esempio n. 6
SmartPtr<HessianUpdater> AlgorithmBuilder::BuildHessianUpdater(
   const Journalist&     jnlst,
   const OptionsList&    options,
   const std::string&    prefix
   // Get the Hessian updater for the main algorithm
   SmartPtr<HessianUpdater> HessUpdater;
   Index enum_int;
   options.GetEnumValue("hessian_approximation", enum_int, prefix);
   HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation = HessianApproximationType(enum_int);
   switch( hessian_approximation )
      case EXACT:
         HessUpdater = new ExactHessianUpdater();
      case LIMITED_MEMORY:
         // ToDo This needs to be replaced!
         HessUpdater = new LimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater(false);
   return HessUpdater;
  AlgorithmBuilder::BuildBasicAlgorithm(const Journalist& jnlst,
                                        const OptionsList& options,
                                        const std::string& prefix)

    bool mehrotra_algorithm;
    options.GetBoolValue("mehrotra_algorithm", mehrotra_algorithm, prefix);

    // Create the convergence check
    SmartPtr<ConvergenceCheck> convCheck =
      new OptimalityErrorConvergenceCheck();

    // Create the solvers that will be used by the main algorithm

    SmartPtr<SparseSymLinearSolverInterface> SolverInterface;
    std::string linear_solver;
    options.GetStringValue("linear_solver", linear_solver, prefix);
    bool use_custom_solver = false;
    if (linear_solver=="ma27") {
#ifndef COINHSL_HAS_MA27
      SolverInterface = new Ma27TSolverInterface();
      if (!LSL_isMA27available()) {
        char buf[256];
        int rc = LSL_loadHSL(NULL, buf, 255);
        if (rc) {
          std::string errmsg;
          errmsg = "Selected linear solver MA27 not available.\nTried to obtain MA27 from shared library \"";
          errmsg += LSL_HSLLibraryName();
          errmsg += "\", but the following error occured:\n";
          errmsg += buf;
          THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, errmsg.c_str());
# else
      THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Support for MA27 has not been compiled into Ipopt.");
# endif
      SolverInterface = new Ma27TSolverInterface();

    else if (linear_solver=="ma57") {
#ifndef COINHSL_HAS_MA57
      SolverInterface = new Ma57TSolverInterface();
      if (!LSL_isMA57available()) {
        char buf[256];
        int rc = LSL_loadHSL(NULL, buf, 255);
        if (rc) {
          std::string errmsg;
          errmsg = "Selected linear solver MA57 not available.\nTried to obtain MA57 from shared library \"";
          errmsg += LSL_HSLLibraryName();
          errmsg += "\", but the following error occured:\n";
          errmsg += buf;
          THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, errmsg.c_str());
# else
      THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Support for MA57 has not been compiled into Ipopt.");
# endif
      SolverInterface = new Ma57TSolverInterface();

    else if (linear_solver=="ma77") {
#ifndef COINHSL_HAS_MA77
      SolverInterface = new Ma77SolverInterface();
      if (!LSL_isMA77available()) {
        char buf[256];
        int rc = LSL_loadHSL(NULL, buf, 255);
        if (rc) {
          std::string errmsg;
          errmsg = "Selected linear solver HSL_MA77 not available.\nTried to obtain HSL_MA77 from shared library \"";
          errmsg += LSL_HSLLibraryName();
          errmsg += "\", but the following error occured:\n";
          errmsg += buf;
          THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, errmsg.c_str());
# else
      THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Support for HSL_MA77 has not been compiled into Ipopt.");
# endif
      SolverInterface = new Ma77SolverInterface();

    else if (linear_solver=="ma86") {
#ifndef COINHSL_HAS_MA86
      SolverInterface = new Ma86SolverInterface();
      if (!LSL_isMA86available()) {
        char buf[256];
        int rc = LSL_loadHSL(NULL, buf, 255);
        if (rc) {
          std::string errmsg;
          errmsg = "Selected linear solver HSL_MA86 not available.\nTried to obtain HSL_MA86 from shared library \"";
          errmsg += LSL_HSLLibraryName();
          errmsg += "\", but the following error occured:\n";
          errmsg += buf;
          THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, errmsg.c_str());
# else
      THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Support for HSL_MA86 has not been compiled into Ipopt.");
# endif
      SolverInterface = new Ma86SolverInterface();

    else if (linear_solver=="pardiso") {
      SolverInterface = new PardisoSolverInterface();
      char buf[256];
      int rc = LSL_loadPardisoLib(NULL, buf, 255);
      if (rc) {
        std::string errmsg;
        errmsg = "Selected linear solver Pardiso not available.\nTried to obtain Pardiso from shared library \"";
        errmsg += LSL_PardisoLibraryName();
        errmsg += "\", but the following error occured:\n";
        errmsg += buf;
        THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, errmsg.c_str());
# else
      THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Support for Pardiso has not been compiled into Ipopt.");
# endif
      SolverInterface = new PardisoSolverInterface();

    else if (linear_solver=="ma97") {
#ifndef COINHSL_HAS_MA97
      SolverInterface = new Ma97SolverInterface();
      if (!LSL_isMA97available()) {
        char buf[256];
        int rc = LSL_loadHSL(NULL, buf, 255);
        if (rc) {
          std::string errmsg;
          errmsg = "Selected linear solver HSL_MA97 not available.\nTried to obtain HSL_MA97 from shared library \"";
          errmsg += LSL_HSLLibraryName();
          errmsg += "\", but the following error occured:\n";
          errmsg += buf;
          THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, errmsg.c_str());
# else
      THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Support for HSL_MA97 has not been compiled into Ipopt.");
# endif
      SolverInterface = new Ma97SolverInterface();

    else if (linear_solver=="wsmp") {
#ifdef HAVE_WSMP
      bool wsmp_iterative;
      options.GetBoolValue("wsmp_iterative", wsmp_iterative, prefix);
      if (wsmp_iterative) {
        SolverInterface = new IterativeWsmpSolverInterface();
      else {
        SolverInterface = new WsmpSolverInterface();

                      "Selected linear solver WSMP not available.");

    else if (linear_solver=="mumps") {
      SolverInterface = new MumpsSolverInterface();

                      "Selected linear solver MUMPS not available.");

    else if (linear_solver=="custom") {
      ASSERT_EXCEPTION(IsValid(custom_solver_), OPTION_INVALID,
                       "Selected linear solver CUSTOM not available.");
      use_custom_solver = true;

    SmartPtr<AugSystemSolver> AugSolver;
    if (use_custom_solver) {
      AugSolver = custom_solver_;
    else {
      SmartPtr<TSymScalingMethod> ScalingMethod;
      std::string linear_system_scaling;
      if (!options.GetStringValue("linear_system_scaling",
                                  linear_system_scaling, prefix)) {
        // By default, don't use mc19 for non-HSL solvers, or HSL_MA97
        if (linear_solver!="ma27" && linear_solver!="ma57" && linear_solver!="ma77" && linear_solver!="ma86") {
      if (linear_system_scaling=="mc19") {
#ifndef COINHSL_HAS_MC19
        ScalingMethod = new Mc19TSymScalingMethod();
        if (!LSL_isMC19available()) {
          char buf[256];
          int rc = LSL_loadHSL(NULL, buf, 255);
          if (rc) {
            std::string errmsg;
            errmsg = "Selected linear system scaling method MC19 not available.\n";
            errmsg += buf;
            THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, errmsg.c_str());
# else
        THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Support for MC19 has not been compiled into Ipopt.");
# endif
        ScalingMethod = new Mc19TSymScalingMethod();

      else if (linear_system_scaling=="slack-based") {
        ScalingMethod = new SlackBasedTSymScalingMethod();

      SmartPtr<SymLinearSolver> ScaledSolver =
        new TSymLinearSolver(SolverInterface, ScalingMethod);

      AugSolver = new StdAugSystemSolver(*ScaledSolver);

    Index enum_int;
    options.GetEnumValue("hessian_approximation", enum_int, prefix);
    HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation =
    if (hessian_approximation==LIMITED_MEMORY) {
      std::string lm_aug_solver;
      options.GetStringValue("limited_memory_aug_solver", lm_aug_solver,
      if (lm_aug_solver == "sherman-morrison") {
        AugSolver = new LowRankAugSystemSolver(*AugSolver);
      else if (lm_aug_solver == "extended") {
        Index lm_history;
        options.GetIntegerValue("limited_memory_max_history", lm_history,
        Index max_rank;
        std::string lm_type;
        options.GetStringValue("limited_memory_update_type", lm_type, prefix);
        if (lm_type == "bfgs") {
          max_rank = 2*lm_history;
        else if (lm_type == "sr1") {
          max_rank = lm_history;
        else {
          THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Unknown value for option \"limited_memory_update_type\".");
        AugSolver = new LowRankSSAugSystemSolver(*AugSolver, max_rank);
      else {
        THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "Unknown value for option \"limited_memory_aug_solver\".");

    SmartPtr<PDPerturbationHandler> pertHandler;
    std::string lsmethod;
    options.GetStringValue("line_search_method", lsmethod, prefix);
    if (lsmethod=="cg-penalty") {
      pertHandler = new CGPerturbationHandler();
    else {
      pertHandler = new PDPerturbationHandler();
    SmartPtr<PDSystemSolver> PDSolver =
      new PDFullSpaceSolver(*AugSolver, *pertHandler);

    // Create the object for initializing the iterates Initialization
    // object.  We include both the warm start and the defaut
    // initializer, so that the warm start options can be activated
    // without having to rebuild the algorithm
    SmartPtr<EqMultiplierCalculator> EqMultCalculator =
      new LeastSquareMultipliers(*AugSolver);
    SmartPtr<IterateInitializer> WarmStartInitializer =
      new WarmStartIterateInitializer();
    SmartPtr<IterateInitializer> IterInitializer =
      new DefaultIterateInitializer(EqMultCalculator, WarmStartInitializer,

    SmartPtr<RestorationPhase> resto_phase;
    SmartPtr<RestoConvergenceCheck> resto_convCheck;

    // We only need a restoration phase object if we use the filter
    // line search
    if (lsmethod=="filter" || lsmethod=="penalty") {
      // Solver for the restoration phase
      SmartPtr<AugSystemSolver> resto_AugSolver =
        new AugRestoSystemSolver(*AugSolver);
      SmartPtr<PDPerturbationHandler> resto_pertHandler =
        new PDPerturbationHandler();
      SmartPtr<PDSystemSolver> resto_PDSolver =
        new PDFullSpaceSolver(*resto_AugSolver, *resto_pertHandler);

      // Convergence check in the restoration phase
      if (lsmethod=="filter") {
        resto_convCheck = new RestoFilterConvergenceCheck();
      else if (lsmethod=="penalty") {
        resto_convCheck = new RestoPenaltyConvergenceCheck();

      // Line search method for the restoration phase
      SmartPtr<RestoRestorationPhase> resto_resto =
        new RestoRestorationPhase();

      SmartPtr<BacktrackingLSAcceptor> resto_LSacceptor;
      std::string resto_lsacceptor;
      options.GetStringValue("line_search_method", resto_lsacceptor,
      if (resto_lsacceptor=="filter") {
        resto_LSacceptor = new FilterLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));
      else if (resto_lsacceptor=="cg-penalty") {
        resto_LSacceptor = new CGPenaltyLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));
      else if (resto_lsacceptor=="penalty") {
        resto_LSacceptor = new PenaltyLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));
      SmartPtr<LineSearch> resto_LineSearch =
        new BacktrackingLineSearch(resto_LSacceptor, GetRawPtr(resto_resto),

      // Create the mu update that will be used by the restoration phase
      // algorithm
      SmartPtr<MuUpdate> resto_MuUpdate;
      std::string resto_smuupdate;
      if (!options.GetStringValue("mu_strategy", resto_smuupdate, "resto."+prefix)) {
        // Change default for quasi-Newton option (then we use adaptive)
        Index enum_int;
        if (options.GetEnumValue("hessian_approximation", enum_int, prefix)) {
          HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation =
          if (hessian_approximation==LIMITED_MEMORY) {
            resto_smuupdate = "adaptive";

      std::string resto_smuoracle;
      std::string resto_sfixmuoracle;
      if (resto_smuupdate=="adaptive" ) {
        options.GetStringValue("mu_oracle", resto_smuoracle, "resto."+prefix);
        options.GetStringValue("fixed_mu_oracle", resto_sfixmuoracle, "resto."+prefix);

      if (resto_smuupdate=="monotone" ) {
        resto_MuUpdate = new MonotoneMuUpdate(GetRawPtr(resto_LineSearch));
      else if (resto_smuupdate=="adaptive") {
        SmartPtr<MuOracle> resto_MuOracle;
        if (resto_smuoracle=="loqo") {
          resto_MuOracle = new LoqoMuOracle();
        else if (resto_smuoracle=="probing") {
          resto_MuOracle = new ProbingMuOracle(resto_PDSolver);
        else if (resto_smuoracle=="quality-function") {
          resto_MuOracle = new QualityFunctionMuOracle(resto_PDSolver);
        SmartPtr<MuOracle> resto_FixMuOracle;
        if (resto_sfixmuoracle=="loqo") {
          resto_FixMuOracle = new LoqoMuOracle();
        else if (resto_sfixmuoracle=="probing") {
          resto_FixMuOracle = new ProbingMuOracle(resto_PDSolver);
        else if (resto_sfixmuoracle=="quality-function") {
          resto_FixMuOracle = new QualityFunctionMuOracle(resto_PDSolver);
        else {
          resto_FixMuOracle = NULL;
        resto_MuUpdate =
          new AdaptiveMuUpdate(GetRawPtr(resto_LineSearch),
                               resto_MuOracle, resto_FixMuOracle);

      // Initialization of the iterates for the restoration phase
      SmartPtr<EqMultiplierCalculator> resto_EqMultCalculator =
        new LeastSquareMultipliers(*resto_AugSolver);
      SmartPtr<IterateInitializer> resto_IterInitializer =
        new RestoIterateInitializer(resto_EqMultCalculator);

      // Create the object for the iteration output during restoration
      SmartPtr<OrigIterationOutput> resto_OrigIterOutput = NULL;
      //   new OrigIterationOutput();
      SmartPtr<IterationOutput> resto_IterOutput =
        new RestoIterationOutput(resto_OrigIterOutput);

      // Get the Hessian updater for the restoration phase
      SmartPtr<HessianUpdater> resto_HessUpdater;
      switch (hessian_approximation) {
      case EXACT:
        resto_HessUpdater = new ExactHessianUpdater();
      case LIMITED_MEMORY:
        // ToDo This needs to be replaced!
        resto_HessUpdater  = new LimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater(true);

      // Put together the overall restoration phase IP algorithm
      SmartPtr<SearchDirectionCalculator> resto_SearchDirCalc;
      if (resto_lsacceptor=="cg-penalty") {
        resto_SearchDirCalc = new CGSearchDirCalculator(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));
      else {
        resto_SearchDirCalc = new PDSearchDirCalculator(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));

      SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> resto_alg =
        new IpoptAlgorithm(resto_SearchDirCalc,

      // Set the restoration phase
      resto_phase =
        new MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase(*resto_alg, EqMultCalculator);

    // Create the line search to be used by the main algorithm
    SmartPtr<BacktrackingLSAcceptor> LSacceptor;
    if (lsmethod=="filter") {
      LSacceptor = new FilterLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(PDSolver));
    else if (lsmethod=="cg-penalty") {
      LSacceptor = new CGPenaltyLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(PDSolver));
    else if (lsmethod=="penalty") {
      LSacceptor = new PenaltyLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(PDSolver));
    SmartPtr<LineSearch> lineSearch =
      new BacktrackingLineSearch(LSacceptor,
                                 GetRawPtr(resto_phase), convCheck);

    // The following cross reference is not good: We have to store a
    // pointer to the lineSearch object in resto_convCheck as a
    // non-SmartPtr to make sure that things are properly deleted when
    // the IpoptAlgorithm return by the Builder is destructed.
    if (IsValid(resto_convCheck)) {

    // Create the mu update that will be used by the main algorithm
    SmartPtr<MuUpdate> MuUpdate;
    std::string smuupdate;
    if (!options.GetStringValue("mu_strategy", smuupdate, prefix)) {
      // Change default for quasi-Newton option (then we use adaptive)
      Index enum_int;
      if (options.GetEnumValue("hessian_approximation", enum_int, prefix)) {
        HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation =
        if (hessian_approximation==LIMITED_MEMORY) {
          smuupdate = "adaptive";
      if (mehrotra_algorithm)
        smuupdate = "adaptive";
    ASSERT_EXCEPTION(!mehrotra_algorithm || smuupdate=="adaptive",
                     "If mehrotra_algorithm=yes, mu_strategy must be \"adaptive\".");
    std::string smuoracle;
    std::string sfixmuoracle;
    if (smuupdate=="adaptive" ) {
      if (!options.GetStringValue("mu_oracle", smuoracle, prefix)) {
        if (mehrotra_algorithm)
          smuoracle = "probing";
      options.GetStringValue("fixed_mu_oracle", sfixmuoracle, prefix);
      ASSERT_EXCEPTION(!mehrotra_algorithm || smuoracle=="probing",
                       "If mehrotra_algorithm=yes, mu_oracle must be \"probing\".");

    if (smuupdate=="monotone" ) {
      MuUpdate = new MonotoneMuUpdate(GetRawPtr(lineSearch));
    else if (smuupdate=="adaptive") {
      SmartPtr<MuOracle> muOracle;
      if (smuoracle=="loqo") {
        muOracle = new LoqoMuOracle();
      else if (smuoracle=="probing") {
        muOracle = new ProbingMuOracle(PDSolver);
      else if (smuoracle=="quality-function") {
        muOracle = new QualityFunctionMuOracle(PDSolver);
      SmartPtr<MuOracle> FixMuOracle;
      if (sfixmuoracle=="loqo") {
        FixMuOracle = new LoqoMuOracle();
      else if (sfixmuoracle=="probing") {
        FixMuOracle = new ProbingMuOracle(PDSolver);
      else if (sfixmuoracle=="quality-function") {
        FixMuOracle = new QualityFunctionMuOracle(PDSolver);
      else {
        FixMuOracle = NULL;
      MuUpdate = new AdaptiveMuUpdate(GetRawPtr(lineSearch),
                                      muOracle, FixMuOracle);

    // Create the object for the iteration output
    SmartPtr<IterationOutput> IterOutput =
      new OrigIterationOutput();

    // Get the Hessian updater for the main algorithm
    SmartPtr<HessianUpdater> HessUpdater;
    switch (hessian_approximation) {
    case EXACT:
      HessUpdater = new ExactHessianUpdater();
      // ToDo This needs to be replaced!
      HessUpdater  = new LimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater(false);

    // Create the main algorithm
    SmartPtr<SearchDirectionCalculator> SearchDirCalc;
    if (lsmethod=="cg-penalty") {
      SearchDirCalc = new CGSearchDirCalculator(GetRawPtr(PDSolver));
    else {
      SearchDirCalc = new PDSearchDirCalculator(GetRawPtr(PDSolver));
    SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> alg =
      new IpoptAlgorithm(SearchDirCalc,
                         GetRawPtr(lineSearch), MuUpdate,
                         convCheck, IterInitializer, IterOutput,
                         HessUpdater, EqMultCalculator);

    return alg;
  bool IterativePardisoSolverInterface::InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
      const std::string& prefix)
    Index enum_int;
    options.GetEnumValue("pardiso_matching_strategy", enum_int, prefix);
    match_strat_ = PardisoMatchingStrategy(enum_int);
    Index pardiso_out_of_core_power;
                            pardiso_out_of_core_power, prefix);
                         skip_inertia_check_, prefix);

    // PD system
    options.GetIntegerValue("pardiso_max_iter", pardiso_max_iter_, prefix);
                            pardiso_iter_relative_tol_, prefix);
                            pardiso_iter_coarse_size_, prefix);
                            pardiso_iter_max_levels_, prefix);
                            pardiso_iter_dropping_factor_, prefix);
                            pardiso_iter_dropping_schur_, prefix);
                            pardiso_iter_max_row_fill_, prefix);
                            pardiso_iter_inverse_norm_factor_, prefix);
    // Normal system
    options.GetIntegerValue("pardiso_max_iter", normal_pardiso_max_iter_,

    int pardiso_msglvl;
    options.GetIntegerValue("pardiso_msglvl", pardiso_msglvl, prefix);
                            pardiso_max_droptol_corrections_, prefix);

    // Number value = 0.0;

    // Tell Pardiso to release all memory if it had been used before
    if (initialized_) {
      ipfint PHASE = -1;
      ipfint N = dim_;
      ipfint NRHS = 0;
      ipfint ERROR;
      ipfint idmy;
      double ddmy;
      F77_FUNC(pardiso,PARDISO)(PT_, &MAXFCT_, &MNUM_, &MTYPE_, &PHASE, &N,
                                &ddmy, &idmy, &idmy, &idmy, &NRHS, IPARM_,
                                &MSGLVL_, &ddmy, &ddmy, &ERROR, DPARM_) ;

    // Reset all private data
    delete[] a_;
    a_ = NULL;

    THROW_EXCEPTION(OPTION_INVALID, "The inexact version works only with a new version of Pardiso (at least 4.0)");

    // Call Pardiso's initialization routine
    IPARM_[0] = 0;  // Tell it to fill IPARM with default values(?)
    ipfint ERROR = 0;
    ipfint SOLVER = 1; // initialze only direct solver
    F77_FUNC(pardisoinit,PARDISOINIT)(PT_, &MTYPE_, &SOLVER,
                                      IPARM_, DPARM_, &ERROR);

    // Set some parameters for Pardiso
    IPARM_[0] = 1;  // Don't use the default values

#if defined(HAVE_PARDISO_PARALLEL) || ! defined(HAVE_PARDISO)
    // Obtain the numbers of processors from the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS
    char    *var = getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS");
    int      num_procs = 1;
    if (var != NULL) {
      sscanf( var, "%d", &num_procs );
      if (num_procs < 1) {
        Jnlst().Printf(J_ERROR, J_LINEAR_ALGEBRA,
                       "Invalid value for OMP_NUM_THREADS (\"%s\").\n", var);
        return false;
      Jnlst().Printf(J_DETAILED, J_LINEAR_ALGEBRA,
                     "Using environment OMP_NUM_THREADS = %d as the number of processors.\n", num_procs);
    // If we run Pardiso through the linear solver loader,
    // we do not know whether it is the parallel version, so we do not report an error if OMP_NUM_THREADS is not set.
    else {
      Jnlst().Printf(J_ERROR, J_LINEAR_ALGEBRA,
                     "You need to set environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of processors used in Pardiso (e.g., 1).\n\n");
      return false;
    IPARM_[2] = num_procs;  // Set the number of processors

    IPARM_[2] = 1;

    IPARM_[1] = 5;
    IPARM_[5] = 1;  // Overwrite right-hand side
    // ToDo: decide if we need iterative refinement in Pardiso.  For
    // now, switch it off ?
    IPARM_[7] = 0;

    // Options suggested by Olaf Schenk
    IPARM_[9] = 12;
    IPARM_[10] = 2; // Results in better scaling
    // Matching information:  IPARM_[12] = 1 seems ok, but results in a
    // large number of pivot perturbation
    // Matching information:  IPARM_[12] = 2 robust,  but more  expensive method
    IPARM_[12] = (int)match_strat_;
                   "Pardiso matching strategy (IPARM(13)): %d\n", IPARM_[12]);

    IPARM_[20] = 3; // Results in better accuracy
    IPARM_[23] = 1; // parallel fac
    IPARM_[24] = 1; // parallel solve
    IPARM_[28] = 0; // 32-bit factorization
    IPARM_[29] = 1; // we need this for IPOPT interface

    IPARM_[31] = 1 ;  // iterative solver
    MSGLVL_ = pardiso_msglvl;

    pardiso_iter_dropping_factor_used_ = pardiso_iter_dropping_factor_;
    pardiso_iter_dropping_schur_used_ = pardiso_iter_dropping_schur_;
    normal_pardiso_iter_dropping_factor_used_ = normal_pardiso_iter_dropping_factor_;
    normal_pardiso_iter_dropping_schur_used_ = normal_pardiso_iter_dropping_schur_;

    // TODO Make option
    decr_factor_ = 1./3.;

    // Option for the out of core variant
    // IPARM_[49] = pardiso_out_of_core_power;


    bool retval = normal_tester_->Initialize(Jnlst(), IpNLP(), IpData(),
                  IpCq(), options, prefix);
    if (retval) {
      retval = pd_tester_->Initialize(Jnlst(), IpNLP(), IpData(),
                                      IpCq(), options, prefix);

    return retval;
Esempio n. 9
  bool AdaptiveMuUpdate::InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
                                        const std::string& prefix)
    options.GetNumericValue("mu_max_fact", mu_max_fact_, prefix);
    if (!options.GetNumericValue("mu_max", mu_max_, prefix)) {
      // Set to a negative value as a hint that this value still has
      // to be computed
      mu_max_ = -1.;
    options.GetNumericValue("tau_min", tau_min_, prefix);
    options.GetNumericValue("adaptive_mu_safeguard_factor", adaptive_mu_safeguard_factor_, prefix);
    options.GetNumericValue("adaptive_mu_kkterror_red_fact", refs_red_fact_, prefix);
    options.GetIntegerValue("adaptive_mu_kkterror_red_iters", num_refs_max_, prefix);
    Index enum_int;
    options.GetEnumValue("adaptive_mu_globalization", enum_int, prefix);
    adaptive_mu_globalization_ = AdaptiveMuGlobalizationEnum(enum_int);
    options.GetNumericValue("filter_max_margin", filter_max_margin_, prefix);
    options.GetNumericValue("filter_margin_fact", filter_margin_fact_, prefix);
    options.GetBoolValue("adaptive_mu_restore_previous_iterate", restore_accepted_iterate_, prefix);

    bool retvalue = free_mu_oracle_->Initialize(Jnlst(), IpNLP(), IpData(),
                    IpCq(), options, prefix);
    if (!retvalue) {
      return retvalue;

    if (IsValid(fix_mu_oracle_)) {
      retvalue = fix_mu_oracle_->Initialize(Jnlst(), IpNLP(), IpData(),
                                            IpCq(), options, prefix);
      if (!retvalue) {
        return retvalue;

    options.GetNumericValue("adaptive_mu_monotone_init_factor", adaptive_mu_monotone_init_factor_, prefix);
    options.GetNumericValue("barrier_tol_factor", barrier_tol_factor_, prefix);
    options.GetNumericValue("mu_linear_decrease_factor", mu_linear_decrease_factor_, prefix);
    options.GetNumericValue("mu_superlinear_decrease_power", mu_superlinear_decrease_power_, prefix);

    options.GetEnumValue("quality_function_norm_type", enum_int, prefix);
    adaptive_mu_kkt_norm_ = QualityFunctionMuOracle::NormEnum(enum_int);
    options.GetEnumValue("quality_function_centrality", enum_int, prefix);
    adaptive_mu_kkt_centrality_ = QualityFunctionMuOracle::CentralityEnum(enum_int);
    options.GetEnumValue("quality_function_balancing_term", enum_int, prefix);
    adaptive_mu_kkt_balancing_term_ = QualityFunctionMuOracle::BalancingTermEnum(enum_int);
    options.GetNumericValue("compl_inf_tol", compl_inf_tol_, prefix);
    if (prefix == "resto.") {
      if (!options.GetNumericValue("mu_min", mu_min_, prefix)) {
        // For restoration phase, we choose a more conservative mu_min
        mu_min_ = 1e2*mu_min_;
        // Compute mu_min based on tolerance (once the NLP scaling is known)
        mu_min_default_ = true;
      else {
        mu_min_default_ = false;
    else {
      if (!options.GetNumericValue("mu_min", mu_min_, prefix)) {
        // Compute mu_min based on tolerance (once the NLP scaling is known)
        mu_min_default_ = true;
      else {
        mu_min_default_ = false;
    options.GetNumericValue("mu_target", mu_target_, prefix);

    init_dual_inf_ = -1.;
    init_primal_inf_ = -1.;

    check_if_no_bounds_ = false;
    no_bounds_ = false;

    accepted_point_ = NULL;

    // The following lines are only here so that
    // IpoptCalculatedQuantities::CalculateSafeSlack and the first
    // output line have something to work with

    return retvalue;
  bool PardisoSolverInterface::InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
      const std::string& prefix)
    Index enum_int;
    options.GetEnumValue("pardiso_matching_strategy", enum_int, prefix);
    match_strat_ = PardisoMatchingStrategy(enum_int);
    //Index pardiso_out_of_core_power;
    //                        pardiso_out_of_core_power, prefix);
                         skip_inertia_check_, prefix);
    int pardiso_msglvl;
    options.GetIntegerValue("pardiso_msglvl", pardiso_msglvl, prefix);
    int max_iterref_steps;
    options.GetIntegerValue("pardiso_max_iterative_refinement_steps", max_iterref_steps, prefix);
    int order;
    options.GetEnumValue("pardiso_order", order, prefix);
    options.GetBoolValue("pardiso_iterative", pardiso_iterative_, prefix);
    int pardiso_max_iter;
    options.GetIntegerValue("pardiso_max_iter", pardiso_max_iter, prefix);
    Number pardiso_iter_relative_tol;
                            pardiso_iter_relative_tol, prefix);
    Index pardiso_iter_coarse_size;
                            pardiso_iter_coarse_size, prefix);
    Index pardiso_iter_max_levels;
                            pardiso_iter_max_levels, prefix);
    Number pardiso_iter_dropping_factor;
                            pardiso_iter_dropping_factor, prefix);
    Number pardiso_iter_dropping_schur;
                            pardiso_iter_dropping_schur, prefix);
    Index pardiso_iter_max_row_fill;
                            pardiso_iter_max_row_fill, prefix);
    Number pardiso_iter_inverse_norm_factor;
                            pardiso_iter_inverse_norm_factor, prefix);
                            pardiso_max_droptol_corrections_, prefix);
    pardiso_iterative_ = false;

    // Number value = 0.0;

    // Tell Pardiso to release all memory if it had been used before
    if (initialized_) {
      ipfint PHASE = -1;
      ipfint N = dim_;
      ipfint NRHS = 0;
      ipfint ERROR;
      ipfint idmy;
      double ddmy;
                   &ddmy, &idmy, &idmy, &idmy, &NRHS, IPARM_,
                   &MSGLVL_, &ddmy, &ddmy, &ERROR, DPARM_);

    // Reset all private data
    delete[] a_;
    a_ = NULL;

    delete[] ia2;
    ia2 = NULL;

    delete[] ja2;
    ja2 = NULL;

    delete[] a2_;
    a2_ = NULL;

    delete[] perm2;
    perm2 = NULL;

    delete[] scale2;
    scale2 = NULL;

    // Call Pardiso's initialization routine
    IPARM_[0] = 0;  // Tell it to fill IPARM with default values(?)

    ipfint ERROR = 0;
    ipfint SOLVER = 0; // initialize only direct solver


    // Set some parameters for Pardiso
    IPARM_[0] = 1;  // Don't use the default values

    int num_procs = 1;
#if defined(HAVE_PARDISO_PARALLEL) || ! defined(HAVE_PARDISO)
    // Obtain the numbers of processors from the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS
    char* var = getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS");
    if (var != NULL) {
      sscanf( var, "%d", &num_procs );
      if (num_procs < 1) {
        Jnlst().Printf(J_ERROR, J_LINEAR_ALGEBRA,
                       "Invalid value for OMP_NUM_THREADS (\"%s\").\n", var);
        return false;
      Jnlst().Printf(J_DETAILED, J_LINEAR_ALGEBRA,
                     "Using environment OMP_NUM_THREADS = %d as the number of processors for PARDISO.\n", num_procs);
#if defined(HAVE_PARDISO) && ! defined(HAVE_PARDISO_MKL)
    // If we run Pardiso through the linear solver loader,
    // we do not know whether it is the parallel version, so we do not report a warning if OMP_NUM_THREADS is not set.
    // If we run Pardiso from MKL, then OMP_NUM_THREADS does not need to be set, so no warning.
    else {
      Jnlst().Printf(J_WARNING, J_LINEAR_ALGEBRA,
                     "You should set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of processors used in Pardiso (e.g., 1).\n\n");

    IPARM_[1] = order;
    // For MKL PARDSIO, the documentation says, "iparm(3) Reserved. Set to zero.", so we don't set IPARM_[2]
    IPARM_[5] = 1;  // Overwrite right-hand side
    IPARM_[7] = max_iterref_steps;
    IPARM_[9] = 12; // pivot perturbation (as higher as less perturbation)
    IPARM_[10] = 2; // enable scaling (recommended for interior-point indefinite matrices)
    IPARM_[12] = (int)match_strat_; // enable matching (recommended, as above)
    IPARM_[20] = 3; // bunch-kaufman pivoting
    IPARM_[23] = 1; // parallel fac
    IPARM_[24] = 1; // parallel solve
    //IPARM_[26] = 1; // matrix checker
    IPARM_[1] = order;
    IPARM_[2] = num_procs; // Set the number of processors
    IPARM_[5] = 1;  // Overwrite right-hand side
    IPARM_[7] = max_iterref_steps;

    // Options suggested by Olaf Schenk
    IPARM_[9] = 12;
    IPARM_[10] = 2; // Results in better scaling
    // Matching information:  IPARM_[12] = 1 seems ok, but results in a
    // large number of pivot perturbation
    // Matching information:  IPARM_[12] = 2 robust,  but more  expensive method
    IPARM_[12] = (int)match_strat_;

    IPARM_[20] = 3; // Results in better accuracy
    IPARM_[23] = 1; // parallel fac
    IPARM_[24] = 1; // parallel solve
    IPARM_[28] = 0; // 32-bit factorization
    IPARM_[29] = 1; //we need this for IPOPT interface
    //IPARM_[33] = 1; // bit-by-bit identical results in parallel run

                   "Pardiso matrix ordering     (IPARM(2)): %d\n", IPARM_[1]);
                   "Pardiso max. iterref. steps (IPARM(8)): %d\n", IPARM_[7]);
                   "Pardiso matching strategy  (IPARM(13)): %d\n", IPARM_[12]);

    if (pardiso_iterative_) {
                      "You chose to use the iterative version of Pardiso, but you need to use a Pardiso version of at least 4.0.");
      IPARM_[31] = 1 ;  // active direct solver

      DPARM_[ 0] = pardiso_max_iter; // maximum number of Krylov-Subspace Iteration
      // Default is 300
      // 1 <= value <= e.g. 1000
      DPARM_[ 1] = pardiso_iter_relative_tol; // Relative Residual Convergence
      // e.g.  pardiso_iter_tol
      // Default is 1e-6
      // 1e-16 <= value < 1
      DPARM_[ 2] = pardiso_iter_coarse_size; // Maximum Size of Coarse Grid Matrix
      // e.g.  pardiso_coarse_grid
      // Default is 5000
      // 1 <= value < number of equations
      DPARM_[ 3] = pardiso_iter_max_levels; // Maximum Number of Grid Levels
      // e.g.  pardiso_max_grid
      // Default is 10000
      // 1 <= value < number of equations
      DPARM_[ 4] = pardiso_iter_dropping_factor;  // dropping value for incomplete factor
      // e.g.  pardiso_dropping_factor
      // Default is 0.5
      // 1e-16 <= value < 1
      DPARM_[ 5] = pardiso_iter_dropping_schur;  // dropping value for sparsify schur complementfactor
      // e.g.  pardiso_dropping_schur
      // Default is 0.1
      // 1e-16 <= value < 1
      DPARM_[ 6] = pardiso_iter_max_row_fill;  // max fill for each row
      // e.g.  pardiso_max_fill
      // Default is 1000
      // 1 <= value < 100000
      DPARM_[ 7] = pardiso_iter_inverse_norm_factor;  // dropping value for sparsify schur complementfactor
      // e.g.  pardiso_inverse_norm_factor
      // Default is 500
      // 2 <= value < 50000
      DPARM_[ 8] = 25; // maximum number of non-improvement steps

    MSGLVL_ = pardiso_msglvl;

    // Option for the out of core variant
    //IPARM_[49] = pardiso_out_of_core_power;

    return true;
Esempio n. 11
SmartPtr<MuUpdate> AlgorithmBuilder::BuildMuUpdate(
   const Journalist&     jnlst,
   const OptionsList&    options,
   const std::string&    prefix

   bool mehrotra_algorithm;
   options.GetBoolValue("mehrotra_algorithm", mehrotra_algorithm, prefix);

   // Create the mu update that will be used by the main algorithm
   SmartPtr<MuUpdate> MuUpdate;
   std::string smuupdate;
   if( !options.GetStringValue("mu_strategy", smuupdate, prefix) )
      // Change default for quasi-Newton option (then we use adaptive)
      Index enum_int;
      if( options.GetEnumValue("hessian_approximation", enum_int, prefix) )
         HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation = HessianApproximationType(enum_int);
         if( hessian_approximation == LIMITED_MEMORY )
            smuupdate = "adaptive";
      if( mehrotra_algorithm )
         smuupdate = "adaptive";
   ASSERT_EXCEPTION(!mehrotra_algorithm || smuupdate == "adaptive", OPTION_INVALID,
      "If mehrotra_algorithm=yes, mu_strategy must be \"adaptive\".");
   std::string smuoracle;
   std::string sfixmuoracle;
   if( smuupdate == "adaptive" )
      if( !options.GetStringValue("mu_oracle", smuoracle, prefix) )
         if( mehrotra_algorithm )
            smuoracle = "probing";
      options.GetStringValue("fixed_mu_oracle", sfixmuoracle, prefix);
      ASSERT_EXCEPTION(!mehrotra_algorithm || smuoracle == "probing", OPTION_INVALID,
         "If mehrotra_algorithm=yes, mu_oracle must be \"probing\".");

   if( smuupdate == "monotone" )
      MuUpdate = new MonotoneMuUpdate(GetRawPtr(LineSearch_));
   else if( smuupdate == "adaptive" )
      SmartPtr<MuOracle> muOracle;
      if( smuoracle == "loqo" )
         muOracle = new LoqoMuOracle();
      else if( smuoracle == "probing" )
         muOracle = new ProbingMuOracle(GetPDSystemSolver(jnlst, options, prefix));
      else if( smuoracle == "quality-function" )
         muOracle = new QualityFunctionMuOracle(GetPDSystemSolver(jnlst, options, prefix));
      SmartPtr<MuOracle> FixMuOracle;
      if( sfixmuoracle == "loqo" )
         FixMuOracle = new LoqoMuOracle();
      else if( sfixmuoracle == "probing" )
         FixMuOracle = new ProbingMuOracle(GetPDSystemSolver(jnlst, options, prefix));
      else if( sfixmuoracle == "quality-function" )
         FixMuOracle = new QualityFunctionMuOracle(GetPDSystemSolver(jnlst, options, prefix));
         FixMuOracle = NULL;
      MuUpdate = new AdaptiveMuUpdate(GetRawPtr(LineSearch_), muOracle, FixMuOracle);
   return MuUpdate;
Esempio n. 12
SmartPtr<LineSearch> AlgorithmBuilder::BuildLineSearch(
   const Journalist&     jnlst,
   const OptionsList&    options,
   const std::string&    prefix

   Index enum_int;
   options.GetEnumValue("hessian_approximation", enum_int, prefix);
   HessianApproximationType hessian_approximation = HessianApproximationType(enum_int);

   SmartPtr<RestorationPhase> resto_phase;
   SmartPtr<RestoConvergenceCheck> resto_convCheck;

   // We only need a restoration phase object if we use the filter
   // line search
   std::string lsmethod;
   options.GetStringValue("line_search_method", lsmethod, prefix);
   if( lsmethod == "filter" || lsmethod == "penalty" )
      // Solver for the restoration phase
      SmartPtr<AugSystemSolver> resto_AugSolver = new AugRestoSystemSolver(*GetAugSystemSolver(jnlst, options, prefix));
      SmartPtr<PDPerturbationHandler> resto_pertHandler = new PDPerturbationHandler();
      SmartPtr<PDSystemSolver> resto_PDSolver = new PDFullSpaceSolver(*resto_AugSolver, *resto_pertHandler);

      // Convergence check in the restoration phase
      if( lsmethod == "filter" )
         resto_convCheck = new RestoFilterConvergenceCheck();
      else if( lsmethod == "penalty" )
         resto_convCheck = new RestoPenaltyConvergenceCheck();

      // Line search method for the restoration phase
      SmartPtr<RestoRestorationPhase> resto_resto = new RestoRestorationPhase();

      SmartPtr<BacktrackingLSAcceptor> resto_LSacceptor;
      std::string resto_lsacceptor;
      options.GetStringValue("line_search_method", resto_lsacceptor, "resto." + prefix);
      if( resto_lsacceptor == "filter" )
         resto_LSacceptor = new FilterLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));
      else if( resto_lsacceptor == "cg-penalty" )
         resto_LSacceptor = new CGPenaltyLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));
      else if( resto_lsacceptor == "penalty" )
         resto_LSacceptor = new PenaltyLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));
      SmartPtr<LineSearch> resto_LineSearch = new BacktrackingLineSearch(resto_LSacceptor, GetRawPtr(resto_resto),

      // Create the mu update that will be used by the restoration phase
      // algorithm
      SmartPtr<MuUpdate> resto_MuUpdate;
      std::string resto_smuupdate;
      if( !options.GetStringValue("mu_strategy", resto_smuupdate, "resto." + prefix) )
         // Change default for quasi-Newton option (then we use adaptive)
         if( hessian_approximation == LIMITED_MEMORY )
            resto_smuupdate = "adaptive";

      std::string resto_smuoracle;
      std::string resto_sfixmuoracle;
      if( resto_smuupdate == "adaptive" )
         options.GetStringValue("mu_oracle", resto_smuoracle, "resto." + prefix);
         options.GetStringValue("fixed_mu_oracle", resto_sfixmuoracle, "resto." + prefix);

      if( resto_smuupdate == "monotone" )
         resto_MuUpdate = new MonotoneMuUpdate(GetRawPtr(resto_LineSearch));
      else if( resto_smuupdate == "adaptive" )
         SmartPtr<MuOracle> resto_MuOracle;
         if( resto_smuoracle == "loqo" )
            resto_MuOracle = new LoqoMuOracle();
         else if( resto_smuoracle == "probing" )
            resto_MuOracle = new ProbingMuOracle(resto_PDSolver);
         else if( resto_smuoracle == "quality-function" )
            resto_MuOracle = new QualityFunctionMuOracle(resto_PDSolver);
         SmartPtr<MuOracle> resto_FixMuOracle;
         if( resto_sfixmuoracle == "loqo" )
            resto_FixMuOracle = new LoqoMuOracle();
         else if( resto_sfixmuoracle == "probing" )
            resto_FixMuOracle = new ProbingMuOracle(resto_PDSolver);
         else if( resto_sfixmuoracle == "quality-function" )
            resto_FixMuOracle = new QualityFunctionMuOracle(resto_PDSolver);
            resto_FixMuOracle = NULL;
         resto_MuUpdate = new AdaptiveMuUpdate(GetRawPtr(resto_LineSearch), resto_MuOracle, resto_FixMuOracle);

      // Initialization of the iterates for the restoration phase
      SmartPtr<EqMultiplierCalculator> resto_EqMultCalculator = new LeastSquareMultipliers(*resto_AugSolver);
      SmartPtr<IterateInitializer> resto_IterInitializer = new RestoIterateInitializer(resto_EqMultCalculator);

      // Create the object for the iteration output during restoration
      SmartPtr<OrigIterationOutput> resto_OrigIterOutput = NULL;
      //   new OrigIterationOutput();
      SmartPtr<IterationOutput> resto_IterOutput = new RestoIterationOutput(resto_OrigIterOutput);

      // Get the Hessian updater for the restoration phase
      SmartPtr<HessianUpdater> resto_HessUpdater;
      switch( hessian_approximation )
         case EXACT:
            resto_HessUpdater = new ExactHessianUpdater();
         case LIMITED_MEMORY:
            // ToDo This needs to be replaced!
            resto_HessUpdater = new LimMemQuasiNewtonUpdater(true);

      // Put together the overall restoration phase IP algorithm
      SmartPtr<SearchDirectionCalculator> resto_SearchDirCalc;
      if( resto_lsacceptor == "cg-penalty" )
         resto_SearchDirCalc = new CGSearchDirCalculator(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));
         resto_SearchDirCalc = new PDSearchDirCalculator(GetRawPtr(resto_PDSolver));

      SmartPtr<IpoptAlgorithm> resto_alg = new IpoptAlgorithm(resto_SearchDirCalc, GetRawPtr(resto_LineSearch),
         GetRawPtr(resto_MuUpdate), GetRawPtr(resto_convCheck), resto_IterInitializer, resto_IterOutput,
         resto_HessUpdater, resto_EqMultCalculator);

      // Set the restoration phase
      resto_phase = new MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase(*resto_alg, EqMultCalculator_);

   // Create the line search to be used by the main algorithm
   SmartPtr<BacktrackingLSAcceptor> LSacceptor;
   if( lsmethod == "filter" )
      LSacceptor = new FilterLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(GetPDSystemSolver(jnlst, options, prefix)));
   else if( lsmethod == "cg-penalty" )
      LSacceptor = new CGPenaltyLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(GetPDSystemSolver(jnlst, options, prefix)));
   else if( lsmethod == "penalty" )
      LSacceptor = new PenaltyLSAcceptor(GetRawPtr(GetPDSystemSolver(jnlst, options, prefix)));
   SmartPtr<LineSearch> LineSearch = new BacktrackingLineSearch(LSacceptor, GetRawPtr(resto_phase), ConvCheck_);

   // The following cross reference is not good: We have to store a
   // pointer to the LineSearch_ object in resto_convCheck as a
   // non-SmartPtr to make sure that things are properly deleted when
   // the IpoptAlgorithm returned by the Builder is destructed.
   if( IsValid(resto_convCheck) )

   return LineSearch;